Solution To Selected Question in Quantitative Method
Solution To Selected Question in Quantitative Method
Solution To Selected Question in Quantitative Method
HO; μA =μB = μA there are significant differences in the mean sales calls made across the three
H1; μA ≠μB ≠ μA there are no significant differences in the mean sales calls made across the three
α = 5% =0.05
Because we are comparing means of more than two groups, use the F statistic
Where, F = MST
Reject H0 if Fcalculated > Ftabulated
Fcalculated > Fa,k-1,n-k
Fcalculated > F0.05,(3-1),(18-3)
Fcalculated > F0.05,(2,15)
Fcalculated > 3.68
Sales Person Branch A Branch B Branch C total
1 36 41 53 130 Where XG =
2 45 47 45 137 826/18 =
3 51 38 57 146 45.88889
4 48 39 61 148
5 45 52 51 148
(X 6 41 37 39 117 –XG)
Column total 266 254 306 826
n 6 4.8888896 -7.11111
6 18
mean 44.3 -1.11111 42.3 0.888889
51 45.9
-5.11111 7.888889 -11.1111
-2.11111 6.888889 -15.1111
0.888889 -6.11111 -5.11111
4.888889 8.888889 6.888889
(X –XG)2
(X –XC)
-8.33333 -1.33333 2
0.666667 4.666667 -6
6.666667 -4.33333 6
3.666667 -3.33333 10
0.666667 9.666667 0
-3.33333 -5.33333 -12
(X – XC)2
69.44444 1.777778 4
0.444444 21.77778 36
44.44444 18.77778 36
13.44444 11.11111 100
0.444444 93.44444 0
11.11111 28.44444 144
Source of variation Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean square F
Treatment 247.11 3-1 = 2 123.556 2.92
Error 634.67 18-3= 15 42.311
Total 881.78 18-1 = 17
The computed value of F is 2.92, which is less than the critical value of 3.68, so the null hypothesis is
Conclusion: The population means are all equal. The mean sales calls are the same for the three
Subject to the number of observation involved the correlation coefficients will be computed using a
statistical package called Mega stat for excel.
The summary from the statistical package is shown table below;
Retention rank Post-secondary Post-secondary Academic
participation rank achievement rank achievement rank
Retention rank 1.000
Post-secondary .349 1.000
participation rank
Post-secondary .118 .074 1.000
achievement rank
Academic .073 .033 .604 1.000
achievement rank
70 sample size
(1) The Spearman’s rank correlation for Retention rank and Post-Secondary Participation rank is 0.349.
(i.e r = 0.349). This shows a weak positive correlation between retention rank and post-secondary
(2)The Spearman’s rank correlation for Post-Secondary Achievement rank and Academic Achievement
rank on exams is 0.604. (i.e r = 0.604). This shows a strong positive correlation between post
secondary achievement and academic achievement.
(3)The Spearman’s rank correlation for Post-Secondary Participation rank and Post-Secondary
Achievement rank is 0.074. (i.e r = 0.074). This shows a weak positive correlation between post
secondary participation and post secondary achievement.
(1)Pearson’s correlation coefficient between age and amount spent on this particular product.
r = -47185 = -0.92
There exist a strong negative correlation between age and amount spent on this particular product.
(2) Test this correlation for statistical significance (at a 5% significance level).
H0: r = 0 (the correlation in the population is 0)
H1: r ≠ 0 (the correlation in the population is not 0)
α = 5% = 0.05.
Decision rule;
Reject H0 if:
tcalculated > ttabulated.
tcalculated > ta/2,n-2
tcalculated > t0.025,15-2
t calculated> 2.16
|t| = 8.4694
The computed t (8.4694) is within the rejection region; therefore, we will reject H0. This means the
correlation in the population is not zero. From a practical standpoint, it indicates that there is correlation
between age and amount spent on this product.
(3) Estimate a linear regression to examine the relationship between age and amount spent on this
t y t2 ty Trend value
1 48 1 48 64.978
2 51 4 102 63.381
3 52 9 156 61.784
4 54 16 216 60.187
5 68 25 340 58.590
6 70 36 420 56.993
7 71 49 497 55.396
8 75 64 600 53.799
9 56 81 504 52.201
10 57 100 570 50.604
11 59 121 649 49.007
12 61 144 732 47.410
13 31 169 403 45.813
14 30 196 420 44.216
15 32 225 480 42.619
16 33 256 528 41.022
136 848 1496 6665
Y = a + bt
(3) Using this data and incorporating seasonal effects, forecast quarterly turnover for 2010.
YEAR Q1 Q2 Q2 Q4
3.648759 3.837759 4.088072 4.382376
0.91219 0.95944 1.022018 1.095594 3.989242
ADJUSTED 0.9146 0.9620 1.0248 1.0986 4.0000
Subject to the number of observation involved the correlation coefficients and regression will be
computed using a statistical package called Mega stat for excel.
The summary from the statistical package is shown table below
(1) Pearson’s correlation coefficient using hours lost absence and overtime payments.
23.64 36.55
140.4 22.02
837 102.86
464.16 145.49
145.8 94.65
1406.16 7.73
1118.76 22.5
349.8 167.52
381.6 94.89
147.6 66.79
1673.4 7.06
166.08 7.56
70.2 65.84
298.44 254.18
294 52.02
231 160.98
945 43.1
81.6 95.124
52.56 73.1
41.28 15.03
368.4 37.53
690.36 0
1113.84 7.59
178.2 205.25
397.8 182.76
59.04 22.03
102 15.83
165.84 58.81
1897.56 65.18
2967.36 43.17
99.48 161.25
1289.64 131.91
1323.48 6.88
1518.48 115.73
361.8 50.84
20.4 58.82
530.4 81.32
56.4 132.68
1185.84 145.25
78.96 81.14
165 15.28
42.96 123.55
128.64 36.39
186 146.97
78.6 58.81
608.04 80.18
607.08 59.88
172.56 52.26
270 44.24
283.56 37.58
1500.84 0
248.4 81.51
610.56 58.13
230.04 14.56
57.6 132.64
834.36 29.52
605.16 0
412.56 22.69
371.28 37.75
2177.52 0
Correlation Matrix
60 sample size
The above table is an extract from the summary of the outcome of the statistical package (megastat).
It can be deduced that there exist a weak negative correlation between overtime payments and hours
lost absent.
Test for significance of the correlation coefficient;
H0: r = 0 (the correlation in the population is 0)
H1: r ≠ 0 (the correlation in the population is not 0)
Α = 5% = 0.05.
Decision rule;
Reject H0 if:
tcalculated > ttabulated.
tcalculated > ta/2,n-2
tcalculated > t0.025,60-2
t calculated> 2.00
|t| = 1.7832
The computed t (1.7832) is outside the rejection region; therefore, we have no evidence against H0.
This means the correlation in the population is not significant. From a practical standpoint, it indicates
that there is no correlation between overtime payments and hours lost absent.
(2)Multiple regression predicting hours lost due to absence using mega stat for excel;
Regression Analysis
R² 0.368
Adjusted R² 0.269 n 60
R 0.607 k 8
Std. Error 49.733 Dep. Var. hours absent
Source SS df MS F p-value
Regression 73,408.8644 8 9,176.1080 3.71 .0018
Total 199,548.4640 59
From the above summary table the multiple regression predicting hours absent is presented below;
Y = a0 +b1x1 +b2x2 + b3x3 +b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6 + b7x7 + b8x8
Y = -55.6845-14.4599X1-0.0225X2+20.2851X3-0.6962X4+3.9011X5-3.7204X6+57.0187X7-29.7375X8
(3) Describe these results:
For question (1),
It can be deduced that there exist a weak negative correlation between overtime
payments and hours lost absent.
The computed t (1.7832) is outside the rejection region; therefore, we have no evidence
against H0. This means the correlation in the population is not significant. From a
practical standpoint, it indicates that there is no correlation between overtime payments
and hours lost absent.
For question (2),
Rate is negatively related to hours absent.
Overtime is negatively related to hours absent.
Grade is positively related to hours absent.
Bank qualification is negatively related to hours absent.
Age is positively related to hours absent.
Tenure is negatively related to hours absent.
Sex is positively related to hours absent.
Married is negatively related to hours absent.
(4)If an individual were to be promoted by one grade, by how much would you expect
absenteeism to change?
For an individual promoted by one grade, we expect the hours absent to increase by
approximately 21.
(5) Multiple regression predicting overtime payments using mega stat for excel:
Regression Analysis
R² 0.279
Adjusted R² 0.166 n 60
R 0.529 k 8
Std. Error 561.959 Dep. Var. Overtime
ANOVA table
Source SS df MS F p-value
Regression 6,247,065.1512 8 780,883.1439 2.47 .0239
Residual 16,105,693.1638 51 315,797.9052
Total 22,352,758.3150 59
(7)If an individual were to be promoted by one grade, by how much would you expect overtime
to increase?
For an individual promoted by one grade, we expect the overtime to increase by approximately