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Synchronous Education ​- ​Synchronous Education is an online 

method used where students are all engaged in learning at the 
same time. Students can chat normally through instant messaging, 
while listening to their instructor speak. Generally, this is done 
through things like Blackboard Collaborate, Skype, Google 
Meetups, and even through some virtual meeting places such as 
Second Life. This type of learning environment allows students and 
their instructors to participate and interact in real time. 
Asynchronous Education​ - ​Asynchronous Education is where 
students can use online resources to work closer to their own 
pace. Students are still following a schedule most of the time, but 
they are learning on their own through information and videos 
that the instructor posts online. This way of learning uses things 
such as email, blackboard, and discussion boards for 
communication between the instructor and their students as well 
as allows communication between students. Students have more 
time to spend on polishing their assignments and contributions 
in this type of learning environment.  
Hybrid Education ​- ​Hybrid Education is where students 
can personalize a learning plan suitable to their needs. This 
type of education combines online and on campus learning. 
This way of learning could allow students to take classes 
that combine online instruction with traditional classroom 
activities. This way of learning could also allow students to 
take classes that are mostly online, but still have a few 
sessions on campus that allow students to have face-to-face 
time with the instructor. In this learning environment the 
“Flipped Classroom” can be used as a means to balance the 
online and face-to-face environments.  
Differences Between the Three Types of Online Education​: 
Synchronous  Asynchronous  Hybrid Education 
Education  Education 

Students are learning at  Students are learning at  Personalized education 
the same time and from  their own pace.  where students combine 
the same website and  online and on campus 
materials as the  learning.  

Students use many  Students do all of their  Students use online 

different learning  learning through videos  learning as their 
techniques such as;  and information that the  platform while still being 
Skype, Instant  instructor posts.  able to interact 
Messaging, White  face-to-face with fellow 
Boarding, Blackboard  peers and instructors.  
Collaborate, chats, 
videoconferencing, etc. 

Learning takes place in  Learning is on-demand  Students study five 

real-time. Students must  or just-in-time and is  broad subject areas that 
commit to scheduled  completely flexible for  include strategic 
class times and sign in  students.   messaging, visual 
during these set times.   communication and 
brand strategy, 
integrated marketing, 
instructional design and 
a capstone project, and 
communication and 
culture. The subject 
areas are divided into 
separate individual and 
team projects. 

Students need to be  Tools that are used  Students work as a team 
self-motivated and well  include Discussion  to develop projects 
disciplined to stay on  Boards, Blogs, E-mail,  management skills and 
track.   Audio and Video  high-quality work skills. 
Streaming, Website links, 
Surveys and polls, etc. 
Pro  Con 

Synchronous Education -   Synchronous Education -  

Students can learn from anywhere.   No face-to-face interaction with peers 

or instructors.  

Students are learning and engaging  Requires a quick response instead of 
with other students.  time to reflect.  

Students are encouraged to  Students must carefully plan their 

participate in all activities.  schedules to ensure they do not miss 
Helps develop communication skills.  an online lecture.  

Asynchronous Education -   Asynchronous Education ​-  

Students can work at their own pace.  Little interaction with peers. 

Reflects on complex issues.  Students may feel isolated. 

Hybrid Education -   Hybrid Education -  

Certain aspects of flexibility for  Lack of time management skills could 

students.   cause students to fall behind.  

Instant grading features such as  In class time makes the class schedule 
online quizzes enable students to  less flexible 
have immediate feedback.  

Course work can be accessed when  Some students struggle because of 
students are most mentally alert and  limited computer or Internet access. 
from their favorite spaces at the most 
convenient times.  
Synchronous Education -  
Jack is taking an online English course at Athens State University. Every other 
Thursday night, Jack and his classmates have to log into Blackboard Collaborate 
to listen to their instructor speak. By doing so, Jack and his classmates are able 
to chat about the lecture through instant messaging, participate in group 
discussions, and ask the instructor questions.  
Asynchronous Education -  
Haley is taking an online Psychology course at Athens State University. Her 
instructor posts a syllabus and course schedule at the beginning of the course 
that Haley uses as her guide. She works at her own pace using information and 
videos that her instructor posts throughout the semester. If Haley has a question 
about the course, she emails her instructor to receive the answers she needs. 
Haley participates in weekly discussion boards which require each student to 
give feedback to two of their peers posts. Discussion boards are the only way 
Haley and her classmates will communicate during the semester.  
Hybrid Education -  
Molly is taking a Biology course at Athens State University. Each week, she will 
complete lessons, quizzes, and assignments online. However, she will meet four 
times during the semester on campus to receive lab credit. This is an example of 
hybrid learning due to Molly using both online and on campus methods of 
Categories of Synchronous Communication Tools​:
● Text-Based-​ involves the exchange of instantaneous text-based messages between two 
or more people in real time. 
● Live Audio and Video-​ tools that enable real-time audio and video communication online 
that furnish familiar environments for give and take characteristics of in-person exchanges. 
● Content, Display and Interactive-​ used for shared viewing of visual and interactive 
content within real-time environments. 

Text-Based Tools: 

● Email- ​messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more 
recipients via a network.  
● Instant Messaging or IM- ​the exchange of near real time messages through a stand alone 
application or embedded software.  
● Message Board Forums- ​an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in 
the form of posted messages.  
● Second life- ​is an online virtual world where users or residents, create virtual 
representations of themselves or avatars, and are able to interact with places, other avatars, 
and objects.   

Live Audio and Video Tools: 

● Broadcast- ​to send out or transmit (something, such as a program) by means of radio or 
television or by streaming over the internet. 
● Streaming Video- ​content sent in compressed form over the internet and displayed by the 
viewer in real time.  
● Video conferencing- ​a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in 
separate locations for the purpose of communication.  
● Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)- ​a telephone connection over the Internet. 
● Webcams- ​a video camera that inputs to a computer connected to the internet, so that 
images can be viewed by each individual user. 

Content, Display and Interactive Tools: 

● Social Networking Sites- ​an online platform which people use to build social networks or 
social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, 
backgrounds or real life connections.  
● Whiteboarding- ​the manipulation of digital files on a visual digital whiteboard.  
● Wiki- ​a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by users.  

How Tools Enhance Student-Instructor Communication: 

● Text-Based-​ Supports a collaborative environment and allows feedback. 

● Live Audio and Video-​ Supports opportunities to reach a group of listeners or viewers.. 
● Content, Display and Interactive-​ Supports multi-user virtual environments to explore 
independent and group explanation of shared spaces. 

Examples of Synchronous Communication and Processes: 
1. Networking​- Synchronous communication between devices such as a web browser that 
requests an image and waits for a response.  
2. Communication​- Synchronous communication between people is typically known as a 
conversation where one person talks and another listens and replies.  
3. Processing- ​refers to a single thread of a computer program that executes sequential 
instructions is called synchronous process.  
4. Education​- Synchronous learning takes place in a classroom when students learn at the same 
time the same things.  
Example of one-to-one Synchronous communication: 
● Instant messaging 
● Skype calls  
Examples of one-to-many Synchronous communication: 
● Video conferencing 
● MUDs 
● MOOs 
● MOOCs 


ANewSpring.com. (2015, Jan 8). ​The Difference Between Blended and Hybrid Learning.

Retrieved from ​https://www.anewspring.com/blended-and-hybrid-learning/

eLearners.com. (2017, Aug 15). ​Synchronous vs Asynchronous Learning.​ Retrieved from


Finkelstein, J. (2006). ​Learning In Real Time: Synchronous Teaching and Learning Online.​ San

Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Mindflash.com (n.d.). ​Asynchronous vs Synchronous E-Learning. ​Retrieved from


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