Standard Format For Research Proposals
Standard Format For Research Proposals
Standard Format For Research Proposals
1. Cover page: This should include the title, Investigators name, title and address,
Department, Faculty, Month and year
2. Research Project:
(Keep the title of the project short and simple. The title should clearly describe the
basic objectives of the proposed project and be understandable by a scientist who is
not an expert in your field)
3. Signatures:
It is advisable that proposals should not be longer than 15 pages, single spaced and 12 cpi, including cover page.
iii) Participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.
6. Proposed Research Project:
(2) Criteria for choosing sites and samples, sampling methods and sample
sizes. Provide source of germplasm for life science experiments.
(3) Describe your field trial design (if appropriate). In some cases you
may find it necessary to include diagram and if you do please refer to
that diagram in this space.
iii) Analysis of data: (Describe the statistical methods that you will use to
analyse the data)
iv) Materials: (List materials that will be required for laboratory
experiments, field work and computing facilities)
g) Expected output: (Indicate expected outputs from the project)
h) Time schedule: ((In the column on the left note the major phases/activities of
your research. To the right, indicate during which months you will be engaged
in the activity)
i) Duration: (Number of years of project funding)
10. Budget: (The budget items must be relevant to the proposed research plan and
should be justified)
a) Equipment: (Specify and describe each item, and give to the best of your
knowledge: manufacturer, model/type, accessories if needed. Give a
realistic estimate of the cost for each item)
b) Expendable supplies: (List categories and significant items of expendable
supplies (glassware, solvents, feed, reagents, etc) and give a cost estimate
for each category and significant items)
c) Literature: (List categories of literature (e.g. books, reprints, and
photocopies) or documentation, and give a cost estimate for each
category. Also recommended are subscriptions to journals or membership
in a scientific society publishing a journal)
d) Local travel costs: (Local travel costs for sample collection, field visits,
participant observation, surveys etc are included in this category. Travel
costs can also include costs associated with conferences and scientific
e) Manpower costs: (They include manual and skilled labour costs which are
necessary for the execution of the project)