The Effects of HIV Infection On Pregnancy Hormones Within 28 Weeks of Pregnancy
The Effects of HIV Infection On Pregnancy Hormones Within 28 Weeks of Pregnancy
The Effects of HIV Infection On Pregnancy Hormones Within 28 Weeks of Pregnancy
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The Preterm Effect of Antiretroviral Drugs on Total Lymphocyte Cells and CD4
Cells in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women
Chukwubike Udoka Okeke1*, Solomon Nwabueze Ukibe1, Brown Holy2 and Ferdinand Ezeiruaku3
1Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics, School of Health Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
2Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Sciences, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
3Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
*Corresponding author: Okeke Chukwubike Udoka, Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics, School of Health Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri,
Imo State, Nigeria, Tel: +2348037353551; E-mail: [email protected]
Received date: Apr 06, 2016, Accepted date: May 12, 2016, Publication date: May 16, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Okeke CU, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: HIV infected pregnant women are placed on antiretroviral drugs for treatment and to avoid
maternal to child transmission of HIV. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the antiretroviral drugs
(ARD) on CD4 and Total Lymphocyte cell count (TLC) among these women.
Method: A total of 120 women participated in this study at Bori General Hospital Nigeria. Sixty (60) of them were
seropositive to HIV while 60 were seronegative. Blood sample was collected from both groups of women at 2nd and
3rd trimester. The seropositve group was placed on ARD (Nevirapine, Zidovudine) after initial collection of sample at
2nd trimester. CD4 count and TLC were estimated in these samples using Cyflow machine and manual method
Result: CD4 count and TLC were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in HIV infected pregnant women (CD4 count
425.10 ± 34.0 cells/uL, TLC 1.97 ± 0.10 × 109/L) in 2nd trimester than in non- infected group (CD4 count 835.02 ±
36.50 cells/uL, TLC count 2.93 ± 0.15 × 109/L). The CD4 count significantly rose from 425.10 ± 34.0 cells/uL in 2nd
trimester to 647.03 ± 35.77cells/uL in 3rd trimester, and TLC significantly rose (p < 0.05) from 1.97 ± 0.10 × 109/L in
2nd trimester to 2.26 ± 0.10 × 109/L in 3rd trimester in HIV-infected group. The increase in CD4 cell count (647.03 ±
35.77 cells/uL) in sero-positive group at 3rd trimester was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than that of sero- negative
group (948.58 ± 38.86 cells/uL). TLC levels in 3rd trimester of both sero-positive group and sero-negative group
showed no statistical significant (p > 0.05) difference.
Conclusion: Reduction of CD4 cell count and TLC at 2nd trimester in HIV- infected pregnant women showed that
HIV infection depleted these immunologic markers in pregnancy. The administration of ARD from second trimester
boosted the CD4 cell count and TLC among these infected pregnant women before delivery. Progressive increase in
TLC alongside CD4 cell count among the women on ARD suggests that TLC could be used as a surrogate to
monitor progress of treatment among HIV-infected pregnant women in resource limited settings.
Keywords: Antiretroviral; HIV; Pregnancy; Total lymphocyte cells; prevalence rate among pregnant women in Nigeria is about 4.9%, even,
CD4 cells Ikechebelu et al. [2] in their study reported 6% prevalence in Nnewi,
Anambra State. The high prevalence rate in antenatal women among
Introduction Africans can be attributed to low level of education, grand
multipararity, lower income occupation, couples not living together,
Antiretroviral drugs (ARD) are medications for the treatment of induced labour, and blood transfusion [2,3].
infections caused by retroviral, primarily Human immunodefficiency
virus (HIV). Different classes of antiretroviral drugs act at different The HIV infection can adversely affect pregnant women and their
stages of the HIV life cycle/parts and they are reverse transcriptase fetus directly or indirectly via hormonal alteration. Garcia et al. [4]
enzyme inhibitors (e.g., zidovudine, lamivudine and Nevirapine), reported that studies had shown that HIV itself could affect the body’s
Protease enzyme inhibitors (e.g. lopinavir), fusion of HIV and host cell ability to produce and maintain hormone levels. French and
inhibitors (maraviroc), Integrase enzyme inhibitors (e.g., Bevirimat Brockletrust [5] stated that pregnancy in HIV infected women might
and Virecom). These drugs can be used singly, but gold standard be associated with atleast small increase in risk of adverse maternal
(combination therapy) for AIDS treatment is advocated to maximize outcomes, and these were spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, fetal
potency, minimize toxicity and diminishes the risk for resistance abnormality, prenatal mortality, low birth weight, preterm delivery etc.
development by the HIV. Okeke et al. [6] stated that altered estradiol and prolactin levels are
hormones implicated in causing these adverse outcomes of pregnancy.
The prevalence rate of HIV infection in pregnant women in African
countries is in a worrisome state. Some African countries have HIV HIV can cause functional abnormalities and quantitative depletion
prevalence rate of over 30% in pregnant women [1]. The average HIV of CD4 T-Lymphocytes in humans. And this can lead to profound
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immunosuppression in HIV infected patients unless the patient has a Materials and Methods
mutation on CXCR4 and CCR5 chemokine receptors on the CD4
Cells. The dysfunctional effects of HIV on CD4 cells may be as a result A total of 120 pregnant women randomly selected voluntarily
of direct infection with HIV or may be caused indirectly by exposure participated in this study. Sixty (60) of them who were seronegative to
of uninfected cells to various proteins. Indirect effects of HIV HIV served as control, while the rest 60 who were HIV seropositive
infections result in decreased CD4+ T-cell proliferation and started antiretroviral drug treatment at second trimester of pregnancy.
differentiation, dysregulation and decreased production of Their blood samples were collected at 2nd trimester (before
interleukin-2 (IL-2) and other cytokines, defecting colony formation commencement of antiretroviral drugs in seropositive group), and at
and other precursor defects. Rich et al. [7] and Wilson et al. [8] stated 3rd trimester before delivery. The samples were put into ethylene
that there are immune function changes during pregnancy and HIV diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) containers for estimation of CD4
infection. Bretle et al. [9] stated from their study that in asymptomic count and TLC.
HIV infection, changes in the absolute levels of CD4 and CD8 CD4 count was estimated using cyflow machine, while Total white
lymphocyte counts are primarily related to changes in other blood cell count (TWBCC) and percentage lymphocyte count (field
components of the white cell count because there were no changes in staining technique) were estimated using manual method. Total
CD4% and CD8%. By this, they concluded that pregnancy itself has no lymphocyte count was calculated from Total white cell count (TWCC)
adverse effect on immunological markers of HIV. Temmerman et al. and percentage lymphocyte count), thus;
[10] observed no statistical difference in CD4 and CD8 cells and their
ratio between HIV positive and HIV negative women during % ����ℎ����� �����
����� ����ℎ����� ����� ��� = ����
× 100
There is suggestion that pregnancy hormone; hCG has anti-viral Statistical analysis
effect on HIV. Simonant et al. [11,12] stated that crude urine from 1st
trimester pregnant women had a growth effect on Kaposi’s sarcoma, The data collated were subjected to statistical analysis using
compared with urine from non-pregnant women and men. Lee-Huang MEGASTAT software to determine the mean, standard deviation,
et al. [13] observed that anti-viral component of hCG is associated standard error of mean (s.e), p-value/level of significance.
with the beta core fragment of the beta subunit of hCG and are
identical to those of human lysozyme and ribonucleases. Bourinbaiar Result
and Lee-Huang [14] reported that hCG has the ability to suppress
In the Table 1 below, it was observed that there was significant
reverse transcriptase activity in chronically infected lymphocytes and
increase (p < 0.05) in CD4 count of sero-negative pregnant women
monocytes and likewise it blocks viral transmission resulting from cell-
from 835.02 ± 36.50 cells/uL in 2nd trimester to 948.58 ± 38.86 cells/uL
cell contact between virus carrying lymphocytes and trophoblasts.
in 3rd trimester (a difference of 113 ± 2.36 CD4 cells/uL). There was no
Contrariwise, Gross et al. [15] observed an increase in material hCG
significant increase (p > 0.05) in TLC level from 2.93 ± 0.15 × 109/L in
and viral load, decreased CD4 count among women.
2nd trimester to 3.26 ± 0.92 × 109/L in 3rd trimester among HIV sero-
HIV causes functional abnormalities and quantitative depletion of negative pregnant women (a difference of 0.33 ± 0.77 × 109/L).
CD4 cells and consequently TLC. Physiological hormonal changes in
In HIV-seropositive group, there was a significant increase (p <
women during pregnancy do not prevent the effects of HIV on CD4
0.05) in CD4 cell count from 425.10 ± 34.0 cells/uL in second trimester
and TLC. The use of antiretroviral drugs has been established to
to 647.05 ± 35.77 cells/uL in 3rd trimester (a difference of 222 ± 1.77
hamper the proliferation of HIV, and as well enhance the production of
CD4 cells/uL). Likewise, this significant increase (p < 0.05) was also
CD4 cells and total lymphocyte count in infected humans. This study
observed in TLC from 1.97 ± 0.10 × 109/L in second trimester to 2.26 ±
was carried out to assess the preterm effects of the antiretroviral drugs
0.76 × 109/L in third trimester (a difference of 0.29 ± 0.0 × 109/L).
on the CD4 cells and total lymphocyte count in pregnant women who
have physiological changes as a result of hormonal alteration.
CD4 count cells/uL 835.02 ± 36.50 948.58 ± 38.86 p < 0.05 113 ± 2.36
TLC × 109/L 2.93 ± 0.15 3.26 ± 0.92 p > 0.05 0.3 ± 0.77
CD4 count cells/uL 425.10 ± 34.0 647.03 ± 35.77 p < 0.05 222 ± 1.77
TLC × 109/L 1.97 ± 0.10 2.26 ± 0.10 p < 0.05 0.29 ± 0.0
Table 1: Comparative result of CD4 and TLC in second and third trimesters of women in the same HIV status.
In Table 2 below, in second trimester, there were significant higher 36.50 cells/uL and 2.93 ± 0.15 × 109/L) than in sero-positive women
(p < 0.05) levels of CD4 count and TLC in sero-negative (835.02 ± (425.10 ± 34.0 cells/uL and 1.97 ± 0.10 × 109/L) respectively.
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In third trimester, CD4 count of sero-negative (948.58 ± 38.86 difference (p > 0.05) in TLC level between the sero-negative group
cells/uL) was significantly higher than (p < 0.05) that of sero-positive (3.26 ± 0.92 × 109/L) and sero-positive group (2.26 ± 0.76 × 109/L).
women (647.05 ± 35.77 cells/uL) but there was no significant
Second trimester
Third trimester
Table 2: Comparative result of CD4 count and TLC of HIV Sero-negative and Sero-positive pregnant women in a given trimester.
HIV sero-positive pregnant women on antiretroviral drugs in this At 2nd trimester of pregnancy, there was significant difference
study showed that the increase in CD4 and TLC are statistically between TLC levels of the two groups of women when compared, but
significant. This indicates that antiretroviral drugs had significant no significant change in TLC when the two groups of women were
effect on the CD4 cell proliferation and this was also reflected in the compared at their third trimester. This indicates that treatment of HIV
increase in Total lymphocyte cell count. It has been noted that HIV infection in pregnant women could be monitored using Total
suppresses body immunity as a result of depletion of CD4 cells. In the lymphocyte count in place of CD4 count in resource limited settings.
study carried out by Burn et al. [17], it was observed that HIV caused a Mahayan et al. [18] and Mbanya et al. [19] recommended using TLC as
steady decline in CD4 cell percentage during pregnancy and post- a surrogate marker for CD4 count after initiation of HAART but
partum in HIV disease during pregnancy. In this study, HIV infected frequent estimation should be done.
pregnant women who started antiretroviral drugs in second trimester In conclusion, reduction of CD4 cell count and TLC at 2nd trimester
had a progressive increase in immunologic markers, CD4 and TLC. in HIV- infected pregnant women showed that HIV infection depletes
This progressive increase indicated that antiretroviral drugs either these immunologic markers in pregnancy. As administration of
arrested the depletion of CD4 and TLC or caused the increase in the antiretroviral drugs from second trimester boosted the CD4 cell count
proliferation or regeneration of CD4 and TLC among the infected and TLC among the HIV infected pregnant women before delivery,
pregnant women. Though the CD4 cell subtype was not determined it they could be used to boost the immune status of these women, and
has been established that Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy possibly prevent vertical transmission of HIV from mother to child
(HAART) halts the viral assault on CD4 progenitor cells allowing when initiated at 2nd trimester. Progressive increase in TLC alongside
production of new T-cells. CD4 cell count among the women on ARD suggests that TLC could be
Considering the second trimester of sero negative and seropositive used as a surrogate to monitor progress of treatment among HIV-
pregnant women, there were significantly low levels of CD4 count and infected pregnant women in resource limited settings.
TLC of the seropositive group than the sero-negative pregnant women.
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