2002 Ntoumanis PSE
2002 Ntoumanis PSE
2002 Ntoumanis PSE
* Present address: School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.
Tel.: +44-113-2832600x4700; fax: +44-113-2837575.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Ntoumanis).
1469-0292/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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178 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
It is widely acknowledged that physical education (PE) can play a potentially important role
in promoting public health (Haywood, 1991; Sallis & McKenzie, 1991). Professional organisations
such as the American Academy for Physical Education, the American Academy of Pediatrics
Committees on Sports Medicine and School Health, and the Physical Education Association of
the United Kingdom (2000) (PEAUK), have highlighted the need to promote physical activity
programmes in PE. For example, the policy statement on PE and health by the PEAUK states
that quality physical activity should be promoted in schools because it is a key health behaviour
which provides physical, mental and social benefits for young people. The aim of the physical
activity programmes should be the development of regular patterns of physical activity which
have the potential to carry over into adulthood and thereby improve public health. This goal is
especially important in Western societies where a prevailing sedentary lifestyle is contributing to
cardiovascular and other diseases (National Audit Office, 2001).
However, the promotion of physical activity programmes in PE (which should include both
health-related exercises and sports/games) can be a difficult task in view of the high rates of drop
out and the negative experiences reported. For example, Ross, Pate, Corbin, Deply, and Gold
(1987) reported that although 97% of elementary school children in the US are enrolled in PE
programmes, only about 50% of them stay enrolled by the end of high school. Furthermore, in
the UK, Coakley and White (1992) carried out a survey to examine the impact of the Sports
Council’s “Ever Thought of Sport?” campaign in the South East of England. The results showed
that decisions about sport participation were heavily influenced by past experiences in PE. Some-
times these experiences were positive, but most often they were negative and influenced current
motivation to participate in sport in a negative fashion. Some of the negative experiences were
defined in terms of boredom, lack of choice, incompetence, and negative evaluation from peers.
Positive experiences were reported in situations where students had the opportunity to choose and
participate in non-traditional activities like skating. Furthermore, studies in the UK indicate that
the physical activity levels of young people of secondary school age are currently below the levels
thought to be sufficient to promote health benefits (Health Education Authority, 1997).
The above findings have important implications for the success of physical activity programmes
in PE If students are not motivated in PE, if they find it a boring or humiliating experience, they
will form a negative attitude toward it. Therefore, it is logical to assume that physical activity
programmes in schools will have a more positive impact when children are motivated to partici-
pate in PE, and when they experience positive cognitive and affective outcomes as a result of
their participation. One of the implications of Coakley and White’s (1992) study is that students’
motivation can be enhanced by developing PE curricula which cater for choice and diversity.
Specifically, the authors suggested that long-term benefits can be accrued when students are intro-
duced to different physical activities and are given opportunities to choose from these activities.
It seems, therefore, that examining the role that choice can play in PE may facilitate our under-
standing of the motivational processes involved. To this end, self-determination theory (Deci &
Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2000) can be particularly useful because it is one of the very few
motivational theories which focuses on the role of choice and autonomy in human behaviour.
This theory has been successfully applied to a wide variety of contexts, including education (Deci,
Vallerand, Pelletier, & Ryan, 1991) and sport (Vallerand, Deci, & Ryan, 1987), to explain the
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194 179
Vallerand (1997) argued that intrinsic motivation is also multidimensional. However, in almost all studies, the intrinsic motivation
components are combined into a single intrinsic motivation score because they represent the same degree of self-determination. In
contrast, the extrinsic motivation components are treated independently because they represent different degrees of self-determination.
180 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
(1998), integrated reasons are not normally mentioned by children and adolescents, therefore, this
type of extrinsic motivation is not usually assessed in these age groups.
Deci and Ryan (1991) argued that individuals can also be amotivated toward an activity. Amo-
tivation refers to the relative absence of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. This is evident when
individuals do not value an activity, or when they believe that they cannot achieve a desirable
outcome. Unfortunately, many students lack the motivation to take part in some PE activities.
According to Coakley and White’s (1992) findings, these students feel bored and incompetent,
perceive that they waste their time in PE, and report that they do not feel that they get anything
valuable out of it.
The different types of motivation can be placed along a self-determination continuum. Specifi-
cally, Deci and Ryan (1991) proposed that the regulation of behaviour can be viewed as being self-
determined, controlled, or amotivated. Identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic
motivation represent increasingly self-determined forms of motivation because they describe
behaviours performed out of choice. In contrast, introjected regulation and external regulation
represent increasingly controlling forms of motivation because they reflect behaviours that lack
autonomy and choice.
The antecedents and outcomes of the different types of motivation have been described by
Vallerand (1997) in his comprehensive model of motivation. According to this model, a number
of social factors (e.g. cooperation, competition, autonomy-supportive or controlling-supportive
teaching styles) can have an impact on the various motivational types just described. Social factors
that satisfy the fundamental human needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness will promote
self-determined forms of motivation. In contrast, social factors that undermine these needs will
result in controlling and amotivated behaviour. In turn, the various motivational types can predict
a number of cognitive, affective, and behavioural outcomes. Usually, intrinsic motivation predicts
the most positive outcomes, whereas amotivation predicts the most negative outcomes
(Vallerand, 1997).
Some of the predictions in Vallerand’s (1997) model have been tested in PE contexts. For
example, Biddle et al. (1995) showed that the self-determination levels of 85 British students
were positively predicted by perceptions of a mastery motivational climate, but were unrelated
to perceptions of a performance motivational climate. Mastery and performance motivational cli-
mates are two salient social factors. According to Ames (1992), these two types of climate rep-
resent qualitatively different interactions in the classroom which have potentially important impli-
cations for the achievement motivation of students. A mastery climate can promote cooperative
learning, choice of tasks, and student evaluation based on individual improvement. In contrast, a
performance climate is likely to promote interpersonal competition, limit the available choices,
and reward students using comparative criteria.
As Ntoumanis and Biddle (1999) have argued, a mastery climate can satisfy the three needs
for competence, autonomy, and relatedness and, therefore, can potentially enhance self-determi-
nation. In contrast, a performance climate can undermine these needs and promote extrinsic motiv-
ation or amotivation. Empirical support for these predictions has been offered by Ferrer-Caja and
Weiss (2000). In a study of US high school students, a learning (mastery) climate had significant
effects on competence and autonomy through task orientation. In contrast, a performance climate
did not have any significant effects on competence and autonomy.
Various studies have shown that self-determined, controlling, and amotivated types of behav-
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194 181
ioural regulation will predict a number of different motivational outcomes. In a review of edu-
cational literature, Deci et al. (1991) reported that self-determined motivation has been linked to
a number of positive educational outcomes, such as greater conceptual understanding, academic
performance, personal adjustment, and continuation of studies. In sport, Pelletier et al. (1995)
studied young Canadian athletes and found that effort was positively predicted by intrinsic motiv-
ation, negatively predicted by amotivation, and was unrelated to external regulation and introjected
regulation. Furthermore, in a small study of British undergraduate PE students, Goudas, Biddle,
and Underwood (1995) reported that a composite measure of effort and enjoyment was positively
related to self-determination.
A limitation of much of this research is that it examines the different motivational types, their
antecedents, and their outcomes in isolation. However, Deci and Ryan (1991) and Vallerand and
Fortier (1998) have argued that all types of motivation are present within an individual to different
degrees. For example, assuming that an individual with high levels of intrinsic motivation should
inevitably have low levels of extrinsic motivation ignores theoretical and empirical evidence show-
ing that motivation is multidimensional, and that the relationship between intrinsic motivation
and extrinsic motivation varies depending on which type of extrinsic motivation is assessed
(Vallerand & Fortier, 1998). Therefore, Vallerand (1997) suggested that future research should
examine how the types of motivation combine into different motivational profiles and look at
which profiles relate to the most positive outcomes in various social contexts. Regarding sport
and physical activity, Vallerand and Losier (1999) hypothesised that a strong self-determined
profile (i.e. high intrinsic motivation and identified regulation, but low external regulation and
amotivation) will relate to the most adaptive cognitive, affective, and behavioural outcomes.
A recent large study of British PE students by Wang and Biddle (2001) has examined motiv-
ational clusters in physical activity. The authors identified five motivational clusters reflecting two
relatively self-determined and two moderate motivation profiles, as well as a clearly amotivated
profile. However, the variables of the self-determination continuum were collapsed across a single
index (i.e. the self-determination index), whereas the present study was interested in the inde-
pendent contribution of each variable to the cluster solution. Furthermore, the type of the clusters
found by Wang and Biddle (2001) were different from those under investigation in the present
study, as no situational, affective, or behavioural variables were included.
In view of the above suggestions, and bearing in mind the important role that PE should have
in modern education (e.g. see the policy statement of the PEAUK on the contribution of PE to
the whole curriculum), the present study aimed to uncover different motivational profiles in PE
by assessing each motivational type independently. The understanding of these profiles is
important for both theoretical, empirical and practical reasons. From a theoretical and empirical
viewpoint, it is imperative to move away from examining complex multidimensional motivational
constructs in isolation and look at their interdependent effects. From a practical perspective, it is
important to determine the relative proportions of students with positive or negative motivational
profiles, the social/climate factors that elicit these profiles, as well as the behavioural and affective
outcomes of such profiles. In this way, PE teachers will be able to evaluate, and perhaps re-
examine, their methods of practice, especially in cases where many students exhibit maladaptive
motivational profiles. As Fox (1988) remarked, the understanding of motivation in PE can help
teachers to improve the quality of their interactions and enhance the positive experiences of
their students.
182 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
Letters of approach were sent to ten state schools in Northwest England. Of these, two showed
willingness to participate and offered assistance with data collection. A number of different classes
in the two schools were chosen after previous arrangements with the PE teachers, in order to
minimise any potential interference with the school programme. The age of the students in both
schools ranged from 14–16 years (M=14.84, SD=0.52). In School A there were 236 students (122
females, 111 males, 3 did not specify gender), and in School B there were 192 students (96
females, 95 males, 1 did not specify gender). At the time of data collection, the different classes
were involved in a variety of activities taught by different PE teachers: aerobics (N=34), badmin-
ton (N=44), football (N=98), track and field athletics (N=71), trampoline (N=37), cricket (N=51),
tennis (N=58), and rounders (N=30). Five students did not indicate their sport activity in the ques-
Social factors
Two aspects of the motivational climate were measured based on the perceived motivational
climate in sport questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2; Newton, Duda, & Yin, 2000). The first aspect
reflected a perceived mastery climate and measured the degree of cooperative learning and interac-
tion between students in the class. The second aspect reflected a perceived performance climate
and measured the degree to which the evaluation of students was unequal and based on compara-
tive competence levels. Newton et al. (2000) provided extensive evidence for the validity and
reliability of the PMCSQ-2. The decision to use only two of the six subscales of the PMCSQ-2
was based on the limited amount of time that the two schools offered to this study. Cooperative
learning and unequal recognition by the PE teacher were selected because both are very important
and relevant to PE (Lafont & Winnykamen, 1999; Papaioannou & Goudas, 1999). Both subscales
had four items and were measured with 5-point scales.
Motivational types
The different motivational types in PE were measured with a questionnaire used by Goudas,
Biddle, and Fox (1994). These authors adapted four subscales for the PE context, measuring
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194 183
intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation. These
subscales were originally developed by Ryan and Connell (1989) to measure motivation in the
classroom. Goudas et al. (1994) also adapted the amotivation subscale of the academic motivation
scale (Vallerand et al., 1993). The adaptations consisted of minor changes in the wording of some
items so that they refer to PE and to sport skills. Each subscale had four items measured with 7-
point scales. Goudas et al. (1994) reported alphas above 0.70 for intrinsic motivation, identified
regulation and external regulation. The alphas for introjected regulation were close to 0.70 (a=0.69
for football/netball, and a=0.68 for gymnastics). Goudas et al. (1994) did not provide the alpha
coefficients for amotivation, however, Vallerand et al. (1993) reported alphas above 0.85 for the
original amotivation scale.
Three outcomes of the different motivational types were measured with 7-point scales: effort,
enjoyment, and boredom. These variables were chosen because they represent important behav-
ioural and affective consequences of the different types of motivation (see Vallerand’s model of
motivation), and are frequently employed in the self-determination literature (for a review see
Vallerand, 1997). Effort was assessed with three items taken from the intrinsic motivation inven-
tory (McAuley, Duncan, & Tammen, 1989). Boredom and enjoyment were assessed with three
and four items, respectively, developed by Duda, Fox, Biddle, and Armstrong (1992) to measure
children’s affective responses in physical activity. Evidence for the factorial validity and internal
reliability of the questionnaires has been provided by the respective authors.
In accordance with the ethical guidelines of the British Psychological Society (1997), the Head
Teachers in both schools were asked to act in loco parentis and sign an informed consent form.
The questionnaires were administered by an experienced researcher in the Sports Halls of the two
schools under the supervision of the PE teachers. Before questionnaire administration, the students
were given the option to decline participation in the study or withdraw at any time. Only around
5% decided not to participate and were asked to remain silent throughout the questionnaire com-
pletion. Students were explicitly told that their responses would be kept in strict confidence and
would not be available to their teachers or parents.
Data analyses
Initially, descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alphas, and correlation coefficients were calculated.
Then, one-way MANOVA was carried out to examine whether the variables measured in the study
varied as a function of the different sport activities. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis was
performed to test the factor structure of the different types of motivation. Lastly, separate cluster
analyses were carried out for each school to identify the existing motivational profiles.
184 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
All subscales had internal reliabilities above 0.70 with the exception of introjected regulation
(a=0.67). However, because its alpha coefficient was very close to 0.70, and because it is con-
sidered an essential component of self-determination theory, it was retained for the remaining
analyses. An inspection of the mean scores in Table 1 shows that the students had moderate to high
self-determined motivation (intrinsic motivation and identified regulation), moderate controlling
motivation (introjected regulation and external regulation), and relatively low amotivation. Fur-
thermore, the students reported moderate to high levels of enjoyment, effort, and cooperative
learning, and relatively low levels of boredom. However, they perceived that, to a certain extent,
evaluation and recognition by the PE teachers were not equal to all students. The correlation
coefficients showed that amotivation and external regulation were negatively related to effort,
enjoyment, and cooperation, and positively related to boredom and unequal recognition. In con-
trast, intrinsic motivation, identified regulation and introjected regulation were positively related
to effort, enjoyment, and cooperation, and negatively related to boredom. Furthermore, unequal
recognition was positively related to introjected regulation and negatively related to intrinsic
motivation and identified regulation.
One-way MANOVA
One-way MANOVA was carried out to examine whether the variables in this study could vary
as a function of the different sport activities. The eight sports served as the independent variable,
and the different social factors, motivational types, and motivational outcomes were the dependent
variables. The MANOVA was significant: Wilks’ lambda=0.761; F(70, 2350)=1.61, p⬍0.05.
However, with the exception of a marginally significant univariate effect for effort, the univariate
effects for the other nine dependent variables were not significant. The post-hoc Tukey tests
showed that only football and trampoline differed significantly in the reported levels of effort,
with football having a higher mean score. In view of these results, it was concluded that the
variables of interest in this study were largely unaffected by the different sport activities, and
therefore, the whole sample was used for the remaining analyses.
A CFA was carried out, using EQS 5.7 (Bentler, 1995), to examine the factor structure of the
motivational questionnaire, as this was not tested by Goudas et al. (1994). In contrast to explora-
tory factor analysis, CFA examines the a priori factor structure of a questionnaire and evaluates
whether this structure ‘fits’ a data set. A good factor structure is implied when the chi-square
(X2) statistic is non-significant. However, owing to the tendency of the chi-square to reject well-
specified models with relatively large sample sizes, additional goodness of fit indices were used
to evaluate the appropriateness of the solution (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998). These
indices were the comparative fit index (CFI), the Bentler–Bonett non-normed fit index (NNFI),
the standardised root mean square residual (SRMR), the root mean square error of approximation
Table 1
Means, standard deviations, Cronbach’s alphas and correlations between all variables (with the exception of the amotivation-introjected regulation
relationship, all correlations were significant (p⬍0.01))
M SD a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Amotivation 2.72 1.50 0.81 0.51 ⫺0.07 ⫺0.58 ⫺0.60 ⫺0.58 ⫺0.52 0.59 ⫺0.30 0.28
2. External regulation 3.53 1.68 0.82 0.23 ⫺0.30 ⫺0.41 ⫺0.33 ⫺0.39 0.41 ⫺0.24 0.36
3. Introjected regulation 3.34 1.32 0.67 0.46 0.35 0.32 0.23 ⫺0.18 0.17 0.13
4. Identified regulation 4.82 1.53 0.84 0.82 0.72 0.67 ⫺0.58 0.42 ⫺0.20
5. Intrinsic motivation 4.80 1.54 0.87 0.72 0.78 ⫺0.65 0.45 ⫺0.23
6. Effort 5.04 1.39 0.81 0.75 ⫺0.70 0.40 ⫺0.27
7. Enjoyment 4.99 1.46 0.86 ⫺0.70 0.42 ⫺0.27
8. Boredom 2.75 1.44 0.72 ⫺0.31 0.27
9. Cooperative learning 3.31 0.84 0.73 ⫺0.24
10. Unequal
2.94 1.05 0.80
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
186 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
(RMSEA) and its 90% confidence interval (CI). A Monte Carlo study by Hu and Bentler (1999)
showed that a good model fit (i.e. a good factor structure) is achieved when the CFI and NNFI
values are close to 0.95, the SRMR is close to 0.08, and the RMSEA is close to 0.06. Furthermore,
a close fit of the model to the intended population is implied when the lower bound of the 90%
CI of the RMSEA includes the value of 0.05 (Browne & Cudeck, 1993).
The normalised estimate of Mardia’s coefficient was high (27.42) indicating multivariate non-
normality. Therefore, the robust maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedure was utilised.
According to Bentler (1995), this procedure offers more accurate standard errors when the data
are not normally distributed. Also, robust ML calculates the Satorra–Bentler scaled chi-square
and the robust CFI. The results showed that the proposed five-factor structure was relatively
good, but there was room for improvement: Scaled X2(160)=365.16, p⬍0.01; robust CFI=0.94;
NNFI=0.91; SRMR=0.05; RMSEA=0.07; 90% CI of RMSEA=0.06–0.08. An inspection of the
modification indices suggested that the residuals of two indicators of intrinsic motivation should
be correlated. This modification2 resulted in a good model fit: Scaled X2(159)=309.59, p⬍0.01;
robust CFI=0.95; NNFI=0.93; SRMR=0.05; RMSEA=0.06; 90% CI of RMSEA=0.05–0.07. The
factor loadings (all significant at the.01 level) and residuals are presented in Table 2.
Cluster analyses
To examine the motivational profiles or clusters in the two schools, two cluster analyses were
carried out. The purpose of cluster analysis is to derive a classification scheme for grouping a
number of individuals into clusters, so that individuals within clusters are similar in some respect
and unlike those from other clusters (Aldenderfer & Blashfield, 1984). A hierarchical cluster
analysis was used to identify the number of clusters in School A. However, because this analysis
is exploratory, it is important to confirm the results with an independent sample. Therefore, a k-
means cluster analysis was used with School B to confirm the number of clusters identified in
School A. According to Aldenderfer and Blashfield (1984), this cross-validation technique is
important because if the same cluster solution is found across different samples from the same
population, it is plausible to assume that the solution has a certain degree of generality.
Cluster analysis is sensitive to outliers because they can distort the representativeness of the
derived clusters. Therefore, four multivariate outliers were removed from the data set using the
Mahalanobis distance criterion suggested for data screening (Hair et al., 1998). Furthermore, the
scaling of variables is important because if the variables are measured on different scales, the
results can be misleading. Therefore, all variables were converted into Z scores before the cluster
analyses were carried out. Lastly, multicollinearity may impact on the clustering results because
variables that are multicollinear are weighted more heavily. Table 1 shows that there was not a
problem of multicollinearity. However, there was a substantial correlation between intrinsic motiv-
ation and identified regulation (r=0.82), which implied collinearity. Despite the large size of this
correlation, one should bear in mind that correlation values of 0.90 and above are taken to indicate
substantial collinearity (Hair et al., 1998). Furthermore, the variance inflation factor (VIF) of the
This modification did not alter the interpretation of the factor structure because the free parameters in the original and the
modified model were almost identical. Correlated residuals indicate unique variance between the two items which cannot be explained
by the underlying factor.
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194 187
Table 2
Standardised factor loadings and residuals of the five types of motivation (‘I take part in this PE class…’)
But I really don’t know why 0.580 0.814
But I don’t see why we should have PE 0.755 0.656
But I really feel I’m wasting my time in PE 0.819 0.574
But I can’t see what I’m getting out of PE 0.741 0.671
External regulation
Because I’ll get into trouble if I don’t 0.762 0.648
Because that’s what I am supposed to do 0.632 0.775
So that the teacher won’t yell at me 0.772 0.635
Because that’s the rule 0.795 0.607
Introjected regulation
Because I want the teacher to think I’m a good 0.577 0.817
Because I would feel bad about myself if I didn’t 0.580 0.815
Because I want the other students to think I’m skilful 0.575 0.818
Because it bothers me when I don’t 0.585 0.811
Identified regulation
Because I want to learn sport skills 0.805 0.593
Because it is important for me to do well in PE 0.736 0.677
Because I want to improve in sport 0.796 0.605
Because I can learn skills which I could use in other areas of my life 0.721 0.693
Intrinsic motivation
Because PE is fun 0.811 0.585
Because I enjoy learning new skills 0.777 0.629
Because PE is exciting 0.844 0.536
Because of the enjoyment that I feel while learning new skills/techniques 0.801 0.598
two variables was 3.11, a value well below 10 which indicates substantial collinearity (Hair et
al., 1998). In view of these findings, it was deemed appropriate to include all variables in the
cluster analyses.
The Ward hierarchical method was preferred because it can minimise within-cluster differences
and avoid problems with ‘chaining’ of observations encountered with the single linkage method
(Hair et al., 1998). The squared Euclidean distance was used as a similarity measure. To determine
the number of clusters in School A, the agglomeration schedule coefficients were inspected.
According to Norusis (1992), small coefficients indicate that fairly homogenous clusters are being
merged. Large coefficients indicate that clusters with quite dissimilar members are being com-
bined. To decide the number of clusters in the data, one should look at fairly large increases in
the coefficients between two adjacent sets. In School A, the agglomeration schedule showed that
there was a large increase in the coefficients when moving from a three-cluster to a two-cluster
solution. Therefore, it was concluded that there were three distinct motivational profiles in School
A (Fig. 1).
The first was named the ‘self-determined profile’ (N=104; 45%) and included students with high
188 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, effort, enjoyment, and cooperative learning, moderate
introjected regulation, and low amotivation, external regulation, boredom, and unequal recog-
nition. The second profile was the ‘moderate motivation profile’ (N=103; 45%) and described
students with moderate scores on all variables measured. The third profile was named the ‘con-
trolling motivation/amotivation profile’ (N=24; 10%) and included students with relatively high
amotivation, external regulation, boredom, and unequal recognition, and low introjected regu-
lation, cooperative learning, identified regulation, intrinsic motivation, effort, and enjoyment. Note
that the terms ‘high’ and ‘low’ describe standardised differences from the mean scores of each
variable, and therefore, they do not represent absolute ‘high’ and ‘low’ scores.
The k-clusters analysis with School B identified three clusters (Fig. 2). Eighty-one (43%) stu-
dents were allocated to cluster 1, 75 (39%) students were allocated to cluster 2, and 35 (18%)
students were allocated to cluster 3. The standardised scores, means and standard deviations for
each variable in the three clusters are presented in Table 3. The patterns of the three clusters in
both schools were remarkably similar, although amotivation, identified regulation and intrinsic
motivation in cluster 3 had relative differences in Z scores. A chi-square analysis in both schools
showed that there were no significant gender differences in the classification of students into the
three clusters (School A: X2(2)=1.66, p⬎0.05; School B: X2(2)=4.91, p⬎0.05).
The purpose of the present study was to examine the number and structure of motivational
clusters in two samples of British school students in PE classes. Three motivational clusters
emerged in the first sample which were cross-validated with the second sample.
N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194 189
The first motivational cluster was a clear example of a self-determined profile. Students in this
cluster had relatively high levels of intrinsic motivation and identified regulation, which are con-
sidered to be self-determined types of motivation (Vallerand & Fortier, 1998). Students in this
group also reported relatively low levels of amotivation and external regulation. This is encour-
aging, in view of the evidence that these latter two motivational types are negative predictors of
future participation levels in different contexts, such as sport (Pelletier et al., 1995) and education
(Vallerand, Fortier, & Guay, 1997).
Bearing in mind that introjected regulation is located toward the lower end of the self-determi-
nation continuum (Deci & Ryan, 1991), one might have anticipated that students in the first cluster
would report low levels of introjected regulation. Unexpectedly, this was not the case in either
of the two samples. However, Vallerand et al. (1997) suggested that introjected regulation can
sometimes lead to adaptive consequences in the area of education. They argued that due to parental
influences, students may partially internalise the value of participating in the various school activi-
ties. In the context of PE, for example, some students may decide to be actively involved, not
because they enjoy PE, but because they would feel guilty of letting down their parents or some
fellow students if they decided to act otherwise.
Students in the first motivational profile group also reported positive affective and behavioural
outcomes, namely, relatively high levels of effort and enjoyment, and low levels of boredom.
Similar results have been presented in other studies. For example, Pelletier et al. (1995) found
positive relationships between intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, and effort in a sample
of Canadian University athletes. In a similar study, Briere, Vallerand, Blais, and Pelletier (1995)
showed that self-determined motivation was positively related to high levels of positive affect.
Table 3
Standardised scores, means, and standard deviations of the variables in each cluster for School A and School B (Note: cooperative learning and
unequal recognition were measured with 5-point scales. All other variables were measured with 7-point scales.)
School A School B
Cluster 1 (N=104) Cluster 2 (N=103) Cluster 3 (N=24) Cluster 1 (N=81) Cluster 2 (N=75) Cluster 3 (N=35)
‘Self-determination’ ‘Moderate ‘Controlling ‘Self-determination’ ‘Moderate ‘Controlling
motivation’ motivation/amotiv.’ motivation’ motivation/amotiv.’
Amotivation ⫺0.61 1.81 0.90 0.46 3.39 1.32 1.81 5.32 1.31 ⫺0.80 1.52 0.62 0.11 2.89 1.00 0.87 3.90 1.37
External regulation ⫺0.51 2.67 1.42 0.14 3.75 1.37 0.75 4.86 1.61 ⫺0.51 2.68 1.42 0.30 4.00 1.51 1.05 5.38 1.50
Introjected 0.13 3.51 1.39 ⫺0.11 3.18 1.19 ⫺0.81 2.27 1.10 0.37 3.82 1.38 0.08 3.46 1.14 ⫺0.50 2.72 1.14
Identified regulation 0.73 5.94 0.81 ⫺0.35 4.25 1.08 ⫺1.81 2.01 0.94 0.81 6.06 0.72 ⫺0.12 4.62 0.99 ⫺1.33 2.91 1.14
Intrinsic motivation 0.75 5.96 0.89 ⫺0.36 4.21 0.93 ⫺1.93 1.82 0.67 0.88 6.15 0.65 ⫺0.15 4.60 0.70 ⫺1.37 2.69 1.04
Effort 0.81 6.17 0.74 ⫺0.38 4.51 0.92 ⫺1.47 3.08 1.05 0.79 6.14 0.68 ⫺0.24 4.70 0.88 ⫺1.41 3.28 1.06
Enjoyment 0.79 6.15 0.62 ⫺0.24 4.61 1.04 ⫺1.66 2.66 1.09 0.75 6.08 0.64 ⫺0.23 4.67 0.90 ⫺1.46 2.86 1.13
Boredom ⫺0.69 1.75 0.82 0.36 3.24 1.13 1.41 4.82 1.50 ⫺0.81 1.58 0.59 0.19 2.99 1.04 1.32 4.62 0.89
Cooperative learning 0.51 3.74 0.67 ⫺0.22 3.12 0.70 ⫺0.77 2.68 0.74 0.42 3.67 0.83 ⫺0.11 3.26 0.75 ⫺0.96 2.43 0.69
Unequal recognition ⫺0.42 2.49 1.00 0.21 3.17 0.92 0.57 3.51 1.15 ⫺0.11 2.82 1.07 ⫺0.16 2.76 0.92 0.75 3.74 0.96
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Students in the self-determined cluster also reported that their PE teachers promoted cooperative
learning. This finding makes sense because self-determination is enhanced in situations where
cooperation is encouraged (Vallerand & Losier, 1999). As Ames (1984) noted, motivational cli-
mates that promote cooperation can bring students together to help each other learn and improve
their skills. Increased competence will subsequently lead to higher levels of self-determination
(Vallerand, 1997). Moreover, the intrinsic interest of the students in PE is higher when they are
in a motivational climate which does not promote interindividual comparison and does not reward
only the most competent students (i.e. unequal recognition; see Figs. 1 and 2). Overall, approxi-
mately 44% of the students were classified into the self-determined profile. This finding is encour-
aging, as it shows that a significant percentage of students have adaptive motivation in PE Wang
and Biddle’s (2001) study of motivational clusters in British PE also reported two similar motiv-
ational clusters with relatively high self-determination index and low amotivation.
The second motivational profile that emerged from the cluster analyses represented those stu-
dents with relatively moderate levels of self-determined motivation, controlling motivation, and
amotivation. The students in this group also reported moderate levels of effort, boredom, enjoy-
ment, cooperative learning, and unequal recognition. Overall, approximately 42% of the students
belonged to this group, a relatively high percentage. Clearly, this is an interesting finding that
deserves further research attention. What are the social factors that make a student feel self-
determined, controlled, and amotivated in PE at the same time? Is this a relatively stable profile,
or is it a transitory one because students will eventually shift to either a self-determined or to a
controlling motivation/amotivation profile? These are some questions that deserve future research
attention. One can hypothesise that the students in the moderate motivation profile perceived
mixed (positive and negative) cues in their motivational climate. The latter did not discourage
cooperation among students, but at the same time it undermined their social relations by applying
unequal recognition. This finding implies that PE teachers are not always successful in creating
an adaptive motivational climate. Wang and Biddle (2001) also reported two similar motivational
clusters with moderate degree of self-determination index and amotivation.
The most undesirable motivational profile, however, was the third one, labelled controlling
motivation/amotivation profile. Students in this cluster reported very low levels of intrinsic motiv-
ation and identified regulation, low levels of introjected regulation, and high levels of amotivation
and external regulation. Clearly, these students are motivationally at risk because the latter two
forms of motivation are negative predictors of future participation levels (Pelletier et al., 1995;
Vallerand et al., 1997). These children also reported negative affective and behavioural outcomes,
namely very high levels of boredom, and very low levels of enjoyment and effort. Similar results
have been reported elsewhere. For example, Pelletier et al. (1995) showed that effort was nega-
tively related to amotivation and unrelated to external regulation. Furthermore, Vallerand and
Losier (1999) argued that negative affect, such as boredom, is likely to be experienced when one
lacks self-determination.
Students in this cluster also reported low levels of cooperative learning and relatively high
levels of unequal recognition in their PE classes. As Ntoumanis and Biddle (1999) emphasised,
motivational climates which do not value cooperation and which promote competition and interin-
dividual comparison, may undermine the three human needs for competence, relatedness, and
autonomy, and consequently weaken the self-determination of students. Although perceptions of
competence were not assessed here, it is possible that the students in this cluster felt amotivated
192 N. Ntoumanis / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (2002) 177–194
to try hard because they had low perceived competence. Fortunately, only approximately 14% of
the total sample belonged to this cluster. For these students, it is important that intervention
programmes are developed, based on the suggestions made by Vallerand and Losier (1999), with
the aim of enhancing their perceived competence, intrinsic interest and enjoyment of PE Wang
and Biddle (2001) also reported a motivational cluster with low self-determination index and
high amotivation.
It should be noted that the present study assessed only two aspects of a motivational climate
(i.e. cooperative learning and unequal recognition). Future research should expand on the present
findings and investigate the role of additional climate factors. Furthermore, it would be interesting
to examine whether the motivational profiles identified in this study and the relative distribution
of individuals in each of these profiles will be replicated with students of different age groups.
The need to examine the developmental pattern of motivated behaviours in education was also
indicated as a key area for future research by Deci et al. (1991). Are self-determined motivational
profiles more evident in early childhood, and controlling motivation/amotivation profiles more
widespread in late childhood and adolescence, when the influence of peers increases (Brustad,
1992)? Although, undoubtedly, PE teachers exert a significant influence on students’ motivational
levels, one should not overlook that peer influence (in the form of peer acceptance and friendship)
can also play an important role (Weiss, Smith, & Theeboom, 1997). Also, it would be particularly
interesting to examine whether the motivational profiles identified in this study and their relative
proportions could be replicated with students from different cultures and PE curricula. For
example, there is evidence to suggest that choice is less valued in Asian cultures compared to
Western cultures (Iyengar & Lepper, 1999).
In conclusion, the results show that there should not be a great amount of concern regarding
the motivation of students in school PE. Approximately, 44% of the students in the present sample
were self-determined and experienced positive affective and behavioural outcomes. Furthermore,
another 42% of the sample reported moderate levels of self-determination. However, at the same
time the findings signify that policy makers and PE teachers should have some cause for concern.
Approximately 42% of the students reported moderate levels (whilst another 14% indicated high
levels) of amotivation and external regulation, and these were accompanied by negative affective
and behavioural outcomes. It is worth noting that Wang and Biddle (2001) reported identical
proportions of students in the two relatively self-determined, two moderate motivation and the
amotivation clusters.
These findings may be useful for a number of theoretical and practical reasons. Firstly, they
offer support to Deci et al.’s (1991) call for prioritising the promotion of self-determined motiv-
ation in education. Secondly, they show that the different motivational types are independent, and
therefore, they can be encountered in different degrees within the same student. Thirdly, the
clusters give PE teachers an important insight into the complexities of student motivation. That
is, the clusters offer potential explanations regarding the behaviour and affective experiences of
students and how these might be related to the teaching/learning climate. Lastly, the results may
have implications for the successful promotion of physical activity programmes in PE and the
goal of creating positive attitudes toward physical activity. These initiatives are likely to have a
stronger impact when students view PE activities as interesting and fun or important for the
accomplishment of personally valued goals, and not when they feel that they must participate in
PE, or even more, when they regard it as a pointless activity.
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