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Development of ECE Licensure Examination Mobile Application Reviewer For ECE Students of Bulacan State University PDF

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department

Electronics Engineering of College of Engineering

Bulacan State University


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering




May 2018


The authors are sincerely grateful to the Lord Almighty for giving us the strength

and courage through our hardest times, for without Him we are nothing. The authors

would like to express their gratitude to the school, Bulacan State University, for giving

them the opportunity and chance to evaluate and show their skill and knowledge in their

field of study.

The authors would also would also like to extend their gratitude to the following:

To Engr. Donald M. Lapiguera, their adviser, for giving them the necessary advice and

help to fulfill and accomplish this study. To Engr. Dion Michael, their professor, for the

hard work and patience that help the researcher build good concept and make this study

successful. To Mr. Cresente Froilan Daco for giving suggestions and advices and helping

the researchers to build the codes of this study. To the Family and Friends of the

researchers, the Bernardo’s family, Dela Cruz’s Family, Garcia’s Family, and

Madridano’s Family, for their support, advices, prayers and also for giving them hope

and courage to overcome problems. And for being there in toughest times of our study.

And to everyone who contributed and helped us build and successfully accomplish this

study. Thank you.






The authors would like to dedicate this humble work to the following people:

their family,

their parents,

their friends,

their advisers,

and above all, to our God Almighty.


Licensure board examination for Electronics Engineering graduates is said to be

the hardest professional exam. This is proven by the low national passing rate for newly

registered ECE as compare to other engineering courses with such exam. Bulacan State

University graduates, however, is not an exemption to this issue. In fact, ECE department

has had the lowest passing rate as compare to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

Despite the fact that BulSU is consistently among the top performing school in both ECE

and ECT exams, pressure is being passed on the ECE department so as the students.

Because of this, the researchers proposed a mobile application that consists of review

questions under the four (4) subject area of the licensure examination. This application

monitors the progress of each student or ECE graduate of BulSU on each subject. The

project recorded the score or percentage of the user once he finished the examination.

The questions and choices has been shuffled once the user reload or restart the exam to

avoid the user for being dull headed.

At the end of this project, the researchers are expected to produce a user - friendly

application that will help ECE students and graduates in monitoring their growth. This

ECE Reviewer App somehow boost the passing rate of Bulacan State University given

the responsibility of ECE students and graduates in analyzing themselves whether to take

the exam or not provided their progress in this application. The researchers are expected

to meet the desired outcome of the project.


TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................x



Introduction ..................................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem .............................................................................4

Significance of the Study .............................................................................5

Scope and Delimitation ................................................................................6


Relevant Theories ........................................................................................8

Related Literature.........................................................................................9

Related Studies...........................................................................................19

Conceptual Framework ..............................................................................27

Definition of Terms....................................................................................28


Methods and Technique of the Study ........................................................30

Population and Sample of the Study ..........................................................33

Research Instruments .................................................................................34

Data Gathering Procedure ..........................................................................35

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment .................................................36

Conceptual System Layout ........................................................................38


Innovation and Other Development ...........................................................43

Software and Software Development Tools ..............................................43

System Features .........................................................................................43

System’s Level of Acceptability ................................................................44

Project Evaluation ......................................................................................44

Operating Procedures .................................................................................67

Project Capabilities and Limitations ..........................................................67

Effectivity of the System ...........................................................................68

Testing of the System.................................................................................70


Summary and Findings ..............................................................................71

Conclusion ................................................................................................72

Recommendation ......................................................................................73

REFERENCES .........................................................................................................74

APPENDICES ..........................................................................................................77


Table Title Page

1 Population of the Study 34

2 Likert’s Scale 22

3 Evaluation Criteria 45

4 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Functional Suitability) 46

5 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Usability) 47

6 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Reliability) 48

Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Performance

7 49

8 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Portability) 50

9 Summary of Results (ECE Students) 51

10 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Functional Suitability) 52

11 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Usability) 53

12 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Reliability) 54

Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Performance

13 55

14 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Portability) 56

15 Summary of Results (ECE Alumni) 57

Level of Acceptability of the ECE Instructor (Functional

16 58

17 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Instructor (Usability) 59

18 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Instructor (Reliability) 61

Level of Acceptability of the ECE Instructor (Performance
19 61

20 Level of Acceptability of the ECE Instructor (Portability) 62

21 Summary of Results (ECE Instructor) 63

22 Level of Acceptability of the I.T. Professional (Maintainability) 64

23 Summary of Results (Population of the Study) 65

24 Testing for System’s Effectivity 69


Figure Title Page

1 Schematic Model of the Conceptual Framework of the Study 27

2 Agile Software Development Life Cycle Model 31

3 Challenge Mode Conceptual System Layout 38

4 Review Mode and Quiz Mode Conceptual System Layout 39

5 Actual Project Appearance 39

6 Review Mode 40

7 Quiz Mode 41

8 Challenge Mode 42

9 Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Students) 47

10 Usability Graph (ECE Students) 48

11 Reliability Graph (ECE Students) 49

12 Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Students) 50

13 Portability Graph (ECE Students) 51

14 Summary of Results (ECE Students) 52

15 Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Alumni) 53

16 Usability Graph (ECE Alumni) 54

17 Reliability Graph (ECE Alumni) 55

18 Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Alumni) 56

19 Portability Graph (ECE Alumni) 57

20 Summary of Results (ECE Alumni) 58

21 Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Instructor) 59

22 Usability Graph (ECE Instructor) 60

23 Reliability Graph (ECE Instructor) 61

24 Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Instructor) 62

25 Portability Graph (ECE Instructor) 63

26 Summary of Results (ECE Instructor) 64

27 Maintainability Graph 65

28 Summary of Results (Population of the Study) 66

29 System Testing 70




Learning is the collection of information gathered through the use of the five

senses, listening to discussions, reading books, notes or lectures, writing a report or

experiment, and interaction with other people. Examination is widely used to determine

the accumulated knowledge of a person. One of the widely used method in preparing an

examination is via multiple choice question, where examinee can choose the best possible

answer among the given choices under each question. Multiple choice questions, or

items, can lead the way to assess learning outcomes effectively and efficiently (Brame,


Being prepared for an exam boosts confidence and having the right attitude

towards studying is very important as an examination requires knowledge and skills

(Greig, 2016). Reviewing lectures notes is the most common approach in this practice. In

university, engineering students experience learning the hard way. This is due to one's

commitment on overnight studying of lectures and notes preparing for an exam and doing

lots of assignments given by instructors.

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering is a five (5)

– year course college program that requires deep knowledge on innovations and

development on technology having a logical mindset. It focuses on conceptualization,

design and development of electronic, computer and communication products, systems,

services and processes. After a 5-year battle and survival in studying, ECE licensure

exam is conducted before one can practice the profession. The examination is organized

by the Board of Electronic Engineering under the supervision of the Professional

Regulation Commission (PRC). It is scheduled twice a year in the months of April and

October. There are four main subjects under an ECE board exam namely, Mathematics,

Electronics Engineering, General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS), and

Electronics Systems and Technologies (ESAT).

Licensure exam passing rates of state universities and colleges may determine the

institution’s credibility and performance (Santos T. U., 2008). PRC is the government

body that is responsible on the supervision of professional examination proper and the

result of it. School’s image is at risk on this passing rate whether if it will be an asset that

may improve the school’s image or will be a weak point that may damage it. One of

which is Bulacan State University (BulSU), that caters 8 disciplines in engineering, and

these past years, it’s the Electronics Engineering (ECE) graduates that are struggling to

improve the passing efficiency of the university.

Over the span of ten years, Bulacan State University’s ECE board exam result

recorded a lacking performance rating for both first timers and repeaters. On the positive

note, BulSU’s ECE passing rate is quite above the national passing rate but is not able to

meet the university standard of at least 80% performance efficiency. Unfortunately, forty-

eight and ninety-eight hundredths percent (48.98%) was the performance rating of

Bulacan State University’s ECE board exam on the recent April 2018 result. Though

Bulacan State University’s passing rate is above the national passing rate (45.36%) (PRC,

2017), alumnus who passed was not able to attain the university standard. Evident that

Electronics Engineering graduates of BulSU are not competent enough to meet the high

rating set by the university.

Through the low passing rate recorded over a decade, the researchers come up on

an idea to develop a licensure exam mobile reviewer application that focuses on

Electronics Engineering (ECE) board. Wide range of android-based reviewer applications

can be access by students online. Other researchers eyed to conduct proposal about this

mobile application reviewer. The researchers reviewed existing mobile applications and

past researches to gather data and information for the development of the proposed


Based on the review of these related studies, the researchers found that, as of

2017, none of this available applications and past research didn’t have personal

information for logging in and the ability to record the progress of the user throughout

his/her personal performance after taking an exam which is the main idea of the

researcher’s project. As a result, the researchers come up in developing those existing

mobile review apps for ECE. This mobile reviewer application can be used as a training

ground of every ECE student to improve the passing efficiency of the university. This

application also surveil and keep records of the user’s score every time he/she take the

review questions. User may also engage to interactive quizzes wherein he/she can

challenge other users of the application.

The mobile application has three modes of exam, Review Mode, Quiz Mode and

Challenge Mode. The user will answer multiple choice type of questions under the

subtopics of the four (4) subject areas. For the Quiz Mode, the user will answer one

hundred (100) multiple choice questions randomly picked under the subtopics of each

subject areas within an hour. The Challenge Mode of the application offers interactive

exam where the user may challenge other users of the application, logging-in was

introduced to this mode. Together, the users will try to outsmart each other as they asked

to answer ten (10) randomly picked multiple choice type of questions from all four (4)

subject areas of the ECE licensure examination. Within a thirty (30) seconds mark, the

two players must answer the flashed question, they will know the correct answer after 30

seconds, immediately.

At the continuous use of ECE students through this mobile application, students

are expected to somehow experience the degree of difficulty to finally be a licensed ECE.

The researchers aimed a better passing efficiency of Bulacan State University through

this research project. This mobile application reviewer would also help ECE students to

assess themselves on how prepared they are in taking the licensure examination. This

research project can somehow increase the determination of every ECE students of

BulSU to strive for excellence in the profession they want to be.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is “How to develop an Android based mobile

application board exam reviewer that will help the Electronics Engineering students of

Bulacan State University to promote effective learning experience and help them assess

their preparation for the board exam?”

Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1. What advancement/s must be considered to improve the existing system?

2. What are the software and software development tool needed to develop the


3. What features the proposed system must have in order to ensure the

researcher’s aim of improving the passing rate of the Electronics Engineering

students of Bulacan State University?

4. How acceptable is the system in terms of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Software

Quality Assurance Model considering these characteristics:

4.1. Functional Suitability 4.4. Performance Efficiency

4.2. Usability 4.5. Portability

4.3. Reliability 4.6. Maintainability

Significance of the study

The study “Development of ECE Licensure Examination Mobile Application

Reviewer for ECE Students of Bulacan State University” will be beneficial to the


To the ECE students of Bulacan State University, this study will serve as their

review material for the preparation for the board exam. It being handy and mobile, one

can access it at any ease of time. This will also help students on their current study of the

course for it covers four main subjects of the ECE curriculum.

To the ECE Faculty of the College of Engineering, Bulacan State University,

the information in this application may be used as a reference material in teaching. And

the additional feature of this app which is the “Challenge Mode” when the app is used

online can be used as an interactive way of learning.

To the College of Engineering, Bulacan State University, regular and

monitored use of the app may have an adverse effect on students’ academic performance

and on review sessions for the board exam and it may have a good impact on the

university’s rating on the licensure exam for ECE.

And to the future researchers of the same field, this study may serve as their

reference for the study they will conduct.

Scope and Delimitation


This study intended to do the following:

1. The study focused on developing a licensure examination mobile application

reviewer for ECE students.

2. The study focused on the development of an Android-based mobile application to

improve the reviewing experience of ECE students.

3. The study covered all four (4) main subjects for an ECE licensure examination

namely, Mathematics, Electronics Engineering, ESAT, and GEAS.

4. The study focused on developing a mobile application reviewer which can be

used online and offline.

5. The study displayed multiple-choice board exam type of questions which provides

solution to problems.


However, the study is limited to the following:

1. The study is limited only to the ECE students of Bulacan State University.

2. The android requirement for the study is limited to version of 4.4 (Kitkat) up to

7.0 (Nougat).

3. The researchers limited the study to provide at least 300 multiple type of

questions each on the four (4) main subjects.

4. The study is limited to be used in a LAN based scenario for Challenge Mode.

5. The study presented solutions on Review mode only.



Relevant Theories

Multimedia Learning Theory

This theory refers to the use of visual and auditory learning materials that may

include video, computer and other information technology. This focuses on the principles

that determine the effective use of technology in learning, with emphasis on using two

channels for information processing, the visual and the auditory channel. The latter deals

with the information that is seen and the former processes the information that is heard. If

these both channels are presented with information, there will be more knowledge

acquired, however, if the information delivered are too much, it is insufficiently

processed and long-term memory may not be acquired (Mayer, 2005).

Anchored Instruction Theory

This theory is taking the real life of the world as the core contents of teaching

through educational media. Students discover and solve problems through different

means of the real living world. The reality of the living world is referred to as the

“anchor”, and the process of establishing and identifying the real living world to solve the

problems is nonliterally termed as “casting the anchor”. Anchored instruction is one of

critical instructional models under the constructive learning theory. It was proposed by a

cognitive and technical team under the leadership of American professor John Bransford

in Vanderbilt University in 1992. The Anchored Instruction Theory emphasizes

technology-based learning. Students take the technology as the carrier, use the reality of

living world as main contents to discover problems, generate questions, and ultimately

solve the problems (Ouyang & Stanley, 2014).

The above theories helped the researchers through the development of the system.

Both discussed the relevance of technology in the learning process. It contributes a lot in

developing one’s cognitive ability. It is a piece of the learning environment that brings

about cognition. Learners under these theories were able to use their knowledge by

critical thinking, comprehend new ideas, communicate, collaborate, apply the acquired

knowledge to new situations, analyze information, solve problems and make decisions.

Related Literatures

Nowadays, the credibility of school is generally related to the student’s

performance based on academics, curricular or non-curricular activities (Santos T. U.,

2008). Also, the students’ performance may determine through the licensure

examinations under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Licensure examination gives a huge impact for the credibility of school, taking the board

exam is like going to a battle with your knowledge as your weapon. Knowing your

strength and weaknesses as to what extent of knowledge that you have acquired is the

best tool to be so-called mentally prepared.

The College of Engineering is one of top performing colleges in Bulacan State

University in terms of taking the licensure examination. However, the College of

Engineering is divided in 8 departments respectively the Civil, Computer, Electrical,

Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Mechanical, and Electronics Engineering. But

the performance of Electronics Engineering in licensure examination is quite low, the

licensure examination is divided into four (4) disciplines, the said topics are Mathematics,

Electronics, Electronics System and technology (ESAT) and General Engineering and

Applied Sciences. The result of licensure examination is unimpressive because for over

the past seven (7) years the result doesn’t meet the 80% passing rate which the Bulacan

State University’s standard for College of Engineering.

However, not all students in College of Engineering are good in solving

mathematical problems; according to Neale, attitudes toward learning mathematics

include such ingredients in liking or disliking the mathematics. For this reason, a

tendency to engage in or avoid mathematics activity can be considered as a belief that

one is good or bad in mathematics.

In taking the examination, student must be physically, spiritually and mentally

ready. Thus, every student needs motivation, Renchler pointed out that student

motivation has rightly centered on the classroom where the majority of learning takes

place and where students are most likely to acquire a strong motivation to gain


As times goes by, the materials for reviewing for ECE licensure examination

doesn’t depends only in books and hard bond copy. Lots of existing reviewer applications

is available in Google app store, example of this are Electronics Engineer Reviewer, ECE

Previewer, ECE ECT Reviewer, Electronics Engineering Quiz, IndiaBix Electronicsss,

ECE Practice Board Exam,

Electronics Engineer ECE, Go Review – Engineering, Gate ECE 2018 Exam Prep,

and Basic Electronics Engineering.

Mobile Application Reviewers Available in Google Playstore

The Electronics Engineer Reviewer is an application that helps the students for

the Electronics Engineering Board Exams. Their goal is to provide an effective and

convenient way for students to maximize their learning and get better results for their

exams. It has three different levels the normal mode, timed mode and vitali-3 and you can

customize the color theme (Guevarra, 2016).

The ECE Previewer contains questions in Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus,

Thermodynamics, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering,

Communications Engineering, and Computer Engineering. It is ideal for Electronics

Engineering and Electrical Engineering students (Ampoloquio, ECE Previewer, 2014).

However, this application had lots of negative feedback because some of questions had

wrong answers.

The ECE ECT Reviewer loaded with thousands of potential board exam

questions. However, each quiz is limited for 10 to 15 questions for quick result. The user

must take the same quiz as many times as can to cover all the questions (Jadz, 2005). But

it takes quite time to load.

The Electronics Engineering Quiz covers the entire aspects of the subject from

basic electronics to advanced and modern topics. It is easy to use, contains more than

hundreds of questions, can choose any quiz mode and can practice questions anywhere,

anytime, no network connection is required (Santos W. , 2016).

The IndiaBix Electronicsss, according to the developer (Jungi, 2017) it is the best

Electronics and Communication Engineering App to power up the ECE Engineering

skills. It has vast collection of question to practice upon with answer and explanation.

The topics which it covers are Materials and Components, Networks Analysis and

Synthesis, Measurements and Instrumentation, Analog Electronics, Automatic Control

Systems, Radio Receivers, Satellite Communication, Signals and Systems, Exam

Questions Papers, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Power

Electronics, Digital Electronics, Communication Systems, Microwave Communication,

Microprocessors, Matching Questions. People call their app as electronics and

communication engineering apps, electronics apps in Hindi, electronics apps, interview

preparation app in Hindi, interview preparation app, placement app and placement India

app. This application is widely use in India.

The Professional ECE Review and Career Development Center (PERCDC)

Review Center had their own mobile review application; they made it divided into four (4)

mobile applications namely PERCDC Refresher Math, PERCDC Refresher GEAS

(General Engineering and Applied Sciences), PERCDC Refresher ESAT and PERCDC

Refresher Elex (Electronics). The PERCDC Refresher is purposively designed to enrich

the students’ problem-solving skills and sharpen their analysis in order to prepare them

for the board exam. In this phase, all the lessons including all the theories that have been

discussed during the review process will be set into application. This application uses

Perks as currency in order to take exams. But this application is exclusive for students

enrolled in their review center (PERCDC, 2017).

The ECE Practice Board Exam is a great opportunity for user to rehearse and

assess. It determines the strengths and weaknesses before facing the final quest, the board

examination proper. This is a good avenue to cope up with the needed learning essentials

while there is still time for preparation. It received lots of negative feedback because the

questions had wrong answers. (ECE Practice Board Exam, 2014).

The Electronics Engineer ECE applications is created in Los Angeles (Bradley,

2016), this application is a multiple-choice review questions app. This is perfect practice

for Electronics Engineers that will be taking the Electronics Engineer licensure exam or

even students who wants to be challenged with the questions about Electronics

Engineering or Electrical Engineering. This will help them review while being portable.

The questions are categorized by topics about Mathematics, Electronics, Electronics

System and Technology and General Engineering and Applied Sciences. This app will

cater to all Engineers/students worldwide. It has no fancy design just pure educational

experience with more than 1500 questions and very informative.

The Go Review Engineering it access updated topics even when you are offline.

Its real time database persist data to the device so it can review updated topics even

without internet connection. Review anytime by answering multiple choice questions

with its simple material design, can access topics and questions as fast as it can, making

this an effective reviewer application. The topics that include were Engineering

Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Strength of

Materials, Engineering Economics, even calculator techniques. It received a great

feedback to their user (Reyes, 2017).

The Gate ECE 2018 Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work a leading portal for

competitive exams preparation. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a computer

based standardized test jointly conducted by IIS and IITs for post graduate engineering

admissions and entry level engineering jobs in various PSUs. The test which is being

conducted since 1984 in over 660 centers in India every year is of 3 hours and the score is

valid for 3 years. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is not so easy to conquer for

Electronics and Communication Engineering students, a candidate needs to be focused

throughout the year in order to score good in the examination. Gate ECE 2018 Exam Prep

is one of the most required tools for better preparation as it offers the best available mock

tests and practice tests for both technical and non-technical section preparation. It has

completed mock tests for Electronics and Communication Engineering covering all

sections, had separate section wise and topic wise tests, review all attempted questions.

Topics covered of this application are Engineering Mathematics - Linear algebra,

Probability and Statistics, Electronics and Communication Engineering: - Networks,

Electronic devices, Analog circuits, Digital circuits, Electromagnetic, Signals and

systems, Control systems and communications (Lilibeth, 2016).

Lastly the Basic Electronics Engineering it is a multiple-choice review questions

app. This is perfect practice for Electronics Engineers that will be taking the Electronics

Engineering licensure examination or even students who wants to be challenged with the

questions about Electronics Engineering. This will help them review while being portable.

The questions are categorized by topics about, Mathematics, Electronics,

Communications, and General Engineering and Applied Sciences. This application caters

to all Engineers/students worldwide. This app earned lots of positive feedback to the

customers (Ampilar, 2017).

All these applications help the researchers to make a better application that can

improve the performance of the Electronics Engineering students of Bulacan State

University College of Engineering in Board Exam, an application not only convenient to

use but also to interact with other user.

Conceptual Research

Mobile learning is learning across multiple contexts, through social and content

interactions, using personal electronic devices. It is a form of distance education of

mobile device educational technology at their time convenience.

M-learning technologies include handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks,

mobile phones and tablets. It focuses on the mobility of the learner, interacting with

portable technologies. Using mobile tools for creating learning aids and materials

becomes an important part of informal learning. M-learning is convenient in that it is

accessible from virtually anywhere. Sharing is almost instantaneous among everyone

using the same content, which leads to the reception of instant feedback and tips. This

highly active process has proven to increase exam scores from the fiftieth to the

seventieth percentile and cut the dropout rate in technical fields by 22 percent. M-

learning also brings strong portability by replacing books and notes with small devices,

filled with tailored learning contents. Some of the possibilities offered by this

methodology, according to Fombona, Pascual-Sevillana and González-Videgaray, are a

greater and different access to information, along with transcendent innovations, such as

the increase of informal and playful activities, iconic virtual, membership of specific

groups, and networks of friendly interaction within new scales of values.


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the Linux

kernel and design for touch screen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet. Users

of android see the interface mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch gestures

that loosely correspond to objects, along with real-world actions such as swiping, tapping

and pinching, to manipulate on screen objects, with a virtual keyboard for text input.

In addition to touch screen devices, Google has further developed Android TV for

television, Android Auto for cars and Android Wear for wrist watches, each with a

specialized user interface.

Android Studio

Android Studio is Android’s official Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Its purpose is to build for Android accelerate your development and help you build the

highest-quality apps for every Android device. It offers tools to custom-tailored for

Android developers, including rich code editing, debugging, testing, and profiling tools.

In terms of code and iterate, Android Studio provides the fastest possible turn

around on your coding and running workflow.

Instant Run

When you click Run or Debug, Android Studio’s Instant Run feature pushes code

and resource changes to your running app.

Its intelligently understand the changes and often delivers them without restarting

your app or rebuilding your APK, so you can see the effects immediately.

Fast and feature-rich emulator

The Android Emulator installs and starts your apps faster than a real device and

allows you to prototype and test your app on various Android device configuration;

phones, tablets, Android Wear, and Android TV devices. You can also simulate a variety

of hardware features such as GPS location, network latency, motion sensors, and multi-

touch input.


Java is a widely used programming language expressly designed for use in the

distributed environment of the internet. It is the most popular programming language for

Android smartphone applications and is among the most favored for edge device and

internet of things development. “Java continues to be the most in-demand programming

language, year over year,” notes Doug Gray, in deed’s senior vice president of


Java was designed to have the look and feel of the C++ language, but it is simpler

to use than C++ and enforces an object-oriented programming model. Java can be used to

create complete applications that may run on a single computer or be distributed among

servers and clients in a network. It can also be used to build a small application module or

applet for use as part of a webpage.

Different software development may use for developing an application; also, they

offer different things that the researcher may use for improving their proposed study.


SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database that doesn’t

require a separate server process and allows accessing the database using a nonstandard

variant of the SQL query language. Some applications can use SQLite for internal data

storage. It also possible to prototype an application using SQLite and then port the code

to a larger database such as PostgreSQL or Oracle.

It is a popular choice as embedded database software for local /client storage in

application software such as web browser. It is arguably the most widely deployed

database engine, as it used today by several widespread browser, operating systems, and

embedded systems.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Extensible markup language is much like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),

it was designed to store and transport data. Also, it was self-descriptive:

• It has sender information

• It has receiver information

• It has a heading

• It has a message body

Hypertext Preprocessor

Hypertext Preprocessor is an HTML-embedded web scripting language. PHP

code is read or “parsed” by the server the page resides on. The output from the PHP

functions on the page are typically returned as HTML code, which can be read by the

browser. The PHP pages makes more secure to access database to the other information.

A lot of the syntax of PHP is borrowed from other languages such as C, Java and

Perl. However, PHP has a number of unique features and specific functions as well. The

goal of the language is to allow Web developers to write dynamically generated pages

quickly and easily.

Related Studies

According to the study of (Padua, 2017) presented in Technological University of

the Philippines - Taguig, entitled EBER: ECE Board Exam Reviewer Android

Application, the ECE board exam is considered as one of the hardest exam among

different engineering disciplines. Poor study habits and attitudes of the students are some

reasons for low passing rate for ECE board exam of some universities. However,

accessible review materials were made easy in the present era, the use of smart devices

and mobile phone applications become dominant. Well in fact, according to Statista 2017

(an online statistical portal), at the end of 2017, mobile users would reach at about 4.77

billion worldwide. Apart from manual way of reviewing, developing a mobile, hand-held

and user-friendly Android application may be a great instrument in reviewing through its

advanced features, and may elevate the poor study habits among ECE students.

One of these mobile application reviewers is the EBER, after finishing the

software, the system was implemented among the students of the subject Review 1 to see

if the said system alleviates the poor study habits among the students. The class was

divided into two sets of respondents: A- with EBER, B- without EBER. The over-all

performance of both respondent sets was evaluated by comparing the scores of the two

sets in their pre-board exam (term test).

While the application does not make a significant contribution to the exam scores

of the users, it has met the user requirements and is over all helpful and useful. However,

the usefulness of the application will only be utilized in accordance with the frequency of

usage of the users. From the results of the evaluation, the system was rated

“EXCELLENT” in terms of Functionality, Content, Aesthetic, and Reliability.

As mobile devices become more and more important to our daily lives so has the

need to develop applications that can reinforce teaching and learning on mobile platforms.

Study Time: an android based mobile learning application, students can learn at

their own convenient time. They can as well use the application when preparing for

examinations. The timing functionality included in the application will help them

measure how fast they are while answering questions from each subject area of choice.

The main objective of the study is to implement an application that can help users to

study or review from their android phones, anytime and anywhere, and it will also help

students to prepare for examinations by answering questions from different subject areas.

Those subject areas are grouped into categories. There is a set number of questions for

each exam and randomly selected. And time limit is also and added feature together with

the hint button. The application can also be used in schools to conduct real examinations.

Since examination results are saved to an external database, teachers and school authority

can have access to these results

Another mobile application developed was the iTest: Interactive Test. It is said

that taking up BS Electronics Engineering is a difficult and demanding 5-year course plus

it does have its licensure exam.

To somehow aid this difficulty, researchers develop a mobile reviewer app, the

iTest: Interactive Test: Easy Access Board/Pre-Board Examinees Preparatory Test

Android/ PC App for ECE Students of Bulacan State University. This is an offline

android application for ECE students that will take a pre-board or board exam. It covers

the entire four subjects in an ECE board exam: Mathematics, General Engineering and

Applies Sciences, Electronics Engineering and Electronics System and Technology. The

application provides options for the user on how he will take the exam. After taking the

exam, the app will provide the correct answers and will evaluate your score and

knowledge and will give short lectures of the exam you took.

The app has two modes: Exam Mode and Board Exam Mode. The exam mode

allows you focus to one specific subject under the four main subjects and has level of

difficulty for you to choose from. The Board Exam Mode is the practice of actual board

exam with random questions and level of difficulty.

With it being an offline mobile application, everyone can access the app and can

review wherever they are. And based on the evaluation of the system, the users rated the

app “excellent”, in terms of functionality, efficiency, user-friendliness, social relevance

and security.

The mobile applications mentioned above, however, have similarities with our

system when it comes to the coverage of the app. We had used it as a basis on our

proposed system and improved some of its features and take it as a criterion on what to

add on our future system.

Mobile devices are holding the future of education. Nearly 94% of Americans

own a cell phone and 53% of those are smart phones (Nielson, 2013). For higher

education, this means 50% of teenagers aged twelve to seventeen use their smart phones

as their primary internet access device with traditional desktops trailing behind (Pew,

2013). Cisco has estimated by the end of 2013 there will be more mobile connected

devices than people on earth over 7 billion. The statistics only proves that mobile

technology will be an effective strategy in learning.

Based on a study submitted to University of York, the usage of mobile technology

will surely benefit the today’s society. On this study, researcher cited the advantages,

elements and other useful features of mobile learning.

The aim of this project is to study the benefits of m-learning, to provide an

analysis of principles and patterns of mobile interface design, to provide tactics that solve

common mobile development problems and to develop a mobile application for the

Android platform that will provide functions which support distance learning and offer

direct communication between students and their teachers through the internet.

Furthermore, it is ideally designed to make students more active and motivated in lectures

and, last but not least, it can be the start to incite other developers to design more

applications that support distance learning through mobile devices

The study discussed about the two layers of mobile learning: (a) semiotic layer in

which the student internalizes the external knowledge and (b) technological layer that is,

learning as an interaction with technology in which tools such as computers and mobile

phones operate as interactive agents that help us communicate and learn through the

recall of information.

Researchers also characterized mobile technology as a social tool in learning and

cited some of its characteristics such as usability and ease of access and immediacy. (Ally,


According to (Ally, 2014), libraries are being digitized and information formatted

for access using mobile technology – “a library in everyone’s pocket”

Mobile learning has recently become one of the most important areas of research

and mobile learning has emerged as an interactive learning strategy. Today, mobile

learning is a strategic topic for many organizations concerned with education. It is

predicted that in the future, more research about mobile learning in should be conducted

to elevate today’s standard in education.

In fact, there’s a section in RUSC, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal,

that presents a general overview of successful mobile learning experiences in higher

education. These mobile applications will add another layer to the learning and teaching


We are in the first generation of mobile learning, since it is in its early stage of

development. The use of mobile technology allows for cloud teaching where access to

people, resources and information will float freely regardless of location (Sutch, 2010).

Learners in different time zones and locations will be able to access tutors when needed.

According to a Future lab report (Daanen, et. al, 2007), by 2020, digital technology will

be embedded and distributed in most objects.

Many higher education organizations are implementing mobile learning to

provide flexibility in learning (Tsinakos, et. al, 2013). Learners can use the wireless

capability of their mobile devices to access up-to-date and relevant educational resources

from the web and to communicate with experts in the field of their study. Mobile learning

is not about the technology, it is about the learner. The learner is mobile and is at the

center of the learning, and the technology allows the learner to learn in any context.

Vavoula and Sharples (2009) state that mobile learning is a social rather than technical

phenomenon of people on the move, constructing spontaneous learning contexts and

advancing through everyday life by negotiating knowledge and meanings through

interactions with settings, people and technology.

Mobile technology can be used to connect students from different parts of the

world to create and share information with each other. Students can use the mobile

telecommunication system to show where they are so that students from other parts of the

world can learn about those locations. Botha, Vosloo, Kuner, and van der Berg (2009)

conducted a study that examined global learning with students from different cultures

using mobile technology. They found that the process of creating, sharing and negotiating

provided an opportunity for students to foster relationships and to contextualize their

lives to develop shared understandings. The process used to create and share information

with different cultures resulted in the development of intercultural competencies and

skills to communicate between cultures. In the future, more research should be conducted

to transform education using mobile learning. Koszalka and Ntloedibe-Kuswani (2010)

suggested that there is a need for more rigorous research on the use of mobile technology

in learning to enhance the use of mobile learning in education. Also, there is a need for

more extensive quantitative and qualitative research studies on mobile learning to

advance the implementation of mobile learning in the 21st century (Ali & Irvine, 2009).

There should be more research on how to design and deliver learning to reach the masses,

taking into consideration learners’ cultures, values, and local contexts. Education must

take advantage of this abundance of mobile technology to deliver education to students

anywhere and anytime (López Cruz & Gutiérrez Cortés, 2012). Education has to be

transformed in the digital age to deliver education using mobile technology and to meet

the needs of learners in the 21st century (Ally & Tsinakos, 2014; Gerstein, 2013).

Mobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones

have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning.

Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education,

systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking.

This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated

mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental journal articles

published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a

moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education.

The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and

disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were

synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and

their implications for both research and practice are discussed. The study aimed to

provide an overview of the status of the use of mobile devices in educational

experimental studies, to quantify overall effectiveness of integrating mobile technologies

into education on student learning achievement, to synthesize the advantages and

disadvantages of mobile learning in levels of moderator variables based on the content

analysis of articles related with moderator variables.

Based on the findings of this study, it is proposed that more elaborate instructional

design developments are needed to more thoroughly exploit the educational benefits

possible by utilizing mobile devices.

Using android phones and tablets is the trend. In addition, the target demographic

is not clear or focused to a specific group. In Google play store, only nine Mathematics

learning apps are based on Malaysian Syllabus. Therefore, the objective of these

application is to design an educational Mathematics learning app for primary 4 students

based on Malaysia primary school syllabus KSSR model. Two, to develop Mathematical

learning app on Android platform. And lastly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the

developed app. The method used to develop the app is agile extreme programming

development. For software testing, functionality testing is performed in unit testing level

whereas user acceptance and compatibility testing is performed in acceptance testing

level. But the app is of limited number of questions and large app size.

Overall, the existing studies gave way for the better understanding of how far

mobile learning have reached the society today. And it pushed us more continue our

study on using mobile application as a way of reviewing or acquiring knowledge.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the schematic model of the conceptual framework of the study.


Presentation and
evaluation of:
1. Innovation and
Collecting ideas
other development
through relevant
to improve the
theories, related
literature and studies Development of ECE
performance of the
from various sources Licensure Examination
Mobile Application
Gathering of data and 2. Software and
Reviewer for ECE
information through software
students of Bulacan
interviews and survey development tool
State University
Conceptualization of
3. Features of the
the device and
system to improve
the passing rate of
Understanding the the university; and
Software Quality ISO 4. The system’s level
Standards of acceptability in
terms of ISO/IEC

Figure 1. Schematic Model of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptualization of the whole research project relating the dependent and

independent variable was discussed by the diagram above.

The researchers collected ideas from previous works, relevant theories, related

literatures and studies. The researchers gathered data and information through performing

some interviews and conducting surveys in the process of the research project. The

researchers conceptualized on how the application will simulate. This research project

was under the supervision of the Software Quality ISO Standards and must pass the

qualifications stated by ISO/IEC 25010:2011 guidelines.

The process of the study provided solution to the specific objectives provided by

this research project. The researcher tried to innovate these existing applications for the

development of the overall performance of the system. Software and software

development tool’s requirement was established throughout this research. The research

project showed features of the system that may increase and somehow improve the

passing efficiency for ECE licensure examination. Finally, the researcher evaluated the

system’s level of acceptability in terms of functionality, efficiency, reliability and

usability under the guidelines of ISO/IEC 25010:2011.

After various checking and evaluation of the proposed system, the researchers

were able to present the Development of ECE Licensure Examination Mobile

Application Reviewer for ECE students of Bulacan State University as the outcome of

the whole research project.

Definition of Terms

This explains technical terms used in this research paper that may not be

understood by a non-technical person.

Licensure Examination – Serves as a practice or restriction of an individual in applying

for his/her professional ambition and in use for his/her occupational title.

Passing Rate – University’s performance rating after the licensure examination and

serves as the criteria of a student in determining which university to enter in.

Academic Performance – Extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved

their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of

educational degrees such as high school and bachelor's degrees represent academic


Educational Growth/Progress – Refers to the students’ performance throughout the

whole year. This is the combined result of the completion of the course taken by the


Android Application – Software application running on the Android platform. It is built

for mobile devices; a typical Android app is designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC

running on the Android OS.

Android Platform – Google Inc.’s open and free software stack that includes an

operating system, middleware and also key applications for use on mobile devices,

including smartphones.

Review Materials – Tools need for the preparation for an examination. Review materials

are used as a medium of learning of examinees to somehow increase their chance of

passing the licensure examination.

Java Programming – General-purpose computer programming language that the

researcher used in the process of developing the program. It is widely used expressly

designed for use in distributed environment of the internet. This is also the most popular

programming language for Android smartphone applications.



Methods and Techniques of the Study

Forming an appropriate and effective research method is important so that the

researcher could established the framework and concrete grounding of the study. Hence,

the researchers adopted the methodologies of applied and developmental research in

establishing a guide for the study.

Applied research focuses on utilizing prior knowledge and technologies to

provide a solution to a practical problem. It answers a specific question that has direct

applications to the world. The purpose of applied studies is closely associated with the

solution of specific problems, this study has an objective that is set by clients or sponsors

as a solution to specific problems they are facing. It is also more concerned with external


The researchers adopted this research method to determine why the ECE licensure

examinations results of BulSU for the past three (3) years is far below the university

standard. Also, the researchers want to help the future takers to be ready on taking the

licensure exam by means of the mobile application.

The developmental research is a research method dealing with an organized study

of the plan, development and evaluation of systems and products based on the indicated

criteria. Also, it deals with the systematic study of the design, development and

evaluation of instructional programs, processes and products that must satisfy a certain

criterion of consistency and effectiveness.

The researcher adopted this research method in developing a mobile application

that is more convenient, user friendly and can interact with other user of the application.

The mobile application is guided by a set of criteria based on ISO/IEC 25010 for the


Figure 2 shows the agile software development life cycle model.

Figure 2. Agile Software Development Life Cycle Model

The agile software development life cycle (SDLC) model is a combination of

iterative process that focuses on adjustments based on user’s needs through the rapid

development of the system. The iteration follows the requirements, design, development

and testing stages. At the end of the iteration, the working system will be introduced to

the user for recommendations, suggestions or approval of its release. The model served as

the researcher’s guide in developing the mobile applications entitled Development of

Licensure Exam Mobile Reviewer App for ECE students of Bulacan State University.

The agile SDLC model is the best fit for projects with frequent modifications. The

model is very flexible and can adapt easily to the user’s needs, compare to non-agile

models which are tough to accommodate changes in the system.

Some of the benefits of using the agile approach are the rapid delivery of system’s

features, can change requirements during the development process, efficient cost control

and better project handling and risk management. The agile model empowers to

continuously improve a system to optimize its value throughout the development,

allowing the system to be adaptive to the changing needs of the users.

The sequential stages or phases of the agile SDLC model are:

Requirements Stage. In this stage, the researchers gathered all the necessary data

and information that will be needed in the development of the system. The information’s

gathered were analyzed and documented. The researchers conducted interviews from the

electronics engineering students of Bulacan State University regarding their academic

practices. The researchers also interviewed faculties and personnel from the ECE

department of the institution regarding its performance in the licensure examination. The

researchers also collected related information from various references like books, news

articles, articles from the internet, and other valid sources.

Design Stage. In this stage, all the information from the requirement analysis

stage were studied. It is used for the preparation of the overall design of the system. The

researchers considered the details of the system’s operation flow and specified the

software and software development tools needed to develop the system. The researchers

also designed the system flow chart that served as the basis for the structure and flow of

the system to be developed.

Development Stage. Using the input from the design stage, the programming

code is generated in this stage. The researchers used Java and PHP, a high-level

programming language for coding. This stage is considered to be the main focus of the

whole system and requires the longest period of time. The researchers applied all the

necessary requirements and followed the operation flow of the system during this process.

Testing Stage. In this stage, the researchers tested the system and any system

defect found are tracked, fixed and retested to ensure that the system provides the desired

functionality and operation.

Deployment Stage. Since the system is tested and ready to be deployed, the

researchers introduced the output to the faculties and students of the ECE department of

Bulacan State University. They distributed evaluation forms to the respective personnel

to test the acceptability and feasibility of the developed system. The suggestions,

recommendations and comments from the respondents are highly accepted by the

researchers to further improve the performance and efficiency of the system.

Population and Sample of the Study

The researchers surveyed the ECE students of the Bulacan State University. The

cluster samples were obtained using simple random sampling.

Table 1 shows the population of the study.

Table 1
Population of the Study
Position Frequency Percentage

ECE Faculty 1 2%

3rd year ECE students 10 20%

4th year ECE students 10 20%

5th year ECE students 20 40%

ECE Alumni 8 16%

IT Professional 1 2%

Total 50 100%

The frequency of the population used is based on how much they will benefit

from the application. 5th year having the most samples, for they will be the one who will

take the board exam months after they graduate, followed by the 4th year and 3rd year

students. The researchers also survey one member of the ECE faculty to evaluate the

features of the app and if the app may be use to facilitate learning or review sessions

among students. The researchers also asked an IT professional to evaluate our application

in terms of its maintainability.

Research Instrument

The researchers utilized survey forms for the gathering of data from the ones who

used the application. Surveys or questionnaires are instruments used for collecting data in

survey research. They usually include a set of standardized questions that explore a

specific topic and collect information about demographics, opinions, attitudes, or


The survey forms contained evaluation question on how they rate the app from 1-

5 (5 being highly acceptable and 1 being highly unacceptable) in terms of functional

suitability, reliability, usability, portability, performance efficiency and maintainability

and of the developed app. These criteria are based on the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Software

Quality Assurance Model.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers collected data through series of interviews and surveys about the

research topic. The researchers interviewed ECE students regarding the recent passing

rate of ECE board exam. The researchers asked the students about their study habits and

on how they deal with lack of review materials while studying. The researchers presented

the testing of the project, the mobile reviewer application, to the respondents, how it is

used and what is the specification of it. After this dry-run, series of questions was

answered by the respondents, mostly ECE students of Bulacan State University. The

researchers provided questionnaires in which respondents will rate from one (1) to five

(5), describing the degree of agreement on each statement based on the given criteria. To

further achieve a desirable outcome of the thesis proposal, the researchers also

interviewed ECE graduates and passers of the board exam to ask if the project will be

helpful to their juniors who are dreaming to become an ECE. The data was collected by

the researchers to determine if the proposed project is feasible and acceptable. Comments,

suggestions and recommendations by the respondents were considered throughout this

procedure to further develop the performance, effectiveness and efficiency of the system.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

Data processing consists of three (3) mechanisms, namely: the input, the process

and the output. The data gathered by the researchers was the input mechanism of the

project’s data processing. On the other hand, statistical procedure and treatment that was

done during the evaluation of data was the process mechanism. Finally, the result of the

study was the output mechanism. Data processing also involves three steps and so the

researchers depended on these three steps. The first step was data categorization. The

next step was data encoding of the gathered information. The last step was the tabulation

of data gathered to arrive at a frequency distribution and organize them in a systematic

order using a table.

The researchers used a five-point scale format with regard to the survey form.

This format is the Likert scale (McLeod, 2008), which is the most widely used approach

to rate and describe the level of agreement with a particular statement of a respondents in

a survey research.

The evaluation form provided five ratings for each statement under each criterion.

This determined the degree of acceptance of each respondent on each statement provided.

Furthermore, it helped the researchers to effectively collect sufficient quantitative data for

evaluation. The researchers used Likert scale in dealing with these data. This statistical

treatment was used by the researchers throughout the data processing procedure of the

study and was verified and corrected by a statistician.

After the system’s evaluation by the respondents, the data that was gathered

through surveys and interviews was analyzed by the researcher to determine each

weighted means. The researchers interpreted the calculated mean that led to the

researchers’ knowledge on the level of acceptability and feasibility of the research


Table 2
Likert’s Scale
Verbal Range of
Rating Description
Interpretation Weighted Mean

The respondents really believe that

5 4.51-5.0 the developed system is highly
recommended for implementation.

The respondents were satisfied on

the output of the system and will

4 Acceptable 3.51-4.5
consider the feasibility of its


The respondents are neutral to

overall performance of the system

3 Neutral 2.51-3.5 and if some adjustments were to be

made, it is possible to be


The respondents were skeptical to

implement the developed system

2 Unacceptable 1.51-2.5 due to its inconsistencies in a

number of important areas of


The respondents believed that the

Highly developed system has failed in

1 1.0-1.50
Unacceptable many aspects, and strongly

disagree to implement it.

Conceptual System Layout

Figure 3 shows the challenge mode conceptual system layout of the system.

Figure 3. Challenge Mode Conceptual System Layout

Figure 4 shows the review and quiz mode conceptual layout of the system.

Figure 4. Review Mode and Quiz Mode Conceptual System Layout

Figure 5 shows the actual project appearance of the system.

Figure 5. Actual Project Appearance

Figure 6 shows the actual appearance for the review mode of the application

Figure 6. Review Mode

Figure 7 shows the actual appearance for the quiz mode of the application.

Figure 7. Quiz Mode

Figure 8 shows the actual appearance of the challenge mode.

Figure 8. Challenge Mode



Innovation and Other Development

The researchers developed a mobile application reviewer which can be used in

two ways: offline and online. The offline mode works with the review and quiz mode

feature of the system while the online mode of the system works with the challenge


Software and Software Development Tools

The researchers used Android Studio as the programming platform and Java as

programming language to set-up the flow of the program. Extensible Markup Language

(XML) was also utilized by the researchers to design the interface of the application.

mode. Lastly, Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) allows the application to communicate with

other device or user of the ECE Reviewer, which is then served as Application

Programming Interface (API) or bridge.

System Features

The developed system is now called ECE Reviewer, wherein the mobile

application has three modes; Review Mode, Quiz Mode and the Challenge Mode. Upon

installing the application, the system will prompt you to choose between the three modes.

In the Review Mode, the system will display the four subjects in the ECE Board Exam;

Mathematics, General Engineering and Applied Sciences, Electronics Engineering and

Electronics Systems and Technologies. After choosing the major subjects, the subtopic

will also appear for you to choose from and the questions and answers will show as you

go through. For the Quiz Mode, the subtopics will no longer appear. It’s like you’re

actually taking a mock exam with 1-hour time allotted to 100 questions. Your answers

will be reflected to the right side of the screen wherein you can skip questions you’re

having difficulty with and/or change your answer. You must be able to finish answering

all the questions before submitting for your score to be recorded and for you to be able to

recheck on the questions that you got wrong. And lastly, the Challenge Mode, a LAN-

based set-up of Wi-Fi, Android phone and the server admin. Through this set-up you can

interact with the other users of the application. Upon entering the Challenge Mode, you

will need to sign-up (sign-in for those who already had an account) and fill out form

regarding some of your info. Upon signing in, in the Lobby, you will see who are the

available users that you can challenge on a specific subject. After answering the 10-item

exam, the system will display who’s the winner together with the score.

System’s Level of Acceptability

A survey was conducted to test if the developed system has met the required

output in terms of functional suitability, usability, reliability, performance efficiency,

portability and maintainability. Based on the survey results, the system got an overall

mean of 4.44. This means that the overall system performance is acceptable and the

respondents were satisfied with the developed system.

Project Evaluation

Evaluation Procedure

The evaluation for the project was done by having a survey at Bulacan State

University College of Engineering. The researcher selected 50 people to be respondents.

20 of this is 5th year, 10 comes from 4th year, 10 was from 3rd year students, 1 comes from

the ECE faculty professor, 1 from an IT professional and the remaining 8 comes from the

Alumni of ECE.

The respondents used the mobile application to be evaluated. They received a

questionnaire for the project’s functional suitability, usability, reliability, performance

efficiency, portability and maintainability.

Evaluation Criteria

Table 3 show the evaluation criteria held by the researchers.

Table 3
Evaluation Criteria
HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE – The respondent really believes
4.51 – 5.00 that the application has performed excellently in that
corresponding criteria.
ACCEPTABLE – The respondent is satisfied in the
3.51 – 4.50
performance of the application with regards to that criteria.
NEUTRAL - The respondent is slightly convinced in the
performance of the application in that criterion and believes that
2.51 – 3.50
some improvements must be made for the system to be
UNACCEPTABLE – The respondent is not convinced in the
1.51 – 2.50
performance of the application in that particular criterion.
HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE – The respondent believes that
1.00 – 1.50
the application has failed in that criterion.

The gathered data in the project evaluation came from the survey questionnaire

that constitutes to the following criteria: functional suitability, usability, reliability,

performance efficiency, portability and maintainability.

The scale was from rating of five (5) that has the notion of being outstanding and

the rating of one (1) as an impression of a highly unacceptable project.

Interpretation of the Collected Data (ECE Students of BulSU)

The following tables shows the assessment of the ECE students of BulSU on

different criteria of the ECE Reviewer.

Table 4 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE students in terms of functional


Table 4
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Functional Suitability)

Functional Suitability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application has
1. provided sufficient ECE
review questions and 31 8 1 0 0 4.75 Highly Acceptable
information to meet the
needs of the user
The “Challenge mode” in
2. the application is
30 9 1 0 0 4.73 Highly Acceptable
working and provides
interaction to the users.
Average Mean 4.74 Highly Acceptable

Figure 9. Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Students)

Table 5 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE students in terms of usability.

Table 5
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Usability)

Usability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application is user
friendly and convenient 35 4 1 0 0 4.85 Highly Acceptable
to use.
The user interface of the
application is both
30 9 1 0 0 4.73 Highly Acceptable
2. pleasing to the eyes and
easy to work with.
The application displays
simple and clear
3. 35 4 1 0 0 4.85 Highly Acceptable
instructions for the user
to follow while using it.
Average Mean 4.81 Highly Acceptable

Figure 10. Usability Graph (ECE Students)

Table 6 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE students in terms of reliability.

Table 6
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Reliability)

Reliability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application handles
all the processes
23 14 3 0 0 4.50 Acceptable
1. accurately and is free
from any bugs or errors.
The application provides
correct answer to each
37 3 0 0 0 4.93 Highly Acceptable
2. and every question
The application is
operational and
3. 31 9 0 0 0 4.78 Highly Acceptable
accessible when required
for use.
Average Mean 4.74 Highly Acceptable

Figure 11. Reliability Graph (ECE Students)

Table 7 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE students in terms of

performance efficiency.

Table 7
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Performance Efficiency)

Performance Efficiency Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application responds
quickly to the
33 6 1 0 0 4.80 Highly Acceptable
1. instructions that were
made by the users.
The application has
utilized a lot of ECE
25 14 1 0 0 4.60 Highly Acceptable
2. review materials and
The response and
processing time of the
application when
3. 26 14 0 0 0 4.65 Highly Acceptable
performing its functions
meet the needs of the
Average Mean 4.68 Highly Acceptable

Figure 12. Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Students)

Table 8 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE students in terms of


Table 8
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Students (Portability)

Portability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application can be
easily accessed using any
1. Android device with 33 7 0 0 0 4.83 Highly Acceptable
operating system version
4.4 and above.
The application can be
successfully installed
and/or uninstalled in any
2. 33 6 1 0 0 4.80 Highly Acceptable
Android device with
operating system version
4.4 and above.
Average Mean 4.82 Highly Acceptable

Figure 13. Portability Graph (ECE Students)

Summary of Results (ECE students of BulSU)

Table 9 shows the summary results of ECE students of Bulacan State University.

Table 9

Summary of Results (ECE Students of BulSU)

Criteria Average Mean Remarks

Functional Suitability 4.74 Highly Acceptable
Usability 4.81 Highly Acceptable
Reliability 4.74 Highly Acceptable
Performance Efficiency 4.68 Highly Acceptable
Portability 4.82 Highly Acceptable
Overall Mean 4.76 Highly Acceptable

Figure 14. Summary of Results (ECE Students)
Interpretation of the Collected Data (ECE Alumni of BulSU)
The following tables shows the assessment of the ECE alumni of BulSU on

different criteria of the ECE Reviewer.

Table 10 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Alumni in terms of

functional suitability.

Table 10
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Functional Suitability)

Functional Suitability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application has
1. provided sufficient ECE
review questions and 3 5 0 0 0 4.38 Acceptable
information to meet the
needs of the user
The “Challenge mode” in
2. the application is working
5 2 1 0 0 4.50 Acceptable
and provides interaction to
the users.
Average Mean 4.44 Acceptable

Figure 15. Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Alumni)

Table 11 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Alumni in terms of usability.

Table 11
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Usability)

Usability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application is user
friendly and convenient 6 0 2 0 0 4.50 Acceptable
to use.
The user interface of the
application is both
6 2 0 0 0 4.75 Highly Acceptable
2. pleasing to the eyes and
easy to work with.
The application displays
simple and clear
3. 6 1 1 0 0 4.63 Highly Acceptable
instructions for the user
to follow while using it.
Average Mean 4.63 Highly Acceptable

Figure 16. Usability Graph (ECE Alumni)

Table 12 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Alumni in terms of


Table 12
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Reliability)

Reliability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application handles
all the processes
4 4 0 0 0 4.50 Acceptable
1. accurately and is free
from any bugs or errors.
The application provides
correct answer to each
5 3 0 0 0 4.63 Highly Acceptable
2. and every question
The application is
operational and
3. 6 2 0 0 0 4.75 Highly Acceptable
accessible when required
for use.
Average Mean 4.63 Highly Acceptable

Figure 17. Reliability Graph (ECE Alumni)

Table 13 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Alumni in terms of

performance efficiency.

Table 13
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Performance Efficiency)

Performance Efficiency Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application responds
quickly to the instructions
4 3 1 0 0 4.38 Acceptable
1. that were made by the
The application has
utilized a lot of ECE
4 3 1 0 0 4.38 Acceptable
2. review materials and
The response and
processing time of the
application when
3. 3 3 2 0 0 4.13 Acceptable
performing its functions
meet the needs of the
Average Mean 4.30 Acceptable

Figure 18. Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Alumni)

Table 14 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Alumni in terms of


Table 14
Level of Acceptability of the ECE Alumni (Portability)

Portability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application can
be easily accessed
using any Android
1. 6 2 0 0 0 4.75 Highly Acceptable
device with operating
system version 4.4
and above.
The application can be
successfully installed
and/or uninstalled in any
2. 6 1 1 0 0 4.63 Highly Acceptable
Android device with
operating system version
4.4 and above.
Average Mean 4.69 Highly Acceptable

Figure 19. Portability Graph (ECE Alumni)

Summary of Results (ECE Alumni of BulSU)

Table 15 shows the summary of results of ECE Alumni of Bulacan State


Table 15
Summary of Results (ECE Alumni of BulSU)

Criteria Average Mean Remarks

Functional Suitability 4.44 Acceptable
Usability 4.63 Highly Acceptable
Reliability 4.63 Highly Acceptable
Performance Efficiency 4.30 Acceptable
Portability 4.69 Highly Acceptable
Overall Mean 4.54 Highly Acceptable

Figure 20. Summary of Results (ECE Alumni)
Interpretation of the Collected Data (ECE Instructor of BulSU)
The following tables shows the assessment of an ECE instructor of BulSU on

different criteria of the ECE Reviewer.

Table 16 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of

functional suitability.

Table 16
Level of Acceptability of an ECE Instructor (Functional Suitability)

Functional Suitability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application has
1. provided sufficient ECE
review questions and 1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
information to meet the
needs of the user
The “Challenge mode” in
2. the application is working
1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
and provides interaction
to the users.
Average Mean 5.00 Highly Acceptable

Figure 21. Functional Suitability Graph (ECE Instructor)

Table 17 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of


Table 17
Level of Acceptability of an ECE Instructor (Usability)

Usability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application is user
friendly and convenient 1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
to use.
The user interface of the
application is both
1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
2. pleasing to the eyes and
easy to work with.
The application displays
simple and clear
3. 1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
instructions for the user
to follow while using it.
Average Mean 5.00 Highly Acceptable

Figure 22. Usability Graph (ECE Instructor)

Table 18 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of


Table 18
Level of Acceptability of an ECE Instructor (Reliability)

Reliability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application handles
all the processes
0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
1. accurately and is free
from any bugs or errors.
The application provides
correct answer to each
1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
2. and every question
The application is
operational and
3. 0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
accessible when required
for use.
Average Mean 4.33 Acceptable

Figure 23. Reliability Graph (ECE Instructor)

Table 19 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of

performance efficiency.

Table 19
Level of Acceptability of an ECE Instructor (Performance Efficiency)

Performance Efficiency Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application responds
quickly to the instructions
1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
1. that were made by the
The application has
utilized a lot of ECE
0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
2. review materials and
The response and
processing time of the
application when
3. 1 0 0 0 0 5.00 Highly Acceptable
performing its functions
meet the needs of the
Average Mean 4.67

Figure 24. Performance Efficiency Graph (ECE Instructor)

Table 20 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of


Table 20
Level of Acceptability of an ECE Instructor (Portability)

Portability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application can be
easily accessed using
1. any Android device 0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
with operating system
version 4.4 and above.
The application can be
successfully installed
and/or uninstalled in any
2. 0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
Android device with
operating system version
4.4 and above.
Average Mean 4.00 Acceptable

Figure 25. Portability Graph (ECE Instructor)

Summary of Results (ECE Instructor of BulSU)

Table 21 shows the summary of results for the ECE Instructor of BulSU.

Table 21

Summary of Results (ECE Instructor of BulSU)

Criteria Average Mean Remarks

Functional Suitability 5.00 Highly Acceptable
Usability 5.00 Highly Acceptable
Reliability 4.33 Acceptable
Performance Efficiency 4.67 Highly Acceptable
Portability 4.00 Acceptable
Overall Mean 4.60 Highly Acceptable

Figure 26. Summary of Results (ECE Instructor)

Interpretation of the Collected Data (I.T. Professional)

The following tables shows the assessment of an I.T. professional on the

maintainability of the ECE Reviewer.

Table 22 shows the level of acceptability of the ECE Instructor in terms of


Table 22
Level of Acceptability of an I.T. Professional (Maintainability)

Maintainability Mean Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
The application can be
easily monitored and
1. 0 0 1 0 0 3.00 Neutral
maintained by the
The application can be
modified without
2. introducing defects or 0 1 0 0 0 4.00 Acceptable
degrading the existing
software quality.
Average Mean 3.50 Neutral

Figure 27. Maintainability Graph

Summary of Results

Table 23 shows the level of acceptability of the respondents of the study.

Table 23

Summary of Results (Population of the Study)

ECE ECE ECE I.T. Average

Criteria Remarks
Students Alumni Instructor Prof. Mean
Functional Highly
4.74 4.44 5.00 4.73
Suitability Acceptable
Usability 4.80 4.63 5.00 4.81
Reliability 4.73 4.63 4.33 4.56
Performance Highly
4.68 4.30 4.67 4.55
Efficiency Acceptable
Portability 4.82 4.69 4.00 4.50 Acceptable
Maintainability 3.50 3.50 Neutral
Overall Mean 4.44 Acceptable

Figure 28. Summary of Results (Population of the Study)

Upon evaluation of the survey forms in terms of system’s Functional Suitability,

it obtained an average weighted mean of 4.73 and verbally interpreted as Highly

Acceptable. In terms of Usability, it obtained an average mean of 4.81 and can be

verbally interpreted as Highly Acceptable. The system’s Reliability obtained an average

weighted mean of 4.56 which can be interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of the

system’s Performance Efficiency, an average weighted mean of 4.55 was obtained and

can be interpreted as Highly Acceptable verbally. In terms of Portability, it obtained an

average mean of 4.50 and verbally interpreted as Acceptable. The system’s

Maintainability obtained an average weighted mean of 3.50 which can be verbally

interpreted as Neutral. Finally, after finding the overall performance of the system, an

average weighted mean of 4.44 was attained. Through verbal interpretation, the system

was Acceptable.

Operating Procedures

For the users:

1. Install the Mobile Reviewer Application.

2. Run the Mobile Reviewer Application.

3. Usage of the Mobile Reviewer Application depending on the user’s study

preference: Review, Quiz and Challenge Mode.

4. Review Mode is where you can study and practice some questions to be answered

and some of it provides solution.

5. Quiz Mode you can pick a subject and lets you take a mock test and familiarize

yourself with the real ECE Licensure Examination.

6. Challenge Mode is where you can challenge other user at a limited time.

7. View Records to see results of the exams that have been taken.

Project Capabilities and Limitations


1. ECE Mobile Reviewer Application could be used when the user is offline or online. It

is an interactive application wherein you can take an exam on a subject and evaluate the

exam you took.

2. Review Mode where you can study and review certain topic with solution.

3. Selection of the subjects for the examination. The user has the option of how he will

take the exam. A number of subjects are listed in the application and the user will pick

the subject he wants to take.

4. Quiz Mode. This mode is capable of generating a board exam type of questionnaire

where the exam is composed of random questions under the four subjects of ECE

Licensure Examination.

5. Challenge Mode. In this mode the user could challenge other user and have an

interactive battle.

6. The Mobile Reviewer Application is also capable of showing the records for the recent

examination that have been taken.

7. ECE Reviewer is capable for an update through the server.


• The Challenge Mode cannot be used without the researcher’s server and router.

• The Challenge Mode is LAN based and it can only be accessed within a limited

geographic area.

• The system cannot provide problems with very complex solutions.

Effectivity of the System

To test the effectivity of the system to the user in terms of the review functions

that it offers, the researchers, choose four respondents (1 for each subject), wherein their

scores were tracked and recorded during the times that they used the application. The

respondents were encouraged to use the application, review in the Review Mode, then

take the 100-item exam in Quiz Mode. Also, the respondents were asked to the drill

continuously in a span of 1 week and to take the exam at least thrice in that week. And

here’s the result of their review sessions.

Table 24

Testing for System’s Effectivity

User Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Student A (ESAT) 58 62 78

Student B (GEAS) 48 60 61

Student C (MATH) 45 56 68

Student D (ELECTRONICS) 57 65 77

The table above only shows that frequent and timely used of the system ECE

Reviewer, may actually help students in their review sessions and may also help students

in assessing their preparedness for the board exam.

For Student A, the researchers saw the gradual increase for the user’s

performance upon taking the Electronics System and Technology quiz. Evident that the

system provided by the researchers is effective in terms of the student’s performance in

the said exam.

For Student B, who took General Engineering and Applied Sciences quiz, the

researchers observed that the score of the user somehow increase as she tried the

application three times.

Overall, the researchers were able to test the effectivity of the system through the

trials made by the chosen users of the application.

Testing of the System

Figure 29 shows the actual system testing.

Figure 29. System Testing



Summary and Findings

In this study, the researchers aimed to develop an ECE reviewer application for

Electronics Engineering (ECE) students of Bulacan State University (BulSU) as

preparation for the licensure examination of the said course. By doing this, ECE students

could experience the actual licensure examination.

The researchers used Java programming to provide a user-friendly software

application. Likert Scale method was utilized by the researchers to determine the level of

agreement of the respondents on the statement on each criterion. The researchers used

weighted mean to interpret the data gathered that provides the acceptability and

feasibility of the study. The researchers presented at least three hundred (300) multiple

choice type of questions for the four (4) subject area covered by the licensure exam.

The output of the study, which is the ECE reviewer app, is then subjected to

different kinds of tests to determine the functionality, reliability and performance of the

system. The application is then presented to the respective users of the study, which is the

ECE students of BulSU.

The study used the method using questionnaires which evaluates the level of

acceptability of the product in terms of different qualities. Descriptive statistics was

adopted in calculations to ensure the frequency and mean of the data gathered.

After interpreting the result of the survey that has been conducted, the system

passed the level of acceptance in terms of the different qualities given multiple scenarios.

The researchers found that the application was able to present question and answer with

solutions to some problems. The system was also capable of connecting to a server which

results to the interaction between the users of the application.

The researchers are ought the following to meet the objectives of the project. The

objectives are as follows:

• To create an Android application for ECE students of Bulacan State University in

preparation for pre-board examination.

• To achieve an effective result in the sense of higher passing rate.

• To create user-friendly and easy comprehensive interface of the application.

• To provide a more accessible, offline and free android review material for ECE

licensure examination.


The goal of this study was to develop an android mobile application reviewer for

the ECE students of Bulacan State University to help in achieving higher board exam

passing rate. The goals have been successfully achieved upon completion of the study.

The application ran smoothly and the user interface components responded as expected.

From the data gathered by the researchers, it is found that the respondents were satisfied

with the outcome of the study considering its functionality, reliability, usability,

efficiency, portability and maintainability. In connection with this, it can be concluded


• the system is as reliable and functional as the existing mobile application

reviewer available in the market

• the system can be used as reference of the ECE students of Bulacan State

University in preparation for the licensure examination


As per recommendations, in relation to the findings and to the drawn conclusions,

it is suggested to modify the mobile application reviewer to improve the overall

characteristics of the system to meet the expectations of the end users.

Specifically, the researchers suggest the following factors to be improved.

• Instead of a LAN based scenario for the challenge mode, make it internet

based so the system will be accessed by more users even if they were not

in the same vicinity as the server.

• An additional up-to-date board exam questions and answers to the

database of the system.

• Provide problems with further explanation in solutions.

• Provide a record of scores produced in the Challenge mode.

• Instead of a fix number of items in Quiz mode, user will have an option

for the number of items he/she will take.

• Provide a Progress tab which will show the performance and progress of

the user for a particular subject as he/she takes the quiz.

• Add a level of difficulty for the Review mode to enhance the students’



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Pre-Survey Questionnaire

Name: _________________________________

Year: _________

1. Are you ready to take the board exam?


2. Have you start reviewing for the board exam?


3. If yes, what are the learning/reviewing strategies/devices are you using/doing?


4. In your opinion, will it be a great help if you will have a mobile application

reviewer that will keep your record and will monitor your progress in your



5. If yes, what additional features do you want to see in the mobile app?




College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department
City of Malolos, Bulacan




Name: ___________________ Yr. level (if student): __________

Occupation: _______________ Date: ________________

Instruction: Please evaluate the system by placing a check mark which corresponds
to your rating. This evaluation will help the researcher in determining the
acceptability and feasibility of the proposed system.


HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE – The respondent really believes
5 that the application has performed excellently in that
corresponding criteria.
ACCEPTABLE – The respondent is satisfied in the
performance of the application with regards to that criteria.
SOMEWHAT ACCEPTABLE - The respondent is slightly
convinced in the performance of the application in that
criterion and believes that some improvements must be made
for the system to be accepted.
UNACCPETABLE – The respondent is not convinced in the
performance of the application in that particular criterion.
HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE – The respondent believes
that the application has failed in that criterion.

1. The application has provided sufficient ECE
review questions and information to meet the needs
2. the
“Challenge mode” in the application is
working and provides interaction to the users.
1. The application is user-friendly and convenient
2. use.
The user interface of the application is both
pleasing to the eyes and easy to work with.
3. The application displays simple and clear
instructions for the user to follow while using it.
1. The application handles all the processes
accurately and is free from any bugs or errors.
2 The application provides correct answer to each
and every question displayed.
3. The application is operational and accessible
when required for use.
1. The application responds quickly to the
instructions that were made by the users.
2. The application has utilized a lot of ECE review
materials and references.
3. The response and processing time of the
application when performing its functions meet the
needs of the users. PORTABILITY
1. The application can be easily accessed using
any Android device with operating system version
4.4 and above.
2. The application can be successfully installed
and/or uninstalled in any Android device with
operating system version 4.4 and above.
1. The application can be easily monitored and
maintained by the developers.
2. The application can be modified without
introducing defects or degrading the existing
software quality.

Respondent’s signature over printed name


Program Flowchart
The figure below shows the process flowchart for the review mode of the system.


Install the APK file

Run Program

Review? Quiz? Challenge?

Choose a subject

Choose a subtopic

Take the review


Program Flowchart
This process flowchart shows the quiz mode of the application.

Run Program

Review? Quiz? Challenge?

Choose a subject

Take the quiz

View End

Quiz records


Program Flowchart

This shows the process flowchart for the challenge mode (challenger) of the


Run Program

Review? Quiz? Challenge?

N Have
Fill out user info

Enter username and password

User profile

Create battle

Choose a subject
N Wait for an opponent

Log- Go back Take the battle

Program Flowchart
This process flowchart shows the challenge mode (opponent) of the system.

Run Program

Review? Quiz? Challenge?

N Have
Fill out user info

Enter username and password

User profile

Choose battle

End Wait for the battle to start

Log- Go back Take the battle




Package Quantity 1

Locality English

System Requirement

Minimum Version Required version 4.4

Version Family Kitkat


Minimum Internal Memory Requirement 30 MB

File Size 15 MB


Ma. Carmela B. Bernardo

Km. 38 Pulong Buhangin Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Contact No. 0935-523-0739

[email protected]


Dela Cruz, Charlene S.

106 Pasong Inchik, San Rafael, Bulacan

Contact No. 0936-384-6766

[email protected]

Jerric G. Garcia

113 Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan

Contact No. 0905-315-3078

[email protected]


Shierra Mae N. Madridano

393 A.Mabini Street, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan

Contact No. 0975-285-0465

[email protected]


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