3 Symbiosis

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V. ALGAE 342
A) Diatoms
B) Dinoflagellates
A) Endocyanosis
B) Lichens


i) Genetic diversity of Nostoc strains
ii) Reconstitution of symbiosis in vitro
iii) Structural and physiological changes in the symbiont


i) Isolation and cultivation of the symbiont
ii) Exchange of nutrients during symbiosis
i) Cyanobionts
ii) Infection process
iii) Diversity of Nostoc strains
Symbiosis 337

i) Cyanobiont
ii) Nature of symbiosis
iii) The glands
iv) Morphology and development of the gland
v) Infection process
vi) Intracellular localization
vii) Specificity
viii) Nutrient exchange
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The term symbiosis was coined by Frank in 1877 and was described by Anton de Bary (1879) as
living together of two different organisms in a permanent or long lasting association. On the basis
of how each partner is benefited in the association, three broad categories of symbiotic relationships
are recognized, i.e. commensalism, parasitism and mutualism. In commensalism, one member is
helped and the other member is neither helped nor harmed. In parasitism one partner is benefited
and the other partner is harmed. In mutualism both partners help each other. Symbiotic relationships
encompass all major groups of living world. There is a great variation in the size of individuals
that take part in the symbiotic association. The terminology in describing symbiotic relationships
has now been defined by the International Society of Endocytobiology (Schenk, http://www.
endocytobiology.org). In relation to cyanobacteria, the terms cyanobiont, cyanelle and cyanome need
to be elaborated. A cyanobiont is defined as a cyanobacterial partner in a symbiotic relationship.
Cyanelle is a genetically autonomous symbiotic endophyte. Cyanome is a symbiotic consortium of
host and intracellular cyanobacterium.
Amongst the plant-microbe associations, those formed by cyanobacteria have attracted
worldwide attention. Most symbiotic relationships of cyanobacteria are facultative suggesting
that upon isolation each partner can exist independently and proliferate. However, when the two
partners enter into symbiosis the whole unit (cyanome) proliferates. Each partner thus contributes to
the nutrition of the other without causing any harm. Thus it can be safely stated that the symbioses
formed by cyanobacteria are mutualistic. Cyanobacterial symbioses are widespread in aquatic and
terrestrial environments. Of the aquatic bodies, in marine waters their symbiotic association has
been reported with sponges, ascidians (sea squirts), echiuroid worms, diatoms, dinoflagellates and
a protozoan in the plankton (Carpenter, 2002). In terrestrial environments, cyanobacteria are known
to enter into symbiotic associations with almost all groups of plants. Cyanobacterial symbioses with
fungi, bryophytes (hepatics, hornworts and mosses), pteridophytes (water fern Azolla), cycads and
one angiosperm (Gunnera) have been recorded. Due to a difference in size of plants being invaded by
the cyanobacteria, the larger partner is thus called as the host and the cyanobacteria are referred to
as cyanobionts. Except that the association with fungi leads to the formation of a specialized lichen
thallus, in the rest of the associations with plants the general structure in which the cyanobiont is
338 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

housed is also formed in the absence of it. The cyanobiont fixes nitrogen and transfers the fixed
nitrogen to the host plant and in return the latter provides fixed carbon to the cyanobiont. Thus in
these mutualistic associations the cyanobacteria constitute a driving force in the evolution of their
hosts (Usher et al., 2007).

The existence of sponges (Phylum-Porifera) can be dated back to Precambrian. As many as 9000
living sponge species are distributed on tropical reefs from lower to higher latitudes (Brusca and
Brusca, 1990). Sponges are known as filter feeders and pump large volumes of water through their
canal system (Reiswig, 1971, 1974; Pile et al., 1996). With reference to their nutrition and other features
they very much resemble Protozoa, since a number of amoeboid cells move freely in the sponge
matrix. Sponges harbour a diversity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic symbionts and they account
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for 40% of their biomass (Vacelet, 1975; Vacelet and Donadey, 1977). The range of these symbionts
includes archaebacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, green algae, red algae, dinoflagellates,
cryptophytes and diatoms (Larkum et al., 1987; Santavy et al., 1990; Duglas, 1994; Preston et al.,
1996). It is also true for a single given species of sponge. As for example, Theonella swinhoei possesses
heterotrophic bacteria, unicellular cyanobacteria and filamentous heterotrophic bacteria (Bewley et
al., 1996). On the other hand, sponges of Aplysina spp. show different bacterial genera such as Bacillus
sp., Micrococcus sp., Arthrobacter sp., Vibrio sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp. (Hentschel et al., 2001). Likewise,
sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile is a good habitat for β-proteoacteria, γ-proteobacteria, cytophagas,
actinobacteria and green sulphur bacteria (Webster et al., 2001).
Cyanobacterial symbionts are known to occur in many sponge genera. Their location can be
extracellular in sponge tissue or intracellular in specialized vacuoles. Due to their growth, the
symbionts enable the sponges to compete for substrata with algae and corals in illuminated areas
(Wilkinson, 1983; Hinrichsen, 1997). Most common cyanobacterial symbionts belong to Aphanocapsa
feldmannii (Fremy) group (Feldman, 1933) which is present in the surface tissues of as many as 60
sponge species (belonging to 13 orders). Other cyanobacteria such as Synechocystis (Larkum et al.,
1988), Oscillatoria (Wilkinson, 1992), Anabaena (Larkum, 1999), Cyanobacterium (Webb and Mass,
2002) and Synechococcus (Hentschel et al., 2002; Usher et al., 2004a) have been reported from different
sponge genera. According to one estimate, the proportion of cyanobacterial biomass is equal to
that of sponge cells by meeting 50% of the sponge’s energy budget and 80% of the sponge’s carbon
budget through photosynthesis of cyanobionts (Wilkinson, 1983; Cheshire et al., 1997). However, of
the above cyanobionts, only two of them have been frequently reported from many sponge genera.
These are Oscillatoria spongeliae and Synechococcus spongiarum. The former has been recorded from
three species of sponges belonging to Dysideidae (Order Dictyoceratida), i.e. Lamellodysidea (formerly
Dysidea) herbacea, L. chlorea and L. granulosa (Larkum et al., 1987; Hinde et al., 1994; Thacker and Starnes,
2003) whereas the latter has been reported from a wider variety of sponges. These are sponge genera
Xestospongia muta (Petrosiidae, Haplosclerida; Gómez et al., 2002), Aplysina aerophora (Aplysinidae,
Verongida; Hentschel et al., 2002) and Chondrilla nucula (Chondrillidae, Chondrosida; Usher et al.,
2004b). Usher et al. (2004a) distinguished the Synechococcus spp. associated with sponges to be
different from the planktonic Synechococcus though as yet there are no evidences for the symbionts
to be host-specific.
Growth of sponges is generally measured in terms of dry weight and the area under cover
occupied by the sponges at the beginning of the experiment. L. chlorea lost both dry weight and
nearly 40% of the area under shading after 15 days of incubation where as in X. exigua the loss
Symbiosis 339

was insignificant. However, the biomass of the cyanobiont in L. chlorea (as measured in terms of
chlorophyll content) did not differ very much from controls. These studies help us in understanding
the relationship between the symbionts. The cyanobiont O. spongeliae contributes to the overall
development of its host in a mutualistic association whereas S. spongiarum may be commensals
that draw resources from its host without significantly affecting sponge mass. But when X. exigua
is under shade it is likely that S. spongiarum is consumed by its host (Thacker, 2005).
Sponges growing in Great Barrier Reef of Australia have been examined for the nature of
cyanobionts, ultrastructure and pigment composition. O. spongeliae has been detected in Dysidea
herbacea and in many sponge species. Two more unidentified Oscillatoria species have been found
in an unidentified sponge species and the ascidian Trididemnum miniatum. Along with Oscillatoria
sp., the latter contained Prochloron as well. All the three Oscillatoria species could be distinguished
on the basis of thylakoid arrangement (Larkum et al., 1987). Usher et al. (2006) characterized the
unicellular cyanobionts of marine sponges from Australia and the Mediterranean by transmission
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electron microscopy, cell shape and size and thylakoid arrangement. The cells of S. spongiarum are
oval and the turns of thylakoids increase from 1 to 5. The cells are located in the outer wall of sponges
C. nucula, C. australiensis and Ircinia variabilis. Cells of A. feldmannii that occupy the matrix of sponges
I. variabilis and Petrosia ficiformis are almost spherical and the turns of thylakoids increase from 2.5 to 6.
The cells of Synechococcus spp. are oval and have a spiral thylakoid with 2–3 turns and the cells occupy
top few mm of sponge Haliclona sp. Thus the cell size and shape of S. spongiarum and Synechococcus
spp. are similar suggesting that these cyanobionts are morphologically indistinguishable though
derived from different geographic locations or hosts. They could only be identified on the basis of
number of turns of the thylakoids. However, sponges Cymbastela marshae and I. variabilis revealed
the presence of symbionts Oscillatoria sp. and Aphanocapsa raspagaigellae, respectively which could
readily be identified both by size and ultrastructural features. One interesting feature noticed is that
in C. australiensis, the cyanobiont is reported to be transmitted vertically, i.e. through sponge eggs
(Usher et al., 2001). Moreover, attempts to culture sponge-associated cyanobacteria have not been
successful. In addition, the absence of these species in a free state in water samples suggests that the
cyanobionts may not survive outside their hosts (Usher et al., 2004b). Histological and ultrastructural
studies on sponge Tethya orphei (Demospongiae), collected from Arì Athol coral stones of Maldives
Islands, revealed the presence of O. spongeliae in the cortical region and penetrated deeply inside the
choanosomal region overlapping with siliceous spicule bundles. The proliferation of the cyanobiont
was so extensive that it could be vertically transmitted from sponge to sponge which confirms that
the association is mutualistic (Gaino et al., 2006).
The molecular marker that has revolutionized the understanding of microbial ecology is 16S
rRNA gene amplification of microbial samples. Besides understanding the phylogenetic relationships,
distribution patterns and diversity of microbes in the environment, this approach has an added
advantage in bypassing the requirement of culturing the microbes. A number of workers have
utilized this molecular marker for understanding the distribution and specificity of the symbionts
that occur in various sponge species. Hentschel et al. (2002) investigated the diversity of symbiotic
microbial communities of 190 sponge species collected from all over the world by 16S rDNA
sequences. A total of 14 monophyletic sponge-specific clusters belonging to different bacterial
divisions have been observed of which seven sequences from cyanobacteria inhabiting sponges
Aplysina aerophoba and T. swinhoei could be divided into two clades, i.e. Synechococcus/Prochlorococcus
and Pleurocapsa. Webb and Mass (2002) found coccoid cyanobacteria in Mycale (Carmia) hentscheli
by epifluorescence microscopy. The amplification of 16S rRNA genes of these organisms revealed
the presence of four closely related clones which had a high (8%) sequence divergence. The clones
340 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

exhibited closest similarity to Cyanobacterium stanieri followed by Prochloron sp. and Synechocystis
sp. In order to find out the host specificity of a particular cyanobiont in certain species of sponges
or population of sponges, Thacker and Starnes (2003) subjected the DNA samples of cyanobionts
of L. (Dysidea) herbacea 1A and 1B and L. granulosa for amplification and sequence determination
of 16S rDNA. These three sponge species exhibited a high degree of specificity for a particular
cyanobacterial group emphasizing the probability of coevolution of both the host and cyanobiont.
Usher et al. (2004a) studied the distribution and phylogeny of unicellular cyanobacterial symbionts of
selected marine sponges (A. aerophoba, I. variabilis and P. ficiformis) from the Mediterranean, Australia
(four Chondrilla species) and Haliclona sp. from both the regions by direct 16S rDNA sequencing.
The cyanobionts comprise at least four closely related species of Synechococcus that included
A. feldmannii from P. ficiformis and C. nucula. A hitherto undescribed symbiont of sponges related to
Oscillatoria rosea has been recorded from Cymbastela marshae from Australia. Diverse sponge genera
from the Mediterranean, Indian, Pacific and Southern oceans showed the existence of S. spongiarum.
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Four dictyoceratid marine sponges (L. herbacea, L. chlorea, Lendenfeldia chondrodes and Phyllospongia
papyracea) from reef sites of Republic of Palau showed the presence of symbionts belonging to
α-proteobacteria group as revealed by 16S rRNA gene analysis (sequences that fit into Rhodobacter sp.)
besides harbouring O. spongeliae. Interestingly, L. chondrodes alone showed additionally the presence
of Synechocystis sp. in both surface (pinacoderm) and internal mesohyl whereas O. spongeliae was
restricted to mesohyl. Specific location of these cyanobionts was confirmed by the fluorescence in situ
hybridization experiments. P. papyracea contained significant number of γ-proteobacteria (Ridley et
al., 2005). Steindler et al. (2005) traced the 16S rRNA phylogeny of sponge-associated cyanobacteria.
The amplification of 16S rRNA was carried out with primers 361F(5’-GAATTTTCCGCAATGGGC-3’)
and 1459 R (5’-GGTAAYGACTTCGGGCRT-3’). Most of the sequences matched with species of
Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus and members of Oscillatoriales suggesting their polyphyletic origin
and that these represent multiple independent symbiotic events. Taylor et al. (2005) studied the
biogeography of bacteria associated with the marine sponge Cymbastela concentrica by using 16S
rDNA-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). The DGGE banding patterns indicated
different bacterial communities in this sponge from tropical versus temperate Australia. The tropical
forms of C. concentrica showed the similar cyanobionts reported earlier in Mycale hentscheli from
New Zealand by Webb and Mass (2002).
Wilkinson and Fay (1979) reported fixation of nitrogen by sponges growing in coral reef of Red
Sea. Only those sponges gave positive acetylene reduction assay (ARA) that harbour cyanobionts
and those that lacked cyanobionts were reported negative for ARA. It is further suggested that these
cyanobionts play an important role in maintaining the nitrogen balance in marine environments
with low available N where the sponges grow. A variety of functions have been attributed to these
symbionts, of which mention may be made of nutrient acquisition and growth of the sponges
(Wilkinson and Vacelet, 1979; Frost and Williamson, 1980; Wilkinson, 1992; Vacelet et al., 1995; Hill,
1996), stabilization of sponge skeleton (Rützler, 1985), processing of metabolic waste (Beer and
Ilan, 1998) and secondary metabolite production (Unson et al., 1994; Bewley et al., 1996; Flowers et
al., 1998; Schmidt et al., 2000). The secondary metabolites consist of inhibitors of cell division and
various enzymes, that affect multiplication of viruses, fungi and a number of microbes. Some other
secondary metabolites exhibit anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral properties and toxicity to
cellular and cardiovascular systems (Munro et al., 1999; Lee et al., 2001). Other functions performed
by these metabolites are predator and competitor deterrence (Pawlik et al., 1995; Thacker et al., 1998;
Engel and Pawlik, 2000) and resistance to malignant microbial infections (Garson, 2001; Thakur
et al., 2003).
Symbiosis 341

The existence of O. spongeliae in the tropical marine sponge L. herbacea has been identified on the
basis of flow cytometry separation of the cyanobiont from sponge cells. The role of the cyanobiont
in the production of polychlorinated compounds has also been emphasized. Thus this constitutes
the first report on the production of secondary metabolites by a cyanobiont from sponges. Faulkner
et al. (1994) separated cells of sponge L. herbacea and its symbiont O. spongeliae on the basis of
fluorescence using a cell sorter (Becton-Dickson FAC Star Plus) to obtain 10 million non-fluorescent
sponge cells and 2 million fluorescent cyanobacterial filaments and showed by NMR spectroscopy
that the cyanobacterial fraction is associated with signals due to 13-demethylisodysidenin as the
major chlorinated metabolite. On the other hand, the sponge cell fraction unambiguously showed
sesquiterpenes herbadysidolide and spirodysin by GC-MS analysis. Similarly, the presence of
2-(2’,4’-dibromophenyl)-4,6-dibromophenol as the major metabolite of L. herbacea (from a shallow
lagoon near Hotel Nikko in Palau) up to 6% dry weight originated from the cyanobiont. This was
confirmed by flow cytometry and NMR spectroscopy that the metabolite was from the fraction of
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cyanobacterial symbiont. It was further suggested that these compounds serve the role of chemical
defense of the sponge against predators and bacterial invasion.


Two worms, Ikedosoma gogoshimense and Bonellia fuliginosa that grow in the muddy sand at low tide
levels and coral reefs, respectively possess cyanobionts in their subepidermal connective tissues. No
details of their nature, type of symbionts and their interaction are known (Carpenter, 2002).

Lesser et al. (2004) identified unicellular, symbiotic cyanobacteria in the host cells of the coral
Montastraea cavernosa collected from the Caribbean Islands. These authors suggest that the cyanobionts
coexist with symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) of the coral and form long term association
within the host cells.

These are classified as Chordates as their larvae possess a notochord. These live as permanently
attached or buried in the sand or mud. In the family Didemnidae of ascidians, five genera form
symbiotic association with two cyanobionts Synechocystis and Prochloron.
The presence of photosynthetic organisms and the ability of ascidians to evolve oxygen can
be dated back to 1935. Initially identified as Synechocystis didemni, it was later named as Prochloron
didemni (Lewin, 1975; Newcomb and Pugh, 1975). P. didemni is characteristic in being a prokaryote
that possesses chlorophyll a and b but lacks phycobiliproteins (Lewin and Withers, 1975). Chlorophyll
b is present in a bound form to a protein that differs from Cab protein of plastids of green algae
and higher plants (La Roche et al., 1996). The 16S rRNA sequencing revealed closer resemblances to
cyanobacterial lineages. The understanding of microenvironment of P. didemni in ascidians remained
incomplete and attempts to cultivate the symbiont have not been successful despite unconfirmed
reports that exist in literature (Kühl and Larkum, 2002).
The cells of Prochloron reside in cloacae or embedded in the folds of gelatinous matrix extracellular
to the host that forms a transparent upper tunic/test (Lewin and Cheng, 1989; Hirose et al., 1996,
1998). Alberte (1987) reported that up to 60% of carbon demand of ascidians is met by the transfer
342 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

of photosynthates from Prochloron. The contribution of Prochloron to the carbon demand of ascidians
differs from species to species (Koike and Suzuki, 1996) as exemplified by Dimemnum molle which
cannot depend solely on photosynthates from its symbiont where as Lissoclinum voeltzkowi the carbon
demand can be fully met by Prochloron (Koike et al., 1993).

A) Diatoms: Cyanobacteria form three types of symbioses with diatoms. These are formation of
microbial spheres, epiphytic and intracellular associations.
i) Microbial spheres: Brehm et al. (2003) observed the formation of loose associations of bacteria,
cyanobacteria and diatoms leading to the formation of spherical objects known as microbial spheres.
In the first phase, bacteria and diatoms come together and are held in a matrix. In the second phase,
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cyanobacteria penetrate these spheres and arrange themselves on the surface. The formation of
such spheres and their proliferation in non-axenic cultures of Phormidium from North Sea microbial
mats by the entrapment of phototrophic bacteria and diatoms (especially Navicula) was observed.
Chemotactic responses are indicated for such an association and possible nutritional interactions
are indicated.
In another loose association, the presence of a number of diatoms (of the genera Amphora,
Berkeleya, Cymbella, Entomoneis, Epithemia, Lunella, Mastogloia, Nitzschia and Rhopalodia) deep inside
the colonies of Rivularia growing in brackish waters of Baltic Sea has been noted. The advantages of
such association for diatoms can be protection from grazing, free mobility in the secreted mucilage
and supply of organic and inorganic nutrients (Snoeijis and Murasi, 2004).
ii) Epiphytic and endophytic associations: These two types are considered together here because of
their interchangeability from one type to the other and the early events associated with the discovery
of this symbiosis. Richelia is a short filamentous, heterocystous cyanobacterium with 4–10 vegetative
cells. A single terminal heterocyst is present that is slightly smaller in diameter than the vegetative
cells. The filaments are slightly tapered and do not possess gas vesicles (Janson et al., 1995). Due to these
morphological features it is considered closer to Calothrix and in fact Lemmermann (1899) initially
identified the epiphyte of Rhizosolenia as Calothrix rhizosoleniae. Subsequently, the endosymbiont
of Rhizosolenia was given the name of Richelia intracellularis (Schmidt, 1901). The endosymbiotic
nature of R. intracellularis was confirmed by Lemmermann (1905) not only in Rhizosolenia but also in
Hemiaulus and its occurrence as epiphyte on Chaetoceros. Generic names Calothrix and Richelia, have
been used by Carpenter (2002) for the epiphyte and the endosymbiont, respectively. Reports on the
epiphytic nature of R. intracellularis growing on Chaetoceros (Janson et al., 1999) and Bacteriastrum
(Villareal, 1992; Rai et al., 2000; Carpenter, 2002) exist in literature. R. intracellularis establishes as an
epiphyte by attaching to the spaces in between the cells in chains of diatom colonies of Chaetoceros.
The endosymbiotic nature of R. intracellularis in diatom Hemiaulus spp. (Kimor et al., 1978; 1992;
Heinbokel, 1986; Villareal, 1994) and Rhizosolenia clevi var. communis (Sundström, 1984) has been
described with two in the former and 2–4 filaments inside the cells of the latter. Rhizosolenia does not
fix nitrogen in the absence of its endosymbiont R. intracellularis (Villareal, 1987). Nitrogen fixation
by R. intracellularis can fully support the needs of its host (Villareal, 1990, 1991). The division cycle
of Rhizosolenia-R. intracellularis symbiosis (Villareal, 1989) and a preliminary characterization of this
symbiosis in vitro (Villareal, 1990) have been reported.
The justification for designating the epiphyte and endosymbiont by different generic names has
been examined by studying the genetic diversity of R. intracellularis. Janson et al. (1999) used PCR
Symbiosis 343

amplification of hetR gene sequence unique for heterocystous cyanobacteria for this purpose. The
host for epiphytic R. intracellularis was Chaetoceros sp. (two species collected from the Pacific Ocean).
Species of Hemiaulus showed variable number of cells in their filaments as well as in the number of
endosymbiotic R. intracellularis filaments. For example H. hauckii (with 5–6 cells per filament from
the Pacific Ocean) contained two R. intracellularis filaments in each cell while H. membranaceous (with
10 cells per filament from Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) showed the presence of two R. intracellularis
filaments in each cell and R. clevei var. communis (from Pacific Ocean) contained four R. intracellularis
filaments in each cell. The amplification products of hetR gene sequences of the epiphytic and
endosymbiotic R. intracellularis all belonged to the same group and there was no difference in the
sequences of R. intracellularis growing intracellularly in H. membranaceous either from Pacific or
Atlantic Oceans. A high degree of host specificity was also deduced based on the divergence of the
sequences between symbionts from different genera.
Gómez et al. (2005) studied the distribution pattern of R. intracellularis as an epiphyte on
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Chaetoceros compressus from the Pacific Ocean. Colonies of C. compressus consisted of 10–16 cells
and 1–9 epiphytic filaments of R. intracellularis. Variables of environment (temperature and salinity)
and nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) have been taken into account to assess the distribution of
Rhizosolenia + Richella consortia. These studies have been extended to various depths (5 to 200 m)
and latitudes (at nine stations in between 30º 30’ to 34º 15’ N in May and at 10 stations in between
30º to 34º 20’ N during July) of Pacific Ocean at Kurashio, Oyashia currents surrounding Japan
and the Celebes, Sulu and South China Sea. The occurrence of R. intracellularis as endosymbiont of
Rhizosolenia clevei and free-living R. intracellularis in the samples prompted the authors to suggest
that the free-living R. intracellularis filaments might have originated due to their release from the
surface of the symbiotic diatom plasmolemma that lacked the frustule. Such nascently released R.
intracellularis filaments could colonize the scenescent cells in colonies of C. compressus lacking the
epiphytic R. intracellularis. Once R. intracellularis establishes on a single cell, it then spreads to other
diatom cells in the colony. These events have been correlated with the distribution patterns of the
two diatoms and R. intracellularis. The occurrence of C. compressus with its epiphyte is restricted to
the Indian and western Pacific Oceans whereas the endosymbiont R. intracellularis in other diatoms
is ubiquitous in warm oceans. The occurrence of Richelia-Chaetoceros consortia exclusively in the
periphery of the geographic proliferations of C. compressus coincided with the overlapping area of
the populations of asymbiotic C. compressus and R. intracellularis as an endosymbiont in R. clevei.
Further support for their findings is derived from the work of Janson et al. (1999) who reported a
similarity of hetR gene sequences of endosymbiotic R. intracellularis in R. clevei and the epiphytically
growing R. intracellularis on Chaetoceros. Further, as free-living R. intracellularis needs a support (due
to lack of gas vacuoles in its cells) and as Chaetoceros cannot survive in oligotrophic waters both
find it mutually beneficial leading to the formation of Richelia-Chaetoceros consortia. Foster and Zehr
(2006) compared the utility of the molecular markers nifH, hetR and 16S rRNA sequences in the
characterization of diatom-diazotroph associations (DDAs).
iii) Role of DDAs in the open oceans: The nitrogen cycle has been recognized as an important intrinsic
component of the ocean ecosystem and is supposed to play a greater role in the response of oceans
to global environmental changes (Zehr and Kudela, 2011). DDAs and Trichodesmium constitute the
important components of the upper euphotic zone flora (White et al., 2007a,b; Dore et al., 2008). The
contribution of R. intracellularis to the enrichment of nitrogen status of tropical marine waters as
an epiphyte and endophyte of diatoms has been highlighted (Venrick, 1974; Carpenter et al., 1999;
Scharek et al., 1999a,b; Capone, 2001). According to one estimate, based on ARAs of samples assayed
344 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

from SW N Atlantic (27° N 50° W), the contribution of Richelia as an endosymbiont of the diatom
Hemiaulus has been noted on the average to the tune of 3110±1315 µmol N m–2 d–1 (Carpenter et al.,
1999). The rates of nitrogen fixation by the DDAs assume significant proportions both in the open
oceans (Fong et al., 2008; Zeev et al., 2008; Kitajima et al., 2009; Foster et al., 2009, 2011; Turk et al.,
2011; Villareal et al., 2011) and nearshore systems (White et al., 2007a,b; Subramanian et al., 2008).
However, along a Mediterranean transect the dominance of rhizobia has been reported with lower
concentrations of unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria in the western Mediterranean Sea and
Richelia in the eastern basin. (Le Moal et al., 2011). R. intracellularis contributes to the extent of 35%
to 48% of nitrogen demand in the Gulfs of California at Guaymas and Carmen basins (White et
al. 2007a).
Zeev et al. (2008) estimated low rates of nitrogen fixation (~1.1 nmol N L –1 day 1 )
by R. intracellularis from ultraoligotrophic waters of Levantine basin of the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
The microscopic identification has been correlated with the reverse transcribed PCR amplification of
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the nifH gene that showed 98.8% identity with the known nifH sequence of R. intracellularis. The wide
spread occurrence of Hemiaulus-R. intracellularis symbiosis in southwest North Atlantic Ocean has been
reported by Villareal(1994). The influence of Amazon river plume on the distribution of free-living and
symbiotic cyanobacteria in the western tropical north Atlantic has been reported (Foster et al., 2007).
By using nifH gene amplification by quantitative PCR method, Foster et al. (2009) showed the gene
abundance and gene expression of diazotrophic populations from the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic.
H. hauckii-R. intracellularis association has been found to be abundant (>104 nifH copies L–1) in the
north-west of the Congo River plume. Although Calothrix-Chaetoceros association is poorly represented
at the surface, its abundance (3.7 x 104 nifH copies L–1) at a depth of 40 m in the equatorial upwelling
region has been noted. In case of Rhizosolenia-R.intracellularis association though the number of gene
copies is lowest, the transcript abundance has been found to be high (9.4 x 101 to 1.8 x 104). These
observations are supported by the nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometry approach to
measure nitrogen fixation rates and the release of fixed products into the natural waters. Richelia
and Calothrix symbionts fixed 171–420 times more nitrogen than the free cells. The cell specific rates
(1.15–7.5 fmol N cell–1 h–1) among the symbionts resembled each other and the fixed nitrogen was
rapidly transferred. On the average Richelia as an endosymbiont fixed 81–744% more nitrogen than
what is needed for its growth and transferred nearly 97.3% of the fixed nitrogen to the diatom cell
(Foster et al., 2011). In the tropical waters of eastern North Atlantic, in the vicinity of Cape Verde
Islands, the nitrogen fixation rates >6 nmol N L–1 h–1 have been found. The amplification of nifH
transcripts by RT-PCR resulted in 605 nifH transcripts of which 76% belonged to six operational
diazotrophic populations. The contribution of unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria appeared to
be significant in both the coastal and open ocean waters.
Studies on the DDAs of oligotrophic waters of North Pacific Ocean, specially northwest of
Hawaii have been conducted mostly near station ALOHA (22° 45’ N, 158° 00’ W), recognized
as one of the Hawaii Ocean Time Series (HOT) programme (Heinbokel, 1986; Scharek et al.,
1999a,b; White et al., 2007a,b; Fong et al., 2008). The other stations include the CLIMAX station
(Vanrick, 1974) and some to farther east (Mague et al., 1974; Wilson et al., 2008). The distribution
and significance of Rhizosolenia-R. intracellularis association has been for the first time reported by
Vanrick (1974). Nitrogen transport by the vertically migrating diatom mats in the North Pacific
Ocean seems to be the regulating feature for the occurrence of the blooms in this oligotrophic
water body (Villareal et al., 1993). The temporal variation in the abundance of H. hauckii-R.
intracellularis association has been recorded by Scharek et al. (1999a,b). Quantitative RT-PCR
determination of nifH gene copies revealed the abundance of Trichodesmium, Crocosphaera watsonii
Symbiosis 345

and R. intracellularis but the active nitrogen-fixing member among these has been found to be
Trichodesmium (Fong et al., 2008). Through ocean colour satellite data, Wilson et al. (2008) detected
Rhizosolenia-R. intracellularis association in the late summer blooms of eastern Pacific Ocean
(30° N, 156° W) and that the fixed nitrogen by this association seems to propel chlorophyll
While summarizing the occurrence of DDAs in marine waters, Monteiro et al. (2010) proposed
a model simulating the global distribution of these symbioses. According to them the largest
distribution of the DDAs centered in the Indian Ocean and the subtropical Atlantic Ocean but
predicted inconsistent distribution of DDAs with smaller biomass values in the Pacific Ocean.
Moreover, the conspicuous absence of DDAs northwest of Hawaii in their model is in sharp contrast
to the distribution patterns of DDAs in this region described above. Other reports pertain to the
abundance of Rhizosolenia-R. intracellularis and Hemiaulus-R. intracellularis associations from the Bay
of Bengal (Kulkarni et al., 2010) and the occurrence of five species of Rhizosolenia and two species
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of Hemiaulus with R. intracellularis as an endosymbiont in the tropical western Indian Ocean waters
(at Zanzibar and Dar es Salam; Lyimo, 2011).
iv) Other symbiotic associations of diatoms: Intracellular inclusions in the form of “sphaeroid
bodies” in certain diatoms such as Epithemia and Rhopalodia have been identified. These bodies are
surrounded by a double membrane as confirmed by ultrastructural studies (Drum and Pankratz,
1965; Geitler, 1977). These are considered as unique organelles or obligate endosymbiotic intracellular
organisms (Fig. 1). The ability of Rhopalodia gibba to fix nitrogen (Floener and Bothe, 1980) lent support
for further identification of enzymatic machinery for nitrogen fixation of cyanobacterial origin by
Prechtl et al. (2004) who employed molecular markers such as 16S rRNA analysis and nifD genes.
The ability of R. gibba to fix nitrogen in light and the gram-negative nature of the thylakoids of the
sphaeroid bodies and the sequence similarities (of 16S rRNA and nifD genes) suggested that the
genome is closely related to Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. They further concluded that the sphaeroid
bodies represent vertically transmitted structures that were integrated into host cell from a free-
living state.
A symbiotic association between three partners involving a diatom, a protozoan and a
cyanobacterium has been described where the diatom frustules are inhabited by the protozoan
Solenicola having coccoid cyanobacteria as its endosymbiont (Buck and Bentham, 1998). Carpenter
(2002) also mentions the endosymbiotic nature of certain coccoid cyanobacteria in Coscinodiscus
cells collected from the Indian Ocean near Zanzibar but details of this symbiotic association are
not available. Endosymbiotic coccoid Cyanothece-like cells numbering up to 20–30 per cell in chain-
forming diatom Climacodium frauenfeldianum have been identified with the help of 16S rDNA analysis
(Carpenter and Janson, 2000).
B) Dinoflagellates: Commonly referred to as “zooxanthellae”, the dinoflagellates constitute
endosymbionts in marine invertebrates and protists (Banaszak et al., 1993; Trench, 1997) and are
ubiquitous in their distribution in coral reef ecosystems (Taylor, 1974; Trench, 1993; Rowan, 1998;
Baker, 2003). These are nutritionally versatile organisms exhibiting autotrophic (in symbiotic
association), mixotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition. Some even are parasitic. The
presence of certain coloured bodies termed as “phaeosomes’ (Schütt, 1895) in certain dinoflagellates
(Omnithoceros, Histioneis, Citharistes and Amphisolenia) has been confirmed by ultrastructural studies
(Lucas, 1991). On the basis of thylakoid arrangement, location of carboxysomes and shape and size
of cells four distinct forms of cyanobacteria have been identified which are larger than the planktonic
free-living Synechococcus. In Omnithoceros, the symbionts are held externally between the upper and
346 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 1: A spheroid body of the diatom Rhopalodia gibba. SM: Symbiontophoric membrane; SBM: Spheroid body membrane.
With the kind permission of C. Kneip, Department of Cell Biology, Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany &
Department of Molecular Biology, Max-Planck-Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany [Kneip et al. (2007) BMC
Evolutionary Biology 7: 55 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-7-55].

lower cingular list whereas a pocket formed by singular groove holds the symbionts in Parahistoneis.
A small chamber in the girdle floor (as in Histoneis) and the chamber opening to the girdle reduced
to a small hole (as in Citharistes) are the other devices developed to hold the symbionts. While in all
the above four dinoflagellates, the cyanobionts are external to the protoplast, in Amphisolenia the
symbionts are very much entrenched in the cytoplasm of the host cell as revealed by transmission
electron microscopy.

Endocyanosis and the formation of lichen thallus are the two modes of symbiotic associations of
cyanobacteria with fungi.
A) Endocyanosis: This involves the formation of a bladder by the mycobiont Geosiphon pyriformis
(Kütz.) Von Wettstein, as the cyanobiont Nostoc punctiforme is engulfed. Evidences in support of
G. pyriformis belonging to the order Glomales, Glomomycetes (formerly placed in Zygomycetes) have
been presented by Gehrig et al. (1996) by the sequencing of 16S rRNA bringing it closer to other fungi
of this order that form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations. G. pyriformis is a soil inhabiting species
that occurs in larger abundance near Spessart Mountains, Bibergemünd, Germany (Kluge, 2002).
The successful symbiotic association of G. pyriformis with the cyanobiont results in the formation
of a bladder of up to 2 mm long and 5 mm in diameter (Kluge, 2002). Initially both partners exist in
soil leading an independent life. The fungus is coenocytic and grows extensively below the surface
of soil. The cyanobacterium also exists freely in soil. In order to reach a successful association
N. punctiforme has to get transformed into a non-motile primordial stage in its life cycle that is
formed from the pre-existing motile hormogonium. Although fluorescence-labelled lectin-specific
sugar was identified as mannose, due to its presence in hormogonia and late primordial stages this
does not provide unequivocal evidence in favour of being considered as the signalling molecule
for recognition. Schüßler et al. (1997) studied the ability of hormogonia, primordial and vegetative
colonies to bind fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated lectins with sugar specificity to
Symbiosis 347

[α-D-mannose/α-D-glucose], N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine oligomers, α-L-fucose, β-D-galactose,

α-D-galactose, N-acetyl-α-D-glucosamine and salic acid. The presence of large amounts of α-D-
mannosyl or α-D-glucosyl residues in the extracellular slime of N. punctiforme correlated with the
primordial stage. So it is suggested to play a role in specific recognition between the two partners.
However, studies of Wolf (2003) have identified β-1,4-linked galactose isomers might play a role
in the recognition process. These results further emphasize the involvement of a lectin-mediated
mechanism for specific partner recognition in Geosiphon symbiosis.
Once recognition is made, the fungus starts making an invagination so that the cyanobiont
is engulfed and taken in. As soon as this is completed, the bladder formation is initiated and
achieved. It is thus possible for the fungus to form a bladder at each successful contact with the
cyanobiont. The cyanobiont in the bladder initially suffers a shock as evidenced by a transient loss
of photosynthetic pigments. But soon it recovers, multiplies rapidly, differentiates heterocysts and
regains its photosynthetic activity. Thus the cyanobiont gets established in the mature bladder.
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It is demarcated from the contents of the bladder by the membrane surrounding the filament of
the cyanobiont that is known as symbiosome membrane. Experiments with 14C revealed that the
cyanobiont is photosynthetically active but the nutrient exchange between the two partners is not
properly understood. A beginning in this direction seems to have been made by Schüßler et al. (2006)
who discovered a monosaccharide transporter gene named as glomeromycotan monosaccharide
transporter (GP MST1) in G. pyriformis. This transporter has a highest affinity for glucose followed
by mannose, galactose and fructose.
B) Lichens: Lichen is a Latin word that carries the meaning of “tree moss”. Lichens represent
symbiotic association between a fungal and algal partner to form a thallus which otherwise could
not be formed by either of them alone. This association is purely ectosymbiotic interrelationship that
bestows the thallus with a unique morphology and extraordinary physiological properties. Simon
Schwendener first described this symbiotic association in 1867 (Honegger, 2000).
i) Occurrence: Majority of lichens grow in very diverse habitats in all continents. These include
forests, deserts, tundras, grasslands and thickly populated areas such as towns and cities. Some
of the lichens are very specialized as they are restricted to a particular environmental condition,
climate, geography or substrate. Lichens grow on a variety of substrata such as bark, wood, rocks,
mosses, soil, dead vegetation, leaves, pinecones, and manmade objects. While many of the lichens
grow on such generalized substrata, some of them are specific to a type of rock (calcareous, siliceous,
sandstone, granite etc.) or the bark of a certain trees (conifers and oaks etc.).
ii) The two partners: As many as 15,000 species of lichens have been reported from all over the world.
Nearly 1/5th of all known fungal species participate in lichenization (Lutzoni et al., 2001; Kirk et
al., 2001). In North America and New Foundland, 3600 and 1000 species of lichens, respectively are
reported to occur. The fungal partner is designated as mycobiont and may belong to either Ascomycota
or Basidiomycota. Lichenized species of the former represent 42% (i.e. nearly 30,000 species) and
accordingly these lichen thalli are known as ascolichens. Members belonging to three major classes
of Ascomycota, i.e. Lichinomycetes, Eurotinomycetes and Lecanoromycetes are involved in the
formation of lichen thalli. The fructifications of ascolichens are typically those of Ascomycetes, i.e.
apothecia, perithecia or pseudothecia and other ascocarps. In case of Basidiomycota members of the
class Agaricomycetes (exclusively Agaricales) enter into lichen symbiosis (Büdel, 1992; Rambold et al.,
1998; Rikkinen et al., 2002; Herrera-Campos et al., 2005; Lücking, 2008). In basidiolichens, basidiocarps
represent the fruiting bodies. Lichens are named according to the fungal partner.
348 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

The algal partner is known as photobiont or phycobiont. It may be either a green alga and/
or a cyanobacterium. In the vast majority of lichens four genera of algae are known to participate
in the symbiosis. Of these, two are green algae (Trebouxia sp. and Trentepohlia sp.) and two belong
to cyanobacteria, i.e. Nostoc sp. and Scytonema sp. (Ahmadjian, 1967; Büdel and Hensen, 1983;
Tschermak-Woess, 1988; Nyati et al., 2007). Lichens with a single photobiont (either a green alga or
cyanobacterium) are known as bipartite lichens. In some lichens, the green alga constitutes the main
photobiont and the cyanobacterium is restricted to reproductive structures known as cephalodia. Such
lichens are known as tripartite lichens. According to Laundon (1995) when the nature of photobiont
is not known it is designated as photomorph. The unidentified green and blue-green algae are thus
called as chloromorph and cyanomorph, respectively.
Exceptionally, Petroderma maculiforme is the only brown alga that enters into symbiotic association
with an undescribed species of ascomycetous fungus Verrucaria (Wynne, 1969). This lichen was
collected from intertidal rock surfaces in northern California and the fungal species was identified
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as V. tavaresiae (Moe, 1997). The thallus organization of this lichen with the nature of symbiont
interaction (Sanders et al., 2004) and ultrastructural studies on the photobiont in free-living and
in lichen symbiosis (Sanders et al., 2005) have been described. Two photobionts belonging to
Xanthophyta have also been reported in some other lichen thalli (Tschermak-Woess, 1988).
Cyanolichens , i.e. lichens possessing cyanobacteria constitute 10% of the lichen species. In the order
Lecanorales of lichens, the most commom photobiont is Nostoc (Friedl and Büdel, 1996). About half
of the cyanolichens have green algae as the main photobiont. A few other filamentous, heterocystous
cyanobacterial photobionts belong to the genera Calothrix, Dichothrix, Fischerella, Stigonema and
Tolypothrix (Tschermak-Woess, 1988; Oksanen, 2004). Cyanolichens are generally restricted to or are
most abundant in old growth and mature forests. Some of the examples of cyanolichens belong to the
species of Coccocarpia, Lobaria, Leptogium, Nephroma, Peltigera, Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta (Figs. 2 to 5).
The dominance of lichens in a wide variety of habitats reflects on their ability to tolerate extremes of
environmental conditions such as cold, desiccation, heat, UV radiations and visible light and other
harsh environmental conditions. High levels of UV radiations are frequently met within the Polar
and higher mountain regions and so the lichens occurring in these regions must be able to cope up
with these radiations. The differences in the physiology of green algae and cyanobacteria may be
useful in explaining the differences in the physiology of the photobionts of lichens. Cyanolichens
differ from green algal lichens in their photochemical apparatus in at least two important aspects
that make them more susceptible to high light levels. Cyanobacteria lack zeaxanthin-violoxanthin
cycle that acts as a screen, for high light intensity, present in green algae (Demming-Adams, 1990).
Secondly, PSII reaction center protein D1 has a lower resistance to photoinhibition in cyanobacteria
than green algal D1 protein (Clarke et al., 1993). Thus the cyanobionts of cyanolichens are weaker for
defense against excess light. Further, cyanobacteria and cyanolichens are not able to photosynthesize
without liquid water (Lange et al., 1986). Accordingly, light and availability of liquid water appear
to be crucial factors for the viability of cyanolichens. Combination of high wind speed and high
irradiance levels cause higher rates of evaporation leading to thallus desiccation. Combined effects of
desiccation and high irradiance will also increase risk for thallus damages (Demming-Adams, 1990;
Gauslaa and Solhaug, 1996). However, the generation of UV absorbing compounds, quenching of
toxic intermediates and damage repair are some of the strategies evolved by the lichens. Increased
production of lichen phenolics by the mycobiont in Cetraria islandica in response to UV-B radiation
exhibited no perceptible changes in chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations (Bachereau and
Asta, 1997). Although a negative correlation between UV-B radiation and phenolics has been made
in certain lichens (Swanson and Fahselt, 1997), due to the absorption of UV-B and UV-C bands by
Symbiosis 349
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Figure 2: Some common cyanolichens. (A) Lobaria pulmonaria, on Acer saccharum. From the North Shore of Lake Superior,
Ontario. (B) Lobaria scrobiculata (damp), on Acer macrophyllum. From the central Coast Range of California. (C) Leptogium
cyanescens on mossy Acer saccharum bark. From Acadia National Park, Maine. (D) Peltigera aphthosa, on mossy soil. From
the Cascade foothills, western Oregon. Photographs courtesy Stephen Sharnoff, Missouri Botanical Garden, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, USA (http://www.sharnoffphotos.com/).

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

secondary lichen products a protective role has been assigned to these substances (Quilhot et al.,
1995, 2002; Holder et al., 2000). We are presently at the threshold to understand these mechanisms
and whether these are specially adopted either by the mycobiont or the photobiont is the question
that has been addressed to during recent years. In the Antarctic epilithic lichen Xanthoria elegans, the
presence of parietin and β-carotene as the UV-protective compounds in upper cortex of mycobiont
has been demonstrated (Wynn-Williams, 2000). It is interesting to note that certain cyanobacteria
(Garcia-Pichel and Castenholz, 1993) produce mycosporine-like amino acids that act as intracellular,
cytoplasmic sunscreen pigments.
iii) Form of lichen thallus: The lichen thalli assume a variety of colours and shapes. They appear
greyish-green, white, orange, yellow, yellowish-green, brown or black. Traditionally, the lichens are
divided into three types based on the form of thallus. The first type is crustose thallus which forms
a crust over the substratum. The second type is a foliaceous thallus which mostly resembles a leaf-
like structure and dried up thallus of a liverwort with lobed and irregular margins. The lichens that
assume a brush-like structure and are branched are included in the third type known as fruticose
lichens. These grow upright or pendant attached to bark of trees or rocks.
350 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 3: Some common cyanolichens. (A) Peltigera leucophlebia, on sandy soil. From northern interior British Columbia. (B)
Peltigera neopolydactyla, on mossy dead Picea. From Montague Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (C) Pseudocyphellaria
crocata, on Arctostaphylos. From Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, coastal Oregon. (D) Nephroma arcticum, on mossy
soil. From Southeast Alaska. Photographs courtesy Stephen Sharnoff, Missouri Botanical Garden, University of California,
Berkeley, CA, USA (http://www.sharnoffphotos.com/).
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

iv) Internal structure: Structurally, the foliose type of lichen shows greater internal tissue organization.
A transverse section of foliose lichen reveals upper and lower cortex. Immediately beneath the upper
cortex there is an algal zone in which the cells of the photobiont are present. The distribution of
photobiont in the lichen thallus may be random through out the vegetative body of the thallus. Such
thalli are known as homoiomerous thalli. In majority of lichen thalli, the photobiont is distributed
just below the upper surface forming a well developed stratified layer. Such thalli are known as
heteromerous thalli. The cells of photobiont are surrounded by thin-walled loosely packed hyphae
and at points of contact are shown to be intimately surrounded by the mycobiont. This is followed
by the central region known as medulla which is occupied by loosely entangled hyphal threads. The
medulla merges with the lower epidermis from which a number of rhizoids develop that anchor the
thallus to the substratum and also help in absorption. In case of crustose lichens the upper cortex is
composed of hyphal layer which is either rudimentary or highly developed. Beneath this layer an
algal layer is present in close association with the upper layer. A loosely entangled mass of hyphae
constitutes the medulla which then merges with the lower epidermis. The lower epimdermis may
be well developed or completely absent. In fruticose lichens there is no such differentiation as an
upper and lower surface but the thallus is composed of centrally grouped, compact hyphae that form
Symbiosis 351
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Figure 4: Some common cyanolichens. (A) Nephroma bellum, on mossy soil. From northern interior British Columbia. (B)
Nephroma resupinatum on mossy Quercus. From the northern Sierra Nevada, California (C) Nephroma helveticum subsp.
helveticum,on mossy rock. From the North Shore of Lake Superior, Ontario. (D) Sticta fuliginosa, on mossy rock. From Shasta-
Trinity National Forest, northwestern California. Photographs courtesy Stephen Sharnoff, Missouri Botanical Garden,
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA (http://www.sharnoffphotos.com/).
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

the cylindrical, upright branched portion. This is the medulla and around is the lower cortex. This
is followed by the algal zone and upper cortex. The medullary group of hyphae and the thickened
cortical hyphal threads provide the requisite mechanical strength to the thallus. The central threads
form an attachment organ at the base.
v) Reproduction: The photobiont reproduces asexually within the lichen thallus itself. Even otherwise,
the lichen thallus exhibits both asexual and sexual reproduction. During asexual reproduction,
the mycobiont and the photobiont separate from the lichen thallus and grow out to form a new
lichen thallus. The structures formed may be called as soredia, blastidia, isidia and lobules. These
are scattered by wind, animals, birds, mites, ticks and rain to new locations where they develop
into new lichen thalli. In addition to these structures, the mycobiont forms specialized structures
known as pycnidia which release conidia. These are carried out by wind currents and when they
fall on suitable substrata by the side of the photobiont, they germinate and envelope the photobiont
to again form a lichen thallus. Sexual reproduction is exhibited by the mycobiont leading to the
352 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 5: Cyanolichens from Kenya (A) Coccocarpia erythroxyli. (B) Coccocarpia palmicola. Photographs courtesy J. Rikkinen,
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 65, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland.
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

formation of fruiting bodies. The conidia released from pycnidia recognize a tiny thread (trichogyne)
on a lichen surface and attaches itself. Both these fuse to form a diploid cell. At this place a fruiting
body develops. Meiotic division is followed by a mitotic division, that results in the formation of
eight ascospores. The haploid ascospores during germination on suitable substrata find a suitable
photobiont to form a new lichen thallus. Apothecia and perithecia are the two fruiting bodies that
are generally formed. Apothecia are disk or cup-shaped, macroscopic and form spores centrally
whereas perithecia are flask-shaped and are located on the upper surface opening by means of a
pore. Both apothecia and perithecia form asci with ascospores.
Symbiosis 353

vi) Fossil records: Hallbauer et al. (1977) described Thuchomyces lichenoides consisting of only
mycobiont that has been assigned to Precambrian period. Pelicothallos reported from Tertiary period
was in fact only a photobiont and the mycobiont was lacking in this ‘lichen’ (Sherwood-Pike, 1985).
Ziegler (1992) described apothecia-like structures on a lichen thallus from Triassic sediments.
Spongiophyton is another lichen thallus described from Lower Devonian period of North America
(Stein et al., 1993), that did not reveal the presence of either mycobiont or photobiont. All these
fossil records fall short of the description of true lichen symbiosis due to the absence of one or the
other partners in the thallus (Taylor and Taylor, 1993). The first convincing unequivocal evidence
for the presence of a lichen symbiosis (mycobiont and photobiont together) in a new fossil genus
Winfrenatia, a cyanolichen from Rhynie Chert of the Lower Devonian, was described by Taylor et
al. (1997). The mycobiont was composed of superimposed layers of coenocytic hyphae present as a
network. The cells of a coccoid cyanobacterium with rings of mucilage are entangled in the spaces
of the net. The division of the photobiont in three planes characteristic of coccoid cyanobacteria
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resulted in cell clusters presumably up to 64 cells. The presence of endospores and soredia as the
reproductive structures was also indicated. Phylogenetically, the mycobiont is suggested to be closer
to Zygomycetes while the photobiont is almost similar to Gloeocapsa and Chroococcidiopsis.
vii) Nature of symbiosis: Lichen symbiosis has been traditionally considered to be a mutualistic
association (Nash, 1996). The mycobiont is benefited to a large extent as it can meet nearly 70–80%
of its carbon requirements from the photobiont (Smith, 1980; Tapper, 1981). Reports on the supply of
nutrients from the mycobiont to the photobiont do not exist in literature (Hill, 1994). The argument
that the photobiont is benefited by getting a shelter in an otherwise hostile outer environment seems
no longer acceptable because the photobiont’s growth and multiplication are very much restricted in
the lichen symbiosis than when it exists freely in nature (Honegger, 1993; Ahmadjian, 1993). These
observations generated interest in defining the role of mycobiont as nothing but a parasite and the
concept that lichen symbiosis is a form of controlled parasitism gained strength.
Comparative phylogenetic analysis has been carried out by matching the sequences of 16S
rRNA and 23S rRNA genes of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi of Ascomycota (representing
~75% species). These results suggest that the evolution of free-living non-lichenized Ascomycota
had taken place due to losses of the lichen symbiosis. The genera Penicillium and Aspergillus must
have originated from such lichenized mycobionts (Lutzoni et al., 2001). By combining Bayesian
phylogenetic tree sampling methodology and a statistical model of trait evolution, Lutzoni et al.
(2001) estimated the rates of gains or losses of lichenization on each of the 19,900 phylogenetic trees
and suggested that during evolution of Ascomycota there have been at least 1.5 times as many
losses of the lichen symbiotic state than gains. The rates of loss of lichen symbiotic habit led to the
development of non-lichenized fungi called as lichenicolous fungi (that can dwell on or in lichens
as parasites, commensals or saprophytes).
On the basis of frequency of heterocysts in cyanobionts, relative proportion of green algal cells
vs cyanobacterial cells per unit of fungus as variables, a theoretical model has been predicted to
explain the cost of lichen symbiosis. The model explains that the mycobiont derives maximum benefit
by altering the role of the photobiont in tripartite lichens. The mycobiont meets the negligible cost
of differentiating cephalodia (to accommodate the cyanobiont), thereby allowing the increase in
frequency of heterocysts so as to restrict its growth. The reported heterocyst frequencies in bipartite
(2 to 8%) and tripartite lichens (10 to 55%) reported in literature support the above predictions. The
mycobiont thus derives maximum benefit from the cyanobiont by meeting its nitrogen requirements
whereas the green alga meets the carbon requirements (Hyvärinen et al., 2002). These observations
354 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

further lend support to the concept that lichen symbiosis is not a mutualistic association but a
predominantly of commensalism or even emphasizes the role of a parasite to the mycobiont. Joneson
et al. (2011) identified the expression of 41 and 33 candidate genes by the fungal and algal partners,
respectively in Cladonia grayi lichen symbiosis. Proteins involved in self and non-self recognition,
lipid metabolism and negative regulation of glucose repressible genes are highly expressed in the
mycobiont whereas the phycobiont Asterochloris showed the up-regulation of chitinase-like protein,
an amino acid metabolism protein and a protein arginine methyltransferase.
viii) Specificity of the partners: A number of investigators contributed to our understanding
of cyanobiont specificity in cyanolichens. Traditional taxonomy helped in the identification of
cyanobiont to be a species of Nostoc. The questions that have been addressed are whether: (i) there
is any diversity in the Nostoc strains that form symbiotic association or a single strain is invariably
represented in all cyanolichens, (ii) the same Nostoc strain forms association in a particular species
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of cyanolichen in geographically distant regions, (iii) there is any diversity in the mycobiont that
forms symbiosis and (iv) morphological diversity of the lichen thallus is imposed by the photobiont
or mycobiont. To find out strain differences in Nostoc, molecular markers have been of great help
in providing requisite answers.
The most widely used molecular markers for resolving strain differences of Nostoc and in
determining specificity are tRNALeu (UAA) intron and 16S rDNA sequences. The fungal-specific
markers are internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the 5.8S gene of nuclear rDNA coding for RNAs
of the small and large subunits of the ribosome and intergeneric spacer (IGS) separating two
consecutive repeats. The 5.8S gene is homologous to a portion of the 23S gene of prokaryotes. It is
highly conserved, small in size and provides characters that are helpful in resolving differences in
between taxa (Hillis and Dixon, 1991). A brief account on the types of introns, their properties is
presented here.
Introns are defined as sequences of DNA that interrupt coding sequences of many genes and
also referred to as intervening sequences (Lewin, 2008). Depending on their structural and functional
features and nature of splicing mechanisms these are classified into four groups: (i) spliceosomal
introns, (ii) group I introns, (iii) group II introns and (iv) archaeal introns (Belfort et al., 1995; Nilsen,
2003). (i) Spliceosomal introns are the conventional introns present in eukaryotic cells. Along with
coding sequences, these are also transcribed into mRNA but are excised during the processing of
mRNA by spliceosomes (Logsdon, 1998). (ii) Group I introns can catalyze their own excision. They
are widely distributed in the genes of mitochondria, plastids, nuclear rRNA genes, bacterial tRNA
genes, genes of eukaryotes and viruses (Saldanha et al., 1993). (iii) Group II introns differ from group
I introns in their splicing mechanism. Though they can catalyze their own excision, the splicing
mechanism resembles those of eukaryotes. They are exclusively found in genes coding for proteins,
tRNA and rRNA genes of organelles (Michel et al., 1989; Saldanha et al., 1993). (iv) Archaeal introns
are present in archaebacteria and these do not have the self-splicing mechanism of group I and
group II introns. These are spliced by an endonuclease that cuts at the exon-intron junction (Kjems
and Garrett, 1991; Lykke-Andersen et al., 1997).
Xu et al. (1990) for the first time reported a group I self-splicing intron in the gene for leucine
transfer RNA [tRNALeu (UAA)] in two species of Anabaena, Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 and Anabaena
azollae. It is of 249 bp in the former and 291 bp in the latter. It is interesting to know that an intron of
similar nature and in the same identical position is present in the same tRNA gene of chloroplasts
of higher plants. This further strengthens the concept of endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts.
The variability of intron in the tRNALeu (UAA) gene in filamentous heterocystous cyanobacteria
Symbiosis 355

has been investigated further. Kuhsel et al. (1990) sequenced tRNALeu (UAA) introns in Scytonema
strain PCC 7110, Anacystis strain R2 and Phormidium strain N182. The presence of group I introns in
bacteriophages, eubacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts and nuclear genetic systems of eukaryotes has
been subsequently demonstrated. Studies of Paquin et al. (1997) revealed that in some cyanobacteria
a group I intron is present in tRNAfMet gene that is absent in plastids. On the basis of phylogenetic
analysis of group I intron in tRNALeu (UAA) and tRNAfMet genes, they suggested that (i) tRNALeu
(UAA) intron may be absent or present in closely related species, (ii) tRNAfMet intron is of more
recent origin in cyanobacteria and (iii) the presence of tRNALeu (UAA) intron in both cyanobacteria
and plastids suggests their acquisition from a common ancestor.
Thus tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequencing has been used for differentiating closely related
organisms. Due to difficulties encountered in the cultivation of cyanobionts of lichens and the
probability of growth of contaminating organisms along with the isolated cyanobionts, group I
intron of tRNALeu (UAA) gene has been the choice for establishing the identity of the cyanobionts in
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lichen symbiosis as also in the cyanobionts entering into symbiotic relationships with bryophytes.
Paulsrud and Lindblad (1998) studied the genetic diversity of photobionts in four lichen species
(Nephroma arcticum, Peltigera aphthosa, P. membranacea and P. canina). Of these, N. arcticum and
P. aphthosa are tripartite lichens where the former shows internal cephalodia and the latter forms
external cephalodia. The other two species of Peltigera are bipartite lichens. The intron sequence
of tRNALeu (UAA) gene was analyzed for the photobionts of the above lichens and compared with
laboratory cultures of Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102, Nostoc muscorum CCAP1453/12 and Anabaena
sp. strain PCC 7120. The interesting findings are that (i) all the photobionts showed the presence of
introns consistently with a length of around 300 bp, (ii) all the photobionts were identified as one
Nostoc strain, (iii) the existence of one intron type in a thallus indicates that the same Nostoc strain
colonized each lichen thallus, (iv) geographically separated lichen thalli also revealed the same
intron sequence suggesting the high degree of specificity and (v) similarity in sequences of introns
matched with two free-living Nostoc strains (Nostoc muscorum CCAP 1453/12 and N. punctiforme
PCC 73102).
The photobionts of bipartite and tripartite lichens differed with respect to the variability of
the sequences of the introns corresponding to bases 99 to 143 in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. The
photobionts of bipartite lichens (P. membranacea and P. canina) showed similarity in the sequences of
intron tRNALeu (UAA) gene with those of N. muscorum whereas photobionts from tripartite lichens
(N. arcticum and P. aphthosa) exhibited sequence similarity in intron closer to N. punctiforme PCC
73102. In bipartite lichens the photobiont mainly is suggested to carry on photosynthesis and in
tripartite lichens the photobiont is restricted to the cephalodia where it performs nitrogen fixation.
Whether this dual functional difference can be correlated with the variability in the sequences of
the introns or not needs further investigation.
The ability of the mycobionts of tripartite lichens to enter into symbioses with either only
a green alga or a cyanobacterium leads to the development of different morphotypes (Armaleo
and Clerc, 1991; Goffinet and Bayer, 1997). The morphotypes of tripartite lichens are designated
as cyanosymbiodemes for those with a cyanobacterium and chlorosymbiodemes for those with a
green alga (Renner and Galloway, 1982). Such morphotypes may lead an independent life or at times
come together to live side by side. The latter association is termed as photosymbiodemes. These
have been reported in Peltigera (Brodo and Richardson, 1979), Nephroma and Lobaria (Tønsberg
and Holtan-Hartwig, 1983) and P. venosa (Ott, 1988). The morphotypes may exhibit differences in
growth form as in Lobaria (Jordan, 1972) and Sticta (Galloway, 1994), their anatomy as in P. venosa
(Ott, 1988), chemistry as in N. arcticum (Renner and Galloway, 1982; Tønsberg and Holtan-Hartwig,
356 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

1983), habitat preferences (White and James, 1988) and morphology also as in P. aphthosa group
(Holtan-Hartwig, 1993; Vitikainen, 1994; Goward et al., 1995) and Pseudocyphellaria (Renner and
Galloway, 1982; Galloway, 1988). The generic identity and the specificity of the cyanobacterial
strains present in the morphotypes of tripartite lichens have been investigated. Miao et al. (1997)
reported the existence of different Nostoc strains in the morphotypes of P. membranacea. On the other
hand, Paulsrud et al. (1998) detected that there exists specificity and the same strain of Nostoc is
represented in the morphotypes examined from geographically distant areas in central Sweden and
collection sites in Sweden and Finland. The identity of Nostoc strain was based on similarity in the
sequences of intron of tRNALeu (UAA) gene of the photobionts. The bipartite and tripartite lichens
of P. aphthosa harboured the same Nostoc strain as revealed by the matching of intron sequences of
the photosymbiodeme. Similarly, intron sequences of photobiont of one specimen of bipartite lichen
P. neopolydactyla (from central Finland) were similar to the sequences of photobionts of tripartite
lichens collected from Finland and Sweden. It was thus concluded that the apparent diversity in
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Nostoc strains associated with P. neopolydactyla infact is dependent on the particular fungal chemotype
that establishes the association.
The diversity of photobionts in lichens from geographically distant regions has been studied
by Paulsrud et al. (2000). The photobionts of P. membranacea collected from Oregon (USA) and in
Sweden showed identical sequences of the intron of tRNALeu (UAA) gene. Similarly, Nephroma
resupinatum thalli inhabiting Oregon and Finland showed similar sequences of the intron. These
results indicate that the same photobiont is present in particular species of thallus irrespective of its
place of collection. On the contrary, the cyanobionts of P. neopolydactyla collected from Oregon and
Washington revealed intron sequences different from the sequences of cyanobionts present in the
thalli of P. neopolydactyla collected from central Finland. At least two different Nostoc strains have been
identified in the materials from USA thus confirming their earlier observations on P. neoploydactyla
(Paulsrud et al., 1998). Further, two different Nostoc strains were represented in different samples
of P. brittanica and five different strains seem to be associated with six specimens from Oregon
and Washington based on the intron sequences. The diversity of Nostoc strains in populations of
P. neopolydactyla is whether due to the particular chemotype of the fungus involved in the association
or due to the existence of several morphological and chemical races in this species of Peltigera remains
to be elucidated. To establish specificity of the cyanobiont, populations of P. aphthosa growing in
field were subjected to asceptic removal of their cephalodia (containing the cyanobiont Nostoc) and
seven axenic cultures of Nostoc (five isolates from lichen thalli: two strains from P. aphthosa-Nostoc
Pa-1 and Nostoc Pa-2; one each from P. membranacea, P. canina and N. resupinatum, i.e. Nostoc-Pm,
Nostoc-Pc and Nostoc-Nr, respectively; N. punctiforme PCC 73102 and Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120)
were inoculated on the surface of P. aphthosa thalli. After the development of new cephalodia, 80 such
cephalodial cyanobionts were analyzed for tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences and compared with
the sequences of seven axenic cultures as well as those of cyanobionts of thalli occurring in nature.
Interestingly, none of the inoculated strains appeared in the newly generated cephalodia but all the
80 cephalodia contained the same sequences of tRNALeu (UAA) intron that were originally present
in the cephalodia of the thalli at the site. Two of the inoculated strains survived as epiphytes on the
same thalli and they belonged to the isolates from bipartite Peltigera species. These results suggest
that cyanobacterial association and lichen-forming fungi can be specific and stable (Paulsrud et
al., 2001).
Rikkinen et al. (2002) subjected cyanobionts of cyanolichens from northern Europe, western north
America and central China for 16S rDNA and tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequence analysis. The former
helped in resolving phylogenetic relationships while the latter enabled in the identification of Nostoc
Symbiosis 357

strains associated with lichen symbiosis. All Nostoc strains formed a monophyletic group as revealed
by 16S rDNA sequencing. Further, Nostoc strains were divided into two sub-groups, cyanobionts
of epiphytic lichens designated as Nephroma guild and the rest as Peltigera guild, irrespective of
geographical origin or generic identity of the lichen species. According to them, the cyanolichens
show specificity to a cyanobiont on a community scale, in other words suggesting that lichens of a
particular habitat exhibit specificity for a group of cyanobacterial strains. Low cyanobiont selectivity
was reported in lichen specimens from Antarctica. Free-living cyanobacteria and cyanobionts
from five lichen species (Massalongia carnosa, Leptogium puberulum, Psoroma cinnamomeum, Placopsis
parellina and Placopsis contortuplicata; the first two being bipartite and the rest tripartite) collected
from Livington Island (maritime Antarctica) were analyzed for tRNALeu (UAA) intron as a genetic
marker for the identification of cyanobacterial strains. All the lichen species examined shared the
same Nostoc strain with an additional Nostoc strain in two of the lichens. There was no difference
in the Nostoc strains in between bi- and tripartite lichens. This has been explained as a selection
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pressure in the harsh environment and that the mycobionts in order to survive in the extreme climatic
condition have no greater choice for the selection of their cyanobionts (Wirtz et al., 2003).
The identity and specificity of major photobionts of Pseudocyphellaria have been examined by
comparing 16S rRNA gene sequences. On this basis, cyanobacterial and green algal isolates could
easily be distinguished one from the other. With the help of both 16S rRNA gene and tRNALeu (UAA)
intron sequences of isolates it was possible to identify the individual photobionts. The genetic
diversity of cyanobiont and mycobionts was investigated using tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences and
ITS sequences (of 5.8S gene), respectively. Two Nostoc strains have been identified as species-specific.
On the other hand, 5.8S ITS sequences did not show much variation in the mycobionts of P. crocata and
P. neglecta. Further, the two symbionts have been shown to be specific for all samples (Summerfield
et al., 2002). The tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences of a number of symbiotic strains (54 of them) of
Nostoc that are derived from lichens [species of Peltigera (18), Nephroma (7)], bryophytes [Blasia (6),
Anthoceros fusiformis (4)] and gymnosperms (Cycas circinalis, C. rumphii, Encephalartos lebomboensis
and Zamia pumila) have been compared with the sequences of diverse free-living cyanobacteria
belonging to all five taxonomic subsections and the evolutionary patterns deduced. The tRNALeu
(UAA) intron sequences in various strains of Nostoc exhibited high similarity and shared a highly
conserved intron sequence with few variable positions. These differences have been found in one
stem-loop (P6b) of the tRNALeu (UAA) intron. Degenerate heptanucleotide repeats are characteristic
of this region that fold into a hairpin structure. All Nostoc strains exhibited differences in the number
of heptanucleotide repeats thus causing size variations and also by the presence of other sequences
not having the heptanucleotide repeats (Costa et al., 2002). Further, the regions that flank these
sequences contained the same or similar heptanucleotide repeats. The different groups of degenerate
heptanucleotide repeats could be distinguished into two classes from the P6b stem-loop of the intron,
i.e. N. punctiforme PCC 73102 (two groups of repeats one with a consensus sequence 5’-TDNGATT-3’
and the other its pairing repeat with 3’-AATYHAA-5’) and Nostoc commune (two groups of repeats
with a consensus sequence 5’-NNTGAGT-3’ and its base pairing repeat 3’-AACTCHN-5’). The cause
of variations in the introns has been attributed due to slipped strand mispairing during replication
and homologous recombination among different loci in the genome.
An important aspect of group I introns pertains to their mobility. Group I introns of tRNALeu
(UAA) gene are once considered to be immobile and are of ancient origin. It was presumed that
these introns are older than the divergence of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts (Kuhsel et al., 1990;
Xu et al., 1990; Delwiche and Palmer, 1997). Group I introns have now been shown to be mobile.
They can insert themselves into intronless genes. This process has been termed as homing (Dujon,
358 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

1989). Their ability to get excised and get inserted at new locations is based on the presence of ORF
governing the production of DNA endonucleases. At least 30% of the group I introns possess such
ORFs that encode site specific DNA endonucleases. Although the location of such ORFs varies in
the conserved secondary RNA structure, it does not interfere with the folding of the catalytic core
(Lambowitz et al., 1999).
On the contrary, according to Rudi et al. (2002) the evolutionary pattern of tRNALeu (UAA)
intron is involved with lateral gene transfer (LGT) in cyanobacteria. Evidences adduced in support
of this are a higher sequence similarity with introns in tRNAIle (CAU) and tRNAArg (CCU) genes
of α- and β-proteobacteria and sporadic distribution of tRNALeu (UAA) intron in Nostoc and
Microcystis radiations. Further, the sequences of tRNA gene along with flanking regions and its
intron have provided sufficient support for LGT as the means of distribution and evolution of
tRNALeu (UAA) intron. Intronless strains showed the absence of tRNA gene and flanking regions
and strains with introns showed the presence of tRNA gene and flanking regions. It is not due to
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intron mobility but rather due to its instability that the sporadic distribution of this intron is seen
in genus Microcystis.
The validity of tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences as a molecular marker for the identification and
measuring taxonomic relationships in cyanobacteria has been questioned by Oksanen et al. (2004)
based on the comparison of the molecular phylogeny deduced from 16S rRNA gene sequences. The
two classes of heptanucleotide repeats in the P6b stem-loop described by Costa et al. (2002) have
been found among distant relatives whereas some close relatives harboured different repeat classes
with a high sequence difference. Symbiont specificity in bipartite lichens P. crocata, P. neglecta and
P. perpetua from Northern and Southern Hemispheres has been investigated based on tRNALeu
(UAA) intron sequences where the fungal partner was identified on the basis of 5.8S ITS of the
nuclear encoded ribosomal repeat unit and a part of the gene encoding β-tubulin. Both 5.8S ITS
and β-tubulin gene sequence analyses have confirmed that all the three species of Pseudocyphellaria
examined actually represent morphotypes of the same phylogenetic fungal species. Five cyanobionts
have been identified from a total of 36 specimens of the above three species collected from various
geographical regions of the two Hemispheres. Of these, two strains of Nostoc are represented in a
number of specimens while three have been restricted to one lichen thallus each of P. crocata from
Australia and two specimens from Chile (Summerfield and Eaton-Rye, 2006).
The term ‘selectivity’ has been used instead of ‘specificity’ by some investigators to describe
the choice of a partner during symbiosis. According to Galun and Bubrik (1984), selectivity means
‘preferential interaction between organisms’. Thus the two terms, specificity and selectivity have been
used synonymously (Beck et al., 2002). The foregoing account on the selectivity of a cyanobiont by
an ascomycetous fungus during lichen symbiosis is either based on 16S rRNA gene and/or tRNALeu
(UAA) intron sequence analysis. According to few workers, the former marker is too conservative
to be relied upon to distinguish between species or strains of Nostoc whereas the latter falls short of
explaining the presence or absence of heptanucleotide repeats in the P6b stem-loop (Fox et al., 1992;
Stenroos et al., 2006). Besides, tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequencing has generated a controversy about
its suitability to be employed for distinguishing between strains of Nostoc (Rudi et al., 2002; Oksanen
et al., 2004). Another important aspect that has been over-looked is the lack of correlation of Nostoc
clades with fungal taxa. Stenroos et al. (2006) selected 16S rDNA, tRNALeu (UAA) intron, partial rbcL
and rbcX genes of the rbcLX gene cluster as molecular markers to investigate selectivity of lichen
mycobionts and cyanobionts (Nostoc). Such an analysis of 122 new sequences generated from 45
lichen collections from various geographical regions revealed that lichens Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta,
Collema, and Leptogium appear to prefer certain Nostoc strains whereas lichen genera Peltigera, Lobaria,
Symbiosis 359

Nephroma and Stereocaulon are able to accept a broader spectrum of Nostoc strains as photobionts.
Specimens collected from different geographical regions showed similar Nostoc strains suggesting
that Nostoc taxa are very widely distributed. In other words, Nostoc strains diversified (as the other
Nostoc strains that associate with Blasia and Macrozamia) and are versatile in forming bipartite
(Pseudocyphellaria crocata) or tripartite (Lobaria pulmonaria) lichens. Strains of Nostoc present in lichens
Stereocaulon spp. and N. arcticum (with external cephalodia) do not appear in the ‘Pseudocyphellaria
clade’ as also certain of the free-living Nostoc spp. They concluded that some of the Nostoc taxa are
specialized in leading a symbiotic life with only lichen-forming fungi.
Cyanobiont selectivity of eight epiphytic lichens (Lobaria pulmonaria, tripartite lichen with
internal cephalodia; Nephroma bellum, N. laevigatum, N. parile, N. resupinatum, P. triptophylla,
P. leucophlebia, tripartite lichen with external cephalodia and P. praetextata) of an old growth forest
area in Finland was examined by sequencing of three gene loci (partial 16S rDNA, partial rbcL and
complete rbcX gene of the rbcLX gene cluster). The above lichen species growing on same old aspen
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(Populus tremula) and adjacent trees in the same stand were compared to know whether they share
the same cyanobiont or harbour different strains specific to the lichen. The main findings can be
summarized as follows: (i) all the lichen species showed the sequence similarities of the cyanobiont
to be Nostoc, (ii) there is no correlation of the geographic origin of the samples, (iii) the sequences of
the cyanobionts in all the epiphytic species are distributed into two major clades, (iv) cyanobionts
of P. leucophlebia and P. praetextata group together in clade I with four P. leucophlebia samples from
lithophytic habitats, (v) clade II consisted of two subgroups, subgroup IIa having the two cyanobionts
from N. laevigatum together with cyanobionts of Degelia plumbea, L. scrobiculata, N. helveticum,
N. tangeriense and Pseudocyphellaria crocata and subgroup IIb consisting of all the cyanobionts of
N. bellum, N. parile, N. resupinatum and P. triptophylla irrespective of their geographical origin together
with three cyanobionts of L. pulmonaria and (vi) the cyanobionts of L. pulmonaria revealed sequence
similarities to the clade II signifying that L. pulmonaria is more versatile and can form symbioses
with a wide range of Nostoc strains. This could also lead to different Nostoc strains in a single lichen
thallus (Myllys et al., 2007). In this context, it is interesting to note that the thalli of L. pulmonaria do
not always contain cephalodia (Zoller et al., 1999).
The clades I and II identified by these workers corresponded to those already described earlier
by Rikkinen et al. (2002), Lohtander et al. (2003) Rikkinen (2003, 2004) and Oksanen et al. (2004).
Moreover, following Rikkinen et al. (2002) the clades I and II were designated as “Peltigera guild”
and “Nephroma guild”, respectively based on the ecology of the lichens. Though “Peltigera guild”
includes the terricolous lichens, the “Nephroma guild” corresponded only to epiphytic lichens of old
growth forests. However, “Nephroma guild” does not constitute a homogeneous group of epiphytic
lichens since it consisted of certain other cyanobionts collected from terrestrial and lithophytic
habitats (Stenroos et al., 2006).
The variability in the morphotypes of Peltigerineae is whether due to differences in the
photobionts or genetically distinct mycobionts has been investigated. Though the first such
molecular study was conducted by Armaleo and Clerc (1991), the results did not have sufficient
resolution to distinguish the presence of two species. DePriest and Been (1992) used ITS region of
5.8S gene of lichenized fungus Cladonia chlorophaea for such studies. The fungus specific primers
designed for mycorrhizal fungi by Egger (1995) were put to test for the amplification of the 5.8S
ITS region of mycobionts using total lichen DNA as template (Goffinet and Bayer, 1997). Further,
these workers also used ITS of 5.8S gene sequences of mycobiont members of photomorph pairs in
P. aphthosa, P. brittannica, P. leucophlebia, N. expallidum and N. arcticum. One possibility suggested for
the development of a tripartite lichen thallus in the genera studied is the fusion of the chloromorph
360 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

and cyanomorph lobes. The supporting evidences cited in favour of this are soredial fusion in the
asexual life cycle of P. didactyla (Stocker-Wörgötter and Türk, 1990) and the presence of chemical
hybrids between two varieties of this species (Goffinet and Hastings, 1995). The existence of similar
5.8S ITS sequences of the mycobionts of fused cyanomorph-chloromorph structures of Peltigera
and Nephroma prompted them to conclude that the same species of mycobiont is involved in the
symbiosis. Phylogenetic patterns among Nostoc cyanobionts within bi- and tripartite lichens of the
genus Pannaria have been deduced based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The cyanobionts have been
derived from 21 Pannaria species from both Northern and Southern hemispheres and compared
with 69 free-living and symbiotic strains. Most of the Nostoc sequences from Pannaria are distributed
among the “Nephroma-guild” and within two subgroups of “Peltigera-guild”. Cyanobionts from
several tripartite lichens of Pannaria are grouped together with the Nostoc sequences of cyanobionts
of corticolous bipartite lichens from both the hemispheres (Arve et al., 2008). The morphotypes of
the photobionts of tropical lichen genera Dictyonema, Acantholichen and Coccocarpia and some other
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Stereocaulon lichens have been identified microscopically under Scytonema and a unicellular member
Chroococcus. Phylogenetic analysis of the photobionts of the above lichens revealed the presence of a
previously unrecognized lineage of filamentous cyanobacteria clustered into a single clade known
as Rhizonema. But the Rhizonema clade did not cluster with Scytonema (Lücking et al., 2009). Otálora et
al. (2010) investigated the symbiotic specificity at an intercontinental spatial-scale among gelatinous
lichens belonging to Collemataceae (Lecanoromycetes). They conducted a phylogenetic study on
the basis of rbcLXS sequences of Nostoc strains sampled from 79 thalli belonging to 24 species of
Collemataceae. Most of the fungal species belonging to Collemataceae showed a generalist pattern
of association with Nostoc strains. However, only in case of five species a one-one specificity has been
noted. According to them, during the course of evolution these five mycobiont species represent
independent transitions from a generalized pattern of photobiont association.
ix) Role of lectins in lichen symbiosis: Lectins are a class of proteins or glycoproteins which
specifically bind to cell surface carbohydrate moieties. Their presence has been detected in animals,
plants, fungi and bacteria. In most of the plants and legumes lectins have been detected mostly from
seeds. However, in a number of cases their presence has been demonstrated in other vegetative
parts such as leaves, stems, barks and roots. The important properties of lectins are that they: (i)
are of non-immune origin; (ii) are soluble or membrane bound; (iii) agglutinate erythrocytes with
a high specificity (so also called as haemagglutinins); and (iv) stimulate resting lymphocytes to
actively divide. The role of lectins in rhizobium-legume symbiosis, in the formation of arbuscular
endomycorrhiza and parasitism has been clearly established (Albrecht et al., 1999; Hirsch, 2004;
Brewin, 2004; Tikhonovich et al., 2004). The mitogenic, antitumor, antiviral and immunity stimulating
potential of mushroom lectins have been summarized (Singh et al., 2010).
In lichen symbiosis the mycobiont first recuits a photobiont. In doing so the initial interaction
of the mycobiont with the photobiont is through the secretion of lectins that bind to the cell surface
carbohydrate moieties of the phycobiont. Two classes of lectins with different roles have been
detected. The first type is the secreted lectins which promote the recruitment of algal cells to the
neighbourhood of the mycobiont. These intial interactions lead to the binding of the cells of the
photobiont to the mycobiont and also prevent the loss of the cells of photobiont. The second type
is the algal binding proteins (ABP) that have enzyme activity and promote the physical interaction
between the fungus and its specific algal partner. These two types are described here seaparately.
A number of phytohaemagglutinins have been isolated and characterized from various lichen
species. Haemagglutinins isolated from the cyanolichen thalli P. canina and P. polydactyla could bind
Symbiosis 361

to the cell walls of the cyanobiont Nostoc sp. (Lockhart et al., 1978). Likewise, Ingram (1982) conducted
a detailed survey of haemagglutinins and haemolysins from the extracts of 36 species of lichens
from 19 genera. The assays involved 20 types of erythrocytes and the extracts of Usnea fragilescens,
Parmelia caperata and Lepraria incana exhibited haemagglutinin and haemolysin activities to over
13 and 10 types of erythrocytes, respectively. Proteins extracted from the lichen thalli of Xanthoria
parietina could bind to the cell surface of the cultured material of the phycobiont but not to the
freshly isolated phycobionts. Using fluorescamine-labelled proteins from X. parietina, Bubrick and
Galun (1980) demonstrated strong binding to the cultured phycobionts obtained from X. parietina,
Caloplaca auriantia and C. citrine but not to the cultured or freshly isolated phycobionts from the
thalli of Cladonia convoluta, Ramalina duriaei and R. pollinaria. The binding very much depended on
the cell wall chemistry of the phycobiont and specially has been correlated with the presence of high
levels of acidic polysaccharides. Further, the binding of fluorescamine-labelled protein could also
bind to the isolated cell walls of the phycobionts. Lectins from the thalli of Peltigera horizantalis have
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been found to bind to the cell surface of cultured phycobionts but not to the cell surface of freshly
isolated phycobionts (Petit, 1982). Another purified phytolectin from Peltigera canina var canina has
been found to be thermostable with a molecular weight of 80,000–90,000 and it could be used as
cytochemical marker in tissue (Petit et al., 1983). In order to visualize the cell surface receptors of
mycobionts and phycobionts through fluorescence microscopy, Marx and Peveling (1983) employed
a number of purified lectins. The mycobionts showed more affinity to most of the lectins than the
phycobionts. However, all investigated species of Trebouxia could bind lectin ConA to their cell
surface but not to the cell surface of the two species of Pseudotrebouxia.
Cultures of the mycobiont from the thallus of Xanthoria produced ABP that is restricted to the cell
walls of the mycobiont and has a molecular weight of 12 kDa (Bubrick et al., 1981, 1985). A similar
ABP from cyanolichen Nephroma laevigatum revealed a heterodimeric structure with 52 kDa and 55
kDa subunits (Kardish et al., 1991). Characterization of lectins with homodimer structure from the
thalli of Peltigera membranacea (Lehr et al., 1995) and P. aphthosa (Lehr et al., 2000) has been reported.
Similarly, a homodimeric (each subunit with 16.5 kDa) lectin with haemagglutinating activity has
been purified from the lichen Dictyonema glabratum which harbours Scytonema as a photobiont.
Structurally, it has been shown to be a glycoprotein with neutral monosaccharides galactose, xylose,
glucose, mannose, in addition to glucosamine. The haemagglutinating activity of the lectin has
been inhibited by N-acetylgalactosamine (Elifio et al., 2000). A glycoprotein lectin with D-galactose
specificity has been reported from the tripartite lichen P. aphthosa (Feoktistov et al., 2009).
The ABPs from X. parietina, Evernia prunastri and P. canina have been characterized. The ABP from
X. parietina has been shown to be a lectin exhibiting arginase activity that can hydrolyze arginine
to ornithine and urea (Molina et al., 1993). While ABP is retained by the mycobiont, X. parietina also
secreted a lectin that too possessed the arginase activity. This is designated as sectered arginase
of Xanthoria (SAX). Both of them differed in the glycosyl moieties.The glycosyl moiety of SAX is
composed of galactose and glucose while the endogenous arginase contained equimolar amounts of
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and glucose (Molina and Vicente, 1995, 1996, 2000). The SAX and the ABP
have the same molecular mass and the same qualitative amino acid composition. That is why these
two glycoproteins have been considered as isolectins (Molina and Vicente, 2000). When purified ABP
from X. parietina was administered to the cultures of phycobiont of the same thallus, in the absence
of the cell wall receptor for the ABP, cellular disorganization took place (Molina and Vicente, 1996).
This has been attributed to an increase in the concentration of algal putrescine followed by apparent
loss of chlorophyll. The loss of chlorophyll has been suggested to be due to putrescine-activated
glucanse activity that led to the disruption of the membranes (Molina et al., 1998a). Ferritin- or
362 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

fluorescein-labelled ABP from X. parietina could bind to the cell walls of the phycobiont only when
the phycobiont possessed urease activity in its cell walls. Due to the binding there is an inhibition
in both the arginase activity of the ABP and the urease activity of phycobiont cell wall. Moreover,
when purified ABP is added to the cultures of the phycobiont with urease activity, no cellular
disorganization occurred (Molina et al., 1996, 1998b).
E. prunastri (a lichen belonging to Parmeliaceae) has been shown to produce both ABP and
SAE (a secreted arginase from Evernia). But the polysaccharide moiety of the latter is composed of
fructose, mannose and glucose (Planelles and Legaz, 1987). The arginase activity of both SAE and
SAX has been shown to be dependent on Mn2+. Although Ca2+ could not replace Mn2+, its addition
in presence of Mn2+ significantly inhibited arginase activity. The lectin function of both SAE and
SAX has been demonstrated by their binding to the polysaccharide moiety of the urease on the
cell walls of the phycobionts. However, binding of SAE to the cell walls of the phycobiont of E.
prunastri has been found to be specific as it could not bind to the cell walls of the phycobiont of X.
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parietina. On the other hand, SAX is non-specific in its binding activity as it could bind to the cell
walls of the phycobionts of both E. prunastri and X. parietina. The polysaccharide moiety of the urease
significantly contained α-D-galactose which serves as a ligand for lectin binding. So the important
requirement for binding of ABP to the cell walls of homologous and heterologous phycobionts is
the presence of the galactose residues as the ligand molecule. This indeed has been demonstrated
to be the mechanism for ensuring specificity of the phycobiont in the formation of lichen symbiosis
(Legaz et al., 2004). Hydrolysis of the α-1,4-polygalactoside moiety of urease located in the cell walls
of the phycobiont with α-1,4-galactosidase caused the release of high amounts of D-galactose. This
resulted in an inhibition of lectin binding due to the absence of the ligand for binding but if the
hydrolysis is performed with β-4-galactosidase there was no effect on binding as very low amounts
of D-galactose could be released (Sacristán et al., 2006). Partial amino acid sequences of SAE and
SAX have been determined. The former showed an undecapeptide (a peptide with 11 amino acid
residues) which is homologous to the Mn2+-binding site where as the latter contained a heptapeptide
and an undecapeptide (Sacristán et al., 2008). The cell recognition model of chlorolichens has now
been extended to cyanolichens. Leptogium corniculatum is shown to secrete an arginase that could
bind to the cell wall ligand of the cyanobiont Nostoc strain. Furthermore, the secreted arginase could
also bind to some extent to the cell walls of Trebouxia from E. prunastri (Sacristán et al., 2007; Vivas et
al., 2010). P. canina, a cyanolichen, is shown to produce and secrete an arginase that acts as a lectin in
binding to the cell surface urease present on the cell wall of the cyanobiont Nostoc (Díaz et al., 2009).
The secreted lectin from the thallus of P. canina has been suggested to act as a chemoattractant and
induces chemotropism in compatible Nostoc cells by contriction-relaxation pulses similar to that of
myosin II (Díaz et al., 2011).
x) Role of hydrophobins in symbiosis: Proteins that occur on the surface of mycelial (asmomycetous
and basidiomycetous) fungi are known as hydrophobins (Wösten, 2001). These confer water repellent
properties to conidia, hyphae and multicellular structures. As many as 50 hydrophobins have so far
been described from a wide variety of fungi including saprophytic moulds, edible mushrooms, plant
pathogens and fungi forming mycorrhizal associations (Whiteford and Spanu, 2002). They enable
the fungi to escape their aquatic environment and come in contact with air and play a greater role
in fungal pathogenesis (Carpenter et al., 1992; Zhang et al., 1994; Spanu, 1997; Arntz and Tudzynski,
1997), ectomycorrhizal associations (Tagu et al., 1996) and symbiotic association with green algae
and/or cyanobacteria (Honegger, 1991; Scherrer et al., 2000). Hydrophobins thus constitute a group
of morphogenetic proteins that can be classified into two groups, i.e. class I and class II based on
Symbiosis 363

their hydropathy patterns and soluble characteristics. The former are present in both ascomycetous
and basidiomycetous fungi whereas the latter have been detected only in ascomycetous fungi. Class
II hydrophobins are soluble in hot SDS solution and those of class I dissociate into monomers upon
incubation in trifluoroacetic acid and performic acid (de Vries et al., 1993; Wessels et al., 1991).
Structurally, hydrophobins of both the classes are about 100 amino acids long and contain eight
conserved cysteine residues (Wessels, 1994, 1997). The cysteine residues are involved in intramolecular
cross-linkages by forming disulphide bonds with each other. Studies on cerato-ulmin indicated that
these disulphide bridges are formed with probable linkage of Cys1-Cys2, Cys3-Cys4, Cys5-Cys6 and
Cys7-Cys-8. Hydrophobins once produced in the fungal cell are secreted to outside via ER-Golgi
pathway. These contain at their N-terminal part a signal peptide consisting of a few amino acids. It is
speculated that this signal peptide serves as an anchor to the hydrophobins to the outside of the fungal
cell walls. The property of self assembly is retained even after the disulphide bridges are reduced
and the sulphydryl groups are blocked with iodoacetamide, although the resulting proteins were
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unable to re-form disulphide linkages. It is suggested that the disulphide bonds inhibit premature
self-assembly of the hydrophobins prior to their secretion into the wall (deVocht et al., 2000). The
polyhydrophobins of Claviceps spp. are 400 amino acids long. Those from C. fusiformis, CFTH1 are
tripartite hydrophobins, i.e. three class II bimodular hydrophobins are encoded as a single protein
by a multimeric gene. However, the physical and chemical properties of CFTH1 resemble those of
class II hydrophobins. A penta hydrophobin has also been described from C. purpurea (Whiteford
and Spanu, 2002).
Hydrophobins of class I from Schizophyllum commune are the best studied and the growing fungal
tips secrete SC3 monomers that assemble spontaneously at hydrophilic/hydrophobic interfaces, i.e.
between water and air, water and oil, or water and hydrophobic solid like teflon into an amphipathic
film/membrane (Wösten et al., 1993, 1994a,b, 1995). The hydrophilic side of the membrane orients
and attaches itself to the cell wall while the hydrophobic side gets exposed to the hydrophobic
environment. Thus aerial hyphae and spores tend to become aerophobic and hyphae that grow over
hydrophilic substrata get themselves attached to the surface (Wösten, 2001).
The capacity of lichens to withstand repeated cycles of desiccation and flooding enables them to
colonize extreme habitats. The inner cavities of lichens are lined with hydrophobic membrane. This is
also known as rodlet layer. The isolation and cloning of genes and localization of hydrophobins has
now been achieved both from ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi that form the lichen thalli.
Honegger (1991) proposed two major functions to the rodlet layer. The first is that at the immediate
contact site of the growing hyphae with the cell wall surface of algal cells, the hydrophobins diffuse
and spread over the surface of the photobiont. Thus a continuous surface hydrophobic layer is
formed at wall-air interfaces of both the partners. Secondly, it prevents accumulation of water in
the interior of the thallus and helps in the supply of optimal flow of water and solutes from the
exterior to the algal layer and vice versa. This has also received much support from other workers
(Wessels, 2000; Dyer, 2002).
The first report on the occurrence of hydrophobins in lichen-forming (ascomycetous) fungi Xanthoria
parietina and X. ectaneoides was made by Scherrer et al. (2000) who demonstrated that hydrophobins
of class I designated as XPH1 and XEH1, respectively produced by these fungi are of the size of 10
kDa. These assembled in vitro as shown by transmission electron microscope studies into a rodlet
layer with individual rodlets of ~10nm. This was further confirmed by the fact that the antibodies
raised against hydrophobins are bound to this structure (Scherrer et al., 2002; Trembley et al., 2002a).
A common feature of X. parietina and Dictyonema glabratum is the presence of gas-filled spaces in the
photobiont layers. Despite the fact that the thalli of D. glabratum daily undergo the cycles of hydration
364 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

and desiccation, the walls of the air cavities are lined by the fungal hyphae that are covered by the
rodlet layer indicating the presence of hydrophobins. Three genes DGH1, DGH2 and DGH3 governing
the production of hydrophobins DGH1, DGH2, and DGH3, respectively have been identified in D.
glabratum. Of these three hydrophobins, DGH1 is of 14-kDa and most abundant protein. The N-terminal
sequence of this protein has been used to carry out cDNA cloning by RT-PCR. The co-amplification
of cDNA fragments that encode hydrophobins DGH2 and DGH3 was also possible when the cDNA
encoding the signal peptide was cloned by RACE-PCR. These three hydrophobins also share 54–66%
amino acid identity (Trembley et al., 2002a). The differential expression of these three genes depended
on age and location of the particular hydrophobin in the thallus.
xi) Co-speciation versus algal switching: Ahmadjian (1987) advocated the hypothesis of co-evolution
for lichens especially when one or both symbionts appear obligate and specialized. However, this
hypothesis has not been put to test. Thompson (1994) suggested that co-evolution directly requires
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an assessment of increased fitness resulting from genetic change. Another alternative suggested for
co-evolution is to indirectly demonstrate parallel cladogenesis or co-speciation of symbiont lineages
(Page and Hafner, 1996). This can be an acceptable proposition if there are highly specific associations
between the algal and fungal partners to the extent the algal partner is vertically transmitted
throughout the same fungal lineage. If horizantal transfer of algal partners through a fungal lineage
takes place then the concept of cladogenesis or co-speciation could be rejected. Evidences in support of
horizantal transfer of algal partners through fungal lineages was also designated as “algal switching”
by Piercey-Normore and DePriest (2001) who tested this by using nuclear ITS phylogenies of algal
and fungal partners from 33 natural lichen associations of Cladoniaceae predominantly harbouring
the green alga Asterochloris. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis with 23 primers showed
little polymorphism among Asterochloris assemblages suggesting that a low level of variation exists
across the entire algal genome. This clade, designated as clade I comprising Asterochloris assemblages
also overlaps with the sequences of Trebouxia glomerata, T. irregularis and T. pyriformis along with
33 natural lichen-forming algae. It was also shown that clade I genotypes associate with lichen-
forming fungi of different orders such as Stereocaulon (Stereocaulaceae, Lecanorales), Pycnothelia
papillaria (Cladoniaceae, Lecanorales) and Anzia carnionivea (Trapeliaceae, Agyriales). On this basis
they rejected parallel cladogenesis and co-speciation and proposed that switching of highly selected
algal genotypes occurs repeatedly among lichen symbioses.
xii) Diversity of cyanolichens: McCune (1993) has developed a conceptual framework for
understanding the distribution of epiphytic lichens along with three gradients such as time, height
and moisture. This is known as ‘similar gradient hypothesis’ that predicts a special sequence of
successional events in lichen flora as the particular stand matures. Chlorolichens and electorioid
lichens are present in young regenerating stands and as the stand matures these are replaced by
cyanolichens followed by bryophytes. Cyanolichens constitute 42% of the lichen community of
Northwest old-growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forests. Cyanolichens include all macrolichens, mainly
populations of Lobaria oregana that are concentrated in the “light transition zone”. This extends
from about 13 to 37 m height in an overall canopy height of 50–60 m, as revealed by the vertical
stratification studies of these forests (McCune et al., 1997). Other cyanolichen representatives that
inhabit these areas are other species of Lobaria, Nephroma, Peltigera and Pseudocyphellaria. Some of
these are indicators of acidic deposition (Denison et al., 1977; James et al., 1977; Gauslaa, 1995) and
ecological continuity (Rose, 1976, 1988; Goward, 1994). Cyanolichens are considered to be important
source of nitrogen for forest ecosystems because of their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through
their cyanobionts (Pike, 1978; Antoine, 2004) and more particularly in old-growth temperate forests
Symbiosis 365

of North America (Sollins et al., 1980). Old-growth forests are considered to be important natural
havens for many epiphytic macrolichen communities. The biomass of old-growth associated lichens
increases slowly in the old-growth conifer forests of Pacific North West of North America where
the cyanolichens can exceed 1 T ha-1 of biomass (McCune, 1993; Sillett, 1995; Neitlich and McCune,
1997). Besides fixing nitrogen, the cyanolichens also adsorb nitrogen from the atmosphere and
ultimately release it into their immediate environment. Thus they are considered to contribute
significantly to the nitrogen budgets of some ecosystems in different geographical areas such as
Sweden (Kallio, 1974; Huss-Danell, 1977), North Carolina (Becker et al., 1977; Becker, 1980), Columbia
(Forman, 1975), Chile (Godoy et al., 2001) and British Columbia (Campbell and Fredeen, 2004).
Epiphytic cyanolichens probably make significant contribution specially in some coniferous forests
where nitrogen is limiting (Rhoades, 1995; Nash, 1996). Goward and Arsenault (2000a) identified
31 epiphytic (tree-dwelling) cyanolichens colonizing conifers in the intermontane forests of British
Columbia. Of these, at least 12 species are considered to be rare. Maximum diversity of cyanolichens
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was encountered in lowland old-growth rain forests specially the wettest subzones of the Interior
Ceder-Hemlock zone. A significant component of lichen diversity in the humid coastal forests of
Nova Scotia is represented by the cyanolichens (Casselman and Hill, 1995; Seaward et al., 1997).
Most common species represented are those of Lobaria as well as Collema subflaccidum, Leptogium
cyanescens and Parmeliella triptophylla. The rare species are represented by Coccocarpia palmicola, Degelia
plumbea, Erioderma pedicellatum, Leptogium corticola, L. laceroides, L. saturinum, Nephroma laevigatum,
N. helveticum, Pannaria conoplea, Pseudocyphellaria perpetua and Sticta fuliginosa. Studies on total
epiphyte cover, spatial distribution and succession of epiphytes of Tsuga heterophylla (western
hemlock) in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest brought to light that foliose macrolichens Lobaria,
Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta were most abundant in the lower and mid canopy regions (Lyons et al.,
2000). The abundance of Lobaria pulmonaria in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock forests of east-central
British Columbia correlated very well as an indicator species to assess the diversity with stand
age and the functional role of dominant species in the ecosystem. The increase in the density of L.
pulmonaria populations along with other cyanolichens is expected to play a predominant role in
maintaining the nitrogen budget where atmospheric nitrogen deposition is relatively low in this
region (Campbell and Fredeen, 2004).
Cyanolichens are late colonists in the sequence of stand development and they are found on
the relatively older lower branches and inner branch regions. This is supported by the total biomass
that is greatest in the mid canopy where large branches are present. Canopy lichen abundance of
regenerating hemlock forests (Tsuga heterophylla) in wet temperate rain forests of central-interior
British Columbia has been surveyed. Cyanolichen taxa such as Nephroma helveticum, Sticta fulginosa
and Pseudocyphellaria anomala reached their abundance at mid-canopy (12–24 m) positions. The
abundance of smaller cyanolichen thalli in regenerating hemlock forests casts doubt as to whether
these represent cyanolichen thalli facing severe growth constraints or were simply thalli that
experienced greater fragmentation. It is concluded that the 120-140 year old hemlock forests have
not yet attained sufficient old-growth characteristics to support the growth of cyanolichens (Radies
and Coxson, 2004).
One of the world’s tallest and most massive forests containing as many as 20 conifer species
exceeding in 60 m in height are situated in the west coast of North America (Van Pelt, 2001). These
constitute the temperate rain forests that at one time extended from Alaska to California. A number
of workers have explored lichen biogeography in the region of California forests covering wilderness
areas, national and state parks, watersheds and broader geographic regions. One of the tallest rain
forest species is Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood) besides Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) that support
366 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

the growth of a number of epiphytic lichens. Epiphytic cyanolichens (Erioderma sorediatum, Lobaria
oregana, L. pulmonaria, L. scrobiculata, Nephroma bellum, N. helveticum, N. laevigatum, Pseudocyphellaria
anomala, P. antraspis, P. crocata and Sticta limbata) contributed less to overall epiphytic biomass than
bryophytes and ferns but they were more abundant than chlorolichens. Of all the cyanolichens
L. pulmonaria was the most abundantly represented in upper crowns with nearly three times as
much biomass as all cyanolichens put together. L. oregana is reported to grow in the middle to upper
crown. L. scrobiculata, P. anomala, S. limbata and P. crocata occurred nearly to the treetops categorized
under high exposue cyanolichens (Ellyson and Sillett, 2003).
However, studies on floristic and community composition of lichens in relation to environment
variables such as climate, geography and stand structure are lacking. Jovan (2002) first conducted
landscape level of epiphytic lichen diversity of northern and central California. This was followed
by another such study highlighting regional variations in epiphytic marcolichen communities of the
same region depended on temperature, elevation and moisture variables. Cyanolichens constituted
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the Greater Central Valley group dominated by other nitrophilous group of lichens. Representatives
of cyanolichens recorded were species of Leptogium and Collema. In the Northwest Coast Group,
cyanolichens had the highest species richness, diversity and abundance while nitrophiles are
rare (Jovan and McCune, 2004). Berryman and McCune (2006) compared epiphytic macrolichen
communities among forest types in the Blue River watershed of western Oregon. The cyanolichens
were largely limited to lower elevation forests (470–950 m) of the western hemlock series. The
diversity of cyanolichens was more in old-growth and mature stands at low elevations.
Phytogeographic and taxonomic studies on cyanolichens from central Europe revealed the
presence of Anema nodulosum, A. prodigulum, Lempholemma intricatum, Leptogium ferax, Porocyphus
rehmicus and Zahlbrucknerella calcarea (from Slovak Republic for the first time), Leptogium biatorinum
and L. magnussonii (from Hungary) and A. prodigulum, Heppia adglutinata, L. biatorinum and Psorotrichia
taurica (from Czech Republic) (Czeika et al., 2004). The probability of detecting five rare epiphytic
macrolichens can be improved by adopting model-based stratification studies that enabled the
detection of cyanolichens Nephroma laevigatum, N. occultum, N. parile, Lobaria scrobiculata and
Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis in the Pacific North West. Tree models constructed by using topographic
and bio-climatic variables have revealed a direct correlation to the presence of common lichens such
as L. oregana, L. pulmonaria, P. anomala and P. anthraspis (Edwards et al., 2004).
xiii) Endangered cyanolichens: Epiphyte abundance between stands may vary in age. Management
strategies have established a strong relationship between stand age and epiphytic biomass,
particularly for cyanolichens that are dominant in old-growth forests but nearly absent from young
stands (McCune, 1993). Thus the cyanolichens are generally restricted to or most abundant in
old-growth and mature forests. Genera such as Erioderma, Leptogium, Lobaria, Nephroma, Pannaria,
Parmeliella, Peltigera, Pseudocyphellaria, Solorina and Sticta are abundantly represented in these
habitats. At one time very well documented on the deciduous and coniferous trees as epiphytes
in humid regions throughout Northern Hemisphere, cyanolichens are dwindling in their numbers
due to ecological disturbances such as acid rain, acidification of the substratum and low buffering
capacity of coniferous bark (Nieboer et al., 1984; Farmer et al., 1992; Gauslaa and Holien, 1998). It is
also true for populations of cyanolichens, especially on conifers, in areas subject to acid rain in North
America and western and central Europe (Goward and Arsenault, 2002a). Similarly, the prospects
of finding the boreal felt lichen, Erioderma pedicellatum that typically colonizes coniferous trees in
Atlantic Canada are rare (Maass, 1980, 1983; Robertson, 1998; Sipman, 2002). E. pedicellatum is a
large- to medium-sized foliose cyanolichen. It grows on and attached to trees in cool moist areas. It
Symbiosis 367

is typically found on the tree trunks of Abies balsamea (Balsam fir) in Canada and at times on Picea
mariana (black spruce) and P. glauca (white spruce) and rarely on Acer rubrum (red maple). It is
listed in the endangered wildlife in Canada and also critically endangered globally and listed on
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The natural disturbances that affect its population are stand
scenescence, forest blow down, insect outbreaks and grazing by invertebrates. Along with any
one of these, anthropogenic activities/disturbances such as wood harvesting, urban development,
fire, air pollution, pesticides and climatic changes may act together. A five-year management plan
(2006-2011) for the boreal felt lichen in Newfoundland and Labrador has been prepared by the
Wild Life Division, Department of Environment and Conservation in collaboration with Boreal Felt
Lichen Working Group. The possible management strategies for the preservation of cyanolichens in
northeastern North America have been highlighted (Richardson and Cameron, 2004).
Goward and Arsenault (2000b) proposed the existence of a “dripzone effect” by which nutrients
that leach from the upper branches of Populus enhance the pH of the neighbouring conifers. Due to
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this Lobaria pulmonaria and other epiphytic cyanolichens attain their maximum development over
the lower branches of conifers. This phenomenon seems to be prevalent in the forests of humid
regions of south-central Columbia that are not subjected to acid rain. Arsenault and Goward (2000)
further emphasized that aspen and cottonwood should be considered trees of keystone nature as they
efficiently pump nutrients from soil to the canopy and later release these to nearby pines altering
the acidic pH of the bark of pines that is otherwise unsuitable for the growth of cyanolichens. In
support of this they indicated that the copious presence of cyanolichens over the bark of pines,
spruces, hemlocks and other members of the Pinaceae in some portions of North America. Though
the proposed hypothesis of “dripzone effect” needs experimental evidence, it may derive logical
support from the fact that decreasing numbers of aspens contribute to the general loss of epiphytic
macrolichen diversity on conifers.
In a conservation strategy, transplantation of over 1000 mature thalli of Lobaria oregana and
Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis has been done into the crowns of old-growth (400–700 year), mature
(140–150 year), young (30–40 year) and recent clear-cut areas of Oregon Cascades. Since the growth
rates were very much lower in clear-cuts due to high (50–90%) mortality rates, it is suggested to
include young forests in conservation strategies (Sillett and McCune, 1998). In order to increase
biodiversity of lichens in managed forests in Pacific North West, Sillett and Goslin (1999) advocated
the retention of remnant trees, maintenance of hardwoods followed by longer rotation periods to
conserve old-growth associated lichens. Alternative silvicultural practices are receiving attention
in view of decreasing populations of aspen (Populus tremula) that supports growth of epiphytic
lichens. The rate of removal of aspen was nearly up to 50%. Cyanolichens Collema curtisporum, C.
furfuraceum and Leptogium saturinum can be suitably preserved if selective thinning of aspens is
conducted (Hedenås and Ericsona, 2003).

Of the 340 known genera of liverworts, only two of them form symbioses with cyanobacteria. These
are Blasia pusilla and Cavicularia densa belonging to Blasiales. Among the six hornworts, five of them,
i.e. Anthoceros, Dendroceros, Notothylas, Phaeoceros and Leiosporoceros form symbiotic association with
cyanobacteria (Rai et al., 2000; Adams, 2000; Villarreal and Renzaglia, 2006; Adams and Duggan,
2008). In most of these, the symbiont is a species of Nostoc. Granhall and Hofsten (1976) reported
intracellular localization of Nostoc filaments in a species of Sphagnum from Swedish mires. Pleurozium
368 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

schreberi, a species of feather moss forms symbiotic association with cyanobacteria (DeLuca et al.,
2002) that has great impact on nitrogen cycle in mature boreal forests (Zackrisson et al., 2004).
The gametophytes of liverworts and hornworts are prostrate, few cm long and attached to
the substrata by rhizoids. The location of the cyanobionts varies in the host plants. In case of the
widely distributed B. pusilla, Nostoc is restricted to specialized auricles that develop on the ventral,
three-celled slime hairs. Nostoc is attracted. The symbiotic association of Nostoc with Blasia is worth
noting because of the two types of asexual propagules produced by it. On the dorsal side of the
thallus, stellate gemmae are produced while small, ovoid gemmae are produced in long-necked
flask-shaped receptacles. The stellate gemmae are of particular interest because these are equipped
with two lobes and two auricles containing symbiotic Nostoc colonies (Renzaglia, 1982; Duckett and
Renzaglia, 1993). It is a miniature Blasia gametophyte as upon dispersal it germinates to give rise to a
new thallus with the cyanobiont. In contrast, C. densa is a rare plant endemic to Japan and produces
gemmae in crescent-shaped receptacles near the mature lobes. Two types of gemmae are produced
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by the thallus. The first type is small and pale gemmae which upon dispersal get infected with
endosymbiont. The second type is the larger, stellate gemmae which get infected by the endosymbiont
even while attached to the plant. The latter infact represent miniature thalli and are equipped with
two symbiotic auricles and it is into these auricles the symbiont enters (Fig. 6 A-D).
In hornworts, the invasion of cyanobacteria takes place through the ventral mucilage clefts that
are formed throughout the life of the plants. The middle lamella between internal cells separates
to form a schizogenous space and Nostoc gets established as a globose colony. In Anthoceros and
Phaeoceros slime cavities within the thallus open to the ventral surface by means of pores. The
only exception in hornworts is Leiosporoceros dussii, a monotypic genus considered to be the most
genetically and morphologically divergent hornwort (Duff et al., 2004; Villarreal and Renzaglia,
2006). The plants form large rosettes. The male and female plants grow intermixed. The female
gametophytes are strap-shaped and fleshy with dorsal outgrowths. In transverse section the thallus
is 9–15 celled-thick in the middle and taper to margins with 2–4 cells. Multiple schizogenous
cavities (2–6) are some times present. This hornwort is distinguishable from others by the absence
of ventral clefts and the cyanobacteria are present in ventrally developed schizogenous canals that
are dichotomously branched and run parallel to the main axis of the thallus (Villarreal and Renzaglia
2006). Exceptionally, in case of P. screberi besides Nostoc sp. a species each of Calothrix and Stigonema
are also associated. Villarreal and Renzaglia (2006) described the ultrastructure and development of
schizogenous canals in L. dussii and the ultrastructure of Nostoc filaments. Young plants (80–90 day
old) develop mucilage clefts that are randomly scattered along the flattened anterior rim of lobes.
Small intercellular spaces or cavities that extend to several cell lengths are scattered throughout the
interior of the thallus. These irregular cavities are schizogenous, i.e. formed by gradual separation
of middle lamella. These cavities contain mucilage, often interconnected and are in close proximity
to apical cells. The mucilage strands elongate and branch synchronously with apical growth of the
thallus. Although a single invasion of Nostoc is required for strand production, non-specificity is
suggested on the basis of the presence of two distinct Nostoc species.
Campbell and Meeks (1989) identified early events in the initiation of Anthoceros punctatus and
Nostoc symbiosis. A hormogonium-inducing factor (HIF) is released by A. punctatus in a nitrogen-
limited or growth conditioned medium devised for it. HIF transforms Nostoc filaments into
hormogonia at a high frequency. Since gametophytic tissue of A. punctatus requires a source of fixed
nitrogen for its continuous growth, the release of HIF and the subsequent hormogonia so produced at
high frequency would colonize the slime cavities in the newly formed gametophytic tissue. The HIF
is suggested to be heat labile substance, 12–14 kD in size and complexed by polyvinylpyrrolidone.
Symbiosis 369
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Figure 6: Cyanobacterial symbiosis with Cavicularia densa. (A) Cavicularia thallus lobe with dark Nostoc colonies. (B) Symbiotic
(Nostoc-infected) and non-symbiotic gemmae emerging from a semi-closed receptacle on the thallus surface. (C) Auricles
dorsal view with endosymbiotic Nostoc colonies. (D) Cyanobiont Nostoc sp. isolated from symbiotic gemmae of C. densa.
Photographs courtesy J. Rikkinen, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 65, University of Helsinki,
FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland.

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.
370 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

Certain chemoattractants released by the host plant enable the motile hormogonia to glide efficiently
towards the gametophytic tissue and colonize the slime cavities of A. punctatus (Knight and Adams,
1996). The association of type IV pili on the surface of the hormogonia has been shown to be essential
for symbiotic competence, since mutation of pil-like genes resulted in altered surface piliation and
reduced symbiotic competence (Duggan et al., 2007). DNA microarray analysis of 6,893 genes of
N. punctiforme revealed that as many as 1827 genes are differentially transcribed in 24-h hormogonia,
majority of which were associated with genes encoding proteins for signal transduction and
transcriptional regulation (Campbell et al., 2007). The formation of hormogonia greatly correlated
with the loss of nitrogen fixation and decrease of photosynthetic carbon fixation and ammonia
assimilation by 30 and 40%, respectively. However, the ability of nitrogen and carbon fixation was
restored back within 96 h of infection by hormogonia.
i) Genetic diversity of Nostoc strains: A comparison of 31 cyanobionts of hornwort Phaeoceros
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(isolated from several closely spaced locations) by PCR amplification of short arbitrary primers or
primers specific for the regions flanking the 16S–23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer revealed that
(i) a diversity of symbiotic cyanobacteria infect Phaeoceros, (ii) the same thallus could be infected
with many different cyanobacterial strains, (iii) identical symbiotic strains found in different thalli
at the same place were never found to be in a free-living state and (iv) one of the cyanobionts was
a species of Calothrix while the rest belonged to Nostoc (West and Adams, 1997). Studies on the
genetic diversity of Nostoc strains, based on tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequence, revealed that many
different Nostoc strains are involved in the symbiotic associations with Anthoceros fusiformis and
B. pusilla (Costa et al., 2001). A phylogenetic analysis of tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences of cyanobionts
derived from B. pusilla (78 sequences) and C. densa (12 sequences) revealed a great homogeneity in
the symbiotic Nostoc strains. These belonged to a specific group of symbiotic strains that bear closer
resemblance to those of hornworts and cycads on the one hand and terricolous cyanolichens on the
other (Rikkinen and Virtanen, 2008).
ii) Reconstitution of symbiosis in vitro: Rodgers and Stewart (1977) first provided information on
the morphological and physiological features of the symbiosis of A. punctatus and B. pusilla with
N. sphaericum. Reconstitution of the symbioses by a range of symbiotic and free-living Nostoc spp.
in case of Blasia (Rodgers and Stewart, 1977; Meeks, 1998; Wong and Meeks, 2002) and Anthoceros
(Enderlin and Meeks, 1983; Kimura and Nakano, 1990) has been successful. In the studies on Blasia,
a number of free-living and symbiotic strains of Nostoc, Chlorogloea fritschii and Fischerella ambigua
were unable to reconstitute the symbiosis. Likewise, free-living and symbiotic strains of Anabaena
and Nostoc were unable to reconstitute the symbiosis with Anthoceros. Reconstitution experiments
with Phaeoceros, on the other hand, revealed that not only free-living and symbiotic species of Nostoc
but also a species of Calothrix and Chlorogloeopsis could establish symbioses, although Chlorogloeopsis
has never been found to be a natural symbiont of any liverwort or hornwort (West and Adams, 1997).
A. punctatus-Nostoc (N. punctiforme) interactions can be defined in two stages. The first is the infective
stage during which the pre-existing cavities in A. punctatus are invaded by motile hormogonia leading
to the symbiotic association. The stimulus is provided by the HIF and chemoattractants released by
the host. Once inside the mucilaginous cavity, the cyanobiont is probably regulated by the host to the
extent further hormogonia are no longer formed. In the second stage, the hormogonium gets deeply
entrenched and divides to form filaments with high frequency of heterocysts (Enderlin and Meeks,
1983), equipped with higher rates of nitrogen fixation (Steinberg and Meeks, 1989) and releases the
fixed nitrogen to the host (Meeks et al., 1985; Joseph and Meeks, 1987). Once hormogonia are formed
and infection of the gametophytic tissue takes place, there should be a mechanism to repress the
Symbiosis 371

formation of further cycles of hormogonia so that the cyanobiont can differentiate heterocysts and
take up the function of nitrogen fixation. To examine this aspect, Cohen et al. (1994) characterized
a transposon-induced mutant of N. punctiforme that is more (50-fold) infective than its wild type
culture. Two genes have been identified that have bearing on the symbiotic potential of N. punctiforme.
These are hrmA (which is an unique sequence not represented in any database of gene sequences)
and hrmU that has similarity to the sequences of a NAD(P)-H-dependent oxidoreductases. Reporter
gene constructs of hrmA and hrmU have been induced by aqueous extract of A. punctatus. Since the
aqueous extract of A. punctatus eliminates the HIF-stimulated hormogonium formation, it is likely
that gene products of hrmAU operon may block hormogonium formation by producing an inhibitor
or catabolizing an activator (Meeks, 1998). The increased infectivity of the mutant is explained on the
basis that it undergoes hormogonium cycle even in presence of inhibitor/repressor of HIF (Cohen
and Meeks, 1997). Campbell et al. (2003) reported the presence of a repressor gene (hrmR) within
the hrm locus. Sequence analysis of hrm locus of N. punctiforme revealed the existence of four more
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genes besides hrmU and hrmA. These are hrmI, hrmR, hrmK and hrmE with two unknown short
ORFs in between hrmK and hrmE that code unknown proteins. The gene sequences of hrmR and
hrmI are transcribed in the same direction as 5’ of hrmU. The ORFs hrmK and hrmE are transcribed
in the opposite direction from the hrmRIUA cluster. The four additional genes (hrmI, hrmR, hrmK
and hrmE) identified have similarity to genes encoding enzymes of carbon metabolism. The protein
transcripts of hrmA and hrmU genes have shown similarities to hexuronic acid metabolism of certain
heterotrophic bacteria. Thus the gene products of the four genes, i.e. hrmE, hrmK, hrmR and hrmI
have 55%, 49%, 39% and 36% similarities to aldehyde reductase, gluconate kinase, transcriptional
receptors LacI/GalR family, uronate isomerase, respectively. The gene product of hrmU has 57%
and 55% similarities to 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate and mannonate oxidoreductase, respectively. The
product of hrmR gene has been shown to be a DNA-binding protein that regulates the transcription
of its own gene and a near by gene hrmE. The activity of the repressor was inhibited by galacturonate
or the lysate from induced N. punctiforme cells suggesting that the binding of repressor is modulated
by a sugar molecule. A model for explaining the regulation of genes in the hrm locus by plant signals
has been proposed by Campbell et al. (2003).
Mutants of N. punctiforme unable to differentiate heterocysts (Het– ) were tested for their ability to
establish a symbiotic association with A. punctatus in cultures. Three mutants tested were defective
in ntcA, hetR and hetF regions. NtcA controls the transcription of a number of genes in the course of
heterocyst differentiation (Herrero et al., 2001; Fiedler et al., 2001). HetR is the first heterocyst-specific
gene and is considered to be the primary activator of heterocyst differentiation and is indirectly
dependent on ntcA (Wolk, 2000). HetF is a positive activator of heterocyst differentiation that helps
in the enhanced transcription of hetR (Wong and Meeks, 2001). Among these, mutants defective in
hetF and hetR regions infected A. punctatus with similar frequency as wild type but did not support
the diazotrophic growth of the plant partner. Thus functional hetF and hetR regions along with
certain heterocyst regulatory elements are required for heterocyst differentiation and nitrogenase
expression in both free-living and symbiotic states. A mutant defective in ntcA region was unable
to infect A. punctatus though produced hormogonia at a low frequency. The ability for production
of hormogonia and infection of the host matched that of wild-type when mutants defective in ntcA
were complemented with functional copies of ntcA. Thus it is clear that a functional ntcA is essential
for hormogonia formation, infection and a stable symbiosis to ensue. Chapman et al. (2008) reported
that muation of the cyaC gene that encodes the multidomain adenyl cyclase enzyme had differential
symbiotic competence in N. punctiforme. An omega neomycin phosphotransferase gene with pSCR19
was ligated to the 3’- and 5’-ends of the cyaC gene to obtain mutants C3212 and C1068, respectively.
372 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

Although C3212 and C1068 exhibited similar growth potential in a nitrogen-deficient medium as the
wild-type but formed hormogonia 12 h earlier than the wild-type. When co-cultured with B. pusilla
tissue, C3212 showed higher symbiotic competence (67.12% infected colonies in 28 days) compared
to the reduced symbiotic competence of C1068 (8.5% infected colonies in 28 days).
Flavonoids, secreted by legumes, have been suggested to be the signalling molecules for the
rhizobia (Fisher and Long, 1992) and these substances also are suspected to play a role in the symbiotic
association of mycorrhizal fungi (Xie et al., 1995; Shirley, 1996; Stafford, 1997). In an attempt to find
out the universality of the communication/signalling mechanism in between host and its symbiont,
Rasmussen et al. (1996) reported the induction of nod genes in Rhizobium by the seed exudates of
Gunnera, a host that harbours the cyanobiont Nostoc sp. Alternatively, the flavonoid naringin induced
the expression of hrmA gene in N. punctiforme (Cohen and Yamasaki, 2000). Transcription of specific
sets of genes in bacteria is regulated by alteration of the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase. Campbell
et al. (1998) examined the role of alternative group 2 sigma factor in the development and symbiotic
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interaction of N. punctiforme with A. punctatus. Thus the induction of transcription of SigH was noted
within 1.5 h of exposure of N. punctiforme with A. punctatus. This is the second genetic target in
N. punctiforme that responds to chemical signals from A. punctatus.
iii) Structural and physiological changes in the symbiont: Once the symbiont enters the mucilaginous
cavity of the host, it is subjected to a number of structural and physiological changes. In general, it
has been observed that the growth rate of the symbiont is slowed down but how this is regulated is
not known. In addition, the cell size of the symbiont also increases. One important structural change
is the differentiation of heterocysts with high frequency. The physiological changes mainly relate to
photosynthetic and nitrogen metabolism. An eight-fold decrease in light-dependent CO2 fixation
and RuBisCO specific activity in reconstituted symbiotic tissues of A. punctatus with Nostoc sp. strain
UCD 7801 has been reported. Studies with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays with polyclonal
antibodies against RuBisCO revealed that the regulation of RuBisCO activity in the symbiotic state
is by a posttranslational mechanism rather than by an alteration in RuBisCO protein synthesis
(Steinberg and Meeks, 1989). The RuBisCO protein and phycobiliprotein content of vegetative
cells of the symbiont and the free-living cyanobacterium were found to be the same (Steinberg and
Meeks, 1989; Rai et al., 1989; Meeks, 1990). The heterocyst frequency increased to 43–45% with a
concomitant enhancement in nitrogenase activity to 23.5–185.7 (nmol. min. mg-1 ). Nearly 80% of
the fixed nitrogen is released as ammonia by the symbiont. The activity of GS is reduced to 15% to
that of cultures of the symbiont (Hill, 1975; Rodgers and Stewart, 1977; Meeks et al., 1985). However,
the studies of Joseph and Meeks (1987) revealed a reduction of three to four-fold in GS activity in
Nostoc sp. strain 7801 grown in symbiotic association with A. punctatus. A correlation between the
level of GS expression and the extent of symbiotic heterocyst differentiation has not been noticed.
According to these workers, the regulation of GS takes place by a posttranslational mechanism
in A. punctatus associated Nostoc sp. strain 7801. Steinberg and Meeks (1991) demonstrated that
symbiotic association of Nostoc with A. punctatus derived at least one-third of the reductant required
for nitrogenase activity by the photosynthates of the symbiont. However, steady state levels of
nitrogenase activity of symbiotic Nostoc depended largely on the endogenous carbohydrate reserves
of either A. punctatus or Nostoc strain.
The explanation given to the differentiation of heterocysts at a high frequency by the symbiont
is that it has evolved a different regulatory mechanism for the differentiation of heterocysts even
in presence of ammonia or fixed nitrogen in situ. A symbiotic sensing and signalling pathway for
the differentiation of heterocysts in symbionts (different from the one that regulates heterocyst
Symbiosis 373

differentiation in free-living cyanobacteria on nitrogen starvation) has been proposed by Meeks et al.
(1988). The evidences in favour of this hypothesis are that (i) vegetative cells of symbiotic cyanobacteria
(growing in association with A. punctatus, Azolla caroliniana, Zamia skinneri and Gunnera manicata)
possess cyanophycin and phycobiliproteins signifying that the presence of these nitrogen reserves
does not in any way cause a nitrogen deficiency; (ii) the heterocysts of cyanobacteria in association
with A. punctatus and Azolla sp. contain phycobiliproteins, a feature that is entirely lacking in the
heterocysts of free-living cyanobacteria, (iii) the end product of nitrogen fixation translocated in the
symbiotic forms is ammonia whereas in free-living cyanobacteria glutamine is translocated to adjacent
vegetative cells and (iv) the symbiotically associated Nostoc continues to differentiate heterocysts at a
high frequency even though the vegetative cells are present in exogenous ammonia secreted by it. In
this respect the symbiont is suggested to possess a different regulatory mechanism from the free-living
cyanobacterial sensing and signalling pathway to nitrogen deprivation. Evidences in support of such
a mechanism are the isolation of mutants of N. punctiforme defective in nitrate assimilation. Nitrate
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neither supported growth nor repressed heterocyst differentiation. Symbiotic tissues of A. punctatus
established with the above mutants responded differently in presence of nitrate by the repression of
nitrogenase (probably heterocyst differentiation as well). This has been explained on the basis that
the plant partner ceases to produce signals controlling cellular differentiation in the symbiont. On
this basis, Meeks (1998) suggested the existence of a combined nitrogen-independent sensing and
signalling pathway in the heterocyst differentiation of the symbiont. Further, it is suspected that the
symbiotic sensing and signalling pathway overtakes the combined nitrogen deprivation sensing
and signalling system (that operates in the free-living growth state) so that heterocysts continue to
differentiate even in presence of nitrogen derived ammonium. Strains (mutants or natural isolates)
of Nostoc that lack symbiotic sensing and signalling pathway, however, fail to form a successful
nitrogen-fixing symbiotic association with A. punctatus because of their failure to respond to the
plant signals that initiate enhanced level of heterocyst differentiation.
The organization of nif genes in Nostoc sp. 7801 in symbiotic association with A. punctatus as
revealed by restriction fragments is consistent with a contiguous nifHDK operon where as nifD and
nifK genes are nominally separated by an unknown length of intervening sequence in cultured
isolates and Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 (Meeks et al., 1988).
The importance of nitrogen fixation by mosses has been emphasized. Nitrogen fixation reported
from Swedish mires was shown to be due to endophytic Nostoc sp. present in the hyaline cells of
leaves of Sphagnum sp. (Granhall and Hofsten, 1976; Solheim and Zielke, 2002). This is the only report
on the probable existence of a cyanobiont in a moss species. No further details are available about
this association. In all the other reports on nitrogen fixation by mosses, the symbionts are reported to
be epiphytic (Solheim and Zielke, 2002). Sphagnum riparium and Drepanocladus exannulatus exhibited
peaks in light-dependent nitrogen fixation around 16ºC and 11ºC (Basilier et al., 1978). Pleurozium
schreberi, a feather moss ubiquitous in boreal forests that accounts for 90% of the total cover, has been
shown to be associated with Nostoc sp. (DeLuca et al., 2002). Zackrisson et al. (2004) emphasized that
this association exerts a great impact on the nitrogen cycle of mature boreal forests. The epiphytic
association of a number of cyanobacteria with many moss genera has been examined by the use of a
variety of microscopic techniques (confocal laser scanning microscopy, epifluorescence and scanning
microscopy). By confocal laser scanning microscopy of moss genera Sanionia uncinata, Calliargon
richardsonii and Bryum pseudotriquetrum (from Norway) and Hyloconium splendens (from Sweden),
it was possible to see deeper layers and create three-dimensional images. In S. uncinata the leaves
have formed grooves completely enclosing the cyanobacteria. The spaces between stem and leaves
of C. richardsonii serve as good sites for the colonization of the cyanobacteria. The prevalence of
374 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

Nostoc sp. over Microchate sp., Gloeocapsa sp. and Asterocapsa sp. has been noted with other fungal
mycelia and heterotrophic bacteria (Spaink et al., 2004). The association of Nostoc sp., Calothrix sp.
and Stigonema sp. with P. schreberi in contributing towards nitrogen fixation in boreal forests of
northern Sweden has been recognized (Gentili et al., 2005). Nostoc sp. and Calothrix sp. have been
successfully isolated and reconstitution experiments with feather moss shoots yielded potential shoots
that effectively fixed nitrogen. The temperature optima for nitrogen fixation by Nostoc sp. (5ºC) and
Calothrix sp. (above 30ºC) suggests that during winter Nostoc sp. fixes high levels of nitrogen while
Calothrix sp. did not. At 30ºC, nitrogen fixation by Calothrix sp. was three-fold greater than Nostoc
sp. The ecological implications are that these two genera are active nitrogen fixers depending on
the season. Nostoc sp. with low temperature optimum for nitrogen fixation is active during winter
months whereas Calothrix sp. fixes nitrogen in mid-summer. Although colonization of P. schereberi
with Nostoc sp. and Stigonema sp. has been predominantly observed, Stigonema sp. could not be
isolated into pure cultures.
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The genus Azolla is a heterosporous floating aquatic fern (of the family Salviniaceae) that is
distributed in various types of aquatic bodies such as freshwater ponds, lakes or streams. Species of
Azolla are native to Asia (e.g. China and Vietnam), Africa (e.g. Senegal, Zaire, Sierra Leone), N. and
S. America and the two poles. It is widely distributed in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions
of the world. Azolla-Anabaena symbiotic association is distinctive for the fact that Anabaena azollae is
known to persist throughout the reproductive cycle of the plant. It is transmitted from generation
to generation (i.e. vertically) through the megasporophyte (sporocarp) of Azolla.
The classification of Azolla is based on morphological and reproductive features and accordingly
seven species of Azolla have been recognized (Svenson, 1944). These are A. caroliniana, A. filiculoides, A.
mexicana, A. microphylla, A. rubra, A. pinnata and A. nilotica. Based on the presence of number of floats
on megaspores, these seven species have been distributed into two sections (or subgenera). Azolla (or
Euazolla) is characteristic in possessing three floats on the megaspores to which the first five species
belong and Rhizosperma, possesses nine floats on the megaspore to which the last two mentioned
species, i.e. A. pinnata (with two varieties A. pinnata var. imbricata and A. pinnata var. pinnata) and A.
nilotica belong. Of these species, the neotropical species A. caroliniana, A. mexicana and A. microphylla
exhibit closer resemblances in vegetative, ecophysiological and genetical features and are distinct from
other taxa (Lumpkin et al., 1991). In addition, physiological and biochemical features have also been
taken into account to confirm the traditional classification. However, except for the taxonomic status
of A. rubra in Euazolla (some consider it as a subspecies of A. filiculoides) the rest of the species have
closer affinities. This has been confirmed by DNA:DNA hybridization studies and the generation of
hybrids between A. mexicana-A. caroliniana and A. microphylla (Zimmerman et al., 1991).
Unlike other symbiotic associations of cyanobacteria, Azolla-Anabaena association has been
effectively put to use as a biofertilizer in rice cultivation in South and Southeast Asia. The biomass
of Azolla under optimal conditions gets doubled in less than 48 h with the addition of nitrogen by
its potential to fix nitrogen. Azolla thus can accumulate 5–6.5% N on dry weight basis. Apart from
serving as manure, fertilization of rice fields with Azolla has two other advantages. It can be used
as a fodder and a weed suppressor (Moore, 1969).
In Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis the cyanobiont is transferred from one generation to another
through megasporophyte. The development of megasporocarp and microsporocarp is identical
and Anabaena is packaged into both the structures (Perkins and Peters, 1992). Due to rupture of
Symbiosis 375

microsporocarp, the cyanobiont is released to outside environment and does not play any role
in the continuity of the symbiont (Calvert et al., 1983; Peters and Calvert, 1983). On the contrary,
the symbiont is located inside the indusium at the tip and above the megaspore. It is during the
germination of the megaspore within the megasporophyte and during embryogenesis that the
Anabaena cells are able to re-establish the symbiosis. A number of workers have studied events leading
to the inoculation process and suggested processes for re-establishment of the symbiosis (Calvert
et al., 1983; Becking, 1987). But none of these studies have focussed attention on the probable role
of epidermal trichomes in establishing symbiosis. Although studies of Campbell (1893), Dunham
and Fowler (1987) mention the existence of subepidermal trichomes associated with Anabaena but
no definite role has been assigned to them. Calvert et al. (1985) were the first to have demonstrated
that the first cells to contact the symbiont during the re-establishment of symbiosis are the epidermal
trichomes present on the developing embryo.
Establishment of symbiosis between A. mexicana-A. azollae has been investigated by Peters and
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Perkins (1993) following gametogenesis and embryogenesis. By employing light, scanning electron and
transmission electron microscopy it was shown that (i) the cyanobiont is located in the space between
the indusium and apical membrane that is designated as inoculation chamber; (ii) Anabaena cells that
exist in the inoculation chamber are in the form of akinetes; (iii) embryo develops cotyledonary leaf
primordium possessing epidermal hairs during which the akinetes germinate to give rise to germlings;
(iv) the rapidly developing cotyledonary leaf with its four seriate trichomes engulfs the akinetes,
geminating akinetes and germlings and (v) the cells of the trichomes exhibit transfer cell ultrastructure
(TCU). The manner in which the indusial cap is generated is explained as follows.
Morphologically, the cotyledonary leaf is unlobed and vase shaped. By its faster uneven growth
rate, it rapidly surrounds the entire meristem. As the emerging sporophyte releases the indusial cap it
is completely surrounded by the cotyledonary leaf. Anabaena cells in the first instance are associated
with hairs of cotyledonary leaf and later their association is shifted to the hairs of developing modified
true leaf. These modified true leaves differ from the leaves of the mature vegetative sporophyte by
the absence of bilobed character. These develop a cavity-like structure that extends from the dorsal
side to the ventral achlorophyllous portion. This cavity-like structure contains mostly the akinetes
of Anabaena. The inoculum for the first true leaf cavities is provided by the cells of Anabaena in the
form of undifferentiated trichomes entrapped in the region of apical meristem of the cotyledonary
leaf, modified true leaves and their associated hairs (Figs. 7 and 8). Thus these epidermal hairs
help in redistributing these filaments into developing symbiotic cavities (Calvert et al., 1985). It is
interesting to note that the nature and number of hairs associated with the different kinds of leaves
are different. For example, the cotyledonary leaf hairs are uniseriate and four in number whereas
the first modified true leaf possesses two branched hairs each of which consists of six to seven cells.
However, the second, third and fourth modified true leaves contain a single multibranched hair
consisting of six to eight cells.
A correlation of leaf development in Azolla with nitrogen fixation by the symbiont reveals that
the fixed nitrogen content increases with maturity of the leaf. The role of hormogones for causing
fresh infection has been envisaged during the differentiation of leaf cavities in the developing leaves
from the apical meristem and it is at this juncture that specialized epidermal partitioning trichomes
play a role in the distribution of the symbiont. The concentration of HIF seems to decrease from
apex downwards where as the HRF seems to increase in its concentration from base to apex of the
stem axis. In other words, the repression in the formation of hormogonia is brought about by Azolla
in its leaf cavities enabling the symbiont to differentiate heterocysts at a high frequency. The role
of HRF has been discussed in case of A. punctatus-Nostoc symbiosis. In case of Azolla, the fronds
376 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 7: Confocal laser scanning electron micrograph of leaf cavity of Azolla filiculoides with Anabaena inside. Photograph
courtesy E. S. Pierson1, L. Masselink2 and M. M. L. van Kempen2, Departments of General Instruments1 and Aquatic Ecology
& Environmental Biology2, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science, Radboud University, Huygensgebouw,
Heyendaalseweg 135, NL-6525, AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

assume a reddish colour due to enhanced accumulation of deoxyanthocyanins (Pieterse et al., 1977;
Wagner, 1997). It is significant that aqueous extracts of A. pinnata and A. filiculoides induced hrmA-
luxB genes in N. punctiforme strain UCD 328 releasing the HRF. This was compared with the levels
of deoxyanthocyanins that repressed hormogonia formation in Nostoc sp. Thus this constitutes the
first report on deoxyanthocyanins serving as molecules of plant recogntion by symbionts (Cohen et
al., 2002). Moreover, the induction of hrmA-luxAB genes by Azolla spp. is due to a synergistic action
of deoxyanthocyanins and other plant-derived components and the percentage of induction by
these substances is far more higher than the flavonoid naringin (Cohen and Yamasaki, 2000) and
by extracts of A. punctatus (Cohen and Meeks, 1997).
i) Isolation and cultivation of the symbiont: A number of workers have reported the isolation
and cultivation of the symbiont from Azolla (Newton and Herman, 1979; Gates, 1980; Tel-Or et al.,
1983; Subramanian and Malliga, 1988). The inoculum in these studies has been derived from the
microdissection or homogenization of surface sterilized megasporocarps of Azolla or Azolla fronds or
algal packets isolated from the fronds. Cultures thus propagated exhibited morphological resemblances
to species of Anabaena or Nostoc but one distinctive feature that has been noted is that the cultured
isolates are morphologically distinct from the filaments of symbionts freshly isolated from Azolla.
This has raised a number of questions. The first is that whether the isolated strains do really
represent the symbiont located in the leaf cavities of Azolla or represent some other strains that are
epiphytic. Secondly, is it possible for the existence of more than one strain in the leaf cavities of
Azolla and if so is it that one strain is variable which is facultative and amenable for cultivation and
not the other strain that is obligate in nature. This obligate symbiont is metabolically deficient and
could not be cultured so far. Thirdly, the taxonomic identity of the symbiont whether it is a species
of Anabaena or Nostoc has been questioned. The following studies have provided answers to these
Symbiosis 377
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Figure 8: (A) Photomicrograph of tichomes of Azolla with those of Anabaena surrounding them. (B) Tichomes of Anabaena from
Azolla. Photograph courtesy E. S. Pierson1, L. Masselink2 and M. M. L. van Kempen2, Departments of General Instruments1 and
Aquatic Ecology & Environmental Biology2, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science, Radboud University,
Huygensgebouw, Heyendaalseweg 135, NL-6525, AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Differences in morphological and physiological characteristics between cultures of Azolla

symbionts and the fresh isolates from Azolla plants have been studied by the application of
immunological and lectin hemagglutination studies (Newton and Herman, 1979; Gates, 1980;
Ladha and Watanabe, 1982; McCowen et al., 1987). The role of lectins in establishing Azolla-Anabaena
symbiosis has been examined (Mellor et al., 1981). Agglutination of human erythrocytes was caused
by extracts from A. caroliniana-Anabaena symbiosis and Anabaena-free Azolla plants whereas extracts
of fresh symbionts from A. caroliniana or A. azollae cultures did not cause agglutination of human
erythrocytes. Kobiler et al. (1981) observed haemagglutination activity in extracts of free-living
A. azollae and very low activity in those from A. filiculoides-Anabaena symbiosis. Ladha and Watanabe
(1982) reported that there exists a high antigenic similarity between Anabaena freshly isolated from
378 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

Azolla plants and the cultures of the symbionts from all over the world. They further concluded that
(i) at least two cultures are not true representatives of the symbiosis with Azolla or their antigenic
properties might have undergone a change during isolation and cultivation; (ii) the presence of
cross-reactive antigens between Azolla leaves and surface of A. azollae. By the application of indirect
immunofluorescence technique, Ladha and Watanabe (1984) demonstrated agglutination of human
and rabbit erythrocytes by the extracts of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis and Anabaena-free Azolla plants.
Such agglutination was not observed in case of A. azollae freshly separated from Azolla plants or
free-living A. azollae.
Additional evidences in support of these differences have been put forward by restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) as well. Frenche and Cohen-Bazire (1985, 1987) demonstrated
that the cultures of the symbiont from A. filiculoides did not reveal any common hybridization bands
with freshly isolated cyanobionts from Azolla spp. including A. filiculoides. Likewise, cultures of
Anabaena from A. caroliniana and its freshly isolated symbiont exhibited differences in the RFLP
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patterns of genes sequences glnA, psbA, rbcS and nifH (Nierzwicki-Bauer and Haselkorn, 1986).
Gebhardt et al. (1991) identified a common cyanobacterial symbiont in A. mexicana and A. pinnata
by RFLP analyses with both single copy glnA and rbcS gene probes and a multicopy psbA gene
probe. In these studies nifD excision probe and a xisA gene probe of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120
were employed for comparing the sequences in DNA extracted from free-living isolates and freshly
isolated cyanobionts from the two species of Azolla. The sequences homologous to these probes
from free-living isolates were found to be homologous to Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 sequences
whereas the DNA from freshly isolated symbionts did not reveal any homology. From these studies
Gebhardt et al. (1991) concluded that (i) the isolates were different from the major cyanobiont that
resides in the leaf cavities of Azolla spp., (ii) these isolates are ubiquitously present as a culturable
minor cyanobacterial symbiont in at least three species of Azolla, i.e. A. caroliniana, A. filiculoides and
A. pinnata.
Taxonomically the cyanobionts from other symbiotic associations have been identified as species
of Nostoc except in case of Azolla where the cyanobiont has been accorded the taxonomic assignment
as Anabaena (A. azollae). Few workers preferred to designate the symbiont of Azolla as a species of
Nostoc instead of Anabaena on the basis of formation of hormogonia in the former according to the
classification of Rippka et al. (1979). Meeks et al. (1988) have assigned the status of Nostoc sp. to the
cyanobiont of Azolla where as Grilli-Caiola et al. (1992) have considered the cyanobiont as a species
of Trichormus. Ran et al. (2010) confirmed the symbiont of A. filiculoides to be a species of Nostoc and
designated it as Nostoc azollae 0708. The partners of A. filiculoides symbiosis are depicted in Fig. 9.
A comparison of the symbionts from different hosts suggested that those from Azolla are markedly
very close to each other on the basis of morphological, physiological properties and phycobiliprotein
content and at the same time different from the symbionts of other hosts. Besides, the property of
marked tendency to produce hormogonia has been noted in Nostoc species symbiotic with other hosts,
a tendency that is lacking in A. azollae (Vagnoli et al., 1992). Furthermore, strains of the cyanobiont
from different Azolla species share a high degree of morphological identity but have been shown
to differ at molecular level (Frenche and Cohen-Bazire, 1987; McCowen et al., 1987; Plazinski et al.,
1988). Zimmerman et al. (1989) conducted a detailed study of the several cyanobionts from Azolla.
Out of 10 secondary (minor) cyanobionts isolated from Azolla (A. caroliniana, A. filiculoides, A. mexicana
and A. pinnata), six of them were identified as Anabaena and four of them as Nostoc on the basis of
morphological features. All six strains of Anabaena are unique as they resembled one another and
did not bind the lectins. Of these, five of them (two isolates of Anabaena from A. caroliniana, isolated
by I. Newton, USA and R. Caudales, Rutgers University, USA; two isolates from A. pinnata isolated
Symbiosis 379
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Figure 9: The partners in the Azolla symbiosis.

A) Fronds of the Azolla filiculoides Lam. plant. B) Close up of an Azolla branch showing the apex and the alternating ‘stacked’
dorsal leaves, each containing a cavity in which the cyanobiont (Nostoc azollae 0708) filaments reside. C) Light micrograph
of the cyanobiont. The larger cells in the vegetative filaments represent the nitrogen-fixing heterocysts. Scale bar=5 µm. D)
Transmission electronmicrograph of the cyanobiont. Note the thicker cell-walls and the electron dense polar nodules of
the heterocyst (middle cell) at the interface to flanking vegetative cells, which function as combined N storage structures
(cyanophycin). Scale bar=5 µm. E) A snap-shot in the vertical transmission process of the cyanobiont between Azolla plant
generations, using fluorescence microscopy. Pairs of megasporocarps (blue) develop at the underside of the cyanobacterial
colonized Azolla leaves. Filaments of the motile cyanobacterial cell stage (red), the hormogonia (h), are attracted to the
sporocarps, gather at the base and subsequently move towards the tip, before entering the sporocarps via channels (white
arrows). Once inside the sporocarp the hormogonia differentiate into individual thick walled resting spores (or akinetes; ak),
seen as the intensively red fluorescing small inoculum on top of the megaspores (sp). With the kind permission of B. Bergman,
Department of Botany, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. [Ran et al. (2010) PLoS ONE 5(7): e11486. doi:10.1371/
journal.pone.0011486] doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011486.g001.

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

by S. Nierzwicki-Bauer, USA and R. Fisher, USA and one isolate from A. filiculoides isolated by
E. Tel-Or, Israel) showed closer resemblances to A. variabilis ATCC 29413 at the level of electrophoretic
enzymatic analysis of nearly 12 important enzymes. On the other hand, all the Nostoc strains were
distinct from one another morphologically but unrelated enzymatically.
The symbionts from Azolla formed hormogonia only upon transfer to fresh medium while in the
symbionts from other hosts hormogonia are generally present in their populations. Secondly, Anabaena
strains from Azolla species do not produce typical punctiforme stage, a feature that is characteristic of
Nostoc symbiont. Moreover, these Anabaena strains prefer fructose as the carbon source (Vagnoli et al.,
1992). Four isolates of A. azollae from different species of Azolla that showed hormogonia production
have been assigned to the genus Nostoc though they do not possess punctiforme-stage (Tomaselli
et al., 1988). However, it is suggested that Azolla possesses a Nostoc species as the major symbiont.
This symbiont has not so far been isolated as it is not amenable for laboratory cultivation because of
its obligate nature or certain deficiency in its metabolism. Besides this Nostoc sp., minor symbionts
capable of free-living growth are also suggested to be present. It is these minor symbionts that have
been readily isolated into cultures (Peters, 1991). Ran et al. (2010) have conducted phylogenetic
380 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

analysis of the symbiont N. azollae 0708 which is clustered with Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CS-505
and Raphidiopsis brookii D9 rather than with other Anabaena species.
ii) Exchange of nutrients during symbiosis: Initial characterization of Azolla-A. azollae symbiosis
revealed that A. caroliniana plants free of the symbiont could be obtained by treatment with
combination of antibiotics (aureomycin, penicillinG, streptomycin, bacitracin, polymyxin-B-sulphate).
Such Azolla plants required combined nitrogen for their growth (Peters and Mayne, 1974a). This
substantiates that the symbiont fixes nitrogen and meets the nitrogen requirements of the host as
well as its own. The nitrogenase activity as determined by ARAs has indicated that A. azollae is
responsible for the fixation of nitrogen and there exists a considerable exchange of metabolites
between the fern and symbiont (Peters and Mayne, 1974b). Hill (1975) for the first time documented
that the symbiont differentiates heterocysts at high frequency from near zero at the growing point
to nearly 20–30% of all cells in mature leaves. The vegetative cells also undergo an increase in their
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cell size. The developmental pattern of Anabaena could be correlated with that of the fern as the cells
of the symbiont at the apex remain small and devoid of heterocysts and cannot fix nitrogen. Soon
after the colonization of leaf cavities, the symbiont differentiates heterocysts at high frequency and
fixes nitrogen (Hill, 1977). N15-labelling experiments assisted by ARAs confirmed that A. azollae in
symbiosis with Azolla fixes nitrogen and supports growth of the host plant in a nitrogen deficient
medium (Peters et al., 1977). Further, [13N2] N2 incorporation studies of Meeks et al. (1987) have
confirmed that the symbiont fixes nitrogen.
Newton and Cavins (1976) detected high levels of free ammonia in the intracellular nitrogenous
pool of Azolla plants growing in N2-free media with the symbiont. Thus this free ammonia seems
to serve as the major source of nitrogen for the symbiotic relationship. Symbiont-free Azolla plants
or Azolla plants with symbionts grown in nitrate media did not contain free ammonia to that level
indicating that the free ammonia has been derived out of nitrogenase of the algal cells.
The distribution of ammonia assimilating enzymes such as glutamate dehydrogenase and
glutamine synthetase in between the host plant and symbiont revealed that the former contributed
to nearly 75% of the enzyme pool suggesting that both the partners in this association have the
capacity to synthesize glutamate either through GDH or GOGAT pathways (Ray et al., 1978).
A definite developmental role for ensuring Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis has been assigned to
the hair cells residing in the cavity of the host plant. These hairs have been shown to establish
elaborate cell wall in growths that are characteristic of transfer cells (Duckett et al., 1975). Peters et
al. (1978) suggested that the hairs in mature and immature cavities might be involved in nitrogen
assimilation and the release of fixed nitrogen respectively. Scanning and transmission electron
microscopy of A. azollae symbiotic in A. pinnata revealed that the filaments are loosely entangled
and are seen adhering to the protruding hairs and folded cell walls of the cavities. The presence of
frequent invaginations or unbranched two-celled hairs and the cytoplasm of the mature hair cells
contain a transparent network with blebs and vesicles. These structures appear to help in exchange
of metabolites between the symbiotic partners (Neumüller and Bergman, 1981). These hair cells are
postulated to play an important role in transferring fixed nitrogen to the host due to the presence
of high activity of ammonia-assimilating enzymes (Uheda, 1986).
Two major isoforms of glutamine synthestase (GS) are known in higher plants, i.e. GS1 and
GS2. The former is known to occur in the cytoplasm while the latter is in the plastids/chloroplasts.
Differential roles for these two isoforms have been indicated. GS1 in roots helps in the assimilation of
ammonia derived from nitrate reduction while GS2 helps in the assimilation of ammonia produced
during photorespiration (Cren and Hirel, 1999; Ireland and Lea, 1999; Lancien et al., 2000; Tobin and
Yamaya, 2001). Uheda et al. (2004) demonstrated the location of GS2 isoform of the enzyme in mature
Symbiosis 381

leaves of A. filiculoides by the use of immunoelectron microscopy and immunogold labelling. Most
of the label was found in chloroplasts but in hair cells abundant label was noted both in chloroplasts
and in the cytoplasm. The existence of weak label in the hairs of the cyanobiont-free plants points
towards the important role of hair cells in the assimilation of ammonia.
Peters and Calvert (1983) suggested that the regulation of GS in the association is at the level of
function rather than synthesis. According to Orr and Haselkorn (1982) the GS activity in the symbiotic
association was barely detectable either by applying enzyme assays or by radioimmuno assay.
These are 5–10% lower in the symbiont in situ than in the free-living form. Molecular mechanisms
governing gene activation and gene repression during heterocyst differentiation in cyanobacteria
indicate that regulation is affected at the level of transcription (see chapter 4). Differences in mRNA
levels of genes for nitrogenase and GS have been studied in the endosymbiont of Azolla by northern
hybridization by using the corresponding cloned genes from Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. The nif
genes (nifH, nifD, and nifK) are transcribed from a single nif HDK operon. A lowering of GS transcript
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levels up to 10% was found in the endosymbiont compared with the levels in free-living A. azollae
(Nierzwicki-Bauer and Haselkorn, 1986). This leads to the conclusion that the host plant some how
regulates transcription of the Anabaena glnA gene. In bacteria glnA transcription is regulated by the
ratio of glutamine to ketoglutarate, a high ratio of these leads to repression. If the same mechanism
is operative in the Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis, in that case it is of no use for the fern to transport
glutamine to the symbiont as that will eventually be metabolized. Nierzwicki-Bauer and Haselkorn
(1986) concluded that the fern might produce a non-metabolizable analog of glutamine that may act
as a co-repressor of the Anabaena glnA gene but which does not affect the eukaryotic gene.
Photosynthetic efficiency of the symbiont of Azolla has been studied. A. azollae accounted for
7.5 to 15% of the total chlorophyll content of the symbiosis (Peters and Mayne, 1974a). Symbionts
isolated from Azolla could fix CO2 (Peters, 1975). Photosynthetic characterization of the symbiotic
association and that of individual partners indicated that the fixation of CO2 occurs via the Calvin
cycle but the role of the symbiont contributing to the photosynthesis in the intact association was
not apparent in the action spectrum (Ray et al., 1979). A comparison of photosynthetic rates of Azolla-
Anabaena symbiosis and Anabaena-free Azolla plants suggested that Anabaena contributes very little
to carbon fixation. The symbiont is dependent on the host for its carbon that is supplied in the form
of sucrose. Due to a five-fold decrease in the level of transcription of RuBisCO in the symbiont of
Azolla, Nierzwicki-Bauer and Haselkorn (1986) concluded that the regulation of transcription of
rbcL-rbcS operon may be at the level of repression by the host through a diffusible carbohydrate.
ATP necessary to perform nitrogen fixation is synthesized photosynthetically in the heterocysts of
the symbiont (Kaplan and Peters, 1981). Further, the heterocysts of the symbionts also are shown
to possess RuBisCO, the activity of which is generally absent in the heterocysts but present in
vegetative cells of free-living cyanobacteria. Thus it has been possible to detect the presence of rbcL
and rbcS genes in heterocysts and vegetative cells of Anabaena spp. in association with or isolated
from Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis by the application of in situ hybridaztion studies. However, the
functional role of RuBisCO in heterocysts of the symbionts of Azolla remains to be elucidated (Madan
and Nierwicki-Bauer, 1993).
Studies on genome erosion of the symbiont N. azollae 0708 brought out a number of new
observations that explain the symbiosis in Azolla. Due to the accumulation of large number of
pseudogenes (31.2%) and the presence of more than 600 insertion sequences in many of the genes,
regulating important functional areas of DNA replication, repair, glycolysis and biosynthesis of co-
factors of the endosymbiont, have become redundant. Furthermore, other processes that are impaired
relate to the uptake of bicarbonate, phosphate, nitrate and urea. However, due to the presence of
382 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

the ‘nif’-gene cluster intact along with 22 genes governing heterocst differentiation, it has become
an obligatory confinement for the endosymbiont to fix nitrogen and release it to the host. It is also
unable to reassimilate the released nitrogen due to the absence of transport mechanisms. So the host
environment becomes very restrictive and the host supplies only limited supply of carbohydrates
and phosphate so that the growth of the symbiont is slowed down (Ran et al., 2010). The affected
metabolic processes in the symbiont N. azollae 0708 have been depicted in Fig. 10.
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Figure 10: Schematic illustration of important metabolic and genetic information pathways in Nostoc azollae. The left cell
represents a vegetative cell while the right a nitrogen-fixing heterocyst. Red color indicates pseudogenes lacking a functional
counterpart in the N. azollae genome. Orange indicates pseudogenes where a functional counterpart is present elsewhere
in the genome. Fully functional gene(s) are illustrated (blue) only if their function is linked to other processes in the figure.
The localization of pathways in vegetative cells or heterocysts is representative only for nitrogen fixation (heterocysts) and
PSII activity (vegetative cells). Note that only a minor part of the nitrogen fixed in heterocysts is incorporated using the
GS-GOGAT pathway and used for synthesis of amino acids, while most is exported to the plant as NH3. Sugar is provided
by the plant in an as yet unknown form; putatively imported via the sugar phosphotransferase system. Function has been
lost in the glycolytic pathway as the pfkA gene, encoding 6-phosphofructokinase, is a pseudogene and sugar metabolism in
the Azolla cyanobiont probably proceeds via the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. Extensive loss of function is evident
among genes involved in uptake and transport of nutrients and N. azollae has lost the capacity to both import and metabolise
alternative nitrogen sources. With the kind permission of B. Bergman [Ran et al. (2010) PLoS ONE 5(7): e11486. doi:10.1371/
journal.pone.0011486] doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011486.g006.
Symbiosis 383

The order Cycadales is an ancient group of Gymnosperms that has existed for nearly 300 million
years. Commonly known as cycads, these are characteristic in possessing pinnately compound
leaves and giant cones. The major reasons for their long survival history are (i) their ability to survive
drought and fire, (ii) their resistance to pathogens and predators and (iii) the production of protective,
secondary metabolites. Modern cycads comprise of 11 genera (Brenner et al., 2003).
Reinke in 1872 for the first time reported the existence of endosymbionts in cycad roots. The
symbiotic association of cycads with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria is restricted to the coralloid roots.
These roots first begin to make their appearance as apogeotropic roots with papillose sheath. These
are also termed as precoralloid roots. The precoralloid roots are adventitious in nature and emerge
from the hypocotyls below the cotyledonary petiole. As the precoralloid roots mature, they acquire
the cyanobiont that generally occupies the cortical zone. Some other changes such as replacement of
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sheath layer by a dermal layer with scattered lenticels are characteristic of the maturation process.
i) Cyanobionts: Most commonly observed cyanobionts are species of Nostoc or Anabaena but other
members such as species of Spirulina, Oscillatoria, Rivularia and Calothrix have also been reported.
Species of Nostoc are mostly found in the coralloid roots of many cycads such as Bowenia, Cycas,
Dioon, Encephalartos, Macrozamia, Stangeria and Zamia (Figs. 11 to 13). Species of Anabaena, i.e.
Anabaena cycadeae and A. circinalis and N. ellipsosporum are present in the coralloid roots of Cycas
(C. revoluta). Additionally, Nostoc sp. is characteristic of the coralloid roots of Macrozamia lucida
whereas species of Calothrix can infect the coralloid roots of Encephalartos hildebrandtii. Norstog and
Nicholls (1997) also mention the names of Anabaena macrozamiae, Nostoc cycadeae, N. punctiforme and
N. commune as endophytes of cycads.
Endosymbionts of Zamia were first recorded by Schacht in 1853 in Z. pumila. Since then coralloid
roots or roots with nodules harbouring cyanobionts have been reported in various species of Zamia
such as Z. floridana (Watanabe, 1924; Chaudhuri and Akthar, 1931; Stewart and Rodgers, 1977;
Lindblad, 1984), Z. furfuracea (Neumann, 1977), Z. lindenii (Spratt, 1915) and Z. skinneri (Lindblad
et al., 1985).
ii) Infection process: The invasion of coralloid roots by the cyanobiont can occur at the base, the apex
or in an intercalary position. The exact mode of entry is not known but it is generally believed that it
is through wounds or natural openings that the hormogonia invade the roots (Nathanielsz and Staff,
1975a; Ow et al., 1999). Nathanielsz and Staff (1975b) observed that the cyanobionts Nostoc or Anabaena
occur both intercellularly and intracellularly in the cells of inner and outer cortex of apogeotropic
roots of Macrozamia communis. Algal invasion is preceded by mucus secretion by cells of algal zone
in the cortex and that is deposited in the intercellular spaces of cortical parenchyma. During the
invasion, an actual algal invasion front of finely granular mucus material bypasses mucus already
deposited in the intercellular spaces filling much of the cell cavity. This is followed by the entry of
large number of algal symbionts. The entry of the cyanobiont is facilitated by the contribution of
other microorganisms in the infection process. It has been noted that the primary infection of the
coralloid roots of cycads by Bacillus radicola stimulated their development. This is followed by the
entry of Azotobacter and finally Anabaena (Spratt, 1915). McLuckie (1922) concluded that infection
by soil bacteria contributed to the growth of coralloid roots in Macrozamia spiralis. The distortions
caused by bacteria or bacteroids in the developing coralloid roots facilitated the entry of Anabaena.
On the contrary, the presence of other microorganisms had a negative effect on the establishment
of symbiosis in cycads (Wittman et al., 1965; Grilli-Caiola, 1975a).
384 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 11: Common cycads that show the development of coralloid roots. (A) Cycas revoluta; (B) Dioon edule; (C) Encephalartos
hildenbrandtii; (D) Macrozamia dyeri. Photographs courtesy and copyright Jody L. Haynes, The Cycad Society, Inc. (www.

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.
Symbiosis 385
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Figure 12: Common cycads that show the development of coralloid roots (A) Macrozamia macdonnellii; (B) Zamia floridana;
(C) Zamia cremnophila; (D) Zamia splendens. Photographs courtesy and copyright Jody L. Haynes, The Cycad Society, Inc.

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.
386 Handbook of Cyanobacteria
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Figure 13: (A) A mass coralloid roots of Cycas revoluta; (B) A coralloid root magnified. Photographs courtesy and copyright
Jody L. Haynes, The Cycad Society, Inc. (www.cycad.org)

Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.

Wittmann et al. (1965) have observed that the coralloid roots of M. communis are bacteria-free. The
presence of other eukaryotic algae, fungi and bacteria has never been observed in the coralloid roots
along with cyanobionts (Grilli-Caiola, 1980). Obukowicz et al. (1981) demonstrated the presence of
phenolic deposits in the mucilaginous material of algal zone by ferric chloride ultrahistochemistry
of Cycas revoluta-Anabaena symbiosis. The presence of excessive phenolic deposits (in adjacent cells
of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum within the plastids and at the periphery) in the
surrounding host tissues facilitates the exclusion of other microorganisms and permits only Anabaena
into the coralloid roots. They noted intracellular localization of cyanobionts confirming the earlier
observations of Grilli (1963) and Nathanielsz and Staff (1975b).
Studies on the ultrastructure and developmental cycle of symbionts living in the coralloid
roots (of C. circinalis, C. revoluta, C. rumphii, E. altensteinii, E. lebomboensis, E. lehmannii, E. longifolius,
E. natalensis, E. umbeluxiensis, E. villosus, M. communis and Dioon edule) revealed that all the symbionts
have characteristics of Nostoc with vegetative cells and enlarged heterocysts but without akinetes.
However, symbionts showed a gradual and continuous increase in the frequency of heterocysts
Symbiosis 387

from apex to the base of the coralloid roots (Grilli-Caiola, 1980). The cyanobiont of Z. skinneri does
not show any sub-cellular modifications in the coralloid roots and healthy vegetative cells of the
symbiont show thylakoids with phycobilisomes, carboxysomes, cyanophycin and glycogen granules.
Furthermore, the ultrastructural details of the coralloid roots of Z. skinneri revealed the presence of
characteristic transfer cells that play a role in the transfer of solutes between the symbiont and the
host (Lindblad et al., 1985). The presence of akinetes as noted by Lindblad et al. (1985) in Z. skinneri
has also been substantiated earlier in C. revoluta (Zhu, 1982), Dioon edule (Grilli-Caiola, 1975b) and
M. communis (Grilli-Caiola, 1974). Baulina and Lobakova (2003) observed vegetative cells with
reduced cell walls in the cyanobionts of C. circinalis, Ceratozamia mexicana and Encephalartos villosus
growing in the intercellular spaces of cyanobacterial zone of cortex. These cells resembled protoplasts
and sphaeroplasts and overproduced mucilage-like polysaccharide- and protein-like substances
that hastend the death of the cells.
Morphological and physiological properties of the symbionts residing in the coralloid roots of
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cycads are shown to be different with those isolated and grown in culture (Grilli, 1963; Grilli-Caiola,
1974, 1975a,b). One of the most distinguishing features of the symbionts is the continuous increase
in the frequency of heterocysts from apex to the base of the coralloid roots (Grilli-Caiola, 1980).
Besides the increase in the percentage of heterocysts from the growing tip of the coralloid roots (as
noted in Zamia) towards basal, older parts, there was increase in the frequency of multiple (double,
triple and quadruple) heterocysts (Lindblad et al., 1985). This feature was also noted in other cycad
species (Spratt, 1911; Grilli-Caiola, 1975a, 1980; Zhu, 1982).
An inverse relationship has been noted between ARAs and the total heterocyst frequency
suggesting that it is likely that nitrogenase is active only in single heterocysts and in one of the
heterocysts occurring in a group (Lindblad, 1984; Lindblad et al., 1985).
Lindblad and Bergman (1989) showed the localization of phycoerythrin associated with
thylakoids of vegetative cells of the symbiotic Nostoc growing in the coralloid roots of C. revoluta
with the help of immunocytochemistry but phycoerythrin was absent in the heterocysts. Nitrogenase
activity assayed by ARAs and 15N fixation by cyanobionts freshly isolated from coralloid roots of
Macrozamia riedlei showed a direct correlation with the frequency of heterocysts and these depended
mostly on the substrates supplied by the host (Lindblad et al., 1991).
iii) Diversity of Nostoc strains: A detailed study on the diversity of cyanobionts has been conducted
by Grobbelaar et al. (1987) on the basis of light microscopy. They identified N. commune, N. punctiforme,
N. ellipsosporum, N. paludosum, N. muscorum and Calothrix sp. as the cyanobionts from the coralloid
roots of 31 species of Encephalartos indigenous to S. Africa. Subsequent studies on the genetic diversity
of Nostoc strains occurring in the coralloid roots of cycads have been made by the application of
molecular techniques such as RFLP, PCR fingerprinting and sequencing of tRNALeu (UAA) intron
but the results obtained in each of these are not comparable. Lindblad et al. (1989) used Southern blot
technique and cloned Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 nifK and glnA genes as probes and compared
RFLPs of cyanobionts freshly isolated from coralloid roots of Ceratozamia mexicana, C. robusta, Dioon
spinulosum, Z. furfuracea and Z. skinneri. Differences in the sizes of their DNA fragments hybridizing
with both probes indicated that different cyanobacterial species and/or strains were associated with
the symbiosis. Alternatively, when symbionts freshly isolated from roots of E. altensteinii and three
independently isolated strains from the same coralloid root were compared, they turned out to be
the same organism. It is thus likely that a mixture of Nostoc strains can be associated with a single
cycad species (Lindblad et al., 1989).
388 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

PCR fingerprinting with primers derived from short tandemly repeated repetitive sequences
(STRR) of cyanobionts from the coralloid roots of a number of cycads revealed the existence of
numerous cyanobacteria in a single coralloid root. The diversity of cyanobionts was noted in the
apical, middle and basal regions of a single cluster (Zheng et al., 2002). Contrary to the above findings,
Costa et al. (2004) concluded that a single Nostoc strain is associated in individual coralloid roots
of cycads on the basis of tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequencing. Natural populations of M. riedlei and
those growing in greenhouses of Perth (Australia) have been selected for the isolation of cyanobionts
from the coralloid roots. Several Nostoc strains appeared to be involved in this symbiosis. However,
when single coralloid roots or when all coralloid roots from the same plant were examined only one
Nostoc strain appeared to be associated with the symbiosis. On the basis of these findings, Costa
et al. (2004) contested the findings of Zheng et al. (2002). Analysis of cyanobiont diversity from 31
species of Australian cycad genus Macrozamia based on sequencing of 16S rDNA revealed that there
is negligible host specialization. From among the 56 cyanobionts isolated into cultures 22 have been
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identified to belong to Nostoc sp. and one to Calothrix sp. The former cyanobiont seems to be widely
represented within 14 species of Macrozamia (Gehringer et al., 2010).

The genus Gunnera with about 40 species belongs to the monogeneric family Gunneraceae of
angiosperms. However, many workers preferred to classify this genus in the family Haloragaceae
(Moore et al., 2010). The species of this genus are distributed almost exclusively throughout
the Southern Hemisphere. Shindler’s work (1905) has been recognized as the most complete
morphological revision of the genus. He has recognized five subgenera viz., Perpensum, Pseudogunnera,
Milligania, Misandra and Panke based on their morphology, respective modes of propagation and
their geographic distribution. A new South American species G. herteri has been discovered in 1933
that has been placed in a new subgenus Ostenigunnera (Mattfeld, 1933).
According to Bergman et al. (1992a) the subgenera Pseudogunnera (G. macrophylla), Perpensum
(G. perpensa) and Ostenigunnera (G. herteri) have one species each whereas subgenus Misandra has
two species (G. lobata and G. magellanica, the latter is a small, stoloniferous species). In the subgenus
Milligania six species have been included. By far the largest subgenus Panke is represented by the
gigantic forms with thick and fleshy stems. The largest and most famous species of this subgenus
are G. manicata (giant ornamental rhubarb attaining a height of 6–8 ft and a native of Brazil; Fig.
14 A) and G. tinctoria (Chilean rhubarb; Fig. 14 B). These are very attractive ornamental plants.
Many species of Gunnera show preference for high altitudes. G. tinctoria is a fully naturalized exotic
plant of New Zealand but in view of its weedy potential it has been placed in National Pest Plant
Accord List.
Species of Gunnera are perennial herbs. There is great variation in the size of the plant. The upright
stem portion attains a height of 2 cm as in subgenus Milligania and up to 6 m as in the subgenus
Panke with intermediate range of height plants found in the subgenus Misandra. Species belonging
to the subgenus Panke are the largest herbs known on earth. Other important features are slender or
fleshy stems; leaves possess long petioles (rhubarb-like); flowers in compound spikes, uni- or bisexual
without petals. Anatomically polystelic nature provides evidence of their aquatic ancestry.
i) Cyanobiont: The cyanobiont in Gunnera has initially been classified as Scytonema or Anabaena but
now it is generally accepted that the cyanobiont is a species of Nostoc. Though initially identified as
Symbiosis 389
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Figure 14: Plants of Gunnera manicata (A) and Gunnera tinctoria (B) in the fore-ground. Pictures downloaded with the kind
permission of Gerd Seehawer, Schneverdingen, Germany. (http://www.dendroimage.de/galleng.htm).
390 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

N. gunnerae because of its close resemblance to free-living N. punctiforme the cyanobiont has been
redesignated as N. punctiforme (Harder, 1917; Winter, 1935).
ii) Nature of symbiosis: The nature of Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis is facultative. The two partners upon
separation can lead an independent existence. Reinke made the initial observations on the Gunnera-
Nostoc symbiosis. The true nature of the symbiosis was for the first time confirmed by Silverster and
Smith (1969). All the species of Gunnera form the glands at the base of their leaves and possess the
endosymbiont Nostoc. Even with the cyanobiont Nostoc, the symbiosis is relatively non-specific as a
number of strains and species can establish symbiosis with Gunnera (Bonnett and Silvester, 1981). Of
the many cyanobacterial symbioses, Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis represents the most advanced type
because of the cyanobiont being in the intracellular state (Bergman et al., 1992b).
iii) The glands: The host plant possesses peculiar glands at the base of each leaf stalk. Reinke (1873)
first described the glands containing algae in Gunnera and their development has been described
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subsequently in G. macrophylla (Miehe, 1924). The glands have also been designated as “stem glands”
by Merker (Solereder, 1908), “rosette organs” (Batham, 1943), “transformed root primordia” (Schaede,
1951) and nodules (Silvester and McNamara, 1976) in the literature.
The formation of the glands under sterile conditions in the absence of the symbiont signifies that
their development is governed by the plant genes. However, it is universally accepted that (i) for
the initiation and further maintenance of the symbiosis the glands are required and (ii) symbiosis-
specific genes may also operate in Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis but these are suggested to be required for
establishing contact between the two partners but are not involved in the formation of the gland.
iv) Morphology and development of the gland: The general structure and development of the
stem glands in Gunnera spp. have been studied by a number of workers. Bonnett (1981) provided
information on the development of glands in G. chilensis. The development of two unequal
meristematic masses at the base of the developing cotyledons constitutes the first step. These soon
assume the shape of papillae. There are 6–9 papillae of which 5–8 papillae are arranged in a circle and
one is located in the center. The outer papillae in the circle are slightly bent outwards whereas the
central one is straight. The papillae grow and undergo division perpendicular to the hypocotyls. These
are visible to outside as hemispherical protuberances on the outside of the stem. Due to dissolution of
the middle lamellae of the cell walls running perpendicular to the hypocotyl, a number of channels
are formed between the papillae. At the bottom of these channels, the cells get separated forming
a cavity. Due to the production copious mucilage, the epidermis ruptures and the mucus flows out
through the channels. The chemical nature of mucus reveals the presence of carbohydrates, tannic
acids and other polyphenols. It is acidic and believed to be antifungal in nature.
New glands continue to be differentiated at the base of each leaf primordium under nitrogen-
limited conditions (Chiu et al., 2005). The nutritional factors that govern the development of the
glands in vitro have been studied by Chiu et al. (2005) who suggested that (i) nitrogen status of
the plant is the main determinant for gland development; (ii) the presence of exogenous carbon
sources like sucrose accelerated gland development under nitrogen-limited conditions; (iii) under
nitrogen replete conditions gland development did not take place; and (iv) a high concentration of
sucrose under nitrogen enriched conditions stimulated the development of a callus-like outgrowth
instead of a gland. After sometime, growth and cell divisions are slowed down with a cessation in
the production of mucilage. Due to the formation of new cell layers, the glands turn brownish and
develop a cork-like surface. At this stage, infection is no longer possible. In the absence of infection,
disintegration of glands ensues afterwards. So during the production of copious mucilage infection
is a probable event.
Symbiosis 391

v) Infection process: The infection of each gland represents an independent event and everytime
Nostoc filaments growing outside need to gain entry into the new differentiating gland. The manner
in which the symbiont is brought nearer to the gland is not clearly known. It is likely that during
the emergence of the seedling of Gunnera, Nostoc filaments present in the soil may get entrapped
in the mucilage or filaments of the symbiont may stick to the trichomes/hairs located on the gland
surface. The filaments of Nostoc may be attracted towards gland by the chemoattractants present in
the mucilage. The presence of fimbriare on the cell surface of the symbiont may also be helpful in
the attachment to the gland surfaces (Dick and Stewart, 1980; Lindblad and Bergman, 1990). Thus
mucilage serves as an important communication channel between the symbionts prior to infection.
How the symbiont survives in the acidic pH of the mucilage secreted by the glands of Gunnera (in
case of G. manicata the pH is 5.0; and in case of G. chilensis the pH is 4–5) is not understood. But it
has been confirmed by many workers that the symbiont grows rapidly in the mucilage and forms
a thin film over the gland surface. Two observations of Rasmussen et al. (1994) that (i) mucilage
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secreted from the glands induces hormogonia formation in vegetative Nostoc filaments and (ii)
mucilage contains certain factors that stimulate growth and induce protein synthesis in compatible
Nostoc strains are worth noting. Molecular characterization of the mucilage secreted by Gunnera
stem gland revealed arabinose and galactose in molar proportions of 1.00:0.25 with an additional
0.13 parts of glucoronic acid. Dot blot analysis confirmed the existence of arabinogalactan proteins
(Rasmussen et al., 1996).
Schaede (1951, 1962) suggested that the symbiont penetrates into the root cells where the
formation of canals allows free passsage for the algal filaments. This mode of entry of the symbiont
has not received much support. However, it is now generally accepted that the entry of hormogonia
into the interior of the gland is affected via the mucilage channels (Batham, 1943; Silvester and
McNamara, 1976; Towata, 1985). In order to reach the interior and finally the cavity, the hormogonia
have to travel against the flow of mucilage and indeed it requires a great force. This may be achieved
by the chemotaxis of the hormogonia due to the presence of chemoattractants in high concentration in
the cavity of the gland. In otherwords, the cyanobiont responds to the signals of the host by showing
chemotaxis. Indeed chemotaxis has been shown to be possible in N. punctiforme PCC 73102 with
exudates or crushed extracts of G. manicata and a number of other hosts (Cycas revoluta and Blasia
pusila) and non-host plants (Trifolium repens, Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa) as well (Nilsson et
al., 2006). In other cyanobacterial symbioses such as lichens, lectins are known to play a role in the
recognition process (described above in detail under the section on lichens) but in case of Gunnera-
Nostoc symbiosis the role of lectins in the recognition of partners is yet to be established. However,
Khamar et al. (2010) identified multiple role of soluble sugars in the establishment of Gunnera-Nostoc
endosymbiosis. Prior to the establishment of the cyanobiont, the mucilage contained higher levels
of galactose and arabinose that had little effect on hormogonia formation. After the establishment
of the cyanobiont, the mature glands accumulated higher concentrations of glucose and fructose
that favoured the vegetative growth of the cyanobiont. This is supported by the accumulation of
starch in the cortical cells of the nitrogen-starved plants and simultaneously the expression of host
genes encoding enzymes involved in starch hydrolysis took place.
It is well known that nod genes of Rhizobium are involved in the production of Nod-factors, chitin
oligomers with an acyl chain at the non-reducing end that have numerous effects on the host plant.
Although common nod gene sequences (nod ABC or the regulatory gene nod D or the host specific
gene nod L) are not present in Nostoc but Nod-D binding part of the nod promoter and nod box showed
hybridization with specific nod genes such as nodEF. The presence of gene sequences homologous
to nodMN in Nostoc genome is of interest because NodM has been reported to be involved in the
392 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

synthesis of glucosamine that acts like a plant defence elicitor. So it is likely that Nostoc can also
produce a factor containing glucosamine that induces cell divisions in Gunnera gland channels. Nod-
factors activate cytokinin pathway, which include cell division and nodule development (Frugier et
al., 2008). Exopolysaccharide governing exo gene sequences of Rhizobium, important for establishing
successful nodulation of legumes, are found in Nostoc.
vi) Intracellular localization: This is the only cyanobacterial symbiosis in which the cyanobiont
becomes intracellular. In order to enter the cells, the cyanobiont has to penetrate the cell walls. The
infection process and ultrastructure of Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis have been investigated by Silvester
and McNamara (1976) who highlighted that the cyanobiont upon reaching the cavity, first penetrates
the thin-walled meristematic cells situated at the base of the gland. This has also been confirmed
by the work of Bonnett (1990). The cells of the symbiont become intracellular and are surrounded
by a host membrane. The question that has to be answered is whether the cyanobiont gains entry
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by sheer mechanical force or through the invaginations/cell foldings or enzymic degradation of

cell wall. One of the theories put forward is that the cyanobiont gains entry through the cell wall
foldings/invaginations. It has been observed that the cell wall foldings/invaginations take place
independently even in the absence of the symbiont (Schmidt, 1901). During entry into the cell
the symbiont acquires a host membrane that separates it from the cytoplasm of the host cell (Von
Neumann et al., 1970; Silvester and McNamara, 1976). There are no evidences for the production of
pectolytic or cellulolytic enzymes or the release of IAA by the cyanobiont that can trigger cellulase
activity. The second theory putforward is the cell wall dissolution theory. The observations of
Towata (1985) that the bacteria associated with the cyanobiont help in the degradation of cell wall
also received attention. The presence of large populations of other microorganisms in the fresh
mucilage secretions besides the symbiont has also been confirmed (Flowers, 1998). Towata (1985)
further mentions that fungi such as Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria have been isolated from the
mucilage of G. kaalensis. The pectolytic and cellulolytic enzymes contributed by these fungi have
been suggested to bring about the dissolution of the host cell wall and/or middle lamellae. However,
the establishment of Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis in vitro in the absence of the said fungi rules out the
probable role of these fungi (Chiu et al., 2005). After the dissolution of cell wall, the cyanobiont is
taken in by the folding of the plasmolemma. This theory has received much support from the works
of Jönsson (1894), Miehe (1924), Schaede (1951) and Johansson and Bergman (1992). The absence
of wall rupture after the infection by the cyanobiont suggests that the initial dissolution must have
been repaired. Observations of Silvester and McNamara (1976) also confirm this theory but in their
reconstitution experiments they did not come across any bacteria or other microorganisms that could
contribute to the dissolution of the cell wall. The presence of infoldings has finally been suggested
as individual variations that can be noted depending on the species of Gunnera used in the study.
The infected cell soon gets filled with the ensuing growth of the endosymbiont. The cytoplasm
of the cell gets occupied to a peripheral portion. The endosymbiont is shared between the daughter
cells as cell organelles during cell division and wall penetration does not seem to be a requirement
subsequently. However, the host plasma membrane around the symbiont serves as a selective barrier.
The symbiont exhibits an altered morphology as the cells are spherical rather than cylindrical,
aseriate or in short filaments with altered distribution and shape of the thylakoids in the cells and
with a high heterocyst frequency.
vii) Specificity: It is generally accepted that all the species of Gunnera have Nostoc spp. as endosymbiont.
In order to find out specificity of the Nostoc spp. a number of workers have established symbiosis in
vitro by a range of Nostoc spp. and closely related Anabaena spp. Reconstitution experiments have
Symbiosis 393

been successful in G. chilensis with N. punctiforme (Reinke, 1873; Jönsson, 1894) or Nostoc symbionts
from G. chilensis or G. arenaria (Johansson and Bergman, 1992). Nostoc symbionts from G. arenaria,
C. revoluta, Anthoceros spp, P. polydactyla and Nostoc commune reconstituted symbiosis in G. manicata
(Bonnett and Silvester, 1981). Successful establishment of symbiosis was monitored by microscopic
examination, nitrogenase activity and total nitrogen content of the established symbiosis. Symbionts
of Nostoc from G. arenaria (New Zealand), C. revoluta (Green house, New Zealand), Anthoceros sp. (New
Zealand), P. polydactyla and a soil cyanobacterium N. commune (Netherlands) entered into successful
symbiosis with G. manicata. Except the symbiont from P. ploydactyla, the rest of the four associations
performed well with reference to the nitrogenase activity, nitrogen per plant, number of infected
glands per plant and nitrogen content per gland. Strains incapable of producing hormogonia did not
infect the glands. Moreover, Nostoc symbionts from Macrozamia lucida, Anabaena azollae (from Azolla)
and two another Anabaena species (A. oscillarioides and A. flos-aquae) did not establish symbiosis
with G. manicata (Bonnett and Silvester, 1981). This clearly demonstrates that motility is esstential
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for infection to take place.

Zimmerman and Bergman (1990) studied the diversity of cyanobionts and correlated it with the
occurrence of Gunnera species and their habitat. For this purpose they had chosen twelve cyanobionts
isolated from Gunnera plants growing in Sweden (G. manicata 1 and 2 from two sites, G. tinctoria
and Gunnera sp.), New Zealand [G. arenaria (2), G. chilensis (3) from five different sites] and USA
(G. arenaria, G. kaalensis, G. killipiana and Gunnera sp.) and compared their protein profiles and RFLP
polymorphisms (by hybridizations with heterologous nifH and glnA probes). These results point
towards the identical nature of the cyanobionts from different Gunnera species growing at the same
site in Sweden. However, a different cyanobiont was detected in G. manicata growing at a different site
in Sweden. On the other hand, of the five cyanobionts from two species of Gunnera collected in the
same location in New Zealand three subgroups of cyanobionts have been dectected. The cyanobionts
from three different species of Gunnera grown in different localities were found to be different. These
results emphasize that there is no great critical selective factor required by Gunnera.
In case of heterocystous cyanobacteria a specific family of STRR sequences have been described
(Mazel, 1990). The number of copies of such sequences was estimated to be about 100 per genome
in Calothrix species in which these sequences were initially discovered. The long tandemly repeated
repetitive (LTRR) sequences are 37-bp long and have been identified in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120.
STRR sequences have been put to use as a valuable tool for the identification and characterization
of cyanobacteria, specially the toxin-producing strains (Rouhiainen et al., 1995). Thus the conserved
status of these sequences makes them suitable for identification of cyanobacteria. A fingerprint
method consisting of STRR and LTRR sequences was developed for the recognition of 35 symbiotic
isolates of Nostoc from Gunnera spp. The results showed a high degree of heterogeneity among
the isolates from the same Gunnera species as well as different species (Rasmussen and Svenning,
1998). Rasmussen and Svenning (2001) have drawn similar conclusions based on RFLP-patterns of
amplified 16S rRNA gene and 16S-23S ITS region as well as DGGE of PCR products of hetR gene.
Similarly, cyanobionts isolated from 11 different geographical areas have been subjected for PCR
fingerprinting analysis with STRR sequences as primers. These studies revealed that (i) all the 45
cyanobionts isolated could be divided into ten groups of which five cyanobiont isolates were found
to be unique, (ii) most of the groups are restricted in their distribution to one geographical area and
(iii) a low cyanobiont specificity has been indicated because many cyanobiont strains have been
detected within and between 11 different Gunnera species. Further, more than one cyanobiont has
been associated with symbiosis within the same plant as well as within the same stem gland (Nilsson
et al., 2000). The diversity of Nostoc strains occurring in three populations of G. tinctoria from Chile
394 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

has been studied by PCR amplification of STRR sequences of the symbiotic tissue of Gunnera. There
is great variation in the number of Nostoc strains establishing symbiosis both within and between
Gunnera populations. However, one Nostoc strain or closely related strains have been found within
an individual host plant (Guevara et al., 2002).
16S rDNA sequence analysis has been regarded as one of the most valid criteria for unraveling
taxonomic relationships between closely related species or genera (Weisburg et al., 1991). The diversity
of Nostoc strains establishing symbiosis with Gunnera has been analysed by this marker. Svenning
et al. (2005) conducted a phylogenetic analysis of symbiotic Nostoc strains establishing symbiosis
with species of Gunnera by RFLP of the 16S rDNA sequences and 16S-23S ITS regions. Cyanobionts
from Gunnera have been identified as a distinct clade. They are of the opinion that it is not justified
to assign all symbiotic Nostoc species to N. punctiforme.
viii) Nutrient exchange: The cyanobiont experiences a sudden change in its photosynthetic and
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nitrogen fixing capabilities. Although the cyanobiont possesses the pigments, RuBisCO enzyme and
other enzymes of the Calvin’s cycle in the same proportion as that of the free-living cyanobacterium,
its autotrophic metabolism is shifted towards a heterotrophic metabolism. Alongside, the frequency
of heterocysts increases to 30% contributing towards an increase in nitrogen fixation. The host
meets the carbon requirements of the cyanobiont that is transported in the form of sucrose. The
transport of carbon source from the host to the cyanobiont and the transport of fixed nitrogen from
the cyanobiont to the apex of the plant body seem to be through the conducting elements. All these
aspects have been investigated in greater detail.
The following observations signify that the cyanobiont leads a heterotrophic existence. The
proportion of pigments such as chlorophyll a (Söderback et al., 1990), phycobiliproteins and the
carboxylating enzyme (Söderback and Bergman, 1992) of the cyanobionts of G. megallanica are similar
to the free-living cyanobacteria. Söderback and Bergman (1993) observed that the photosynthetic
capabilities of G. chilensis and G. megallanica are better than their counterparts isolated into cultures.
The most important aspect is the high RuBisCO activity associated with low in vivo CO2 fixation.
CO2-incorporation revealed a fixed carbon translocation from the leaves to the symbiotic tissue
resulting in high rates of nitrogen fixation. Additionally, a major reduction in PSII activity results
when free-living Nostoc enters into symbiosis with Gunnera. This is evidenced by a smaller pool
size of electron acceptors (QA) and plastoquinone and a reduction in the ability to utilize light by
PSII units. These changes have been correlated with partial degradation of DI protein. It is not
that the PSII is entirely absent but the PSII efficiency has been largely reduced which signals a
shift from autotrophic to a heterotrophic mode of nutrition (Black and Osborne, 2004). While the
photosynthetic ability of the cyanobiont is thus limited, the nitrogen fixation potential is enhanced
due to the differentiation of heterocysts at a high frequency, enhancement in nitrogenase activity
and respiratory electron transport. Freshly isolated Nostoc clusters from the glands of G. megallanica
performed high rates of nitrogen fixation in the presence of glucose, fructose and sucrose. When
nitrogenase activity of the symbiont was inhibited in vivo by high O2 levels, the accumulation of
sucrose, glucose and fructose occurred (Parsons, 2002). Uptake of glucose analogue, 3-[14C]-O-methyl-
glucose (14C-OMG) by symbiotic and free-living Nostoc revealed that the uptake is mediated by a
hexose transporter and that the uptake slowed down with the increase of heterocyst frequency in
the symbiont signifying that the uptake process was specifically associated with vegetative cells.
Further, glucose also is shown to be metabolized through glycolysis as well as incomplete citric acid
cycle in symbiotic cells (Black et al., 2002).
Symbiosis 395

The cyanobiont can support the growth and can meet the nitrogen demand of the host as
evidenced by its growth in nitrogen-deficient media. The rates of nitrogen fixation by the Gunnera-
Nostoc symbiosis have been reported to be of the order of 72 kg N ha–1 a–1 (Silvester and Smith, 1969).
However, some investigators concluded that this symbiosis has a decreased capacity for nitrogen
fixation due to the existence of low frequencies of heterocysts in G. tinctoria (Silvester, 1975) or the
presence of large number of degenerate cells (Towata, 1985). Osborne et al. (1992) showed that
nitrogen fixed by the cyanobiont could meet the complete nitrogen requirements of G. tinctoria. The
cyanobiont occupies less than 1% of the total biomass of the host and cyanobiont put together. The
ability of the host to utilize nitrate or ammonium has been shown to be very much limited.
Nitrogen fixation in relation to gland development has been studied in G. megallanica by the
assay of total and specific nitrogenase activity and the frequency of heterocysts both in intact glands
and sections of the gland apex downwards. The apical portion of the gland consists of vegetative
cells of the cyanobiont loaded with high density of storage granules. Gradually downwards the
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cyanobiont differentiated heterocysts where the frequency ranged from zero to 30% with toal and
specific nitrogenase activity being maximum and nitrogenase protein was localized only in the
heterocysts. Progressively down the gland although the heterocyst frequency increased to as high
as 60%, the nitrogenase activity was lower. However, the decrease in nitrogenase activity may be
due to certain other factors as the nitrogenase protein remained at the same level (Söderback et al.,
1990). Transcription and protein profiles of genes related to heterocyst differentiation and dinitrogen
fixation have been examined in Nostoc strain 0102 (isolated from Gunnera) under simulated symbiotic
conditions in G. megallanica and G. manicata. The expression of hetR gene correlated positively with
high frequency of heterocysts. The expression of genes ntcA and nifH was also high whereas the
expression of glnB showed decreased expression. These studies have been successfully conducted
by using RT-PCR and Western blot analysis (Wang et al., 2004). A comparison of protein expression
profiles of freshly isolated cyanobiont from the glands of G. manicata with cultures of the same strain
has revealed that a significant number of proteins are abundant whereas certain other proteins
are either down-regulated or entirely missing in a symbiotic state. For example, nitrogenase and
enzymes of OPP pathway are highly expressed while enzymes of Calvin’s cycle are down-regulated
(Ekman et al., 2006).
By the use of 15N, Silvester et al. (1996) confirmed that only 12% of the fixed nitrogen is retained
by the freshly isolated cyanobiont from G. megallanica whereas the rest 88% is released as NH3 outside
the cells. Within the intact glands, the cyanobiont retained only 2–5% of the fixed N2 and up to 30% of
the extracellular N is in the form of asparagine after one hour. The release of ammonia by the excised
glands suggests that the excised glands because of their surrounding Gunnera envelope/membrane
also are akin to the intact glands and in these cases rates of recovery of NH3 corresponded well with
C2H2 reduction rates. The overall evidences suggest that Gunnera regulates the activity of GS of the
cyanobiont but not at the level of its synthesis as noted in case of Anthoceros-Nostoc symbiosis (Joseph
and Meeks, 1987). A metabolic model has been proposed that envisages the nitrogen fixation by the
cyanobiont supported by either light or carbohydrates derived from the host. The assimilation of
fixed nitrogen seems to require the input of 1 mol oxaloacetate for the export of 1 mol of asparagine
(Silvester et al., 1996).
In root nodule symbiosis, there is ample evidence for the transport of nitrogen compounds
through xylem from the nodule. The importance of phloem has been indicated in the transport
of carbon and also in the retranslocation of nitrogen when it reaches the leaves. Nitrogen fixation
by the cyanobionts in Gunnera seems to be supported by the translocation of carbon from the host
presumably by way of phloem. G. monoica is a stoloniferous plant with 4–6 leaves at each node and
396 Handbook of Cyanobacteria

is amenable for assay of nitrogenase activity by ARAs conducted by the incubation of intact stolons
and nodes in an atmosphere of 10% v/v of acetylene in air. Such experiments have been helpful in
assessing 15N as percentage of all N atoms, µg 15N g–1 dry weight of plant tissue for understanding
the distribution of the isotope and 15N% as a percentage of all the 15N taken up in a particular organ.
Rapid translocation of recently fixed nitrogen from mature regions to the apex of G. monoica has been
demonstrated by 15N pulse-chase experiments. Additionally, stem-girdling experiments provided
evidence for the translocation of recently fixed nitrogen through phloem. It means that the flow of
fixed nitrogen via phloem must be counter to the flow of carbohydrates into the glands (Stock and
Silvester, 1994).


In most of the cyanobacterial symbioses the cyanobiont is a strain of Nostoc. In the different
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symbioses described in this Chapter, the diversity and phylogeny of Nostoc strains have been
discussed. The molecular markers selected for this purpose varied greatly as also the hosts from
which the cyanobionts have been derived. These include comparison of the sequences of tRNALeu
(UAA) intron (Lindblad et al., 1989; Paulsrud and Lindblad, 1998; Paulsrud et al., 1998, 2000; Costa
et al., 2001, 2002, 2004; Wirtz et al., 2003; Summerfield and Eaton-Rye, 2006; Rikkinen and Virtanen,
2008), 16S rDNA (Oksanen et al., 2004; Myllys et al., 2007; Gehringer et al., 2010), 16S rRNA-23S
rRNA ITS region (West and Adams, 1997), 16S rDNA and tRNALeu (UAA) intron (Rikkinen et al.,
2002; Summerfiedld et al., 2002; Stenroos et al., 2006) and gene locus rbcLXS (O’Brien et al., 2005;
Stenroos et al., 2006; Myllys et al., 2007; Otálora et al., 2010). The other molecular markers include
PCR fingerprinting of STRR sequences (Zheng et al., 2002; Guevara et al., 2002; Costa et al., 2004)
STRR and LTRR sequences (Rasmussen and Svenning, 1998; Nilsson et al., 2000) and RFLP patterns
of nifK and glnA (Lindblad et al., 1989) and nifH and glnA genes (Zimmerman and Bergman, 1990).
Either a high degree of specificity or a great diversity in the strains of Nostoc has been reported. The
study of Costa et al. (2002) consisted of 54 symbiotic strains of Nostoc derived from different hosts
such as Peltigera (18 species), Nephroma (7 species), Blasia (6 species) A. fusiformis (4 species) and few
cycads (C. circinalis, C. rumphii, E. lebomboensis and Z. pumila). They compared the stem-loop (P6b)
of tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequences that possesses degenerate heptapeptide repeats. According to
them there is a high degree of similarity and the Nostoc strains shared high degree of conserved
intron sequence. Oksanen et al. (2004) questioned the validity of tRNALeu (UAA) intron sequence
comparisons for deriving the phylogeny of Nostoc strains. According to few workers the locus of
rbcLXS is quite suitable and reliable molecular marker that can provide the degree of variation
needed to unravel the specificity of Nostoc strains. Moreover, the results from rbcLXS locus are very
much comparable to the multilocus sequence typing approach (O’Brien et al., 2005; Stenroos et al.,
2006; Myllys et al., 2007; Otálora et al., 2010) but which is not the case with 16S rDNA sequences
(Costa et al., 2002; Oksanen et al., 2004; Rikkinen et al., 2004; Stenroos et al., 2006). The observations
of Rikkinen et al. (2002) revealed (i) the presence of Nostoc strains that are specific to the species of
Peltigera (“Peltigera guild”) and Nephroma (“Nephroma guild”) corresponding to clade I and clade II,
respectively; and (ii) the cyanobiont selection very much depended on a community scale depending
on the habitat. The existence of the two clades, clade I and clade II has further been substantiated
by other workers (Lohtander et al., 2003; Rikkinen et al., 2003, 2004; Oksanen et al., 2004; Stenroos et
al., 2006; Myllys et al., 2007). Though clade I consisted of a homogeneous sequences of Nostoc strains
from terricolous lichens, the clade II has been found be heterogeneous with sequences of Nostoc
Symbiosis 397

strains from epiphytic lichens as well as cyanobionts collected from terrestrial and lithophytic
habitats (Stenroos et al., 2006).
Papaefthimiou et al. (2008) conducted a preliminary clustering of Nostoc strains (cyanobionts
from bryophytes, cycads and Gunnera spp.) with the help of amplified rDNA restriction analysis
(ARDRA) and the phylogeny has been reconstructed on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences
coupled with morphological characterization. They also confirmed the existence of all cyanobionts
from the above hosts in two clades. Together with these several free-living Nostoc strains of the
species of N. muscorum, N. calcicola, N. edaphium, N. ellipsosporum and strains related to N. commune
are clustered together. A phylogenetic study conducted by Otálora et al. (2010), based on rbcLXS
sequences sampled from 79 lichen thalli of Collemataceae with 163 Nostoc sequences from GenBank,
recognized two major clades. Clade I included both free-living and symbiotic Nostoc strains. Clade II
comprised of both free-living and symbiotic strains. However, clade II could be further resolved into
three sub-clades. In sub-clade I besides free-living Nostoc strains, cyanobionts from North American
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(Peltigera dactyla), South American (Leptogium azureum, L. cyanescens) and a European (Fuscopannaria
leucophaea) lichen species are clustered together. Cyanobionts from other lichen thalli (Leptogium
lichenoides, Sticta hypochroa, S. gaudichaldia, Peltigera malacea and Protopannaria pezizoides) are present
in the sub-clade II. Large majority of the symbiotic Nostoc strains (from G. pyriforme, vast majority
of lichens including members of Collemataceae and C. circinalis, G. manicata and Stangeria paradoxa)
and some free-living ones are clustered together. In this respect, the phylogenetic relationships
drawn by others (Wirtz et al., 2003; O’Brien et al., 2005; Stenroos et al., 2006; Myllys et al., 2007) have
been confirmed by them.

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