Kolkata Port Trust Employees (Pension) Second Amendment Regulations, 2009
Kolkata Port Trust Employees (Pension) Second Amendment Regulations, 2009
Kolkata Port Trust Employees (Pension) Second Amendment Regulations, 2009
Kolkata Port Trust Employees (Pension) Second
Amendment Regulations, 2009
New Delhi, the 25th March, 2009
G.S.R. l 98(E):- ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 124 read
with sub-section (1) of Section 132 of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963), the Central
Government hereby approves (he Kolkata Port Trust. Employees' (Pension) Second Amendment
Regulations, 2009 made by the Board of Trustees for the Port of Kolkata and sei out in the Schedule
annexed to this notification.
2. The said regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
Kolkata Port Trust Employees'
(Pension) Second Amendment
Regulations, 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 28 of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of
1963) and with the sanction of the Central Government under Section 124 (1) of the said Act, the
Board of Trustees for the Port of Kolkata hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the
Kolkata Port Trust Employees' (Pension) Regulations, 1988.
1. Short title and commencement:
(I) These Regulations may be called the "Kolkata Port Trust Employees' (Pension)
Second Amendment Regulations, 2009".
(ii) These shall come into force with effect from the date on which the Central
Governments Notification is published in the Official Gazette.
2. After Regulation 37 (1) of Calcutta Port Trust Employees' (Pension) Regulations,
1988, the following Sub-Regulation shall be added-
Sub-Regulation 37(1A):
(a) When an employee disappears, leaving his family, the family can be paid in the first
instance the salary due, leave encashment due and the amount of GPF having regard to
the nomination made by the employee.
(b) After the lapse of the period of one year, other benefits like retirement or death
Gratuity/Family Pension may also he granted to the family subject to fulfilment of the
following conditions:-
(i) The family must lodge a report with the concerned police station and obtain a report
that the employee has not been traced after all efforts made by the police.
(Ii) An Indemnity Bond in the prescribed proforma (Annexures I & 11) should be taken
from the nominee/ dependents of the employee that all payments will be adjusted
against 1he payments due to the employee in case he appears on the scene and makes
any claim.
(c) All Port dues outstanding against the concerned employee will be assessed and recovery
effected in accordance with the Rules and other instructions in force for effecting recovery
of port dues.
(d) The family shall apply to the concerned Head of the Department for grant of Family
Pension and Gratuity, after one year from the date of disappearance of the
employee, in accordance with the prescribed procedure for sanction of Family
Pension and death/retirement Gratuity. In case the disbursement of death/retirement
Gratuity is not effected within 3 months of the date of application, the interest shall
be paid at the rate applicable and responsibility fixed.
(e) The above provisions regulate genuine cases of disappearance under normal
circumstances and not cases in which employees disappear after committing
frauds, etc. In latter type of cases, the Family Pension needs to be sanctioned only
on the employee being acquitted by the Court of Law or after the conclusion of the
disciplinary proceedings, etc., as the case may be.
(f) Family Pension under the above provisions is admissible at ordinary rates only as
these provisions do not raise an express presumption of death of employee who is
treat9d as 'missing' only. If Family Pension on enhanced rates is sought to be
sanctioned by the nominee/dependent, he/she will have to raise express
presumption of death of the employee under Sections 107 and 108 of Indian
Evidence Act, 1872 and follow the prescribed procedure in this regard, action in
regard to which can be initiated only after a lapse of 7 years from the FIR's date.
(g) Family Pension shall be sanctioned and paid one year after date of lodging the FIR,
will accrue from the date of lodging the FIR or expiry of leave of the employee who
has disappeared, whichever is later.
(h) Pensionary benefit will be based on the emoluments drawn by the employee and
the rules/orders applicable to him as on the last date he was on duty including
authorized periods of leave.
(i) Amount of death Gratuity payable to the family of a missing employee shall not
exceed the amount which would have been payable as retirement Gratuity if the
person bad retired. The difference between retirement Gratuity and death Gratuity
shall be, subsequently, payable after the death is conclusively established or on
the expiry of seven years' period from the date of missing.
(j) The above provisions will also be applicable in the case of missing pensioner
mutatis mutandis.
(k) Family Pension in respect of a missing employee/pensioner will not.be accrued prior
to 29-08-1986, i.e. the date on which the orders on the subject were issued by
the Govt.
[F.No. PR-12016120/08-PE-l)
Note:- The principal Regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section
(I) vide No. G.S.R. 712(E) dated 17-6-1988, subsequently amended vide.
(I) No. G.S.R. 472(E) dated 4-5-1992
In Witness whereof the Obligor and the Surety/Sureties hereto have set and subscribed
their respective hands hereunto on the day, month and year above-written.
(Signature of obligor)
Signed by the above named 'Obligor'
in the presence of:
Signed by the above
named Surety/Sureties in
presence of :
Signature of Witnesses:
Signature of Sureties:
1………….………………. 1………….………………...
Office: Department:
Designation : S/O Address :
2………….………………. LatestLaws.com 2………….………………...
Designation: S/O Address:
Accepted for and on behalf of the Trustees for the Port of Kolkata by
Sri..............................FA& CAO I Sr. OSD(F) I Addl. CAO I Sr. Dy. CAO of Kolkata
Port Trust in presence of Sri ............................................ ...............
Signature of the
Note I- (1) Full name of the claimant referred to as the 'Obligor'.
(2) State relationship of the 'Obligor' to the 'missing employee'.
(3) Name of the 'missing employee'.
(4) Full name or names of the Sureties with name or names of the father(s)/husband(s)
and place of residence.
Note II: - The Obligor as well as the sureties should have attained majority so that the bond may
have legal effect or force.
Note III: - The rate of simple interest will be as prescribed by the Trustees from time to time.
(It is 6% p.a. on the date of issue of the OM.
LatestLaws.com Annexure-II
AND THESE PRESENTS ALSO WITNESS that the liability of the Surety/Sureties
hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by 'reason or time being granted by or any
forbearance act or omission of the Trustees whether with or without the knowledge or
consent of the Surety/Sureties in respect of or in relation to the obligations or conditions
to be performed or discharged by the Obligor or by any other method or thing whatsoever
which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision shall have no effect
of so releasing the Surety/Sureties from such liability nor shall it be necessary for the
Trustees to sue the Obligor before suing the Surety/Sureties or either of them for the
amount due hereunder.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Obligor and the. Surety/Sureties hereto have set and
subscribed their respective hands hereunto on the day, month and year above-written.
(Signature of obligor)
Signed by the above named 'Obligor'
in the presence of:
Signed by the above
named Surety/Sureties in
presence of:
Signature of Witnesses:
Signature of Sureties:
1………….………………. 1………….………………...
Designation: S/O Address:
2…………………… 2………………………...
Designation: S/O Address:
Accepted for and on behalf of the Trustees for the Port of Kolkata by
Sri ............................................. FA & CA9/ Sr. OSD(F)/Addl. CAO I Sr. Dy. CAO of Kolkata
Port Trust in presence of Sri ........................................................... .......
Signature of the
FA & CAO / Sr. OSD(f) / Addl. CAO / Sr. Dy. CAO
Kolkata Port Trust
Note I- (a) Full name of the claimant referred to as the 'Obligor'.
(b) State relations hip of the ‘Obligor' to the 'missing pensioner'.
(c) Name of the 'missing pensioner'.
(d) Full name or names of the Sureties with name or names of the
father(s)/husband (s) and place of residence.
Note II: - The Obligor as well as the Sureties should have attained majority sothat the bond may
have legal effect or force.
Note II: -The rate of simple interest will be as prescribed by the Trustees from time to time. It is
6% p.a. on the date of issue of the OM. s