Jaundice PDF
Jaundice PDF
Jaundice PDF
Detection, Management and Prevention
of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late
Preterm Newborn Infants
august 2017
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
Detection, Management and Prevention of
Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm
Newborn Infants
august 2017
Reproduction of any excerpts from this documents does not require permission from
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ISBN: 978-93-82655-21-3
Introduction 1
Key Recommendations 7
References 29
Appendix - A 33
J aundice refers to the yellow discoloration of the skin and the sclera caused by the
accumulation of a pigment (bilirubin) in the skin and mucous membranes. It is seen
in neonates when the serum bilirubin levels exceed 5-7 mg/dL. Approximately 60% of
term and 80% of preterm infants develop jaundice in the first week of life, and about
10% of breastfed infants are still jaundiced at 1 month.
Visible jaundice usually appears between 24 to 72 hours of age. The total serum bilirubin
(TSB) level usually rises in term infants by 3 days of age and then falls. In preterm infants,
the peak level occurs around 3 to 7 days after birth. It may take weeks before the TSB
levels falls under 2 mg/dL in both term and preterm infants. Jaundice is not an indication
of an underlying disease for most infants, and this early jaundice (termed ‘physiological
jaundice’) is generally harmless.
Hyperbilirubinemia typically refers to serum bilirubin levels beyond the normal range and
is a common problem in neonates. (1)A significant proportion of these neonates develop
pathological jaundice (jaundice requiring treatment) during the first week of life (2). It
is also one of the leading causes of hospitalization in the first week of life globally (3-5).
The overall incidence of hyperbilirubinemia (>15 mg/dL) has been reported as 3.3% in
intramural neonates and 22.1%in extramural neonates(2).
Introduction 1
term and late preterm neonates globally are affected by severe hyperbilirubinemia
annually and around one-fourth of them die and 63,000 survive with neurological
disability (11). Three-fourth of these affected infants reside in sub-Saharan Africa and
South Asia (12).
The published evidence based guidelines on early detection, management and prevention of
neonatal hyperbilirubinemia by various bodies including American Academy of Pediatrics
(13) and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (14)primarily takes care of
the need of high income countries. The low and middle-income countries including India
are following these guidelines due to dearth of literature and absence of such evidence
based guidelines from their own setting.
2 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
Though the guidelines published by National Neonatology Forum,India (NNF 2010) (22)
have tried to provide a practical framework for managing neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
in Indian setting, these guidelines are meant for only tertiary care health facilities. In
view of the above stated reasons and opening of Special Care Newborn Units (SCNUs)
and private health facilities delivering level II neonatal care in a big way; the current
guideline has been developed for the management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
in late preterm and term infants in the Indian context for health care facilities
at all levels.
Introduction 3
Groups that will be covered
a) Neonates ≥ 35 weeks
1.4 How will you interpret serum bilirubin levels and manage hyperbilirubinaemia?
1.5 What should be optimum discharge and follow-up timing and the assessment
policy to minimize the subsequent risk of severe hyperbilirubinemia and acute
bilirubin encephalopathy?
4 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
1.6 What should be included in the formal assessment of a neonate with neonatal
2.4 What should be the frequency of long term follow up of neonates with
hyperbilirubinemia and what all should be evaluated at follow up?
Introduction 5
Key Recommendations
1. Healthcare professionals should all look for jaundice (visual inspection) in
babies (Figure 1)
Identify neonates as being more likely to develop significant hyperbilirubinaemia if they
have ANY of the following factors:
yy Gestational age under 38 weeks
yy A previous sibling with neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia requiring phototherapy
Key Recommendations 7
yy Mother’s intention to breastfeed exclusively
yy Visible jaundice in the first 24 hours of life.
yy Visible jaundice at discharge
yy Setting of blood group incompatibility
yy High prevalence of G6PD deficiency, primipara mother
yy Weight loss at discharge >3% per 24 h of age or >7% cumulative weight loss
Yes No
8 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
1.3 What is the accuracy of transcutaneous bilirubinometry in
recognising neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia and how should it
be done?
A deep yellow staining (even in absence of yellow soles or palms) is often associated with
sever jaundice and therefore TSB should be estimated in such circumstances.
*Important notes
1. Visual inspection of jaundice is believed to be unreliable, but if it is performed properly (i.e. examining
a naked baby in bright natural light and in absence of yellow background), it has reasonable accuracy
particularly when TSB is less than 12 to 14 mg/dL
3. All newborns with visible jaundice should be evaluated with TcB or TSB
Key Recommendations 9
Figure 2: The extent of jaundice (Kramer’s rule)(24)
Measurement of bilirubin
Transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TcB)
10 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
4. TcB becomes unreliable once TSB level goes beyond 14 mg/dL.
Measurement of TSB
ii. Beyond 24 hr: if visually assessed jaundice is likely to be more than 14 mg/
dL or approaching the phototherapy range or beyond.
Key Recommendations 11
1.4 How will you interpret serum bilirubin levels and manage
Interpret serum bilirubin levels according to the baby's postnatal age in hours and
manage hyperbilirubinaemia as per the guidelines.
2. TSB value is taken for decision making and direct fraction should NOT be
reduced from it. The babies at lower and higher risk have their cut-offs at
approximately 2 mg/dL higher or 2 mg/dL lower than that for medium risk
babies, respectively.
12 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
Figure 3: Guidelines for phototherapy in hospitalized infants
of 35 or more weeks gestation.
Key Recommendations
Figure 4 : Guidelines for exchange transfusion in hospitalized
infants of 35 or more week’s gestation.
14 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
1.5 What should be optimum discharge and follow-up timing and
the assessment policy to minimize the subsequent risk of severe
hyperbilirubinemia and acute bilirubin encephalopathy? (22)
In India, healthy neonates are usually discharged after 24-48 h of normal delivery.
In some facilities with high obstetric case load or absence of adequate manpower
neonates are discharged even before completing first 24 h of age. Discharge after
delivery by cesarean section is more variable with length of stay varying from 3 to 7
days. Due to continuing rise of bilirubin and absence of supervision for ensuring optimal
feeding, neonates discharged home before completing 48-72 h of age are at high risk
of developing undetected pathological hyperbilirubinemia. In India, this risk may be
further aggravated due to absence of any formal system of follow-up home-visits
by health care personnel (e.g. public health nurse) and due to traditional practice of
confinement of mother-baby dyad at home for first few weeks after delivery. Neonates
delivered at home are also at high risk of undetected pathological hyperbilirubinemia
due to same reasons.
The strategy of follow up of all neonates although desirable, is not feasible due to
relative shortage of health care personnel and inability of some families to return
for follow-up. Therefore follow-up plan may be devised based on pre-discharge risk
assessment (Table 1).
*History of jaundice needing treatment in previous sibling, setting of blood group incompatibility, visible
jaundice at discharge, gestation <38 completed weeks, high prevalence of G6PD deficiency, primipara
mother, weight loss at discharge >3% per 24 h of age or >7% cumulative weight loss,
**may need a repeat visit depending on physician’s assessment
Key Recommendations 15
1.6 What should be included in the formal assessment of a neonate
with neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia? (14)
All neonates should undergo a complete clinical examination including evaluation
of intensity of jaundice (24), breast feeding adequacy#, pallor, splenomegaly,
cephalhematoma or other signs of birth trauma, and evaluation for lethargy, poor
feeding, general activity and tone.
1. All pregnant women should be tested for ABO and Rh (D) blood types. (14)
2. If a mother has not had prenatal blood grouping or is Rh-negative, a direct
anti-body test (or Coombs’ test), blood type, and an Rh (D) type on the infant’s
(cord) blood are strongly recommended. (14)
3. DO NOT use the albumin/bilirubin ratio when making decisions about the
management of hyperbilirubinaemia (14)
4. Do not subtract conjugated bilirubin from total serum bilirubin when making
decisions about the management of hyperbilirubinaemia. (14)
5. In addition to a full clinical examination by a suitably trained healthcare
professional, carry out the following tests in babies with hyperbilirubinaemia
(Table 2) as part of an assessment for underlying disease and treatment
threshold graphs.
Table 2: Tests to be done in babies with hyperbilirubinaemia
Indications Assessments
Infant receiving Measure TSB; blood type and DCT (if mother is ‘O’ or Rh negative);
phototherapy G6PD status; peripheral smear and reticulocyte count
Jaundice present Total and direct (or conjugated) bilirubin level, thyroid profile (T3, T4,
beyond 3 weeks of age* TSH), urine for reducing substances (galactosemia), urine r/m, urine c/s
Important Note*
Exclude cephalohematoma on examination
Exclude Rh isoimmunisation
Excessive weight loss (more than 10%)
Breast feeding jaundice due to inadequate breast feeding is common
Presence of direct hyperbilirubinemia (direct bilirubin more than 2 mg/dL at any age) requires specific
investigations and care which is beyond the scope of this guideline
# Breast feeding is considered adequate if infant passes urine 6 to 8 times in 24 hours, sleeps for 2 to 3 hours
after feeds and gains weight adequately after initial 7 to 10 days.
16 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
1.7 How can we prevent severe hyperbilirubinemia?(13, 14)
1. All women should be encouraged to breastfeed 8 to 12 times a day
* Rash, overheating, dehydration and diarrhoea are the most common side effects of phototherapy. It has
photo oxidative effects and hence the parenteral nutrition fluid and some drugs need to be adequately
covered during phototherapy
Key Recommendations 17
Starting phototherapy
yy Use serum bilirubin levels ONLY for decision making for starting phototherapy
yy Intensive phototherapy must be ensured for neonates nearing exchange
transfusion threshold. Phototherapy can be intensified by adding another light
source or increasing the irradiance of the initial light source used.
yy Increase the area of exposure to light by using double surface phototherapy for
severe jaundice.*
yy It is not necessary to measure spectral irradiance before each use of phototherapy;
however it is important to perform periodic checks of phototherapy units to
make sure that an adequate irradiance is being delivered.
yy Phototherapy thresholds presented on seventh day may be used for rest of the
neonatal period.
Stopping phototherapy
yy There is no standard for discontinuing phototherapy. For infants who are
readmitted after their birth hospitalization (usually for TSB levels of 18 mg/dL
or higher), phototherapy may be discontinued when the serum bilirubin level
falls below 13 to 14 mg/dL.
18 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
Tips for delivering safe and effective phototherapy
yy Protect the eyes with eye patches/covers
yy Keep the baby naked with a small nappy to cover the genitalia
yy Place the baby as close to the lights as the manufacturers’ instructions allow.
yy Using white cloth or aluminum foil around the light source to reflect light back
onto the baby, making sure not to impede the airflow that cools the bulbs is
yy Do not place anything over the top of the phototherapy unit. This may block air
vents or light and items may fall on the baby
yy Giving frequent feeding will prevent excessive weight loss and temperature
from rising
# Important note
The guideline notes that there is no evidence to support the safe use of intermittent phototherapy at
moderate or high levels of serum bilirubin (mild hyperbilirubinemia defined as a total bilirubin level of up
to 12 mg/dL and high defined as levels above 20 mg/dL in full-term infants. Bilirubin levels between these
values indicated moderate hyperbilirubinemia)
Change tube lights every 6 months (or usage time >1200 hrs) whichever is earlier; or if tube ends blacken
or if tubes flicker. Life of Compact Fluorescent lamps is 3000 hours while that of LED bulbs is 30,000 to
50,000 hours.
Key Recommendations 19
Failure of phototherapy (22)
yy For those infants in the exchange or pre-exchange bilirubin zone, failure of
phototherapy has been defined as an inability to observe a decline in bilirubin
of 1-2 mg/dL after 4-6 hours and/or to keep the bilirubin below the exchange
transfusion level.
yy Exchange transfusion is recommended if the TSB rises to these levels despite
intensive phototherapy.
yy For readmitted infants, if the TSB level is above the exchange level,
repeat TSB measurement every 2 to 3 hours and consider exchange if
the TSB remains above the levels indicated after intensive phototherapy
for 6 hours. However, an exchange transfusion (ET) should be performed
at the slightest suspicion of bilirubin encephalopathy irrespective of the
bilirubin value.
20 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
2.3 Other modalities for management of hyperbilirubinemia (14)
Follow up (at 3 months and 18 months postnatal age) for formal development
yy Subsequent follow up of these neonates is 6 monthly (or more frequently (if the
developmental assessment mandates the same
yy Other follow up (for vaccination, growth and feeding can continue as for a
normal neonate)
Key Recommendations 21
2.4 What information and support should be given to parents/care
givers of babies with neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia?
Offer parents or care givers information about neonatal jaundice but should be
tailored to their needs and expressed concerns. This information should be provided
through verbal discussion backed up by written information whenever possible. (14)
22 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
yy Why phototherapy may be needed to treat significant hyperbilirubinaemia
yy Reassurance that short breaks for feeding, nappy changing and cuddles will not
alter course of jaundice and efficacy of phototherapy
yy Rebound jaundice
yy When it will be possible for parents or care givers to see and hold the baby after
the exchange transfusion.
yy When it will be possible for parents or carers to see and hold the baby after the
exchange transfusion.
Key Recommendations 23
Methodology of
Development of Guideline
A Task Force was constituted in December 2014 to guide the development of Standard
Treatment Guidelines (STG) in India for application in the National Health Mission. The
Task Force subsequently approved the draft STG development manual of India (Part 1) for
development of adapted guidelines. In addition, it approved a list of 14 topics recommended
by a subgroup of the task force appointed to select prioritized topics for STG development.
These 14 topics are from 10 clinical specialties for which the first set of STGs will be
developed. The topic of detection, management and prevention of hyperbilirubinemia in
term and late preterm newborn infants was dealt by the neonatology sub-group.
Patient participant
Declaration of interests
All the members of the GDG declare no conflict of interest.
Funding source
Scheduled review
We plan to update the STG every 3 years.
Step 1
We used the following search strategy: (“jaundice, neonatal”[MeSH Terms] OR
(“jaundice”[All Fields] AND “neonatal”[All Fields]) OR “neonatal jaundice”[All Fields] OR
(“neonatal”[All Fields] AND “jaundice”[All Fields])) AND guideline [ptyp]which revealed 16
26 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
citations of which six were relevant citations. Additional search revealed two additional
guidelines. In addition, we identified another guideline – by National Neonatology Forum,
India – by hand searching.
Step 2
We evaluated the technical quality and the process of development of these guidelines by
the AGREE-GRS instrument (http:// www.agreetrust.org)
We have adopted and/or adapted from existing evidence based guidelines (Neonatal
Jaundice, NICE 2010; updated May 2016, Clinical practice guideline ‘Subcommittee on
Hyperbilirubinemia for Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn Infant 35 or
More Weeks of Gestation’, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004, National Neonatology
Forum, India guidelines, 2010) and tried to make them relevant to our context, resource
settings and priorities
3. The Young Infants Clinical Signs Study Group. Clinical signs that predict
severe illness in children under age 2 months: a multicentre study. Lancet.
4. Burke BL, Robbins JM, Bird TM, Hobbs CA, Nesmith C, Tilford JM. Trends in
hospitalizations for neonatal jaundice and kernicterus in the United States,
1988–2005. Pediatrics. 2009;123:524–32.
5. Tomashek KM, Crouse CJ, Iyasu S, Johnson CH, Flowers LM. A comparison of
morbidity rates attributable to conditions originating in the perinatal period
among newborns discharged from United States hospitals, 1989–90 and 1999–
2000. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2006;20:24–34.
8. Amin SB, Smith T, Wang H. Is neonatal jaundice associated with autism spectrum
disorders: a systematic review. J Autism Dev Disord. 2011;41:1455–63.
References 29
9. Olusanya BO, Somefun AO. Sensorineural hearing loss in infants with
neonatal jaundice in Lagos: a community-based study. Ann Trop Paediatr.
10. Maulik PK, Darmstadt GL. Childhood disability in low- and middle-income
countries: overview of screening, prevention, services, legislation, and
epidemiology. Pediatrics. 2007;120Suppl 1:S1–55.
11. Olusanya BO, Ogunlesi TA, Kumar P, Boo NY, Iskander IF, Almeida DF,
Vaucher YE, and Slusher TM. Management of late-preterm and term infants
with hyperbilirubinaemia in resource-constrained settings. BMC Pediatr.
2015; 15: 39.
16. Olusanya BO, Ogunlesi TA, Slusher TM. Why is kernicterus still a major cause
of death and disability in low and middle-income countries? Arch Dis Child.
17. Bhutani VK, Johnson LH. Managing the assessment of neonatal jaundice:
importance of timing. Indian J Pediatr. 2000 Oct;67(10):733-7.
18. Bhutani VK, Cline BK, Donaldson KM, Vreman HJ. The need to implement
effective phototherapy in resource-constrained settings. Semin Perinatol.
19. Cline BK, Vreman HJ, Faber K, Lou H, Donaldson KM, Amuabunosi E, et al.
Phototherapy device effectiveness in Nigeria: irradiance assessment and
potential for improvement. J Trop Pediatr. 2013;59:321–5.
30 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants
20. Pejaver RK, Vishwanath J. An audit of phototherapy units. Indian J Pediatr.
21. Owa JA, Ogunlesi TA. Why we are still doing so many exchange blood transfusion
for neonatal jaundice in Nigeria. World J Pediatr. 2009;5:51–5.
References 31
Appendix - A
Appendix - A 33
S.No. Type of unit Principals Dealer Unit cost (Rs.)
D. Halogen bulb Datex-Ohmeda Phoenix 60,000-90,000
(Single; 150w; 21v) Olympic Rustagi Surgical
Hillrom Phoenix
E. Bili-Blanket Fibreoptic Ginevri Global Med 1,00,000-2,50,000
Bili BedTM Wallaby System
Medela Global Med.
Olympic System
Datex- Rohit Surgical
Ohmeda Rohit Surgical
Ibis medical Ibis medical
Principals Dealer
LED Shrichitra Shrichitra 40,000
Lullaby LED GE GE 60,000
LED high intensity spot Fanem Fanem 80,000
(Bilitron 3006/ Bilitron bed 5006/
Bilitron sky 5006)
LED high intensity spot Phoenix Phoenix 40,000
Sunshine LED SS technomed 40,000
Ibis medical Ibis Medical 50,000
34 Detection, Management and Prevention of Hyperbilirubinemia in Term and Late Preterm Newborn Infants