Regulations 2007: Degree of Bachelor of Engineering / Technology
Regulations 2007: Degree of Bachelor of Engineering / Technology
Regulations 2007: Degree of Bachelor of Engineering / Technology
These regulations are applicable to all candidates admitted into B.E. / B.Tech.
programmes from the academic session 2007 onwards.
2.3. The eligibility criteria such as marks, number of attempts and physical
fitness and the mode of admission shall be as prescribed by the
Syndicate of the University from time to time.
To help the students in planning their courses of study and for general
advice on the academic programme, the Head of the Department of the
students will attach a certain number of students to a teacher of the
Department who shall function as Faculty Adviser for those students
throughout their period of study. Such Faculty Adviser shall advise the
students and monitor the courses undergone by the students, check
the attendance and progress of the students attached to him / her and
counsel them periodically. If necessary, the faculty adviser may also
discuss with or inform the parents about the progress of the students.
7.1 Every class shall have a class committee consisting of teachers of the
concerned class, student representatives and a chairperson who is not
teaching the class. It is like the 'Quality Circle' (more commonly used in
industries) with the overall goal of improving the teaching-learning
process. The functions of the class committee include
7.2 The class committee for a class under a particular branch is normally
constituted by the Head of the Department. However, if the students of
different branches are mixed in a class (like first 2 semesters which is
generally common to all branches), the class committee is to be
constituted by the Principal.
7.3 The class committee shall be constituted on the first working day of
every semester or earlier.
7.4 At least 4 student representatives (usually 2 boys and 2 girls) shall be
included in the class committee.
7.5 The chairperson of the class committee may invite the Faculty
adviser(s) and the Head of the department to the meeting of the class
7.6 The Principal may participate in any class committee of the institution.
7.8 The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within one week
from the date of commencement of the semester, in order to inform the
students about the nature and weightage of assessments within the
framework of the Regulations. Two or three subsequent meetings may
be held in a semester at suitable intervals. During these meetings the
student members representing the entire class, shall meaningfully
interact and express the opinions and suggestions of the other
students of the class to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-
learning process.
9.2 Each course, both theory and practical shall be evaluated for a
maximum of 100 marks.
9.2.1 For all theory and practical courses, continuous internal
assessment will carry 20 marks while the University examination
will carry 80 marks.
9.4 For the University examination in both theory and practical courses, the
internal and external examiners shall be appointed by the University.
For all theory and practical courses the continuous assessment shall
be for a maximum of 20 marks (consisting of 15 marks for tests /
experiments and 5 marks for attendance). The above continuous
assessment shall be awarded as per the procedure given below.
i) Theory courses:
Three tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted during the
semester by the concerned Department / College. The total marks
obtained in all tests put together out of 300, shall be proportionately
reduced to 15 marks and rounded to nearest integer. This also
implies equal weightage to all the three tests.
10.2 Attendance
11.1 Ideally every student is expected to attend all classes and secure
100% attendance. However, in order to allow for certain unavoidable
reasons such as Medical / participation in sports / personal, the student
is expected to attend atleast 75% of the classes during any semester.
11.1.1 Therefore, he / she shall secure not less than 75% of overall
11.2 Candidates who do not complete the semester (as per clause 11.1),
will not be permitted to write the University examination at the end of
the semester and not permitted to go to next semester. They are
required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic year,
as per the norms provided.
13.1 A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed
for the courses with a minimum of 45% of the marks prescribed for
the end-semester University Examination in both theory and
practical courses shall be declared to have passed the
Individual mark sheet for each semester will be issued, containing the
following information through the Principal concerned, after the
publication of the results.
16.1 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 15)
having passed the examination in all the courses of all the eight
semesters (six semesters for lateral entry) in his / her first appearance
within eight consecutive semesters (six for lateral entry) and securing
an aggregate of not less than 75% of total marks (internal assessment
plus semester exam marks) in all the courses in the final six semesters
shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class with
Distinction. The authorized break of study (vide clause17 (iii)) will not
be counted for the purpose of classification.
16.2 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 15)
having passed the examination in all the courses in the final six
semesters (all the six semesters for lateral entry) within a maximum
period of eight consecutive semesters reckoned from the
commencement of study in the third semester (from first semester for
lateral entry) securing an aggregate of not less than 60% of total marks
(internal assessment plus semester exam marks) shall be declared to
have passed the examination in First Class. For this purpose the
authorized break of study (vide clause 17(iii)) will not be counted for the
purpose of classification.
16.3 All other candidates (not covered in clauses 16.1 and 16.2) who qualify
for the award of the degree (vide Clause 15) shall be declared to have
passed the examination in Second Class.
16.5 A candidate can apply for revaluation of his / her semester examination
answer paper in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of
results, on payment of a prescribed fee through proper application to
the Controller of Examinations through the Principal concerned. The
Controller of Examinations will arrange for the revaluation and the
results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the
Principal. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses.
While the training activities will normally be during week ends, the
camp will normally be during vacation period.
The University may from time to time revise, amend or change the
Regulations, scheme of examinations and syllabi if found necessary.