66 Tender Documents For Power Electronics and Control Lab
66 Tender Documents For Power Electronics and Control Lab
66 Tender Documents For Power Electronics and Control Lab
Sahiwal Campus
Procurement of Equipment for Power Electronics and Control Lab of
Electrical Engineering Department of CUI, Sahiwal Campus
(Tender No. CUI/SWL/Procurement/FY 18-19/3/66)
July 2018
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1. Eligible Vendors. - Bidding is open to all firms and persons meeting the following
2. Tender Document Fee (Non-Refundable). - Bidding documents along with Pay Order /
Demand Draft amounting to Rs. 1,000/- as a tender documents fee (Non-Refundable)
shall be submitted in favor of COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus to the
address given below. No bid will be accepted without tender documents’ fee. Attach
tender document fee with Technical Proposals.
3. Bid Security (Refundable). - The vendor is required to furnish in the form of Deposit at
Call (CDR) or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan equivalent to
2% of the total bid price as a Bid Security in favor of “COMSATS University Islamabad,
Sahiwal Campus”. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive and without any right of appeal. Attach
Earnest money with Financial Proposals.
ii. If a vendor does not accept the correction of his bid price
4. Performance Guarantee (Refundable): 05% of the total value of the Invoice or a Bank
Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan will be retained as security by
COMSATS University Islamabad, , Sahiwal Campus which will be released after the
completion of warranty period, which is one year from the date of delivery / completion
of work / supply. Insurance Guarantee is not acceptable. After finalization of the bid and
signing contract/issuance of purchase order performance guarantee is required to be
submitted and bid security is to be released.
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5. Bid validity. - All prices should be valid for at least 120 days. Withdrawal or any
modification of the original offer within the validity period shall entitle CUI, Sahiwal
Campus to forfeit the earnest money in favor of the CUI, Sahiwal Campus and / or put a
ban on such vendor participation in CUI, Sahiwal Campus tenders / works
7. Delivery time or Completion Schedule. – The exact completion/delivery time from the
date of the purchase / work order will be 90 days. The handing over / completion time for
this contract is of critical importance.
8. The bid proposal should be inclusive of freight and all other taxes and we need delivery
of items at COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus’s premises.
9. All pages (BoQs & Terms & Conditions) are mandatory to be signed / stamped, failing
which the bid may be rejected
10. Any addition, deletion or modification of any clause of the procurement terms &
conditions of CUI by any vendor will not be acceptable and may lead to rejection of the
11. Site Visits/Concerned Office. - Before quoting, the vendor in his own interest can visit
the Store Section of CUI Sahiwal Campus/Concerned Office for
Sample/Specifications/Requirements of each item and to know the full implications of
the assignment. This will help him in proper assessment of the work. Failure to do so will
not absolve the vendor of his responsibility to carry out the work as specified in the
tender documents. The cost of visiting the site shall be borne by the vendor and shall be
at his own responsibility and risk.
12. The bid form (BoQs) must be duly filled in, stamped and signed by the authorized
representative of the vendor.
i. The bid shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each
envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and the technical
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iv. The envelope marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” shall be retained in the
custody of the procuring agency without being opened;
v. The procuring agency shall evaluate the technical proposal in a manner prescribed
in advance, without reference to the price and reject any proposal which does not
conform to the specified requirements;
vi. During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be
vii. The financial proposals of bids shall be opened publicly at a time, date and venue
announced and communicated to the vendors in advance;
viii. After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the procuring agency,
shall at a time within the bid validity period, publicly open the financial proposals
of the technically accepted bids only. The financial proposal of bids found
technically nonresponsive shall be returned un-opened to the respective vendors;
ix. and The bid found to be the lowest evaluated bid shall be accepted.
14. Submission and Opening of bids. - The bid should be submitted in a sealed envelope in
such manner that the contents are fully enclosed and cannot be known until duly opened.
The sealed bids (Technical and Financial) must reach up to August 16, 2018 (Thursday)
on or before 1130 hours and will be opened on the same date at 1200 hours in the
presence of available vendors. All bids submitted after the time prescribed shall be
rejected and returned without being opened.
15. In case, opening date is declared as public holiday by the Government, the next working
day shall be deemed the date for submission and opening of the tender at same time and
The envelope shall also bear the word “CONFIDENTIAL” and following identification
quotation of “Procurement of Equipment for Power Electronics and Control Lab of
Electrical Engineering Department of CUI, Sahiwal Campus”.
17. After opening of bids, COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus will examine
the bids for completeness as per tender document.
18. Evaluation Criteria: Technical proposals will be evaluated on the basis of following
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Bids will be evaluated on Item Wise Basis.
Vendors for BoQ Serial Number 01 must be original equipment
manufacturers/authorized distributors of the quoted brand. Copy of the valid
authorization certificate must be attached with Technical Proposal.
The vendor will provide literature of quoted brands which will be evaluated as per
specifications provided in tender documents.
Company Profile and copies of CNIC, National Tax Number (NTN) and General
Sales Tax (GST) certificates should be attached.
Experience of the firm for supplying of equipment to any Federal or Provincial
Government, Department, Agency, Organization or autonomous body or Private
Sector Organization anywhere in Pakistan. Please attach Purchase Orders/Work
Orders with technical proposal.
The company must have skilled/qualified engineers and factory trained
technicians to support after sales facilities. Please provide complete detail with
technical proposal.
Tenderer is a vendor who has not been blacklisted by any Federal or Provincial
Government Department, Agency, Organization or autonomous body or Private
Sector Organization anywhere in Pakistan. The vendor will provide this
undertaking on judicial stamp paper.
19. Evaluation of bids. - Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria
and other terms and conditions set forth in the bidding documents.
20. Clarification of bids. - After opening of bids, vendors are not allowed to alter or modify
his bid. However the procuring agency may seek and accept clarifications to the bid that
do not change the substance of the bid.
21. The Tender shall be checked for any arithmetic errors which shall be rectified. The
Tender Price as determined after arithmetic corrections shall be termed as the Corrected
Total Tender Price which shall binding upon the Tenderer.
22. One Bid per Vendor. - Conditional or alternative bids are not allowed. Vendors are
required to quote one bid/one brand. If vendors quote two bids/different brands then their
bids are liable to be rejected. However, the alternative bids with separate bid security can
be accepted.
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23. COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus reserves the rights to reject the bid
i. Received without earnest money
ii. Received later than the date and time fixed for tender submission
iii. The tender is unsigned/ unstamped
iv. The offer is ambiguous
v. The offer is conditional
vi. Offer is made by the unauthorized agent/ supplier of the original
equipment manufacturer.
vii. The offer is from a firm, which is black listed by any Govt. Office.
viii. The offer is received by telephone/telex/fax/telegram.
ix. Any unsigned / ambiguous erasing, cutting / overwriting etc. are made.
24. It is the sole responsibility of the agent / supplier / manufacturer to comply with the
applicable laws, be national or international.
25. Purchase order (s) will be awarded to the lowest or technically recommended vendor (s)
on the basis of item wise / subtotal wise / grand total wise according to the nature of
26. Rejection of bids. - COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal reserves all the rights to
reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposals. CUI,
Sahiwal Campus will communicate the grounds for rejection of bids upon request of any
supplier or contractor but not liable to justify those grounds
27. The contract will be executed and handed over in satisfactory conditions up to the entire
satisfaction of COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus
28. If the vendor fails to deliver the goods / services to CUI-Sahiwal in time then the
penalty will be charged as under:-
a. 1% per day of the invoice price for 5 working days.
b. 2% per day of the invoice price for further 5 working days.
c. If the vendor fails to deliver the goods / services during the extended period then
the purchase / work order may be cancelled, earnest money and payment may be
29. If the delivered goods / services are not according to the required quality standards /
specifications, the same shall be liable to be rejected after inspection. The vendor would
be required to supply as per requirements mentioned in our BoQs, otherwise the purchase
/ work order will be cancelled after due date with confiscation of earnest money.
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30. The Employer will inspect the supplied and provided items to verify their conformity to
the Technical Specifications given in BoQ. The inspection will be conducted at final
31. On account payments. - Part / Advance payments are not allowed. Payment will be
made on submission of Invoice in the name of “COMSATS University Islamabad,
Sahiwal Campus” with a copy of delivery challan (s) after the complete order has been
supplied, inspected and accepted which includes delivery / installation, and COMSATS
acceptance / inspection thereof.
32. Deduction of Income Tax and any other tax will be deducted at source according to
Government prevailing rules.
34. In case of any dispute, decision of the Director, CUI Sahiwal will be final and binding
upon the parties.
35. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given
to provide a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities
of work executed and measured by the Vendor and verified by the
Department/Concerned Office and valued at the rates and prices entered in the priced Bill
of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the Employer
may fix as per the Contract.
36. The CUI, Sahiwal Campus reserves the right to modify the quantities of goods / services
at any time before the award of purchase / work order.
37. In case of repeat orders fifteen per cent (15%) of the Original Procurement will be
considered as the permissible limit to issue variation.
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38. The vendor should furnish a certificate as worded below in token of acceptance of all the
terms and conditions of the tender. Otherwise, the tender will not be considered under
any circumstances.
39. I / We hereby confirm to have read carefully the terms and conditions of your Tender
Enquiry dated for opening on……………………………. for the purchase of
40. Certified that the prices quoted against advertises tender dated…………………… are not
more than the prices charged from any other purchasing agencies in the county in the
financial year………………. and in case of any discrepancy, We/I hereby undertake to
refund the price charged in excess if and when asked to do so.
41. Certified that the prices quoted by our firm are inclusive of G.S.T and all taxes as per
rules and regulations.
Name of Tenderer:………………………………………………………………………...
Postal Address:…………………………………………………………………………...
Tel. / Mobile:…………………….………………Email:……………….……...…………
C.N.I.C No:……………..………………………………………………………………….
Signature of Tenderer:……………………………………………………………………
Please also attach the Certificate supporting being Active Taxpayer as per
requirement of FBR.
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Bill of Quantities (BoQ) (Item Wise Basis)
Procurement of Equipment for Power Electronics and Control Lab of
Electrical Engineering Department of CUI, Sahiwal Campus
Unit Total
Item Name & Reference Quoted
SR.# QTY price price
Specification Model /Brand Brand
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Equipment for Power Electronics and Control Lab for EE Department (Item Wise Basis)
Power Electronics
Trainer with all
Experimental ED-2040 OR
1 modules 03
Modules and Full Equivalent
and full
Options Make ED
Korea or Equivalent
Single-Phase Half
i Wave/Full Wave
Rectification Circuit
3-Phase Half
ii Wave/Full Wave
Rectification Circuit
Single-Phase Half
iii Wave/Full Wave
Phase Control Circuit
3-Phase Half
iv Wave/Full Wave
Phase Control Circuit
Sensible Circuit by
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vi Circuit by IGBT
Square Wave
viii Voltage-type Inverter
Circuit by SCR
ix Cyclotron Converter
Circuit by SCR
Single-phase AC
x Power Control Circuit
by SCR
MCH-305B Power
3 DC Power Supply 02
OR Equivalent Supply
CD 800a OR Multi
4 Digital Multi meter 04
Equivalent meter
Grand Total
Total in Words
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The Purchase/Work order will be awarded on Item Wise Basis.
Installation will be Free of Charge soon after delivery. In case of faulty equipment, the vendor
will repair or replace free of cost.
Vendors shall price the Bill of Quantities in Pakistani Rupees only.
For all the Brands mentioned in this tender (if any), the term “equivalent or higher” is hereby
added and shall be considered as per PPRA rules.
Multiple prices of an item may lead to rejection of the item/bid.
In case of any inquiry regarding specifications of any item, please visit Purchase
Office CUI, Sahiwal Campus during office hours 08:30 am to 04:30 pm from
Monday to Friday.
Please quote the rates on our BoQ otherwise your bid/item may be rejected.
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Specifications/Reference Model/OR Equivalent
BoQ Serial Number 01
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BoQ Serial Number 02
IT-900 Power Electronics Training System
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BoQ Serial Number 03
Item Specifications:
Phase: Single Phase
Model Number: MCH-305B
Brand Name: MCH
is customized: Yes
Current Type: DC
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Voltage: 0 to 30V
Current: 0 to 5A
Fixed Output:5V 2A
Product Description
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BoQ Serial Number 04
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