1.1 Background: Microeconomics Group 3 Accounting International Class Lancang Kuning University TP.2018/2019
1.1 Background: Microeconomics Group 3 Accounting International Class Lancang Kuning University TP.2018/2019
1.1 Background: Microeconomics Group 3 Accounting International Class Lancang Kuning University TP.2018/2019
1.1 Background
As we know, management science continues to grow today. Management science
provides us with an understanding of important approaches or procedures in researching,
analyzing and solving problems related to managers.
From the above definition it can be seen that Stoner has used the word "process",
not "art". Understanding management as "art" means that it is a personal ability or skill.
Whereas a "process" is a systematic way to do work. Management is defined as a
process because all managers without having to pay attention to specific skills or skills,
must carry out activities that are interrelated in achieving the desired goals.
Each view may be useful for a variety of different problems. There are three schools
of management thinking, namely:
a. Classic flow
b. Human relations flow
c. Moderate management flow
d. Quantitative flow
environment where employees live, by building houses and making roads, so that
the environment and factories become attractive. Therefore, he was called the
"Father of Personal Modem Management". In addition, Owen paid more attention
to workers, because according to him, an important investment for managers was
human resources. In addition to improving work conditions, he also made
procedures to improve productivity, such as work assessment procedures and
open competition
2. Charles Babbage (1792 -1871)
Charles Babbage was a professor of mathematics who was interested in
efforts to evaluate efficiency in the operations of a factory, by applying scientific
principles to realize increased productivity and reduced costs. He first proposed
the existence of a division of labor based on the specialization of work in
accordance with certain skills, so that work was made routine and easier to
control with a calculator. Babbage was the inventor of a mechanical calculator in
1822, called "Difference Machine", the basic principles used in calculating
machines almost a century later. In 1833 he compiled an analytical machine, an
automatic computer and was the basis of modern computers, so he was often
called the Father of Computers.
His writing is written in his book entitled "On the Economy Of Machinery
and Manufactures" (1832). He was also interested in the principle of efficiency in
the division of tasks and the development of scientific principles, to determine a
manager must use facilities, materials, and labor to get the best results. Besides
that Babbage was very concerned about human factors, he suggested there should
be a kind of profit sharing system between workers and factory owners, so that
workers get a share of the profits of the factory, if they contribute to increasing
productivity. He suggested that workers should accept fixed payments on the
basis of the nature of their work, added with profit sharing, and bonuses for every
suggestion they gave in increasing productivity.
2.3.2 Scientific Management
Scientific management figures include:
1. Frederick W. Taylor (1856 -1915)
Frederick W. Taylor is known for his scientific management in an effort to
increase productivity. His famous movement is the movement of work efficiency.
Taylor makes the principles that are the core of scientific management that is
well known for wage plans that result in lower costs and increase productivity,
quality, employment income and employee morale.
The Taylor philosophy has 4 principles that are set, namely:
1. Development of scientific management correctly.
2. Work is selected scientifically by placing work that is suitable for one job.
3. The existence of education and scientific development of workers.
4. Good cooperation between management and workers.
In applying these four principles, he advocated the need for a mental
revolution among managers and workers.
The basic principles according to Taylor approaching science are:
1. The existence of science that replaces careless work methods.
2. There is a relationship of time and group movement.
3. There is cooperation among fellow workers, and not working individually.
4. Work for maximum results.
5. Develop all employees to the highest degree, for the maximum level of
welfare of the employees themselves and the company.
Taylor's famous books are "Shop management (1930)", “Principles of
Scientific Management (1911)", and "Testimory Before Special House Comittee
(1912)". And in 1947, the three books were combined in 1 (one) book with the
title "Scientific Management.
2. HenryL Gant (1861 -1919)
The famous donations of Henay L. Grant are the daily bonus system and
extra bonuses for the foremen. He also introduced the "Charting" system which is
famous for "Gant Chart".
He stressed the importance of developing mutual relations interests between
management and employees, namely harmonious cooperation. Henry considers
that human element is very important so it underscores the importance of
teaching, developing understanding of the system on the part of employees and
management, as well as the need for respect in all management problems.
His famous method is the graphical method of describing plans and allowing
for better managerial control. By emphasizing the importance of time and cost in
planning and controlling work. This has resulted in the creation of the famous
"Gantt Chart".
Besides that, Fayol also stated fourteen management principles which are
summarized as follows:
3.1 Conclusion
The development of management theory starts from classical management theory
with scientific management thinking from Taylor and the classical organization theory
from Mayo. Scientific management emphasizes efforts to find the best method for
carrying out management tasks scientifically. While classical organizational theory
emphasizes the need to manage complex organizations that focus on efforts to establish
and apply the principles and skills underlying effective management.
The development that gives a very different focus from classical management theory
is called neoclassical management theory which is characterized by a change in
management focus that emphasizes behavior both on human behavior and organizational
behavior. Good management according to neo classical theory is management that
focuses on effective staff management based on deep sociological and psychological
The next development is by emphasizing a system approach that is united and
directed from interrelated parts or components. But now the application of management
is based on a contingency approach that combines the scientific flow with the behavior
in a system that is applied according to the situation and environment faced.
3.2 Sugestions
Based on the Management paper introductory material above, there are four main
elements that we recommend that readers pay attention to, the discussion. Because these
four elements are the parent of history so that knowledge about management is formed.