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Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise

Article · January 2016


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1 author:

Mohammed Abou Elmagd

RAK Medical and Health Sciences University


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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health 2016; 3(5): 22-27

P-ISSN: 2394-1685
E-ISSN: 2394-1693
Impact Factor (ISRA): 5.38
Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise
IJPESH 2016; 3(5): 22-27
© 2016 IJPESH
Mohammed Abou Elmagd
Received: 07-07-2016
Accepted: 08-08-2016 Abstract
Regular Physical activity and exercise can help you stay healthy, energetic and independent as you get
Mohammed Abou Elmagd older. Exercise play avital role in preventing health diseases and stroke. The health benefits of doing
Senior Executive Sports, regular Exercise have been shown in many studies. This paper review the evidence of the benefits of
Student Affairs, Physical exercise for all the body systems. Physical activity and exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, boost
Activity department, Ras Al
happy chemicals, improve self-confidence, increase the brain power, sharpen the memory and increase
Khaimah Medical and Health
Sciences University, RAK,
our muscles and bones strength. It also helps in preventing and reducing heart disease, obesity, blood
11172, United Arab Emirates sugar fluctuations, cardiovascular diseases and Cancer.

Keywords: sports, need, exercise, benefits, physical activity, importance

1. Introduction
Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require
energy expenditure. The term “Physical activity” is not equal to “exercise”. Exercise is a
subcategory of physical activity which is structured, repetitive, and purposeful [1]. “A sound
body has a sound mind” It means that if a person is weak, dull, and sick, he is not able to do
his work efficiently and quickly. It is very important to have a fresh mind before any work,
like office work, study or some creative work. The people who make exercise as essential part
of their routine are more happy and efficient than others. Exercise does not mean to go to gym
or some club for daily activity; it only means to do some physical activity no matter how and
where. Exercise is useful in preventing or treating coronary heart disease, osteoporosis,
weakness, diabetes, obesity, and depression. Strengthening exercises provide appropriate
resistance to the muscles to increase endurance and strength. Cardiac rehabilitation exercises
are developed and individualized to improve the cardiovascular system for prevention and
rehabilitation of cardiac disorders and diseases. A well-balanced exercise program can
improve general health, build endurance, and slow many of the effects of aging. The benefits
of exercise not only improve physical health, but also enhance emotional well-being. Regular
physical activity remains an essential behavior for endorsing health, postponing or preventing
predominant musculoskeletal disorders such as mechanical low back pain, neck and shoulder
pain and decreasing the risk of increasing coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes,
osteoporosis, obesity and colon cancers [2, 3]. The period of adolescence represents the
transition from childhood to adulthood and lifetime habits such as regular exercise are
normally begun at this time [4]. But unfortunately research indicated that physical activity rates
decline consistently during the adolescent years [5, 6]. No matter what your age or shape, you
should exercise daily. Not only does exercise so you can wear your favorite dress, it
strengthens your muscles, keeps your bones strong, and improves your skin, increased
relaxation, better sleep and mood, strong immune function, and more. Daily exercise helps in
strengthening of heart muscles. It helps maintain desired cholesterol levels. Daily physical
activity reduces one’s chances of stroke and the risk of heart disease. Regular exercise lowers
Correspondence blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Exercise helps in reduction of excess body
Mohammed Abou Elmagd weight leading to lower blood pressure. Exercise results in the burning of calories. If
Senior Executive Sports, supplemented with proper nutrition, exercise is the way to prevent obesity. Any healthy person
Student Affairs, Physical may become unfit physically if he does not practice exercise regularly. The efficiency of our
Activity department, Ras Al
Khaimah Medical and Health
muscles reduces if we are not doing regular physical workout. So we must do physical fitness
Sciences University, RAK, exercises every day. Exercise is linked with many physical and physiological benefits that help
11172, United Arab Emirates
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health

an individual to function effectively and feel good. Exercise resistance training, can firm, strengthen, and tone muscles,
provides an entertaining way to spend enjoyable time. People as well as improve bone strength, balance, and
of all age who are usually inactive can improve their health coordination. Examples of strength moves are push-ups,
and well-being by becoming active at a level of moderate lunges, and bicep curls using dumbbells. Anaerobic
intensity in daily basis. Regular Exercise significantly reduces exercise also include weight training, functional training,
the high blood pressure, risk of developing heart disease, eccentric training, Interval training, sprinting, and high-
stroke, some cancers, diabetes, and may help to remove the intensity interval training increase short-term muscle
stress, anxiety, and depression. At any age, being physically fit strength [9].
is an advantage to your overall health.
3.6 According to the intensities of the exercise it can also
2. Exercise divided to three categories, heart Rate is typically used as a
Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, measure of exercise intensity [10]. Heart rate can be an
structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any indicator of the challenge to the cardiovascular system that
part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain the exercise represents [11, 12].
fitness and is important as a means of physical rehabilitation.  Light exercise: Does not induce sweating unless it's a hot,
Also we can define exercise as any bodily movement humid day. There is no obvious change in breathing
performed in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and patterns, sleeping, writing, desk work, typing, very slow
overall health. walking, are examples for the first category.
 Moderate exercise: It should raise your heart rate, make
3. Types of exercise you breathe faster and make you feel warm enough to start
Exercise and physical activity fall into four basic categories— to sweat after performing the activity for about 10
endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Most people have minutes. Breathing becomes deeper and more frequent.
a habit of to focus on one activity or type of exercise and think You can carry on a conversation but not sing, bicycling,
they're doing enough for their health. Each type of exercise is very light effort, calisthenics, home exercise, light or
different, however, doing them all will give you extra benefits. moderate effort are examples for the second one.
Mixing it up also helps to reduce boredom and stop the  Vigorous exercise: will make you breathe hard, increase
possibility of injury. your heart rate significantly and make you hot enough to
sweat profusely after 3-5 minutes. Breathing is deep and
3.1 Endurance rapid. You can only talk in short phrases, the examples for
Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and this type include running, jogging, jogging in place,
heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system calisthenics (e.g. pushups, sit-ups, pullups, jumping
healthy and improve your overall fitness. Building your jacks), heavy vigorous effort, rope jumping.
endurance makes it easier to carry out many of your everyday
activities. Walking or jogging, mowing, raking, digging and 4. Need of Exercise
Dancing are kinds of this type. Everybody knows that the need of exercise in our daily lives,
but we may not know why or what exercise can do for us.
3.2 Strength Exercise means, the daily practice of doing some physical
Strength exercises make your muscles stronger. Even small work. Exercise is the key to good health and fresh mind [13].
increases in strength can make a big difference in your ability. The daily practice of some physical work does not mean to
We can find this type of exercise in Lifting weights, using a take stress on body, but it is actually the stress relieving
resistance band with your own body weight. activity. A good health is obligatory for doing a good work. A
famous quote is there is awesome evidence that people who
3.3 Balance lead active lifestyles are less likely to suffer from illness and
Balance exercises help prevent falls, a public problem in older more likely to live longer. Exercise not only makes you
adults. Many lower-body strength exercises also will improve physically fitter but it also improves your mental health and
your balance. This type can be noticeable in Standing on one general sense of well-being. Getting fit is not just about
foot, Heel-to-toe walk and Tai Chi. running on a treadmill for hours in your local gym, it can be a
dance class or a new hobby like fencing or mountain biking. It
3.4 Flexibility could be a group or team activity like football or a karate class.
Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your Whatever form of exercise you choose, you’ll practically
body stay limber. Being flexible gives you more freedom of certainly meet new people and may make new friendships.
movement for other exercises as well as for your everyday These recommendations can be achieved through 30-60
activities. Some examples for that in Shoulder and upper arm minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (five times a week) or
stretch, Calf stretch and Yoga. 20-60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise (three times a
week) or a combination of both types. One continuous session
3.5 Depending on the overall effect on the human body combined with multiple shorter sessions (of at least 10
Physical exercises can be generally grouped into two types: [7] minutes) is also acceptable [14].
 Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that uses large
muscle groups and causes the body to use more oxygen 5. Importance of Exercise
than it would while resting. The goal of aerobic exercise is Each one of us has a physical body made of muscles, blood,
to increase cardiovascular endurance [8]. Examples of bones and various other living tissue. When any of these are
aerobic exercise include cycling, swimming, brisk injured or not working properly then we get ill. Nobody likes
walking, skipping rope, rowing, hiking, playing tennis, to be ill. So, it is important that we keep our body healthy and
continuous training, and long slow distance training. fit. Exercising the body is one way of keeping it healthy. If we
 Anaerobic exercise, which includes strength and do not exercise then our muscles become weaker and we are
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health

less able to do things properly. Also the bones can become quality sleep helps improve overall wellness and can reduce
weaker and thus break easily. It is performed for various stress. Regarding anxiety, the warm and chemicals that are
reasons, including increasing growth and development, released during and after any physical exercise can help people
preventing aging, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular with anxiety disorders calm down [26]. Jumping on the track or
system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and treadmill for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise
merely enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise can reduce anxiety sensitivity [27].
boosts the immune system and helps prevent "diseases of
affluence" such as cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes, and obesity 6.2 Boost happy chemicals
[15, 16]
. It may also help prevent stress and depression, increase Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of
quality of sleep and act as a non-pharmaceutical sleep aid to happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can
treat diseases such as insomnia, help promote or maintain even improve symptoms among the clinically depressed [28].
positive self-esteem, improve mental health, maintain steady For this reason, doctors recommend that people suffering from
digestion and treat constipation and gas, regulate fertility depression or anxiety. In some cases, exercise can be just as
health, and augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, effective as antidepressant pills in treating depression. Higher
which has been found to be linked with higher levels of self- energy levels resulting from exercise help a person in
esteem [17, 18]. Childhood obesity is a growing global concern, remaining fresh and happy. Following a suitable exercise
and physical exercise may help decrease some of the program can add some fun and brightness to the day. Working
effects of childhood and adult obesity. Some care providers out for just 30 minutes a few times a week can instantly boost
call exercise the "miracle" or "wonder" drug—alluding to the overall mood.
wide variety of benefits that it can provide for many
individuals [20, 21]. 6.3 Improve self-Confidence and self-Image
In the United Kingdom two to four hours of light activity are Physical fitness can boost self-esteem and improve positive
recommended during working hours [22]. This includes walking self-image. Regardless of weight, size, gender, or age, exercise
and standing. In the United States, the CDC/ACSM consensus can quickly elevate a person's perception of his or her
statement and the Surgeon General's report states that every attractiveness, that is, self-worth [29]. It has been proved that in
adult should participate in moderate exercise, such as walking, less time of aerobic exercise and resistance training method
swimming, and household tasks, for a minimum of 30 minutes definitely will help to improve self-image [30]. One of the latest
daily [23]. research was in consistency with most of the previous studies
which found significant relationship between physical activity
6. Benefits of Exercise and self-esteem by using different study designs and self-
Regular exercise makes the heart stronger and the lungs fitter, esteem scales. This finding can be considered to recommend
enabling the cardiovascular system to deliver more oxygen to increased physical activity participation for college student
the body with every heartbeat and the pulmonary system to who face self-esteem problems [31]. Even if you will take your
increase the maximum amount of oxygen that the lungs can workout outside and start Exercising in the great outdoors can
take in. Exercise lowers blood pressure, slightly decreases the also increase self-esteem even more [32].
levels of total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
(the bad cholesterol), and increases the level of high-density 6.4 Increase brainpower
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the good cholesterol). These Various studies on mice and men have shown that
helpful effects decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (aka
coronary artery disease. In addition, colon cancer and some neurogenesis) and improve overall brain performance [33].
forms of diabetes are less likely to occur in people who Studies suggest that a vigorous workout increases levels of a
exercise regularly [24]. Exercise makes muscles stronger, brain-derived protein (known as BDNF) in the body, believed
allowing people to do tasks that they otherwise might not be to help with decision making, higher thinking, and learning [34].
able to do or to do them more easily. Every physical task
requires muscle strength and some degree of range of motion 6.5 Sharpen memory
in joints. Regular exercise can improve both of these qualities. Regular physical activity increases memory and ability to learn
Exercise stretches muscles and joints, which in turn can new things. Getting sweaty increases production of cells in
increase flexibility and help prevent injuries. Exercise may hippocampus responsible for memory and learning [35]. For this
also improve balance by increasing strength of the tissues reason, research has linked children’s brain development with
around joints and throughout the body, thus helping to prevent level of physical fitness, but exercise-based brainpower isn’t
falls. Weight-bearing exercise, such as brisk walking and just for kids, regular exercise can boost memory among adults,
weight training, strengthens bones and helps prevent too. A study showed that running sprints improved vocabulary
osteoporosis. Other health benefits include the following: retention among healthy adults [36].

6.1 Reduce stress and anxiety 6.6 Improves muscles and bones strength
Stress relief is one of the most common mental benefits of Exercise involves a series of sustained muscle contractions, of
exercise. Regular Exercise can help to manage physical and either long or short duration, depending on the nature of the
mental stress. Exercise also increases concentrations of physical activity. Muscle-strengthening activities can help you
norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength. Strong
response to stress. Being active greatly causes a reduction in muscles and ligaments reduce your risk of joint and lower
tress levels. Aerobic and anaerobic physical training helpful back pain by keeping joints in proper alignment. Additionally,
for overall health. Study suggests that 30 Minutes Exercise for with exercise improvements to the circulatory and respiratory
5 or more days in a week, it helps in lowering the desperation systems can facilitate better delivery of oxygen and glucose to
and mental stress [25]. On the other hand Physical activity the muscle [37]. Research shows that doing aerobics bone-
makes you more tired so you’re more ready to sleep. Good strengthening physical activity of at least a moderately-intense
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health

level can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age, United States, breast and colon cancer [43].
along with that hip fracture is a serious health condition that Many people exercise to prevent heart disease, but exercise
can have life-changing negative effects, especially if you're an can also play a key role in preventing and reducing the danger
older adult. But research shows that people who do 120 to 300 of many cancers. It is estimated that 30 to 60 minutes of
minutes of at least moderate-intensity aerobic activity each moderate to vigorous physical activity per day is needed to
week have a lower risk of hip fracture [38]. protect against colon cancer, endometrial cancer and lung
cancer [44, 45]. Most studies suggest that 30 to 60 minutes per day
6.7 Reduce the Risk of Heart Diseases of moderate- to high-intensity physical activity is associated
The heart is a muscle and needs exercise to stay in shape. with a reduction in breast cancer risk also, there is one recent
When it's exercised, the heart can pump more blood through study suggested that regular vigorous activity could slow the
the body and continue working at optimal efficiency with little progression of prostate cancer in men age 65 or older [46].
strain. This will likely help it to stay healthy longer. Regular
exercise also helps to keep arteries and other blood vessels 7. Conclusion
flexible, ensuring good blood flow and normal blood pressure. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter but it also
Daily exercise helps in strengthening of heart muscles. It helps improves your all body health and general sense of well-being.
maintain desired cholesterol levels. Daily physical activity Physical activity or exercise can reduce the risk of developing
reduces one’s chances of stroke and the risk of heart disease. several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), disease. Daily exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, boost
exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week will improve happy chemicals, improve self-confidence, increase the brain
your heart health and help reduce your risk of heart disease. power, sharpen the memory and increase our muscles and
You can even break it up into quick and manageable 10- bones strength. Physical activity and exercise can have
minute sessions, three times a day [39]. immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly,
regular activity can improve your quality of life. A minimum
6.8 Preventing Obesity of 30 minutes a day can allow you to enjoy these benefits.
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and some cancers [40]. Obesity is a significant health problem their Valuable support and contribution.
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