Cybersecurity Moving From Anchor To Enabler of Innovation
Cybersecurity Moving From Anchor To Enabler of Innovation
Cybersecurity Moving From Anchor To Enabler of Innovation
moving from
anchor to enabler
of innovation
Cybersecurity must be integrated into put firms in a better position to defend their
digital innovation teams ... offerings against cyber threats and become
trusted digital providers with their customers —
How can they achieve this? A vital step is to
an increasingly vital status amid today’s
close the current gap between digital and
FinTech-led disruption and competition.
cyber teams, which often effectively operate
as separate functions. Digital teams tend As highlighted in a recent EY research report,
to be quite clearly defined and delineated, the global FinTech industry is growing apace,
as opposed to being integrated with cyber using technology innovation to capture market
capabilities in the up-front visioning and design share in many areas of financial services.2
phases. Cyber skills are then brought in as So the traditional financial services business
needed through toll gate-type reviews. model is being challenged where it matters
most: with customers. EY’s FinTech Adoption
This separation undermines the value of the
Index, based on a survey of more than 10,000
combined functions. Effective and embedded
individuals in six countries, shows that 33.1%
cybersecurity is the bedrock of any successful
of digitally active consumers in New York have
strategy for creating value from digital. In a
used at least two FinTech products in the past
study by Cisco1, 69% of executives indicated
six months3 — the highest figure in any urban
that they “are reluctant to innovate in areas
center in the study.
such as digital products and services because
of the perceived cybersecurity risks.” Such
The opportunities and challenges for
findings underline that uncoupling digital
FS firms
development from cybersecurity risks
impeding firms’ growth in the digital space. This shifting digital landscape presents
substantial opportunities for FS firms. But they
… to realize digital value in a FinTech- can only realize these opportunities if their
disrupted world digital services are underpinned by robust
and pervasive cybersecurity — which means
To avoid this risk, financial services
it should be built in at the beginning, not
organizations should embed cybersecurity
bolted on as an afterthought. For those firms
resources into their digital teams. By doing
that succeed in developing digitally enabled
this, they will gain the ability not only to
customer offerings that are compelling,
reduce cycle times by designing security
relevant, user-friendly and secure, the prize
from the start, but also to generate higher
on offer includes new and more profitable
value, by shifting the core rationale for
products and services, new economic models,
cybersecurity from preventing breaches to
and the ability to engage more intimately
enabling innovation and growth. Closing the
and regularly with consumers across multiple
gap between cybersecurity and digital will also
”Cybersecurity as a Growth Advantage: Key Insights,” Cisco website,
Capital Markets: innovation and the FinTech landscape, EYGM Limited, 2016,
EY FinTech Adoption Index, EY website,
Technology can cut both ways these cutting-edge technologies need to infuse
cybersecurity concepts and practices through
While the opportunities in areas such as digital
their entire development life cycle, in order to
trust underline the benefits that technology
identity and mitigate these new risks as part of
can bring to financial services firms, it’s
their innovation process.
important to grasp that technology can
be a double-edged sword. All technologies Once again, these are important messages
have inherent weaknesses that may become that cybersecurity specialists are uniquely
more apparent as complexity grows and the placed to communicate to the business. And
availability of processing power expands. And as technology advances, cybersecurity risks
as institutions digitize increasing amounts of also change and evolve — potentially raising
their customer-facing processes and tools, challenges for existing ways of mitigating risks.
significant amounts of new technologies and Take encryption: throw enough processing
interactions are being introduced, each with power at it, and any encryption system can
their own weaknesses to be exploited. When eventually be broken. With the advent of
these technologies are presented on enterprise commercially available quantum computing,
and global scales, the potential attack surface the days of encryption may be numbered.
grows exponentially. Another risk is what the Information Security
Forum (ISF) calls “opaque algorithms.” In its
So, amid the hype, organizations shouldn’t
Threat Horizon 2019 report, the ISF highlights
put too much faith in the “next big thing,”
how companies’ use of algorithms to make
be it encryption, biometrics, robotic process
decisions in critical systems means they have
automation or blockchain. Crucially, many of
less visibility into how their systems function
the benefits technology offers to enterprises —
and interact, creating a lack of transparency
such as the massive processing power of
that poses information security risks.4
the cloud — are also accessible to criminals.
Organizations that successfully introduce
Threat Horizon 2019: Disruption. Distortion. Deterioration. Information Security Forum Limited, January 2017,
Positioning cybersecurity as a
business enabler
We’ve described an environment in which financial services firms are
driving digital innovation, continuing to build digital trust with customers Three steps to close the
and becoming increasingly enmeshed into digital ecosystems. However, as
they take these positive steps, the daily drip-feed of media stories about gap between digital and
cyber breaches is a constant worry. Senior executives in financial services cyber teams:
are all too aware that their organizations are targets of cyber adversaries
ranging from nation state-backed attackers to terrorists, and from • Embed cyber skills in
hacktivists to organized criminals. digital development teams
The ongoing proliferation of cyber threats has fed into a belief among from day one, rather than
CIOs across all industries that their cyber defenses are inadequate.
having them organized in a
EY’s 19th Global Information Security Survey 2016-17 — Path to cyber
resilience: Sense, resist, react — finds that 86% of CIOs surveyed say their separate silo
cybersecurity function does not fully meet their organization’s needs.5
This figure is down only slightly from 88% the previous year. The report
• Enable and empower cyber
comments: “Despite the steps organizations have taken, it is still not enough specialists to apply new
to deal with the worsening situation.” What’s clear is that the threats are methodologies in design
real and growing — and that the question is how to address them.
and development
Switching from a reactive stance ...
• Encourage the adoption
This blend of deep concerns and fast-expanding threats puts us at a
defining moment — one where cybersecurity professionals have a golden by the cyber team of
opportunity to step up and save the day. But this is proving difficult to a controlled, carefully
achieve in practice. Digital development projects involving a cybersecurity
managed “fail-fast” culture
layer often expose a stark contrast between the pace and agility of the
digital component and the slower-moving and more rigid methodology in the development and
on the cyber side. Instead of being on the front foot, the cybersecurity prototyping stages
community is back on its heels and remaining largely reactive in its stance.
Path to cyber resilience: Sense, resist, react, EYGM Limited, 2016,
However, our experience shows that efforts to However — more positively — EY research
embed cybersecurity into digital development confirms that as financial institutions look to
teams often come up against resistance from bring digital and cyber together, cybersecurity
cybersecurity professionals themselves. This vigilance remains top of mind. EY’s seventh
generally reflects their understandable concern annual global EY/IIF bank risk management
that focusing more on the opportunities and survey, A set of blueprints for success — based
business outcomes of digital innovation could on interviews with 67 banks from 29 countries
cause the organization to lower its guard — finds that cybersecurity risk ranks second
and risk more cyberattacks succeeding. only to regulation on the entire risk agenda
The resulting divide between digital and for respondents’ boards (see Exhibit 1).7 Also,
cybersecurity can strengthen the feeling 89% of interviewees say cybersecurity is now
among CIOs that the cybersecurity function is subject to a particular or enhanced focus on
not fully meeting their organization’s needs, as operational risk, more than for any other area
noted by the ISF.6 of the business.
Exhibit 1: Top three risk areas for boards of directors in the next 12 months
Source: A set of blueprints for success: Seventh annual global EY/IIF bank risk management survey, 2016
Threat Horizon 2019: Disruption. Distortion. Deterioration. Information Security Forum Limited, January 2017,
A set of blueprints for success: Seventh annual global EY/IIF bank risk management survey, EYGM Limited, 2016,
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