Text Regarding Conception
Text Regarding Conception
Text Regarding Conception
Santhanam says there in notes; Adhana Lagna or Nisbeka Lagna means the
ascendant that prevailed at the time of coitus and not the one at
Adhanna Lagna=Date of birth and time minus ‘X*
where "X" is obtained thus= A+B+C
Now A, B and C are explained,
"A" is the angular distance between Saturn and Gulika at birth.
' B" is the distance between the cusp of the ascendant and that of the 9th
house counted in a direct order (i.e. via 4th and 7th cusps).
"C" is required if the ascendant lord is in the invisible half (i.e. ascendant
and descendant intersected by the nadir). Otherwise, "C" is not required.
so if lagna lord is invisible then the gestation/ pregnancy will be longer,
Parasara says; At birth if ascendant lord is In tbe invisible half then add the
degrees/ mn.
of the Moon in the particular Rasi occupied by her to the above mentioned.
so 271º34 makes 271 days and 34 Ghatis,or 271.566667 days these are savana
days (Julian days or civil days)
use Days to Minutes | Kyle's Converter to Convert Days to minutes so
271.566667 days = 271 days + 816 mn or 271 days 13hrs 36 mn
it should be converted to saura days / zodiac/ Sun days of 1º exactly
so in 1 yuga 4,320,000 sideral years (1,577,517,800 days) the Sun rotates
4,320,000 x 360º or 4,320,000 x 360 saura days
so 4.320.000 × 360 = 1.555.200.000 saura days/ degrees of sun in zodiac =
1,577,517,800 civil / savana julian days
so your saura days are the degrees of the sun in the zodiac to subtract from the
Sun position
in your birth chart, so re-convert then the saura days/ sun angle in decimals to
degrees /minutes and seconds of arc;
or if you want the hard way calculation, then convert the saura degrees, minutes
and seconds of angle into days, hours, minutes and seconds of time (1º = 24
hours of Sun course in this case)
Conversion calculator - degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees @
Conversion calculator - degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees -
Calculators - AADC
Conversion calculator - decimal degrees to degrees, minutes,seconds @
Conversion calculator - decimal degrees to degrees, minutes,seconds -
Calculators - AADC
so 271.566667 days savana days x 15552000/15775178 = saura days
so 271.566667 days savana days x 0,985853 = 267,724813 saura days = 267º
43’29.33” of sun = 271 days 13hrs 36 mn theoretically
to Add Time or Subtract Time to a date and time go to; Calculator: Add to or
subtract from a date and time
From Friday, 17 February 1984 at 10:35:00 pm Subtracted 271 days, 13 hours, 36
minutes Result: Sunday, 22 May 1983 at 8:59:00 am
The Sun's motion through one tropical Rasi is one Saura month
Lesson-02: NiṣekaCalculation
There are three parts to the calculation of Niṣeka Lagna that leads to the
creation of the being, just as there are three parts to ‘auṁ’. These are Brahma
‘A’, Viṣṇu ‘U’ and Rudra ‘M’.
{tab=Viṣṇu U}
Dharma (Viṣṇu)
The complete angular distance between the start of lagna-bhāva and end of
bhāgya bhāva (9th house) is to be considered first.
Using the Parāśara Bhāva teachings, this is a fixed amount of 270° as it includes
the complete span of the first nine houses = 9×30° = 270°. This is the first rule of
niṣeka and is called the Dharma-rule (Viṣṇu) which gives the first estimate of
niṣeka date. It lays the standard pregnancy period as 270° (Parāśara bhāva) for
all creatures. The Niṣeka Period average for human beings = (270° ÷ 360°) ×
365.25 = 273 days (39 Weeks). This estimate is based on the first rule of
Parāśara. Similarly, for other creatures, this is altered proportionately.
the angular distance between the lagna and 9th bhāva can be very
small like even 250° and this can cause a terrible error in the
estimation of the niṣeka date/time. Therefore we stick to the teachings
of Parāśara in the bhāva estimation as this is the most accurate
The first day of the woman’s last normal menstrual period (LMP), and
the resulting foetal age is called the gestational age. The period
between the LMP and the Delivery is called the gestational period
and is 280 days (40 weeks average)
Copulation (niṣeka) between the couple takes place between the LMP and
the Conception date, on an average. Keeping in view that sperms can
survive about 7 days, this niṣeka date is about 7 days (average) after
the LMP. Accordingly the pregnancy period reckoned from niṣeka
(copulation) is about 7 days lessor than the gestational period. This is
provided by Parāśara at 273 days (average 39 weeks).
The date of conception (about two weeks before her next expected
menstrual period), is the Ādhāna date and the pregnancy period
measured from this date is called fertilization period. It is about
another week shorter than the niṣeka period. Average 38 weeks (266
The date of implantation (about one week after conception) giving
the delivery date at about 37 weeks.
Since these are spread over a significant period of time, the duration of
pregnancy necessarily depends on the date selected as the starting
point chosen. For jyotiṣa purposes, we use the Niṣeka and Ādhāna periods
as they alone have real relevance to the baby produced. Refer to the
picture below to understand the difference.
Dharma is Fixed
Although the average is 273 days, for all calculations we have to use the
exact 270° that covers the span from the start of lagna bhāva to the end
of the
bhāgya bhāva. This is the starting point of the calculation.
{tab=Brahma A}
Determine the longitudinal span between Manda (Saturn) and his son Māndi.
To do this, note the longitudes of Saturn and Māndi, ignoring the signs.
Please note that in both cases, we obtain a result less than 30°. Also ensure
that you are using Māndi as defined by Parāśara only i.e. end of Saturn’s
period or the beginning of śūnya.
Add the two figures obtained from (1) lagna to bhāgya bhāva and (2)
Saturn and Māndi. This is to be converted to months (māsa) etc.,
and the niṣeka moment can be determined.
U = 270°, A1 = 24°02’47.22”
Compare the results at (1) and (2). We have a difference of about 16-17
hours. This is the first estimate of the niṣeka and we can see that the
delivery as indicated by this calculation, was full term with the niṣeka
period itself being about 298 days.
{tab=Rudra M}
If the lagneśa is in the adṛṣya half of the horoscope, then the longitude of
the Moon (ignoring the signs) may be added to the sum obtained
Adṛṣya means invisible and refers to the half of the zodiac from Lagna
cusp to the 7th bhāva via 4th house. If the Lagna lord is placed in the
invisible half, then it indicates the energy of the night, and
consequently, the longitude of the Moon maybe added to get the exact
niṣeka date. The previous sum includes U=270° and A1 or A2.
What is the lagneśa is in the visible half i.e. from the cusp of 7th house to
lagna via 10th house? Intelligent people should have assumed that then,
the longitude of the Moon has to be subtracted. However, some
astrologers prefer to ignore this as Parāśara has not specifically mentioned
The third problem is for signs having two lords i.e. where one planet has
its svakṣetra and another its mūlatrikoṇa. And one of the lords is in visible
half and the other in the invisible half? Then we have to consider the
stronger of the two as the correct indicator.
If the dignity of both the planets, like exaltation etc., is the same,
then the oddity rule must be used. If lagna is an odd sign, then the
one in an even sign is stronger than the one in an odd sign.
If this is also the same, then the one in a higher longitude (ignoring
signs) is declared stronger.
In the given chart, Pisces is the lagna at 14°10’. The entire area starting
from Pisces 14°10 going zodiacally to Virgo 14°10’ is the adṛṣya portion
controlled by the Moon. Jupiter is placed in Pisces at 26°09’ which is
within this range and is therefore, in the adṛṣya portion. The dṛṣya portion
is from Virgo 14°10’ to Lagna via the tenth house Sagittarius. Ketu is in
Sagittarius in this dṛṣya portion.
Pisces is the lagna and this sign is the svakṣetra of Jupiter and
mūlatrikoṇa of Ketu. Jupiter is placed in Pisces in svakṣetra whereas
Niṣeka period in days = (274°02’49” ÷ 360°) × 365.25 = 278.04346 days = 278 days
[wpdm_file id=4] Please note that by now we have two niṣeka dates/times and we can
draw charts for these dates.
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