Topographical Surveys

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Transport for London

London Underground

Category 1 Standard

1-026 Topographical
Surveys and Mapping

Issue date: March 2011

Issue No.: A2 Review date: March 2016

Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

1 Purpose ______________________________________________________________________ 3
2 Scope _______________________________________________________________________ 3
3 Requirements _________________________________________________________________ 3
3.1 London Survey Grid and datum ______________________________________________ 3
3.2 Ordnance Survey mapping _________________________________________________ 6
3.3 Topographical surveys _____________________________________________________ 7
3.4 Digital tunnel outline maps __________________________________________________ 9
3.5 Information management __________________________________________________ 11
3.6 Evidence of compliance ___________________________________________________ 11
4 Responsibilities _______________________________________________________________ 11
5 Supporting information _________________________________________________________ 12
5.1 Background ____________________________________________________________ 12
5.2 Safety considerations _____________________________________________________ 12
6 Reference Section _____________________________________________________________ 12
6.1 References _____________________________________________________________ 12
6.2 Abbreviations ___________________________________________________________ 12
6.3 Definitions _____________________________________________________________ 13
6.4 Technical content manager ________________________________________________ 14
6.5 Document history ________________________________________________________ 14
7 Attachments _________________________________________________________________ 15
7.1 London Survey Grid Scale Factors __________________________________________ 15
7.2 British National Grid (OSGB36) to London Survey Grid transformation blocks _________ 16
7.3 Factors for conversion between London Survey Grid and British National Grid ________ 17
7.4 London Survey Grid to JLE grid transformation block ____________________________ 18
7.5 Factors for conversion between London Survey Grid and JLE grids _________________ 19
7.6 Primary Control Survey Stations ____________________________________________ 20
7.7 Form to request the supply of Ordnance Survey digital data _______________________ 21
7.8 Typical items for inclusion in a model survey specification ________________________ 22
7.9 Survey station records ____________________________________________________ 24
7.10 Sample survey reference box ______________________________________________ 26
7.11 The Ordnance Survey Contractor Licence Agreement ___________________________ 27

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

1 Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for and the procedures for
performing and recording topographical surveys and to define the controls on the use
of Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping.

2 Scope
2.1 The scope of this standard is to define:

a) the requirements for topographical surveys and mapping performed by LU and

its Suppliers surveying LU fixed assets;
b) the requirements for topographical surveys and mapping for projects promoted
by LU or its Suppliers on land and assets not currently owned by LU and;
c) the procedures to control the use of OS mapping and other OS survey products
that are licensed to LU.
2.2 This standard replaces 1-026 A1

3 Requirements

3.1 London Survey Grid and datum

3.1.1 London Survey Grid (LSG) definition All topographical survey and mapping work shall be reported on the London Survey

Note: The London Survey Grid is a Transverse Mercator Projection with parameters chosen
to minimise grid distortion caused by the Earth’s curvature over the LU area. The
distortion is such that for large portions of the area projection corrections can be
ignored. The Grid was formerly known as the LU Grid, the LUL Grid or the Crossrail

A network of primary survey stations with London Survey Grid co-ordinates has been
established across London. LSG height datum shall be used. The LSG height datum level is set at approximately
100m below OS Datum at Newlyn.

Note: The LSG height datum is an orthometric height datum chosen to provide positive
values for areas of interest to LU. This datum is realised by the network of OS
benchmarks that have been connected by spirit levelling to LU survey control points. .
In areas that will interface with Crossrail projects the Crossrail First Order benchmarks
should be used. Trials in 2009 indicated that GPS survey heights can be transformed
using the Ordnance Survey Geoid Model 2002 (OSGM02), plus the 100m shift, to
produce acceptable LSG Height Datum values

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

The London Survey Grid is defined by the following parameters:

Parameter Value
Spheroid WGS 84
Semi major axis 6,378,137.000m
Semi minor axis 6,356,752.3142m
1/f (f = earth’s flattening) 298.25722356300
e 0.00669437999013
Datum Xrail84 *
Projection Transverse Mercator
Central meridian W000°-09’-30”
Latitude of true origin N051°-10’-00”
Easting of true origin/ central meridian 78,250.000m
Northing of true origin -2,800.000m
Central meridian scale factor 0.9999999
 Xrail84 * = Datum as derived by the Crossrail project in 1984.

3.1.2 Grid computation Distances shall be reduced to the WGS 84 spheroid. The London Survey Grid scale factors given in Attachment 7.1 shall be used.

3.1.3 Relationships between London Survey Grid and other grids Ordnance Survey grid (also known as the British National Grid or OSGB36) The formulae in Tables 1 and 2 in Attachment 7.3 shall be used for conversion of OS
mapping to and from London Survey Grid within the areas shown in Attachment 7.2.
These formulae are accurate to a commensurate standard as the OS mapping ie +/-
400mm. To obtain more precise conversions of existing survey information held on the OS grid
a local best fit formula shall be derived from the nearest primary or other common
survey control stations. JLE grid

The formulae in Tables 3 and 4 in Attachment 7.5 shall be used for conversion of JLE
digital data to and from London Survey Grid within the areas shown in Attachment 7.4.

Note: Automation of conversion. LU holds a grid converter utility designed to convert

MicroStation 2D and 3D design files from one co-ordinate system to another. It will
change a file’s scale, rotation, location, working units and global origin.

3.1.4 Control surveys Primary Control stations consist of the original control points that were used as a basis
for the Crossrail and Earth Structures Projects and were confirmed by the 2002 re-
observation programme. These are considered to be permanent points in long term
stable locations. The co-ordinate values shall not be changed without an amendment
to this standard. These surveys have been computed as a single coherent system
known as the London Survey Grid based on WGS84. Transformation parameters have
been established to the National Grid (OSGB36). In 2002 a re-observation program
was carried out by LU which proved the consistency of the original work and
established transformation parameters to ETRS89. Further analysis by Prof Marek

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

Ziebart of University College London in April 2009 confirmed the transformation

parameters. The list of Primary control points is included as Attachment 7.6

Note: Primary Control Surveys have been carried out for the Crossrail Project and the LU
Earth Structures Project. Secondary control points consist of control schemes that are based on Primary control
and have been adjusted by a rigorous method. These control points shall be
permanent points in long term stable locations. The co-ordinate values may be varied
as a result of re-observation and re-computation. Such variations shall only be
introduced after the LU Land Survey Manager has notified all parties that have
received a controlled issue of this information and no objections have been raised.
Secondary control points shall be the minimum requirement for surveys in project
interface areas. Third order control points consist of control schemes that are based on any
combination of Primary, Secondary or Third Order control and have been adjusted by
a rigorous method. The control points shall be established to be durable and stable for
the duration of the project. The project surveyor may only vary the co-ordinate values
as a result of re-observation and re-computation in which case the point will be re-
numbered. The LU Land Survey Manager shall distribute revised values to parties that
have received a controlled issue of this information. Fourth order control points consist of control schemes that are based on any
combination of Primary, Secondary or Third Order control. The control points may be
in situation where the durability or stability is doubtful or where conditions have
prevented a rigorous regime of observation and computation. The project surveyor
may vary the co-ordinate values as a result of re-observation and re-computation. The
LU Land Survey Manager shall not further distribute this information.

3.1.5 GPS and ETRS89

The following Seven Parameter Transformation shall be used when converting
ETRS89 data onto the London Survey Grid based on the Geoid model OSGM02

Method Seven Parameter

Rotation about x axis -0°00'03.577824"
Rotation about y axis 0°00'03.484437"
Rotation about z axis 0°00'02.767646"
Translation along x axis 19.019m
Translation along y axis 115.122m
Translation along z axis -97.287m
Scale factor (PPM) 18.60847540

Note: The convention used for the rotations is that a positive rotation acts in a clockwise
sense as viewed along the rotation axis looking towards the origin. Checks should be
made to ensure that this notation is used correctly.

Note: GPS has been used to establish the entire primary control network, and is now
routinely used for survey work. The transformation parameters between London
Survey Grid and ETRS89 allow the use of recorded base station data from the
National GPS Network service.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

3.2 Ordnance Survey mapping

3.2.1 Supply of data LU shall supply OS data for use on projects related to LU infrastructure and
operations. LU departments and suppliers wishing to obtain OS digital data and copyright licensing
shall contact the LU Land Survey Data Manager. Requests shall be submitted in the form given in Attachment 7.7 Suppliers shall enter into a Contractor Licence Agreement with the LU Land Survey
Data Manager and abide by the copyright conditions as described in the Appendix 1
Licensed Use of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) Member Licence. The
current form of Contractor Licence Agreement and copyright conditions are to be found
in Attachment 7.11. The recipient of data issued by LU shall acknowledge receipt within 10 working days. The LU Land Survey Data Manager shall maintain records of requests for OS data and
issue data in a controlled manner.

Note: LU has a licence for the business use of OS digital data, which falls under the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. Failure to comply with this procedure could lead
to an infringement of Crown copyright which is a criminal offence under the Act, and
would also lead to the loss of LU’s licence and expose the company to civil
proceedings for damages.

3.2.2 Copyright requirements LU is a party to the TfL member licence to use OS data under the PSMA for the supply
and use of digital data and licensing of copyright works. Users of OS data shall abide by the terms of the agreement which shall be for Internal
Business Use (including display and promotion) and limited internet applications only.

Note: There is a Public Sector Mapping Agreement between the DCLG and OS for the
supply of OS mapping data to all public bodies. LU receives data licensed under this
agreement through TfL. The Public Sector Mapping Agreement, which may be varied
from time to time, at present, includes the provision of the products listed in table
below. Additional products are now made available free to use known as OS Open
Data. All products are available free of charge and can be supplied as national

The Public Sector Mapping Agreement, which may be varied from time to time, at
present, covers the provision of the following:

PSMA data Product Update Cycle Notes

MasterMap; Topography On Line, Change only
MasterMap; Integrated On Line, Change only
Transport Network inc. update
Road Routing
1:10,000 Raster Annual, Change only update To be withdrawn in 2013
1:50,000 Raster Annual, Change only update

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

PSMA data Product Update Cycle Notes

Address-Point Quarterly To be replaced by National
Address Gazetteer in 2011
Code Point Quarterly
Code Point with 6 Monthly
1:25,000- Raster Annual
Vector Map Local Annual
OpenData Product Update Cycle Notes
1:50,000 Scale Annual, Change only update
1:250,000 Colour Raster Annual
Boundary-Line 6 Monthly
Code-Point Open Quarterly
Land-Form Panorama Not Maintained
Meridian 2 6 Monthly
MiniScale Annual
OS Locator 6 Monthly
Strategi Annual
Vector Map District Not specified
Street View 6 Monthly, Change only

3.3 Topographical surveys

3.3.1 The Supplier shall appoint a Survey Co-ordinator / Project Manager

3.3.2 The Supplier shall advise the LU Land Survey Manager of the nominated Survey Co-
ordinator/Project Manager.

3.3.3 The Supplier’s Survey Co-ordinator shall prepare and promote model specifications for
the various types of survey carried out.

Note: The following surveys are typically used:

 Land surveys;
 Building surveys:
 Un-connected survey – Using simple methods which do not enable one part of the
survey to be related to another, this would not normally be acceptable for LU work;
 Semi-connected survey – One floor (normally the ground floor) is surveyed with all
parts connected by instrumental control. Other floors are matched by assuming
verticality of common features;
 Fully connected survey – All floors are instrumentally related to a common survey
control framework.
 Buried utilities surveys:
 Record information – Underground service information to be taken from statutory or
other authorities' record drawings and plotted to agree as closely as possible with
surveyed surface features;
 Direct visual surveys – Accessible inspection chamber covers should be lifted where
permissible and services positively identified;

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

 Direct visual surveys supplemented by record drawings – Accessible inspection

chamber covers should be lifted where permissible and services positively identified.
Routes of services between access points to be taken from record drawings and
plotted to agree as closely as possible with surveyed surface features and trench scars
where obvious;
 Full investigation including electronic tracing – Services to be fully investigated by
visual survey supplemented by electronic, or other tracing of inaccessible routes.
 Track Surveys
 Detailed surveys of track alignment for track design purposes
 Clearance surveys to establish the clearance between line side objects and rolling
 Scanned Surveys
 Track trolley mounted scan surveys
 Tripod mounted static scan surveys

3.3.4 The items listed in Attachment 7.8 are typical items for inclusion in the model

3.3.5 The Supplier shall establish procedures to record and monitor survey activities.

3.3.6 Survey control The Supplier’s Survey Co-ordinator shall obtain a list of relevant LU survey stations
from the LU Land Survey Data Manager. The Suppliers Survey Co-ordinator shall advise the LU Survey Manager in writing of
any inconsistencies or inaccuracies found in the information supplied by the LU Survey
Data Manager.

3.3.7 Survey requirements

The survey requirements will be defined in the site specific survey specification. The
following should be used as guidance for minimum standards: The maximum planimetric error between permanent survey control stations shall not
exceed 1 part in 20,000 for distances exceeding 200 metres. For shorter distances
the maximum error shall not be greater than 10mm. The height difference between any two points used as permanent bench marks shall
not be in error by more than ± 12 x k mm, where k is the square root of the distance in
kilometres between the points being considered, or ± 5mm, whichever is the greater. For Land Surveys:

a) The accuracy of planimetric detail shall be such that the plan position of any well
defined point of detail shall be correct to within 0.3mm r.m.s.e. at the plan scale
when checked from the nearest permanent control station;
b) Ground survey spot levels on hard surfaces shall be correct to ± 10mm r.m.s.e.
and elsewhere to ± 50mm r.m.s.e., except on ploughed or otherwise broken
c) At least 90% of all contours shall be correct to within one half of the specified
contour interval;
d) Any contour which can be brought within this vertical tolerance by moving its
plotted position in any direction by an amount equal to 1/10th of the horizontal

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

distance between contours, or 0.5mm at plan scale, whichever is the greater,

shall be considered as correct. For Building Surveys:
a) The maximum error between permanent survey control stations shall not
exceed ± 5mm or 1 part in 10,000 for distances exceeding 50 metres;
b) The height difference between any two points used as permanent bench marks
shall not be in error by more than ± 3mm on any floor or by more than ± 1.5mm
per metre of height between floors;
c) In fully-controlled surveys the absolute plan position of well defined detail shall
be accurate to ± 15mm at 1:50 scale or ± 30mm at 1:100 scale, when checked
from the nearest survey control station on that floor;
d) Directly measured figured dimensions shall be quoted to the nearest 0.01 metre;
e) The quoted level of any feature relative to the nearest bench mark on that floor
shall be to ± 5mm.

3.3.8 Survey report The Supplier shall ensure a technical report is prepared for each survey. The technical report shall confirm that the survey meets the requirements as laid down
in the site specific survey specification.

Note: The technical report is intended to assist future users in making a judgement about the
suitability, quality and accuracy of the survey. The report shall contain details of control points established during the survey. A Survey Station record sheet shall be prepared for each control point which shall
contain the information highlighted in Appendix 7.9 and may also contain additional
information and photographs. Survey Control point details shall be delivered as a spreadsheet in the form given in
Attachment 7.9.

3.3.9 Retention of survey information Survey information shall be retained in a form compliant with the LU Standard
1-691 (Information). CAD information shall comply with LU Standard 1-037 (Computer Aided Design Data). The Supplier’s Survey Co-ordinator shall be the custodian of the survey information,
and shall supply a copy of the information to the LU Land Survey Manager within one
month of completion of the survey.

Note: The LU Land Survey Manager may release this information, without reference to the
Supplier, or their Surveyor, subject to such rules and conditions as may be determined
by LU and the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental
Information Regulations. Surveys shall be procured so that the IPR in the survey
information is vested in LU and IPR issues are not an inhibitor to the free use of survey
information within LU..

3.4 Digital tunnel outline maps

Note: The LU Land Survey Manager is required to maintain maps to show the outline of the
London Underground tunnels to supply to internal and external bodies legitimately
requiring information about the location of LU infrastructure.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

3.4.1 Preparation of digital tunnel outline maps Tunnel outline map files shall be prepared as digital files in Bentley MicroStation
Design file (.dgn) format. Individual files shall represent a single line of the Underground network. Separate tunnel outline map files shall be held in two dimensional and three
dimensional design file format. Filenames shall use the three letter abbreviation for the line followed by a 2 or 3 to
indicate a 2D or 3D file followed by TNL to indicate a Tunnel file, followed by the
extension .dgn to indicate a MicroStation design file, e.g. BAK2TNL.dgn The running tunnels and cross passages shall be represented by separate lines

a) intrados at horizontal axis;

b) extrados at horizontal axis;
c) extrados at tunnel crown;
d) intrados at tunnel crown;
e) running edge of rails. Tunnel crown levels related to LU Datum shall be recorded at significant points on the
tunnel maps, e.g. changes in section. The following shall be recorded for tunnel linings at change of section and at no
greater than 200m intervals:

a) construction material;
b) bolted or expanded;
c) nominal internal diameter;
d) nominal external diameter. A survey reference box shall be displayed adjacent to the survey area, summarising
relevant survey reference information.

Note: This information should include:

a) survey drawing numbers, dates, authors;

b) revision and approval dates;
c) general notes and remarks.

A sample survey reference box is shown in Attachment 7.10. The extent of each survey shall be shown with survey flags, annotated where
necessary to identify overlapping surveys.

3.4.2 Updating tunnel outline map

The Supplier shall notify LU of updates of the tunnel maps produced from information
from measured surveys within one month following their preparation.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

3.5 Information management

3.5.1 Survey data The Supplier shall deliver a copy of all completed survey reports, survey drawings and
the relevant method statement and specification to the LU Land Survey Manager. All land, utility and building surveys shall be delivered in digital form as two or three
dimensional Bentley MicroStation Design File (.dgn) format and include details of how
the drawing is structured (levels, colours, style, etc.). Survey information shall include metadata to enable the data to be held in the LU CAD
Document Management System conforming to ISO 19115:2003 Geographic
information – Metadata.

3.5.2 Survey control information The LU Land Survey Data Manager shall hold and maintain the information as listed in
Attachment 7.9 about the LU survey stations. The LU Land Survey Data Manager shall prepare and maintain a network diagram of
the LU survey stations. The LU Land Survey Data Manager shall make available details of relevant LU survey
stations and the relevant part of the network diagram to surveyors who have been
commissioned to carry out survey work for LU. The LU Land Survey Data Manager will assign an accuracy classification to each
survey control point, which will be issued to users on request. The Supplier shall advise the LU Land Survey Data Manager in writing of any
inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the information supplied by the LU Land Survey Co-

3.6 Evidence of compliance

Compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be demonstrated to LU by
each party contracted to LU. Additionally LU may audit compliance as part of its
surveillance regime.

4 Responsibilities
4.1 The LU Land Survey Manager is the custodian of LU survey information. He shall
also be responsible for ensuring that the digital tunnel outline maps are updated to
include new information from each survey completed.

4.2 The Supplier is responsible for appointing a competent Survey Co-ordinator/Project


4.3 The Supplier’s Survey Co-ordinator/Project Manager is responsible for preparing

specifications for survey work, approving Surveyor’s Method Statements and the
design of survey ground marks. He shall receive data from the Supplier, retain for his
record and pass on to the LU Land Survey Manager. He shall update the digital tunnel
outline maps and inform LU of the update.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

5 Supporting information

5.1 Background
5.1.1 This standard is one of a suite of standards produced by the LU Project Directorate,
Engineering Information Manager.

5.1.2 The suite consists of standards as follows:

Standard Number Title

1-026 Topographical Surveys and Mapping

5.2 Safety considerations

5.2.1 The correct use of survey information and the London Survey Grid is important in
establishing the position of the LU Infrastructure especially where this is underground.
The use of the incorrect survey grid has been established as a contributory factor
involving asset damage and service disruption.

6 Reference Section

6.1 References

6.1.1 National standards

Document no. Title
ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata

6.1.2 LU company documents

Document no. Title
1-037 Computer Aided Design Data
1-622 Glossary of terms and abbreviations

6.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are created:

a) within London Underground’s Glossary of Terms (1-622) (a Category 1 Standard);

b) from published sources that are clearly identified.
Abbreviation Definition Source
CAD Computer Aided Design a
DGN Intergraph MicroStation Design Format a
ETRS89 European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 a
GPS Global Positioning System a
IPR Intellectual Property Rights a
JLE Jubilee Line Extension a
LU London Underground a
OS Ordnance Survey a
OSGM02 Ordnance Survey Geoid Model 2002 b

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

Abbreviation Definition Source

r.m.s.e. Root mean square error a
WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 a

6.3 Definitions
The following topic specific definitions are created:

a) within London Underground’s Glossary of Terms (1-622) (a Category 1 Standard);

b) from published sources that are clearly identified.
Term Definition Source
Bench mark a fixed point used for levelling whose height above datum is a
Custodian - a person nominated to be responsible for nominated a
documents and for their maintenance and update
Design file Computer generated data file containing constituent CAD data a
file elements of the drawing
Easting distance in metres in the east or west direction from the false a
origin of the grid
ETRS89 The European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 is the a
standard precise GPS co-ordinate system throughout Europe.
In 2000, the difference between the WGS84 and ETRS89 co-
ordinates was about 25 cm, and increasing by about 2.5 cm
per year. ETRS89 has been officially adopted as a standard
co-ordinate system for precise GPS surveying by most national
mapping agencies in Europe.
JLE Grid a ‘flat earth’ projection. With an extent of 11 kilometres the a
maximum distortion due to ignoring effects of the earth’s
curvature is 1 part in a million. Original observation and
computations were made in 1990. Additional observations
were taken in 1992 and the primary network re-computed. Co-
ordinates were linked to the OS values at Cheviot House.
London Survey a transverse Mercator projection with parameters chosen to a
Grid minimise grid distortion caused by curvature of the earth over
the LU area
LU Land Survey the person appointed by LU to be the custodian of land survey a
Manager information for LU.
LU survey station a permanent ground mark co-ordinated to the London Survey a
Grid and contained on the LU Land Survey Co-ordinator’s
controlled list of survey stations
MicroStation proprietary two and three dimensional CAD drafting software a
package supplied by Bentley Systems, Inc.
Network diagram a diagram, not necessarily to scale, showing the relationship a
between survey stations
Northing distance in metres in the north or south direction from the false a
origin of the grid
OS grid is the national grid co-ordinate system for Great Britain. The a
co-ordinate system is based on the transverse Mercator
projection, with parameters chosen to cover the whole of Great
Britain. More correctly known as British National Grid (BNG) or
Scale factor ratio of a distance on the spheroid to that on the grid a

Reference: 1-026 A2 Page 13 of 27

Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

Term Definition Source

Supplier Supplier to London Underground, the primary organisation or a
individual that is selected to deliver a product, service or facility
to London Underground and contracting directly to London
Underground. This includes Consultants, Contractors and PFI
Contractors and excludes organisations or individuals selected
by and contracting directly to them.
Surveyor an external company or LU manager appropriately qualified a
and experienced to undertake land survey work
True origin the point where the spheroid and grid are coincident, hence a
grid north equals true north

6.4 Technical content manager

Paragraph number Technical content manager
All LU, Project Directorate, Engineering Information Manager

6.5 Document history

Issue no Date Changes Author
R9 July 2007 Standard 2-01030-004 re formatted and re-
numbered to 1-026, no technical changes have
been made to the content other than changing
references to other Standards where their
numbers have changed.

A1 October Authorised for use. Previous authorisation is

2007 valid
A2 March Reviewed and revised to change from the term Richard Barrett
2011 LU Grid to London Survey Grid as per
DRACCT No. 0329. Also, Incorporate G-026
into this standard to reflect current best
practise in this specialist field and withdraw

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7 Attachments

7.1 London Survey Grid Scale Factors

London London Correction London London Correction
Survey Survey mm per Survey Survey mm per
Grid Grid scale km Grid Grid scale km
eastings factor eastings factor
48,000 1.0000111 11 78,000 0.9999999 0
49,000 1.0000104 10 79,000 0.9999999 0
50,000 1.0000097 10 80,000 0.9999999 0
51,000 1.0000090 9 81,000 1.0000000 0
52,000 1.0000084 8 82,000 1.0000001 0
53,000 1.0000077 8 83,000 1.0000002 0
54,000 1.0000071 7 84,000 1.0000003 0
55,000 1.0000065 7 85,000 1.0000005 0
56,000 1.0000060 6 86,000 1.0000006 1
57,000 1.0000055 5 87,000 1.0000008 1
58,000 1.0000049 5 88,000 1.0000011 1
59,000 1.0000045 4 89,000 1.0000013 1
60,000 1.0000040 4 90,000 1.0000016 2
61,000 1.0000036 4 91,000 1.0000019 2
62,000 1.0000031 3 92,000 1.0000022 2
63,000 1.0000028 3 93,000 1.0000026 3
64,000 1.0000024 2 94,000 1.0000029 3
65,000 1.0000021 2 95,000 1.0000033 3
66,000 1.0000017 2 96,000 1.0000038 4
67,000 1.0000015 1 97,000 1.0000042 4
68,000 1.0000012 1 98,000 1.0000047 5
69,000 1.0000010 1 99,000 1.0000052 5
70,000 1.0000007 1 100,000 1.0000057 6
71,000 1.0000005 1 101,000 1.0000063 6
72,000 1.0000004 0 102,000 1.0000068 7
73,000 1.0000002 0 103,000 1.0000074 7
74,000 1.0000001 0 104,000 1.0000080 8
75,000 1.0000000 0 105,000 1.0000087 9
76,000 1.0000000 0 106,000 1.0000094 9
77,000 0.9999999 0 107,000 1.0000101 10

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.2 British National Grid (OSGB36) to London Survey Grid

transformation blocks

NOTE: This map contains coloured lines marking the boundaries of the transformation blocks.
These may be obscured if this page is reproduced in black and white.

British National Grid Co-ordinates

Point Easting Northing Point Easting Northing Point Easting Northing
A 538,000 197,000 R 538,000 185,000 II 513,500 187,500
B 517,000 197,000 S 538,000 205,000 JJ 517,000 187,500
C 517,000 185,000 T 556,500 205,000 KK 517,000 202,500
D 518,000 185,000 U 556,500 187,500 LL 495,000 202,500
E 518,000 184,000 V 557,500 187,500 MM 495,000 199,250
F 519,500 184,000 W 557,500 186,500 NN 493,500 199,250
G 519,500 182,500 X 556,500 186,500 OO 493,500 198,250
H 522,000 182,500 Y 556,500 178,000 PP 495,000 198,250
I 522,000 178,500 Z 540,000 178,000 QQ 495,000 188,500
J 523,000 178,500 AA 530,000 175,000 RR 550,000 167,500
K 523,000 177,500 BB 530,000 167,500 SS 550,000 178,000
L 529,000 177,500 CC 515,000 167,500 TT 505,000 174,500
M 529,000 175,000 DD 515,000 173,500 UU 504,500 174,500
N 540,000 175,000 EE 522,000 173,500 VV 504,500 177,000
O 540,000 182,500 FF 505,000 173,500 WW 505,000 177,000
P 539,500 182,500 GG 505,000 188,500
Q 539,500 185,000 HH 513,500 188,500

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.3 Factors for conversion between London Survey Grid and British
National Grid
North West South West Central area East area South area South East
area area area
Rotation (Rot) 358°.55579884 358°.55810730 358°.55752333 358°.557282 358°.5600609 358°.55962194
50 8
Scale factor (SF) 1.000254411 1.000243743 1.000192479 1.000146053 1.000217914 1.000152383
Shift Eastings -454195.142 -454182.581 -454157.420 -454133.105 -454163.487 -454129.735
Shift Northings -131867.340 -131886.233 -131872.044 -131861.837 -131899.767 -131885.180
P=SFxCos(Rot) 0.999936674 0.999927024 0.999875520 0.999829003 0.999902061 0.9999836358
Q=SFxSin(Rot) -0.025209808 -0.025169252 -0.025178154 - -0.025134508 -0.025140520
Note: Rotation is a conventional anticlockwise angle
For converting British National Grid to London Survey Grid the conversion equations are:
E.London Survey Grid = (E.British National Grid x P) - (N. British National Grid x Q) + shift Eastings
N.London Survey Grid = (N. British National Grid x P) + (E. British National Grid x Q) + shift Northings

Table 1 Factors for conversion of British National Grid to London Survey Grid

North West South West Central area East area South area South East
area area area
Rotation (Rot) 01°.44420116 01°.44189270 01°.44247667 01°.44271751 01°.439938901 01°.44037806
Scale factor (SF) 0.999745653 0.999756316 0.999807558 0.999853968 0.999782133 0.99984764
Shift Eastings 450612.718 450610.266 450607.111 450603.379 450607.363 450602.420
Shift Northings 143236.271 143238.209 143235.329 143233.058 143239.590 143236.998
P=SFxCos(Rot) 0.999428078 0.999439752 0.999490721 0.999537011 0.999466418 0.999531712
Q=SFxSin(Rot) 0.025196986 0.025156987 0.025168464 0.025173833 0.025123557 0.025132860
Note: Rotation is a conventional anticlockwise angle
For converting London Survey Grid to British National Grid the equations are:
E. British National Grid = (E.London Survey Grid x P) - (N.London Survey Grid x Q) + shift Eastings
N. British National Grid = (N.London Survey Grid x P) + (E.London Survey Grid x Q) + shift Northings

Table 2 Factors for conversion from London Survey Grid to British National Grid

Note: Transformation blocks given in tables 1 and 2 have been created such that the
differences along the boundary edges when using adjacent sets of conversion
parameters is within the 1:1,250 mapping accuracy of 400mm, equivalent to 0.3mm
at map scale.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.4 London Survey Grid to JLE grid transformation block

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.5 Factors for conversion between London Survey Grid and JLE
Rotation (Rot) 358°.55814059
Scale factor (SF) 0.99999717553
Shift Eastings 66,231.840 m
Shift Northings -7,897.815 m
P=SFxCos(Rot) 0.9996805496
Q=SFxSin(Rot) -0.0251624670

For converting JLE Grid to London Survey Grid the conversion equations are:
E.London Survey Grid = (E.JLE grid x P) - (N.JLE survey grid x Q) + shift Eastings
N.London Survey Grid = (N.JLE grid x P) + (E.JLE survey grid x Q) + shift Northings

Table 3 Factors for conversion from JLE grid to London Survey Grid.

Rotation (Rot) 01°.44185941

Scale factor (SF) 1.00000282446
Shift Eastings -66,409.786 m
Shift Northings 6,228.771 m
P=SFxCos(Rot) 0.9996861968
Q=SFxSin(Rot) 0.0251626091

For converting London Survey Grid to JLE Grid the conversion equations are:
E.JLE grid = (E.London Survey Grid x P) - (N. London Survey Grid x Q) + shift Eastings
N. JLE grid = (N. London Survey Grid x P) + (E. London Survey Grid x Q) + shift Northings

Table 4 Factors for conversion from London Survey Grid to JLE grid.

Note: The transformation parameters listed were produced from a survey linking 13 common
survey control stations in March 1998. Checks at platform level were made between
the London Survey Grid and JLE grid survey stations at Waterloo, London Bridge and
Canada Water; the worst linear agreement being 20mm.

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.6 Primary Control Survey Stations

Primary London Survey Grid ETRS89

ID. Easting Northing Level Latitude Longitude Height
Coldharbour Farm 46361.463 51436.772 269.250 51o39'10.70333"N 0 o37'07.46043"W 214.518
Woodoak Farm 53381.506 48723.612 181.780 51o37'44.19131"N 0 o31'01.61567"W 127.050
Northwood 59856.174 46617.755 172.620 51 36'36.94875"N 0o25'24.60943"W 117.890
Potters Crouch 62699.360 60269.761 218.110 51o43'58.97747"N 0o22'59.03900"W 163.379
Belmont 66880.348 46173.863 205.120 51o36'23.25284"N 0o19'19.52792"W 150.389
o o
Northwick Park 67132.785 43064.558 159.280 51 34'42.66530"N 0 19'06.05689"W 104.550
Richmond Park 68789.410 28207.392 156.040 51o26'42.04359"N 0o17'38.59546"W 101.310
Arkley Reservoir 72798.176 50771.145 244.790 51o38'52.32048"N 0o14'12.27308"W 190.059
o o
Parsonage Farm 73391.128 60967.109 210.250 51 44'22.23903"N 0 13'41.94128"W 155.519
Pollards Hill 80377.022 23572.176 164.900 51o24'12.32820"N 0o07'38.68851"W 110.169
CRP08 85139.159 35988.862 138.710 51o30'53.95951"N 0o03'31.45489"W 83.980
o o
CRP09 89078.330 38845.733 121.470 51 32'26.17548"N 0 00'06.85567"W 66.740
Pole Hill 89084.473 49493.790 191.350 51o38'10.70718"N 0o00'05.35162"W 136.619
Monkhams Hall 89435.862 56969.529 182.990 51o42'12.56647"N 0o00'13.78286"E 128.259
London Cemetery 92293.548 40746.816 113.570 51 33'27.43244"N 0o02'40.24986"E 58.840
o o
Garland Hill 97913.484 23544.634 180.510 51 24'10.22224"N 0 07'28.51579"E 125.778
Dog Kennel Hill 98574.848 46845.271 184.500 51o36'44.06493"N 0o08'07.56697"E 129.769
Little Tawney Hall 101119.124 53502.584 171.720 51o40'19.11488"N 0o10'21.35841"E 116.989
o o
Romford Common 103125.267 46081.679 171.540 51 36'18.70046"N 0 12'03.85359"E 116.809
Little Tomkyns Farm 107520.335 43599.754 174.690 51o34'57.63555"N 0o15'51.47932"E 119.958
North Ockendon 110084.438 39449.241 140.930 51o32'42.84291"N 0o18'03.29210"E 86.199
British National Grid
Primary (OSGB36)
ID. Easting Northing Level DESCRIPTION
Coldharbour Farm 495651.749 195811.887 169.250 O.S. Pillar 2nd.Order. Height to bracket
Woodoak Farm 502736.180 193277.140 81.780 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Northwood 509260.020 191335.609 72.620 Brass Rivet
Potters Crouch 511757.480 205051.440 118.110 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Belmont 516291.420 191068.930 105.120 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Northwick Park 516622.066 187967.597 59.280 Brass Rivet
Richmond Park 518651.426 173160.233 56.040 O.S. Pillar 2nd.Order. Height to bracket
Arkley Reservoir 522090.190 195812.700 144.790 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Parsonage Farm 522425.970 206018.180 110.250 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Pollards Hill 530349.360 168818.410 64.900 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
CRP08 534797.127 181348.683 38.710 Bolt
CRP09 538662.387 184303.243 21.470 Bolt
Pole Hill 538400.586 194946.428 91.350 O.S. Pillar 2nd.Order. Height to bracket
Monkhams Hall 538563.362 202427.410 82.990 O.S. Pillar 2nd.Order. Height to bracket
London Cemetery 541828.530 186284.370 13.570 Survey Bolt
Garland Hill 547878.520 169231.370 80.510 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Dog Kennel Hill 547953.500 192538.250 84.500 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Little Tawney Hall 550328.900 199256.600 71.720 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Romford Common 552521.150 191889.650 71.540 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
Little Tomkyns Farm 556976.930 189519.450 74.690 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket
North Ockendon 559644.340 185435.160 40.930 O.S. Pillar 3rd.Order. Height to bracket

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.7 Form to request the supply of Ordnance Survey digital data

Project Name …………………………………………..

Originator / Authoriser Contractor

Please complete details below of person If data is requested for distribution to an
in TfL requesting the data for their use external contractor complete their details
or use by their contractors below.
Contact Name
Organisation Name
E-mail address
PO Box
Building Name / No.
Post Town
Phone / Fax

OS Product Tick Formats Required

MasterMap, Topography GZ
MasterMap, ITN GZ
MasterMap CAD version DGN DWG
1:10,000 Scale Raster TIF
1:25,000 Scale Raster TIF
1:50,000 Scale Raster TIF
1:250,000 Scale Raster TIF
Address-Point CSV NTF
Code Point with Polygons MID-MIF
Code Point CSV NTF
Boundary-Line NTF DGN
Street View TIF
VectorMap Local GZ
Meridian 2 NTF

Extent e.g. A tile list TQ3181 or London Borough Brent etc

Special Requirements
Grid System London Survey Grid British National Grid
Updates Required Yes No
Project End Date
Other Requirements
Note, all products are available in BNG, MasterMap CAD DGN is also available in LSG

Reference: 1-026 A2 Page 21 of 27

Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.8 Typical items for inclusion in a model survey specification

Survey title
Summary of requirements

Description of the site to be surveyed

Site hazards and access arrangements

Survey control
Survey grid and height datum to be used
Horizontal control network, design and accuracy
Vertical control network, design and accuracy
Details of LU survey stations to be used

Detail to be surveyed
Additional information required - e.g. names, type

Digital data
Data file structure
Data standards
Data transfer format
Graphical definition requirement

Presentation of final drawings


Works programme
Progress reports

Method statement
Survey title
Survey organisation
Project or job name
Job Manager name
Brief description and purpose of the survey
Location of the survey
Brief scope of work
Personnel to be employed
Equipment and resources to be used
Detailed technical methodology
Delivery schedule
Quality checks to be applied
Safety arrangements

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

Information and materials to be delivered

Sample, proof and final data
Return of information supplied by LU

Technical report
Survey registration number
Survey title
Survey organisation
Project or job name
Brief description and purpose of the survey
Technical specifications for the work
Agreed amendments and variations
Variations to the accepted method statement
The actual delivery schedule
Quality management procedures employed with the results of tests carried out
Horizontal and vertical network diagrams
Abstracts of adjustments to observations carried out showing accuracy of data
List and details of LU survey station and bench marks used
List, details and description of all survey control points and bench marks established

Bill of quantities

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.9 Survey station records

Records should be submitted in a spreadsheet format with the column headings and
field formats as shown below. Diagrams to be included in the survey station record
should be in Bentley MicroStation Design file (.dgn) format, photographs may be from
digital cameras or a scanned graphical image in TIF or JPEG format. All the fields
listed should be included in the spreadsheet, the fields shown in bold must include
data, the remaining columns are optional or may be completed subsequently.

Column Name Format Description Example Field Obligation


PGM Text Survey Station CRP08 32 Mandatory

ORG_EST_MARK Text Organisation CROSSRAIL 50 Mandatory
and checking
the survey
ESTABLISHED_DATE Date Date survey 1996_11_05 10 Mandatory
YYYY_MM_ station
DD established
MARK_DESCRIPTION Text Description of OS 3rd Order 50 Mandatory
the ground Roof Bolt
Easting Number Easting 85139.159 10 Mandatory
Northing Number Northing 35988.862 10 Mandatory
Height Number Level 138.71 8 Mandatory
Grid Text Information to JLE 12 Mandatory
describe the
Datum Text Information to ODN 12 Mandatory
describe the
Location_Description Text Information to Lambeth North 100 Mandatory
describe the Station
location Concourse
DIAGRAM Logical Yes / No Y 1 Mandatory

LCS Text Location Code M154 5 Mandatory

ALIAS Text Alternate Cheviot House 32 Optional additional

name or information

Project Description Text Information to Station 50 Optional additional

describe Modernisation information
project Project

Reference: 1-026 A2 Page 24 of 27

Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

Column Name Format Description Example Field Obligation


Optional additional
Line_Owner Text London Jubilee 25 information
Line operating
trains in
LAST_VISIT_DATE Date Date of last 1996 10 Optional additional
YYYY_MM_ known visit information
STATUS Text Condition at ok 80 Optional additional
last visit information

NOTES Text Details of any 24 hours notice 80 Optional additional

special required information
ACCESS_INST Text Access Tel Security office 250 Optional additional
instructions 0207 790 1818 information

Diagram_Drawn_By Text Author of CD 16 Optional additional

witness information
Diagram_Drawn_Date Date Date of 2010_12_25 10 Optional additional
YYYY_MM_ drawing information
DD completion
Diagram_Verification_ Text Authorising AEL 16 Optional additional
By authority of information
Diagram_Verification_ Date Date witness 2010_10 10 Optional additional
Date YYYY_MM_ diagram was information
DD checked
Diagram_Rev Text Revision of A 2 Optional additional
drawing information

SIN Text Code for LU W124 5 LU use only

CONTROL_ORDER Text 1st Order, 2nd 2nd Order 9 LU use only
Order etc
HEIGHT_ORDER Text 1st Order, 2nd 3rd Order 9 LU use only
Order etc
Grade Text Confidence A 1 LU use only
level in
A, B, C, D, N,
S, P
PHOTO_Link URL Link to digital 250 LU use only
photographs nt
Drawing_Link URL Link to 250 LU use only
Drawing file of nt
station record

Note: Confidence levels are selected from the lookup table in the Survey Control Database

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Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.10 Sample survey reference box



Plan accuracy
Level Accuracy
File transfer format

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Title: Topographical Surveys and Mapping
Number: 1-026
Issue no: A2
Issue date: March 2011

7.11 The Ordnance Survey Contractor Licence Agreement

Transport for London is a member of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement which
licenses a range of Ordnance Survey data products for use within London
Underground. This licence extends to use by London Underground’s contractors
carrying out work for LU when the contractor enters into an OS Contractor Licence
Agreement with LU. The contractor licence agreement may be downloaded from the
Ordnance Survey website together with additional information.

Reference: 1-026 A2 Page 27 of 27

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