Airbus UTM Blueprint-1
Airbus UTM Blueprint-1
Airbus UTM Blueprint-1
The roadmap
for the safe
integration of
Karthik Balakrishnan A3 by Airbus | Head of Project, Altiscope
Joe Polastre A3 by Airbus | Head of Product, Altiscope
Jessie Mooberry A3 by Airbus | Head of Deployment, Altiscope
Richard Golding A3 by Airbus | Chief Architect, Altiscope
Peter Sachs A3 by Airbus | Safety and Risk Architect, Altiscope
The following individuals reviewed and provided feedback for this document.
We appreciate the time and contributions that improved this Blueprint.
Olivier Colaitis Airbus Defense and Space | Vice President, EU Relations
Bruno Darboux Airbus | Vice President, Systems General Engineering for Airbus
Isabel Del-Pozo-De-Poza Airbus Helicopters | Senior ATM/UTM Expert
Didier Delibes Airbus | Head of ATM Deployment, Leader of ATM Partnerships
Eduardo Dominguez Puerta Airbus | Senior Vice President of Urban Air Mobility
Julien Etaix Airbus Ventures | Investment Partner & Portfolio Manager
Robert Hoffman Metron Aviation | Vice President Research and Engineering
Robert Keele A3 by Airbus | General Counsel
John Kefaliotis Metron Aviation | President
Vanessa Kuroda A³ by Airbus | Altiscope Wireless and Communications Architect
Bruno Ley Airbus | Head of Systems Functions; Overall System Design Architect,
Architecture & Integration
Alfred Lief Airbus Defense and Space | Head of UAV Portfolio and Innovation, Global
Research and Technology Cooperation
Zach Lovering A3 by Airbus | Vahana Project Executive
Rodin Lyasoff A3 by Airbus | Chief Executive Officer
Philippe Masson ATM/UTM Innovation Team Leader | Airbus
Joerg P. Mueller Airbus | Urban Air Mobility Programs and Strategy
Alexandre Piot SESAR CLASS Project Coordinator | Airbus Defense and Space
Naresh Shah A3 by Airbus | Chief Operating Officer
Uma Subramanian Voom, an Airbus Company l CEO
Pascal Traverse Airbus | General Manager for the Autonomy Thrust, Chief Technology Office
About Airbus
Airbus is an international pioneer in the aerospace industry. The company is a leader in designing, manufacturing, and
delivering aerospace products, services, and solutions to customers on a global scale. Airbus aims for a better-connected,
safer, and more prosperous world.
About Altiscope
Altiscope plays a vital role in developing the architecture and systems to enable autonomous aircraft to fly safely
and efficiently. Altiscope is the UTM initiative of A3, the innovation outpost of Airbus.
Tom Enders
Airbus Chief Executive Officer
Look up!
uman flight has captivated our Such dramatic expansion is not
imaginations for thousands straightforward, however. How can these
of years. It was only when the aircraft be introduced safely? How can
Wright Brothers first took to they co-exist with each other—and with
the air in 1903, however, that future uses that have not even been in-
our collective dream became vented yet? And how can we make sure
real. Since then, aviation has that we manage that change? The an-
scaled at an unbelievable swers require redesigning airspace in a
pace, from those pioneer- way that enables innovation while also
ing days, to the jet age of the prioritizing high assurance.
1950s, to now. In 2017, more We have already seen the benefits
than 3.5 billion passengers that one flexible architecture—the Inter-
traveled by air3. That is a 10-fold increase net—made possible in the online world.
in 30 years. Now, at any given moment, And today, there are multiple proposals
there are over 1 million people airborne for modernizing airspace using digital
around the world2—more than the popu- systems. NASA’s UAS Traffic Manage-
lations of San Francisco or Stockholm. ment5 (NASA UTM) creates a framework
And it is only growing. for safely managing growing use of low-
The biggest surprise, though, is that altitude airspace.
we’re still just at the beginning of this rev- In Europe, the SESAR Joint Undertak-
olution. Change is happening faster than ing is developing U-space6, which is en-
anyone imagined, and the digital age is dorsed by the European Commissioner
speeding innovation up even more. for Transport, Violeta Bulc, and opens
Recent developments—in battery ca- the continental market for lower alti-
pacity, autonomy, and on-board technol- tude drone services and aircraft. RPAS
ogy—make new kinds of aircraft possible. are governed by a separate and parallel
These vehicles have new shapes, capa- framework with rules similar to manned
bilities, and operations, which our cur- aircraft.
rent airspace system was not designed to Both plans paint a picture of a decen-
handle. Smaller cargo drones can move tralized, coordinated network of services
packages faster and more efficiently to that safely open airspace to new and ex-
hospitals, offices, and homes. An emerg- citing uses. But NASA UTM and SESAR
eVTOL: Vehicles that can take
ing class of electric vertical take-off and U-space also leave open the implementa- off and land like a helicopter, but
landing (eVTOL) aircraft can transport tion details. For ease of reading, the term use electric or hybrid power. They
people around congested cities in min- UTM is used throughout this document may or may not use wings
utes instead of hours. These new vehicles to refer to the various proposals and sys- for cruise.
can fly higher—and lower—than ever be- tems around the world.
fore. And because prices will fall to a frac- Here is our contribution to moving NASA UTM: NASA’s UAS Traffic
tion of today’s air operations, they create aviation forward. This document lays out Management program started in
the potential for massive, wide-scale use. the information and the specifications 2014 in collaboration with the FAA
and other federal agencies7.
The digital age of aviation will change needed to implement an action plan. It
our skies. The number of flights will grow is an outline of how we can transform
SESAR Joint Undertaking:
by orders of magnitude4. The airports of airspace faster for the next generation of The technological pillar of
tomorrow will be all around us—in our aircraft. This is a Blueprint for the skies Europe’s Single European Sky
homes and our workplaces, on the roofs that will enable a new revolution in avia- initiative, coordinating and
of buildings, on top of delivery vans and tion—safely, efficiently, and fairly. concentrating all EU research
fire trucks. and development activities.
What is
oday, aircraft are guided In practice, this means aircraft are no
around the skies by air traffic longer forced to talk only to a single en-
controllers. Each controller is tity, such as an assigned air traffic con-
responsible for a sector, keep- troller. Instead, aircraft can communi-
ing aircraft safe by talking di- cate freely with their service suppliers of
rectly with pilots using radio choice, who are held to relevant safety,
communications. Estimates security, and performance standards by
show that the growth of com- the authorities and coordinate with the
mercial air traffic is already rest of the network to make efficient deci-
exceeding the capacity of a sions based on specific flight objectives.
human-centered system8— Human air traffic controllers, mean-
and that is only for human- while, will become airspace manag-
piloted flights. The expected growth of ers, focused on oversight, safety, and
unmanned and self-piloted operations security.
will increase traffic by several orders of UTM allows the same foundation to
magnitude. serve different needs in different geog-
To handle this dramatic growth, air raphies at different times. Regulators can
traffic management must shift to a more adapt requirements to match their local
scalable model: a digital system that can needs, and operators can select the pro-
monitor and manage this increased ac- viders they need to complete their mis-
tivity. That system is what we call Un- sions. Providers can create, update and
manned Traffic Management, or UTM. deploy their own services quickly. One
UTM is not a single, central system operator can choose to build, certify and
that mandates one way of operating for supply its own services, while another
everything. Instead, it is a framework. It may find the same services in a market-
is a networked collection of services that place. Providers will be responsible for
join together and understand each other, coordinating with each other10.
based on common rules. For unmanned applications to thrive,
UTM is built to enable future applica- many stakeholders must come together
tions. The challenge is designing a sys- to advance their respective domains. Ad-
UTM: UTM is the autonomous
tem that can remain relevant as technol- vances can be accomplished in phases, corollary to ATM, the existing Air
ogy progresses and market needs mature with each phase dependent on the previ- Traffic Management systems that
without knowing what that future will ous ones. As UTM shows positive results, are used to handle movement in
look like. Rather than relying on central- there may be technology sharing or in- aispace. The acronym ‘UTM’ is
ized control, UTM frameworks around creased integration with traditional ATM. widely used to describe a traffic
the world use the principle of distributed Pages 26 and 27 outline the blueprint for management system that will
authority9. This opens up the system to stakeholders. support self-piloting aircraft.
more service providers, who can adapt Several countries and trans-national
Distributed Authority: A system
as the market evolves and needs change. bodies have already adopted this over-
in which any individual actor is
Decentralization privatizes the cost of all approach as the foundation for their
able to make decisions and take
serving and adapting to market needs, own UTM implementations (see pages action based on information
while government regulators remain key 8-9). Each government has a slightly dif- and a set of agreed rules, rather
for ensuring that safety, access, and eq- ferent view on how authority should be than refer to a central authority
uity are maintained. distributed. for permission.
Vehicle to Vehicle
Vehicle to Ground
Ground to Ground
Helicopter Drone
Different Countries,
Similar Approaches
The underlying principles and approaches of
UTM schemes in development around the world
are very similar, even though each region uses
slightly different terminology and organization.
Each one consists of systems run by regulatory EUROPE — U-SPACE (SESAR)
authorities, independent service providers, data Key functions are provided by U-space
Service Providers (USP) which may be re-
providers, operators, and aircraft. quired to exchange certain information and
coordinate through a SWIM system. They
may also communicate with a U-space sys-
tem manager—similar to the Single Europe-
an Sky’s current network manager. This acts
as a centralized coordinator in a manner
much like NASA’s FIMS, as well as manages
traffic. Other providers are responsible for
non–safety–critical services, as well as data
on weather and terrain.
Drone: Aircraft
Status: The first USS have already been ap-
proved to provide Low Altitude Authoriza-
tion and Notification Capabilities (LAANC)
to operators who wish to fly unmanned mis-
sions following Part 107 rules in controlled
airspace near airports. Expanded capabili-
ties will extend the airspace available to
unmanned vehicles and permit
greater autonomy.
Drone: Aircraft
Drone: Aircraft
How Airspace
Will Expand
The primary users of airspace today are commercial jets
and general aviation. As technological advances take
hold, we need to open the skies—and our imaginations—
to many more possibilities.
Operators: Airbus Zephyr,
Google Loon
Manufacturers: Airbus, Boeing
Manufacturers: Cirrus, Diamond,
Organizations: EAA, AOPA,
Manufacturers: Bell, Sikorsky,
Robinson, Airbus, Leonardo,
MD Helicopters
Services: Uber Elevate, Blade,
Airbus Voom
Aircraft: Kitty Hawk Cora, Airbus
Vahana, CityAirbus, Aurora
eVTOL, Joby S4
Operators: Airbus Skyways,
Google Wing, Amazon Prime Air,
Zipline, SF Express
Manufacturers: DJI, Yuneec
The New
of Airspace
Future airspace will be full of drones, commercial aircraft, helicopters, and
more. It must be structured and managed to ensure safety, equitable access,
efficiency, and compatibility with future technology.
Here are the operating principles that will be needed in order to thrive.
1 3 6
Safety and Drones Must Airspace
Security are be Allowed to Must be
Paramount Self Pilot Accessible
Air traffic management systems are re- The commercial viability of drone and The rules for access to airspace must
sponsible for safely guiding physical air taxi operations depends on achieving be impartial, clear, and openly avail-
objects through airspace which carry economies of scale. Requiring a human able. Two identically-licensed operators
both people and cargo over populated to serve as an onboard or remote pilot should have equitable access. Equitable
areas and sensitive sites. That means the significantly limits economic feasibil- does not mean equal; it means that both
consequences of a dropped packet are far ity of drone businesses. This means that operators are evaluated by the same set
more severe in aviation than on the Inter- drones must be able to react to chang- of rules without bias. Clear rules incen-
net. Services like tracking, identification, ing conditions. Not all drones will be tivize and enable operators to either in-
and registration must be established rap- self-piloting, and self-piloting drones vest in added safety or select less risky
idly. However, the airspace will also be- will sometimes need human control. But mission profiles, depending on their
come more dense. That means these ser- they must be capable of adapting their business model and market. Excep-
vices must be quickly followed by those flight paths to ensure they can safely co- tions can be granted for government or
that provide active risk management, de- exist. military, but a level playing field is nec-
confliction, emergency alerts, and other essary for the market to support new
critical functions. Provisions must exist
for emergency and security response
4 entrants. The objective is to create the
greatest possible market opportunity
vehicles to rapidly access the airspace. through opening the airspace to new
Operators must be incentivized to invest Fleets Must players. Restrictions on airspace use,
in safety through airspace, process, and
service design. Safety, security, and the
be Able to such as no-fly zones based on aircraft
risk or capability, or air traffic manage-
integrity of the airspace against careless, Self-Manage ment decisions such as routing chang-
clueless, and criminal actors must always es, must be impartial to the operator or
be the top priority and considered at ev- aircraft. They may, however, favor or
To achieve scale and efficiency, opera-
ery step of design, testing, certification, disfavor based on aircraft capabilities
tors want to manage their own fleets.
and operation. or characteristics in the interest of
This includes flight planning, vehicle
ensuring safety or meeting societal de-
assignment, vehicle management, flight
sires such as vehicle noise limits.
dispatching, and fleet coordination. Ex-
amples include coordinated formation
flying, hovering near warehouses, and
2 fleet balancing. 7
Airspace Airspace
Must be 5 Must be
Shared Futureproof
Airspace Must
Unmanned aircraft will share airspace be Harmonized When the Internet was first created, a
with manned counterparts. A piloted Worldwide supercomputer in everyone’s pocket
passenger jet will share airspace, run- was science fiction. But the decentral-
ways, and taxiways with an unmanned ized and layered design of the Internet
cargo jet. Self-piloted air taxis will share Systems, vehicles, and technology built made it possible to create new and
airspace with helicopters. High altitude for one region will need to be interop- wildly different uses of the technology
drones will share airspace with super- erable with other regions. Incompatible without ever requiring the core archi-
sonic military jets. Airspace must be con- regulations, inconsistent procedures, tecture to be radically upgraded. Today
figured so that these can coexist—and it spectrum licensing, or vendor restric- Air Traffic Management is largely cen-
is vital that it is properly integrated.Ac- tions all force manufacturers and opera- tralized and will not be able to support
cess to airspace must be dependent on tors to adapt their products and services the volume and scope of operations we
equipage and performance, not mission. for each region. This can have significant know are coming, let alone the ones
Airspace reserved only for a single kind costs, and will reduce both the speed of that have not been invented yet. If we
of user is more complex, less flexible, innovation and the adoption of proven are going to design airspace manage-
and restricts what is possible in the fu- safety technology worldwide. Standard- ment to be useful and relevant as the
ture. For example, small drones will not ized rules and procedures encourage in- future is still developing, we need well-
routinely fly in the same areas as com- novation, maximize market potential, defined interfaces between decentral-
mercial aircraft. Commercial aircraft and speed up the adoption of autono- ized systems so they work together.
may sometimes make emergency ma- mous systems. Countries that choose to Governments and ANSPs will
neuvers through areas dense with drone adopt rules that are very different from need oversight and audit mechanisms
operations. Drones will need to adapt elsewhere may see their market under- for these distributed services and
their flight paths accordingly. served—or not served at all. their providers.
If autonomous aviation systems are going to reach their full potential, then
the rules under which aircraft fly, the way airspace is configured, and the
services that manage airspace must also adapt to incorporate autonomy.
The current approach, where one person is required to directly operate each
aircraft while traffic management is funneled through central points of con-
trol, makes it difficult to introduce new applications.
for Airspace
Drones Safety
Existing flight rules and airspace servic- The current air navigation system is
es limit or prevent drone flights. Drone largely organized around paths that trav-
traffic has a greater diversity of landing el between waypoints, increasingly de-
The current air traffic system locations: not just airports, but verti- fined ad-hoc in 3-D by satellites16. Drone
focuses primarily on flights ports and delivery platforms that could flights performing missions in lower
between airports, with airspace be on buildings, in backyards, and even density airspace could use free routing,
on vehicles. These landing locations are with fixed routes, corridors, or other
classes and procedures in place spread throughout a region rather than constructs to avoid conflicts, obstacles,
to guide fixed-wing pilots in concentrated at an airport—indeed, ev- or areas too dense for safe operation.
making control decisions. ery home could be a potential landing In high-traffic areas like urban centers,
site. The current system of approach airspace structure, infrastructure, and
Most aircraft climb away from and departure routes needs adapting for procedures may be required to enable
the ground as quickly as drones and helicopters. safe operations. A delivery warehouse,
possible, and only descend The in-flight phase can vary widely, for example, has many drones approach-
toward the ground on too. Infrastructure inspection and emer- ing and departing, requiring coordina-
gency response can involve hovering tion to operate safely. Procedures can
approach to a runway. near a ground location at a low altitude define a safe route through an otherwise
point. Agricultural missions involve sensitive space, such as crossing over
Helicopters have very different low-altitude flights back and forth over an airport. Other procedures can orga-
operations and the volume of a plot of land to measure soil or plant nize safe routes between buildings in an
conditions. New kinds of missions re- urban core, with special navigation aids
flights is relatively low, so they quire new kinds of traffic management. to ensure high-precision guidance in
operate in a unique space. complex environments.
As traffic over a region increases, airspace will become more disordered if it is not managed. Simulations run by Altiscope17 show that
increasing disorder leads to lower safety levels, including a loss of separation and increased collision rates. Ensuring safe operations
means employing routing strategies to keep the airspace ordered. Several routing strategies exist, each with their own tradeoffs between
freedom for the individual aircraft and amount of ordering it provides to the airspace. The most appropriate choice will depend on the
exact local criteria.
eVTOL Approved!
A corridor can be implemented in areas
of high demand or wherever a special
procedure or routing is needed to man-
age traffic flow and separation.
Each corridor has a control service
that governs and coordinates its use. A
drone must get clearance from the cor-
ridor’s control service to enter.
Corridors may have specific proce-
dures or rules to mitigate risk. An urban
corridor may require a specialized navi-
gation sensor, because GPS signals can
be degraded by nearby buildings and
multipath reflections. Similarly, there
may be groundspeed and endurance re-
quirements, limiting the types and ca-
pabilities of the aircraft which can enter.
Other corridors may be implemented for
aircraft with lesser equippage to traverse
an otherwise complex region.
Corridors are flexible enough that they
could take on the shape necessary to
safely and efficiently separate traffic—
such as cones, cylinders, tubes, or mul-
tiple connected tubes.
Over time, corridors may be replaced
by new constructs or eliminated entirely
with more sophisticated, high
assurance technology.
for Systems
Today’s Air Traffic Management systems to be different because of the radical in-
CENTRALIZED are complex and consist of many dif- crease in traffic density and the changes
ferent functions. They are provided in in vehicle performance, onboard auto-
Single entity provides for all
a one-to-many fashion, through a cen- mation, and sensing technology.
vehicles in an airspace.
tral entity such as a control center, and For example, while most commercial
the services are deployed en masse as a flights are planned in advance and fol-
monolithic system. Functions include low regular schedules, air taxi and cargo
the acceptance and approval or rejec- missions can be requested just minutes
tion of flight plans, tracking of aircraft, before takeoff. In urban environments,
providing guidance and separation ser- traffic densities will be far higher, with
vices to pilots, and handling emergency vehicles much closer to each other, and
HUB AND SPOKE situations. This approach works well for to obstacles20. The diversity of opera-
existing aviation needs, which are well tions means the traffic management sys-
Multiple entities exist in
defined and grow predictably. tem must be able to cope with aircraft
an airspace, but each vehicle
gets services from single entity.
New traffic management systems will that have radically different characteris-
perform many similar functions. Howev- tics sharing the same airspace.
er, the way these are delivered will need
In order to meet these needs, NASA ensure interoperability, and perform
Multiple providers exist for UTM, SESAR U-space, and Japan UTM audits.
most services, each aircraft can
all rely on a networked, microservice- A microservices approach does not
choose between entities.
oriented system architecture where ser- mean that all functions will be served by
vices are built and provided by multiple multiple players. Governments may op-
players. erate a services directory to ensure that
A microservice is a piece of software only microservices which meet applica-
built to conduct a single function. Mi- ble certification requirements are able to
croservices have well-defined interface operate. Others may operate a service to
PEER TO PEER / CLOSEST PEER and performance requirements, which ensure that all parties have an identical,
allow them to be added, removed, or up- real-time view of traffic.
No entity provides services, graded quickly. New microservices can The microservices approach is ex-
aircraft communicate locally be created and deployed as new require- tremely powerful because of its flexibil-
with nearest neighbors. ments are uncovered. These services ity. Regulators can adapt requirements
may be certified against a reference stan- to meet local needs. Operators can se-
dard by regulatory bodies and ANSPs de- lect the exact service providers that best
pending on function. Customers can se- serve their missions. And service provid-
lect the ones that best meet their needs. ers can quickly create, update, and de-
There may be multiple providers for ploy microservices, subject to certifica-
DISTRIBUTED any given microservice. For example, tion, where business opportunity arises.
there may be several traffic management Services in this architecture must
No entity provides services, service providers, each performing real meet the key principles outlined ear-
vehicles communicate globally and time tracking and deconfliction. A cargo lier—safe, automated, harmonized, ac-
directly, relative to flight plan. company with a large fleet may operate cessible, futureproof. The level of safety
a service that only manages their flights. and security must be equivalent to or
Other services would be available for better than the current air transport sys-
anyone to use as part of a marketplace. tem. It must also incentivize innovation
The authority would certify services, and safety.
GPS Spoofing and
Participating in controlled airspace re- be anticipated, strategic airspace man- overshadowing: Spoofing at-
quires two-way, real-time communica- agement adapts well. Tactical airspace tempts to fool a GPS receiver by
broadcasting incorrect GPS
tions on board all aircraft. The com- management, meanwhile, is effective at
signals. In the case of an
munications must be performant and avoiding near-term threats and keeping
overshadow attack, the false
secure. High bandwidth and low latency density lower. DAA is then a secondary signal is boosted to such levels it
is necessary to quickly and safely re- option, avoiding follow-on effects. drowns out the accurate data.
spond to threats. Performance-based re- Communications channels must be
quirements allow operators to equip the designed with security in mind to limit
best available technology and it incentiv- vulnerabilities such as spoofing of flight
izes market innovation. plans. Without this, malicious actors
Aircraft will also need to meet naviga- could potentially interrupt communica-
tion performance standards. Navigation tion between an aircraft and manage-
may be assisted by GPS, ground-based ment so that a flight cannot be tracked,
beacons, or other technology. Aircraft or compromise systems to give the air-
may need to maintain precise navigation craft false instructions. Communication
in areas like urban canyons, where mul- providers must also protect against mes-
tipath effects degrade traditional naviga- sage deletion through deliberate signal
tion accuracy. jamming or unintentional interference.
With traffic management services This may lead to unexpected or even
maintaining separation for managed unsafe congestion or misallocation of
drones, detect and avoid (DAA) is a back- resources. Protocols which ensure data
up. Simulations show that it works well integrity must be used to guard against
in low-density regions, while strategic deletion or injection attacks that modify
and tactical management work better at messages. GPS spoofing or overshad-
higher densities17. When there are more owing could be defended against with
than a few drones in a 2 square kilometer redundancy or cross-validation. Regula-
area traveling at 100 knots, DAA creates tors will be responsible for setting data
follow-on conflicts caused by the resolu- privacy requirements, as this will af-
tion of the first conflict. The safest solu- fect the solutions used to guard against
tion is a hybrid between management eavesdropping attacks.
and DAA. If dangerous conditions can
ATM-UTM Coordination
during Emergency Response Helicopter
Operator Operator/
Blueprint for
Aviation has a safety culture of continuous learning and improvement.
Pilots, controllers, and maintenance personnel are all part of the foundation
of safe operations. Expanding these principles to unmanned operations is
fundamental to future airspace safety.
Blueprint for
For unmanned applications to thrive, many stakeholders must come together to
advance their respective domains. Advances can be accomplished in phases, with
each phase dependent on the previous ones. This model was first proposed for
autonomous vehicles and mirrors SAE J3016A22.
Human pilots are responsible Computer systems assist human For routine flight, onboard au- Automation systems perform Supervisors monitor fleets Autonomous systems are
What Comes
his is the underlying reality of happen on all levels, on all tracks.
a future with autonomous air- These developments are why it is so
craft. Not only is airspace inte- important today to build in an apprecia-
gration possible or even prefer- tion for aviation cultures: the cultures of
able, it is entirely achievable. safety, of security, of access. Ensuring
Some parts of this Blueprint are that these foundational elements re-
complex and technical; others main in focus is a duty held by every par-
are intended to be illustrative. ticipant. We must be careful and apply
All of it, however, is meant to forethought.
be inspirational. This is a future Evolution in air traffic happens slow-
we can build together. ly, but it happens, and it is lasting. Take
But Blueprints like this are the introduction of radar services at
only one element in achieving change. individual airports with TRACON in
Crafting an airspace where traditional 1981; by the 2000s, it had morphed into
aviation and unmanned aircraft can consolidated operations that could serve
thrive requires a combination of pragma- dozens of airports from a single facility.
tism, cooperation, and action. The choices we make now will affect the
It also requires adapting to new de- world for generations to come.
velopments, only a fraction of which we Building the best possible version of
understand today. Some of these devel- the future requires imagination. Doing
opments are things we can predict and it properly demands collaboration. So
plan for. Others have yet to be invented, we ask you—whether you are a policy
or even conceived. We can say for cer- maker, a participant, or a stakeholder—
tain, though, that as the era of autonomy to join our community defining these de-
arrives, new technologies, new products, velopments, and shape how tomorrow’s
and new ideas will emerge. These will airspace will operate. The blueprint for
add to the uses of our airspace, while also a safe, efficient, and fair sky must be
improving it. New systems will reduce developed together.
risks or improve communications.
Fresh developments will increase
safety levels. Progress can—and will—
A Digital traffic management
services*, or traffic manager: N
Service provider: An organiza-
tion that offers a collection of
A service for assisting, organiz- services that manage aircraft in
Aircraft*: A device that is used or ing, and governing aircraft using NASA UTM: NASA’s UAS Traffic flight, including drones and self-
capable of controlled flight. digital means in the airspace. Management program started piloted aircraft. Compare to the
The service is responsible in 2015 in collaboration with the ICAO term Air Traffic Services24.
Air traffic management, ATM: for preventing collisions and FAA and other federal agencies.
The existing system for managing maintaining orderly flow. Com- SESAR Joint Undertaking:
or controlling manned aircraft; pare with the ICAO term The technological pillar of
includes Air Traffic Control (ATC) Air Traffic Services24. Europe’s Single European Sky
services. initiative, coordinating and
Operator*: The person or concentrating all EU research and
Autopilot*: An automated system organization that sets a mission development activities.
that directly operates an aircraft. for a drone, provides oversight
eVTOL*: Electric or hybrid-elec- of the drone in flight, and takes Supervisor*: A person (onboard
full responsibility for safety accurate data. be a many-to-one relationship
and routing. where one supervisor oversees
Owner: The person or organiza- multiple aircraft.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight, Fleet supervisor: A person or tion that owns the aircraft and is
BVLOS: Operation of a drone automated system that manages responsible for maintaining its System Wide Information
beyond the visual line of sight of flight plans, aircraft assignments, airworthiness. Management, SWIM: The FAA’s
a remote pilot or observer. Com- and performs business opti- System Wide Information Man-
pare VLOS (Visual Line of Sight). mizations. The fleet supervisor agement Program to implement
dispatches aircraft with a flight a set of Information Technology
service that that has authority that an aircraft expects to follow authoritative service to coordi-
for a specific corridor to while in flight. nate digital traffic services. This is
safely manage the flow in, out, or implemented and operated under
through the corridor. Regulator, regulatory agency: the auspices of government
The singular organization that has regulatory agencies. Scope will
ation of virtual boundaries in the organization’s delegates (such as
Detect and avoid: A system airspace which constrain a drone, an ANSP).
which allows aircraft to spot either to stay within its limits, or
obstacles or dangers and take remain outside them. UAS Traffic Management: A
action to avoid collision without networked collection of services
human intervention. This can GPS spoofing: An attempt to fool that work together to safely direct
happen through sensors on other a GPS receiver by broadcasting Safety culture: The aviation self-piloted air traffic based on
aircraft or on the ground, which incorrect GPS signals. industry focuses intensely on common rules.
send an alert to the endangered safety as a priority, including a
aircraft. Or it may occur when conservative approach to op- Unmanned aerial system, UAS:
the autonomous vehicle itself erations, from task checklists to A system that comprises the
senses a problem and takes open communications. flying vehicle, communications
action on its own. Local authority: A government or link and any ground infrastruc-
equivalent organization that has Self-piloted aircraft*: An aircraft ture, such as a handheld remote
Distributed authority: A system authority to set policy and restric- whose flight path is managed ex- control unit or a computer that
in which any individual actor is tions on land and airspace usage clusively by an autopilot without sends commands to the vehicle.
able to make decisions and take within a local area. the need for a pilot.
action based on information
and a set of agreed rules, rather Separation: The minimum safe
than refer to a central authority distance required between air-
for permission. craft, set by standards Visual Line of Sight, VLOS:
Managed aircraft*: An aircraft or regulation. Operation of a drone within visual
Drone: An aircraft without a flying a managed flight under line of sight of a remote pilot
human pilot on board; includes the guidance of a digital traffic Service: The abstract provision or observer. The remote pilot
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) management service. of a function related to drone must be able to see the drone
and remotely-piloted flight, provided to one or more sufficiently well to have continu-
aircraft (RPA). Managed flight: A category of stakeholders. For self-piloted or ous awareness of its location,
flights (or segment of a flight) managed services, much but heading, and status, as well as
where the path is controlled by a not all of the function is the drone’s environment in order
traffic management service which provided digitally. to avoid other aircraft, structures,
also provides separation services. and terrain.
in Paris will
IATA, “2036 Forecast Reveals Air Passengers Will
increase by
World Bank, “Air Transport, Passengers Carried” https://
NASA, “UAS Traffic Management (UTM)“ 156
SESAR, “U-space” 80
NASA, “Enabling Low-Altitude Airspace and UAS Opera- UAM
FlightAware, 2,500
FAA, “LAANC Concept of Operations”
CAAC, “UOMS in China” 0
Global UTM Association, “UTM Project in Japan”
FAA, “Know Before You Fly” 16,667
PostEurop, “Facts & Figures”
ESA, “What is EGNOS”
Altiscope, “TR-004: Metrics to Characterize Dense Air-
space Traffic”
Altiscope, “Collision Events in a Big Sky” 0
EUROCONTROL, “Free Route Airspace”
EUROCONTROL, “ACAS Safety Studies, 2004” http://
SAE International, “Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms
Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road
Motor Vehicles” 44
Altiscope, “Volume Estimation Tool”
copevolumetool 2018 2035
ICAO, “ICAO Annex 11” Source: Based on Altiscope
cations/Annex-11/ drone volume model23.