BIM 4th Sem Syllabus 2015

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ACC 202: Cost and Management Accounting

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objective
The primary objective of the module is to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, tools
and techniques of cost and management accounting and their application in managerial decision making.

Course Description
This course comprises conceptual foundation of cost and management accounting, segregation of cost,
accounting for material and labour, allocation apportionment and absorption of overhead cost, income
statement under variable and absorption costing technique, standard costing system with material and
labour cost variance, flexible budgeting under different levels of activities, overhead cost variance,
preparation of functional and financial budget in a manufacturing/non-manufacturing concern, decision
regarding alternative choices.

Unit 1: Conceptual Foundation LH 4

Cost & management accounting: Meaning, objectives, importance, advantages and limitations,
differences between financial accounting and cost accounting, management accounting and cost
Cost concept and its classification.
Concept and method of cost segregation: i) Two point method and ii) Least square method &
iii) Estimation of cost

Unit 2: Accounting for Materials LH 3

Materials/Inventory: Concept, reasons and objectives for holding material / inventory.
Inventory Control: Meaning, importance and techniques, Economic order quantity with and
without discount, Re-order, maximum, minimum, danger and average stock levels under the
condition of certainty.

Unit 3: Accounting for Labour Cost LH 3

Labour cost: Concept and need for control of labour cost.
Incentive wages Plan: Halsey and Rowan premium Plan, Taylor's differential piece rate system,
Gantt's Task and Bonus plan.

Unit 4: Accounting for Overhead Cost: LH 4

Overhead cost: Meaning, classification, importance
Accounting and Distribution of overhead cost: Allocation, apportionment and absorption of
overhead cost.

Unit 5: Accounting for Profit Planning LH 8

Absorption costing: Concept, importance, income statement under absorption costing technique,
Variable costing: Concept, importance, income statement under variable costing technique,
reconciliation statement between absorption and variable costing techniques showing the causes
of difference.
Cost Volume profit analysis: Meaning, importance, Contribution margin analysis, Break-even-
analysis: under constant and the following underlying situations: changes on selling price, fixed
cost, & variable cost, and under step fixed cost, Break-even-analysis of multi-products firms,
assumptions of CVP analysis and its limitations.

Unit 6: Standard costing LH 4

Standard costing: Concept, preliminaries to establish standard costing system, difference
between standard costing and budgetary control, advantages and limitations.
Variance analysis:
Material variance: Concept and calculation of cost, price, usage, mix and yield variances.
Labour variance: Concept and calculation of cost, efficiency, rate, mix, idle time and yield

Unit 7: Flexible budgeting LH 4

Flexible budgeting: Limitations of static budget, concept, importance of flexible budget, flexible
budgeting for overhead cost control, flexible budget in different level of activity.
Overhead cost variance: Concept and calculation of capacity, efficiency and spending

Unit 8: Budgeting and Profit Planning LH 12

Concept and objectives of budget. Preparation of budget for manufacturing and non-
manufacturing concern: sales budget, production budget, purchase budget, direct labour and
overhead cost budget. Cash collection and disbursement budget, budgeted income statement,
budgeted balance sheet.

Unit 9: Accounting for Alternative Choices for Decision Making LH 6

Concept of decision making, types of decision making: Make of buy decision, Drop or continue
decision, Accept or reject special offer, decision to sell or further processing.

Suggested Books
Ronald W. Hilton, and David E. Platt Managerial Accounting, MCgraw Hill, Irwin.
Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar and George foster, Cost Accounting , A managerial Emphasis,
Pearson Education
Colin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting, ELBS with Chapman and HallJerry J. Weygandt,
Jawahar Lal, Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi
T. Lucy, Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi.
M.R. Koirala, and, Cost and Management Accounting, Buddha Academy Publication House,
Yamesh man Singh, Khagendra P. Ojha, Chiranjibi Acharya, Cost and Management Accounting,
Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors Pvt.Ltd.
R.M. Dangol and, Cost and Management Accounting, Taleju Publishing House, Kathmandu
Koirala, Y.R. and, Cost and Management Accounting, Ashmita Publication, Kathmandu.
ECO 201: Microeconomics
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objectives
This module aims to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in order
to enhance their skill in analyzing business opportunities, market and risks.

Course Description
Microeconomics: concepts and uses. Theory of demand and supply: demand function, change in quantity
demanded and change in demand, supply function: change in quantity supplied and change in supply,
elasticity of demand and supply – concepts, degrees and measurements. Utility Analysis: cardinal vs ordinal
utility and indifference curve analysis. Theory of production: Production function, laws of production. Cost
and revenue curves. Pricing: Price and output determination under perfect competition, monopoly and
monopolistic competition, concept of oligopoly. Factor pricing: rent (modern theory of rent) wages
(marginal productivity theory), interest (loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory) and profit
(dynamic theory and innovation theory).

Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction to Microeconomics LH 3
Meaning, Scope, Types, Uses

Unit 2: Theory of Demand and Supply LH 6

Demand function : Meaning and types, Movement along a demand curve and shifts in demand
curve. Supply Function. Meaning and types, Movement along a supply curve and shifts in supply
curve Concept of Elasticity of demand and supply, Price elasticity of demand: degrees,
measurement (percentage, total outlay, point and arc methods), uses in business decision making,
Income elasticity of demand: degrees, measurement (percentage, arc and point methods), Cross
elasticity of demand: types, measurement (percentage and arc methods), Price elasticity of supply:
degrees, measurement (percentage, point and arc methods).
Measurement of elasticity

Unit 3: Theory of Consumer's Behaviour LH 8

Cardinal vs ordinal utility. Indifference curve analysis : Meaning, assumptions and properties,
Principle of MRS, Consumer's equilibrium, Price effect – derivation of PCC and demand curves for
normal goods (substitutes and complements), Income effect – derivation of ICC and Engel curves
for normal goods and inferior goods , Substitution effect – Hicksian approach, Decomposition of
price effect into income and substitution effects – Hicksian approach , Applications – tax and
subsidy, income leisure choice of workers
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 4: Theory of Production LH 7
Concept of total, average and marginal product. Production function – meaning, types (short run
and long run production function, Cobb-Douglas production function. Law of variable proportions
(explanation of three stages of production with reasons). Isoquants: Meaning, assumptions and
properties, Principle of marginal rate of technical substitution, Optimal employment of two inputs
(or least cost combination of two inputs), Laws of returns to scale, Explanation with table and
diagram (using IQ).
Computations and Numerical assignments

Unit 5: Cost and Revenue Curves LH 8

Cost function. Various concepts of costs: opportunity cost, explicit and implicit costs, accounting and
economic costs. Short run costs: Behavior of short run total costs, Behavior of average and marginal
cost curves, Relation between AC and MC, TVC and MC and AC and AFC and AVC. Long run
costs, Meaning, Derivation of U-shaped and L-shaped LAC with reasons. Revenue: Revenue under
perfect competition, Revenue under imperfect competition, Relationship of Revenues (TR, AR and
MR) with price elasticity of demand.
Computations and Numerical assignments

Unit 6: Theory of Product Pricing LH 10

Profit maximization and equilibrium of a firm: TR-TC approach (table and diagram), MR-MC
approach (table and diagram). Equilibrium price and output determination under perfect
competition: Meaning and characteristics, Derivation of short run supply curve of a firm, Short run
equilibrium (firm and industry), Long run equilibrium (firm and industry). Equilibrium price and
output determination under monopoly: Meaning and characteristics, Short run equilibrium, Long
run equilibrium, Meaning and conditions of price discrimination, Degrees of price discrimination,
Equilibrium of firm under third degree discrimination. Equilibrium price and output determination
under monopolistic competition: Meaning and characteristics, Short run equilibrium, Long run
equilibrium of a firm. Oligopoly: Meaning and characteristics.
Computations and Numerical assignments

Unit 7: Theory of Factor Pricing LH 6

Rent: Concept of economic rent and its determination: modern theory of rent. Wages: Marginal
productivity theory of wages. Interest: Loanable funds theory of interest, Liquidity preference
theory of interest. Profits, Dynamic theory of profits, Innovation theory of profits.
Computations and Numerical assignments

Ahuja, H.C. Advanced Economic Theory – Micro Economic Analysis, New Delhi – S. Chand (Latest ed.)
Browning and Browning (1994), Microeconomic Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Kalyani Publishers
Case, Karl E. and Ray C. Fair, (2002), Principles of Economics, Singapore, Pearson Education
Dwibedi DN (2003), Microeconomics Theory and Applications, Delhi, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
Dwibedi DN (2010), Microeconomics Theory and Practice, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
Koutsoyianis, A (1979), Modern Microeconomics, London, Macmillan
McConnell CR and S. Brue, (2002), Economics : Principles, Problems and Policies, New York, McGraw
IT 218: Data Structure and Algorithm with Java

Course Objectives
This course aims to provide a systematic introduction to data structures and algorithms for constructing
efficient computer programs. The course emphasizes on data abstraction issues (through ADTs) in the
program development process, and on efficient implementation of chosen data structures and algorithms.
Laboratory work is essential in this course.

Course Description
The course contains Complexity Analysis, Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues, Recursion, Binary Trees,
Multiway Trees, Graph, Sorting, Hashing.

Course Details
Unit 1: Complexity Analysis LH 4
Computational and Asymptotic Complexity. Big-O Notation. Properties of Big-O Notation Ω and
Q. Possible Problems. Examples of Complexities. Finding Asymptotic Complexity: Examples.
The Best, Average, and Worst Cases 66. Amortized Complexity 69. NP-Completeness 73.

Unit 2: Linked Lists LH 5

Singly Linked Lists: Insertion, Deletion, Search. Doubly Linked Lists: Circular Lists, Skip Lists,
Self-Organizing Lists. Sparse Tables. Case Study: A Library.

Unit 3: Stacks and Queues LH 4

Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues. Case Study: Existing a Maze.

Unit 4: Recursion LH 4
Recursive Definitions. Method Calls and Recursion Implementation. Anatomy of a Recursive
Call. Tail Recursion. Nontail Recursion. Indirect Recursion. Nested Recursion. Excessive
Recursion. Backtracking.

Unit 5: Binary Trees LH 9

Trees, Binary Trees, and Binary Search Trees. Implementing Binary Trees. Searching a Binary
Search Tree. Tree Traversal. Breadth-First Traversal. Depth-First Traversal. Insertion, Deletion,
Deletion by Merging, Deletion by Copying. Balancing a Tree. The DSW Algorithm. AVL Trees.
Self-Adjusting Trees. Self-Restructuring Trees, Splaying. Heaps: Heaps as Priority Queues,
Organizing Arrays as Heaps, Polish Notation and Expression Trees. Operations on Expression
Trees. Case Study: Computing Word Frequencies 280.
Unit 6: Multiway Trees LH 5
The Family of B-Trees. B-Trees, B*-Trees, B+-Trees. Case Study: Spell Checker

Unit 7: Graphs LH 6
Graph Representation. Graph Traversals, Shortest Paths, All-to-All Shortest Path Problem, Cycle
Detection. Spanning Trees. Connectivity. Connectivity in Undirected Graphs, Connectivity in
Directed Graphs. Topological Sort, Networks.

Unit 8: Sorting LH 6
Elementary Sorting AlgorithmsInsertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort. Efficient Sorting
Algorithms: Heap Sort, Quicksort, Mergesort, Radix Sort. Case Study: Adding Polynomials.

Unit 9: Hashing LH 5
Hash Functions: Division, Folding, Mid-Square Function, Extraction. Collision Resolution: Open
Addressing, Chaining, Bucket Addressing, Deletion. Case Study: Hashing with Buckets.

Drozdek Adam, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 3rd edition
- Duncan A. Buell, Data Structures Using Java
- Main Michael, Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java, Prentice Hall (4th edition),
- Robert Lafore, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Sams Publishing;
- Narasimha Karumanchi, Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy In Java, CareerMonk

IT 219: Web Technology - II
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48

Course Objective
This course will teach to develop interactive and dynamic web sites. Currently dynamism has become
vital part of web site for any organization. This course will be of great help for student in integrating
dynamism in their web sites that have competitive advantage.

Course Description:
Orientation and First Steps, Working with Text and Numbers, Making Decisions and Repeating,
working with arrays, function, Web forms, working with databases, Remembering Users with Cookies
and Sessions, Handling Dates and Times, Working with Files

Unit 1: Orientation and First Steps LH 2

PHP's Place in the Web World, What's So Great About PHP?, PHP in Action, Basic Rules of
PHP Programs.

Unit 2: Working with Text and Numbers LH 2

Text, Numbers, Variables

Unit 3: Making Decisions and Repeating Yourself LH 5

Understanding true and false, Making Decisions, Building Complicated Decisions, Repeating

Unit 4: Working with Arrays LH 5

Array Basics, Looping Through Arrays, Modifying Arrays, Sorting Arrays, Using
Multidimensional Arrays.
Unit 5: Functions LH 5
Declaring and Calling Functions, Passing Arguments to Functions, Returning Values from
Functions, Understanding Variable Scope.

Unit 6: Making Web Forms LH 8

Useful Server Variables, Accessing Form Parameters, Form Processing with Functions,
Validating Data, Displaying Default Values, Putting It All Together.

Unit 7: Working with Databases LH 12

Organizing Data in a Database, Connecting to a Database Program, Creating a Table, Putting
Data into the Database, Inserting Form Data Safely, Generating Unique IDs, A Complete Data
Insertion Form, Retrieving Data from the Database, Changing the Format of Retrieved Rows,
Retrieving Form Data Safely, A Complete Data Retrieval Form, MySQL Without PEAR DB.

Unit 8: Remembering Users with Cookies and Sessions LH 3

Working with Cookies, Activating Sessions, Storing and Retrieving Information, Configuring
Sessions, Login and User Identification, Why setcookie( ) and session_start( ) Want to Be at the
Top of the Page.
Unit 9: Handling Dates and Times LH 2
Displaying the Date or Time, Parsing a Date or Time, Dates and Times in Forms, Displaying a

Unit 10: Working with Files LH 4

Understanding File Permissions, Reading and Writing Entire Files, Reading and Writing Parts
of Files, Working with CSV Files, Inspecting File Permissions, Checking for Errors, Sanitizing
Externally Supplied Filenames.


- David Sklar,”Learning PHP 5, A Pain-Free Introduction to Building Interactive Web Sites”

O'Reilly Media

- Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, Rasmus Lerdorf, “Programming PHP”, O'Reilly Media
- Robin Nixon, “Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5”,
- Luke Welling ,PHP and MySQL Web Development, Addison-Wesley Professional O'Reilly
IT 220: Database Management System
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objective
The main objective of this module is to provide strong theoretical and practical knowledge of the database
management system.

Course Description
Database system, Data Abstraction, Data Models, Database users, Entity-Relation Model, Constraints, E-
R Diagrams, Design of E-R Database Schema, Relational Data Model, Structure of Relational Database,
Relational Algebra, Fundamental Operations, Additional Operating, Modifying the database, Structured
Query Language Data Definition Language, Data manipulation Language, Transaction Control Language,
Join Operations, Integrity Constraints, Assertion, Triggers, Relational database design issues,
Normalization, Transaction Management, Database System Architectures.

Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction – Database Management Systems LH 4
Purpose of Database Systems. Data Abstraction. Data Models: The E-R Model, The Object-
Oriented Model, The Relational Model, The Network Model, The Hierarchical Model, Physical
Data Models. Instances and Schemes. Data Independence. Database Administrator. Database
Users. Application Architecture (One tier, two tier and n-tire). Overall Database System Structure
and Components.

Unit 2: Entity-Relationship Model LH 8

Entities and Entity Sets. Relationships and Relationship Sets. Attributes. Mapping Constraints.
Keys (Super key, Candidate key and Primary key): Primary Keys for Entity Sets and Relationship
Sets. The Entity Relationship Diagram. Reducing E-R Diagrams to Tables: Representation of
Strong Entity Sets, Representation of Weak Entity Sets, Representation of Relationship Sets.
Generalization and Specialization. Aggregation. Mapping Cardinalities: Representation of
Mapping Cardinalities in E-R Diagram. Use of Entity or Relationship Sets. Use of Extended E-R
Features. Design of an E-R Database Scheme (Case study).

Unit 3: Structured Query Language (SQL) LH 15

Background, Data Definition Language: Domain Types in SQL, Schema Definition in SQL. Data
Manipulation Language: The select Clause, The where Clause, The from Clause, The Rename
Operation, Tuple Variables, String Operations, Ordering the Display of Tuples, Duplicate Tuples.
Set Operations. Aggregate Functions. Null Values. Nested Subqueries: Set Membership, Set
Comparison, Test for Empty Relations, Test for the Absence of Duplicate Tuples. Derived
Relations: Views. Modification of the Database: Deletion, Insertion, Updates, Updates, Update of
a view. Joined Relations: Join types and Conditions. Embedded SQL. Dynamic SQL. Transaction
Control Language (Commit, Rollback).
Unit 4: Integrity Constraints LH 5
Domain Constraints. Referential Integrity: Basic Concepts, Referential Integrity in the E-R
Model, Database Modification, Referential Integrity in SQL

Unit 5: Relational Database Design LH 6

Pitfalls in Relational DB Design. Representation of Information: Anomalies. Functional
Dependencies: Basic Concepts, Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies, Closure of Attribute
Sets. Decomposition: Lossless-Join Decomposition, Dependency Preservation. Normalization:
First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form,
Comparison of BCNF and 3NF.

Unit 6: Transaction Management LH 5

ACID Properties. Transaction States: Implementation of Atomicity and Durability, Serializability,
Basic Concept of Concurrency Control and Recovery, Locking Protocols, Time Stamp Based

Unit 7: Case Study LH 5


 The students are required to undertake a project work. The project work can be done individually
or in group (at most 4-5 students). The format of the project report is as follows:
o Project Description
o Description of entities or object considered in the project
o Algorithm or Diagram showing description of project
o Conclusion of the project
The project report should be original, and the reproduction of others' work is strictly prohibited.
Number of pages of the report should be at least 4.

Abraham Silberchatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan; Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill 4th ed.
Date, C.J.; An Introduction to Database System, Addison Wesley, 8th ed.
RAMEZ ELMASRI, B. NAVATHE, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, Fifth

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