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Ideas Rule The World - Sam Adeyemi

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Rule The

Sam Adeyemi


Chapter 1
The Power of Ideas

Chapter 2
You Are What You Think You Are

Chapter 3
Ideas Are Seeds

Chapter 4
A Million-Dollar Idea

Chapter 5
Praying For Ideas

Chapter 6
Holy Spirit - Inspired Ideas

Chapter 7
The Triumph Of Ideas

Chapter 8
How to Generate Ideas

Chapter 9
Giving: the Gateway To Ideas
Chapter 10
Turn Your Ideas Into Realities

Man was created in the image of God. Part of this

image is the ability to create; design and construct.
God put His creativity on display in the story of
creation. The earth was empty and had no form.
Darkness covered the ocean.1 In the natural world,
things were really bad. But God had an idea. Beyond
the chaos, He saw order and beauty. He saw plants,
animals, rivers, oceans, mountains and the crown of
His creation, man. God constructed what He saw in
His mind, and it turned out to be very beautiful.

It is quite interesting to note that God stopped direct

construction on the earth after He made man. From
that point on, it was man's business to create and
recreate. The basic foundation was laid. However,
man lost a substantial proportion of his ability to
create when Adam and Eve sinned. We lost the
creative image of God.

Thank God that the whole process of decadence has

been reversed and the image of God has been
restored to man. We can continue with our
assignment of designing and constructing the other
things God had in mind but which He left for us since
the initial creation.
The essential message in this book is that we can
gain mastery over life by employing the same process
by which God solved the chaotic problem at the
beginning of creation. Our productivity is what
determines our level of influence on the earth; and the
minimum requirement for achievement is just an idea.

You can move from failure to success and from lack

to abundance by receiving ideas and by turning those
ideas into reality. The power of the human mind is on
display and you have a part to play in this. I hope that
this book will be used by God to turn you into a sign
and a wonder to your world.

Sam Adeyemi

Many years ago, in a small town in the United States,

a doctor climbed his horse and rode to a chemist's
shop. He went in through the back door. He carried in
his hand an old fashioned kettle and a wooden
paddle. He brought these items to the shop clerk with
a sheet of paper on which was written the formula for
a drink. Both of them began to bargain and eventually
the clerk gave the doctor five hundred dollars for the
items that he had come to sell. What the doctor sold
to the clerk was worth a fortune to the young clerk but
not to the doctor who gave away the items for just five
hundred dollars.

To the surprise of the clerk, the content of the kettle

which has since become a household name in the
world, began to pour forth gold. The content of the
kettle has been heard of in more places on the earth
than any gospel.

Somehow, the young clerk added something to the

kettle, the paddle and the formula. That thing, I
believe, is an idea. Today, the content of that kettle is
the greatest consumer of sugar in the world. It is
sustaining sugar plantations, the workers and their
families around the world. It is one of the world's
greatest consumers of glass and has turned the
fortune of many men around. The name of this drink
is Coca-Cola, and the name of the clerk is Asa

The same thing that the doctor placed a value of five

hundred dollars on has today assumed a value that is
difficult to estimate. The difference between the
doctor and the clerk was one idea. The doctor did not
realize that all the while he was holding the kettle, the
paddle and the formula, billions of dollars were
potentially lying in his hands. Unfortunately he did not
find the idea so he could not get the billions of dollars.
But one young man caught the idea and was able to
release the potential for the billions.

I share this story with you to make you understand

one of the basic principles of life. Before creation, this
whole world and the people in it were just an
impression on God's mind. Everything was sleeping
quietly in an idea. When you understand that simple
foundation, you lay hold on a principle that can see
you through to the fulfillment of your destiny. A great
future awaits all of us, but I want to tell you that this
future is waiting for the thoughts that God wants to
transfer into our minds. Some of us have caught
some ideas, some have not, but our future is sleeping
quietly inside these ideas.

Ideas are simply thoughts, plans or mental

impressions on the mind. However, they are more
powerful than we may understand. It may also
encourage us to know that God did not finish creation,
but only started it. He did not turn into physical reality
all of the things that were real in His mind. He gave
man the privilege and honour to help Him translate
into physical reality the remaining of those things that
are reality in the spiritual realm. The rest of creation is
waiting for us. Do you know God could have created
20 million people at the same time? He could have
built the skyscrapers we have around, the fastest
aircraft, the biggest ship and many more things. But
He left all these to us because He wants us to have
the fulfillment of being co-creators with Him. Creation
begins with an idea. Since He built us in His own
image, He has made us with the capacity to produce
thoughts and ideas, and the capacity to turn them into
physical reality.

Ideas are more powerful than the brains that produce

them because they usually outlive those brains. I want
you to understand that there are great destinies
waiting for you in God's mind! God is just waiting for
the opportunity to transfer them into your mind. The
day an idea is introduced into your mind, creation
begins. Everything visible today, for example, cars;
microphones; clothes; buildings and so on, first of all
existed in the form of an idea in some one's mind.

Every human being is potentially wealthy and

prosperous. The poor person is the one who does not
have ideas because ideas are the seeds that
guarantee a future harvest. A mango seed is
ultimately a mango forest but this will never come into
being until the mango seed is planted and it grows
into a tree. This process, when consistently repeated,
transforms the mango seed into a mango forest. I
want you to understand that lying within the range of
the faculty of your mind is a great destiny. You will not
miss it.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and

be in health, just as your soul prospers.1

The soul does not eat physical food but handles

intangible things, that is, ideas. So the prosperity of
my soul implies the prosperity of ideas in my mind.

One major way through which the devil can get

people to become poor is to make them have an idea
problem. An idea problem is a serious problem. If
people can get ideas, God says they will get the
material equivalent of those ideas. So, getting ideas is
the main thing. I have found out that money flows in
the direction of ideas. Whatever stops you from
getting an idea has already stopped you from getting
money. If a person is going to prosper, you will notice
that the first thing he gets is prosperity
consciousness. He begins to see himself from inside
as a rich person.

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." 2


YOU can never rise above the level of your idea. The
quality of ideas that flow through your mind
determines the quality of your life. Whatever you
become is first created in your mind. Architects do
exactly what God does; they sit down to think. They
see clearly first in their minds the dream of a house
before they put it down in pencil. That is the process
of creation.

I have found out that there is no one that has ever

succeeded without thinking. Anything that makes you
cut short the process of thinking is cutting you short of
your destiny. That is why I want to draw your attention
to this fundamental principle. Every form of creation
begins first in the mind. Even physical health and
sickness can be created from the mind. Doctors have
discovered that about 70 per cent of the illnesses
treated in the hospitals are due to disorders of the

Breakthroughs Begin From Ideas

Every technological breakthrough is built on the
foundation of ideas, and this is why I narrated the
story of Coca-Cola. Everything started in a kettle! The
young clerk looked at the kettle and thought: "People
are buying this thing in small quantities, why don't I
make it in a drum so that more people can buy.”
This he did and recorded increased sales.
Somewhere along the line, it is said that another man
saw that people were consuming the drink in public
places. He thought that if it was bottled and covered,
people would be able to take it home and even buy
enough supplies for a week. He sold the idea to
Coca-Cola and became wealthy through that idea.
This further proves that nobody has a money problem
but an idea problem. You can simply improve on an
old idea.

And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is

He who gives you power to get wealth. 1

If capital or connection were the most important

things, then God would have written it. Divine power
flows with ideas. If a man carefully guides the ideas in
his mind, there is nothing the devil can do about his
destiny. Once a farmer puts seeds into the soil his
destiny is guaranteed.

Where Do Words Come From?

Every word that a man pronounces is a product of an

idea - his thoughts. Words are fruits that grow out of
thoughts. Words turn back into ideas (seeds) in
people's minds. When a man invents a thing, we say
it is his brain child. This simply suggests that brains
give birth to children. You see, ideas bear the same
characteristics with physical seeds. I love to call them
dream seeds. Ideas are seeds. In fact, every physical
seed originated from a spiritual seed. Every physical
seed is traceable to the word of God. This is because
words are seeds.

The farmer is like a person who plants God’s

message in people. 2

I want us to look at the characteristics of seeds so

that we can understand ideas further.

Characteristics Of Seeds

Our quality of life can only be changed by the quality

of ideas that flow through our mind. The greatest war
a man will ever fight is that of the mind. The devil
understands this so well that he uses our mind
against us.

We fight with weapons that are different from those

the world uses. Our weapons have power from God
that can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We
destroy people’s arguments and every proud thing
that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We
capture every thought and make it give up and obey

The way God is the source of all seeds is the same

way He is the source of sound ideas. They originate
from the spiritual realm. In the beginning, there was
only one source of ideas, that is, God. Now we have
two (God and the devil).

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your

ways my ways.4

God is talking about the quality of His ideas. He says

the kind of ideas that come from Him is better and
more powerful than any other one. If it is true that
ideas rule the world, then the better the quality of your
ideas the better your dominion on the earth.

"But we have the mind of Christ." 5 We have a mind

that can think the same way God thinks - this is
unique! Unlike our natural mind which only thinks
lack, impossibilities and limitations, our renewed
minds can think miracles. The God-idea, the winning
idea that will turn your life around may first appear to
you and to people around you as impossibility. But if it
is a God-idea, it will triumph over every obstacle.

"Every God-begotten person conquers the world's

ways. The conquering power that brings the world to
its knees is our faith." 6

God gives His ideas to those who will believe and act
on them. Until we have the capacity to receive, He will
not give. That is why prayer is important. God
matches ideas with the recipients! God looked at men
of ancient Israel like Noah, Joseph and Daniel as men
who would act on their respective ideas, so he gave
ideas to them. Watch out! God will give ideas to
people who will believe them, personalize them and
act on them. God is looking for such people among us

I got the idea for Success Power on Lekki beach

Lagos, Nigeria when I became dissatisfied with where
I was. It was after three months of protracted prayer
and some days of fasting. God told me on the first day
of the fasting; “You are having problems because you
were flying over low mountains before, but now I have
brought you to the place of higher mountain tops but
you are still flying on the old level. I want you to fly

That was April, 1994. He was saying that my capacity

was too low for the ideas that He wanted to introduce
into my mind. So I was praying for the next three
months before I could take delivery of the new idea.

Once you act on an idea, it carries on with a power of

its own just like seeds begin to grow once they are
sown. God has put the power to grow in every seed.
There is nothing a farmer can do to grow a seed
himself. Seeds draw on the environment to develop
into maturity. Ideas also magnetize resources. When
God gave me the idea of Success Power, we ran an
estimate of N120, 000, less than $1,000, for the first
quarter. That was several years ago. It looked like
impossibility because there was practically no fund
but when God showed up, it happened beyond my
imagination! Ideas magnetize resources from the

The brain has been designed to produce ideas that

suit our decisions. The moment you decide, the brain
goes to work and supplies the idea of how to get what
you have decided to get when you have decided to
get it. Ideas follow decisions. To say “I do not know
how to get it” is to create problems. It shuts the brain
down. Just decide what you want and when you want
to get it. Once that is settled, the brain supplies the
“how?” That is how it has been designed to function.
How only responds to decisions. When you make up
your mind to get what you want with a deadline, God
will teach you how.

Ideas are spiritual seeds. Practically, every

experience that a man has can be described as a
fruit. The average man eats the fruits and throws the
seeds away. The fleshly part of a fruit can be likened
to our experience. But inside every experience is a
seed and the seed represents the principle that
controls the experience. If you eat a fruit and throw
the seed away, you cannot produce the fruit again.
But if you keep the seed, you can reproduce the fruit
as many times as you want.

Every human being that learns of another man's

experience but does not understand the principle
through which the man produced that experience has
thrown the seed away. He may envy the testimony
but he cannot reproduce it in his life. That is why
ideas are powerful. They are spiritual seeds. They are
fundamental principles that run through every aspect
of life. The brain is the equipment that God has given
us to capture idea-seeds from heaven and to
manufacture and produce them here on earth. Now,
as I stated earlier, when a man invents a thing, we
say it is his brainchild. This means that brains
produce children. In the story of creation, God told
Adam: “Be fruitful.” 1
We initially thought that it only referred to child
production but obviously it is much more than that.
The principle applies to other seeds like maize,
guinea corn, cocoa and so on. God was telling Adam:
“Your destiny is now tied to what you do with all the
seeds around you. The more you work with these
seeds, the greater your dominion." One thing is also
clear from the first chapter of the creation story: God
did not finish creation. He only did the basic work and
left the rest to Adam. God carefully designed and put
the shirt Adam would wear in crude oil; the wool he
would wear on the back of animals; the furniture items
he would need were inside trees; they were all waiting
for the day man would begin to produce brain
children. Everything is waiting for ideas.

Since that first week that God created, He has not

done any new thing. Everything we will ever need in
this world He had hidden already in the basic things
He created at the beginning. So God tied Adam's
destiny and those of his descendants to the
brainchildren they produce.

The chair we sit on is somebody's brainchild; the

vehicle we ride is somebody's brainchild; the bath tub
in which we have our bath is somebody's brainchild;
the house in which we live is somebody's brainchild,
the design of the cloth we have on is somebody's
brainchild; even our hair style is somebody's
brainchild. We have been consuming other people's
brain children and they have been taking our money
in return. The big question today is: Where are our
own brain children? The world is waiting to pay for our
brain children. We have hitherto accomplished great
things in producing physical children. It is time for us
to bear spiritual and mental wonders.

Our brains are machines specially designed for the

reception and production of ideas. If God has
designed your own brain machine to produce musical
children, by the time you sing and package your
songs into a demonstration cassette, you have been
fruitful - that is your brainchild. When you now put that
cassette in a duplicator and produce 10,000 copies,
you have multiplied it. To “replenish the earth"2
means to fill up empty space. When you begin to
circulate to every house, you are covering new
grounds. By listening to your music, you conquer
people's minds thus "subduing the earth.”

Of course, you will not send out 10,000 cassettes for

free. People will pay for them and with the money you
can have a measure of dominion. You can eat as
much food as you want; buy the clothes you want; live
in the kind of house that you want. That is the way
God has designed life to be.

So, when I preach a message, I am producing a

brain child. What I preach, is packaged in a cassette
and multiplied for people to buy. Then we replenish
the earth by distributing the cassettes around the
Every idea, like a seed, has a divine time to grow to
maturity. The moment a maize seed is sown, it begins
to grow and matures in ninety days, so different kinds
of ideas have different maturity periods. The moment
you catch an idea, your future success is absolutely
guaranteed, because people with seeds have a
harvest waiting for them in the future. The most
miserable of all men is the man who does not have
any idea that he is pursuing.

Not having any hope of a harvest in the next three or

six months is the greatest source of frustration in this
world. The man who sows cocoa seeds, knows that it
will take years for it to mature, but that hope keeps
him alive, while he waits for the day he will sell this
cocoa to make money. But the man who is not busy
sowing any idea must be a frustrated man; he does
not understand why he needs to wake up every
morning. He will find his job very boring.

Those who do not generate ideas will always have to

serve those who do. Because we only rise to the level
of our idea, Seek to become an idea generator
yourself. The best workers I have found around are
those who have built their minds or cultivated their
imaginations to produce ideas for themselves. I have
found out that those who produce ideas never lose
hope; their minds keep producing ideas in the jobs
they are given to do. We need more of such people
who are not just seeking jobs but can create jobs for
others. If you see a man who has a productive mind,
he creates more work than he himself can handle.

One other thing, ideas never end, they keep on

reproducing. Just like a maize seed will reproduce
other maize seeds and those seeds will give birth to
other seeds. That is exactly the way it is with ideas.
Ideas hardly terminate. I have discovered that when
you work on an idea, it produces other ideas. Ideas
hardly die; they give birth to new ones. Dr. Robert
Schuler once said "We may be able to count the
number of seeds in an apple, but we can never count
the number of apples in a seed." It is the same with
an idea.

Henry Ford got an idea to produce a car that the

common man would be able to ride. However, as his
idea was becoming a reality and he began to churn
out thousands of cars, there was a new idea that was
growing alongside- the petroleum industry. The car
had to use fuel. So all over the world, the number one
industry was the automobile industry and then the
petroleum industry. Henry Ford was not looking for
petrol. That was not his idea. His idea was a car but
that idea gave birth to another one.

Now in a bid to get petrol from under the soil, gas was
discovered. Also while refining petrol, it was found out
that crude oil could be refined into so many things like
diesel, kerosene and gas. You see, ideas keep giving
birth to new ones.
People decided to sew clothes to sell. They began to
sew and sell the clothes by themselves. But
somewhere along the line the business became so
large that they had to leave the selling aspect. Today,
some create clothes, others concern themselves with
selling. Ideas keep producing other ideas. My prayer
is that heaven will give us such big ideas that many
generations after us will benefit from.

Interestingly, indecision is the problem many people

have. I will share with you briefly the story of a man.
This man, a Reverend, had been dreaming of building
a school but all he did was say: "If only I had a million
dollars, I would build a school.”

One Saturday afternoon, he sat in his room thinking of

the means of raising the money to carry out his plan.
For nearly two years, he had been thinking but had
done nothing. He made up his mind then and there
that he would get the one million dollars within a
week. How? He was not concerned about that. The
main thing was the decision to get the money at a
specific time.

The moment he reached a decision to get the money

at a specified time, a strange feeling of assurance
came over him. Something in him seemed to say:
"Why didn't you reach that decision a long time ago?
The money was waiting for you all the time.”

Things began to happen in a hurry. He called the

newspapers and announced that he would preach a
sermon the next morning about what he would do if
he had a million dollars. He went to work on the
sermon immediately, but the task was not difficult
because he had been preparing that sermon in his
heart for almost two years. Long before midnight, he
had finished preparing the sermon. He went to bed
with a feeling of confidence, for he could see himself
already in possession of the million dollars.

Next morning he rose early, read the sermon, knelt on

his knees and asked that his sermon may draw the
attention of someone who will supply the needed
money. While he was praying, again he had that
feeling of assurance that the money would be
forthcoming. In his excitement, he walked out without
the sermon notes and did not discover until he was on
the pulpit and ready to begin delivering it. It was too
late to go back for his notes. He said it was a blessing
that he could not go back because his subconscious
mind yielded the materials he needed.

When he began the sermon, he closed his eyes and

spoke with all his heart and soul of his dreams. He not
only talked to his audience but also to God. He told
them what he would do with a million dollars if that
amount was ever placed in his hands. He described
the plan he had in mind to organise a great
educational institution where young people would
learn to do practical things and at the same time
develop their minds.

When he had finished and sat down, a man arose

from his seat about three rows from the rear and
made his way towards the pulpit. Dr. Gunsaulus, the
preacher, wondered what the man was coming to do.
The man came to the pulpit, extended his hands and
said: "Reverend, I like your sermon, I believe you can
do everything you said you would do if you had a
million dollars. To prove that I believe in you and your
sermon, if you will come to my office tomorrow
morning, I will give you the million dollars. My name is
Philip D. Armour.”

Dr Gunsaulus made up his mind Saturday morning

and got the money on Monday morning. To think that
he had been preparing for two years! You see, when
you create the road for financial blessings to come,
you wonder what you have been doing all the while
and where the money was all the time. It literally

Make up your mind. Get dissatisfied with where you

are now. There are greater thoughts and ideas
waiting to be released from heaven into our lives. I
have made up my mind that I will not die in
mediocrity; that the poverty that has besieged Africa
will have no part or place in my life; that I am starting
a new generation. My mind is made up. I am a
champion and I will be a shining light. To many of us,
our experience has been such that after trying some
ideas and seeing that they did not work, we get
frustrated. But you have to hold on to your decisions.
Refuse to compromise with the present situation of
your life. A great future awaits you!

This is my challenge to you today; you have

consumed other people's brain children, where are
your own? I love the prayer of a barren woman called
Rachael in the Bible. She told her husband, Jacob:

"Give me children, or else I die."1

Of course, her prayer was misdirected; only God

could open her womb. But she had the basic
ingredient - a strong desire.

I also have a strong desire for a productive mind. I

refuse to have a barren mind. Infertility of the mind
can be worse than infertility of the land. It is my
opinion that our country is in debt because the
average person consumes more than he produces.
How? We are eating other people's brain children.
Our level of import is extremely high compared to
export. I have discovered that the developed nations
were at a time not as developed as our country is
now. If we decide to think straight like they decided to
do, we shall surpass where they are today a hundred
years from now.

Japan came from default in World War II, a country

that has few natural resources. It does not even have
landmass; it is a combination of Islands. But it
discovered an important secret, that lack of money is
not as bad as lack of ideas. So the first thing it did
was to change its mind set. Now we are paying for its

Our nation is not poor, it is one of the wealthiest

nations in the whole world and it seems to me that
God has specially packaged our brains. Whenever we
have all necessary materials at our disposal, we excel
in any part of the world. So, if we decide to think
straight, in fifty years' time, the face of this country will
have turned around and a hundred years from now,
our grandchildren will be giving God thanks for our
lives. Our limitation is not a function of our condition; it
is a function of our decision.

"I don't think the way you think. The way you work
isn’t the way I work.” God's decree. “For as the sky
soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses
the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the
way you think. Just as rain and snow descend from
the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the
earth, Doing their work of making things grow and
blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the
hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I
sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I
gave them.1

God is the source of the highest quality of ideas.

Since ideas rule the world, God is certainly ruling the
world through superior ideas. When we are connected
to God, we have access to superior ideas. God's word
says that God gives seeds to the sower. Most of us
ask for bread, but what He wants to give is seed.
When we ask for one million dollars, He prepares an
idea that will yield the needed one million dollars.
Ideas are seeds that hold the potential for our
blessing. Many of us want the bread but not the seed.
So God says:
"This is the order; I give the seed before I give the
bread; the reason why I cause rain to fall from heaven
is so that I may be able to give seed to the sower."
You see, rain is a symbol of God's Spirit. Many do not
understand the power in praying in other languages.
But explaining the experience, one man of God called
Peter said:

"This is what the prophet, Joel announced would

happen. “In the last days,” God says, “I will pour out of
my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will
prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will
see visions, your old men dream dreams.” 2

Peter was saying simply that when we are filled with

God's Spirit, we get divinely-inspired ideas. Until the
building of the Tower of Babel in the Bible, the whole
earth had been of one language. The people then
decided to build a tower and a city whose top would
reach heaven. They were on a purpose that was in
contradiction to God's purpose. But God declared that
nothing could restrain them from turning their ideas
into reality, so God confused their language. God
confused man's language so as to affect his
imagination. The confusion of language made it
difficult for them to sustain the idea of the building of
the tower.

However, God has unified all of human languages

again by the power of His Spirit. When man's
language was confused, it was to make sure that men
would not be able to sustain their idea. But when God
united man's language through the gift of praying in
other tongues, He also gave men the power to
reproduce ideas again. This gift came with visions
and dreams; fresh ideas from heaven. So when God
says that He causes the rain to fall so as to give seed
to the sower, it can be likened to the filling of His
Spirit. It enables us to receive visions and dreams that
the ordinary human mind cannot capture.

"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the

hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages
for our glory; which none of the rulers of this age
knew: for had they known, they would not have
crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written: “Eye
has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to
us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all
things, yes, the deep things of God." 3

Those of us in this last generation of the world are

greatly privileged, we can contact new revelations and
dreams from heaven like no other generation has
ever experienced.

It is stated above that eyes have not seen, ears have

not heard and it has never entered the heart of any
man, the things that God has privileged us to receive
in our days. There is great wisdom waiting for us. If
the devil had got a glimpse of these things, he would
not have killed the King of glory. But I thank God that
the sacrificial death of Christ is irreversible, hence,
your success in life is irreversible. The passage also
states that He has revealed these things to us by His
Spirit. When the rain falls, the seed is supplied. When
the Spirit comes, ideas flow to us.

“So will the words that come out of my mouth not

come back empty-handed. They'll do the work I sent
them to do; they'll complete the assignment I gave
them." 1

God's ideas will always ultimately triumph. Whatever

idea God gives a man, there is nothing hell can do
about it. Divinely- inspired ideas may go through
rough times, they may face difficult challenges, but
they will always ultimately triumph. Whatever vision or
dream heaven has given you, if you will patiently and
persistently pursue it, your success is guaranteed.
God's ideas rule in our world.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of

our God stands forever." 2

In the parable of the sower, it was explained that the

seeds fell on different kinds of soil. Some fell by the
way side and the birds came and ate them. The devil
and his demons are dream-eaters, they are idea-
killers. They hate new divinely-inspired ideas. That is
why I say that if you have dreams and you openly
confess them you must get ready for a rough time,
especially if your idea is from God.

You may experience all kinds of things. Some people

who are close to you may fight you because of your
dream. This world has been so corrupted by the devil;
it does not encourage good ideas. Most of those who
invented the things that we enjoy today faced
opposition when they were starting. Marconi who
discovered the properties in a chemical called ether is
the one who has made it possible for us to watch
television and listen to radio today. When this man
spoke about the possibility of receiving a message
from someone in another town without the use of
wires his friends arrested him and took him to a
psychiatric hospital. The first man to dare say that the
earth was circular and not flat was burnt at the stake
by the church of his day. These people may have died
but their ideas did not die.

Every God-given idea will ultimately triumph.

When God releases an idea into the heart of a man

who believes in it, and can live and die for it, the idea
will not return to God void, it will accomplish that
which it has been sent to do. Some people around us
today are afraid to launch out with their dream
because they are afraid of what people will say.

A professor of Mechanical Engineering once declared

that it was impossible for man to design a machine
that would fly in the air. That statement turned out to
be incorrect. The Wright brothers proved him wrong
by inventing a machine that could fly. God's ideas will
always ultimately triumph.
Joseph in ancient Israel was living a normal life until
he got an idea that he would one day be a leader; all
hell broke loose. His brothers hated him. But I love
this man. He did not give up. He kept on dreaming.
There are people like that who have so conditioned
their minds that the harder the situation, the bigger
their dreams will be. Jacob's brothers hated him but
he dreamed yet another dream.

What we need now are not people who will describe

how bad and how terrible the situation is. We need
dreamers. The world owes its dreamers because they
are the ones who create a better future for us. If there
were no dreamers, this whole world would have
perished long ago.
Thank God for late President Jack Kennedy of the
United States. In 1960, he called scientists together
and gave them ten years to make man to land on the
moon. He was ready to give them every single dollar
they needed. They accomplished the feat in nine
years. The world is waiting for dreamers. If someone
had not dreamt of the microphone, would we have got

Thomas Edison saw the light bulb in his mind. It had

first been an idea in his mind before it became a
reality. He began to carry out the experiment. After
five thousand failed attempts, his apprentice looked at
him and said: "Sir, we have failed five thousand times,
why don't we give up on this assignment?" Mr. Edison
looked at him and said: "Young man, we have not
failed five thousand times, we have only learnt five
thousand ways in which it will not work. We are closer
to the answer now than when we started." After ten
thousand experiments, he got it. You see, when God
gives you an idea, it will triumph if you do not give up.

Remember Joseph, he was sold as a slave by his

brothers. He landed in Portiphar's house, as a slave.
Then he landed in prison. He went through hell, but
eventually he landed in the palace. You see, when
you hold on to your dreams, everything the devil does
against you will eventually be turned to your
advantage. Your test will become your testimony.
Some of us have canned our God-given ideas and
suspended them on the shelf. They may have
gathered dust, but today we are going to lay hold on
them, reactivate and run with them.

"For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with
peace, the mountains and the hills shall break forth
into singing before you, and all the trees of the field
shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come
up the cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall
come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for
a name, for an ever lasting sign that shall not be cut

Fulfillment comes when you turn your ideas into

physical realities. There is a point you get to with your
God-given idea that the people and things that had
hindered you will begin to celebrate you. You should
understand that those who have told you that your
venture is impossible are the same people who will
come to tell you that they always knew you were
going to make it. Whereas, they may have greatly
criticized you before; they will eventually celebrate

Definite Goals Inspire Ideas

Definite purpose produces ideas. You must know

what you want in life. Ideas come to us to the
measure of the goals we have set. They are usually
not greater, so find out your major purpose in life. If I
did not know that God had called me to minister
internationally, I would have settled for little
achievements today. But my God ordained purpose is
global in dimension and so are the ideas I get.
Wisdom is profitable to direct and wisdom is the
principal thing. We should ask for divine ideas before
we ask for any other thing. God will give us ideas.
With those ideas backed by the power of God, we will
rule the world.

You Can Sell Ideas

I love the job of salesmen. The master salesman has

discovered the secret that where a product will not
sell, an idea will sell. They sell more ideas than they
sell products and services. The ordinary salesman
does not know that. He is busy struggling and
suffering frustration every day trying to sell his
product. When we buy products, it is not just the
content we buy, we buy the idea. That is why
manufacturers are very serious about their packaging.
When we buy some items, we buy the idea they have
sold to us through their advertisement. Most of them
try to sell to us the idea that we will be more
successful when we use their product. This explains
why they spend so much money on advertising
probably more than the products themselves.

A publisher was trying to sell a book. It had a fantastic

title, but people did not buy it. The publisher changed
the cover design and the book became an instant hit.
What was the difference?

An idea. So whoever bought the book did not actually

buy the content but the new idea. Ideas are very
important. May God open our eyes to this rich secret
of heaven.

How do we get ideas? I have classified the means

into two: the ordinary process and the extraordinary
process. But first, if you are going to get new ideas, it
is essential that you eradicate negative thinking from
your mind. Impossibility thinking must be sent to jail.
You will not be able to produce creative ideas if you
think negatively. So the word "impossible" must be
deleted from your vocabulary. All of the body
functions, including the brain, are controlled by words.

Scientists discovered several years ago that the

nerves at the speech centre of the brain control the
nerves that control all the other parts of the body. So
once a word is spoken, the whole body responds
accordingly. Negative speech and negative thinking
are major reasons why some people will not receive
the ideas that will launch them into breakthrough
because their minds cannot nurture creative ideas. If
you want ideas, then prepare your mind for them.

Every day, I keep breaking new frontiers and

expanding the territories of my mind. I expect
breakthrough ideas.

Sometimes we do not attempt great things for lack of

money. If only we knew that it is the quality of ideas
that flow through our minds that matters. Ideas
magnetize resources. We must never say that things
are impossible.

The great French General, Napoleon was going to

carry out an invasion. One young officer came to him
and said "Sir, this mission is impossible." The general
turned to him and said: “The word 'impossible' can
only be found in the dictionary of fools." In reality,
nothing is impossible. Impossibility only exists in the
mind. Let us prepare our minds for miracles. When
we are prepared, I will recommend the following steps
for receiving ideas.

Natural Process

1. Identify a need. Find a need and fill it. For example,

people need to wear clothes, make the clothes. The
problem with the average person is that our inner
eyes are closed. One man's problem is another man's
opportunity. Some people only see the problem and
never see the opportunity. We love to dance and sing.
That creates the need for music and musical
instruments. We need to get ideas to meet the variety
of needs around us. We have needs with respect to
housing, transportation, communication, recreation,
feeding, information, etc.

2. Simplify an existing process or product. For

example, cables have been used for telephone but
now we do not need cables. Someone got the idea for
a wireless phone system. Sit down in your office and
think of how your work can be done in a simpler way.
Think of how you can improve on the current methods
and equipment employed in your field.

3. Adapt another idea. You may see a fast-food

business that is doing very well in London and move
over to reproduce the same thing with some slight
modification to suit your environment.

4. Create a need. Before, man used water to entertain

visitors but now we use soft drinks. Man is not born
with the innate desire for soft drinks. Its general
acceptance by the populace has made it a standard
requirement for entertainment. The need for soft
drinks was created by man.

5. Exposure. Reading, traveling and asking questions

help to arrange and re-arrange thoughts in our mind.


All the methods in the ordinary process use the five

senses. But with respect to the extraordinary process,
we receive information from the invisible realm. The
greatest ideas that man will ever know are the ones
coming from the invisible realm. We must cultivate our
minds and faculties to be able to receive from that
realm. Some have called it the sixth sense. Some call
it intuition. In the church, we call it the voice of the
Spirit. It is the ability to receive what the five senses
cannot know. Let us develop our faculties to be able
to receive ideas from heaven. The winning ideas of
your life will have to be revealed to you from heaven.

How do we condition our mind to receive supernatural


1. Prayer. Dr. Robert Schuller says: "Sow a prayer,

reap an idea."

"Call to me and l will answer you. I'll tell you

marvelous and wondrous things that you could never
figure out on your own.” 1

2. Meditation on the word of God. The greatest idea

resource book in the whole world is the Bible. It puts
God's creativity on display. It demonstrates how God
resolved so many seemingly impossible situations.
The word of God establishes one fact that there is
always a way. Meditating on it prepares our minds to
receive inspired ideas from God.

"This book of the law shall not depart from your

mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that
you may observe to do according to all that is written
in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and
then you will have good success." 2
Along with meditation on the Bible, there is the need
for general meditation. Take some time out to think.
Great works are products of great thoughts.

"And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the

evening.” 3

Ten minutes of thinking can be worth more than ten

hours of misdirected efforts. Life pays you according
to the quality of your thought. It is mental work
expressed through physical work that guarantees
quality results. That is smart work and smart work
yields better returns than mere hard work.

3. Giving. It is clearly established in the Bible that

giving provokes a flow of ideas from God. We shall
discuss this in greater detail in the next chapter.

God has tied our destinies to the quality of ideas that

flow through our minds. Man can never rise above the
quality of his ideas. This whole world was first an idea
in God's mind before it became a reality. Hence, an
idea is the beginning of the process of all creations.
Every new thing that will be created in this world will
always begin with an idea. God has so designed life
that the future lies in the ideas that we have today.

There is the story of a set of twins abandoned in an

uncompleted building just after their birth. John and
Greg Rice were adopted by a Christian couple after
nine months. They each grew to be three foot tall.
While they were in high school, their guardian died
and things seemed to be working against them.
However the foundation of basic Godly principles was
laid in their hearts. They soon grew up and went into
Real Estate business in 1979. Their company is
named "Think Big Incorporated." Today, they are
multi-millionaires and are among the highest-paid
motivational speakers in America. They have proven
that wealth does not respond to your height or
physical size or weight but to your spiritual and mental
size. If we want improvement in our lives, we must
improve on the thoughts and ideas that flow through
our mind.
My life changed the day God's Spirit spoke to my
heart and said: "It is true that ideas rule the world, but
I operate by superior ideas. I want to rule the world
through your life and this I am going to do by
transferring superior ideas into your mind” I have
agreed to rule the world with Him. It is the
demonstration of wisdom today that will make the
devil to regret all that he did.

Now let us look closely at one gem of wisdom from

God's word:

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there

may be food in my house, and try me now in this,"
says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the
windows of heaven and pour out for you such
blessing that there will not be room enough to receive

I have been interested in this statement for some

time. God will open the windows of heaven. Do
material things or money drop from heaven?
Obviously not. What happens then when God opens
the windows of heaven? In the ancient times, when
God opened the windows of heaven, rain fell and the
earth became productive. Rain is a symbol of God's
Spirit. I believe that, nowadays whenever God opens
the heavens, He pours out His Spirit, and when the
Spirit comes, He manifests in six ways, namely,
wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge
and the fear of God
These manifestations of God's Spirit can be
categorized into two:

(a) Divine ideas - wisdom, understanding, counsel,

knowledge and fear of the Lord.

(b) Divine power - might.

When a man gives to God, the Holy Spirit gives him

power to prosper and wisdom to operate. The
"blessing" in the above statement refers to divine
ideas and divine power. God talks in terms of
potential. He sees things not just the way they are,
but the way they could be.

This is the illustration God gave me:

If after giving to God, God gives you a mango seed,
He has actually given you a plantation. For after the
mango seed is planted, it produces a tree which bears
fruits containing seeds. If all the seeds are planted,
you have more trees and ultimately a plantation.
Since I got this understanding, my expectation has
changed each time I give to God. I expect a flow of
divine ideas and divine power in my life. The fact that
you will receive monetary reward after giving to God
should not be in doubt at all. But ideas that make the
earth produce are the major means by which God will
pour His blessings into your life.

R.G. Le Tourneau, a multi-millionaire in the United

States, once operated by this principle. He said that
when he became a believer, he noticed that new
roads were constantly being created in America and
the equipment being used in moving the sand were
very small. It took them a long time to move earth. He
wondered what was to be done. As he began to pay
tithes, he began to see designs of heavy equipment in
his dreams. He brought together industrial architects
to whom he described what he saw. Then they
brought out the designs.

He noticed that whenever he stopped paying tithes

the dreams stopped coming. God's Spirit told him that
the ideas were in response to the tithes he was giving
and that God would bless him through those ideas.
After some time, Le Tourneau made the mistake of
not paying his tithe. The company went into deficit by
the same amount that should have been paid for
tithes. After the payment of this backlog, the dreams
continued. Giving to God is our gateway to divine
There is a clear difference between good ideas and
God ideas. Not all good ideas are God ideas but all
God ideas are good ideas. Divinely-inspired ideas
have made a world of difference in my life. So
whenever I pay my tithe, I expect fresh insights from
God. This is why the Holy Spirit gets people to give
more today than ever before. Though it is grossly
criticized by the world but this is God's wisdom in
operation. Mr. Le Tourneau later raised his tithe to 90
per cent of his income. The 10 per cent remaining
was sufficient for him all through his life time. You
need to understand that when we give money which
is a physical seed, God gives us ideas which are
spiritual seeds. Let me give two examples from the
Solomon, the wisest king in ancient Israel, operated
by this principle.

"Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that

altar. At Gibeon, God 2appeared to Solomon in a
dream by night; and God said, 'Ask! what shall I give
you. "3
King Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding
and God gave him a new heart.

"Behold, I have done according to your words; see, I

have given you a wise and understanding heart, so
that there has not been anyone like you before you,
nor shall any like you arise after you."4

Solomon gave an unusual offering to God. He gave a

thousand sheep and God responded by appearing to
him in a dream. God gave him a blank cheque. This is
the genesis of the wisdom and wealth of Solomon. He
gained access to divine ideas.

The second example is that of Jacob, one of the

ancient patriarchs of Israel. At Bethel, Jacob
committed himself to God and promised to pay a tithe.
'This stone that I have set up as a memorial pillar will
mark this place as a place where God lives. And
everything you give me, I'll return a tenth to you."5
As an employee, Jacob became a very resourceful
man because powerful ideas were flowing in his mind.
Hence, his employer requested that he should fix his
salary by himself. You see, you can come to a point
where you become a partner with your employer,
when your employer discovers that you are a genius
and that you operate by unique wisdom. Eventually
Jacob became wealthier than his uncle, Laban. Jacob
while explaining to his wives the secret of his lifting
had this to say:
"In the dream an angel of God called out to me,
'Jacob.' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Watch closely. Notice
that all the goats in the flock that are mating are
streaked, speckled and mottled. I know what Laban's
been doing to you. I'm the God of Bethel where you
consecrated a pillar and made a vow to me.” 6
God delivered Jacob from economic bondage of his
uncle through the supply of supernatural ideas. What
Jacob saw was a miracle. In the natural, it was plain-
colour cows that were mating before the watering
troughs. But in the spiritual realm, which God opened
Jacob's eyes to see, there was divine intervention.
God brought spotted spiritual cows, to mate with
plain-colour ones. Contrary to the law of reproduction,
plain coloured cows gave birth to spotted cows. And
according to Jacob's agreement with his uncle,
Laban, the spotted ones were Jacob's salary. Jacob
became wealthy. You see, God-inspired ideas can
never fail.

The principle of transfer of wealth is scriptural. The

only means by which God will do it is through the
supply of ideas as He did to Jacob. It is not that some
huge amount will disappear from someone's account
only to appear in ours. God is not a magician. Note
that those supernatural ideas had been revealed to
Jacob because he promised to pay tithes. Do not
classify a man who does not have money as a poor
man, but the one who is deficient of ideas. That is the
most miserable of all men.
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and
be in health, just as your soul prospers." 7

The poor man is one who is not prospering in his soul.

However, the word of God is a wonderful tool for
repairing the mind to receive divine ideas. As soon as
I began to understand the scripture, God began to
open my mind to ideas that I could never have
imagined. Now I expect divine ideas daily.

The supernatural realm is a world of possibilities. As

you open up to heaven, I pray that God will release
into your mind the ideas that will bring transformation
into all areas of your life.

As a human being, you have not only been given the

capacity to dream or to get ideas, but also you have
the God-given capacity to turn these ideas into reality.
It is a very fulfilling experience for you to see in
physical manifestation, the things that were once
thoughts or ideas in your mind. I will like to share with
you some tips that will help you to transform your
ideas into reality.


Stay within the area where heaven's resources are

guaranteed. And that area is the area of your divine

'All things work together for good to those who love

God, to those who are the called according to His

Heaven's resources are guaranteed when you stay in

line with God's assignment for your life. More
importantly, you are designed to fulfill your purpose;
your mind is designed to cultivate specific kinds of
idea seeds. It is not every soil that is okay for every
kind of seed. So it is good for you to focus your mind
on your area of specialization.
"There are many plans in a man's heart nevertheless,
the Lord's counsel- that will stand." 2

Not every idea is a God-idea. It may be a good idea

but that does not make it a God-idea. But whatever
originates from God is guaranteed to succeed. So I
will encourage you to stay in the area of your natural
gift and specialty.

“For i say, through the grace given to me, to

everyone who is among you, not to think of himself
more highly than he ought to think, but to think
soberly as God has dealt to each one a measure of
faith." 3

I encourage you to stay in the area where you have

supernatural confidence; that area where you feel that
you cannot fail. I want you to understand that your gift
is not inferior to that of anybody else.

There is a particular way your mind works. You may

have been designed to produce ideas in the area of
music; it may be in engineering designs; it may be
interior decoration; it may be furniture. Whatever it
may be, it is very important that you stay in the area
of your gift and do not feel inferior about your gift. You
will only shine in the area of your gifting.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good

reward for their labour. For if they fall, one will lift up
his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he
falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie
down together, they will keep warm; but how can one
be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by
another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord
is not quickly broken." 4

There is power in association. Remember, Adam had

seeds in him but he had no womb to carry and nurture
those seeds. That is why he needed somebody else.
God said, "I will provide him a helper.”

There are helpers that God has provided, whose skills

and expertise will help the fulfillment of your own
dream and desire. There are people whose minds are
designed just like a woman's womb to help actualize
your dream.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish." 5

It is also true that where there are no people, the

vision will also likely perish. The first assignment of
Jesus Christ on earth was recruitment. As soon as
His ministry started, He began to recruit. That is why it
is important for you to develop people skills. If you
want to have friends, you must make yourself friendly.

Nothing moves until you move. It is good for us to

dream and to get ideas but we must know when to
wake up from those dreams and turn them into reality.
One of Newton's laws of motion says that all objects
remain in a state of rest until a force is applied. You
have to realize that if you see anything around
working, there is somebody behind it who is making it
to work. The world only moves for the man who
moves himself so make that move today. And just like
a sport company says, just do it.

"And He said to them, “which of you shall have a

friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him,
'friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has
come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set
before him';
“And he will answer from within and say, 'do not
trouble me; for the door is now shut, and my children
are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you.’
“I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him
because he is his friend, yet because of his
persistence he will rise and give him as many as he
needs. 6

Just like the man in this story, l want to encourage

you to go where the bread is. This man was in dire
need. He had an idea; the idea was to get bread for
his guest. He knew where the bread was. He went
where the bread was.

You too have an idea. You can sense where you will
be able to fulfill this idea. Now make that move.
Success will not come to you where you are. You
have to go to where it is. Go where your bread is.

If God has given you a prophetic idea or promise or

you have had a dream that you will catch a whale, do
not think you will catch the whale fishing around in the
stream behind your house. Go where the whale is.
You may have to take some big risks, take it; but
whatever happens, do not sit down, get moving.
The other important fact is that you may not get what
you want the first time. The man in our story asked his
friend to lend him three loaves of bread but the
answer that came from within was: 'I cannot rise to
give it to you.' Well, life seems to behave that way
sometimes. You just may not get what you are looking
for the first time but it does not mean you will not get it
the second or the third or the fourth time.

I want to encourage you to learn to handle failure and

to overcome rejection. That you did not get it the first
time does not make you a failure and should not turn
you into a failure. You must develop the mind set that
realizes that success grows out of failure. Do not hit
yourself on the head with a bat and run yourself down
and criticize yourself unnecessarily because you
missed it the first time.

It is also important that you learn to deal with

rejection. 'No' does not mean that you have failed.
'No' just means you should come back the next time
or you should try it in a different way. You must learn
to overcome rejection.

The verse concluded the story by saying that though

the man did not give his friend the loaves of bread
because they were friends; he had to do it because of
the man's persistence.
I want you to realize also that if you will not give up, if
you will keep trying, eventually, you will get everything
you want in this life. I encourage you today, start that
company, register that business, take that shop, go to
that person who could be of help, write that
examination. Just do it and keep on and on until you

"It is not over until it is over.”


If you are in a difficult situation right now; if you have

a problem; if things have not turned out exactly the
way you want, please take comfort in this fact that
God once had a problem just like you. God created
the heaven and the earth. But the earth turned out to
be without form and void, there was darkness
everywhere. However, God got a miracle out of the
situation and things turned around. I believe that you
too are about to experience a breakthrough. As
terrible as the situation was, the Spirit of God was still
moving. That is one thing you must realize. God is still
moving over your life. Once you get the right
condition, He will swing into action. More than
anybody else, God is interested in your success.

Secondly, God had new ideas. In the darkness, He

saw the possibility of light. Beyond the chaos, He saw
order and beauty. He saw seas, rivers, animals, trees,
birds and many other things. He saw a new creation.
He called out what He saw and translated them into
physical reality. Now, you are a co-creator with God.
He wants to fill your heart and mind with those ideas
and dreams that will re-create your destiny. You can
open up to Him. His ideas will lift you to the top.
Together with God you will rule in the world, with
sound ideas.

Take time to pray. Ask God to remove the greatest

barrier between Him and man that is, sin. Ask for
wisdom. Worship God. Spend time in His presence.
Meditate in His word. Read as much as you can. Give
to God's work. Give to men of God. Give to the poor.
Give to your family.

A sage once said that there is something more

powerful than all the armies in the world put together,
and that is an idea whose time has come. By God's
prophetic timing, this is the moment for some powerful
ideas to break into the natural realm. At least one is
designed to come through you. Act on the content of
this book. Get ready. It is your turn to succeed!


God is our power source. Without the flow of His

divine grace, we malfunction and life becomes
tedious. The thing that stops the flow of His grace is
sin. Until sin came, man did not know sickness, failure
and poverty. Thank God the price has been paid for
our sins. Just acknowledge that Jesus Christ died and
rose on your behalf. Accept Him as the Saviour and
Lord of your life. You will experience a change in your
heart. Say this prayer with me right now:

Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for me on the cross. I

ask that you forgive me my sins. You are my Lord
from today. Thank you for saving me.

This outstanding motivational outfit was inaugurated

in 1995. The dream was borne out of a passion to
help individuals realize their purpose and destiny in
life, impart them with knowledge that will help them
discover, develop, release and maximize their latent

The organization, headed by Sam Adeyemi intends to

raise and sustain the morale, strength and capability
of the human spirit in an economic and social
environment that has done all to challenge the
realization of even the brightest potentials.

Its programs explore the time proven biblical laws of

success and reconcile them to prevailing social and
economic realities. This is being achieved through:
1. Success Power Seminars
2. Success Power Radio Broadcast
3. Success Power Tapes
4. Publications

For more information, write:

Success Power International
P. O. Box 6653 Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

Or visit www.samadeyemi.org
Email : [email protected]
Tel: 234-1-5557561, 234-803-3041280,


1. Genesis 1:2 (The Answer Bible. New Century

Chapter 1
1. 3 John 2 (New King James Version)
2. Proverbs 23:7a (New King James Version)

Chapter 2
1. Deuteronomy 8:18a (New King James Version)
2. Mark 4: 14. (The Answer Bible. New Century
3. 2 Corinthians 1 0: 4-5. (The Answer Bible. New
Century Version)
4. Isaiah 55: 8 (New King James Version)
5. I Corinthians. 2:16. Paraphrased.
6. I John 5:4 (The Message Bible)

Chapter 3
1. Genesis 1:28 (New King James Version)
2. Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)

Chapter 5
1. Gen. 30: 1b (New King James Version)

Chapter 6
1. Isaiah 55:8-11. (The Message Bible)
2. Acts 2: 16-17. (The Message Bible)
3. I Corinthians 2:7-10. (New King James
Chapter 7
1. Isaiah 55: 11. (The Message Bible)
2. Isaiah 40: 8. (New King James Version)
3. Isaiah 55: 12-13. (New King James Version)

Chapter 8
1. Jeremiah 33:3. (The Message Bible)
2. Joshua 1: 8. (New King James Version)
3. Genesis 24:63a (New King James Version)

Chapter 9
1. Malachi 3:1O. (New King James Version)
2. Used 'God' instead of 'the Lord'
3. I Kings 3:4b-5a. (New King James Version)
4. I Kings 3: 12. (New King James Version)
5. Genesis 28: 22. (The Message Bible)
6. Genesis 31: 11-13. (The Message Bible)
7. 3 John2. (New King James Version)

1. Romans 8:28. (New King James Version)
2. Proverbs 19:21. (New King James Version)
3. Romans 12:3. (New King James Version)
4. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. (New King James Version)
5. Proverbs 29: 18. (King James Version)
6. Luke 11:5-8. (New King James Version)

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