Ideas Rule The World - Sam Adeyemi
Ideas Rule The World - Sam Adeyemi
Ideas Rule The World - Sam Adeyemi
Rule The
Sam Adeyemi
Chapter 1
The Power of Ideas
Chapter 2
You Are What You Think You Are
Chapter 3
Ideas Are Seeds
Chapter 4
A Million-Dollar Idea
Chapter 5
Praying For Ideas
Chapter 6
Holy Spirit - Inspired Ideas
Chapter 7
The Triumph Of Ideas
Chapter 8
How to Generate Ideas
Chapter 9
Giving: the Gateway To Ideas
Chapter 10
Turn Your Ideas Into Realities
Sam Adeyemi
YOU can never rise above the level of your idea. The
quality of ideas that flow through your mind
determines the quality of your life. Whatever you
become is first created in your mind. Architects do
exactly what God does; they sit down to think. They
see clearly first in their minds the dream of a house
before they put it down in pencil. That is the process
of creation.
Characteristics Of Seeds
God gives His ideas to those who will believe and act
on them. Until we have the capacity to receive, He will
not give. That is why prayer is important. God
matches ideas with the recipients! God looked at men
of ancient Israel like Noah, Joseph and Daniel as men
who would act on their respective ideas, so he gave
ideas to them. Watch out! God will give ideas to
people who will believe them, personalize them and
act on them. God is looking for such people among us
Now in a bid to get petrol from under the soil, gas was
discovered. Also while refining petrol, it was found out
that crude oil could be refined into so many things like
diesel, kerosene and gas. You see, ideas keep giving
birth to new ones.
People decided to sew clothes to sell. They began to
sew and sell the clothes by themselves. But
somewhere along the line the business became so
large that they had to leave the selling aspect. Today,
some create clothes, others concern themselves with
selling. Ideas keep producing other ideas. My prayer
is that heaven will give us such big ideas that many
generations after us will benefit from.
"I don't think the way you think. The way you work
isn’t the way I work.” God's decree. “For as the sky
soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses
the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the
way you think. Just as rain and snow descend from
the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the
earth, Doing their work of making things grow and
blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the
hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I
sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I
gave them.1
"For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with
peace, the mountains and the hills shall break forth
into singing before you, and all the trees of the field
shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come
up the cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall
come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for
a name, for an ever lasting sign that shall not be cut
Natural Process
You too have an idea. You can sense where you will
be able to fulfill this idea. Now make that move.
Success will not come to you where you are. You
have to go to where it is. Go where your bread is.
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Chapter 1
1. 3 John 2 (New King James Version)
2. Proverbs 23:7a (New King James Version)
Chapter 2
1. Deuteronomy 8:18a (New King James Version)
2. Mark 4: 14. (The Answer Bible. New Century
3. 2 Corinthians 1 0: 4-5. (The Answer Bible. New
Century Version)
4. Isaiah 55: 8 (New King James Version)
5. I Corinthians. 2:16. Paraphrased.
6. I John 5:4 (The Message Bible)
Chapter 3
1. Genesis 1:28 (New King James Version)
2. Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)
Chapter 5
1. Gen. 30: 1b (New King James Version)
Chapter 6
1. Isaiah 55:8-11. (The Message Bible)
2. Acts 2: 16-17. (The Message Bible)
3. I Corinthians 2:7-10. (New King James
Chapter 7
1. Isaiah 55: 11. (The Message Bible)
2. Isaiah 40: 8. (New King James Version)
3. Isaiah 55: 12-13. (New King James Version)
Chapter 8
1. Jeremiah 33:3. (The Message Bible)
2. Joshua 1: 8. (New King James Version)
3. Genesis 24:63a (New King James Version)
Chapter 9
1. Malachi 3:1O. (New King James Version)
2. Used 'God' instead of 'the Lord'
3. I Kings 3:4b-5a. (New King James Version)
4. I Kings 3: 12. (New King James Version)
5. Genesis 28: 22. (The Message Bible)
6. Genesis 31: 11-13. (The Message Bible)
7. 3 John2. (New King James Version)
1. Romans 8:28. (New King James Version)
2. Proverbs 19:21. (New King James Version)
3. Romans 12:3. (New King James Version)
4. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. (New King James Version)
5. Proverbs 29: 18. (King James Version)
6. Luke 11:5-8. (New King James Version)