What Is Air Pollution
What Is Air Pollution
What Is Air Pollution
The chemical compounds that lower the air quality are usually referred to as air
pollutants. These compounds may be found in the air in two major forms:
Nitrogen oxides are polluting the air through car exhaust, electric power plants,
the burning of various fuels, cigarette smoking, electroplating, welding etc.When
combined with volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides form smog; when
combined with sulfur dioxides, they form acid rain.
Depending on the level and length of exposure, nitrogen oxides can cause serious
health problems:
Breathing difficulties
Throat spasms
Lung fluid build-up
Decreased fertility in women
Mental confusion
Birth defects
Effects depend on the concentration of carbon monoxide you are exposed to, and
can include the following:
Carbon dioxide can be very toxic to humans when inhaled or in direct contact,
especially in confined spaces. Exposure can lead to serious health problems:
Loss of vision
Muscle contractions
Shortness of breath
Nervous system damage
Memory loss
Nausea and vomiting
Skin burns
Elevated blood pressure
Birth defects
Gaseous Hg Poisoning
Mercury is known to be extremely harmful to human health in any form, a strong
neurotoxin that can occur naturally or be released from power plants and many
other sources and spread across land, soil, air and water.
While mercury is very toxic when it builds up in water and soil, it is even more
dangerous when in gaseous form, because it is all the more easily inhaled,
swallowed or deposited on our body.
The toxic effects of gaseous mercury include:
Developmental problems
Reproductive problems
Thyroid dysfunction
Kidney dysfunction
Neuropsychological problems
Ammonia Poisoning
Ammonia is a naturally occurring compound that can also be manufactured.
When naturally occurring, it is present in decaying matter, but also in water, soil,
and air. When manufactured, it is most often found in liquid form and has
numerous industrial and household uses. It is commonly sold in liquid form and
is a corrosive chemical.
High levels of ammonia can be extremely harmful to human health. Toxic effects
Anthropogenic Causes
Mining and smelting – emit into the air a variety of metals adsorbed on
particulate matter that is suspended in the air due to crushing & processing
of mineralogical deposits;
Mine tailing disposal – due to their fine particulate nature (resulting after
crushing and processing mineral ores) constitute a source of metals to
ambient air which could be spread by the wind over large areas;
Foundry activities – emit into the air a variety of metals absorbed on
particulate matter that is suspended in the air due to processing of metallic
raw materials (including the use of furnaces);
Various industrial processes may emit both organic and inorganic
contaminants through accidental spills and leaks of stored chemicals or the
handling and storage of chemicals – especially of volatile inorganic
Transportation – emits a series of air pollutants (gases – including carbon
monoxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides - and particulate matter)
through the tailpipe gases due to internal combustion of various fuels
(usually gasses such as oxides of carbons, of sulfur, of nitrogen, as well as
organic chemicals as PAHs)
Construction and Demolition activities – pollute the air with
various construction materials. Of special threat is the demolition of old
buildings which may contain a series of banned chemicals such as PCBs,
PBDEs, asbestos.
Coal Power Plants – when burning coal this may emit a series of gases as
well as particulate matter with metals (such as As, Pb, Hg) and organic
compounds (especially PAHs);
Military activities – may introduce toxic gases through practices and
Air pollution has serious effects on the human health. Depending on the level of
exposure and the type of pollutant inhaled, these effects can vary, ranging from
simple symptoms like coughing and the irritation of the respiratory tract to acute
conditions like asthma and chronic lung diseases.
Skin problems and irritations can develop due to prolonged exposure to several
air pollutants, and a variety of cancer forms may develop after inhaling air
contaminants. Do not neglect potential diseases caused by air pollution.
Air pollutants that have serious negative effects on the human health can be
classified as toxic and non-toxic.
Pakistan is one of the richest countries of the world in terms of natural resources
and has been blessed with huge reserves of oil and gas. Availability of such
natural resources is necessary for the economic and social development and for
this numerous oil and petroleum companies are working throughout Pakistan to
bring out a positive relationship between the people and nature.
Next on my list of top oil and petroleum companies , is this company that is a
petroleum company based in Karachi, formerly known as Bosicor Petroleum
Pakistan. In 2012, it became Pakistan’s biggest refiner, followed by Pak-Arab
Refinery and has its refineries located in Hub, Lasbela District of Balochistan.
The vapors of benzene, toluene and xylenes are heavier than air and may
accumulate in low-lying areas.
Construction activity
A certain amount of construction accompanies every phase of oil and gas
development (exploration, field organization, production, and site abandonment).
Each requires disturbing the soil to some degree through the use of construction
machinery. These activities generate particulate matter and stir up dust, which in
turn react with the other prerequisites to form ground-level ozone, or smog.
If the gas wells use glycol dehydrators to remove water from the gas, the
dehydrator may release aromatic organic chemicals to the atmosphere. If the
natural gas undergoing dehydration contains benzene, toluene, or other volatile
organic compounds, significant quantities of these compounds can be released
when the glycol solution undergoes regeneration.
Drilling, completion and workover trucks, rigs and equipment such as pumps
typically run off of diesel-powered or gasoline engines. The exhaust fumes from
gasoline and diesel fuels can produce emissions that are noticeable to people
living downwind.
Fugitive Emissions
Fugitive emissions are unintentional leaks of gases. This may occur from breaks
or small cracks in seals, tubing, valves or pipelines, as well when lids or caps on
equipment or tanks have not been properly closed or tightened. When natural gas
escapes via fugitive emissions, methane as well as volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and any other contaminants in the gas (e.g., hydrogen sulfide) are
released to the atmosphere.
Recently, while on a tour of oil and gas fields in Weld and Adams counties, a
team of high-tech Environmental Protection Agency investigators used an
infrared camera to look for fugitive emissions, which are normally invisible to
the naked eye. They aimed their camera at pipelines, valves and hatches atop
storage tanks, the EPA regulators found numerous sources of fugitive emissions.
Earthen pits are often used to store or evaporate produced water and waste water
from natural gas dehydration or oil/gas separation units. Additionally, prior to
disposal drilling wastes (muds and cements) and fracking wastes are often stored
in earthen or metal pits that are open to the air. There are hundreds of different
chemicals that may be used during drilling, fracking and workover procedures,
including acids, biocides, surfactants, solvents, lubricants and others.
Chemical compounds that are naturally present in natural gas, or chemicals that
have been injected downhole during drilling, hydraulic fracturing or well
workover operations, will be present in the water or wastes that are held in pits.
Some of the lighter or more volatile chemicals and compounds, such as benzene,
toluene, hydrogen sulfide, etc., will escape from the produced water pits into the
atmosphere. These chemicals may then be transported through the air, into nearby
neighborhoods. The odors associated with the natural gases or chemicals will
vary, depending on the concentrations, volumes, and combinations of chemicals
released. Also see: Alternatives to Pits.
The biggest pollutant from motor vehicle traffic at oil and gas operations is dust.
Fracking a single well requires 1,400 truck trips.
Burning fuel to power trucks also emits NOx, carbon monoxide, and sulfur
dioxide, as well as particulate matter. These compounds combine with VOCs to
form ground-level ozone (smog)
Since most operations are similar or the same, for on-shore and off shore
production; the air emissions will have similar chemistries in both operational
areas. The currently applied technology for producing oil and gas from various
installations results in three main types of gas emissions[2], namely:
Combustion Gases
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, offshore oil
and gas production was responsible for the release of 6.2 million metric tons of
combustion gases in 2013.[3] That's less than onshore production, with an output
of 94.8 million metric tons. For comparison, the average emission rates in the
United States from coal-fired generation are: 2,249 lbs/MWh of carbon dioxide,
13 lbs/MWh of sulfur dioxide, and 6 lbs/MWh of nitrogen oxides.[4]
Carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels has been on the increase since
the industrial era; and with more than 85% of the world’s energy coming from
fossil fuels, it will remain an important energy source well into the future.[5] As
the demand for fossil fuels is growing, so is the volume of CO2 emitted each year.
This has led to concerns over the impact of CO2 emissions on global climate
Four major sources contribute to the CO2 emissions from the O&G industry:
For example because of the lack of pipelines and gas treating facilities, as much
as 30% of the gas produced is flared[7] or is used for powering (directly)
hydraulically operated equipment[8] that then vents the gas to the atmosphere. A
report by Aleklett[7] includes satellite photos that were claimed to have been taken
by NASA of multiple oilfield gas flares in the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays. The
illumination from the flares seems to compare in intensity with the illumination
of major cities in the regions near the flares. These flares will produce CO2 as
well as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.
In the past few years, a broad variety of estimates have emerged regarding
methane emissions from the United States natural gas industry sector. Industry
surveys noted discrepancies that led to a thorough review of information that led
to the improvement of estimation methods and emission factors associated with
natural gas system activities. This has manifested itself in the engineering
estimations that are used for compiling the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory and
in the methods used by companies for reporting under the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
The emission system was developed to meet two goals: 1) To gather regulatory
required data for reporting emissions to the TCEQ and 2) To provide data for an
intra-company greenhouse gas reporting and reduction program. Additionally,
the program resulted in greater operating efficiencies and a reduction of air
emissions. In 2010, Eni E&P developed the Air Quality Monitoring Standard, a
guide for Eni E&P subsidiaries for the design, installation, and management of
fixed Air Quality Monitoring Systems (AQMS). Although fixed AQMS are the
most complete and precise monitoring tools, their installation is not always
necessary in order to manage air quality issues. Therefore, before installing a
monitoring station, a general structured assessment of air quality and emissions'
should be carried out in order to eventually identify different and/or cheaper
monitoring options. Eni E&P gained some important expertise regarding this
issue in 2011 via a structured project implemented in two Tunisian oil centers,
one located in the desert, the other in a coastal area.
Reducing SO2
One process used for sulfur oxide reduction uses the Claus reactions, a catalytic
chemical process that converts gaseous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) into elemental
sulfur (S)[17]. Claus is commonly referred to as a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) and
is widely used to produce sulfur from the hydrogen sulfide found in raw natural
gas and from the by-product sour gases containing hydrogen sulfide derived from
refining petroleum crude oil and other industrial facilities.
Several hundred Claus recovery units are in operation worldwide. In fact, the vast
majority of the 68,000,000 metric tons of sulfur produced worldwide in 2010 was
by-product sulfur from petroleum refining and natural gas processing plants.
CO2 sequestration
Sequestration is one option that is gaining interest to stabilize and reduce the
concentration of CO2. Carbon capture and storage technology involves the
process of trapping and separating the CO2, transporting it to a storage location,
and then storing it long-term so that it does not enter into the atmosphere.[18] It is
not a new technology and has been used by petroleum, chemical, and power
industries for decades.[19] In fact, carbon capture was first used in Texas in 1972
as a method to enhance oil recovery.[20]
CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels has been on the incline since the
industrial era; and with more than 85% of the world’s energy coming from fossil
fuels, it will remain an important energy source well into the future. [21] As the
demand for fossil fuels is growing, so is the volume of CO2 emitted each year.
This has led to concerns over the impact of CO2 emissions on global climate
change. CO2 sequestration is an option that is gaining interest to stabilize and
reduce the concentration of CO2.
After CO2 is captured at the source, it must be safely sequestered or stored
away.[22] There are three types of CO2 sequestration: terrestrial, geologic, and
mineralization (Figure 2). More than 150 CO2 sequestration projects are in
progress in North America alone.
The various sources of air contamination which are encountered in oil fields are
Evaporation of crude oil from oil pits in the form of vapours during
production testing .
Pungent fumes, odours and dust from cementing units and from mud
The exhaust of derrick engines and generators, pump engines, compressors
Discharge of natural gas directly to the atmosphere during production
Burning of the oil from effluent pit.
Flaring of natural gas to the atmosphere.
Burning of gas and effluent water from the flare pit in the air directly from
various oil terminals.
Presence of smoke , Fog, Mist & wind in which S.P.M. remains suspended
near the earth surface.
Oxidation of various pollutants .
Depletion of the natural resources & decrease in forest areas disturbing the
eco system.
The weather & orography of oil fields.
Discharge of associated low pressure natural gas to the atmosphere.
Increase in surrounding temp. due to flare.
Glare effect of flare which adversely effect the nearby vegetation.
Table 1: Significant Refinery Air Emission Sources, Air
Pollutants And Emission Factors*
Refinery Process Air Pollutant Emission Factor**
Nitrogen Oxides 71
Hydrocarbons 220
Aldehydes 19
Ammonia 54
Sulfur Dioxide 60
Nitrogen Oxides 5
Hydrocarbons 87
Aldehydes 12
Ammonia 6
Some of the effective methods to Control Air Pollution are as follows: (a)
Source Correction Methods (b) Pollution Control equipment (c) Diffusion
of pollutant in air (d) Vegetation (e) Zoning.
(a) Low sulphur fuel which has less pollution potential can be used as an
alternative to high Sulphur fuels, and,
(b) If air intake of boiler furnace is adjusted, then excess Fly-ash emissions
at power plants can be reduced.
(c) Pressurising the storage tanks in the above case can also give similar
In the present book only the control devices for particulate contaminants are
dealt with.
The particulates having higher density obey Stoke’s law and settle at the
bottom of the chamber from where they are removed ultimately. The several
horizontal shelves or trays improve the collection efficiency by shortening
the settling path of the particles.
(d) A weight at the bottom of the electrode wire to keep the wire in position.
Mechanism of Action:
The polluted gas enters from the bottom, flows upwards (i.e. between the
high voltage wire and grounded collecting surface). The high voltage in the
wire ionises the gas. The negative ions migrate towards the grounded
surface and pass on their negative charge to the dust particles also. Then
these negatively charged dust particles are electrostatically drawn towards
the positively charged collector surface, where they finally get deposited.
A coarse water stream is injected upwards into the throat where it gets
atomised (i.e. breaks the water into droplets) due to the impact of high
velocity of the gas. The liquid droplets collide with the particulates in the
polluted gas stream.
The particles get entrained in the droplets and fall down to be removed later
on. Venturi Scrubbers can also remove soluble gaseous contaminants. Due
to the atomisation of water there is proper contact between the liquid and
the gas increasing the efficiency of the Venturi Scrubber (their power cost
is high because of the high inlet gas velocity).
To separate the droplets carrying the particulate matter from the gas stream,
this gas-liquid mixture in the Venturi Scrubber is then directed into a separa-
tion device such as a cyclone separator.
(iii) Cyclone Scrubber:
The dry cyclone chamber can be converted into a wet cyclone scrubber by
inserting high pressure spray nozzles at various places within the dry
chamber (Fig. 5.7).
The high pressure spray nozzles generate a fine spray that intercepts the
small particles in the polluted gas. The centrifugal force throws these
particles towards the wall from where they are drained downwards to the
bottom of the scrubber.
(d) Vegetation:
Plants contribute towards controlling air-pollution by utilizing carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. This purifies
the air (removal of gaseous pollutant—CO2) for the respiration of men and
Gaseous pollutants like carbon monoxide are fixed by some plants, namely,
Coleus Blumeri, Ficus variegata and Phascolus Vulgaris. Species of Pinus,
Quercus, Pyrus, Juniperus and Vitis depollute the air by metabolising
nitrogen oxides. Plenty of trees should be planted especially around those
areas which are declared as high-risk areas of pollution.
(e) Zoning:
This method of controlling air pollution can be adopted at the planning
stages of the city. Zoning advocates setting aside of separate areas for
industries so that they are far removed from the residential areas. The heavy
industries should not be located too close to each other.
New industries, as far as possible, should be established away from larger
cities (this will also keep a check on increasing concentration of urban
population in a few larger cities only) and the locational decisions of large
industries should be guided by regional planning. The industrial estate of
Bangalore is divided into three zones namely light, medium and large
industries. In Bangalore and Delhi very large industries are not permitted.