Solar Operated Cycle

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Submitted by:
(Team name)


Guided by:

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the
Award of Diploma in
By the State Board of Technical Education
Government of
Tamilnadu, Chennai.
College name:




This Report is certified to be the Bonafide work done by

Selvan/Selvi ---------------- Reg.No. ------------ Of VI
Semester class of this college.

Guide Head of the Department

Submitter for the Practical Examinations of the board of

Examinations,State Board of Technical Education,Chennai,
TamilNadu.On -------------- (date) held at the ------------
(college name),Coimbatore
Internal Examiner External Examiner



At this pleasing movement of having successfully

completed our project, we wish to convey our sincere thanks
and gratitude to the management of our college and our
beloved chairman------------------------.who provided all the
facilities to us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our

principal ------------------for forwarding us to do our project and
offering adequate duration in completing our project.

We are also grateful to the Head of Department

prof…………., for her/him constructive suggestions
&encouragement during our project.

With deep sense of gratitude, we extend our earnest

&sincere thanks to our guide --------------------, Department of
Mechanical for her/him kind guidance and encouragement
during this project we also express our indebt thanks to our
---------- (college Name).




1 Introduction
2 Literature review
3 Description of equipments
3.1 Solar panel
3.2 Battery
3.3 Motor
3.4 Control unit
4 Design and drawing
4.1 General machine Specifications
4.2 Design calculation
5 Working principle
6 Merits & demerits
7 applications
8 List of materials
9 Cost Estimation
10 Conclusion


Number Title

1 Motor
2 Battery
3 Solar panel
4 Overall Diagram


 D=Diameter of motor shaft(m)

 T= torque (N)

 L=length of panel (mm)

 W= Width of panel (mm)


The objective of this project is to control the Cycle for

Application through the solar power. This project is used to the cycle

Controller Application in the remote areas. Solar energy is used to

give the power to cycle because now a day’s power demand is

increased due to this power failure happen many time. In this project

the keypad is used to change the direction of the robot like forward,

reverse, right and left.



Solar energy is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that

influences Earth's climate and weather and sustains life. Solar power

is sometimes used as a synonym for solar energy or more specifically

to refer to electricity generated from solar radiation. Since ancient

times, solar energy has been harnessed for human use through a

range of technologies. Solar radiation along with secondary solar

resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and

biomass account for most of the available flow of renewable energy

on Earth.

Solar energy technologies can provide electrical generation by

heat engine or photovoltaic means, space heating and cooling in

active and passive solar buildings; potable water via distillation and

disinfection, day lighting, hot water, thermal energy for cooking, and

high temperature process heat for industrial purposes.

Sunlight can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic (PV),

concentrating solar power (CSP), and various experimental

technologies. PV has mainly been used to power small and medium-

sized applications, from the calculator powered by a single solar cell

to off-grid homes powered by a photovoltaic array.

The term "photovoltaic" comes from the Greek (phos) meaning

"light", and "voltaic", meaning electrical, from the name of the Italian

physicist Volta, after whom a unit of electrical potential, the volt, is


A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (PV), is a device that converts

light into direct current using the photoelectric effect. The first solar

cell was constructed by Charles Fritts in the 1880s. Although the

prototype selenium cells converted less than 1% of incident light into

electricity, both Ernst Werner von Siemens and James Clerk Maxwell

recognized the importance of this discovery.


Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources

such as sunlight wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat which are
renewable (naturally replenished). In 2006, about 18% of global final

energy consumption came from renewable, with 13% coming from

traditional biomass, such as wood-burning. Hydroelectricity was the

next largest renewable source, providing 3%, followed by solar hot

water/heating, which contributed 1.3%. Modern technologies, such as

geothermal energy, wind power, solar power, and ocean energy

together provided some 0.8% of final energy consumption.

Climate change concerns coupled with high oil prices, peak oil and

increasing government support are driving increasing renewable

energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. European Union

leaders reached an agreement in principle in March 2007 that 20

percent of their nations' energy should be produced from renewable

fuels by 2020, as part of its drive to cut emissions of carbon dioxide,

blamed in part for global warming. Investment capital flowing into

renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100

billion in 2006.

Benefits of natural energy

 It is cheap

 Readily available in abundance

 Pollution free

 Less maintenance

 Doesn’t cause global warming

(2) Solar energy:

Solar electricity is generated directly from sunlight using solar or

photo-voltaic cells.the word photo voltaic refers to an electric voltage

caused by light. The solar cell is made up of semiconductor, in that

most solar cells are made of form of silicon semiconductor materials,

in that most solar cells are made of a form of silicon semiconductor.

This is a hard material that is either dark blue or red in

appearance .the blue cells are made as thin discs or squares, which

are quite fragile. the red type of silicon is coated on a glass as a thin

film, as sunlight shines on the surface of the silicon, electricity is

generated by a process known as the photo –voltaic effect, as in


Each silicon solar cell produces about 0.5V,so just several

batteries are needed to built the voltage up, solar cells are connected

together to produce a higher voltage that is more useful. Connected

in this way, they are often called solar panels but the name used by
the suppliers is solar cell modules. Photo-voltaic modules or just PV



A motorcycle (bike, motor bicycle, cycle or motorbike) is a

single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle powered by an engine.

Motorcycles vary considerably depending on the task for which they

are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested

urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions. In

many parts of the world, motorcycles are among the least expensive

and most widespread forms of motorized transport.

Motorcycle fuel economy benefits from the relatively small mass

of the vehicle. This, of course, relates to how the motorcycle is used.

One person on a small motorcycle traveling a short distance is

generally very economical. However a large motorcycle generally has

bad aerodynamics compared with a typical car, poor aerodynamics of

exposed passengers and engines designed for goals other than fuel

economy can work to reduce these benefits. Riding style has a large

effect on fuel economy.Various features and accessories may be

attached to a motorcycle either from the factory or by users.

Considering the demand of fuel and cost of fuel, here we are using

the motor to run the motor vehicle.




A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a wide area electronic device that

converts solar energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.

Photovoltaic is the field of technology and research related to the

application of solar cells as solar energy. Sometimes the term solar

cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy

from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the

source is unspecified. Assemblies of cells are used to make solar

modules, or photovoltaic arrays.


 Cells are used for powering small devices such as electronic


 Photovoltaic arrays generate a form of renewable electricity,

particularly useful in situations where electrical power from the

grid is unavailable such as in remote area power systems,

 Earth-orbiting satellites and space probes, remote

radiotelephones and water pumping applications.

 Photovoltaic electricity is also increasingly deployed in grid-tied

electrical systems. Similar devices intended to capture energy

from other sources include thermo photovoltaic cells,

betavoltaics cells, and optoelectric nuclear batteries.


Solar Cells are classified into three generations which indicates

the order of which each became prominent. At present there is

concurrent research into all three generations while the first

generation technologies are most highly represented in commercial

production, accounting for 89.6% of 2007 production



First generation cells consist of large-area, high quality and single

junction devices. First Generation technologies involve high energy

and labour inputs which prevent any significant progress in reducing

production costs. Single junction silicon devices are approaching the

theoretical limiting efficiency of 33% and achieve cost parity with

fossil fuel energy generation after a payback period of 5-7 years.


Second generation materials have been developed to address energy

requirements and production costs of solar cells. Alternative

manufacturing techniques such as vapour deposition and

electroplating are advantageous as they reduce high temperature

processing significantly. It is commonly accepted that as

manufacturing techniques evolve production costs will be dominated

by constituent material requirements, whether this be a silicon

substrate, or glass cover. Such processes can bring costs down to a

little under but because of the defects inherent in the lower quality

processing methods, have much reduced efficiencies compared to

First Generation.

The most successful second generation materials have been

cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium solenoid,

amorphous silicon and micromorphous silicon. These materials are

applied in a thin film to a supporting substrate such as glass or

ceramics reducing material mass and therefore costs. These

technologies do hold promise of higher conversion efficiencies,

particularly CIGS-CIS, DSC and CdTe offers significantly cheaper

production costs. In CdTe production represented 4.7% of total

market share, thin-film silicon 5.2% and CIGS 0.5%.



Third generation technologies aim to enhance poor electrical

performance of second generation (thin-film technologies) while

maintaining very low production costs.

Current research is targeting conversion efficiencies of 30-60% while

retaining low cost materials and manufacturing techniques. They can

exceed the theoretical solar conversion efficiency limit for a single

energy threshold material; witch was calculated in 1961 by Shockley

and Queisser as 31% under 1 sun illumination and 40.8% under

maximal concentration of sunlight (46,200 suns, which makes the

latter limit more difficult to approach than the former).



 Multijunction photovoltaic cell (multiple energy threshold


 Modifying incident spectrum (concentration).

 Use of excess thermal generation (caused by UV light) to

enhance voltages or carrier collection.

 Use of infrared spectrum to produce electricity at night.


Despite the numerous attempts at making better solar cells by

using new and exotic materials, the reality is that the photovoltaic

market is still dominated by silicon wafer-based solar cells (first-

generation solar cells). This means that most solar cell manufacturers

are equipped to produce these types of solar cells. Therefore, a large

body of research is currently being done all over the world to create

silicon wafer-based solar cells that can achieve higher conversion

efficiency without an exorbitant increase in production cost.


1. Availability of silicon wafer-based solar cells and

2. Low cost of silicon based solar cells or the factors considered in

choosing the solar cell.


An electric motor uses electrical energy to produce mechanical

energy. The reverse process which of using mechanical energy to

produce electrical energy is accomplished by a generator or dynamo.

Traction motors used on locomotives and some electric and hybrid

automobiles often performs both tasks if the vehicle is equipped with

dynamic brakes. Electric motors are found in household appliances

such as fans, refrigerators, washing machines, pool pumps, floor

vacuums, and fan-forced ovens. They are also found in many other
devices such as computer equipment, in its disk drives, printers, and

fans; and in some sound and video playing and recording equipment

as DVD/CD players and recorders, tape players and recorders, and

record players. Electric motors are also found in several kinds of toys

such as some kinds of vehicles and robotic toys.

The principle of conversion of electrical energy into mechanical

energy by electromagnetic means was demonstrated by the British

scientist Michael Faraday in 1821 and consisted of a free-hanging

wire dipping into a pool of mercury. A permanent magnet was placed

in the middle of the pool of mercury. When a current was passed

through the wire, the wire rotated around the magnet, showing that

the current gave rise to a circular magnetic field around the wire. This

motor is often demonstrated in school physics classes, but brine (salt

water) is sometimes used in place of the toxic mercury. This is the

simplest form of a class of electric motors called homopolar motors. A

later refinement is the Barlow's Wheel. These were demonstration

devices, unsuited to practical applications due to limited power.

The first real electric motor, using electromagnets for both

stationary and rotating parts, was demonstrated by Ányos Jedlik in

1828 Hungary. He built an electric-motor propelled vehicle in 1828.

The first English commutator-type direct-current electric motor

capable of a practical application was invented by the British scientist

William Sturgeon in 1832. Following Sturgeon's work, a commutator-

type direct-current electric motor made with the intention of

commercial use was built by the American Thomas Davenport and

patented in 1837. Although several of these motors were built and

used to operate equipment such as a printing press, due to the high

cost of primary battery power, the motors were commercially

unsuccessful and Davenport went bankrupt. Several inventors

followed Sturgeon in the development of DC motors but all

encountered the same cost issues with primary battery power. No

electricity distribution had been developed at the time. Like

Sturgeon's motor, there was no practical commercial market for these


The modern DC motor was invented by accident in 1873, when

Zénobe Gramme connected the dynamo he had invented to a second

similar unit, driving it as a motor. The Gramme machine was the first

electric motor that was successful in the industry.

In 1888 Nikola Tesla invented the first practicable AC motor and

with it the polyphase power transmission system. Tesla continued his

work on the AC motor in the years to follow at the Westinghouse



The first motorcycle was designed and built by the German

inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt in

1885. The first petroleum-powered vehicle, it was essentially a

motorised bicycle, although the inventors called their invention the

Reitwagen ("riding car"). However, if a two-wheeled vehicle with

steam propulsion is considered a motorcycle, then the first one may

have been American. One such machine was demonstrated at fairs

and circuses in the eastern U.S. in 1867, built by Sylvester Howard

Roper of Roxbury, Massachusetts.

In 1894, Hildebrand & Wolf Muller became the first motorcycle

available for purchase. In the early period of motorcycle history, many

producers of bicycles adapted their designs to accommodate the new

internal combustion engine. As the engines became more powerful

and designs outgrew the bicycle origins, the number of motorcycle

producers increased.

Until the First World War, the largest motorcycle manufacturer

in the world was India, producing over 20,000 bikes per year. By

1920, this honor went to Harley-Davidson, with their motorcycles

being sold by dealers in 67 countries. In 1928, DKW took over as the

largest manufacturer.

After the Second World War, the BSA Group became the

largest producer of motorcycles in the world, producing up to 75,000

bikes per year in the 1950s. The GermancompanyNSUMotorenwerke

AG held the position of largest manufacturer from 1955 until the


NSU Sportmax streamlined motorcycle, 250 cc class winners of

the 1955 Grand Prix seasonIn the 1950s, streamlining began to play

an increasing part in the development of racing motorcycles and held

out the possibility of radical changes to motorcycle design. NSU and

Moto-Guzzi were in the vanguard of this development both producing

very radical designs well ahead of their time. NSU produced the most

advanced design, but because of the deaths of four NSU riders in the

1954–1956 seasons, they abandoned further development and quit

Grand Prix motorcycle racing. Moto-Guzzi produced competitive race

machines, and by 1957 nearly all the Grand Prix races were being

won by streamlined machines.

From the 1960s through the 1990s, small two-stroke

motorcycles were popular worldwide, partly as a result of East

German Walter Kaaden's engine work in the 1950s.

Today, the Japanese manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki,

and Yamaha dominate the motorcycle industry, although Harley-

Davidson still maintains a high degree of popularity in the United

States. Apart from these high capacity motorcycles, there is a very

huge market for low capacity (less then 300 cc) motorcycles, mostly

concentrated in Asian and African countries. This area is dominated

by mostly Indian companies with Hero Honda being the world's

largest manufacturer of two wheelers. Its Hero Honda Splendor

model is the highest selling motorcycle in automotive history, having

sold more then 8.5 million to date.

A 2006 Honda HeroRecent years have also seen resurgence in

the popularity of several other brands sold in the U.S. market,

including BMW, KTM, Triumph, Aprilia, Moto-Guzzi, MV Agusta and


Outside of the U.S., these brands have enjoyed continued and

sustained success, although Triumph, for example, has been re-

incarnated from its former self into a modern world-class

manufacturer. In overall numbers, however, the Chinese currently

manufacture and sell more motorcycles than any other country and

exports are rising.

Additionally, the small-capacity scooter is very popular through

most of the world. The Piaggio group of Italy, for example, is one of

the world's largest producers of two-wheeled vehicles.

All these motorcycles are conventional ones that means they

use conventional energy source such as fossil fuels (petrol, diesel)

which produce harmful gases such as CO2, carbon monoxide, NO,

etc. which cause air pollution as well as Global warming.

Keeping these facts in mind and also the possible extinction of

fossil fuels in another 100 years we have to reduce the use of such

fuels and look for other energy sources and here we have powered

the two wheeler using electricity produced while it’s running on the

petrol/ diesel.


The aim of our project is to run the motor cycle with out using

the fuel. So here we are using the motor to run the vehicle. The motor

runs with the help of battery the battery gets charging through the

solar panel.

This project is designed by following blocks
 Micro controller
 Battery
 Keypad
 Motor
 Solar panel
Microcontroller is a general purpose device, which
integrates a number of the components of a microprocessor system
on to single chip. It has inbuilt CPU, memory and peripherals to make
it as a mini computer. A microcontroller combines on to the same

 The CPU core

 Memory(both ROM and RAM)
 Some parallel digital i/o


 A timer module to allow the microcontroller to perform tasks
for certain time periods.
 A serial i/o port to allow data to flow between the controller
and other devices such as a PIC or another microcontroller.
 An ADC to allow the microcontroller to accept analogue input
data for processing.

 Smaller in size
 Consumes less power
 Inexpensive
Micro controller is a stand alone unit, which can perform

functions on its own without any requirement for additional hardware

like i/o ports and external memory. The heart of the microcontroller is

the CPU core. In the past, this has traditionally been based on a 8-bit

microprocessor unit. For example Motorola uses a basic 6800

microprocessor core in their 6805/6808 microcontroller devices.

In the recent years, microcontrollers have been developed

around specifically designed CPU cores, for example the microchip

PIC range of microcontrollers.


Battery is use for storing the energy produced from the solar

power. The battery used is a lead-acid type and has a capacity of

12v; 2.5A.the most inexpensive secondary cell is the lead acid cell

and is widely used for commercial purposes. A lead acid cell when

ready for use contains two plates immersed in a dilute sulphuric acid

(H2SO4) of specific gravity about 1.28.the positive plate (anode) is

ofLead –peroxide (PbO2) which has chocolate brown colour and the

negative plate (cathode) is lead (Pb) which is of grey colour.

When the cell supplies current to a load (discharging), the

chemical action that takes place forms lead sulphate (PbSO 4) on both

the plates with water being formed in the electrolyte. After a certain

amount of energy has been withdrawn from the cell, both plates are

transformed into the same material and the specific gravity of the

electrolyte (H2so4) is lowerd.the cell is then said to be discharged.

There are several methods to ascertain whether the cell is discharged

or not.

To charge the cell, direct current is passed through the cell in

the reverse direction to that in which the cell provided current. This

reverses the chemical process and again forms a lead peroxide

(PbO2) positive plate and a pure lead (Pb) negative plate. At the same

time,(H2so4) is formed at the expense of water,restoring the

electrolyte (H2so4 ) to its original condition. The chemical changes that

Occur during discharging and recharging of a lead-acid cell.


The d.c generators and d.c motors have the same general



An electric motor is a machine which converts a electrical energy to

mechanical energy.

All D.C machines have five principal components viz (i) Field

system (II) armature core (iii) armature winding (iv) Commutator (v)


(i) Field system:

The function of the field system is to produce Uniform field

within which the armature consists of a number of salient

poles(of course, even number) bolted to the inside of circular frame

(generally called yoke).the yoke is usually made of solid cast steel

whereas the pole piece are composed of stacked laminations. Field

coils are mounted on the poles and carry the d.c exciting current. The

field coils are connected in such a way that adjacent poles have

opposite polarity.The m.m.f. developed by the coils produces a

magnetic flux that passes through the pole pieces, the air gap, the

armature and the frame. Practical d.c machines have air gaps

ranging from 0.5mm to 1.5mm.since armature and field systems are

composed of materials that have permeability, most of the m.m.f.of

field coils is required to set up flux in the air gap. By reducing the

length of air gap, we can reduce the size of field coils (number of


(ii)Armature core:

The armature core is keyed to the machine shaft and rotates

between the field poles. It consists of slotted soft-iron laminations

(about 0.4 to 0.6mm thick) that are stacked to form a cylindrical core.

The laminations are individually coated with a thin insulating film so

that they do not come in electrical contact with each other. The

purpose of laminating the core is to reduce the eddy current loss. The

laminations are slotted to accommodate and provide mechanical

security to the armature winding and to give shorter air gap for the

flux to cross between the pole face and the armature “teeth”.

(iii) Armature winding:

The slots of the armature core hold conductors that are connected

in a suitable manner.this are known as armature winding. This is the

winding in which “working”e.m.f. is induced.the

The armature conductors are connected inseries-parallel: the

conductors being connected in series so as to increase the voltage

and in parallel paths so as to increase the current.the armature

winding of a d.c.machine is a closed –circuit winding:the conductors

being connected in a symmetrical manner forming a closed loop or

series of closed loops.

(iv) commutator;

A commutator is a mechanical rectifier which converts the

alternating voltage generated in the armature winding into direct

voltage across the brushes.the commutator is made of copper

segments insulated from each other by mica sheets and mounted on

the shaft of the machine. The armature conductors are soldered to

the commutator segments in a suitable manner to give rise to the

armature winding.depending upon the manner in which the armature

conductors are connected to the commutator segments, there are tow

types of armature winding in a.d.c. machine viz(a) lap winding (b)

wave winding.Great care is taken in building the commutator because

any eccentricity will cause the brushes to bounce, producing

unacceptable sparking .the sparks may burn the brushes and

overheat and carbonize the commutator.

(v) Brushes:

The purpose of brushes is to ensure electrical connections

between the rotating commutator and stationary external load circuit.

The brushes are made of carbon and rest on the commutator,the

brush pressure is adjusted by means of adjustable springs. if the

brush pressure is Very large, the friction produces heating of the

commutator and the bruches.on the other hand, if it is too weak, the

imperfect contact with the commutator may produce sparking.


The stator is the stationary part of an electric generator or

electric motor. The non-stationary part on an electric motor is the

rotor.Depending on the configuration of a spinning electromotive

device the stator may act as the field magnet, interacting with the
armature to create motion, or it may act as the armature, receiving its

influence from moving field coils on the rotor.

The first DC generators (known as dynamos) and DC motors

put the field coils on the stator, and the power generation or motive

reaction coils are on the rotor. This was necessary because a

continuously moving power switch known as the commutator is

needed to keep the field correctly aligned across the spinning rotor.

The commutator must become larger and more robust as the current


The stator of these devices may be either a permanent magnet

or an electromagnet. Where the stator is an electromagnet, the coil

which energizes it is known as the field coil or field winding.

3.3 ROTOR:

The rotor is the non-stationary part of a rotary electric motor or

alternator, which rotates because the wires and magnetic field of the

motor are arranged so that a torque is developed about the rotor's

axis. In some designs, the rotor can act to serve as the motor's

armature, across which the input voltage is supplied.

An electromagnetic coil is formed when a conductor solid

copper wire is wound around a core or form to create an inductor or

electromagnet. One loop of wire is usually referred to as a turn, and a

coil consists of one or more turns. For use in an electronic circuit,

electrical connection terminals called taps are often connected to a

coil. Coils are often coated with varnish and/or wrapped with

insulating tape to provide additional insulation and secure them in

place. A completed coil assembly with taps etc. is often called a

winding. A transformer is an electromagnetic device that has a

primary winding and a secondary winding that transfer’s energy from

one electrical circuit to another by magnetic coupling without moving

parts. The term tickler coil usually refers to a third coil placed in

relation to a primary coil and secondary coil. A coil tap is a wiring

feature found on some electrical transformers, inductors and coil

pickups, all of which are sets of wire coils. The coil tap are points in a

wire coil where a conductive patch has been exposed. As self

induction is larger for larger coil diameter the current in a thick wire

tries to flow on the inside. The ideal use of copper is achieved by

foils. Sometimes this means that a spiral is a better alternative.

Multilayer coils have the problem of interlayer capacitance, so when

multiple layers are needed the shape needs to be radically changed

to a short coil with many layers so that the voltage between

consecutive layers is smaller.


A machine that converts direct current power into mechanical

power is known as D.C Motor. Its generation is based on the principle

that when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field,

the conductor experiences a mechanical force. The direction if this

force is given by Fleming’s left hand rule.

Consider a part of a multipolar dc motor as shown in fig 1. when the

terminals of the motor are connected to an external source of dc


(i) The field magnets are excited developing alternate N and S


(ii) The armature conductors carry currents. All conductors

under N-pole carry currents in one direction while all the

conductors under S-pole carry currents in the opposite


Suppose the conductors under N-pole carry currents into the plane

of paper and those under S-pole carry current out of the plane of

paper as shown in fig. Since each armature conductor is carrying

current and is placed in the magnetic field, mechanical force acts on

it. Applying Fleming’s left hand rule, it is clear that force on each

conductor is tending to rotate the armature in anticlockwise direction.

All these forces add together to produce a driving torque which sets

the armature rotating. When the conductor moves from one side of

the brush to the other, current in the conductor is received and at the

same time it comes under the influence of next pole which is of

opposite polarity. Consequently the direction of force on the

conductor remains same.

Figure 1 dc motor principle


It is a variable speed motor i.e speed is low at high torque and vice-

versa.however, at light or no load, the motor tends to attain

dangerously high speed, and the motor has a high starting torque. It
is, therefore, used where large starting torque is required E, g in

elevators and electric traction.

Where the load is subjected to heavy fluctuations and the speed is

automatically required to reduce at high torques and vice versa.

INDUSTRIAL USE: electric traction, cranes, elevators, air

compressors, vacuum cleaners, hair drier, sewing machines etc.





Voltage =12v dc
Material =plastic
Type =lead acid battery
Quantity 1

(2) Dc motor:
Material =cast iron
Type =pmdc
Quantity =1
Length of motor =170mm
Outer dia of motor =Ø60
Rpm of motor (N) =30
Power =30W


Material =silicon semiconductor
Type = dark blue
Voltage =0.5v (each silicon cell)



Solar panel consists of number of silicon cells, when sun light

falls on this panel it generate the voltage signals then these voltage

signals given to charging circuit. Depends on the panel board size

the generated voltage amount is increased. In charging circuit the

voltage signal from the board is gathered together and stored in the


Now we are pressing for key means corresponding driver circuit

controls the motors, which are attached. The driver circuit constructed

with transistors to turn ON and turn OFF the relays. The relays output

are directly connected to motors. Similarly when we are pressing the

Rev, left and right keys corresponding driver circuits are controls the

motors, which are attached. The relays output are directly connected

to motors. When we press the keys in the keypad the signal is given

to micro controller. Now the micro controller activates the driver

circuit. So, the corresponding direction according to us is pressing

keys in keypad.




1. Solar energy is used to control the robot car so we can save the
2. Even though power failure happens, we can control the robot
3. We can use the solar energy to control the robot car for any

o Maintenance is high
o Moving parts is high
o It is charge for mainly sunlight power
o Solar panel saves the energy during day only.


This project is very useful in the industrial application.




The various factors which determine the choice of material are

discussed below.
1. Properties:

The material selected must posses the necessary properties for

the proposed application. The various requirements to be satisfied

Can be weight, surface finish, rigidity, ability to withstand

environmental attack from chemicals, service life, reliability etc.

The following four types of principle properties of materials

decisively affect their selection

a. Physical

b. Mechanical

c. From manufacturing point of view

d. Chemical

The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal

Conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific

gravity, electrical conductivity, magnetic purposes etc.

The various Mechanical properties Concerned are strength in tensile,

Compressive shear, bending, torsional and buckling load, fatigue

resistance, impact resistance, eleastic limit, endurance limit, and

modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding


The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point

of view are,

 Cast ability

 Weld ability

 Surface properties

 Shrinkage

 Deep drawing etc.

2. Manufacturing case:

Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or

surface qualities obtainable by the application of suitable coating

substances may demand the use of special materials.

3. Quality Required:
This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately

the material. For example, it would never be desirable to go casting of

a less number of components which can be fabricated much more

economically by welding or hand forging the steel.

4. Availability of Material:

Some materials may be scarce or in short supply. It then

becomes obligatory for the designer to use some other material which

though may not be a perfect substitute for the material designed. the

delivery of materials and the delivery date of product should also be

kept in mind.

5. Space consideration:

Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the

forces involved are high and space limitations are there.

6. Cost:
As in any other problem, in selection of material the cost of

material plays an important part and should not be ignored.

Some times factors like scrap utilization, appearance, and non-

maintenance of the designed part are involved in the selection of

proper materials.


1 SOLAR PANLE 1 Semiconductor
2 BATTERY 1 lead acid
3 PULLEY 2 mild steel
4 BELT 1 fiber
5 DC MOTOR 1 c.i
6 PREWHEEL 1 m.s





1 Solar panel 1 Semi

2 battery 1 Lead acid
3 pulley 2 Mild steel
4 belt 1 fiber
5 Dc motor 1 C.I
6 preweel 1 Mild steel
7 Chain drive 1 Mild steel


Lathe, drilling, welding, grinding, power hacksaw, gas cutting cost


The overhead charges are arrived by “manufacturing cost”

Manufacturing Cost =Material Cost +Labour Cost

Overhead Charges =20%of the manufacturing cost


Total cost = Material Cost +Labour Cost +Overhead Charges


Total cost for this project =




The project carried out by us made an impressing task in the

field of automobile. It is very useful for bicycle, because they need not

spend the lot of money for the fuel.

This project will reduce the cost involved in the concern. Project

has been designed to perform the entire requirement task at the

shortest time available.


1. Design data book -P.S.G.Tech.

2. Machine tool design handbook –Central machine tool

Institute, Bangalore.

3. Strength of Materials -R.S.Kurmi

4. Manufaturing Technology -M.Haslehurst.

5. Design of machine elements- R.s.Kurumi


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