A CAPSTONE Presented to
The Faculty of Undergraduate School
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor
of Science in Information and Communication Technology with a rating of PASSED
Above all, we thank our Lord Almighty for showering his graces to give us
knowledge in making this documentation and thank you, Lord, for always being there for
To our parents who provides us financially, who take care of us whenever we feel
stressed and who give us encouragements when we are about to lose hope.
To our technology Dean, Dr. Tracy L. Mantos for supporting us on this research.
Dr. Iris L. Gulbe, Chairman of BSICT and our thesis adviser, we really
appreciate your enormous effort in correcting and advising us for the improve of our
study. Thank you for the patience and the knowledge that you shared to us.
To our professor Gerald Canama for his keen interest and guidance for
completing our work. His timely advice, meticulous scrutiny and specific approach have
helped us to a very great extend to accomplish this task.
To Professor Richard Beduya, capstone adviser, for the valuable efforts and
supervision he patiently rendered and for his guidance and support throughout this
study, and especially for his confidence on us.
To our friends, fellow students who did not give up on supporting us and give
financially, we really appreciate the kindness you showed to us In order to satisfy all of
you we came up with these brilliant ideas.
The Researchers
The most Heavenly Father, who give as good health to work hard on this work,
determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the
task at hand, motivation, endurance, patience, confidence that doesn’t came out of
nowhere concentration and the will to success and for giving us a very undying supportive
Our ever-supportive parents, namely: Mr. & Mrs. Loreta G. Arriesgado, and Mr. &
Mrs. Nida C. Jarantilla, and Mr. & Mrs. Susan Y. Ontal Who never get tired of sustaining
us and their immeasurable love, support, guidance, and care.
To our dearest siblings, you are missed with a longing too deep to express, the
belief in this work kept me motivated and inspired or even in the darkest of days, cousins,
classmates, mentors, grammarian, and adviser who have been very instrumental in the
completion of our work and by the guidance to ensure our success. To all of them, no
words can express my gratitude, for they have always supported and encouraged me.
The Researchers
In the software we can register as a user and user has of two types, students and
administrator. Administrator has the power to add new student information and can edit
and delete a student. A student can register as user and can view his profile and print
grade. The administrator can add edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can
see the marks.
As whole, the proposed system and the existing system have a remarkable
distinction. The BSICT students are capable enough to execute such program to the
CTU Daanbantayan Campus. The difference from the manual to the proposed system
was truly beneficial to the school, faculty, student and the future researchers.
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Dedication iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Student Data Management System deals with all kind of student details, academic
related reports, college details, course details, curriculum and other resource related
details too. It tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of his course
which can be used for all reporting purpose, progress in the course, completed semesters
years, coming semester year curriculum details, grade details, final exam result; and all
these will be available for future references too.
As for school industry, many schools turning towards automated systems whether
small or big to perform everyday task instead to manual systems because automated
system can replace the cost and time consumed in processes that their wants completed
by hand while providing companies with more accurate data.
For all schools serving their students efficiently is one of the top priorities of a
business regardless of school type. Any school whether it’s small, medium, large can
achieve in modern technology. i.e. SDMS (STUDENT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM).
It is proven that using SDMS can drastically increase in school efficiency in inputting
student’s information rather than using a manual system like paper-based works as it can
serve the students.
It also believes that the role of the Student Data Management System in
responding to individual and society needs is to improve one’s quality of life which must
be founded on the respect for the diversity of interests of the students as well as for the
faculty and staff the existence of conditions for security, progress and for adaptation for
modernized technology.
Theoretical Background
Here, we will discuss about different theories about the system that the researchers
gathered to guide them for development for the propose system (SDMS).
Flow of the Study
In this study, the researchers planned to propose a Student System Information for
convenience use to Cebu Technological University-Daanbantayan Campus. There are
due problems which are identified of present manual method of keeping files and records
has been found by research to be disadvantageous which are recognize as follows:
The everchanging trend in technology brought the necessity for the automation of
everything from paper-and-pen based to absolute computer domination. The
overwhelming emergence of computers paved way to easier access of information
that leads to increased production, efficiency and reliability.
Significance of the Study
Student System Information using this system school staff can store student’s
academic records, schedules, keep a check on student’s grade and take better of various
student specific data. A large-scale system can be use for taking care of various aspect
of school management. School can increase the capability of their SIS (Student
Information System) by adding various modules to the already existing system, an
institutions have to manage the huge amount of student data and it can be troublesome
sometimes due to its complex nature. Offering number of functionalities which helps
administrator to makes task easy and error free.
The main objective of this documentation is to improve the existing system of CTU-
Daanbantayan, helps to manage student data, allowing parents to be an active part of
their children’s daily academic season. Parents can check grades of their children’s,
reduces manual workload and paperwork. Generating various reports and check student
With this study, it would help them to lessen their time and efforts as they find or
add student in the system or even updates regard on their academic records.
Through a Student Information System, they can perceive and recognize as they
go to the MIS or Student Information System Office without going through the common
way of using a manual system and paper works.
This study would contribute the community by implementing the system which is
the student information system. Such as in the other school, it is effective and efficient
to implement this kind of system which rely on the students that many schools require it.
Future Researchers
It will use to find the information needed in their study regarding about Student
Information System that they can use for their future reference. So that they have an
idea on what to do and what is the best.
Definition of Terms
Chapter II
This chapter presents the related literature and studies, local and
foreign, that gives bearing to the present study.
Related Literature
Local Literature
The importance of computer application is increasing day by day. In
the latest decades of the Millennium winning organization are those which
are willing to integrate business strategy. The use of computer information
technology results for them to be able to develop products fast and make
decisions fast, ability to have fluid organization structures. Using
information system confirms the company’s mission vision.
Schools or Universities use information systems in the way of
implementing a Student Information System (SIS). This results for them to
make the information of every individual makes easier and hassle free.
Students are capable and feel to ease when going to the SIS office
Because the use of the said system makes the transactions faster and
“Lack of Student Information System in school or universities can
lead to havoc and agitation”. Students will be demented on what they
should do to be able to have an information data of their academic records
that is why such systems is significantly useful in the way that it gives and
ease on working on student information system processes. Student
Information System is very useful in retrieving essential information of the
Foreign Literature
Information systems are increasingly being used in organizations with
the objective of providing competitive advantage. The information system is
used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as
transaction processing system, management information system, decision
support system, executive information system, expert systems and office
information system. Information technology has heralded the advent of the
information society. The information society may be a ‘virtual society’. The
concepts of the electronic classroom, the electronic office and electronic
library have been explored. Information system poses a number of issues
on society in general, including: archiving, and bibliographic control,
security and data protection, intellectual property.
WAMP5(WAMP means Windows Apache MySQL PHP) is a platform
of Web development under Windows. It allows you to develop dynamic
Web sites with Apache server, PHP5 script language, and the database of
MySQL release 5. It also possesses PHPMyAdmin and SQLite manager to
manage more easily your databases.
Windows 7 is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on
personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops
netbooks, table PCs, and media center PCs. It was released to
manufacturing on July 22, 2009, and became generally available for retail
worldwide on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of
its predecessor. Windows Vista, Windows 7’s server counterpart, Windows
Server 2008 R2, was released at the same time. Windows 7 is succeeded
by Windows 8.
Related Studies
Chapter III
Respondents. There are two sets of respondents for this research. First,
we have the students of Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan
Campus who are taking Bachelor in Secondary Education – Major in
Mathematics and Technology and Livelihood Education/ Bachelor in
Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, Bachelor in
Science in Hospitality Management, Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Technology – Major in Electronics, Automotive, & Comp. Tech, Bachelor of
Science in Information and Communications Technology, and Senior High
School. Secondly, we have the college professors from the different
departments of the university.
Respondents. There are two sets of respondents for this research. First,
we have the students of Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan
Campus who are taking Bachelor in Secondary Education- Major in
Mathematics and Technology and Livelihood Education/ Bachelor in
Elementary education, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, Bachelor in
Science in Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Mobile: 09755566176
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Mobile: 09556780707
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Mobile: 09367350737
Email Address:
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Tertiary :
Secondary :
Elementary :