Speech Text "Indonesian Youth Nowadays and The Indonesian Culture"

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning everyone…

My name is Fauziah Amelia Ananda, from SMAN 70 Jakarta, and I am

really happy and honored to be here, because i get the opportunity to give a

Before we are going, let’s talk about Indonesian teenagers first.

Teenage is the most treasure years we ever had, between age 12-21. And
Indonesia is the country that became independent in 1945. Over the past 70
years in freedom, so many changes came to us, especially teenagers. In the first
10 years since the Independence day, they are still old-fashioned, simple-
minded, didn’t know about technology, but they were so friendly. In 1964, many
teenagers were fall in love in rock ‘n roll music; like The Beatles, The Rolling
Stones, Led Zeppelin or in Indonesia we have Koes Plus, The Rollies, etc. After
that, a lot of heartbreak songs dominate the Indonesian music but we can still
listen to rock music, and also the development and economy in Indonesia are
highly increased. Then technology came to Indonesia; firstly from computer,
television, and then internet, and so on.

Now, there are so many technologies that we can easily operate, like
gadgets, internet, social media, e-banking, e-government, that is really
changing us, as well as trend of fashion, education, lifestyle, and many more. If
in the past we have to send mail to our long-distance friends, now we can use
internet via electronic mail, and meet them at Skype. If in the past we have to
learn from books and search information from library, now we use e-books and
we can access Google to get every information in the world. Because of
technology, we can explore the world without going to the place.

And then, Indonesian culture. Culture is the characteristics and

knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from
language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. And Indonesia as
Nusantara has many cultures from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote
Island. Many different languages, beliefs and myths, habits, are fused in the
name of Indonesia. Therefore, many foreigners are come to Indonesia to learn
and love the culture. Some of our culture like Angklung, Reog Ponorogo, Saman
Dance, Pencak Silat, etc, are being influenced to them.

However, Indonesian teenagers don’t really appreciate their culture and

think that loving their culture is tacky but they just imitate the style of music and
fashion like Western or K-pop, and become arrogant because they think being
like that is really cool. Globalization is happening and most of them are like to
follow that. But if we understand, if we are truly understand that this is a big
problem to our culture, we should not to follow all of them. We can grab some
positive things and we must filter the negative things from globalization. Just like
our Indonesian hero, Mrs. Raden Ajeng Kartini. Since she was a teenager, she’s
so proud wearing kebaya and defending women’s emancipation in Indonesia.
Another best example is Soekarno, our first President. When he was a teenager,
a very clever and brave teenager, he’s so proud to be an Indonesian. My Father
said, he is the Best Indonesian Teenager before independence of Indonesia,
between 1915 - 1920. Then, in August 17, 1945 he declared the independence
of Indonesia, with Muhammad Hatta, our Vice President. Soekarno and Hatta
are Indonesian Founding Fathers.

In conclusion, we as Indonesian teenagers should be not ashamed of our

culture but we must appreciate and preserve our culture because our culture is
our identity, and nobody can steal our identity. Another point is that if we could
learn from our past, and if we have spirit to make this country better, we can mix
the good culture from globalization to our ancient, beautiful culture.

“So.. If Indonesian teenagers don’t want to maintain the character as

Indonesian teenagers must be, than the culture would be disappear and we will
lose our identity because of globalization.”

So many of my speech, and thank you for the attention of the audience.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Source: http://www.livescience.com/21478-what-is-culture-definition-of-

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