7 Seismic Slope Stability
7 Seismic Slope Stability
7 Seismic Slope Stability
Derivation of the equation for the FS of an infinite slope with a seismic force (kW)-
total stress analyses
Pseudostatic analyses (4)
An issue is the location of the pseudostatic force
Terzaghi (1950) suggested that the pseudostatic
force should act through the center of gravity of
each slice or the entire sliding mass
Thiswould be true only if the accelerations were
constant over the entire soil mass, which they probably
are not
Seed (1979) showed that the location can have a
small but noticeable effect on the computed FS
Pseudostatic analyses (5)
Dynamic analyses of the response of many dams to
earthquakes (Makdisi and Seed 1978) indicate that the
peak accelerations increase (amplify) from the bottom
to the top of a dam
Thus, the location of the resultant seismic force would be
expected to be above the center of gravity of the slice
In the case of circular slip surfaces, this would reduce
the moment about the center of the circle due to the
seismic forces, in comparison to applying the force at
the center of gravity of the slice, and the FS would be
expected to increase
Pseudostatic analyses (6)
Consistent with results from evaluation of Sheffield
Dam, which showed that the FS decreased when the
seismic force was located below the center of
gravity of the slice
In the case of circular slip surfaces, this would
reduce the moment about the center of the circle
due to the seismic forces, in comparison to applying
the force at the center of gravity of the slice, and
the FS would be expected to increase
Pseudostatic analyses (7)
Assuming that the pseudostatic force acts through the
center of gravity of the slice is probably slightly
conservative for most dams
Thus, it appears that Terzaghi’s suggestion is reasonable
For most pseudostatic analyses the pseudostatic force is
assumed to act through the center of gravity of each
If a force equilibrium (only) procedure is used, the location
of the pseudostatic force ha no effect on the FS computed
Pseudostatic analyses (8)
For many years, seismic coefficients were estimated
based on empirical guidelines and codes. Typical values
for seismic coefficients used ranged from about 0.05 to
about 0.25
However, with the development of more sophisticated
analyses, particularly displacement analyses,
correlations can be made between the seismic
coefficient, the expected earthquake accelerations, and
the probable displacements
Most seismic coefficients used today are based on
experience and results from deformation analyses
Sliding Block Analyses
Newmark (1965) first suggested a relatively simple
deformation analysis based on a rigid sliding block
In this approach the displacement of a mass of soil
above a slip surface is modeled as a rigid block of
soil sliding on a plane surface
When the acceleration of the block exceeds a yield
acceleration, ay, the block begins to slip along the
(a) Actual slope; (b) sliding block representation used to
compute permanent soil displacements in a slope
subjected to earthquake shaking
Double integration of acceleration-time history to
compute permanent displacements
Seismic yield coefficient
Limit equilibrium slope stability analyses are used to
compute the values of yield acceleration, ay, used
in sliding block analyses
The yield acceleration is usually expressed as a
seismic yield coefficient, ky=ay/g
The seismic yield coefficient is the seismic coefficient
that produces a FS of unity in a psudostatic slope
stability analysis
Seismic yield coefficient (2)
The value of ky is determined using conventional
slope stability analysis procedures
However, rather than searching for the slip surface
that gives the minimum FS, searches are conducted
to find the slip surface that gives the minimum value
of ky
The slip surface giving the minimum value of ky is
usually different from the one giving the minimum FS
for static conditions
Pseudostatic screening analyses
Several simple screening criteria have been
developed for evaluating seismic stability using
pseudostatic analysis procedures
The screening criteria differ in the reference seismic
acceleration, acceleration multiplier, strength
reduction factor, acceptable FS, and tolerable
displacement criterion used
Components of pseudostatic screening
A reference peak acceleration, aref
Either the peak acceleration in bedrock beneath the
slope, or the peak soil acceleration at the top of the
Peak bedrock acceleration is easier to use, because
determining peak acceleration at the top of the slope
requires a dynamic response analysis
Components of pseudostatic screening
analyses (2)
Acceleration multiplier
The seismic coefficient used in the pseudostatic analysis
is equal to aref/g multiplied by an acceleration
multiplier, a/aref
k= (aref/g)(a/aref)
Values of acceleration multiplier ranging from 0.17 to
0.75 have been recommended
Components of pseudostatic screening
analyses (3)
Shear strength reduction factor
Most authorities recommend using reduced shear
strength in pseudostatic analyses
The strength most often recommended is 80% of the
static shear strength (Makdisi and Seed 1977)
Components of pseudostatic screening
analyses (3)
Minimum FS
Values are either 1.0 or 1.15
Components of pseudostatic screening
analyses (4)
Tolerable permanent deformation
Certain amount of earthquake-induced deformation is
The magnitudes of deformation judged to be tolerable
vary from 0.15m in the case of landfill base liners to
1.0 for dams
Suggested methods for performing
pseudostatic screening analyses
Shear strength for pseudostatic analyses
Post-earthquake stability analyses (4)