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BNA 40703
























1.1.1 Background

Towards year 2020, Malaysia have the aspiration to achieve status of developed nation.
Therefore, the economic growth and development of municipalities and industrial area that is
rapid in most place throughout the country will happen. The growth and development will gain
the economic and increase the life standard of Malaysian people but also give bad impact on
environment with peak flow increases, decreases of water quality, riparian plant removal and
extinction of water life habitat which led to decadence environmental in river, lake and coast.
Currently water management storm in Malaysia simply focus to flood impact only.
To manage the effect of development and to protect the environment, social, value of
economic in future, the expansion in environmental management practice that lead to flood
management, water quality, water habitat, riparian plant, recreation, aesthetic and issues which
economy related is needed. Therefore, stormwater need to seen as asset and source that worth
and not as a interference that need to be discarded soonest.
The traditional approach of water management that had been practiced widely in
Malaysia. The developer was allowed to build the drain and trench according to the justification
respectively. Method of enlarging and straightening river and trench to fulfill the need because of
flow increase in catchment area can harm the environment. The river that being upgrade using
concrete channel that aims to maximize the capacity of flow change the natural system to
drainage. This traditional approach never ending as long as the development continue and river
need to be enlarged to increase the water flow of surface runoff that growing. Due of this,
government should spend million ringgit to overcome the flash flood due to traditional method
practice which allowed surface runoff water produced from area developed thrown away
continue into drain or river in downstream. For example, a total of 400 million ringgit was spent
for flood-mitigation project in Kuala Lumpur only to date. Nevertheless, flash flood still occur in
Kuala Lumpur.

Due to challenge faced, a water management method storm that more sustainable need to
be shaped to resolve the flood problem and other issues related to runoff storm. Therefore,

Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) has started the move to promote Manual
Saliran Mesra Alam (Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia) in year 2000 to
change manual drainage previously namely "Planning and Design Procedures No.1: Urban
Drainage Design Standards and Procedure for Peninsular Malaysia" that have been published in
year 1975. Manual previously has been prepared as guidelines for engineer from various
agencies whether at federal level or state level design drainage system as need fulfill
development in areas of the city.

1.1.2 Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam
Malaysia, MSMA)

In Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia,
MSMA). Urbanization results in the growth and spread of impervious areas and a diversification
of urban landuse practice with respects to the hydrologic and environmental terms. Landuse
changes from rural to urban industrial areas cause local runoff impacts on receiving water flow,
quality, and ecology. Apart from erosion and sedimentation problems associated with
development, it has become increasingly apparent that stormwater runoff contributes to receiving
waters a significant part of total loads of such pollutants as nutrients (including phosphorus and
nitrogen), heavy metals, oil and grease, bacteria, etc.
New, comprehensive, and integrated SWM strategies are now needed to be in line with
the government’s drive to archive a sustainable developed nation status in the early 21st century.
Such new strategies will incorporate interalia, runoff source control, management and delayed
disposal on a catchment wide, proactive, and multi-functional basis. This should result in flood
reduction, water quality improvement, and ecological enhancement in downstream receiving
waters. To some extent, it should also contribute to improved urban amenity through the
application of wetlands, landscape for recreation, potential beneficial reuse of stormwater
(especially as a non-potable supply source), and recharge of depleted urban groundwater aquifers
to enhance stream base flow during dry seasons.
Stormwater management has development to the point where there are now two
fundamental different approaches to controlling the quality, and to some extent, the quality of
stormwater runoff. In addition to the traditional conveyance-oriented approach, a potential

effective and preferable approach to stormwater management is the storage-oriented approach.

The function of this approach is to provide for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff at or
near its point of origin with subsequent slow release to the downstream stormwater system or
receiving water (detention), or infiltration into the surrounding soil (retention).
Detention and retention facilities can reduce the peak and volume of runoff from a given
catchment, which can reduce the frequency and extent of downstream flooding.
Detention/retention facilities have been used to reduce the costs of large stormwater drainage
system by reducing the size required for such systems in downstream areas.
The reduced post-development runoff hydrograph is typically designed so that the peak
flow is equal to or less than the pre-development peak flow rate. Additionally, in some instances,
the volume of the post-development runoff hydrograph is required to be reduced to the same
volume as the pre-development runoff hydrograph. This latter requirement will necessitate the
use of retention facilities to retain the differences in volume between the post and pre-
development hydrograph.

1.1.3 On-site Detention


Stormwater quantity control facilities can be classified by function as detention or retention

facilities. The detention concept is most often employed in urban stormwater drainage to limit
the peak outflow rate. The primary function of detention facilities is to reduce peak discharge by
the temporary storage and gradual release of stormwater runoff by way of an outlet control
structure or other release mechanism.
Retention facilities are commonly sized to provide only a reduction in the volume of
stormwater runoff generated from an urban area. However, peak flow reduction can also be
achieved in minor storm events if the storage volume is large enough to capture the peak flow
before the storage is filled.
On-site detention (OSD) may be provided as above-ground storages, below-ground
storages, or a combination of both. The main advantages of above-ground storages are they can
generally be easily incorporated into the site by slight regrading or modification to the design of
surface features and are relatively inexpensive compared to below-ground storages. The above-
ground storages include landscape areas, impervious areas, flat roofs and surface tanks.
The main advantages of below-ground storages are they are out of sight, occupy less
physical space and will not cause any inconvenience with ponding of water that could result
using above-ground storage. The examples of below-ground storage are underground tanks and
pipe packages. Combine storages is a proportion of the total storage is provided as below-ground
storage, whilst the remainder of the storage is provided as above-ground storage


Stormwater need to be managed because of rapid urbanization that had modified hydrology and
hydraulic catchment area. Mostly, undeveloped land has very little surface runoff, most of the
rainfall able seeped into topsoil and evapotranspirates or migrates slowly through soil pores as
interflow to the stream or lake. As a result of this process, rainfall effects are averaged out over a
long period of time. However, as the watershed develops and the land is covered over with an
impervious surface such as roads, parking lots, roofs, driveways and sidewalks most of the
rainfall is transformed into surface runoff.
Based on Roesner et. al. (2001), the resulting effect on the hydrology of the receiving
water can be dramatic, especially for streams. A given stormwater now produces significantly

more runoff volume than before and flow peaks are increased by a factor of 2 to more than 10.
The overall hydrologic effect is that the flow frequency curve for a developed area is
significantly higher than for an undeveloped area. This change in the flow frequency curves
manifests itself in two ways. Firstly, the peak runoff rate for a given return period storm
increases. Secondly, the effect of urbanization is to significantly increase runoff and the
frequency of the pre-development peak flows.
The increase in the magnitude and frequency of storm runoff flow peaks can cause severe
stream channel erosion and increased flooding downstream. The most commonly observed
effects are the physical degeneration on natural stream channels. The higher frequency of peak
flows causes the stream to cut a deeper and wider channel, degrading or destroying the in-stream
aquatic habitat. The eroded sediments are deposited downstream in slower moving reaches of the
stream or at the entrance to lakes can harming the aquatic life.
Changes in stream water quality are associated with two phases of urbanization. During
the initial phase of development, an urban stream can receive a significant pulse of sediment
eroded from upland construction sites, even if erosion and sediment controls are used. Sediment
contributions from the land surface typically decline to less than pre-development contributions
after upland developments stabilize and an increase occurs in the stream bank erosion.
In the second phase of urbanization, the dominant source is the washing off of
accumulated deposits from impervious areas during storm. In urban streams, higher loading can
cause water quality problems such as turbid water, nutrient enrichment, bacterial contamination,
organic matter loads, toxic compounds, temperatures increase and increases in the quantity of
trash or debris.


The objective of this project are:-

1. To calculate the capacity of water and storage by using AST and UST
2. To design structure of AST and UST
3. To compare the results between MSMA I and MSMA II



Taman Angsamas, Mambau, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan had been chosen as the study area of
our research project. However, our main focus of the area is Taman Angsamas 2 which is the
area is about 28.29 hectare. Based on the area of Taman Angsamas 2, above-ground storage
(AST) and underground storage (UST) will be designed. Before enter the design phase,
calculation will be made based on MSMA 1 and MSMA 2. The result of the calculation of
MSMA 1 and 2 will be compare and discuss. Site to built AST and UST will be chosen around
the area of Taman Angsamas 2.


Seremban is situated about 60 kilometres south of Kuala Lumpur (the capital city) and about 30
kilometres inland from the coast. It is located in the Linggi River valley, at the foothills of the
Titiwangsa Range. The terrain is generally hilly, and the soil is mostly reddish laterite soil,
suitable for the cultivation of rubber and palm oil, thus making Seremban the agricultural centre
for the state.
Most of the rainfall is experienced during the inter-monsoon periods of April and October
(moderate between 11-30mm). The weather remains generally dry for the rest of the year with
occasional showers..

2.1 Selected Area

Taman Angsamas has been selected as location of our project. Taman Angsamas is located at
Mambau, Seremban. Taman Angsamas is situated about 10.6 kilometres from Seremban city.

Figure 1: Taman Angsamas, Mambau, Seremban

Taman Angsamas consists of Taman Angsamas 1 and Taman Angsamas 2. The length of
the area of Taman Angsamas 1 is about 3.05 kilometre while for Taman Angsamas 2 is 1.68
kilometre. The residential areas had been established around 1950 and the population of people
in this residential area is 10,000 people. Taman Angsamas is located at hilly areas.

Figure 2: The length of area of Taman Angsamas 1 and Taman Angsamas 2


Figure 3: Layout Plan of Taman Angsamas

From the layout plan, it is shows that there is a river near with Taman Angsamas. The
river is known as Linggi River (Sungai Linggi). The Linggi River is one of the main rivers in
Negeri Sembilan. It starts at the foot of the Titiwangsa Range originating from the Kampung
Jerlang area, and flows through the basin around Seremban District and ends at Kuala Linggi,
Melaka. The Linggi River became the border for Negeri Sembilan and Melaka which started at
the Rembau River and Linggi River.
Each location or study areas have impervious and pervious areas. As for Taman
Angsamas. impervious areas is larger than pervious areas. Total areas of impervious areas is 41.
597 ha and area of pervious areas is 10.50 ha. Total areas of Taman Angsamas 1 & 2 including
impervious and pervious areas is 521, 050 m2 which is 52 hectares. Detail of impervious and
pervious areas shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Detail of impervious and pervious areas of Taman Angsamas


Area 41. 597 ha 10.50 ha

Scope of Area · House · Back Area

· Water treatment plant · Landscape
· Road

Percentage (%) 79.83 20.17

However, for our research project, we chosen Taman Angsamas 2. The area of Taman
Angsamas 2 is 28.29 ha. The detail of the Taman Angsamas 2 areas is in Table 2.

Table 2: Detail of impervious and pervious areas of Taman Angsamas 2


Area 21.60 ha 6.69 ha

Scope of Area · House · Back Area

· Water treatment plant · Landscape
· Road

Percentage (%) 76.35 23.65



This section discussed on the methodology to design OSD in both MSMA 1 and MSMA 2.

3.1 Design Rainfall

A major or minor system approach shall be adopted for the planning and design of urban
stormwater systems. The major system is intended to collect any convey runoff from relatively
frequent storm events to minimize inconvenience and nuisance flooding. The major system is
intended to safety convey runoff not collected by the minor drainage system to waterways or
rivers. The major systems must protect the community from the consequences of large,
reasonable rare events, which could cause severe flood damage, injury and even loss of life. The
definition of major/minor system does not refer to size of the drains. Event ARIs to be adopted
for the planning and design of minor and major stormwater systems shall be in accordance with
Table 4.1 (MSMA, 2000)

3.1.1 Major and minor systems

The design objectives of the major and minor systems are described in Table 11.1 (MSMA,
2000). Design concepts for the major and minor systems are diagrammatically shown in Figure
11.2 (MSMA, 2000).
The minor system is designed to convey runoff from a minor storm, which occurs
relatively frequently, and would otherwise cause inconvenience and nuisance flooding.

The minor system typically comprises a network of kerbs, gutters, inlets, open drains and
The major system, on the other hand, comprises the many planned and unplanned
drainage routes, which convey runofff from a major storm to waterways and rivers.
The major system is expected to protect the community from the consequences of large,
reasonably rare events, which could cause severe flood damage, injury and even loss of

3.1.2 On-site community Systems

On-site facilities are primarily minor drainage structures provided on individual housing,
industrial and infrastructure sites. They are usually built and maintained by private
parties/developers. For quantity design they are based on peak inflow estimates using the
Rational Method with design storms between 2 year and 10year ARI. Community facilities are
major drainage structures provided to cater for larger areas, which can combine different landuse
areas. They are usually built and maintained by the regulatory authority. For quantity design they

are based on peak inflow estimates using preferably the Hydrograph Method with larger design
storms, up to 100 year ARI in some instances, depending on the downstream protection
requirement (Figure 11.4).

3.2 Design Storm

3.2.1 Polynomial Approximation of IDF Curves
Polynomial expressions in the form of Equation 1 have been fitted to the published IDF curves
for the 35 main cities/towns in Malaysia.


RIt = the average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for ARI and duration t
R = average return interval (years)
t = duration (minutes)
a to d are fitting constants dependent on ARI which are given in Appendix 13.A (MSMA,2000).

3.3 IDF Value for Short Duration Storms

For duration between 5 and 30 minutes, the design rainfall depth Pd for a short duration d
(minutes) is given by

where P30, P60 are the 30-minute and 60-minute duration rainfall depths respectively, obtained
from the published design curves. FD is the adjustment factor for storm duration.
The rainfall intensity for short duration storms is given by;

where Pd (mm) is rainfall depth in mm and d is duration in hours.

The value of FD is obtained from Table 13.3 as a function of 2 , the 2-year ARI 24-hour
rainfall depth. Values of 2 for Peninsular Malaysia are given in Figure 13.3 (MSMA, 2000).

3.3.1 IDF Value for Frequent Storms


Water quality studies, in particular, require data on IDF values for relatively small, frequent
storms. The following preliminary equations are recommended for calculating the 1, 3, 6-month
and 1 year ARI rainfall intensities in the design storm, for all durations:

3.4 Runoff Estimation

3.4.1 Time of Concentration
The time of concentration (tc) is often considered to be the sum of the time travel to an inlet plus
the time of travel in the stormwater conveyance system.
Although travel time from individual elements of a system may be very short, the total nominal
flow travel time to be adopted for all individual elements within any catchment to its points of
entry into the stormwater drainage network shall not be less than 5 minutes.
For small catchments up to 0.4 hectare in area, it is acceptable to use the minimum times of
concentration given in Table 14.3 (MSMA, 2000) instead of performing detailed calculation.

The time of concentration (tc) is given by;

Tc = to + td
Where to = overland flow time;
td = flow time in channel, kerbed gutter or pipe.

3.4.2 Overland flow time

The Friend’s formula should be used to estimate overland sheet flow times.

It is also given in the form of a nomograph in Design Chart 14.1 (MSMA, 2000) for shallow
sheet flow over a plane surface.

to= overland sheet flow travel time (minutes)
L = overland sheet flow path length (m)
n = Manning’s roughness value for the surface
S = slope of overland surface (%)
Note: Values for Manning’s 'n ' are given in Table 14.2 (MSMA, 2000).

3.4.3 Kerbed Gutter Flow Time

An approximate kerbed gutter flow time can be estimated from Design Chart 14.2 (MSMA, 2000)
or by the following empirical equation:


Tg = kerbed gutter flow time (minutes)

L = length of kerbed gutter flow (m)
S = longitudinal grade of the kerbed gutter (%)

3.4.4 Time of Concentration for Natural Catchment

For natural/landscaped catchments and mixed flow paths the time of concentration can be found
by use of the Bransby-Williams' Equation 14.6 (AR&R, 1987). In these cases the times for
overland flow and channel or stream flow are included in the time calculated.
Here the overland flow time including the travel time in natural channels is expressed as:

Tc = the time of concentration (minute)
Fc = a conversion factor, 58.5 when area A is in km2, or 92.5 when area is in ha
L = length of flow path from catchment divide to outlet (km) A = catchment area (km2 or ha)
S = slope of stream flow path (m/km)

3.5 Peak Discharge Using Rational Method

3.5.1 Rational Formula

The Rational Formula is one of the most frequently used urban hydrology methods in Malaysia
to computing stormwater flows from rainfall. It gives satisfactory results for small catchments up
to 80 hectares only. The formula is:

Qy = y year ARI peak flow (m3/s)
C = dimensionless runoff coefficient
yIt = y year ARI average rainfall intensity over time of concentration, tc, (mm/hr)

A = drainage area (ha)

Assumptions used in the Rational Method are as follows:

1. The peak flow occurs when the entire catchment is contributing to the flow.
2. The rainfall intensity is the same over the entire catchment area.
3. The rainfall intensity is uniform over a time duration equal to the time of concentration, tc..
4. The ARI of the computed peak flow is the same as that of the rainfall intensity, i.e., a 5year
ARI rainfall intensity will produce a 5year ARI peak flow.

A general procedure for estimating peak flow using the Rational Method is shown in Figure 14.2
(MSMA, 2000)

3.5.2 Runoff Coefficient

The runoff coefficient, C, is a function of the ground cover and a host of other hydrologic
abstractions. The runoff coefficient accounts for the integrated effects of rainfall interception,
infiltration, depression storage, and temporary storage in transit of the peak rate of runoff. It
depends on rainfall intensity and duration as well as on the catchment characteristics. During a
rainstorm the actual runoff coefficient increases as the soil become saturated. The greater the
rainfall intensity, the lesser the relative effect of rainfall losses on the peak discharge, and
therefore the greater the runoff coefficient.

Recommended runoff coefficient (C) is given in Design Chart 14.3 (urban areas) or Design Chart
14.4 (rural areas) in MSMA (2000), respectively.

3.6 Changes in Rational Method in MSMA 1 and MSMA 2.

Peak Discharge, Q

Where where
Qy is the y year ARI peak discharge (m3/s) Q is the peak flow (m3/s)
C is the dimensionless runoff coefficient C is the runoff coefficient as shown in
It is the average intensity of the design Table 2.5
rainstorm of duration equal to the time of iis the average rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
concentration tc and of ARI of y year (mm/hr) A is the drainage area (ha)
A is the drainage area (ha)

Coefficient of Runoff, C
- In MSMA1, it is read from a design chart - MSMA2, it is fixed according to the
and varies according to the types of landuse (Table 2.5).
landuse, the rainfall intensities and - MSMA2: the runoff coefficient is fixed
whether it is urban or rural catchments. according to the landuse (Table 2.5)
- C is determined from: - C = Fractional imperviousness
- Design Chart 14.3 for urban catchment
- Design Chart 14.4 for rural catchment
- Problems of determining C

Rainfall Intensity
Lower rainfall intensity Higher Rainfall intensity


3.7.1 Detail calculation for IDF Curve using MSMA 1

Reference Calculation Output

Polynomial expressions in the form of Equation 13.2 have been fitted Msma1
to the published IDF curves for the 35 main cities/towns in Malaysia.

It = the average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for ARI and duration t

R = average return interval (years)

T = duration (minutes)

a to d are fitting constants dependent on ARI.

Coefficients of the Fitted IDF Equation for Negeri Sembilan 13.A1

Calculation of Design Rainfall Intensity for Various ARIs


Figure 1
Plot Various Durations in the Log-Log Graph for the selected ARIs.
Plot the data to get the IDF curves, as shown in Figure 1.

3.7.2 Detail calculation for design rainfall using MSMA 2

Reference Calculation Output
Table Collect annual maximum rainfall data of selected durations from the
2.B1 Setor JPS Sikamat station (nearby automatic station).
Figure 2

Table 1: Fitting Constant for the IDF Empirical Equation for High ARIs between 2
and 100 Year and Storm Durations from 5 Minutes to 72 Hours
State No. Station Station Constant
ID Name
Negeri 1 2719001 Setor 52.823 0.167 0.159 0.811
Sembilan JPS

Figure 2 Calculate the amounts of rainfalls for various duration and selected Table 2
ARIs (2,5,10,20,50 and 100 year). The value of rainfall intensity can
be calculated as follows:

( + )

= Average rainfall intensity (mm/hr);
= Average recurrence interval – ARI (0.5 T 12 month and 2 T 100 year);
= Storm duration (hours), 0.0833 72; and
, , , = Fitting constants dependent on the raingauge location (Table 2.B1 in
Appendix 2.B)

Example calculation:

( + )

(52.823)( ) .
= .
(0.0833 + 0.159)

= 187.213

Table 2 Calculation of Design Rainfall Intensity for Various ARIs

Figure 2 Plot Various Durations in the Log-Log Graph for the selected ARIs. Figure 1
Plot the data of Table 2 to get the IDF curves, as shown in Figure 1. If
the graphs are not smooth based on the actual statistical data, adjust
the data to produce smooth graphs.

3.7.1 Detail calculation for Peak Discharge MSMA 1

Reference Calculation Output

Catchment data:

Area: 28.29 hectares (282 900 meter square)

- Previous area = 6.69 ha

- Imprevious area = 21.60 ha

Length of Overland flow: 364 m

Slope: 4.0 %, paved surface.

Length of Open Drain: 352 m

Select runoff coefficient, C.

Link and terrace house; Major system > 10 ARI = 0.9

Grass cover; Major system > 10 ARI = 0.50

Determine overland sheet flow path length, Lo 364 m

Determine the slope of overland surface in percent (%),S
Table 14.2 =
Eqn 14.2
Calculate to. Use the Horton’s Value (use n = 0.015)

107. .
= /

( . )( ) /
= 8.68 min
( . ) /

Determine channel length, Ld 362 m


Calculate area of channel (rectangular channel)

P = b + 2y
= 12 + 2(0.9)
= 3.0 m

= 1.2 x 1.2
= 1.44

Hydraulic radius

R = A/P
= 1.44/3.0
= 0.48

Friction slope, S
S = 45-37/362

/ /
= . / 60 9.95 min

/ /
= (0.015)(362)/ 60 (0.48) (0.022)

Calculate the time of concentration by using equation below. 18.63 min

Tc = to + td
= 8.68 min + 9.95 min

Eqn 13.2 Calculate Rainfall Intensity, I

The values of coefficients a, b, c and d for ARI of 20 years for

Seremban are:

a= 6.3733, b= -0.2451, c= -0.0888, d= 0.0051

Substituting into:
For t= 30 min, 6.499 mm/hr
For t= 60 min, = 6.373 mm/hr

Convert to rainfall depths,

20P30= 6.499 mm/hr x 0.5 hr = 3.25 mm
20P60= 6.373 mm/hr x 1 hr = 6.373 mm

Calculate runoff coefficient, C

According to MSMA1, the design rainfall depth Pd for a short

duration d (min) is given by:


P30 and P60 are the 30 & 60 min rainfall depths.

Table 13.3 FD is the adjustment factor for storm duration

From Table 13.3 for a duration of 5 min, the FD=1.62

Hence = = 53.62 mm
Therefore = = 160.85 mm/hr

chart 14.3 Find runoff coefficient.

Calculate peak discharge, Qp

The peak discharge for ARI=20 years is computed using the

Rational Method:

Peak discharges determined for 2 types of landuses:

Semi deteched houses on bare earth (Curve No. 3) ARI= 20 yr

Qp= 1000 x 13.699 x 135.54/360 = 5157.76 l/s

2) Bare Loam, Suburban Residential with Gardens (Curve No. 5)

ARI= 20 yr

Qp= 1000 x 21.6543 x 135.54/360 = 8152.98 l/s


Details of Computation for Peak discharges using MSMA 1


3.7.2 Detail calculation for Peak Discharge MSMA 2

Reference Calculation Output

Catchment data:

Area: 28.29 hectares (282 900 meter square)

- Previous area = 6.69 ha

- Imprevious area = 21.60 ha

Length of Overland flow: 364 m

Slope: 4.0 %, paved surface.

Length of Open Drain: 352 m

Determine overland sheet flow path length, Lo 364 m

Determine the slope of overland surface in percent (%),S
Table 2.1 =
Table 2.2
Calculate to. Use the Horton’s Value (use n = 0.015)

107. .
= /

( . )( ) /
= ( . ) /
8.68 min

362 m
Determine channel length, Ld

Calculate area of channel (rectangular channel)

P = b + 2y
= 12 + 2(0.9)
= 3.0 m

= 1.2 x 1.2
= 1.44

Hydraulic radius

R = A/P
= 1.44/3.0
= 0.48

Friction slope, S 0.022

S = 45-37/362

9.95 min
/ /
= . / 60

/ /
= (0.015)(362)/ 60 (0.48) (0.022)

18.63 min
Calculate the time of concentration by using equation below.

Tc = to + td

= 8.68 min + 9.95 min

= 13.25

Calculate peak discharge, Q

Link and terrace house: CA = (0.50 x 26.5) =

Grass cover: CA = (0.9 x 21.60) + (0.5 x 6.69) 7964.33
= l/s

Peak discharges determined for 2 types of landuses:

Link and terrace house, C=0.90
Qp=1000 x 216.4 x 13.25 / 360

Grass cover, C=0.50

Qp=1000 x 216.4 x 22.85 / 360

Details of Computation for Peak discharges using MSMA2.


3.7.3 Detail calculation for On Site-Detention using MSMA 1.

Reference Calculation Output

Design rainfall
ARI selected = 20 years
Location = Taman Angsamas, Seremban Negeri Sembilan
a = 6.3733, b = -0.2451, c = -0.0888, d = 0.0051

On-site detention design

Catchment area = 282900 m2 / 28.29 ha
Percentage of pervious area = 23.65%
Percentage of impervious area = 76.35%

Tcs = 5 minutes
Tc = 19 minutes

Development Impervious Pervious CA I Q (l/s)

status C A C A (m/hr)
Pre 0.838 0 0.515 26.6 13.699 135.54 5157.757
Post 0.838 21.6 0.515 6.9 21.654 135.54 8152.976

Above ground storage

Eqn. 19.1
Eqn. 19.2a = 33474.6
Eqn. 19.2b


= 6157.5

Eqn. 19.2
Eqn. 19.2a
Eqn. 19.2b
Total volume of storage = 6173.3 m3

Primary outlet sizing

Eqn. 19.3
The primary outlet orifice is sized to discharge the PSD assuming
the free outlet conditions when the storage is full.
= 2.89 m2

= 0.64 m

The proposed orifice is 600 mm dia.

Landscape area

Below Ground Storage

Table 19.1
= 25% x 6173.3
= 1542.33 m2

Above Ground Storage

= 75% x 6173.3
= 4629.98 m2

Dimension of UST

= 80 m x 35 m x 0.6 m

Comparison between MSMA 1 and MSMA 2
To find out the magnitude of increase in discharge, we define a ratio R;

A= The peak discharge based on MSMA2
B= The peak discharge based on MSMA 1

4.1 Comparison of the peak discharges computed using MSMA 1 and 2

For grass area, the ratio R is 1.54 indicating that the peak discharge from MSMA 2 is higher than
the peak discharge from MSMA 1. This is due principally to the lower C in MSMA 1 compared
to a higher C MSMA 2. The lower C in MSMA 1 reflects DID’s effort in promoting more
storage in parks. For Link and terrace house, the ratio R is 2.68 indicating that the peak discharge
from MSMA 1 is lower than the peak discharge from 2.

4.2 Comparison of the PSD and SSR computed using MSMA 1 and 2

The Permissible Storage Discharge (PSD) computed using the Rational Method in MSMA 2 is
higher than MSMA 1 by 2.15 times. The Site Storage Requirement (SSR) computed using the
Rational Method in MSMA 2 is higher than MSMA 1 by 1.5 due to lower rainfall intensities in
MSMA 1. Basically, MSMA 2 will provide bigger SSR tan MSMA 1.

4.3 Location of proposed OSD


4.4 Design of OSD


5.0 Conclusion

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