Schedule of Postgraduate Test (Pet) For Ill Shift: Revised Entrance (Except Tor Day l1:00AM

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w1ill be T ests Paper tor each subtect
Day Date shift Course Tirnings of Test Duration
M.P.Ed. (Theory) - (Code 457)
1* 9:00AM - l1:00AM
2.00 hrs.
M.Sc. in Environmental Science - (Code 489)
Tuesday 14.05.2019
M.Sc. in Forensic Science -(Code 472)
2"d 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.
M.A.- Linguistics - (Code 447)
M.C.A - (Code 492)
Wednesdav 15.05.2019 2"d 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.
M.Sc. (Ag) in Soil Science - Soil and Water
Conservation - (Code 702)
M.A. Anthropolosv - (Code 707)
Master in Library & Information Sciences -
(Code 456)
M.A. in Integrated Rural Dev and Management
- (Code 703)
Master in Corporate Communication
Management - (Code 459)
M.A. in Social Excl & Inclusive Policy - (Code
Thursday 16.05.2019 [* 708) 9:00 AM - l1:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
M.P.M.I.R - (Code 465)
Master of Tourism & Travel Manasement -
(Code 455)
M.A (Manuscriptology and Paleography) -
(Code 458)
Master of Vocation Retail and Logistics
Management - (Code 704)
Master of Vocation Hospitality & Tourism
Management - (Code 706)
M. A. in Arabic - (Code 431
M. A. in Bensali - (Code 439)
M. A. in Hindi - (Code 440) 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
M. A. in Marathi - (Code 442\
M. A. in Persian * (Code 437)
M.A n Pali - (Code 445)
M. A. n Sanskrit - (Code 446)
M. A. in Telusu - (Code 443 )
M. A. n Urdu - (Code 444)
M.A n Nepali - (Code 436)
M.A n English - (Code 433)
M. A. n French - (Code 434)
M. A. in German - (Code 435)
M.Sc. in Physics - (Code 481)
M. A. in A.I.H.C. & Arch. - (Code 448)
M.A. in History of Art - (Code 449)
M.A. in Museology - (Code 453)
V LL.M. (1 -year)l LL.M.(2 Year)/
LL.M. (HRDE) - (Code a75)

M. Sc. in Environmental Sciences
(Environmental Technology) - (Code 480)
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.

M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Earth &

Atmospheric Sciences) - (Code 713)
M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Ecological
Sciences) - (Code 713)
M.Sc. in Environmental Science's
(Environmental Biotechfiology) - (Code 713)

M.A./M.Sc. in Geography - (Code 498)
M.A./M.Sc. in Psycholoev - (Code 497)
M.Sc. in Botany - (Code 485)
lsl 9:00 AM - ll:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
M.A./M.Sc. in Mathematics - (Code 495)
M.Sc. in Mathematics & Computing - (Code
Monday 711)
M.Com. - (Code 470)
/ M. Sc. in Bioinformatics (Code 493)
2"d Master of Vocation in Food Processing &
Management - (Code 705) 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.
Master of Vocation in Medical Laboratory
Technology - (Code 710)
M.A./M.Sc. in Home Science - (Code 494)
M.Ed. (Spl. Vi) - (Code 391)
M.Sc. (Ae) - (Code 340)
Acharava n Shukla Yaiurveda (Code 281)
Acharaya n Krishna Yaiurveda (Code 282)
Acharaya n Samveda (Code 283 )
Acharaya in fugveda(Code 284)
Acharaya in Vyakarana (Code 285)
Acharaya in Sahitya (Code 286)
Acharaya in Jyotish (Ganit) (Code 287)
1't Acharaya in Jvotish (Falit) (Code 288) 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
Acharaya in Dharmagama (Code 289)
Acharaya in Dharmashastra (Code 290)
Acharaya n Mimansa (Code 297)
Acharaya n Jain Darshan (Code 291)
Acharaya n Baudha Darshan (Code 298)
Acharaya in Vedanta (Code 292)
Acharaya in Puranetihas (Code 293)
Tuesday 21.05.2019
Acharaya in Sankhyayoga(Code 294)
Acharaya in Prachin Nyaya (Code 295)
Acharaya in Nyaya Vaisheshika (Code 296)

M.A. Prayojanmoolak Hindi (Patrakarita) -

(Code 454)
M.Sc. in Computational Science and
Applications in Sisnal Processins - (Code 471)
M.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering (Soil and
Water Conservation Engineerine) - (Code 355)
MPA- Vocal - (Code 366) 2.00 hrs.
MPA - Tabla - (Code 370) 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
MPA- Instrumental Sitar-(Code 367)
MPA- Instrumental Violin- (Code 368)
MPA- Instrumental Flute-(Code 369)
MPA- Dance - Kathak{Code 371
MPA- Dance - Bharatnafvam-(Code 372')
M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnolosy - (Code 356)
M.Ed. - (Code 390)
M.B.A Commerce (Financial Management/
1* 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
Foreign Trade/Risk Insurance) - (Code 385)
M. A. in History- (Code 460)
M. A. in Political Science - (Code 461)
M. A. in Sociology - (Code 462)
Wednesday 22.05.2019 M.A. in Education - (Code 701)
2.00 hrs.
2"d M.Sc. Food Science & Technology (Code 354) 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
M. A. in Indian Philosophy and Religion (Code
M.A. in Philosophy (Code 451)

M.Sc. in Chemistry - (Code 482)
M.Sc. in Computer Science - (Code 486)
M.Sc. in Zoology - (Code 484)
1u 9:00 AM - 1l:00 AM 2.00 hrs.
Master of Agri Buss Management (Ag.) -
(Code 352) Geology - (Code 483)
Thursdar M.Sc.(Tech) in Geophysics - (Code 49t)
23.05.2019 Applied Microbiology - (Code 488)
M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agro-forestry - (Code 473)
M. A. in Economics - (Code 466)
2"d 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.
M.Sc. in Health Statistics - (Code 275)
M.A./ Statistics - (Code 496)
M.Sc. in Statistics and Computine - (Code 501

M.Sc. in Biochemistry - (Code 4871 9:00 AM - l1:00 AM 2.00 hrs.

M.F.A (Theorl ) Painting- (Code 360)
M.F.A (Theory ) Applied Arrs - (Code 361)
M.F.A (Theory) Plastic Arrs - (Code 362) 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1.00 hrs.
M.F.A (Theor1,) Ponery & Ceramics(Code 363)
M.F.A (Theory) Textile Design- (Code 364)


M.A in Public Administration - (Code 464)
M.A in Mass Communication - (Code 452)
M.A Energy Economics - (Code 709)
2"d 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.00 hrs.
MBA in Agri Business - (Code 381)
M.A in Social Work - (Code 463)
Master in Conflict Mgt Dev. - (Code 467)
Master in Business Economics and Mgmt-
(Code 7 l2)

Schedule orF ilir..* F for MpA I rrra a*a,Ft*-

Mondal to I 0.06.201 9 to 12.06.2019 Physical Fitness Test for M.P.Ed.


Friday to Saturday 05.07.201 9 to 06.07.2019 Practical examination for MPA

Tuesdav l r.06.2019 Practical examination for MFA
*For the attention of applicants of MpA,
MFA and M.p.Ed.
(i) The written component of Test for MPA, MFA and M.P.Ed.will be held at all the centres fixed by the University.
However, the Physical Fitness Test for M.P.Ed. [see Section l5 (vi)], one practical examination for MpA
Section 15 (xxv)] and MFA [See Section 15 (xxvi)], forthe shortlisted.undidut". (drawn on the basis of merit
of written test) will be conducted at Varanasi only as per aforesaid schedule. Shortlisted candidates will be
informed though e-mail/sms on their registered e-mail addresses/ mobile numbers.
(ii) The shortlisted candidates called for practical examinations are required to come prepared to stay for atleast 2-3
(iii) All shortlisted candidates of M.P.Ed. who are called for Physical Fitness Test will have to report on the
aforesaid dates at Amphitheatre ground at BHU Campus, Varanasi, U.P. at 6.00 a.m. in sporti wear/Kits
al6ne with their Admit Card.


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