Sspc-Guide 15 PDF
Sspc-Guide 15 PDF
Sspc-Guide 15 PDF
June 1, 2005
Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis
of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates
Single copies of withdrawn standards may be obtained from SSPC upon request.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Case Postale 56, Geneva CH-1211, Switzerland. ISO standards may be obtained
through the American National Standards Institute, 1819 L Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036 (
SSPC-Guide 15
June 1, 2005
tested, forming a cavity. A salt retrieval solution is dosed into the curate measurement of salt contamination, because salts in
sleeve prior to attachment. The solution is massaged against the bottoms of deep pits may escape detection.
the surface being tested for a specified period of time and is
then removed. The sleeve then is removed and the solution 4.2 EXTRACT SOLUTION: All the retrieval procedures
tested for levels of chloride and/or nitrate. A kit is available for described in this document use deionized or distilled water
this method, with operating instructions and a pre-measured (designated as reagent water) or a proprietary solution.
(fixed volume) proprietary solution.
4.2.1 Reagent Water: Reagent water used for salt retrieval
4.1.2 Class B: Class B retrieval involves a methodology should have a maximum conductivity of 5 microsiemens per
for containing a known volume of liquid within a measured centimeter (µS/cm). Distilled water may be purchased at gro-
area that is in contact with the surface. There may or may not cery stores but verification of the conductivity is recommended.
be mechanical rubbing of the surface. Alternatively, a portable demineralizer may be used to make
deionized water on site. Pour tap water into the plastic bottle,
Method B1: Swabbing or Washing Methods: A low attach the demineralizer cartridge in the direction indicated,
conductivity liquid such as deionized water and cotton swabs invert, and squeeze out the desired amount of water (for many
are used to extract salts from a surface. The method requires of the tests described below, at least 25 mL will be required).
that the operator wear non-chlorinated latex rubber gloves to The cartridge can be used until the blue color turns brown, as
prevent cross contamination of the surface or the retrieved indicated on the side of the cartridge. Once this occurs, replace
sample by salts naturally present on the surface of the skin. the cartridge. Each cartridge should deionize approximately
After swabbing the surface, the liquid is tested for concentra- 3000 mL of water.
tion of ions.
4.2.2 Proprietary Solutions: Proprietary solutions may
Method B2: Filter Paper Extraction Method: A pre-wet- be included with commercial extraction kits. These solutions
ted absorbent filter paper is placed on the surface from which should only be used for the soluble salts described in the kit
the salt is to be extracted. The paper wets the surface and instructions. Proprietary solutions are not normally suitable for
extracts soluble salts. After a pre-determined time, the paper measuring conductivity of extracted solutions.
is removed from the surface and placed over the electrodes
of a resistivity meter. The meter indicates the conductivity of 4.3 PATCH CELL RETRIEVAL METHOD: The patch cell
the wetted paper. The conductivity is proportional to the total sampling procedure is described in detail in ISO 8502-6.
dissolved salts.
4.3.1 Sample Acquisition Procedure
4.1.3 Class C: Class C retrieval is used only in a labora- 1. Remove the backing and the foam insert from the test
tory setting and involves immersing the entire surface in boiling cell and apply the cell firmly and tightly to a dry test
water. This method uses a predetermined volume of extraction surface. All orientations, including vertical, horizontal,
liquid and a predetermined surface area. or overhead are acceptable.
2. Insert the needle attached to the 5 mL syringe into
Method C: Boiling Extraction Method: This method the cell through its spongy foam perimeter, taking
involves the use of boiling deionized water to extract salts from care not to inject beneath the foam or into the latex
a sample coupon. This method is intended to be used for the film. Evacuate the air from the test area by pulling
extraction of salts from sample substrates in a laboratory setting. back on the plunger. Expel the air from the syringe.
It may be used as a reference method to derive retrieval rates Fill the syringe with 3 mL of the extraction liquid.
for the patch cell, sleeve, swabbing, and filter paper extraction 3. Inject 3 mL or other designated quantity of extraction
methods described above. It may also be used for field samples liquid into the above cell taking care to keep air bubbles
cut from a structure or test panels exposed in a field or lot or out of the syringe. Hold the cell perimeter firmly during
cabinet. This method is described in Appendix A. this operation to prevent water leakage.
4. Remove the needle from the cell center (but not the
4.1.4 The first four methods can be used to help character- spongy foam perimeter) and gently rub the top of the
ize surfaces encountered in either laboratory or field settings. cell for 10 to 15 seconds to encourage dissolution
In general, boiling extraction methods are only useful under of soluble salts. Increasing the massage time may
laboratory conditions. No field or laboratory method is believed increase the efficiency of the extraction liquid.
capable of retrieving all the soluble salt from a surface. The 5. Withdraw and re-inject the extraction liquid a minimum
proportion of salt retrieved by field methods depends on the of three times, each time gently rubbing the top of the
method used, the roughness of the examined surface, the cell for 10 to 15 seconds. Then, remove as much of the
degree of rusting, and the ambient conditions. The presence extraction liquid as possible and place it in a clean vial
of pits or deep craters on the surface can lead to grossly inac- or other container. A new clean container should be
SSPC-Guide 15
June 1, 2005
used for each test, or if reused, the container should 2. Remove the pressure sensitive backing from the
be rinsed two or more times with reagent water. sleeve adhesive ring.
6. If additional testing requires a higher volume of 3. Remove most of the air from within the sleeve by
extraction liquid than that afforded by the extraction squeezing the sleeve between fingers and thumb.
procedure, add extraction liquid to raise the sample Do not spill any extraction solution from the sleeve
volume to the required level and note the new sample when evacuating air.
volume and dilution percentage. 4. Firmly apply the sleeve to the test surface. Lift and hold
7. Use the extraction liquid from step 6 to determine the free end of sleeve upright to allow the extraction
chloride ion concentration, ferrous ion concentration, liquid to come into contact with the surface
or other ion concentrations using one of the methods 5. Use the other hand to massage the solution through
described in Section 5 (see Section 4.2.2). the sleeve against the surface for 2 minutes. It should
8. If additional samples are to be taken, always use a be noted that increasing the massage time (e.g., up
fresh cell and clean syringe and needle; this will avoid to 6 minutes) will increase the extent of salt removal.
cross contamination between samples. When the massage is complete, remove the sleeve
and solution from the surface. For vertical or overhead
4.3.2 Advantages of the Patch Cell Method: surfaces, the extract solution will return to the lowered
1. The adhesively attached cells can conform to curved area in test sleeve. For horizontal surfaces press and
and irregular surfaces. slide a finger across the sleeve to move the solution
2. Cells such as these are commercially available in to the closed end of the sleeve prior to removal.
a variety of sizes; the most commonly used size
retrieves salt from a surface of 12.5 cm2. Smaller cell 4.4.2 Advantages of the Sleeve Retrieval Method:
sizes permit assays of salt levels to be made at local 1. This method is very simple to perform, as all compo-
corrosion sites such as craters or pits. nents are pre-measured.
3. If reagent water has been used as the extraction liquid, 2. The adhesive sleeve can conform to curved and ir-
conductivity can be determined using commercially regular surfaces. Tests can be performed on vertical,
available conductivity meters. horizontal, and overhead surfaces.
4. Acidic extraction liquids (such as the one furnished in 3. For extremely rough or pitted surfaces, the seal ring
the proprietary kit for this procedure) normally provide may be doubled, thereby allowing testing to be per-
better extraction efficiency than deionized water. formed.
4. The kit form of this method provides a pre-measured
4.3.3 Limitations of the Patch Cell Method: volume of extraction solution and a fixed area of the
1. The adhesively attached cells only accommodate a sleeve opening. These features are designed to pro-
small amount of retrieval liquid. With the most com- vide a direct final reading in micrograms per square
monly used cell size (12.5 cm2 surface area), the centimeter (µg/cm2).
actual quantity of cell liquid contacting the surface is 5. All components are one-time usage, eliminating cross
3 mL. This can limit the range of analyses that can contamination from test to test.
be performed. 6. In hot weather or on hot surfaces, the encapsulated
2. No in-line determination of conductivity can be per- extract solution will not evaporate.
formed with these cells. 7. The extractions also provide sufficient sample size
3. The cell may not adhere well to rusted surfaces, for analyses to be performed for different ions.
but it may adhere so well to abrasive blast cleaned 8. Acidic extraction liquids (such as the one furnished in
surfaces that it is difficult to remove. the proprietary kit for this procedure) normally provide
4. The cell may leak through the hole introduced by the better extraction efficiency than deionized water.
5. The cells are consumable and can be used only 4.4.3 Limitations of the Sleeve Retrieval Method:
once. 1. The adhesive sleeve may not adhere well to rusted
surfaces, but it may adhere so well to abrasive blast
4.3.4 Retrieval Efficiency: see Appendix D. cleaned surfaces that it is difficult to remove.
3. No in-line conductivity testing can be performed with
4. The sleeves are consumable and can be used only
4.4.1 Sample Acquisition Procedure once.
1. Remove the cap from the bottle of premeasured extract
and pour the entire contents into the sleeve. 4.4.4 Retrieval Efficiency: see Appendix D.
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SSPC-Guide 15
June 1, 2005
The following substances and quantities are described: Subtract Reading One from ReadingTwo. The resulting
• Conductivity number is the corrected conductivity of the extracted liquid. A
• Soluble Chloride Ion similar method is also described in ISO 8502-9.
• Soluble Ferrous Ion See Appendix C for a procedure to estimate equivalent chlo-
• Soluble Sulfate Ion ride ion surface concentrations from conductivity of extract.
• Soluble Nitrate Ion
5.1.1 Precision and Accuracy of Quantitative Measure- PAPER FOR SOLUBLE SALTS: Place the sample paper
ments: In response to requests from SSPC, some suppliers over the concentric copper electrodes of the resistivity meter,
of proprietary equipment have provided data on precision and ensuring that the outer ring is completely covered. All air must
accuracy of analytical methods. If this information was provided, be excluded from beneath the paper. The lid is closed, and
it is given in the section describing the method. Information after seconds, the reading is displayed in µg/cm2, based on
provided by suppliers has not been verified by third-party test- sodium chloride. The manufacturer of one device has prepared
ing. Users are advised to contact the manufacturers directly charts showing the variation in the salt level readings due to
to obtain additional information that is not provided in the simulated marine and simulated urban salt concentrations and
guide. See Appendix E for links to equipment suppliers and due to temperature.
SOLUBLE SALTS) with crystals impregnated with silver dichromate (pink). The
ends of the tubes are snapped off, opening the tube much like
5.2.1 This method provides a measurement of solution a straw. When one end of the tube is immersed in the extract
conductivity. Conductivity is a measure of the total dissolved solution, capillary action wicks the solution to the top of the
salts. tube. On contact with the chloride ion the silver dichromate
converts to silver chloride (white). When the solution reaches
5.2.2 Types of conductivity meters: Commercially avail- the top of the tube, the white cotton at the top changes color
able portable conductivity meters available include “pocket” to amber. This indicates the titration is complete. Graduations
type, “cup” type, and meters with specific features. The “pocket” on the side of the tube provide the level of chloride ions pres-
types are operated by placing the probe into the liquid to be ent in the solution. This method, described in ISO 8502-5,
analyzed. For the “cup” type, the liquid is placed in a cup that can detect chloride levels from 1 to 2000 ppm, using tubes
forms part of the meter. One special meter is that described with varying ranges of detection. The tube most commonly
in Section 5.3 for analyzing the filter paper. Each meter has used for surface testing of chlorides has a detection range of
its own degree of accuracy. +0 to 60 ppm. One supplier provided the following data on
standard deviation (sd) at different concentrations (C): C of
5.2.3 Test Procedure 1.0 ppm, sd of 0.38 ppm; C of 3.0 ppm, sd of 0.17 ppm; C of
5.0 ppm, sd of 0.30 ppm; C of 10 ppm, sd of 0.48 ppm; C of Procedure for pocket-type conductivity meters: 30 ppm, sd of 0.50 ppm. See Appendix B for information on
This procedure entails two measurements: the first of the control converting from a solution concentration in ppm to a surface
solution (typically reagent water), which is Reading One, and concentration in µg/cm2.
the second of the extraction liquid, which is Reading Two. Wash
the probe end of conductivity meter with reagent water prior to 5.5 FIELD DETECTION OF CHLORIDE ION BY PAPER
each reading to prevent cross contamination. Place the probe STRIP METHOD: To determine the chloride level, place the
end of a calibrated conductivity meter into the reagent water and lower end of a test strip into the extracted solution. Allow the
record the reading on the meter (Reading One). Then repeat solution to wick up and saturate the test strip, as indicated by
the procedure for the extracted liquid (Reading Two). Subtract the yellow band across the top of the strip turning blue (about
Reading One from Reading Two. The resulting number is the 5 minutes). Then, record the scale number at the top edge of
corrected conductivity of the extracted liquid. the white column (chloride ion causes the existing tan color on
the strip to turn white) and compare it with the conversion chart Procedure for cup-type conductivity meters: enclosed with the test strip bottle. The range of concentration
If an external cup conductivity meter is used, transfer about over which this method is useful is from 30 to 600+ ppm chlo-
10 milliliters of the reagent water into the cup of the calibrated ride ion. The precision reported by one manufacturer is ± 10%
conductivity meter. Select the appropriate range and record the chloride. Note: The reading from the strip must be converted
conductivity reading in µS/cm (Reading One). Transfer some to ppm using the supplied conversion chart corresponding to
of the extracted liquid into the cup and record conductivity the batch of test strips used for the analysis. See Appendix B
(Reading Two). for information on converting from a solution concentration in
ppm to a surface concentration in µg/cm2.
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5.6 FIELD DETECTION OF CHLORIDE ION BY FIELD actual concentration may range from that computed from the
TITRATION METHOD preceding drop to the concentration computed from formulas
1 and 2 (e.g., for 4 drops from Reagent Bottle 4 for a solution
5.6.1 Test Procedure: A commercially available test extracted from a surface area of 12.5 cm2, the concentration
kit is used to analyze the solution collected from the surface. range would be 6 to 8 µg/cm2). (Commonly used patch cells
The titration (sometimes referred to as “drop titration”) is have a surface area of 12.5 cm2.) This method does not deter-
performed on a small sample (2 to 3 mL) from the extracted mine a specific surface concentration of chloride ion, but rather
solution. The kit includes four solutions contained in separate the results are reported as a range, e.g., greater than 6 and
reagent bottles. The procedure is as follows: less than 8 µg/cm2 chloride ion. One manufacturer reports a
sampling accuracy of 1 to 2 µg/cm2 or 5 to 10 µg/cm2 depend-
1. Using Reagent Bottle 1, press (squeeze) out 2 drops ing on the specific titration chemicals used. No information on
of red indicator liquid into a plastic vial containing the precision was provided.
sample solution. Carefully agitate the liquid until it is
homogeneous in color (purple). 5.7 LABORATORY REFERENCE METHOD FOR DE-
2. Using Reagent Bottle 2, squeeze out 2 drops into the “Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces,”
vial. The sample liquid should be yellow in color. If not, describes a titration method based on the reaction of chloride
add drop-by-drop additional Reagent 2 until sample ion with mercuric nitrate to form insoluble mercuric chloride.
turns yellow, agitating between each drop addition. The indicator is a solution of diphenylcarbazole/bromophenol
blue, which turns to an intense violet color to indicate the
3. At this point, a judgment should be made as to how completion of the titration.
much chloride is anticipated. If low surface con-
centrations (0 to 10 µg/cm2) are expected, proceed 5.8 QUALITATIVE FIELD DETECTION OF FERROUS
using Reagent Bottle 4. If higher concentrations are ION: In this method (described in ISO 8502-12) blotting paper
expected, proceed using Reagent Bottle 3. is treated with potassium ferricyanide solution. The blotting
paper is moistened and placed in contact with the steel surface
4. For low concentrations, add, drop by drop, the con- to be tested. On contact with ferrous ions, the paper shows
tents of Reagent Bottle 4. For high concentrations, blue spots. The sensitivity of the method is less than 1 ppm
add, drop by drop, the contents of Reagent Bottle 3. ferrous ion. No information on precision is available, as this
In either case, thoroughly agitate the solution after is a qualitative test.
the addition of each drop. Count the number of drops
required to turn the solution from yellow to blue, thor- Potassium ferricyanide test paper may be used as an
oughly agitating the solution after the addition of each economical screening test for active corrosion sites. It is spe-
drop. The procedure is described in ISO 8502-10. cific to soluble ferrous ion. When used properly, it will not give
false negatives, but may produce false positives. If soluble salt
5.6.2 Determining surface concentration: Each drop concentration is suspected due to a positive indication using
from Reagent Bottle 4 is equivalent to approximately 25 µg of potassium ferricyanide paper, then confirming tests utilizing
chloride recovered from the surface. Each drop from Reagent another ion-specific test method may be required.
Bottle 3 is equivalent to approximately 125 µg of chloride recov-
ered from the surface. Use the following formulas to determine 5.9 QUANTITATIVE FIELD DETECTION OF FERROUS
the maximum surface concentration in µg/cm2 (see note below) ION: To determine the ferrous ion concentration in parts per
knowing the surface area (cm2) and the number of drops. million, moisten a ferrous ion test strip with the solution being
tested and compare the resulting color to the color chart on the
For Reagent Bottle 4: container label. A complex is formed between 1,10-phenanth-
roline and ferrous ion that has a vivid red color. Color changes
maximum surface 25 • (# drops) are seen even at ferrous ion concentrations below 1 ppm.
concentration (µg/cm2) =
surface area (cm2) Typical concentration ranges for test strips are between 0.5
and 10 ppm ferrous ion. Iron test strips from one manufacturer
For Reagent Bottle 3: are graduated in unequal steps: 0-3-10-15-50-100-250-500
maximum surface 125 • (# drops) ppm. No data is available on the precision of this technique.
concentration (µg/cm2) surface area (cm2) See Appendix B for information on converting from a solution
concentration in ppm of solution to a surface concentration
Note: Because it is impossible to determine whether the in µg/cm2. Note that a proprietary kit provides the readings
entire drop or a fraction of the drop was needed to turn the directly in µg/cm2.
solution from yellow to blue, the concentrations derived from
the above formulas represent the maximum concentrations. The
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SSPC-Guide 15
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4. The steel test panel may be removed from the pan Example:
with stainless steel tongs either hot or after cooling. E = 10 µg/cm2
It should be rinsed with a small quantity of reagent A= 12.5 cm2
water to remove any soluble salt ions from the sur- V= 2 mL
face, and drained over the pan. When the panel has
drained dry, remove it from the work area. C = 10 • = 62.5 ppm
5. Using the conical funnel, transfer the liquid in the
pan to the graduated cylinder. Add sufficient reagent B3. Unit Conversions:
water to the graduated cylinder to bring the volume
of material up to 500 ml. 1 ppm = 1 µg/cc of water
6. Mix the total liquid thoroughly by transferring it between 1 mL = 1 cc = 1 cm3
the storage bottle and the graduated cylinder. 1 µg/cm2 = 10 mg/m2
A.3 Advantage of Boiling Extraction Method: This APPENDIX C: Determining Equivalent Surface
method provides a benchmark for determining the maximum Concentration From Conductivity
retrieval efficiency of field retrieval methods.
Note: The ability to remove all of the soluble salt ions from
A.4 Limitation of Boiling Extraction Method: This the surface of a structure that has been in service for extended
method is unsuited for use in the field. The use of laboratory- periods of time and is severely corroded and or pitted has not
contaminated samples may provide some indication of relative yet been demonstrated. Therefore, all extraction tests remove
extraction efficiencies, but because field conditions responsible less than 100% of the soluble salt ions from the structures,
for salt contamination are highly variable, it is best to use actual and the amount in the samples represents an unknown per-
field samples where possible. centage of the amount actually existing on the structure. The
test methods that are indicated in this document are therefore
APPENDIX B: Conversions semi-quantitative and do not represent the actual amount of
soluble salt ions existing on the structure.
B.1 Determining Surface Concentration from Solution
Concentration: One can convert the solution concentration C.1 Equivalent Surface Concentration of Chloride from
to an equivalent surface concentration as follows: Conductivity of Chloride Solution:This procedure may be
used when one suspects that the only (or major) soluble salt
where: present on a surface is chloride. Assuming that all salt is pres-
V ent as chloride can provide a worst-case scenario, as chloride
E=C• (Formula 1) is generally agreed to be the most aggressive in accelerating
corrosion and inducing osmotic blistering.
C = solution concentration in ppm (µg/cm3) One can estimate the solution concentration from the con-
E = surface concentration in µg/cm2 ductivity if one knows or assumes the identity of the soluble salt.
V = volume of extract solution in mL (1 mL = 1 cm3) For example, if one assumes that the salt is sodium chloride
A= area in cm2 only, the solution concentration is estimated as follows:
C = 42 ppm E = (0.3) • S • V
(Formula 3*)
A= 12.5 cm2 A
V= 2 mL
E = surface concentration of equivalent chloride in
2 µg/cm2
E = 42 • = 6.7 µg/cm2
12.5 S = conductivity in µS/cm
V = volume of extract solution in mL
B.2 Determining Solution Concentration from Surface A = area in cm2
Concentration: One can convert the surface concentration to
an equivalent solution concentration as follows: Example:
S = 70 µS/cm
C=E• A
(Formula 2) V = 2 mL
where: A = 12.5 cm2
C = solution concentration in ppm (µg/cm3)
E = surface concentration in µg/cm2 * This formula is valid only where sodium chloride is the only
V = volume of extract solution in mL soluble salt and at low concentrations. In actual field samples,
there are almost always other salts present.
A= area in cm2
SSPC-Guide 15
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SSPC-Guide 15
June 1, 2005