Edr 318 Observation 2 Ratios
Edr 318 Observation 2 Ratios
Edr 318 Observation 2 Ratios
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) Students will be able to create an equivalent fraction using one of the three
methods taught in class: using greatest common factor, using multiplication, or
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the using division.
objective(s) of this lesson that will support progress toward the
learning goal. Students will be able to create a ratio of two quantities found in the classroom.
Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do Students will be able to write a sentence describing a ratio of two items around
or accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured), and the classroom.
target a specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User Guide for
the “ABCD” method or “I CAN” statements that can be used as a
PA Standards
www.Pdesas.org/Standard/view or Standard - CC.2.1.6.D.1
Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
Standard - CC.1.2.6.J
Technology Materials/ Resources -notes sheetinteractive way for students to engage in content when direct
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) instruction takes place
-ratio scavenger huntgives students the opportunity to apply knowledge of
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this ratios and equivalency
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning objective(s)? -classroomuse items found around the classroom to complete the scavenger
If appropriate, what educational technology will be used to hunt activity, and the use when students create their own ratios
support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How do the -document camera/projectorproject notes as guide for students to follow
resources support the learning objectives? content of lesson
-notecardwhere students can record their own ratio problem for a classmate
Cite publications and any web resources. to complete
Anticipatory Set Prior to this lesson, students have been introduced to the unit on ratios.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) Students come to class with background knowledge of ratios, as this topic is
5 minutes taught in earlier grades. After finishing up our unit on fractions and decimals, I
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why today’s decided to use fractions to start off my lesson.
lesson is important to them as learners?
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson Good morning. To start off class, open your math notebooks and list two
topic? fractions equivalent to 3/6. I will give students two minutes to find two
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? equivalent fractions. Once students are done, I will have them turn and talk
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? with their table groups about their fractions. Would any groups like to share an
equivalent fraction? I will call on two groups, having a student share their
Provide very detailed steps. fraction and how they found it to be equivalent (or what steps they took to find
it). Just like we can have equivalent fractions, we can also have equivalent
ratios. Today we will be exploring the many ways we can find equivalent
ratios. I will pass out the guided notes/activity sheet to my students and notify
them this will be a guided notes sheet to complete during class.
We can find equivalent ratios using the greatest common factor of each term
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they in the ratio. So ‘You can write a ratio in simplest form by dividing the terms by
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with their greatest common factor’. Let’s look at an example to see this in action.
teacher support)? The problem is asking to ‘Express the ratio 50:20 in simplest form using GCF,
or the greatest common factor’. I will start this problem by finding the GCF
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these using the ladder method. You are more than welcome to use whatever method
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you you prefer to use to find GCF. I will model the ladder method to come to the
monitor and provide feedback? GCF of 10. So now that I know the GCF is 10, I will divide each term in my
ratio by 10 to find my simplified ratio. After dividing each term, I will come to
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where the simplified ratio of 5:2. I like to line up my original ratio with my new ratio
appropriate. to ensure I placed each term in the correct spot. I will ensure there are no
further questions, then continue with the guided notes.
Bold/highlight academic language that will be used/taught
throughout the lesson. Now, we can also use multiplication to find equivalent ratios. ‘You can write
an equivalent ratio by multiplying the terms of the ratio by the same number’.
We can use any number to multiply, we just have to be sure we multiply the
same number to both terms, or it will not be an equivalent ratio. Let’s look at
an example. The problem asks, ‘Express a ratio equivalent to 3:4 using
multiplication’. So, I will first start by picking a number to multiply. I am going
to multiply by 2, so I will write that above my work. Then, I will multiply each
term by the number I chose. So, I find that my ratio becomes 6:8. Don’t forget
to line up your ratios! I will ensure there are no further questions, then
continue with the guided notes.
Finally, we can also use division to find equivalent ratios. So ‘First, find
common factors of the terms. Then, divide the terms by the common factors. I
know this method is similar to using the greatest common factor, but we need
to make note that when dividing a common factor from both terms, this factor
may not be the greatest common factor. Let’s look at an example of this. The
problem asks, ‘Express a ratio equivalent to 18:54 using division’. So, I will
first start by listing the common factors of my two terms. I will show the two
factors of each term on my notes. Now in this particular problem, the two
terms have many common factors, but I am going to choose 9 as my factor.
Then, I will divide each term by the number I chose. So, I find that my ratio
becomes 2:6. I also followed my pattern of lining up my ratios, so I place them
in the correct order.
RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018
INTERN NAME___Sam Hobson________ 5
One important note to keep in mind is ‘Equivalent ratios have the same ratio
in simplest form’. Just like simplifying fractions all have the same fraction in
simplest form, the same goes for ratios.
MODELING (2 minutes)
Now that we have some knowledge on how to find equivalent ratios, let’s put
this into practice. We are going to use items around the classroom to create
ratios in a “Ratio Scavenger Hunt” activity. Each question asks we count the
number of each item and create a ratio from them. From there, we have to find
one equivalent ratio, and then give a sentence comparing the two items. Let’s
look at an example. The first problem asks for the ratio of boy students to girl
students. First, I will count the number of boy and girl students. I see we have
11 boy students and 13 girl students, so my ratio would be 11:13. Now, I need
to find an equivalent ratio to 11:13. Well, I know my numbers 11 and 13 are
prime, so the ratio I have now is in simplest form. I will multiply each of my
terms by 3. So, my equivalent ratio is 33:39. Now for my sentence, I want to
take my ratio in simplest form and compare the two items in words. So, my
sentence would be ‘For every 11 boy students, there are 13 girl students’.
Once we have a few minutes left of the activity, I will start giving students a
warning to wrap up the last problem they are on, and if they do not complete
the whole activity there is no penalty.
Closure This activity is a great way to see that ratios are all around us! It is so
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) important we understand the concept of equivalent ratios. When making
several batches of cookies, I need to know how to increase my ratio by
8 minutes multiplying. Or when you are giving cookies to friends and want the ratio of
How will students share or show what they have learned in this number of cookies to friends, you want to find the ratio in simplest form to
lesson? know how many cookies each friend can have.
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so
and clarify key concepts? So now that you went on a scavenger hunt to find ratios in the classroom, it’s
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for your turn to create a ratio for classmates to find in the class! As I pass out the
understanding? notecards, I will give instruction for the final activity. On the front of your
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson? notecard, write the ratio you want your peers to search for in words. On the
back, write the ratio you found like we did for our activity, and record 2
different equivalent ratios. Then circle the ratio in simplest form, and don’t
forget to write your name.
Differentiation For my above level students, I will challenge these students to use all three
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) methods to create multiple equivalent ratios during the scavenger hunt activity.
These students are also free to help other students who need more support at
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose their tables, especially when I am working with other students. If these students
academic development is below or above the current grade level? complete the notecard closure activity early, I will have them share their cards
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or with other classmates to practice finding these ratios around the classroom.
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs
of all of your students? For my below level students, I will provide the modeled practice problems
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including completed for them to use as a resource when completing the preceding
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, problems. This gives students an opportunity to follow the direct instruction,
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their without feeling rushed to copy down the notes on the board. I will be
learning? frequently checking on them to ensure they are copying down the information
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and from the board, along with following the content of the lesson. I will provide as
inventiveness? much one on one support I can for these students, but if I need to help other
students I will ask these students to work with their table members.
For my English Language Learners, I will allow them to practice their BICS
(Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) when working with classmates and
receiving support from the teacher. They will also practice CALPS (Cognitive
Academic Language Proficiency) when completing the notes sheet and the
practice problem, along with the ratio scavenger hunt. If my students struggle
with CALPS, I will provide the student with the modeled practice problems
completed on their worksheet to use as a resource when completing the
preceding problems.
Accommodations ** (see note below) For my students with ADHD and attention difficulty, I will ensure they are
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) seated close to instruction and prompt these students to stay on task, especially
when working in groups. I will also ensure the group of students they work
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to with will not be a distraction, but rather a resource for them if they need
increase curriculum access for students identified with special guidance or clarification and a teacher is not available. I will also allow these
education needs or 504? students to vocalize their thoughts through discussion with group members
during the practice problem we complete, along with when students complete
Describe how these accommodations align with the current the scavenger hunt activity independently. This also gives students the
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as opportunity to rephrase and repeat the content to fully understand the concepts
applicable (avoid using actual names of students). and content being taught in the lesson.
Modifications**(see note below) Students with specific modifications in terms of amount of work may only
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) complete the practice ratio during direct instruction, five of the “Ratio
Scavenger Hunt” problems, and the closing activity. For both the closure and
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance the “Ratio Scavenger Hunt”, students only need to complete one original ratio
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the and one additional equivalent ratio. This way, students only need to complete
participation of students identified with special education needs? problems that will best guide their thinking through the activity, without
hindering their progression of learning.
Assessment (Formal or Informal) Throughout the lesson, students complete several informal assessments. The
(1f: Assessing Student Learning) formative assessment begins when students complete the practice problem after
completing the guided notes sheet. In this assessment, I am looking to see
How will you and the students assess where the learning students can apply one of the three methods taught to find equivalent ratios.
objectives, listed above, were met? The next formative assessment is the “Ratio Scavenger Hunt”, which is a fun
and interactive way for students to apply their new knowledge of equivalent
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is ratios. Not only am I looking to see students can find equivalent ratios, but I
aligned to the above objective(s). will look for students to label which method they completed, along with
writing the ratio in a complete sentence. The final formative assessment
students complete is the closure activity where they will create a ratio
scavenger hunt question of their own. In this assessment, I am looking to see
students can demonstrate their understanding of the topic in a more creative
light. All of these formative assessments allow students to put the new method
to practice in a supportive atmosphere, where they can ask questions and work
with their peers. I will collect the closure activity where students created their
own ratios. After reviewing these materials, I will have a better sense of who
grasped the content in this lesson, who needed more support, and where our
class still needs further instruction when working on this particular topic.
Reflection on Instruction Overall, I felt the lesson was successful. During direct instruction, students
were engaged as they completed the notes sheet and followed along with the
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. practice problems. Students were also engaged when completing the “ratio
The reflection should go beyond simply answering the question scavenger hunt” activity as they were up and out of their seats counting items
“Was this a good lesson?” Below are some questions to assist you around the classroom and recording the numbers to create ratios. After
in your reflective process (Danielson, 2008): conferencing with my observing practicum teacher, she commented on the
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your engagement of my students, along with the explicit modeling done throughout
students have met or are progressing towards the learning my lesson.
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the If I taught this lesson again, I would ensure I had more “check in” with
students’ level of engagement and comprehension? students during the activity. I would do this to ensure students are
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you understanding of the content being taught. As this lesson was fairly
teach this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, if straightforward content and students were extremely engaged, adding this
any, do you need to clarify before teaching the next lesson? “check in” element of my lesson would ensure students were following the
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? content and there were no misunderstandings or questions on the information
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, presented. This “check in” is also a great was to scaffold students from the
and your use of physical space. To what extent did these guided practice when working with peers, to the full independent practice of
contribute to student learning? completing the scavenger hunt alone. This way, I can see which students are
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional getting the content, which students still need support, and any general
questions/misconceptions about the content and address them to the whole
delivery (e.g., activities, grouping of students,
materials/resources utilized). To what extent were they
Another change I would make to my execution of my lesson is my closure
activity. As I planned a 48 minute lesson, that was shortened to a 30 minute
lesson due to a two hour delay, I only had so much time to fit my entire lesson
into a shortened class period. The closure activity planned would have had
students take their understanding of the “ratio scavenger hunt” activity and
create their own scavenger hunt ratio question to ask peers. But since we did
not get to it during class time, I closed my lesson by reviewing the main points
of the direct instruction, first as a turn and talk in table groups, and then sharing
ideas out as a whole class . After conferencing with my observing practicum
teacher, she told me how successful the closure was. Not only did I reiterate the
main ideas in the lesson, but I held each table group accountable by physically
walking to each table group to ask them to share something they talked about.
The closure activity I had planned originally will be an anticipatory set for
Monday’s class.
RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018
INTERN NAME___Sam Hobson________ 11
Throughout my lesson, I also felt I had a strong presence in the classroom, and
my classroom management was successful. Usually during a lesson, I do not
need to deal with any classroom management in terms of student behavior or
actions, but in this particular lesson I had to make a judgement about a student
comment. As incentive for good behavior in class, I give out scratch and sniff
stickers to each class period if they are working hard and keeping a focus on
the lesson. Fridays are crazy enough, but of course as it was a Friday when I
was observed, I had a student ask a question about the stickers in the middle of
my direct instruction. As I heard the comment, my response was immediately
that it was not important and that we would continue on with the lesson. After
conferencing with my observing practicum teacher, she had commented on the
freedom and flexibility of the lesson for students and how well it went for this
particular class of students. She also commented on how I handled the
student’s comment about the stickers, and how redirecting the attention to the
content was successful. In our course text titled “The Power of Our Words for
Middle School”, chapter five dives into the topic of redirecting language. In
this particular situation, I redirected the student by helping this student direct
his attention on the content of the lesson and not the off task subject of stickers.
The redirection was given in a respectful and calm tone, and I did not
embarrass the student while redirecting him back to the lesson. I also felt my
modeling/talk aloud was clear and concise when demonstrating problems to
student. In my WCU coursework, we are taught to always model a procedure
before having students complete problems. In this lesson, it was evident
modeling is a clear way to deliver instruction and demonstrate the expectations
of the student.
When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the
accommodations or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional
Activity, and Closure section of the lesson plan template.