Acs 03 Usfd

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‘Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, (Revised-2012)’

RevisedA & C Slip No. 3 of August, 2016

1. Para 4.1.1 (c) is modified as under :

“4.1.1c) Sensitivity setting of the equipment and probes– Check once every 3 days
The sensitivity of the USFD equipment shall be set up once every 3 dayswith the help of standard rail
pieces as mentioned below:
Sensitivity (gain) setting: For the sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment and the probes, the following
sequence is to be maintained:
i) Place the testing trolley on the standard rail piece having artificial flaws as shown in Fig.
3 for need based criteria. Check the alignment of probes to make sure that 700 Central
probe & 00 probe travel centrally in line with the axis of the rail head & web. 700 GF & 700
NGF probes shall be aligned towards GF & NGF respectively at appropriate positions.
ii) Set the acoustic barrier of the normal probe at right angle to the longitudinal direction of
iii) Open the water nozzle and regulate water flow on the probes at an optimum speed.
iv) While testing on single line section and ‘D’ marked rails on double / multiple line section,
additional gain of 10db is to be employed.”
2. Para 5.1.2 is revised as follows :
“5.1.2 During testing
(i) Conduct test as per procedure mentioned in Chapter 6.
(ii) Maintain proper alignment of all probes during testing, otherwise false echoes may appear.
(iii) Ensure adequate supply of water for coupling.
(iv) Check proper functioning of 70o probes by touching the probe bottom with fingers. Noise
pattern should appear on the screen.
(v) Look out for back wall echo corresponding to normal probe throughout testing
(vi) Lift the machine at crossings/change of rail table height at joints to protect the probes.
(vii) Mark the locations found defective as per classification.”

3. Para 8.6.4 is revised as under :

“8.6.4 Defect classification:

i) A welded joint showing moving signal of 40% or more and up to 60% of FSH shall be
classified as DFWO.
ii) A welded joint showing moving signal of more than 60% of full screen height to be
classified as DFWR.
A bunch of moving signals more than 10% shall also be considered as defective weld & to
be declared as DFWR.(Fig. 30).”

4. Para 8.7.2 is modified as under :

“8.7.2 450/ 2MHz single crystal probe (Tandem probe scanning) :

The tandem probe rig scan on the rail table by 450probe is used to detect any vertically oriented
defect such as lack of fusion located at head–web junction, complete web & up to web-foot
junction area.”

5. Para 8.10 is modified as follows :

“8.10 Initial USFD testing of AT welds and subsequent testing within the guarantee
period of contract

A thermit welding done in-situ shall be joggled fish-plated with two clamps and supported on
wooden blocks of 300-450 mm length untill tested as good by USFD.”

6. Para 8.14 is modified as under :

“8.14 Action to be taken after detection of defects in AT welds : Action to be taken for defects
in AT welds shall be same as at para 6.4. In addition, following shall also be applicable
for welds classified as defective (DFWO/DFWR) in Initial acceptance test & periodic
testing of AT welds using hand probing :

Classification Painting on Action to be taken

both faces of
(In Head)
Defective weld In case of (i) In case of DFWO weld, following action will be taken:
‘DFWO/DFWR’ DFWO, one a) SSE/JE (P.Way)/USFD shall impose speed restriction of 30 kmph
with circle with red or stricter immediately and communicate to sectional SSE/JE
00 / 2MHz, paint. about the flaw location, who shall ensure the following :
700/ 2MHz, 450/ 2 In case of b)Protection of defective weld by joggled fish plates using
MHz or 700 2MHz DFWR, two minimum two tight clamps immediately with a speed restriction
SL probe, 450/2 cross with red of 30 kmph. Speed restriction can be relaxed to normal after
MHz Tandem Rig paint. protection of DFWO weld by joggled fish plates with 2 far end
tight bolts (one on each side) with champhering of holes, within
3 days. The joint is to be kept under observation.
(ii) In case of DFWR following action will be taken:
a) SSE/JE (P.Way) USFD shall impose speed restriction of
30kmph or stricter immediately and communicate to sectional
SSE/JE about the flaw location who shall ensure the following:
b) Protection of DFWR weld by joggled fish plates using minimum
two tight clamps immediately. SR of 30 Kmph can be relaxed to
normal after providing joggled fish plates with two far end tight
bolts one on each side with champhering of holes. The DFWR
weld shall be replaced within three months of detection.
Adequate traffic block should be granted for removal of DFWR
welds. In case of non removal within three months, a speed
restriction of 75 kmph for loaded goods train and 100 kmph for
passenger train should be imposed.
(iii) In case of defective weld (DFWO/DFWR) on major bridges &
bridge approaches (100m either side) and in tunnels & on tunnel
approaches (100m either side), following action will be taken :
a) SE/JE(P.Way)/USFD shall impose speed restriction of 30 Kmph
or stricter immediately and to be continued till defective weld is
replaced. He should communicate to sectional SE/JE (P.Way)
about the flaw location who shall ensure the following :
b) Protection of defective weld using clamped joggled fish plate
within 24 hrs.
c) The defective weld shall be replaced within 3 days of detection.

7. Para 8.15.1 is modified as under :

“8.15.1 Testing of AT welded joints using hand probing shall comprise of testing by probes with
sensitivity setting and calibration as per references indicated against them in the table
S.No Probes Calibration asSensitivity Scanned area Acceptance
per Setting as per Criteria
1. 00 2 MHz Para 8.5.1 Para 8.5.2, Head, web As per Para
Fig 20(a) 8.5.4
2. 700 2MHz (Head & Para 8.6.1, Para 8.6.2, Head, weld foot As per Para
AT weld Flange 8.9.1 8.9.2, 8.6.4 & 8.9.4
scanning) Fig 20(a)
3. 700 2MHz SL Para 8.8.1 Para 8.8.2, Weld foot As per Para
Fig 22 (a) (Half Moon Defect) 8.8.4
4. 45o 2 MHz (AT Para 8.7.1 Para , Weld foot As per Para
weld foot scanning) Fig 22 (a) & 23 (Half Moon Defect/
clustered defect &
micro porosity)
5. 45o 2 MHzsingle As per Para As per Para lack of fusion located As per Para
crystal probe (Fig. at head–web junction,
(Tandem probe 22(b) & 22(c) complete web & up to
scanning) web-foot junction

The frequency of testing of AT welds with above listed probes shall be as under:

S No Type of Welds Type of Testing Testing Schedule

1 Conventional Periodic Tests Every 40 GMT or 5 years
AT Weld which ever is earlier
2 Acceptance Test Immediately after welding
3 First Periodic Test 1 year
SKV Weld Further tests based on route Routes having Frequency
4 > 80 1 year
5 > 60 < 80 1 ½ years
6 > 45 < 60 2 years
7 >30 < 45 3 years
8 > 15 <30 4 years
9 0-15 5 years

In case of welds on major bridges & bridge approaches (100m either side) and in tunnels & on tunnel
approaches (100m either side), the minimum frequency of testing shall be once in a year.

Due to unusually high weld failure or other abnormal development in some sections, Chief
Engineer may order testing of welds early, as per need.
The testing interval of USFD testing of defective AT welds should be reduced by 50% of normal
testing interval of AT welds as provided in para8.15.1 to avoid fractures of defective welds.
8. Below Para 8.16, New clause b) (iii) under Note ‘Guidelines for the operators’, is added
as given below :
“ b) (iii) The defect signal observed at the collar from one end of testing shall be confirmed from other
end also. If defect is confirmed from both the ends the welds must be marked as defective.”
9. Fig.3 and Fig.22 (c) are revised and are enclosed at Annexure-1-A and Annexure-1-B.

10. New para 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 are added as given below :

“6.3.1: Defect at any location which is detected by two or more probes and are considered
to be classified asOBS/OBSW based on peak pattern of individual probe, should be
classified as IMR/IMRW and action shall be taken accordingly as per Para 6.4.
6.3.2: In case two or more OBS/OBSW defects are located within a distance of 4.0 metre
from each other, such OBS/OBSW defects shall be classified as IMR/IMRW and
action shall be taken accordingly as per Para 6.4.”
11. A new Para 10.6 is added at the end of chapter 10 as follows:

10.6Guidelines for USFD testing of tongue rail of point & crossing in service.
10.6.1 For purpose of USFD testing of tongue rails of points and crossings, the tongue rail can be
demarcated in three zones as under:

a. Zone-1: Where full width of Rail head is available. This zone shall be covered in normal rail
b. Zone-2: Region where scanning by 700 probe is easily feasible i.e. up to width of rail head of points
and crossings, where 700 probe of 20 mm crystal size can be suitably placed over it.
c. Zone-3: Rest portion of tongue rail of points and crossing.

10.6.2 The USFD testing of tongue rails of points and crossings, shall be done as given below.
The sensitivity setting for the probes shall remain same as used for through periodic rail

a. Zone-1 : This part of tongue rail of point & crossings where full width of rail head is available,
shall be covered in normal rail testing using double rail tester. In some of the switches in which
guide roller of double rail tester hinder the movement of trolley up to full width of rail head part,
lower dia of guide roller shall be used.
b. Zone-2 : This part of tongue rail shall be tested manually using 70˚/2 MHz , Single crystal probe
having crystal size 20 dia. or 20x20 mm square crystal.
c. Zone-3 : This part of the tongue rail shall be examined visually.

10.6.3 Classification of defects : The defect classification shall be made as per provisions given
in Item 1(A), 2(A) , 3 (A) and 4(A) of Annexure-II-A of ‘Manual for Ultrasonic testing of
rails & welds, (Revised-2012)’

However, in zone-2 provisions given in Item 2(A) and 3 (A) of Annexure-II-A of ‘Manual for
Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, (Revised-2012)’ shall be applicable.

10.6.4 Action to be taken after detection of defects: SE/JE (P.Way)/USFD shall impose speed
restriction of 30 Kmph or stricter immediately and to be continued till flawed tongue rail is
replaced which should be done within 3 days of detection.





20° 25

Fig. 3


1. The slice from rail head for sensitivity setting shall be from rail of same sectional weight which is to be tested (i.e. for testing on 60Kg/52Kg, 90R rails etc. the
sensitivity testing piece shall be from 60Kg, 52Kg, 90R rails respectively).
2. In case of machines having provision of variable shift of gauge face probes following shall be ensured:
a) Maximum shift of probe shall be limited to the extant up to which there is no loss of acoustic coupling depending on rail top profile.
b) The sensitivity setting shall be done at the shift level with which actual testing is to be carried out.
c) The shift of probe shall not be altered during testing without fresh setting at altered shift .


Annexure-1 A

Annexure‐1 B 

Cent re line of weld




Fig. 22 (c): AT Weld Testing using 45° tandem probe

Fig. 22(c)

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