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The Rise of The Fourth Reich and Donald Trump

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich and Donald

The Holy Roman Empire Was the First Reich. It

was followed by Imperial Germany of the

Kaisers, the Second Reich. From the ashes of

Imperial Germany rose the Third Reich of the

National Socialists and Adolf Hitler. The

THE RISE OF THE election of Donald Trump as President of the

United States and the return of strongman

FOURTH REICH leaders around the world ushered into place

the Fourth Reich.

Wayne Madsen Report.com

AND DONALD A current events survey | July 2018

Foreword to craft “populist” American domestic and
foreign policies.
“Populism” the media called it. The
rejection of the European Union in the Populism became a masquerade term for
“Brexit” referendum in the United Kingdom far-right fascism, racism, and xenophobia.
was said to be the result of a “populist”
Adding to this cadre were individuals like
rejection by the British of open borders, a
former United Kingdom Independence
common European currency,
Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage and former
multiculturalism, and other
London mayor and British Foreign Secretary
internationalization efforts by supranational
Boris Johnson, as well as neo-fascist
political leaders in the Netherlands, Austria,
Far-right wing parties, once considered France, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Belgium,
“fringe,” began to win seats in national Russia, and other countries in Europe.
parliaments and the European Parliament.
As Trump and the Brexiteers consolidated
These “fringe” parties began to field serious
their political positions in their respective
national candidates. It was a return to many
countries, Bannon, Farage, and others
of the conditions that prevailed in Europe
began to institutionalize their common
and North America in the 1930s.
fascist underpinnings to create a Fourth
Widespread damnation of established
Reich. The Republican Party in the United
political structures became the order of the
States fell under the complete domination
day from the Russian steppes to the banks
of Trump and his xenophobic cult following.
of the Rhine and beyond, to the midlands of
Moderate Republicans became rare as
England and the prairies of the United
hen’s teeth as Trump activists managed to
purge Republican ranks by threatening to
The dream of neo-Nazis for a Fourth Reich defeat centrists and moderate
to include the white people of Europe and conservatives at the polls.
all of Russia, North America, Australia and
The Conservative Party of the UK was torn
New Zealand, the white regions of South
between Brexiteers and internationalists,
Africa, and the southern cone of South
with the Brexiteers threatening to split the
America began to manifest itself in far-right
Conservatives into two political parties.
political leaders and ideologists brought to
the forefront by the election of Donald This report surveys the far-rightwing
Trump to the U.S. presidency. White political movements either already in power
supremacist policymakers like Stephen or seeking power in key nations around the
Bannon, Stephen Miller, and others began world.

Bannon has established in Brussels an Sweden Democrats, People’s Party of
organization called “The Movement,” a Wallonia in Belgium, the True Finns Party,
foundation that aims to install far-right the British National Front, and other far-
governments throughout Europe. The right European parties.
group’s first goal is to help far-right parties
The Movement appears to be the dream of
win seats in the European Parliamentary
the Nazi SS officers who, realizing that the
elections in May 2019. Bannon indicated
Third Reich was collapsing near the end of
that The Movement, which plans to expand
World War II, established a secret network
from a Brussels-based staff of 10 to 25, will
to spirit SS officers and other Nazis out of
employ the same sort of social media and
German-occupied territories to Latin
data mining, micro-targeting, and push-
America and the Middle East. Once safely
polling used by the Trump campaign, in the
ensconced in Argentina -- where President
2016 U.S. presidential election and the
Juan Peron welcomed them -- and other
Brexit referendum.
nations, including Brazil, Syria, and Egypt,
Bannon, serving as the chairman for the via way stations in Switzerland and Spain,
Trump campaign, is believed to have relied the former Nazi officials would set about to
heavily on voter manipulation tactics lay the groundwork for the Fourth Reich.
developed and deployed by the U.S./U.K.
The Movement is a natural follow-on to the
firm Cambridge Analytica.
end of the war ODESSA (Organisation der
The Movement, according to Bannon, will ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen) (Organization
seek to win one-third of the seats in the of Former SS Members). The existence of
European Parliament. The far-right already ODESSA, a support network for Nazi war
controls 43 of the 751 seats in the European criminals escaping Europe, was discovered
Parliament.1 by the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps
at the end of the war.
The Movement is linked to the Freedom
Caucus in the U.S. House of The Movement, like ODESSA, is an umbrella
Representatives. The Movement is also organization for Nazis and fascists. ODESSA
linked to UKIP, France’s National Rally was composed of smaller Nazi underground
(formerly the National Front), Italy’s support organizations having names like
Northern League, Germany’s Alternative for Konsul, Scharnhorst, Sechsgestirn,
Germany (AfD), Vlaams Belang of Flanders,

Andrew Rettman, “Far-right Bannon to open
EU campaign group,” EU Observer, July 23, 2018.

Leibwache, Deutsche Hilfsverein, and Nazi war veterans organized something akin
Lustige Brüder. to the wartime Auslandsorganisation (AO)
of the Nazi Party to coordinate the efforts
The fact that Bannon, a former high-level
of Nazi expatriates living in Buenos Aires,
White House adviser to Trump, who sat in
Madrid, Cairo, Vienna, Lisbon, Beirut,
on National Security Council meetings, is
Innsbruck, Bern, Lima, Santiago de Chile,
now re-creating the Fourth Reich as a sort
Quito, Montevideo, La Paz, Dublin, and
of “Fascist International” is more than
Paris. One of the projects of this post-war
Nazi organization was the creation in 1953
Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann of an “Association of European Nationalist
maintained contacts with ODESSA while Movements” through an effort run out of
living clandestinely in Argentina. However, Spain. The Association was supported by
the Israeli Mossad kidnapped him, placed three neo-Nazi groups established in West
him on trial in Israel, and executed him Germany, Die Bruderschaft, Die Aktion, and
following his guilty verdict for war crimes. Freikorps Deutschland, and the Werewolf
organization in Spain. The Association
In normal times, Bannon’s efforts to obtained recruits from the Netherlands,
recreate a neo-Nazi International would Belgium, France, Italy, Great Britain,
earn him a bullet to the back of the head, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Norway, and
courtesy of Mossad or the former Soviet Sweden, as well as expatriates from eastern
KGB. In these times, Israel and Russia are Europe living in the West.
actively supporting efforts to create an
international organization of fascist and Escaped Nazi leaders in the Axis countries,
neo-Nazi parties, all committed to including Belgian Rexist leader Leon
opposition to Muslims, the European Union, Degrelle, who lived in exile in Spain, and
human rights, and international law. Croatian leader Ante Pavelic, who lived in
Argentina, cooperated with the Nazi
A major difference between ODESSA and international organization and the nascent
The Movement is that ODESSA operated in Association of European Nationalist
the clandestine shadows, financing itself Movements.
through import-export firms in Buenos
Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Cairo, Tehran, In 1951, a neo-Fascist International met in
Asuncion, Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, Malmo, Sweden. Fourteen nations were
Tegucigalpa, Karachi, Jeddah, Stockholm, represented, including representatives from
Tangier, and Damascus, not out in the open the Italian Social Movement (MSI), the
with an international secretariat in a city Danish Foreningen 6 Mai, three German
like Brussels. parties, and neo-Nazis from the

Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Sovereign” are increasing their
Norway, Trieste, Austria, Finland, Spain, and membership. Although these groups are
Great Britain. The keynote speaker was small and have no governing infrastructure,
Anna Maria Mussolini, the oldest daughter they have adopted common positions and
of the late Italian Duce. The meeting was they are prone to committing acts of
organized by Per Engdahl, the leader of the violence. The same description could be
Swedish far-right group, New Swedish used for the small group of far-right
Movement (Nysvenska Roresien). Also activists in Germany following World War I.
attending the summit was Sir Oswald Although small, disunited, and a nuisance to
Mosley of the British Union of Fascists. most, they grew into the Nazi Party and
Plans were discussed to form a fascist ushered into being Adolf Hitler’s Third
international under the names of either the Reich.
Association of European Nationalist
European mainstream politicians are
Movements or the “European Council for
sounding the alarm bells about Bannon’s
Nationalist Parties.”
plans. The German Minister of State for
The participants agreed to establish a European Affairs, Michael Roth of the Social
“European Social Movement,” with its Democratic Party (SPD), told Die Welt that
headquarters in Trieste. In 1952, a spin-off, Europe should be wary of Bannon’s “hate
the European Liaison Office, was and his lies.” Florian Hahn of Bavaria’s
established in Lausanne. Affiliate neo-Nazi Christian Social Union (CSU), the partner of
organizations soon appeared on the scene: Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian
the Northern League in Scotland, and Jeune Democrats (CDU), told Die Welt that
Nation and Jeune Europe in Belgium. Bannon’s plans for The Movement posed a
threat to Europe. The Free Democratic
Bannon’s The Movement and its allied far-
Party (FDP) called Bannon’s plans a “frontal
right political parties in Europe represent a
attack” on Europe’s values. However, far-
carbon copy of the post-war Nazi AO
right Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader
operation, which foresaw a corporatist
Alice Weidel called Bannon’s plans “exciting
“European Reich” stretching from Dublin to
and ambitious.” She met with Bannon at a
March 2018 conference in Zurich,
Bannon’s entry into European far-right Switzerland.2 Bannon was the guest of the
politics comes while the German Interior right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP)
Ministry reports that German groups with
names like “Citizens of the Reich” and “The

Deutsche Welle, “German politicians allied against
Steve Bannon,” July 23, 2018.

federal legislator Roger Köppel, who is also far-right parties that has not made an
the publisher of Die Weltwoche magazine. accommodation with Israel.

While Trump was visiting the UK in July Bannon and his allies are keeping their
2018, Bannon was in London meeting with distance from what Bannon refers to as
Louis Aliot and Jérôme Rivière of the French Europe’s “ethno-nationalist” movements.
National Rally. Mischaël Modrikamen of the Although Bannon had good words for the
right-wing Belgian People’s Party legally ethno-nationalist Swedish Democrats,
established The Movement in Brussels in Flemish Interest (Vlaams Belang), and True
January 2017, the same month Trump was Finns Party, he was referring to groups
inaugurated as president. Other far-right advocating for secession from European
European politicians who have been nation-states. For Bannon, the fact that may
identified as working with Bannon are of these movements, including the Scottish
Gerolf Annemans and Filip Dewinter of the National Party and most of the Catalonian
Belgian Vlaams Belang, Italian Interior independence parties, are social democratic
Minister Matteo Salvini of the Lega, or have left-wing elements means they are
National Rally leader Marine Le Pen, not included under his far-right tent.
Sweden Democrats’ leader Kent Ekeroth,
Another major far-right figure in the United
Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders,
States is the head of the National Policy
Austrian Freedom Party leader Harald
Institute, Richard Spencer. Spencer
Vilimsky, Czech politician Tomio Olamura,
represents the third generation of American
Institute for Direct Democracy in Europe
neo-Nazi leaders. The first was the leader of
(IDDE) head Laure Ferrari of France, and
the American Nazi Party in the 1950s and
UKIP’s Farage, who is reportedly
60s, George Lincoln Rockwell.
romantically linked to Ferrari.
Rockwell's parents worked in vaudeville and
The UK Independence Party announced in
their best friends included Groucho Marx,
July 2018 that it will join The Movement.
Benny Goodman, Fanny Brice, Walter
Dewinter of Vlaams Belang has links to Winchell, Jack Benny, and George Burns, all
Golden Dawn of Greece,3 one of the few Jews. In fact, Benny, Marx, and Burns

Teun Paulwels and Emilie van Heute, “Caught
between mainstreaming and radicalization:
Tensions inside the populist Vlaams Belang in
Belgium,” EUROPP – European Politics and
Policy, London School of Economics, January 11,
2017. 5
attended George Lincoln Rockwell's church was taken up by Spencer and David Duke,
christening. the former Ku Klux Klan leader. During the
presidential campaign, Trump claimed he
After serving in the Navy during the Korean never heard of Duke after the former Klan
War, Rockwell published U.S. Lady leader endorsed him. Trump's claim was a
magazine from New York City. Among his lie, one of many the now-president would
major advertisers were all the major Jewish- utter during the campaign trail to the White
owned department stores in New York, House.
including Macy's, Gimbel's, Abraham &
Rockwell's Nazi presence in the Washington
Strauss, Saks, Bergdorf-Goodman, B.
area came to an abrupt end on August 25,
Altman, and Bonwit-Teller. Ironically,
1967, when one of his former lieutenants,
Bonwit-Teller's flagship store on Fifth
John Patler, shot Rockwell while he sat in
Avenue was demolished in 1980 to make
his car outside the Econowash laundromat
way for the Trump Tower. In the 1955,
at the Dominion Hills shopping center on
Rockwell moved to Arlington, Virginia. From
Wilson Boulevard in Arlington. Rockwell fell
a brick building on Jackson Street in
out of his car and on to the parking lot
Arlington, Rockwell issued orders to his Nazi
where he died next to his box of Ivory Snow
gauleiters to stage Nazi marches around the
soap powder and a copy of The New York
United States. Rockwell lived in a hilltop
Daily News. After Rockwell's murder,
home at 6150 Wilson Boulevard in
Arlington began to cleanse itself of the Nazi
Arlington, which locals nicknamed
presence and eventually became one of the
"Hatemonger Hill." Rockwell's home was
most liberal counties in Virginia.
guarded by a German shepherd who
Rockwell named "Gas Chamber." Phone
Rockwell's legacy in northern Virginia was
calls to Rockwell's home were met by tape
later supplemented by the arrival of
recorded anti-black and anti-Jewish
another Nazi, Spencer. And, like Rockwell,
messages by William Pierce, a Rockwell
Spencer's Nazi beliefs did not seem to
lieutenant. Pierce later founded the neo-
square with one of his best friends, Stephen
Nazi National Alliance and National
Miller, President Donald Trump's Jewish
Vanguard Books. Pierce also wrote the neo-
adviser and the principal author of Trump's
Nazi inspirational book "The Turner Diaries"
executive order "temporarily" banning
under the pseudonym of
migrants from seven predominantly Muslim
Andrew Macdonald. Although Pierce
nations and the “zero tolerance” policy that
continued to base his operations in
saw refugees at the U.S. southern border
Arlington after Rockwell's death, he
separated from their children. Spencer and
eventually moved them to Mill Point, West
Miller were steadfast college friends at
Virginia. Pierce died in 2002 but his cause

Duke University, where they were members White House, that of former White House
of the Duke Conservative Union. adviser Sebastian Gorka.

Spencer founded the website Gorka, a former national security editor for
AlternativeRight.com in 2010. The name of Breitbart under Bannon’s management, was
the website is where Trump political adviser suspected of membership in the Magyar
Steve Bannon, derived the name alt.right Gárda (Hungarian Guard), a paramilitary
for his Breitbart news operation. Spencer fascist organization banned by Hungary in
showed up in Washington full-time just 2009. Gorka is a member of the Historical
after Trump's election in November. In mid- Order of Vitéz, a Nazi order established in
November 2016, Spencer held a rally in Hungary during the World War II Nazi
Washington at the Ronald Reagan building regime. Gorka also maintained close ties
for 200 supporters of his National Policy with the Hungarian neo-fascist party Jobbik,
Institute (NPI) and Radix Journal who made which has been responsible for anti-Jewish
the Nazi salute while he and the crowd and anti-Roma attacks in Hungary. In
shouted out, "Heil Trump, heil our people, addition, Gorka's mother was a translator
heil victory!" Spencer railed against "the for the British Holocaust denying historian
Jews" but made no mention of his close David Irving, someone whose works are
relationship with Trump's top adviser, supported by Spencer and his Washington
Miller, who is Jewish. However, Spencer Summit Publishers, an imprimatur for many
appears to be fond of Theodore Herzl, the Nazi and neo-Nazi works.
Zionist leader whose inspiration helped
Spencer was also a co-organizer of the 2017
create the modern state of Israel.
“Unite the Right” neo-Nazi and white
Spencer indicated that he had high hopes in supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
Bannon to influence Trump's policies. that saw a neo-Nazi drive his automobile
Spencer's influence was felt in the White into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing
House. Trump's favorite saying is the "lying Heather Heyer. Trump, in comments made
press" or the "lying media." Spencer's in New York, said there were “fine people”
favorite slogan in German is Lügenpresse, within the neo-Nazi rally, setting off a
the Nazi word for "lying press," which was political firestorm.
used by Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph
The Charlottesville exposed a network of
Goebbels to describe the mainstream
neo-Nazi organizations across the United
media in Weimar Germany.
States, including Vanguard America, the
The Fourth Reich practitioners of the Trump “Hammerskins,” the Fraternal Order of Alt-
administration had another voice inside the Knights (FOAK), and the “Proud Boys.”
Spencer and his National Policy Institute

served as a link between these often-violent for the days of the Old Confederacy and the
groups and individuals like Bannon, Miller, baggage that came with it – slavery and
and others. racism. The extremists within the SCV have
joined forces with other far-right racist
There are other vestiges of far-right groups groups, including the League of the South
inside the Trump administration. These and the Council of Conservative Citizens,
include the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs which was formerly called the White
Robert O. Wilkie. Citizens’ Council.

Wilkie -- a former aide to Senators Trent Wilkie has attended other Confederate
Lott (R-MS) and Jesse Helms (R-NC) -- while Memorial Day ceremonies at the
serving as senior legislative director for Confederate soldiers’ memorial at Arlington
George W. Bush’s National Security Council National Cemetery in Virginia. He was
-- attended a ceremony sponsored by the present at the Arlington Confederate
Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp (SCV) ceremonies in 2006 and 2010. In 2010,
305. Wilkie also served as the chairman of the
Confederate Memorial Committee, a
SCV Camp 305 is named for Jefferson Davis, fundraising arm for the Arlington
the president of the Confederate States of Confederate memorial site.
America and Confederate Memorial Day is
held on or around Davis’s birthday, June 3. While it was once dedicated to keeping the
The SCV ceremony was held at the Southern heritage and history alive, the SCV
Chinatown site in northwest Washington of transitioned, beginning in the late 1990s,
what was once the Surratt Boarding House. into a far-right group that has made
Along with other SCV members, Wilkie, the common cause with neo-Nazis and the Ku
present acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Klux Klan, as well as the neo-Nazi website
duly saluted the Confederate flag. Stormfront. Certain top-level members of
SCV Camp 305, who generally live in the
The boarding house -- owned by Washington, DC area, are reportedly
Confederate sympathizer Mary Surratt -- members of an even more secretive SCV
was where John Wilkes Booth stayed, along group, the John Wilkes Booth Camp, which
with his accomplices, to plot the honors the assassin of the 16th president of
assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. the United States.
Surratt and three accomplices were
subsequently executed in the conspiracy to The 2018 mid-term election in the United
kill Lincoln after a trial by a military States saw several neo-Nazis and white
commission. The site of the boarding house supremacists rise to the top of the
has become an iconic meeting place for the Republican Party’s slate. Arthur Jones, a
current strain of SCV members, who pine neo-Nazi, was the Republican candidate for

a U.S. House seat in Illinois. Paul Nehlen, Austria is, in many, ways the birthplace of
another neo-Nazi, was the Republican the neo-Nazi Fourth Reich. It was in Austria
nominee to fill the Wisconsin seat of that neo-Nazis, masquerading as a
retiring U.S. House of Representatives “democratic” FPÖ opposition political party,
Speaker Paul Ryan. The Republican entered the political mainstream.
candidate for a U.S. House seat in
California, John Fitzgerald, is also a neo- The FPÖ was founded in 1956 by Anton
Nazi. Russell Walker wrested the Reithaller, a former Minister of Agriculture
Republican nomination for a state House of in Nazi Germany and an SS officer.
Representatives seat in North Carolina. A Reithaller actually moved the party to the
neo-Confederate, Corey Stewart, is the center in an attempt to integrate former
Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat Nazis into the postwar Austrian political
in Virginia. system.

In 1983, under far-right leader Jorg Haider,

the FPÖ won the provincial election in
Austria Carinthia, finishing in second place behind
the Socialists with 29 percent of the vote.
Haider became governor of Carinthia in a
coalition with the ÖVP. In 1991, after Haider
Austria, the birth country of Adolf Hitler, lauded the “proper employment policy” of
saw the Austrian Freedom Party Nazi Germany, he was forced to step down
(Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ) rise as governor.
from a fringe party on the right to a
Haider made no secret of his neo-Nazi
coalition partner of the conservative
sympathies. He also said that because the
Austrian People’s Party (Österreichische
Waffen-SS was part of the German Army
Volkspartei, ÖVP), following the 2017
“Wehrmacht,” it deserved “every honor and
election. The coalition was only possible
recognition." Haider began adopting several
because the center-right ÖVP moved
views that were viewed as Holocaust denial.
further to the right under the leadership of
Israel let it be known to Austria that it
Sebastian Kurz, who became the youngest
viewed with disfavor any chance for the
chancellor in the history of Germany in the
success of Haider and his followers in the
ÖVP-FPÖ coalition government. FPÖ leader
2008 general election. Those fears were put
Heinz-Christian Strache became the
to rest when, on October 1, 2008, Haider
Minister of the Civil Service and Sports in
died in an automobile accident near
the government.
Klagenfurt in Carinthia. After his death,
Haider was accused of receiving payments

to Swiss bank accounts from Iraq’s Saddam Haider continued to serve as governor of
Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi. Carinthia. The FPÖ’s entry into the national
government resulted in European Union
Links between Arab nationalist leaders and
sanctions being imposed on Austria, a
Europe’s Fourth Reich parties convinced the
member of the economic and political
Israelis that, rather than treating the neo-
union. Many Austrians cried foul at the
Nazis as enemies, they could be co-opted as
sanctions, pointing out that the Italian
allies. All that was needed was convincing
Social Movement/National Alliance, the
the far-right parties and movements that
successor party to the Fascist Party of
the Israelis and the Fourth Reich parties
Benito Mussolini, entered the national
were natural allies against radical Islamists
Italian government in 1994 without EU
and Islam’s growing demographic clout in
diplomatic sanctions being imposed on
Europe. The ploy largely worked out to
Israel’s favor.
In many ways, the rise of the far-right as an
Haider adopted the “Austria First” policy,
acceptable political movement in Europe
which can be compared to the nascent
can be traced to the rise of the ÖVP in
“America First” policy advanced by 1992
Austria. In a case of history repeating itself,
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Pat
the international Fourth Reich emerged in
Buchanan and later by Donald Trump in the
Austria just as the Third Reich had emerged
2016 election. Although Buchanan was
in the 1920s with a young Austrian artist
critical of America’s alliance with Israel,
named Adolf Hitler.
Trump adopted a vigorous pro-Israel policy
that went as far as recognizing Jerusalem as Unhappy with the moderation of the FPÖ,
Israel’s capital. This decision was met with Haider, in 2002, during a party conference
support from the ÖVP-FPÖ coalition in the town of Knittelfeld, launched a revolt
government in Vienna. against the moderates, most of whom,
including vice-chancellor Riess-Passer,
In the 1999 general election, the FPÖ
resigned from the party. After the
garnered 27 percent of the vote and formed
“Knittelfeld Putsch” – the Nazis were always
a coalition, as a junior partner, with the
fond of their putsches – the ÖVP ended its
ÖVP, even though the FPÖ edged out the
coalition with the FPÖ, which was, once
mainstream conservatives in the popular
again, under the sway of Haider. The FPÖ’s
vote. Haider was denied the chancellorship
electoral clout subsided until 2016, when
and he resigned as FPÖ leader. FPÖ leader
FPÖ presidential candidate Norbert Hofer
Susanne Riess-Passer served as vice-
received 35.1 percent of the vote in the first

round and almost winning with 49.7 percent of the vote, a political high-water
percent in the second round. mark for the party. The NDP was proscribed
in 1988 for violating Austria’s anti-Nazi
As part of the coalition government under
legislation. One of its more egregious planks
Kurz, Strache and the FPÖ have adopted a
was advocating Anschluss or union with
pro-Israel policy, recognizing Jerusalem as
Germany as part of the creation of a Fourth
Israel’s capital. The FPÖ has also established
Reich. Some of the NDP faithful found a
fraternal relations with like-minded foreign
political home in the FPÖ.
political parties, including the French
National Rally (formerly the National Front), In July 2018, an Austrian court acquitted 17
the Flemish Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Northern members of the far-right Identitarian
League, the Trump wing of the U.S. Movement on hate and criminal conspiracy
Republican Party and its Tea Party faction, charges. The group was founded in 2012
Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD), primarily as an anti-immigrant organization.
the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Israel’s
Likud, Sweden Democrats, Hungary’s France
Fidesz, the Netherlands Party for Freedom,
the Danish People’s Party, and Russia’s
governing United Russia Party.

Ties between the ÖVP and other far-right

parties serves as the embryonic formation
of the Fourth Reich. Although opposed to The National Rally, formerly the National
the EU, the ÖVP and its allies use the Front of France, like many of its like-minded
European Parliamentary bloc of the allies in Europe, emerged from fringe
European Alliance for Freedom (EAF), a obscurity to national prominence. The far-
grouping of Euro-skeptic parties, as a right party was founded in 1972 by Jean-
platform from which to coordinate their Marie Le Pen, who was, from 1972 to 2002,
ultra-nationalist views. was practically the only face of the party. In
the 2002 presidential election, Le Pen
Other parties:
shocked the French political establishment
The National Democratic Party by coming in second in the first round,
(Nationaldemokratische Partei, NDP) defeating the Socialist candidate, Prime
existed from 1967 to 1988. Its platform was Minister Lionel Jospin. Although in the
based on the neo-Nazi National Democratic second round, Le Pen finished far behind
Party of Germany. The NDP’s presidential incumbent President Jacque Chirac, who
candidate in the 1980 election received 3.2 won 82.2 percent of the vote, the episode

spelled the end of the National Front’s with the notable exception of its founder,
obscurity on the fringes of French politics. Le Pen, began discarding its anti-Semitic
In the 1974 presidential election, Le Pen rhetoric. In the 1995 presidential election,
garnered a mere 0.8 percent of the vote. Le Pen, still the standard bearer of the
party, won 15 percent of the vote. That
In 1984, the National Front began to make
same year, the party also won mayoral
headway. It received 11 percent of the vote
elections in Toulon, Marignane, and
in the European elections, winning 10 seats
Orange. The term “fringe” could no longer
in the European Parliament. The party also
be applied to the National Front. In 1997,
began to gain popularity in opinion polls.
the party won the mayoral election in
Although Le Pen billed himself as a strong
anti-Communist, it was discovered that one
of the National Front members elected to In 1997, the National Front scored 15.3
the European Parliament, Gustav Pordea, percent in the parliamentary election, its
was a Romanian refugee who became a best showing to date. In the 2007
French citizen in 1983. Although Pordea fled presidential election, Le Pen finished fourth
Communist-ruled Romania in 1947, it was with 11 percent of the vote. However, in
discovered that he maintained friendly ties the parliamentary elections held the same
with the Romanian Communist government year, the National Front plummeted to a
of President Nicolae Ceausescu.4 poor 4.3 percent of the vote. The only
candidate who fared well but failed to win a
In the 1986 parliamentary elections, the
seat in the National Assembly, was Le Pen’s
National Front won 9.8 percent of the vote
daughter, Marine Le Pen.
and 35 seats in the National Assembly. No
longer was the party a one-man show for Le In 2011, Marine Le Pen succeeded her
Pen. In the 1988 presidential election, Le father as the leader of the National Front. In
Pen scored 14.4 percent of the vote, the 2012 presidential election, Marine Le
relative success for a far-right fringe party. Pen came in third with 17.9 percent of the
vote, a vote share that was unprecedented
In November 1988, National Front General-
for the National Front. In 2014, the National
Secretary Jean-Pierre Stirbois, a clever
Front scored big in municipal elections,
politician, who was able to maximize the
winning mayoralties in 12 cities, and the
party’s electoral success, died in an
European election, winning 24.8 percent of
automobile accident. The National Front
the vote and 24 seats in the European
saw an opening when it increasingly
Parliament. In the 2017 presidential
adopted more anti-Islamic policies, and,

“The Rumanian Connection,” The Economist,
February 9, 1985.

election, Marine Le Pen faced Emmanuel The Renouveau français (RF) is an ultra-
Macron in the second round. Le Pen was nationalist and anti-Masonic party that has
defeated, receiving only 33.9 percent of the supported Marine Le Pen.
vote. Renamed the National Rally in 2018,
the party has been wracked by internal

As with other far-right parties in Europe, The Party of France (Parti de la France, PDF)
the National Rally has attempted to shed its is a National Front offshoot. Its influence is
anti-Semitic overtones, mostly promulgated active in Upper Normandy, Lower
by founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, by adopting Normandy, Ile-de-France, Picardy, Centre,
a pro-Israel and anti-Islam and anti-Iran and Nord-Pas-de-Calais, where it has
platform. elected regional councilors.

Jean-Marie Le Pen stunned many in 1987

when he referred to Nazi concentration
camp gas chambers as "a point of detail of
the history of the Second World War.” It Alsace First (Elsass Zuerst) is far-right
was the sort of neo-Nazi dog whistle heard Alsatian autonomist party that has elected
from Austria’s Jorg Haider. councilors in Alsace and Haut-Rhin. It has
links with the National Rally and the
Marine Le Pen has been at the forefront of
Northern League in Italy.
developing close relations with other far-
right parties in Europe, including the
Austrian FPÖ and its leader, Heinz-Christian
Strache and the Dutch Freedom Party and
its leader, Geert Wilders. Le Pen also
established links to the Trump faction of the
Norman Movement (Mouvement normand),
Republican Party and its leading Tea Party
linked to the National Rally, favors uniting
activists in the U.S. Congress. Le Pen also
the regions of Haute-Normandie and Basse-
held talks in July 2018 with Trump’s former
Normandie into a single region of
adviser Stephen Bannon, who was
establishing The Movement in Brussels, a
sort of Fascist International for the global
far-right political movement and parties.

Other parties:

Marine Le Pen, and granddaughter, Marion
Maréchal-Le Pen.


Front Comtois is a xenophobic and racist

neo-Nazi party based in Franche-Comté. It
Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid,
has not succeeded in electing any members
PVV) is a nationalist party that tends to
to office.
span the right-wing to the far-right.
Founded in 2004 by Geert Wilders, the
party has adopted an anti-Islamic stance.
Wilders shunned any association with
Austria’s Jorg Haider or France’s Marine Le
Pen because of their parties’ links to anti-
Semites. Wilders has also rejected any
The National Republican Movement
alliances involving his PVV and Hungary’s
(Mouvement National Républicain, MNR) is
far-right Jobbik and Germany’s neo-Nazi
an offshoot of the National Front and was
National Democratic Party (NPD). Wilders
formerly led by Jean-Marie Le Pen’s
represents a new face for the Dutch far-
erstwhile colleague, Bruno Mégret. It is
right: anti-Muslim, pro-Israel, and rejecting
anti-philo-Semitic in that it opposes
the neo-Nazism on display by other far-right
appreciation for Jewish history and culture
parties, including the Netherlands’ own
but has rejected the anti-Semitism of Jean-
version, the Dutch Peoples-Union (NVU).
Marie Le Pen. The MNR has electorally
supported National Front candidates. The PVV supports the establishment of a
Greater Netherlands (Dietsland) comprising
Blue, White and Red Rally (Rassemblement
the Netherlands and the Flemish region of
Bleu Blanc Rouge) was formed in 2011 by
Belgium. The PVV also supports the
Jean-Marie Le Pen after his daughter,
Afrikaners of South Africa and their right to
Marine Le Pen, stripped him of his
membership in the National Front,
following his repeated comments that Nazi In 2010, the PVV scored its first wins in
gas chambers were a “detail of history.” municipal elections. In the town of Almere,
After the split, Jean-Marie Le Pen appeared the PVV defeated the Labor Party, winning
to patch his differences with his daughter, 21 percent of the vote to Labor’s 18
percent. It also came in second to Labor in

The Hague. In national parliamentary generations of the Le Pens, the CD was
elections held the same year, the PVV won family-dominated. The VCD was led by
24 seats with 15 percent of the vote. Janmaat, his wife Wilhelmina Schuurman,
Although the PVV did not join the and Schuurman’s son. This arrangement can
government, it lent its parliamentary also be compared to the Trump family’s
support to the minority center-right domination of the administration of Donald
governing coalition. Trump. Nepotism and fascism appear to be
very closely linked, as seen in the
Netherlands, France, and the United States.

Like Wilders’ PVV, the CD favored a Greater

Netherlands combining the Netherlands,
The Dutch Peoples-Union (Nederlandse Flanders, and other Dutch-speaking regions.
Volks-Unie, NVU) is a neo-Nazi party
founded in 1971. Its original founders In the 1998 general election, the CD lost its
expressed their support for Adolf Hitler. In seats in the Parliament. Its demise led to
the 1980s, some of the NVU’s anti-Nazi the rise of the eponymous Pim Fortuyn List,
members first formed the Centre Party, led by Pim Fortuyn, a controversial anti-
which split into Centrum Demokraten (CD) Islamic columnist. Fortuyn was assassinated
and CP'86. The NVU saw a slight resurgence by a previously-convicted murderer nine
in 1996 but failed to win any seats days before the 2002 general election.
nationally or locally.
The CD maintained relations with the
Other parties: French National Front, the former Vlaams
Blok of Belgium, and the German People’s

CP’86 was formed by even more right-wing

elements of the CD. It was proscribed in
CD leader Hans Janmaat continued to
express anti-Semitic statements, including
his calling for the removal of the Minister of
Justice because he was Jewish. In 1994, the
CD surprised the established parties by
winning local government seats in every city After the ban, several CP’86 members
where it fielded candidates. The CD became formed the New National Party (Nieuwe
the fifth largest party in the Netherlands. Nationale Partij, NNP), which lasted until
Like the French National Front with three 2005, when it was dissolved. Some NNP

members, some affiliated with the Pim its more extreme right-wing positions.
Fortuyn List, formed the New Right, which Under its chairman, Frank Vanhecke, the VB
was linked to neo-Nazi parties in the United saw its municipal council members jump to
States. In 2006, the New Right picked up a 800 in the 2006 local elections. In the 2007
single council seat in the town of Ridderkerk parliamentary elections, the VB won 17
and another seat in the Feijenoord district seats in the Chamber of Representatives
of Rotterdam. The New Right also had links and 5 seats in the Senate.
to the Vlaams Belang in Belgium.
In 2009, the VB, under a new chairman,
Bruno Valkeniers, saw losses in the
European and Flemish parliamentary
elections. 2010 also saw the VB lose seats in
Other CP’86 members formed the neo-Nazi
the Belgian parliament. In 2014, the VB
National Alliance (Nationale Alliantie, NA).
suffered a repeated loss, from the more
One NA elected councilor in Rotterdam, Jan
popular appeal of the conservative Flemish
Teijn, lost his seat in 2006. The NA
nationalist New Flemish Alliance.
maintained links with the NPD in Germany.
In Antwerp, the VB has largely shed itself of
The Dutch Defense League is an offshoot of
its neo-Nazi image and has attracted
the xenophobic and racist English Defense
support from the city’s Jewish population
who see the VB as kindred in the fight
Belgium against Muslim extremism in Antwerp and
other Flemish cities. The VB strongly
supports Israel and has hosted an Israeli
Cabinet official in Antwerp.

The VB has established links with the French

National Rally, the Italian Northern League,
the Austrian FPÖ, UKIP, Germany’s AfD, the
The Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) (VB) is
Danish People’s Party, Sweden Democrats,
the follow-on party to the Vlaams Blok
Israel’s Likud, the U.S. Republican Party, the
(Flemish Bloc), the latter having been
Slovak National Party, and United Russia.
disestablished after a 2004 court ruling that
ruled it racist. In 2001, Vlaams Blok vice The day after Trump’s election upset in the
president Roeland Raes doubted much of United States, VB chairman Tom van
the story regarding the Holocaust. In 2004, Grieken wrote in a tweet, “The march of
the party changed its name to the Vlaams Trump is not an isolated phenomenon. In
Belang and supposedly moderated some of

Europe too more and more voters want real

The chief far-right-to-right party is the

Alternative for Germany (Alternative für
Deutschland, AfD). The party was founded
in 2013 and has steadily increased its
strength nationally and regionally.
The People’s Party (Parti populaire, PP) is a
In 2013, the AfD also scored its first
Walloon-based party of the right. It was
representation in a state parliament after
founded in 2009 by Rudy Aernoudt and
Jochen Paulus, a sitting member in Hesse,
Mischaël Modrikamen. The party has called
defected from the Free Democratic Party
for an independent French-speaking
(FDP) and joined the AfD. After Paulus failed
Wallonia-Brussels. The party’s performance
to be re-elected as a member of the AfD,
has been mediocre. In 2014, it won single
the party lost its repesentation in Hesse.
seats, each, in the Belgian Chamber of
Representatives and the Walloon In 2014, the AfD won 7 seats in the
parliament. Despite its lack of electoral European Parliament, finishing in 5th place
strength, the PP emerged in 2018 as a nationally. Howver, that same year, it failed
major supporter of Trump associate to achieve to 5 percent threshold to be
Stephen Bannon’s plan to create The represented in the Bundestag, securing only
Movement, a federation of European far- 4.7 percent of the vote.
right parties, which was to be
headquartered in Brussels. In 2014, the AfD did begin to win seats in
state legislatures, winning 14 seats in
In foreign policy, the PP, like its Flemish Saxony, 11 seats in Thuringia, and 11 seats
nationalist counterparts, is pro-Israel. in Brandenburg. In 2015, the AfD won 8
seats in Hamburg and 5 seats in Bremen.
The AfD underwent a schism in 2015, with
Germany, like Austria, has officially
more moderate leaders forming the
discouraged far-right political parties due to
Alliance for Progress and Renewal (ALFA). It
laws prohibiting Nazi or neo-Nazi political
has five members in the European
formations. However, like Austria, Germany
Parliament and three in the assembly in
has seen a steady increase in the political
strength of far-right parties.

In 2016, the AfD formed a partnership with and one of the party’s founders, criticized
the FPÖ of Austria. The alliance bore an the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin in 2017,
eerie resemblance to the Anschluss (union) declaring, "Germans are the only people in
of Nazi Germany and Austria. the world who plant a monument of shame
in the heart of the capital.” The AfD is
The migrant debate in 2016 propelled the
generally pro-Israel, but its far-right is not
AfD into the national political mainstream.
happy with supporting Israel. Nevertheless,
In state elections, the AfD won 23 seats in
the Israeli government has made the same
Baden-Wurttemberg, 14 seats in Rhineland-
Faustian pact with the anti-Islamist AfD as it
Palatinate, 24 seats in Saxony-Anhalt (a
has with other European far-right parties
second place finish), 18 seats in
having neo-Nazi origins and underpinnings.
Mecklenberg-Vorpommern (finishing in
second place, ahead of Chancellor Angela
Merkel’s CDU), and 25 seats in Berlin. At it
2016 party congress, the AfD adopted an
anti-Islamic platform.

The AfD’s most dramatic victory came in

To the right of the AfD is the National
2017, when it became the third largest
Democratic Party (NPD), founded in 1964 by
party in Germany, winning 94 seats in the
a former Nazi Party member, Adolf von
In state elections in 2017, the AfD won 3
The NPD is considered neo-Nazi, but it must
seats in Saarland, 5 in Schleswig-Holstein,
walk a fine line in order that it is not banned
16 in North Rhine-Westphalia, and 9 in
under current German laws banning the
Lower Saxony.
Nazi Party. The NPD has struggled to win
The AfD is skeptical of the EU. It is largely seats in state or federal elections. The NPD
composed of former members of the calls for the return to Germany of lost
Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Germanic lands, that is, Austria, Polish
mainstream conservative party, but it has Silesia, and Russian-controlled East Prussia.
also drawn some support from the left,
The NPD scored 4.3 percent win in the 1969
particularly from the Social Democratic
national election, just shy of the 5 percent
Party (SPD).
needed to obtain representation in the
Many AfD leaders fondly speak of the Bundestag. In 2004, the NPD won 9.2
German “Fatherland” and people (volk), percent of the vote in Saxony and 8 seats in
two terms embraced by the Nazis. Björn the state parliament. It also won seats in
Höcke, a leader of the far-right of the AfD Mecklenberg-Vorpommern. However, by

2016, the NPD lost all of its seats in state PEGIDA branches have emerged in Austria,
assemblies. It did pick up a seat in the Bulgaria, the Netherlands, the Czech
European elections in 2014, with the Republic, Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Sweden,
election of Udo Voigt to fill the party’s first Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom,
seat in the European Parliament. Canada, Australia, and France. A branch of
PEGIDA, NÜGIDA, headquartered in
The NPD is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian
Bamberg, has definite neo-Nazi links.
and pro-Iran. There have been repeated
attempts by the federal government to ban The Young Homeland Association of East
the NPD. Germany (Junge Landsmannschaft
Ostdeutschland, JLO) is an affiliate of the
The NPD has forged ties to U.S. white
NPD centered in Dresden that annually
nationalist leader David Duke and the far-
commemorates the Allied bombing of
right New Force (Forza Nuova, FN) in Italy.
Dresden with marches and rallies.


A major anti-Islamic force in Germany is the

far-right Patriotic Europeans Against the
Islamization of the West (Patriotische
Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des
Abendlandes, PEGIDA). PEGIDA is mainly
known for holding anti-Islam mass The principal party of the far-right in
demonstrations in Germany. In 2016, Lutz Hungary is the Movement for a Better
Bachmann, the founder of PEGIDA, Hungary (Jobbik Magyarországért
launched a political party, the Liberal Direct Mozgalom, JOBBIK). The party is generally
Democratic People's Party (Freiheitlich considered to be neo-Nazi, although it has
Direktdemokratische Volkspartei, FDDV). its defenders in the political mainstream in
The party planned to contest future federal Hungary. As with other far-right parties,
elections. JOBBIK has tried to shed its anti-Semitic
image, with its leader, Gabor Vona, stating
In 2016, PEGIDA had a chance to show its in 2017 that Israel has a right to exist. As a
political clout. Tatjana Festerling, ran for pan-Turanic party, JOBBIK strongly supports
mayor of Dresden. She won 9.6 percent, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan as
receiving support from the NPD. a fellow Ural-Altaic leader.

Founded in 2003, JOBBIK won 19.8 percent made with neo-Nazis and fascists in
of the vote in the 2018 elections, propelling countries around the world.
it to the second largest party in the
The Hungarian government has dealt with
Hungarian National Assembly.
charges of anti-Semitism by creating TEV
Although JOBBIK was initially opposed to (Tett és Védelem), an anti-Semitism “watch
the EU, it has recently moderated its stance group” on the lookout for neo-Nazis. Of
and, like the AfD in Germany, it now calls course, it has not found any in the FIDESZ
for a reformed EU. In 2013, JOBBIK opposed government or JOBBIK, which supports
the World Jewish Congress’s choice of FIDESZ in parliament. TEV is run by a Jewish
Budapest for its conference. As with the AfD Chabad leader, Kálmán Szala, a recent
and other far-right parties in Europe, convert to Judaism. Orban relies on the
JOBBIK and the Israeli right have sought an assistance of two Israeli lobbyists based in
accommodation to work together against the United States, Tzvika Brot and Ariel
Islamic influence. JOBBIK and the governing Sender. Brot is also a close adviser to
Hungarian party, Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Netanyahu. The Orban-Netanyahu alliance
Alliance, have tried to balance a tradition of is similar to that between former Trump
anti-Semitism with a practical approach to White House aide Sebastian Gorka, a first-
support of Israel. generation Hungarian in the United States
having fascist roots in Hungary, and
Trump’s Jewish adviser Stephen Miller, who
champions numerous white nationalist


The Fidesz Prime Minister, Viktor Orban,

who has, along with other Fidesz leaders,
celebrated World War II-era Hungarian Nazi
notables like Miklos Horthy, József Nyirő,
János Esterházy, and Albert Wass and struck
a working relationship with JOBBIK, has Italy is the home of Benito Mussolini’s
become friendly with Israeli Likud Prime Fascist movement and it is, once again,
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The Israeli- proving to be a nesting ground for a
Hungarian far-right alliance is another renovated fascist movement.
example of the Faustian deal Israel has
From a regionalist far-right fringe party, the
Northern League for the Independence of

Padania (Lega Nord per l'Indipendenza della in 2004. In the 2013 elections, MIS received
Padania), or “Lega,” now governs Italy in a a paltry 0.01 percent of the vote in
coalition with the anti-establishment Five Campania. Miniscule finishes should not be
Star Movement (M5S). Lega leader Matteo seen as an indication of impending demise.
Salvini now serves as Deputy Prime Minister Some of the most powerful far-right parties
and Interior Minister of Italy. The Lega has in Europe began as fringe parties unable to
largely abandoned its platform of northern achieve any initial success. This was the
Italy declaring independence from Italy as case with the French National Front and
the nation of “Padania.” FPÖ in Austria, and the Sweden Democrats.

From 2015 to 2018, the Lega began making

dramatic gains in regional elections, taking
over the governments of Veneto,
Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and the
Aosta Valley. The Lega became the second
The New Force (Forza Nuova, FN) is a far-
largest party in Emilia-Romagna and
right, neo-fascist party founded in 1997 by
Tuscany, the third largest in Liguria,
the leader of a Nazi rock group.
Marche, and Umbria, fourth largest in
Piedmont, and fifth largest in Trentino.

After the 2018 general elections, Lega

emerged as the third-largest party in Italy,
behind M5S and the Democratic Party.

Salvini has established close relationships The Social Movement-Tricolor Flame (The
with the National Rally of Marine Le Pen in Movimento Sociale – Fiamma Tricolore, MS-
France and the Dutch Freedom Party of FT) is a neo-fascist spinoff of the Italian
Geert Wilders. The Lega is also strongly pro- Social Movement and an adherent of the
Israel and skeptical about the EU. The party policies of Benito Mussolini. In the 2018
is anti-immigrant and strongly opposed to election the MS-FT joined with the FN and
African migrants landing in Italy. fielded candidates on the Italy for the
Italians list. The coalition failed to win any
seats in the Italian parliament.

The Social Idea Movement (Movimento Idea

Sociale, MIS) is a neo-Fascist party founded

The Fascism and Freedom Movement – Greece
Socialist National Party (Movimento
Fascismo e Libertà – Partito Socialista
Nazionale, MFL–PSN), formed in 1991 as
the political heir of Benito Mussolini’s
fascist movement. Unlike many far-right
parties, MFL-PSN has not sought an Popular Association – Golden Dawn is the
accommodation with Israel. It remains largest far-right party in Greece. The party’s
staunchly anti-Zionist. It is a member of the leadership denies it is a neo-Nazi party,
World Union of National Socialists (WUNS), however, it has adopted many Nazi
a neo-Nazi international grouping that symbols. The party was formed in 1980 by
includes American Nazis and Nazis in the Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos. The party initially
United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, favored a return to the right-wing military
Belgium, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Ireland, dictatorship that governed Greece from
South Africa, and Japan. 1967 to 1974. Golden Dawn favors a
Greater Greece encompassing southern
Albania, all of the Republic of Northern
Macedonia, southern Bulgaria, Istanbul
(Constantinople), Cyprus, and western
Forza Italia (FI) is a right-wing populist party
led by former Prime Minister Silvio In the 1980s, Golden Dawn maintained links
Berlusconi. Berlusconi is an open admirer of with the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance
Benito Mussolini, the Italian leader, who Movement (Afrikaner
was also favorably quoted during the 2016 Weerstandsbeweging) in South Africa.
presidential campaign by Donald Trump.
In the 1994 European Parliament elections,
Alessandra Mussolini, the granddaughter of
Golden Dawn received a mere 0.1 of the
Benito Mussolini, serves as a Member of
the European Parliament for FI.
In 2004, members of Golden Dawn formed
In the 2018 election, FI received 14 percent
the Patriotic Alliance, which was merely
of the vote and 106 seats in the Chamber of
Golden Dawn by another name. The
Deputies and was overtaken by its old
Patriotic Alliance won .17 percent of the
coalition partner, the Lega.
vote in the 2004 European Parliament
elections. Golden Dawn ran in the 2006
Athens municipal election as “Athens Greek

City.” The Patriotic Alliance ceased Golden Dawn is active internationally, with
operations in 2007. cells based in Queens and Astoria, New
York; Montreal; Tarpon Springs, Florida; and
In 2010, Golden Dawn began to score
Melbourne, Australia. There is also a branch
politically, winning a seat in the Athens City
in Trieste, Italy called Alba Dorata.
Council. In 2012, Golden Dawn scored 7
percent of the vote in national elections, The National Front, formed in 2012, is a
obtaining 21 seats in Parliament. In the smaller far-right Greek party.
2012 European Parliament elections,
Golden Dawn received 6.9 percent,
becoming the third largest party in the
Greek representation in the EU Parliament.
In 2015, Golden Dawn advanced to The Popular Orthodox Rally or People's
becoming the third largest party in the Orthodox Alarm (LAOS) was founded in
Parliament, obtaining 17 seats. 2000 by a renegade from the New
Democracy party, Georgios Karatzaferis. Its
Golden Dawn has been charged with support has fluctuated in national and local
carrying out terrorist attacks against and elections.
murders of its opponents. However, Golden
Dawn allegedly has support among Cyprus
members of the Greek police.

Golden Dawn members openly use the Nazi

salute. The party’s literature is rife with Nazi
slogans and anti-Semitism. The party is
strongly anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim. The National People's Front (ELAM) is anti-
Unlike other far-right parties, Golden Dawn EU and anti-Turkey. It has interlocking
has refused to make an accommodation relationships with Golden Dawn of Greece.
with Israel. It strongly supported Syria’s Cypriot authorities prevented the party
President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil from using the name Golden Dawn.
War. Nevertheless, the ELAM officials have
stated, “ELAM is the Golden Dawn of
Party demonstrations have seen the Cyprus.”
burning of the Israeli and American flags,
although with the rise of Trump, the party’s ELAM won 3.7 percent in the 2016 national
anti-Americanism may moderate. Golden elections and 2 seats in the House of
Dawn is also very anti-EU. Representatives. It failed to score seats in
the 2014 European Parliament elections,
collecting only 2.7 percent of the vote.

Malta the national Parliament in the 2009
election. In the 2009 European Parliament
election, its seats fell to 2. In the 2017
national elections, Attack formed an
alliance with IMRO – Bulgarian National
Movement and the National Front for the
Maltese Patriots Movement (Moviment Salvation of Bulgaria (NFSB). The united
Patrijotti Maltin, MPM) was founded in slate achieved a third-place finish with 27
2016 on an anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim seats in Parliament.
platform. In the 2017 election, it won only
0.36 percent of the vote and no seats in


The New Right (Noua Dreaptă ) was

founded in 2015 as a far-right nationalist
The Bulgarian National Union – New party and is active in both Romania and
Democracy (BNU-ND) party is a national Moldova. The party reveres the wartime
socialist party. The party is unabashedly fascist and pro-Nazi Iron Guard leader
neo-Nazi and has the goal of creating a Corneliu Codreanu. The New Right seeks a
Greater Bulgaria, encompassing Thrace, Greater Romania to include Moldova. As
Macedonia, and Dobruja. with other European far-right parties, it has
largely ignored anti-Semitism, preferring to
train its attacks on the Roma (gypsies),
Hungarians, Mormons, and gays. It has
managed to elect only 4 local councilors in
Romania, to date The New Right, has links
to other far-right parties in Europe.
Attack is an ultra-nationalist right-wing
party that is anti-Turkish, anti-NATO, and

In 2006, Attack won 21 seats in Parliament,

becoming the fourth largest party. In the The Greater Romania Party (Partidul
2007 European Parliament elections, Attack România Mare, PRM) was founded in 1991
won 3 seats. It maintained its 21 seats in as a far-right nationalist party. The party

was a part of the government from 1993 to links to the neo-Nazi Národní odpor, which,
1995. In 2000, PRM leader Corneliu Vadim in turn, is linked to Combat 18, a militant
Tudor ran second in the first-round international neo-Nazi group. The Workers’
presidential election but was soundly Party was banned in 2010 and re-
defeated in the second-round run-off. established under its present name.
Although the party no longer has members
DS is anti-NATO and anti-EU. Its program is
in the European Parliament, upon
strongly xenophobic. It maintains close links
Romania’s accession to the EU in 2007, the
to the Slovak People's Party – Our Slovakia.
five MEPs from Romania joined the far-right
bloc that included the Austrian FPÖ and the
French National Front.

The Movement of Freedom and Direct

Democracy (SPD) is a far-right party led by
The PRM also favors a Greater Romania Tomio Okamura, a Czech-Japanese/Korean
under a king. The PRM also exalts the World politician.
War II Nazi ally and military dictator Ion
Antonescu. Tudor abandoned the party’s In 2017, the SPD won 22 seats in the
previous anti-Semitism. Tudor was assisted Chamber of Deputies. Okamura serves as
by a Jewish adviser, Nati Meir, who ran for deputy speaker of the Chamber of
the Chamber of Deputies on the PRM ticket Deputies. The SPD is linked to the National
and was elected. An Israeli company, Arad Rally of France, the Dutch Freedom Party,
Communications, ran the PRM’s election the Austrian FPÖ, and the Lega in Italy.
campaigns. The PRM no longer has any
seats in parliament.


The National Rebirth of Poland (Narodowe

Odrodzenie Polski, NOP) is a far-right party
founded in 1981. It has branches in New
The Workers' Party of Social Justice (DS) is a
York City and Chicago. Its best showing was
far-right neo-Nazi party founded in 2003 as
in 2013 when its Senate candidate, Anetta
the Workers’ Party. Its biggest score to date
Stemler, won 3.1 percent of the vote. The
was winning 1.14 percent of the vote in the
NOP, unlike some other far-right parties in
2010 Czech parliamentary election. DS has
Europe, clings to anti-Semitism and

demands that all Jews be removed from seats reduced to 34 but gaining 7 seats in
Poland and their property confiscated. The the Senate.
NOP is anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. It has
In 2007, the LPR lost all of its Sejm seats
demanded that Jerusalem be placed under
because it dropped below the 5 percent
the control of the Vatican.
threshold necessary for representation.
The NOP is also strongly anti-Roma and
The LPR is anti-EU and maintains links with
anti-Jehovah’s Witness. The NOP also
UKIP and the French National Rally.
adheres to the belief that there was no
Holocaust of Jews in Poland.

The League of Polish Families (Liga Polskich The Polish National Party (Polska Partia
Rodzin, LPR) is a far-right Catholic Narodowa, PPN) is a far-right nationalist
nationalist party that was founded in 2001. party founded in 2004. It has not
The party was represented in the Cabinet of moderated its anti-Semitism, as has been
Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński of the the case with some other far-right parties in
right-wing Law and Justice Party from 2006 Europe. Its leadership has advocated for
to 2007. Polish Jews to move to the United States.
The party opposes Zionism and ethnic
The LPR won 8 percent of the vote in the minorities in Poland.
2001 election, obtaining 38 seats in the
Sejm and 2 seats in the Senate. The party’s Slovakia
strength was the result of its denial of the
anti-Jewish Jedwabne pogrom of 1941. The
LPR denounced the government for
participating in a July 2001 commemoration
ceremony in Jedwabne and said it was
because of pressure from Jewish interest The People's Party – Our Slovakia (Naše
groups. Slovensko, ĽSNS) was formed in 2010 as a
far-right party that pays homage to
In the 2004 EU elections, the LPR won 15.2
Slovakia’s World War II Nazi leader, Father
percent of the vote and 10 seats in the
Jozef Tiso. The party’s founder, Marian
European Parliament, an overall second-
Kotleba, continues as its leader. L’SNS is
place finish. In the 2005 Polish elections,
anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Muslim, and anti-
the LPR received 8 percent, seeing its Sejm
Roma. The party openly admires Adolf

Hitler and opposes international free trade Although LITAS maintains links to other far-
agreements. right European parties that have made
accommodations with Israel, it has not
In 2016, it made a mark, winning 16 seats in
taken such a step. LITAS is linked to the NPD
the National Council. In regional elections in
of Germany, Sweden Democrats, JOBBIK of
2017, the party won a single seat in the
Hungary, FN of Italy, and Danish National
regional council of Nitra and a single seat in
Banská Bystrica.
In July 2018, Slovak prosecutors indicted
Kotleba for “promoting racism and Nazi


The National Alliance "All for Latvia!" – "For

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK"(Nacionālā
Serbian Action is a neo-fascist party that apvienība “Visu Latvijai!” – Tēvzemei un
made its mark in 2014. It favors Brīvībai/LNNK, NA) was formed in 2011. In
establishment of a Greater Serbia and is 2014, the NA gained 17 seats in Parliament
strongly anti-Roma. Its official policy is anti- and entered a center-right coaliton led by
Zionist. The party maintains close links with Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma. In the
Golden Dawn of Greece. European elections of 2014, NA won a
single seat in the European Parliament.
The party commemorates the Latvian
Legion that fought the Soviets on the side of
Nazi Germany. Its logo has been criticized
for resembling the Nazi swastika.

The Lithuanian National Union (Lietuvių Estonia

Tautos Sąjunga, LITAS) is a neo-Nazi group
founded in 2011 but not recognized as a
political party by the government. The party
is anti-EU and anti-Semitic.

The Estonia Independence Party (Eesti Germany. The writing did nothing to
Iseseisvuspartei, EIP) is a far-right anti-EU sideline Madison, who was later elected as
party that favors a Greater Estonia that vice chairman of the European Union Affairs
Committee in the Estonian Parliament.
includes Setomaa, currently part of Russia.
Some of its leaders have been accused of EKRE chairman Mart Helme has voiced his
harboring neo-Nazi views. Party board support for the policies of Donald Trump.
member Tauno Rahnu is a neo-Nazi. EKRE also has links with UKIP in Britain.

The party was founded in 1994 as the Finland

Estonian Future Party but changed to its
current name in 1999.

In the European Parliament election of

2014, the party netted a mere 1.3 percent
of the vote. In the 2015 parliamentary
The Blue and White Front (Sinivalkoinen
election, it received 0.2 percent.
Rintama) was founded in 2009 under the
name Freedom Party – Finland's Future.

In 2011, it won 0.1 percent of the vote and

no seats in Parliament. It’s strongly anti-
Muslim. It gained a seat on the Turku city
council in 2010. Later that year, VP picked
up another councilor in Turku who defected
The Conservative People's Party of Estonia
from the National Coalition Party (NCP). A
(Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond, EKRE),
Salo councilor of the True Finns Party also
founded in 2012, has advanced some neo-
defected to VP in 2010.
Nazi views. The party’s youth wing, Blue
VP is anti-immigrant and pro-fascist.
Awakening, conducts torchlight marches in
Estonia. The party is a critic of the EU but
True Finns Party was founded in 1998 as a
does not favor withdrawal.
right-wing nationalist party. In 2009, party
chairman Timo Soini was elected to the
In the 2013 municipal elections, EKRE won
European Parliament. In 2014, True Finns
seats in the counties of Tudulinna and
won 2 seats in the European Parliament.
Häädemeeste and mayoralty of Saue.
In the 2011 election, True Finns won 39
In 2015, the party won 8.1 percent in the
seats in Parliament, becoming Finland’s
general election and 7 seats in Parliament.
third-largest party. In 2015, True Finns won
Every year, EKRE commemorates the
17.7 percent of the vote and 38 seats in
Estonian Legion of Nazi Germany’s Waffen
parliament. The True Finns joined a
coalition government of the Centre Party
and NCP. True Finns softened its opposition
In 2012, one of EKRE’s MP’s, Jaak Madison,
to the EU and NATO.
praised the economic policies of Nazi

True Finns and Sweden Democrats were The SD is generally anti-immigrant, but is
mentioned as the sort of ethno-nationalist has attracted support from certain
parties in Europe that would be welcome in immigrant groups, like the Assyrians of
Stephen Bannon’s Brussels-based far-right Södertälje Municipality in Stockholm who
group, The Movement. have ran for office on the SD slate.

Sweden The SD is of two minds on anti-Semitism.

One-time SD secretary and deputy speaker
of the Riksdag, Björn Söder, said that Jews
could not be Swedish unless they
abandoned their Jewish identity. Overall,
the SD has taken up the anti-Islam gauntlet
and finding common cause with Israel. SD
The Sweden Democrats members who have criticized Jewish
(Sverigedemokraterna, SD) was founded in ownership of the Swedish media and made
1988 as a neo-fascist party. In 2010, SD won other anti-Semitic comments have been
5.7 percent of the vote, thus qualifying for ousted from the party ranks.
20 seats in Parliament. In 2014, it increased
its share to 12.9 percent and 49 seats, The SD opposes Sweden’s membership in
becoming the third-largest party in the European Monetary Union, the
Parliament. In 2014, SD won 2 seats in the Schengen Agreement, and Turkey’s
European Parliament. membership in the EU.
Some of SD’s founders had openly admired
Nazi Germany, with one -- Gustaf Ekström –
having served in the Waffen SS during
World War II. Another, Anders Klarström,
was a member of the Nordic Reich Party, a
neo-Nazi group. The early SD formed
The Danish People's Party (Dansk
alliances with the NPD of Germany and
Folkeparti, DF) was founded in 1995 as an
white supremacist David Duke in the United
anti-immigrant party. The party is anti-
Muslim and wary of the EU.
In 1996, the SD banned the wearing of Nazi-
In 1997, the DF won 7 percent in municipal
style uniforms. It also developed closer ties
elections. In 1998, the party won 7.4
with the French National Front, the Austrian
percent of the vote nationally and 13 seats
FPÖ, Danish People’s Party, and the neo-
in Parliament. In 2001, it won 12 percent of
fascist Italian National Alliance. In 2005, the
the vote and 22 parliamentary seats,
new SD leader, Jimmie Åkesson, began
becoming the third-largest party in
expelling “openly” neo-Nazi members from
Parliament. The DF lent its support to the
the SD’s ranks. The SD began picking up
formation of a center-right government led
defectors from center-right parties, such as
by Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
the Moderate Party, as members.

In 2005, the DF won 13.2 percent of the 1999. It fielded candidates in the 2009
vote and 24 seats. In 2007, the party parliamentary election, receiving 0.007
increased its vote to 13.9 percent and won percent of the votes, which amounted to
25 seats in Parliament. In 2009, the DF won 179.
2 seats in the European Parliament with
15.3 percent of the vote. The party sees Adolf Hitler as a savior of
Europe, considers the Holocaust to be a
The DF opposes the European Monetary hoax, and opposes Israel and Zionism.
Union, Turkey’s membership in the EU,
opposes recognition of Kosovo, and
supports Taiwan against China. The DF
maintains links with the Law and Justice
Party in Poland. The Progress Party was founded in 1973 as
an anti-tax party. It’s anti-immigration
stance saw its first electoral success in 1987
when it captured 12.3 percent of the vote in
The New Right is further right than the DF. county elections. In the 1989 parliamentary
It favors deporting all temporary asylum election, the party saw its vote percentage
refugees. It favors withdrawal from the EU. increase to 13 percent and it became the
In 2017f, the party won a single municipal third-largest party in Norway. In 1990, it
council seat in Hillerød. won the mayoralty of Oslo.

Due to internal schisms, the party lost

popular support in the 1990s. In the 2001
elections, the party rebounded and won
14.6 percent and 26 members in
Parliament. That year, the Progress Party
was able to oust the Labor Party
The National Socialist Movement of
government. Although it did not join the
Denmark is a neo-Nazi party. It has fielded
center-right coalition, it lent its support to
candidates for the Greve municipality
the government in Parliament. In 2005, the
council and the Zealand regional council. IN
party made gains, winning 11.1 percent of
2015, the party did not receive the fewest
the vote and 38 seats in Parliament,
votes, as it had in the past.
becoming the second-largest party in
In local elections in 2007, the Progress Party
won mayoralties in 17 cities and towns. In
2009, the party won three seats in the Sami
Parliament. In 2013, in a coalition with the
Conservative Party, the Progress Party, for
the first, time helped form the government.
Vigrid is a Norse mythology-underpinned The coalition proceeded to win the 2017
neo-Nazi anti-immigrant party founded in

election, retaining membership in the Unlike other far-right parties in Europe,
center-right coalition. Breivik not only champions the Freemasons
but was a member of Masonic Lodge of St.
On anti-immigration, the Progress Party is Olaf at the Three Columns in Oslo.
practically at one with the Danish People’s
Party, Dutch Freedom Party, and Sweden Breivik was a member of the Norwegian
Democrats. On EU membership for Norway, Defense League, an offshoot of the English
the party generally opposes such a move. Defense League, under the pseudonym of
The party is strongly pro-Israel and favors “Sigurd Jorsalfar.”
moving the Norwegian embassy from Tel
Aviv to Jerusalem. Switzerland
The party has had to deal with the fallout
from the 2011 terrorist act by one of its
past members, Anders Behring Breivik, also
known as “Andrew Berwick,” who killed 77
people in a bombing and shooting attack in
Oslo and on Utoya island at a Labor Party The Swiss People's Party (Schweizerische
youth camp. Volkspartei, SVP)/ Democratic Union of the
Centre (Union démocratique du centre,
Breivik planned to establish a Conservative UDC) was founded in 1971. During the
Revolutionary Movement throughout 1970s and 80s, the anti-immigrant party
Europe. Note the similarity between hovered around 11 percent support in
Breivik’s plans to establish a pan-European elections.
far-right organization and Steve Bannon’s
creation of The Movement, a far-right In 1991, the SVP scored with 20.2 percent
Europe-wide organization, in Brussels. of the vote in Zurich, its major base of
Breivik, as with some other far-right leaders
and activists in Europe, praised “national The party is also particularly string in Bern,
socialism,” while also offering full support Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Zug,
to Israel and the Zionist cause. Breivik’s Schaffhausen, Aargau, and other
number one enemy was Islam. predominantly German-speaking cantons.

Although the Progress Party disavowed In 2015, the SVP jumped to 29.4 percent of
Breivik’s beliefs, he did praise many allies of the vote and 54 seats in the Federal
the Progress Party, including Dutch Assembly, the best-ever showing for any
Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, the Swiss political party. In 2015, the SVP was
Austrian FPÖ, and the Swiss People’s Party represented by two members on the
(SVP). It is particularly noteworthy that the Federal Council.
parties that Breivik supports are also those
that Bannon wants to include in The In 2010, the SVP floated the idea of a
Movement. Greater Switzerland, taking in border
regions of Germany, France, and Italy.

1992. The party supports the traditions of
The SVP opposes Swiss membership in the the World War II-era Ustasha and Nazi
EU and NATO. The SVP has called for the puppet leader Ante Pavelić.
expulsion of criminal foreigners and a
cessation of mass migration. The party is anti-EU and anti-NATO. Unlike
other European far-right neo-Nazi parties,
Croatia HČSP strongly opposes Israel and Jewish
influence in Croatia.


The Autochthonous Croatian Party of the

Right (Autohtona-Hrvatska stranka prava or
A-HSP) is a neo-Nazi party founded in 2005
as the United Supporters of the Croatian
Party of Rights Movement. It adopted its
Platform for Catalonia (Plataforma per
present name in 2009. The party is anti-EU
Catalunya, PxC) is a xenophobic and anti-
and anti-NATO. It also favors a Greater
Muslim party that opposes Catalonia’s
Croatia, incorporating Bosnia and
independence. The party has links to
Herzegovina, Boka Kotorska, Srijem and
Vlaams Belang in Belgium, the Lega of Italy,
and Golden Dawn of Greece.
In 2017, the party marched through Zagreb
In the 2011 local elections, PxC picked up 67
in a pro-Donald Trump parade that featured
local councilor seats, including in greater
German Nazi flags, U.S. flags, and the
Ustasha salute. The Ustasha led the Nazi
puppet government of Croatia during World
War II.

In the 2013 European Union elections, the

A-HSP collected only 0.32 percent of the España 2000 (E-2000) was founded in 2002
vote. with links to the French National Front. The
group is anti-Muslim and also harbors Nazi
sympathies. Winning no seats nationally,
the party did win 5 council seats in local
elections in 2011.

The Croatian Pure Party of Rights (Hrvatska

čista stranka prava, HČSP) was founded in

The National Renovator Party (Partido
Nacional Renovador, PNR) was founded in
2000. It received 0.5 percent of the vote in
the 2015 parliamentary election and 0.46
percent in the 2014 European Parliament

Respeto (“Respect”) is a far-right Spanish PNR has links to the British National Party,
offshoot of PEGIDA in Germany. It is the NPD of Germany, and La Falange in
strongly anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim. Spain. The PNR is anti-Muslim and anti-

United Kingdom

European Nation State was founded in 1988

and is a neo-Nazi party. It has failed to win
The British National Party (BNP) was
any seats nationally or regionally.
founded in 1982 as a fascist group. It
created Combat 18 as a paramilitary wing.

The party is neo-Nazi and strongly anti-

immigrant. The party ideology was to
worship Adolf Hitler and his policies.

The Republican Social Movement In 1993, the BNP won a local by-election for
(Movimiento Social Republicano, MSR) was a council seat in the Milwall, East London. In
founded in 1999. Before it ceased the 1997 general election it scored 1.4
operations in 2018, it was against percent of the vote. The BNP underwent a
immigration, the EU, Israel and Zionism, and slight change in the 1990s when it began to
Islam. MSR supported the Palestinians and support the policies of the Austrian FPÖ and
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. French National Front, both of which were
trying to expand their appeal to the working
Portugal class. The BNP also adopted a strong anti-
EU stance.

Under Griffin, the BNP established links

with the French National Front, Germany’s
NPD, the Sweden Democrats, Hungary’s
JOBBIK, and Italy’s Forza Nuova.

When Nick Griffin took over the party in

1999, he dropped the BNP’s strident neo-

Nazism and racism and adopted an anti- 2013 local elections, the overall number of
Islam stance. Griffin strove to eliminate the BNP council seats dropped to 2. In the 2018
party’s anti-Jewish dogma, which resulted local elections, the BNP lost all of its council
in charges from the neo-Nazis that he “sold seats when its sole remaining councilor in
out” to Jews. This phenomenon can be Pendle chose not to run for re-election.
compared to similar moves to the moderate
right by the Austrian FPÖ, French National
Front, and other far-right parties in Sweden,
Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands. All
attempted to purge their ranks of virulent
The National Front (NF) was founded in
1967, achieving its political high-water mark
The strategy began to pay off in 2000, when
in the 1970s. It is neo-Nazi, believes that
the BNP finished second in council elections
the Holocaust was a hoax, and is overall
in the London borough of Bexley. In 2002,
anti-Semitic. In a 1972 parliamentary by-
the BNP won four council seats, 3 of which
election in Uxbridge, the NF received 8.2
were in Burnley in Lancashire. In 2003, the
percent of the vote. In a 1973 by-election in
BNP increased its number of local
West Bromwich, it scored 16 percent of the
councilors, winning 13 overall, including 7
more seats in Burnley. The party increased
that number in 2004, winning 4 more seats,
By the 1975, the NF’s support dropped off.
including 3 in Epping in Essex.
In 1975, after a group of “Populists”
accused the NF’s party leadership, including
In the 2005 general election, the BNP
NF founder John Tyndall, of being part of a
finished with 4.3 percent of the vote, with a
ring of homosexuals5, that faction split off
high-water mark of 17 percent in Barking in
and formed the National Party. This
London. In 2006 local elections, the party
situation compares to the Trump wing of
gained another 33 council seats, with 18
the Republican Party, particularly at the
percent of the vote. In the 2008 London
local and state levels, where pro-Trump
Assembly election, it obtained1 seat. In the
office holders and Republican Party officials
2009 European Parliament election, the
– who advocated evangelical anti-gay rights
BNP won an astounding 1 million vote,
stances – were exposed as gay and, in a few
gaining 2 seats in the European Parliament,
cases, pedophiles.
representing the North West England and
Yorkshire and the Humber regions.
In the 1979 general election, the NF fell to
1.3 percent of the vote. After the NF
After party defections, the BNP’s local
attracted as members skinheads and
councilors fell to 28 in the 2010 local
football hooligans, Tyndall made the same
elections. It lost all of its council seats in
charge employed against him earlier by the
Barking and Dagenham. In 2012, the BNP
“Populists” to describe the followers of
lost all of its remaining council seats. In the
Martin Webster, his party rival, who, in fact,
The insurgents called the group the “Fairy Ring”
and “Daisy Chain.”

was gay. Tyndall charged that a homosexual In 2014, the BDP candidate in the local by-
network had taken over the NF’s top election for the Charnwood Borough
leadership and referred to the NF as the Council’s Thurmaston Ward received 5.1
“Gay National Front.” In 1980, Tyndall quit percent, finishing ahead of the BNP. In the
the NF and founded the New National Front 2015, general election, the BDP’s sole
(NNF), which claimed it picked up a third of candidate in Bradford East received a mere
the NF’s members. 0.5 percent of the vote. It was the last time
the BDP nominated any candidate.
In 1983, Webster was ousted by a new
faction led by Nick Griffin, later the leader Britain First was founded in 2011 by former
of the BNP. In 1989, Griffin left the NF and it BNP members who registered the
1990, the NF suspended its activities. movement as the National People’s Party,
with Paul Golding, a former BNP councilor,
Later, with the rise of the English Defense as its leader. The party is anti-Muslim, with
League, the NF remnants saw a chance for a neo-Nazi some links. Overall, Britain First,
revival. An attempted alliance between the like the BNP and English Defense League,
two groups failed to attract any real seeks an accommodation with Jewish
support. groups against the common enemy of

Britain First ran in the 2014 European

Parliament elections, with it endorsing the
English Democrats and UKIP in England. It
The British Democratic Party (BDP) was specifically did not endorse BNP candidates.
launched in 2013 by former members of the Britain First scored 0.9 percent in Wales and
BNP, UKIP, Democratic Nationalists, and 1.02 percent in Scotland. In the 2014
Freedom Party. Its initial leadership parliamentary by-election in Rochester and
included Andrew Brons, a former leader of Strood, which was won by UKIP, Britain First
the NF and one of the two BNP members received 0.14 percent of the vote.
elected to the European Parliament. Most
of the leaders and members believed that In the 2016 London mayoral election,
the BNP had been watered down by Golding received 1.2 percent of the vote.
“moderates” like Nick Griffin. The BDP stuck Britain First has publicly provided physical
to anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and security to former UKIP leader Nigel Farage.
neo-Nazism. Like Farage, Britain First is strongly anti-EU.

In the 2013 English local elections, the BDP In November 2017, Trump re-tweeted three
finished with 7.4 percent of the vote in anti-Muslim videos provided by Britain First
Coalville, 7.4 percent in Loughborough deputy leader Jayda Fransen. On December
South, and 4 percent in Lancashire. Also, in 18, the Twitter accounts of Fransen,
2013, it received 9.4 percent for the Golding, and Britain First were suspended.
Charnwood Borough Council’s
Loughborough Hastings ward.

vote in Greenwich and Woolwich, coming in
ahead of UKIP.

In the 2005 local election for the

Crowborough Town Council, ED won 56.8
Liberty Great Britain (Liberty GB) was percent of the vote and a council seat.
founded in 2013 as a counter-jihad party. It
ran in the 2014 European Parliament ED won no seats in the 2007 local elections.
election and received 0.11 percent of the
vote. Following the 2016 assassination of Jo In the 2008 by-election for Haltemprice and
Cox, Labor MP for Batley and Spen, by a Howden, ED finished third with 7.2 percent,
right-wing extremist, Liberty GB ran a its best showing.
candidate to replace her. Jack Bucky, a
former BNP member, received 1.1 percent In the 2009 European Parliament elections,
of the vote. The party dissolved in 2017. ED received 44 1.8 percent of the vote.
However, in local elections in 2009, ED won
the mayoralty of Doncaster.

In 2010, its fortunes began to plunge in the

general election. ED received 0.3 percent of
the votes. However, in Doncaster North, ED
The Britannica Party was founded in 2011 received 5.2 percent of the vote.
by a former BNP leader in Glasgow, Charles
Baillie. It failed miserably in local elections In 2011 local elections, ED won two seats
in Scotland. In 2014, it campaigned for a on the Boston Borough Council.
“no” vote in the Scottish independence
referendum. In 2012 elections for police commissioners,
the ED candidate in South Yorkshire
received 15.6 percent of the vote.

In the 2014 European elections, ED received

0.8 percent.

In 2015, ED received 0.02 percent in the UK

general election. In the 2016 by-election for
The English Democrats (ED) was founded in Batley and Spen, ED received 4.8 percent.
2002 to campaign for an English parliament.
It has sought to attract “moderate” The ED maintains links with Golden Dawn of
members from the BNP. In the 2004 by- Greece, Danes’ Party, and Noua Dreaptă of
election for Birmingham Hodge Hill, ED Romania and Moldova.
received 1.4 percent. In the 2005 general
election, ED received 3.4 percent of the In 2015, ED merged with Veritas, which was
formed by defectors from UKIP.

UKIP was founded in 1993 as primarily, an
anti-EU party. In the 1999 European
Parliament elections, it won 6.5 percent of
the vote and 3 seats: South East England
(Farage), South West England (Michael
Holmes), and East of England (Jeffrey
National Action is a neo-Nazi party formed Tifford).
in 2013. It was banned as a terrorist
organization in 2016. Its leadership is UKIP fared badly in the 2001 general
composed of former members of the election, scoring only 1.5 percent of the
National Front and BNP. National Action has vote and no seats in Parliament. In the 2004
gone underground and may have re- European election, UKIP won a surprising
emerged under the names Scottish Dawn, 16.1 percent and 12 seats in the European
NS131 (National Socialist Anti-Capitalist Parliament. IN the 2005 general election,
Action), and System Resistance Network UKIP, again, did poorly, winning only 2.2
(SRN). percent of the vote and no seats in the
House of Commons.

In the 2009 European elections, UKIP

rebounded and won 16.5 percent of the
vote and 13 seats in the European
The UK Independence Party (UKIP) belongs Parliament, becoming the second-largest
in a far-right category of its own. It claims to UK party contingent after the Conservative
be a non-xenophobic party interested in the Party. UKIP took on a more anti-Islamic
UK’s withdrawal from the EU and tone. In the 2010 general election, UKIP
opposition to immigration, some of its won 3.1 percent of the vote and no seats in
members have a background in far-right the Commons. UKIP’s dual issue policies of
politics. UKIP’s former standard bearer, being anti-EU and anti-immigrant made it a
Nigel Farage, actively supports his far-right spent force in UK national politics.
colleagues in the European Parliament who
represent the National Rally of France, The In 2013 local elections, UKIP made its first
Dutch Freedom Party, and the Vlaams impact nationally. Its elected local
Belang of Belgium. councilors grew from 4 to 147. In the 2014
local elections, UKIP won 163 council seats,
Farage also campaigned in the United but failed to take control of any council. In
States for Donald Trump and he remains a the 2014 European elections, UKIP won
close colleague of Steve Bannon. Farage will 27.5 percent of the vote and 24 seats. In
obviously play an important role in The October 2014, UKIP gained its first seat in
Movement in Brussels and other European the Commons when the Conservative MP
countries. In addition to Trump, Farage for Clacton, Douglas Carswell, defected to
campaigned in the Alabama Republican U.S. UKIP. The following month, a UKIP
Senate primary for disgraced accused candidate won a by-election in Rochester
ephebophile Roy Moore. and Stood, giving UKIP its second seat.

In the 2015 general election, UKIP came in Åland
third, winning 12.6 percent of the vote, but
only obtained a single seat in the Commons.
Farage lost his own bid for a seat in the

The Brexit referendum, for which Farage

and UKIP campaigned, scored a 51.89
percent “Leave” vote. In the 2018 local Ålandic Democracy is an anti-immigrant
elections, UKIP’s performance was dismal. It party. It scored 3.6 percent of the vote in
lost most of its council seats. the 2015 election. It has 1 seat in the
Lagting parliament.
Gerard Batten, who succeeded Farage as
the head of UKIP, has taken the party in a Ireland
more anti-Muslim hard right direction.

The Football Lads Alliance (FLA) is a far-right

group of football fans that targets Muslims
in the UK. It is associated with supporters of
Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-
Lennon, of the English Defense League The National Party was founded in 2016 as
(EDL). Robinson founded the EDL in 2009. an anti-immigrant party. It has links to the
After Robinson’s imprisonment in early NPD in Germany and Forza Nuova in Italy. It
2018 for contempt of court, demands for is also strongly anti-abortion and is
his release came from several quarters, generally opposed to the EU. It favors
including Bannon. Bannon was quoted incorporation of Northern Ireland into
during a visit to the UK in July 2018, Ireland.
“Tommy Robinson is the f***ing backbone
of this country. You lose guys like Tommy Iceland
Robinson, you're not going to have a
country.” Robinson’s case was also taken up
by State Department special envoy for
religious freedom, former Kansas
Republican governor Sam Brownback, aan The Icelandic National Alliance is a far-right
U.S. Representative Paul Gosar, Republican anti-Muslim and anti-immigration party. It
of Arizona.6 scored 0.16 percent in the 2016
parliamentary election. It opposes Iceland’s
membership in the EU.

Katie Polglase, A jailed UK far-right activist has
gained some big-name US supporters, CNN, July
26, 2018.
Russia The party’s fortunes declined in the 2010
presidential election when Tyahnybok
received 1.43 percent of the vote. In the
2010 local elections, Svoboda captured 5.2
percent of the national vote.

In the 2012 parliamentary elections,

The National-Socialist Society is a neo-Nazi Svoboda received 10.4 percent of the vote
movement founded in 2004. It is extremely and 38 seats in Parliament. In the 2014
anti-immigrant and anti-gay. It favors the parliamentary elections, Svoboda received
establishment of a Russian Nazi state. 4.7 percent of the vote and lost 31 seats
leaving it with 6 seats in Parliament.
Svoboda honors Stepan Bandera, the World
War II pro-Nazi leader of the Ukrainian
Insurgent Army. Svoboda’s previous name,
“Social-National Party,” was seen by many
observers as a reference to Adolf Hitler’s
National Socialist Party. Many Svoboda
leaders reject the notion that the party is
The All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" is neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic, preferring to
generally a neo-Nazi Ukrainian party. In liken it to the Republican Party’s Tea Party
1998 elections, the party leader, Oleh faction in the United States.
Tyahnybok, was voted into Parliament. IN
2004, Tyahnybok began pushing more
violent neo-Nazis out of the party. Critics of
the party contend this was done for public
image reasons only. In 2004, Tyahnybok
criticized the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.”

In 2006, Svoboda received 4.2 percent and

4 seats on the Ternopil Oblast Council; 5.6 The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists is a
percent and 10 seats on the Lviv Oblast far-right Ukrainian nationalist party
Council; and 6.7 percent and 9 seats on the founded in 1993. In the 1998 parliamentary
Lviv city council. election, the party, running in a coalition
with two other parties, secured 2.7 percent
In the 2007 parliamentary elections, of the vote and 6 seats in parliament. It
Svoboda received 0.76 percent of the vote. subsequently participated in the
In 2009, Svoboda received 34.7 percent of governments of Prime Ministers Yuri
the vote and 50 seats on the Ternopil Yekhanurov and Yulia Tymoshenko. In the
Oblast Council, its best results to that time. 2010 local elections, the party won 2 seats
on the Lviv Oblast Council. In 2012, the
party ran on a unified slate with the Our
Ukraine Party and Ukrainian People’s Party.

The slate won 1.1 percent of the vote and far-right rising political “star,” Jair Messias
no parliamentary seats. The party dropped Bolsonaro. He is an avowed racist with neo-
to a 0.05 percent finish in the 2014 Nazi views. Bolsonaro considers native
parliamentary elections. Indians living on protected reservations,
which are administered and financed by the
The party supports Zionism and Israel but National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), to be
has defended accused Nazis, like the “parasites” and Afro-Brazilians
alleged war criminal, the Ukrainian- (quilombolas) to be “not fit for breeding.”
American John Demjanjuk. He has called black people “animals” who
should live in zoos.

Bolsonaro is an admirer of Adolf Hitler and

he believes in Hitler’s eugenics policies.
Bolsonaro favors the mandatory
sterilization of poor people. He believes
that Islam and African religions should be
The Ukrainian National Union is a neo-Nazi prohibited in Brazil. On the other hand,
party that is a militant organization Bolsonaro believes that “Jews are
operating paramilitary groups. It is anti- Christians” and are welcome in Brazil.
immigrant and very anti-Russian.
Bolsonaro advocates the use of death
OUTSIDE OF THE EUROPEAN squads to “kill Commies” (Communists). He
has promised that if he is elected president
FOURTH REICH NETWORK he will ban human rights organizations from
It is clear that Bannon’s “The Movement”
Brazil and stack the Cabinet with military
has its sights also set on emerging neo-
officers. He is also virulently anti-gay.7
fascist candidates and parties outside of
Bolsonaro has said that if he had a gay son,
Europe. Chief among these are the
he would rather see him “die in an
following countries:
accident.” Like Trump, Bolsonaro is a
misogynist. In 2015, Bolsonaro said that his
Brazil fellow member of the Chamber of Deputies,
Maria do Rosario, was "not worth raping
because she is very ugly." 8

Bolsonaro has praised Donald Trump,

something that has earned him the positive
attention of people like Bannon. Like
The 2018 presidential candidate of the Trump, Bolsonaro has vowed to withdraw
inaptly-named Social Liberal Party is Brazil’s from the Paris Climate Accord.

Pedro Henrique Leal, “Bolsonaro and the Brazilian
far right,” Democracia Abierta, April 27, 2017. 8
BBC, “Brazil far-right politician enters
presidential race,” July 23, 2018.

failed to break through 1 percent in
In March 2018, Brazilian federal prosecutors national elections. It has won a single local
launched an investigation of Cambridge council seat in Casey.
Analytica’s election operations in Brazil
conducted with its Brazilian partner, A The party is very pro-Israel.
Ponte Estratégia Planejamento e Pesquisa
LTDA. (CA Ponte). The investigation involved
CA Ponte’s and Cambridge Analytica’s deep
data mining of the social media profiles of
millions of Brazilian voters.

The United Patriots Front (UPF) is a neo-
Nazi and anti-Muslim party based in
Victoria. It has links to Golden Dawn of
Greece. It has not made any electoral
The Australia First Party is a neo-Nazi party
impact, preferring to stage outlandish hate-
founded in 1996. The party’s youth wing,
filled protests to grab media attention.
the Patriotic Youth League, is also a neo-
Nazi organization. The party has links to
Golden Dawn in Greece. The party
endorsed U.S. white supremacist David
Duke for the 2016 U.S. Senate race in
Antipodean Resistance is a small neo-Nazi
The party includes members of the Ku Klux
group that calls for the extermination of
Klan of Australia.
Jews. The group is also anti-black and anti-
As with far-right parties in Europe, the AFP
has had some local success. It was elected
to local council seats in Penrith and Canada

The Nationalist Party of Canada is a neo-

Nazi party founded in 1977. Its founder,
Don Andrews (born Vilim Zlomislic) has
The Rise Up Australia Party is a far-right been a perennial candidate for mayor of
anti-Muslim party founded in 2011 by Toronto. In 2003, he won 0.13 percent of
Pentecostal minister Danny Nalliah. It has the vote. Two other party members ran

unsuccessfully for Toronto city council


Patrol 36 is a neo-Nazi group in Israel. It

recruits its members from émigrés from
Russia living in Israel and West Bank
settlements. It first appeared in 2006 in
Petah Tikva. They have been discovered
with “88” tattoos (a symbol for Adolf Hitler)
and Hitler portraits.

South Africa

Afrikaner Resistance Movement (Afrikaner

Weerstandsbeweging, AWB) is a neo-Nazi
party founded in 1973.

European-wide far-right political Switzerland Schwyz 37.9
percentages Poland Zachod- 37.7
Average electoral percentage of far-right parties Poland Wielkopolskie 37.4
by European region. Percentages of far-right Poland Lubuskie 37.0
voters topping 20 percent will garner the Austria Carinthia 31.8
attention of The Movement. Normally, in Switzerland Zentralschweiz 35.9
parliamentary electoral systems, parties achieving Switzerland Ostschweiz 35.0
at least 5 percent in elections gain representation Switzerland Aargau 34.7
in parliamentary bodies, be it at the national,
Switzerland Nordwestschweiz 32.6
regional, or municipal level.
Denmark Kobenhavn 32.2
Switzerland St. Gallen 31.5
Country Region % of vote
Switzerland Zurich 30.7
Hungary Eszak-Alfold 71.8 Switzerland Appenzell 30.5
Hungary Nyugat-Dunantul 69.4 Ausserrhoden
Hungary Eszak- 68.3 Germany Dresden 29.7
Magyarorszag Switzerland Basel-Landschaft 29.8
Hungary Del-Alfold 67.1 Switzerland Espace- 29.5
Hungary Kozep-Dunantul 65.8 Mittelland
Hungary Del-Dunantul 64.7 Austria Steiermark 29.4
Poland Podkarpakie 64.3 Switzerland Bern 28.9
Poland Lubelskie 57.5 Switzerland Zug 28.3
Poland Malopolskie 56.3 Germany Chemnitz 27.4
Hungary Kozep- 55.8
Magyarorszag Switzerland Basel-Landschaft 26.9
Poland Podlaskie 54.5 Lithuania Silales-silutes 26.5
Poland Swietokrzyskie 52.2 Denmark Syddanmark 25.6
Poland Lodzkie 47.0 Austria Burgenland 25.2
Poland Mazowieckie 46.2 Austria Oberosterreich 26.8
Poland Slaskie 45.5 Austria Niederosterreich 25.9
Switzerland Nidwalden 45.2 Denmark Aarhus 25.7
Switzerland Obwalden 43.1 Denmark Sjælland 25.6
Poland Dolnoslaskie 41.7 Finland Kymenlaakso 25.2
Poland Opolskie 40.3 Switzerland Luzern 25.1
Poland Kujawsko- 39.9 Austria Tirol 24.9
Pomorskie Austria Salzburg 24.4
Switzerland Schaffhausen 39.8 Austria Vorarlberg 24.4
Poland Warminsko- 39.6 Switzerland Graubünden 24.4
Mazurzkie Switzerland Solothurn 24.3
Switzerland Thurgau 38.6 Lithuania Silutes-Pagegiu 24.2
Poland Pomorskie 38.1 Finland Satakunta 23.6

Finland Pohjois-Karjala 23.1 Finland Etela-Suomi 20.0
Switzerland Vaud 22.9 Denmark Midtjylland 19.9
Finland Paijat-Hame 22.8 Germany Saxony-Anhalt 19.6
Germany Thuringia 22.7 Switzerland Valais 19.6
Montenegro Zabljak 22.5 Finland Keski-Pohjanmaa 19.6
Finland Kainuu 22.3 Sweden Sydsverige 19.1
Germany Leipzig 22.2 Denmark Aalborg 18.8
Lithuania Gargzdu 18.7
Denmark Odense 18.7
France Nord-pas-de- 22.1 Germany Mecklenburg- 18.6
Calais Vormpommern
Finland Etela-Pohjanmaa 21.9 Norway Agder og 18.6
Denmark Nordjylland 21.9 Rogaland
Netherlands Limburg 21.6 France Haute- 18.2
Switzerland Freiburg 21.4 Normandie
Slovakia Stredne- 21.4 Finland Varsinais-Suomi 18.0
Slovensko Finland Keski-Suomi 18.0
France Languedoc- 21.3 Finland Kanta-Hame 18.0
Rousillon France Lorraine 17.3
Latvia Vidzeme 17.3
Switzerland Neuchâtel 21.3 Norway Nord-Norge 17.2
Austria Wien 21.3 Norway Sor-Ostlandet 17.0
Switzerland Région 21.2 Finland Ita-Uusimaa 17.0
lémanique Lithuania Skuodo-Mazeikiu 16.9
Finland Lansi-Suomi 21.2 Netherlands Flevoland 16.8
France Picardie 21.2 Slovakia Vychodne- 16.6
Finland Pirkanmaa 21.1 Netherlands Zuid-Holland 16.6
Finland Pohjois-Savo 20.8 Switzerland Basel-Stadt 16.5
France Champagne- 20.8 Norway Vestlandet 16.4
Ardenne Finland Uusimaa 16.3
France Provence-Alpes=- 20.7 Netherlands Noord-Brabant 16.2
Cotes-d’Azur Denmark Hovedstaden 16.2
Finland Etela-Karjala 20.6 Lithuania Telsiu 16.1
Finland Pohjois-ja Ita- 20.5 Switzerland Genève 16.0
Suomi France Franche-Comte 15.8
Finland Etela-Savo 20.5 Slovakia Zapadne- 15.8
Finland Lappi 20.4 Slovensko
Germany Brandenburg 20.2 Montenegro Kolasin 15.7
Lithuania Zarasu-Visagino 20.1 Germany Niederbayern 15.5
Montenegro Golubovci 20.1 Latvia Zemgale 15.5

Switzerland Jura 15.4 Netherlands Noord-Holland 12.7
France Bourgogne 15.3 Germany Stuttgart 12.6
Liechtenstein 15.3 Czechia Severozapad 12.6
Finland Helsinki-Uusima 15.2 Germany Giessen 12.6
France Basse- 12.4
Netherlands Zeeland 15.1 Normandie
Sweden Norra 15.1 Germany Oberfranken 12.3
Melansverige Montenegro Podgorica 12.2
Netherlands Drenthe 14.7 France Pyrenees-Midi 12.1
Sweden Smaland med 14.6 Norway Oslo og Akershus 12.1
oarna Denmark Randers 12.1
Latvia Kurzeme 14.6 France Poitou-Charentes 12.1
Lithuania Raseiniu 14.5 Germany Berlin 12.0
Lithuania Kretingos 14.4
Germany Oberpfalz 14.2 Germany Mittelfranken 11.9
Sweden Vastsverige 14.1 Norway Hedmark og 11.9
Lithuania Mazeikiu 14.0 Greece Korinthia 11.9
Czechia Moravskoslezsko 13.9 Montenegro Pljevlja 11.7
Latvia Latvija 13.8 Norway Trondelag 11.6
France Centre 13.7 Germany Tubingen 11.6
Montenegro Plužine 13.7 Netherlands Utrecht 11.6
Germany Darmstadt 11.4
Sweden Ostra 13.7 France Aquitane 11.4
Mellansverige Italy Ticino 11.3
Latvia Riga 13.4 Germany Oberbayern 11.2
Germany Schwaben 13.3 Finland Pohjanmaa 11.2
Netherlands Gelderland 13.2 Greece Dodekanisos 11.1
Czechia Stredni-Morava 13.2 Czechia Jihovychod 11.0
Denmark Vejle 13.2 Lithuania Suvalkijos 11.0
Germany Karlsruhe 13.1 Germany Freiburg 10.9
Netherlands Friesland 13.1 Germany Unterfranken 10.9
Germany Alsace 13.1 Sweden Mellersta 10.9
Netherlands Overijssel 13.1 Norrland
France Rhone-Alpes 12.9
Italy Lombardia 12.9 Slovakia Brastislavsky kraj 10.8
Lithuania Prienu 12.9 Bulgaria Yugoiztochen 10.6
Denmark Esbjerg 12.9 Denmark Kolding 10.6
Germany Reinhessen-Pfalz 12.8 Bulgaria Severent- 10.5
Netherlands Groningen 12.8 sentralen
Germany Kassel 12.7 Italy Veneto 10.5

Denmark Horsens 10.5 Denmark Guldborgsund 8.8
Denmark Slagelso 10.5 Germany Koln 8.5
Germany Arnsberg 10.4 Greece Evvoia 8.5
Lithuania Rokiskio 10.4 Lithuania Dainu 8.5
Czechia Severovychod 10.3 Lithuania Jurbarko 8.5
Germany Koblenz 10.3 Lithuania Ukmerges 8.5
Czechia Jihozapad 10.2 Bulgaria Yugozapaden 8.4
Greece Lakonia 10.1 Lithuania Mariu 8.3
Germany Braunschweig 10.1 Germany Schleswig- 8.2
Denmark Horning 10.1 Holstein
Germany Saarland 10.1 Lithuania Saules 8.2
Germany Bremen 10.0 Greece Messinia 8.2
Denmark Sonderborg 10.0 Greece Voiotia 8.1
Croatia Croatians abroad 10.0 Greece Kilkis 8.1
Germany Detmold 9.9 Bulgaria Yuzhentsentralen 8.1
Greece Agrolida 9.9 Germany Trier 8.0
Denmark Næstved 9.9 Lithuania Ignalinos- 8.0
France Limousin 9.8 svencioniu
Bulgaria Severozapaden 9.8 Denmark Koge 8.0
Sweden Blekinge 9.8 Lithuania Kelmes 8.0
Denmark Viborg 9.8 Lithuania Pakruojo-Joniskio 8.0
Denmark Silkeborg 9.8 France Ile-de-France 7.9
Germany Dusseldorf 9.7 France Bretagne 7.9
Switzerland Ticino 9.7 Lithuania Pajurio 7.9
Sweden Stockholm 9.7 Greece Aitoloakarnania 7.9
Lithuania Akmenes- 9.7 Germany Hamburg 7.8
Joniskio Greece Ileia 7.8
Lithuania Plunges-Rietavo 9.7 Denmark Holbæk 7.8
Montenegro Bijelo Polje 9.6 Lithuania Baltijos 7.8
Germany Hannover 9.5 Greece Kefallina 7.8
Germany Luneburg 9.5 Germany Weser-Ems 7.8
Sweden Skåne 9.5 Denmark Frederikshavn 7.7
France Auvergne 9.2 Greece Arkadia 7.7
Sweden Ovre-Norrland 9.1 Denmark Aabenraa 7.7
Greece Imathia 7.7
Denmark Æro 7.6
Bulgaria Severoiztochen 9.0
Montenegro Danilovgrad 7.5
Czechia Stredni-Cechy 9.0 Greece Pella 7.5
France Pays de la Loire 9.0 Greece Kastoria 7.5
Denmark Roskilde 8.9 Greece Fthiotida 7.3
Germany Munster 8.8 Greece Fokida 7.3

Greece Thessaloniki 7.2 Denmark Skanderborg 6.1
Denmark Haderslov 7.2 Denmark Ballerup 6.1
Greece Kerkyra 7.2 Denmark Frederikssund 6.1
Denmark Greve 7.1 Greece Zykanthos 6.1
Lithuania Anyksciu- 7.1 Sweden Örebro 6.1
Kupiskio Lithuania Marijampoles 6.1
Sweden Gävleborgs 7.1 Greece Karditsa 6.0
Denmark Helsingor 7.0 Lithuania Alytaus 6.0
Belgium Antwerpen 7.0 Lithuania Sakiu 6.0
Lithuania Varenos-Eisiskiu 7.0 Greece Larisa 6.0
Greece Magnisia 7.0 Greece Evros 6.0
Greece Kavala 6.9 Greece Preveza 5.9
Sweden Dalarnas 6.9 Denmark Tarnby 5.9
Denmark Kalundborg 6.9 Lithuania Dzukijos 5.9
Lithuania Taurages 6.9 Denmark Hoje-Taastrup 5.9
Italy Friuli-Venezia 6.7 Lithuania Birzu-Kupiskio 5.9
Giulia Lithuania Nevezio 5.9
Denmark Fredericia 6.7 Czechia Praha 5.8
Denmark Holstebro 6.7 Lithuania Lazdiju- 5.8
Greece Serres 6.7 Druskininku
Denmark Hjorring 6.7 Greece Thesprotia 5.8
Greece Pieria 6.7 Denmark Lolland 5.8
Sweden Södermanlands 6.6 Greece Kozani 5.7
Lithuania Danes 6.5 Sweden Kalmar 5.7
Denmark Hvidovre 6.5 Denmark Gribskov 5.7
Lithuania Utenos 6.5 Denmark Faaborg-Midtfyn 5.7
Denmark Hedensted 6.5 Greece Grevena 5.6
Lithuania Radviliskio 6.4 Lithuania Seskines 5.6
Denmark Vardo 6.4 Lithuania Aukstaitijos 5.6
Montenegro Bar 6.4 Lithuania Vakarine 5.6
Sweden Jönköpings 6.4 Lithuania Kaisiadoriu- 5.6
Greece Chalkidiki 6.3 Elektrenu
Sweden Kronobergs 6.3 Greece Florina 5.6
Denmark Vordingborg 6.3 Denmark Skive 5.6
Greece Kyklades 6.3 Denmark Egedal 5.6
Greece Achaia 6.3 Sweden Västra Götalands 5.6
Denmark Gladsaxe 6.3 Lithuania Vilniaus-Traku 5.5
Denmark Ringkobing- 6.2 Lithuania Ausros 5.5
Skjorn Greece Lefkada 5.5
Denmark Svendborg 6.2 Lithuania Panemunes 5.5
Sweden Västmanlands 6.1 Denmark Gentofte 5.4

Denmark Favrskov 5.4 Denmark Lyngby-Taarbæk 4.5
Lithuania Aleksoto- 5.3 United Kingdom South Yorkshire 4.5
Vilijampoles Denmark Tonder 4.5
Sweden Hallands 5.3 Latvia Latgale 4.5
Sweden Östergötlands 5.3 Greece Arta 4.5
Lithuania Pasvalio- 5.3 Denmark Rodovre 4.4
Panevezio Denmark Rudersdal 4.4
Lithuania Siauliu kaimiskoji 5.3 Denmark Middelfart 4.4
Lithuania Naujosios Vilnios 5.3 Greece Dytiki- 4.3
Belgium Hainaut 5.3 Makedonia
Denmark Thisted 5.2 Greece Xanthi 4.3
Greece Samos 5.1 Lithuania Justiniskiu 4.3
Croatia Sisek 4.3
Lithuania Moletu- 5.1 Denmark Jammerbugt 4.3
svencioniu Greece Voreio Aigaio 4.3
Denmark Vejen 5.1 Greece Ioannina 4.2
Denmark Ikast-Brand 5.1 Greece Evrytania 4.2
Greece Drama 5.0 Lithuania Lazdynu 4.2
Denmark Syddjurs 5.0 Denmark Samso 4.2
Lithuania Jonavos 5.0 Denmark Brondby 4.2
Greece Trikala 4.9 Italy Bolzano 4.2
Lithuania Traku-Elektrenu 4.9 Denmark Vesthimmersland 4.2
Italy Piemonte 4.8 Lithuania Dainavos 4.2
Denmark Hillerod 4.8 Denmark Fredensborg 4.2
Sweden Värmlands 4.8 Greece Chania 4.2
Lithuania Kalnieciu 4.8 Denmark Ringsted 4.2
Belgium West-Vlaanderen 4.7 Italy Trento 4.2
Denmark Norddjurs 4.7 Lithuania Kaunokaimiskoji 4.2
Denmark Faxe 4.7 Lithuania Vilniaus- 4.2
Croatia Osijek 4.7 salcininku
Denmark Odsherred 4.7 Italy Valle d’Aosta 4.1
Croatia Slavonski Brod 4.7 Greece Chios 4.1
Lithuania Silainiu 4.6 Greece Anatoliki- 4.1
Denmark Mariagerfjord 4.6 Makedonia
United Kingdom Essex 4.6 Thraki
Greece Notio Aigaio 4.0
Denmark Assens 4.6 Lithuania Pramones 4.0
Sweden Uppsala 4.6 Denmark Halsnæs 4.0
Greece Lesvos 4.6 Greece Attikis 4.0
Lithuania Karoliniskiu 4.5
Sweden Västernorrlands 4.5

United Kingdom Northumberland 3.9 Denmark Herlev 3.1
and Tyne and Denmark Glostrup 3.1
Wear Croatia Karlovac 3.1
Lithuania Zaliakalnio 3.9 United Kingdom Greater 3.0
Greece Kentriki 3.8 Manchester
Makedonia Denmark Kerteminde 3.0
United Kingdom Tees Valley and 3.8 Denmark Rebild 3.0
Durham Croatia Bjelovar 3.0
Estonia Laane-Eesti 3.8 Denmark Billund 3.0
Lithuania Zirmunu 3.8 Estonia Kesk-Eesti 2.9
Sweden Norrbottens 3.8 Belgium Liege 2.9
Denmark Soro 3.8 Croatia Zagreb 2.9
Lithuania Fabijoniskiu 3.8 Greece Rethymni 2.9
Denmark Bornholm 3.8 Denmark Solrod 2.8
Sweden Jämtlands 3.8 Denmark Albertslund 2.8
Greece Sterea-Ellada 3.7 United Kingdom Herefordshire, 2.8
Lithuania Kauno-Kedainiu 3.7 Worcestershire,
Lithuania Centro 3.7 and
Denmark Nyborg 3.7 Warwickshire
Greece Rodopi 3.7 Greece Peloponnisos 2.7
Lithuania Senamiescio 3.7 Belgium Luxembourg 2.7
Lithuania Vilkaviskio 3.6 Sweden Västerbottens 2.7
Denmark Bronderslev 3.6 Denmark Struer 2.7
Greece Thessalia 3.6 Greece Ionia Nisia 2.7
Åland Ålandic 3.6 Italy Emilia-Romagna 2.6
Democracy Greece Lasithi 2.6
Denmark Nordfyns 3.5 Greece Irakleio 2.6
Greece Dytiki-Ellada 3.5 Denmark Morso 2.6
United Kingdom East Yorkshire 2.6
Belgium Namur 3.5 and Northern
United Kingdom Lincolnshire 3.5 Lincolnshire
Lithuania Antakalnio 3.4 Slovakia Banskobystrický 2.6
Denmark Lejre 3.4 kraj
Lithuania Naujamiescio 3.4 Iceland South 2.6
Denmark Stevns 3.3 Croatia Zadar 2.6
United Kingdom Kent 3.3
Greece Kriti 3.2 Estonia Pohja-Eesti 2.6
Denmark Fureso 3.2 United Kingdom Bedfordshire and 2.5
Lithuania Sirvintu-Vilniaus 3.2 Hertfordshire
Lithuania Kedainiu 3.2 Denmark Laeso 2.5
Sweden Gotlands 3.1 San Marino 2.5

Denmark Lemvig 2.4 Estonia Estonians abroad 1.7
Greece Ipeiros 2.4 Spain Catalunya 1.6
United Kingdom West Midlands 2.4 Iceland Reykjavik South 1.6
Denmark Ishoj 2.4 Romania Nord-Est 1.5
Estonia Louna-Eesti 2.4 Croatia Varazdin 1.5
United Kingdom Outer London – 2.4 United Kingdom North Yorkshire 1.5
East and Denmark Langeland 1.5
Northeast Iceland Reykjavik North 1.5
United Kingdom Cumbria 2.3 United Kingdom Lancashire 1.5
Denmark Allerod 2.3 Slovakia Trnavský kraj 1.4
Belgium Brabant-Wallon 2.3 Ireland Carlow-Kilkenny 1.4
France Corse 2.3 United Kingdom Outer London - 1.4
Croatia Split 2.3 South
United Kingdom Derbyshire and 2.2 United Kingdom East Wales 1.4
Nottinghamshire Cyprus Lefkosia 1.3
Denmark Odder 2.2 United Kingdom Cheshire 1.2
Slovakia Presovský kraj 2.2 Romania Sud-Est 1.2
United Kingdom East Anglia 2.1 Romania Vest 1.2
United Kingdom West Wales and 2.1
The Valleys Iceland Northeast 1.2
Ireland Dublin Central 2.1 Iceland Northwest 1.2
Ireland Dublin South- 2.1 United Kingdom Merseyside 1.2
Central United Kingdom Highlands and 1.2
United Kingdom Leicestershire, 2.1 Islands
Rutland, and Slovakia Trenciansky kraj 1.2
Northampton- Slovakia Zilinský kraj 1.2
shire Romania Sud-Muntenia 1.2
Cyprus Pafos 2.0 United Kingdom Gloucestershire, 1.2
United Kingdom Hampshire and 2.0 Wiltshire, and
Isle of Wight Bristol/Bath
United Kingdom Surrey, East and 1.9 Croatia Pazin 1.2
West Sussex Cyprus Kirenia 1.0
United Kingdom West Yorkshire 1.8 Belgium Brussels 1.0
Denmark Vallensbæk 1.8 Ireland South 1.0
Iceland Southwest 1.8 United Kingdom Shropshire and 1.0
United Kingdom Berkshire, 1.8 Staffordshire
Buckinghamshire United Kingdom Outer London – 1.0
and Oxfordshire West and North-
Slovakia Kosický kraj 1.8 West
United Kingdom Devon 1.7 Romania Sud-Vest Oltenia 1.0
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen 0.9

Romania Centru 0.8 Slovenia Lublijana 0.1
United Kingdom Inner London - 0.8 Bezigrad
West United Kingdom Eastern Scotland 0.1
United Kingdom Inner London - 0.8 Italy Basilicata 0.1
East Italy Sardegne 0.1
Cyprus Larnaka 0.8
Luxembourg 0.8
Portugal Madeira 0.8
Ireland Cork South- 0.8
Estonia Kirde-Eesti 0.8
Italy Toscana 0.7
Cyprus Ammochostos 0.7
Italy Marche 0.7
Italy Umbria 0.6

Cyprus Lemesos 0.6

Romania Nord-Vest 0.6

Ireland Dublin North 0.5
Belgium Limburg 0.3
United Kingdom Cornwall and 0.3
Isles of Scilly
Italy Campania 0.3
Ireland Cork North- 0.3
Italy Calabria 0.3
United Kingdom Dorset and 0.3
Malta Maltese Patriots 0.3
United Kingdom South Western 0.3
Italy Lazio 0.2
Italy Abruzzo 0.2
Italy Molise 0.2
Italy Sicilia 0.2
Italy Puglia 0.1
Slovenia Kranj 0.1
Slovenia Lublijana Centre 0.1


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