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SPE-189783-MS Material Balance Forecast of Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection in Multiporosity Shale Oil Reservoirs

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Material Balance Forecast of Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection in Multiporosity

Shale Oil Reservoirs

Daniel Orozco and Roberto Aguilera, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary; Karthik Selvan, Nexen
Energy ULC

Copyright 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 13-14 March 2018.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Primary oil recovery from shales is very low, rarely exceeding 10% of original oil in place (OOIP). The
low recovery has aroused a recent and growing interest in the petroleum industry for using Improved Oil
Recovery (IOR) methods in shales. This paper presents a new semi-analytical material balance equation
(MBE) to forecast the performance of shale oil reservoirs under natural depletion and huff-and-puff gas
injection scenarios.
For undersaturated reservoirs, recovery is calculated from the proposed MBE explicitly using a
multiporosity effective oil compressibility. For saturated reservoirs, the MBE is solved at each pressure
step using a finite differences scheme. For huff-and-puff gas injection, the average reservoir pressure p
is calculated after injecting a certain gas volume during the huff period. At each huff-and-puff cycle, the
remaining OOIP is considered, and the injected gas volume (which is known) is written in terms of the p
following injection (which is unknown). Adding the gas injection term to the MBE generates a nonlinear
equation for p, which is solved using a numerical method.
Results indicate that oil recovery from shales can be increased significantly by huff-and-puff gas
injection. A case study from the Eagle Ford shale in the United States is used to demonstrate these results,
which are presented in tabular form as well as crossplots of oil rates, cumulative oil production, gas-oil
ratio and average reservoir pressure vs. time. An important feature of the proposed MBE is the inclusion
of hydraulic fractures, as well as inorganic, organic and natural fracture porosities. These porosities are
included in a history-matching presented in detail for a well undergoing huff-and-puff gas injection.
The novelty of this work resides on the introduction of a new MBE that considers multiple porosities
and enables quick evaluations of primary recovery and huff-and-puff gas injection scenarios in shale oil
reservoirs. The new MBE results compare favorably against real data of the Eagle Ford shale. The good
comparison allows making reasonable projections of future oil rates and cumulative oil recoveries by huff-
and-puff gas injection.
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Exploitation of shale reservoirs has transformed the energy landscape of US and Canada. Despite the
outstanding growth of liquids production from shales during the last few years, oil recoveries as a fraction
of OOIP remain low and rarely exceed 10%. Further actions beyond the traditional approaches deployed
so far by the industry (horizontal wellbores + multistage hydraulic fracturing) are required to improve oil
recoveries. As a result, research interest on application of Improved Oil Recovery/Enhanced Oil Recovery
(IOR/EOR) methods has arisen during the last two years. At present, both academia and industry are
investigating the possibility of implementing IOR and EOR methods in shale reservoirs. The techniques
under study include waterflooding (Hoffman and Evans, 2016); huff-and-puff gas injection (Gamadi et
al., 2014; Fragoso, 2016); surfactants for reduction of interfacial tension (Rassenfoss, 2017a); and thermal
stimulation by means of electromagnetic downhole heating (Egboga et al., 2017). This paper focuses on the
effects of huff-and-puff gas injection on oil recovery from shale reservoirs.
Numerical simulation studies by Fragoso et al. (2018a) suggest that huff-and-puff injection of natural
gas into the oil container of the Eagle Ford shale has the potential to add 20% to the recovery of liquids.
The authors also consider the effects of continuous gas injection, but conclude from both technical and
economic standpoints that this scheme does not offer better results if compared to huff-and-puff gas injection
schedules. For that reason, our study only devotes its attention to the effects of huff-and-puff gas injection.
Though there is no universal consensus on whether IOR and EOR methods may work in shales, optimism
arose recently when EOG Resources, an oil and gas company based in the US, indicated in May 2016 that
the first economically successful huff-and-puff gas injection pilots had been conducted in the Eagle Ford
shale (Jacobs, 2016). Technical details of the pilots remain confidential, but executives of the company
indicated that the rate-of-return (ROR) of the project is comparable to the ROR achieved by drilling a new
horizontal well. Furthermore, they indicated that the EOR program offers twice the net present value (NPV)
per each dollar spent, and that the 2016 EOR net oil production attained a 70% year-on-year increase. Figure
1 reflects the improvement in oil recoveries claimed by the company. At the time of this publication, and
to the best of the authors' knowledge, at least four more major oil companies were planning gas injection
pilots in shales both in the US and Canada.

Figure 1—EOG Resources prediction for gas injection EOR in the Eagle Ford (Rassenfoss, 2017b).
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So far, the studies supporting the feasibility of huff-and-puff gas injection in shales have relied mostly
on detailed, compositional numerical simulation models and some laboratory work. The numerical models
are computationally expensive and time-consuming mainly because of their compositional nature and the
standard practice of using dual permeability and local grid refinement within the hydraulic fractures.
To alleviate the time-consuming nature of numerical simulation, this study introduces a new semi-
analytical MBE to forecast the performance of shale oil reservoirs under natural depletion and huff-and- puff
gas injection scenarios. Results are presented as plots of oil rate, cumulative oil recovery, gas-oil ratio and
average reservoir pressure vs. time. The methodology is not meant to replace detailed numerical simulation
studies, but rather to provide the reservoir engineer with a practical tool for quick estimates of oil recoveries
from shale reservoirs performing under primary recovery and huff-and-puff gas injection.

General Observations Regarding Gas Injection in Shales

Thus far, the only successfully implemented and documented gas injection pilot in shales corresponds to
the one performed by EOG Resources in the Eagle Ford. As such, the remarks presented in this section are
discussed considering special features of this resource play. An important feature of the Eagle Ford shale
is its unconventional fluids distribution, which is exactly the opposite of what is observed in conventional
reservoirs: black oil is found in a top container; deeper, and to the south, there is volatile oil and gas
condensate in a separate container; and dry gas is found in another separate container at the bottom of
the structure, as depicted on Figure 2. This upside-down or inverted position has been contained through
geologic time as shown by Ramirez and Aguilera (2016). It has been demonstrated that gas produced from
the deepest container can be injected into the oil and condensate containers (Fragoso et al., 2018a, 2018b).
This is important as some other shales in the world have similar upside-down characteristics to those of the
Eagle Ford (for example, the Duvernay shale in Canada and the Niobrara shale in the United States), which
makes them also potential candidates for huff-and-puff gas injection with a view to improve oil recoveries.

Figure 2—Maturation windows of the Eagle Ford shale (Ramirez and Aguilera, 2016).

To assist the discussion, let us recall the concept of hydrocarbon "containers". According to Hartmann
and Beaumont (1999), a container is defined as "a reservoir system subdivision, consisting of a pore system,
made up of one or more flow units, which respond as a unit when fluid is withdrawn". A flow unit is a
"stratigraphically-continuous reservoir subdivision characterized by a similar pore type" (Hartmann and
Beaumont, 1999). The distinctive geological aspect of an unconventional or upside- down fluid distribution
in the Eagle Ford is explained using the concept of containers. Ramirez and Aguilera (2016) used rigorous
numerical simulation to demonstrate that the vertical containment and fluids distribution in the Eagle Ford
4 SPE-189783-MS

shale has remained approximately the same over geological time (millions of years), with very small changes
in the dry gas/condensate contact and the condensate/oil contact. The authors conclude that low natural
fracturing and ultralow matrix permeability are the main factors controlling fluids migration.
The key as to why huff-and-puff gas injection works in shales relies on the concept of fluids containment,
supported by the work of Ramirez and Aguilera (2016). This means that the injected gas flows into the
hydraulic fractures and penetrates the tight matrix; and more importantly, does not generally escape or leak
outside of the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV).
In the case of miscible gas injection, the recovery mechanisms leading to improved oil recovery include:
1) oil swelling, 2) oil viscosity and interfacial tension reduction, and 3) reservoir repressurization (Alharthy
et al., 2017). Nevertheless, numerical simulation studies by Fragoso et al. (2018a) investigate the effect of
immiscible huff-and-puff dry gas injection in shales (100% CH4), without any mole percentage of heavier
ends, and still show outstanding improvement in oil recoveries (Figure 3). Since the injected fluid in Fragoso
et al.'s study does not reach miscibility with the reservoir oil, the main controlling factor by means of dry
gas injection comes down to reservoir repressurization.

Figure 3—Oil recovery factor in the oil container of the Eagle Ford
shale by huff-and-gas injection using dry gas (Fragoso et al., 2018a).

An additional mechanism may be the responsible for some of the increases in oil recovery. Given that
at typical shales depth (8,000 ft, or more) the minimum principal stress is horizontal, it can be anticipated
that hydraulic fractures are vertical (or of high inclination), and perpendicular to the direction of the
minimum principal horizontal stress (Hubbert and Willis, 1957). In this scenario, gravity segregation with
counterflow may play a role, with the injected gas moving up the hydraulic fractures and pushing oil
down towards the horizontal well. In naturally fractured reservoirs, this mechanism can lead to high oil
recovery factors. A good example is the Haft Kel reservoir (Aguilera, 2006), a prolific and thick naturally
fractured reservoir in Iran characterized by significant vertical fracturing. Even in conventional reservoirs
(without any fracturing), a primary drive mechanism by gravity segregation (or gravity drainage) can yield
ultimate oil recovery factors as high as 80% (Ahmed, 2006). However, for stimulated shale reservoirs, the
hypothesis on the occurrence of gravity segregation with counterflow requires further investigation in the
laboratory. Thus far, the idea is only supported by some numerical simulation results showing that ultimate
oil recoveries from shales by means of huff-and-puff gas injection can indeed be higher than those from
conventional reservoirs performing under secondary recovery (Fragoso et al., 2018b).
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Material Balance
The domain of the tank material balance presented in this paper corresponds to the oil container of a
shale reservoir. Stress-sensitive porosity and permeability are not considered in this study. The portion of
the material in this section dealing with primary recovery for undersaturated and saturated reservoirs was
originally published by Aguilera (2006). The calculation of fractional oil recovery for saturated reservoirs
that are above the bubble point at discovery, and most importantly, the treatment of huff-and- puff gas
injection with the use of a new MBE, are the key contributions of this paper.
The MBE considers a dual porosity model made up of matrix and fractures. The porosity of the matrix
system is represented by ϕmt, and comprises both the organic and the inorganic matrix. The porosity of the
fractured system, ϕ2, includes natural and hydraulic fractures.

Undersaturated Reservoirs
The MBE for an undersaturated oil reservoir is (Craft and Hawkins, 1959):
Because, in general, shales do not have down-dip water leg, both the water production and water influx
terms (WpBw and We, respectively) may be neglected in Equation (1). There are, however, some exceptions,
for example, the Antrim shale in Michigan (Orozco, 2016). In such cases, the unsteady water influx
from a naturally fractured aquifer and its effect on reservoir performance may be handled with published
methodologies by Aguilera (1988) and Aguilera (2007). If the aquifer does not present significant level of
fracturing, the classical method of Van Everdingen and Hurst (Craft and Hawkins, 1959) may be used.
Equation (1) allows calculating the fractional oil recovery for any pressure drop; or estimating the
cumulative oil production Np when the original oil in place N is known; or calculating N when production
and pressure history are available.
The effective oil compressibility Coe is determined by:


For a fractured shale reservoir, the effective oil compressibility is modified to account for the
compressibility of the fracture system:


For practical purposes, the effective oil compressibility above the bubble point may be considered as a
constant value.

Saturated Reservoirs
Aguilera (2006) introduced a material balance in finite difference form for estimating the recovery as a
function of time in naturally fractured reservoirs performing below the bubble point. The MBE is:

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The symbol Δ in Equation (4) represents the change of the corresponding variable from pressure step i
to pressure step i+1. Parameter ω represents the fraction of OOIP stored in the fractures. Equations for all
PVT properties as a function of p must be known in advance.
The equation for the oil saturation is (Craft and Hawkins, 1959):


Effective matrix compressibility (C') and effective fracture compressibility (C") are defined by:



The instantaneous gas-oil ratio R (or GOR, in SCF/STB) is determined from (Craft and Hawkins, 1959):


The calculation approach for estimating recovery as a function of pressure and time is carried out
throughout the following steps:
1. Perform a conventional material balance for only the matrix system, using the relative
permeabilities of the matrix, and estimate the matrix oil saturation (Som) as a function of pressure.
Note that these calculations are only necessary when the evolution of oil and gas saturation within
the fractures is required.
2. Determine the partitioning coefficient v = ϕ2/ϕ, and calculate the average initial water saturation of
the composite system of matrix and fractures from:
3. Assume a fractional oil recovery (Np/N)i+i at a new reservoir pressure of interest. Next, calculate
the oil saturation from Equation (5), and the gas saturation of the composite system from:
4. Using the matrix oil saturation from Step 1, determine oil saturation in the fractures from Equation
(11). Aguilera (2006) indicates that the calculation of Sof is highly sensitive to the values of Som,
and that poor Som data will cause non-realistic values of Sof, and consequently of Sgf


5. Compute the instantaneous gas-oil ratio from Equation (8). If no laboratory data is available for the
relative permeabilities, calculate them from the following equations that assume 45-degree straight
lines for the fracture system:


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6. Use Equation (4) to calculate the incremental fractional oil recovery Δ(Np/N)i+1. Then, calculate
the cumulative fractional oil recovery at pressure i+1 from:


7. Compare the computed cumulative fractional oil recovery from Step 6 with that one assumed in
Step 3. When they are equal, or when a predetermined tolerance is achieved, move to the next
pressure step and repeat Steps 3 to 7.
Up to this point, the procedure allows calculation of oil recovery as a function of pressure.
The following steps permit computation of oil recovery as a function of time. For this purpose,
an equation for oil production rate and the corresponding decline must be introduced. In practice,
shale oil wells exhibit hyperbolic declines, but "stepwise" exponential declines between two values
of average reservoir pressure can represent fairly the production performance. This approach is
implemented in this paper.
8. Calculate the productivity index Ji+1 from:


9. Determine the oil production rate (STB/D) from:


where Wi+1 is the number of producing wells at pressure i+1 with the same productivity index.
10.Determine the cumulative oil production Npi+1, and the incremental cumulative oil production ΔNpi
+i, using:


11.Compute the yearly exponential production decline when the oil rate changes from qoi to qoi+1, from:


12.Calculate the incremental time in years associated with the change of oil rate from qoi to qoi+1:


Also, compute the cumulative time from:

13.Determine the gas production rate in MMSCF/D from:
8 SPE-189783-MS


14.Calculate the incremental cumulative gas production ΔGpi+1, and the cumulative gas production
Gpi+i, using:


15.Repeat Steps 3 to 14 for a new reservoir pressure. Continue the same procedure until reaching the
abandonment pressure.
Notice that Steps 8 to 14 also hold for the case of undersaturated reservoirs to calculate recovery as a
function of time, but the following modifications must be introduced:

• The gas-oil ratio is simply equal to the solution gas-oil ratio Rsb.

• Do not use Equation (16) for computing the productivity index. Use, instead:


where reh is the drainage radius of the horizontal well assuming an elliptical drainage area (Joshi, 1991):


and rw’ is the modified wellbore radius for a hydraulically fractured well:


Initially Undersaturated Reservoir that reaches Saturation Conditions

For the case when the reservoir is initially undersaturated but eventually reaches saturation conditions due
to depletion, a combination of both MBEs discussed above should be implemented. The cumulative oil
recovery must be calculated as follows:
1. If the average reservoir pressure is equal to or above the bubble point, then the true cumulative
fractional oil recovery is estimated from Equation (1). Hence, the cumulative oil production Np is
given by the product of (Np/N) times the original oil-in-place N.
2. If the average reservoir pressure is less than the bubble point, the true cumulative fractional oil
recovery is calculated from:


where (Np/N)b is the cumulative fractional oil recovery at the bubble point, and (Np/N)i+1 is computed from
Equation (15). Thus, the cumulative oil production will be the product of the result from Equation (29)
times the original oil-in-place N.
SPE-189783-MS 9

Treatment of Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection

This section deals with material balance calculations of huff-and-puff methane gas injection using the same
well as producer and injector. Notice that the MBE presented in Equation (4) includes a continuous gas
injection index Ig. This index corresponds to the fraction of produced gas that is reinjected in the reservoir
through a separate injection well. However, as explained in the Introduction, this paper only focuses on
huff-and-puff gas injection.
The following observations and assumptions need to be clearly stated:
1. The reservoir produces fluids under primary recovery during a certain period of time (e.g., 2 – 5
years), as shown in Figure 1.
2. The injected gas has a composition of 100% methane (CH4) and does not reach miscibility with
the reservoir oil.
3. The injected gas is contained within the target SRV, i.e., it flows into the hydraulic fractures and
penetrates the tight matrix, and more importantly, does not escape or leak outside of the SRV. This
statement stems from the 1 million-year simulation performed by Ramirez and Aguilera (2016).
They demonstrated that the fluids did not move during this time out of their respective containers.
4. Part of the gas volume injected during the huff period is produced during the puff period.
5. Gas injection may start when the average reservoir pressure is either above or slightly below the
bubble point. In the second case, the first gas injection cycle is able to restore the average reservoir
pressure above the bubble point. Therefore, any amount of free gas goes back in solution, and the
injected gas remains free, creating a sort of secondary gas cap that grows as injection goes on.
Since the SRV is fixed, the gas saturation of the composite system of matrix and fractures increases
6. As long as the huff-and-puff gas injection continues, the average reservoir pressure does not fall
below the bubble point; hence, the reservoir oil remains undersaturated.
7. For the injection (or huff) period, the problem consists of determining the unknown average
reservoir pressure following injection.
8. For the production (or puff) period, the problem consists of determining the fractional oil recovery,
and oil and gas cumulative production and rates as a function of time.
Assumptions 5 and 6 are supported by detailed numerical simulation studies performed by Fragoso et al.
(2018a) (Figure 4). The authors use models with reservoir and fluid properties of the Eagle Ford shale very
similar to those used in the case study discussed later in this paper. Thus, under the stated assumptions and
observations, there are two different material balance equations to be solved for each injection/production
huff-and-puff cycle.
10 SPE-189783-MS

Figure 4—Oil production rate and average reservoir pressure in the oil container
of the Eagle Ford for the huff-and-puff gas injection case (Fragoso et al., 2018a).

Calculating the Average Reservoir Pressure Following Injection

For the injection (or huff) period, the MBE assumes an undersaturated reservoir, i.e., Equation (1), with
the inclusion of a term that accounts for both the cumulative gas injection and production associated to the
injected gas. Thus, the modified MBE (ignoring water production and water influx) is:


where Nr and pI are the remaining oil-in-place and the average reservoir pressure before the start of each
injection cycle, respectively; p is the unknown average reservoir pressure following injection; BoI is the
oil formation volume factor at pi; Ginj is the cumulative gas injection in STB; is the cumulative gas
production associated to the injected gas (also in STB); and is the formation volume factor of the
injected gas.
Because the behavior of the formation volume factor of both the reservoir oil and the injected gas are
known in advance, then Equation (30) can be written as:


where f(p) = Bo is a linear function, and is a power function. Equation (31) is a non-linear
equation for p. The non-linearity is caused by the strong and highly non-linear pressure-dependence of the
formation volume factor of the injected gas (or of any real gas, for that matter). Equation (31) is rearranged


We define the function F(p):

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Thus, for each cycle, the problem of determining the average reservoir pressure following injection is
reduced to solving the non-linear equation:
Given its quick-convergence feature, the iterative Newton-Raphson method is deployed (Chapra and
Canale, 2009) for the calculation. Equation (34), written in the Newton-Raphson numerical form, is:


where F'(pk) is the first derivative of function F(p) evaluated at the p value calculated in the k-th iteration.
A good initial guess p0 for the unknown pressure may be simply pI. Notice that, as far as the calculation
of p is concerned, Np, Nr, BoI, Coe, Ginj and are all constants. Therefore, the first derivative F'(p) can
be readily calculated. Newton-Raphson iterations are performed until reaching a predetermined tolerance
level, for example, 10−6.

Calculating Fractional Oil Recovery for the Puff Period

For the production (or puff) period, the fractional oil recovery is calculated from Equation (1) without any
modifications. This is so because the increased average reservoir pressure accounts implicitly for the effect
of the gas injection. However, an important observation is that the computed fractional recovery and the
corresponding cumulative oil production are associated with the remaining oil-in-place Nr, not the initial
oil-in-place N.

Generalized Calculation Approach

The generalized procedure for material balance calculations including the effect of huff-and-puff gas
injection is as follows:
1. Run the material balance calculations for the primary recovery stage as per the methodologies
explained for undersaturated and saturated reservoirs, or the combination of both, based on the
case under consideration.
From this point, the procedure applies for each injection/production huff-and-puff cycle. Note
that pressure step i represents the beginning of the injection period; pressure step i+1 corresponds
to the end of the injection period, i.e., the beginning of the production period; and pressure step
i+2 corresponds to the end of the production period. Thus, the oil production rate is set equal to
zero between pressure steps i and i+1.
2. Calculate the remaining oil-in-place at the beginning of the gas injection cycle, from:
3. Determine the injected gas volume at standard conditions, in STB, using:


where qgi+1inj is the gas injection rate in MMSCF/D, and Δti+1inj is the duration of the injection period,
in days. For production forecasting purposes, both of these parameters are known and given by
the injection schedule. For history matching purposes, only the duration of the injection period is
known. Should this be the case, assume a value for the gas injection rate (0.1 to 5 MMSCF/D is a
recommended range) and proceed with the calculations.
4. Determine the cumulative gas injection:
12 SPE-189783-MS

5. Use the Newton-Raphson iterative equation to calculate the new average reservoir pressure pi+1
following gas injection:


Note that the difference Gi+1inj - Gpi inj corresponds to the volume occupied by the injected gas
within the reservoir (measured at standard conditions) at the end of the injection period. Moreover,
for the first injection/production huff-and-puff cycle, Gpiinj is equal to zero.
6. Calculate productivity index Ji+1:


7. Calculate the oil production rate qoi+1 when the well is opened to production:

8. For history matching purposes, compare the value of qoi+1 with the actual oil production rate when
the well is opened to production. If they are different, assume a new gas injection rate qgi+1inj and
repeat Steps 3 to 8 until the calculated qoi+1 is equal to the actual oil rate, or until certain tolerance
is reached. For production forecasting purposes, skip Step 8 and move on to Step 9.
9. Assume a value of average reservoir pressure pi+2 lower than the computed pi+1, and calculate the
incremental fractional oil recovery associated to the pressure drop pi+1 - pi+2, using:


10. Compute the incremental cumulative oil recovery:


11. Determine the productivity index Ji+2:


12. Calculate the oil production rate qoi+2:

13. Compute the yearly exponential production decline when the oil rate changes from qoi+1 to qoi+2,
SPE-189783-MS 13


14. Calculate the incremental time in years that it takes for the oil production rate to change from qoi
+1 to qoi+2:


15. Compare the calculated incremental time with the actual duration of the puff period, which is given
either by the injection schedule (for forecasting purposes), or by the production record (for history
matching purposes). Repeat Steps 9 to 15 until the calculated Δti+2 is equal to the actual production
time of the huff-and-puff cycle, or until certain tolerance level is fulfilled.
16. Determine the cumulative oil production from:
Note that, for each individual cycle, Npi+1 = Npi, because there is no production during the
injection period comprised between pressure steps i and i+1.
17. Estimate the total true cumulative fractional oil recovery:

18. Compute the cumulative time from:

19. Calculate the total gas saturation of the composite system at pi+1 and p+2, from:



where PV is the reservoir pore volume (fixed), given by:

and ϕ is the total porosity of the shale (ϕmt + ϕ2). The oil saturation of the composite system may
also be determined, by:

20. Determine oil and gas relative permeabilities at pressures pi+1 and pi+2 using Equations (12), (13)
and (14) and the gas saturations from Step 19.
21. Compute the instantaneous GOR at pressures pi+1 and pi+2, from:
14 SPE-189783-MS



where is the viscosity of the injected gas.

22. Determine the gas production rate in MMSCF/D from:


23. Calculate the incremental cumulative gas production associated to injection, ΔGpi+2inj, and the
cumulative gas production due to injection Gpi+2inj, using:


24. Determine the total cumulative gas production:
25. Repeat Steps 3 to 24 for as many huff-and-puff cycles as needed, until completing the entire
injection schedule (production forecasting), or until fitting the available production history (history

Case Study of the Eagle Ford Shale

The applicability of the proposed material balance is tested with real data from a producing horizontal well
in the Eagle Ford shale undergoing huff-and-puff gas injection.
The Eagle Ford shale is the most prolific unconventional play in the United States. Located in south Texas,
it extends over an area of approximately 45,000 km2, and its significant importance relies on its capability
of producing both natural gas and more oil than any other shale play in the US (Railroad Commission of
Texas, 2017). With an average thickness of 250 feet, the Eagle Ford rests between the Austin Chalk and the
Buda Limestone, with depths ranging between 4,000 and 12,000 ft. Oil production from this play reported
by the Railroad Commission of Texas (Figure 5) illustrates its importance for the US energy sector.
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Figure 5—Eagle Ford daily oil production since 2010 (Railroad Commission of Texas, 2017).

The proposed material balance is used for matching the oil production history of well Eagle Ford 1
(including its 5 huff-and-puff cycles), and then for estimating the huff-and-puff production forecast of the
same well over 120 months (10 years). The name of the well is fictitious, but the production data are real. Oil
production history for well Eagle Ford 1 is plotted in Figure 6, and the corresponding digits are presented in
Table 1. Reservoir and wellbore parameters for the material balance calculations are summarized in Table
2, and are similar to those used by Fragoso et al. (2018b) in a numerical simulation study. PVT properties
of the reservoir fluid are shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the gas injection rates used for fitting the oil rate
during the 5 huff-and-puff cycles.
16 SPE-189783-MS

Figure 6—Oil production history for well Eagle Ford 1.

Table 1—Oil production history for well Eagle Ford 1.

Cumulative Cumulative
Average Oil Average Oil
Time Oil Time Oil
Production Production
[Months] Production [Months] Production
Rate [STB/D] Rate [STB/D]

1 516.87 15,506 30 0.00 93,608

2 396.32 27,792 31 0.00 93,608

3 233.45 35,029 32 0.00 93,608

4 96.83 37,934 33 0.07 93,610

5 223.97 44,877 34 0.03 93,611

6 155.47 49,541 35 16.27 94,099

7 123.06 53,356 36 317.42 103,939

8 107.74 56,696 37 161.40 108,781

9 95.43 59,368 38 90.90 111,599

10 86.35 62,045 39 7.90 111,844

11 82.87 64,531 40 1.70 111,895

12 71.23 66,739 41 33.58 112,936

13 68.30 68,788 42 231.93 119,894

14 64.58 70,790 43 179.90 125,471

15 64.26 72,782 44 0.00 125,471

16 53.83 74,397 45 0.00 125,471

17 59.32 76,236 46 74.35 127,776

18 60.20 78,042 47 254.53 135,412

19 46.29 79,477 48 197.23 141,526

20 51.45 81,072 49 3.10 141,619

21 67.93 82,974 50 3.48 141,727

22 52.90 84,614 51 20.84 142,373

23 51.53 86,160 52 206.67 148,573

SPE-189783-MS 17

Cumulative Cumulative
Average Oil Average Oil
Time Oil Time Oil
Production Production
[Months] Production [Months] Production
Rate [STB/D] Rate [STB/D]

24 45.06 87,557 53 193.48 154,571

25 25.07 88,309 54 0.17 154,576

26 53.00 89,952 55 141.55 158,964

27 40.61 91,211 56 115.74 162,552

28 45.60 92,579 57 1.39 162,591

29 33.19 93,608

Huff-and-Puff Schedule

Duration of Injection Duration of Production

Huff-and-Puff Cycle
Period [Months] Period [Months]

1 5.80 3.58

2 2.50 2.11

3 2.50 2.61

4 2.88 2.22

5 0.90 2.12

Table 2—Reservoir and wellbore parameters for material balance calculations of the case study.

Parameter Symbol Value Units

Initial reservoir pressure pi 6,000 psi

Bubble point pressure pb 2,400 psi

Original oil-in-place N 1.298 MMSTB

Matrix original-oil-in-place Nm 1.277 MMSTB

Fractures original-oil-in-place Nf 0.021 MMSTB

Matrix water saturation Swm 0.50 Fraction

Matrix oil saturation Som 0.50 Fraction

Fractures water saturation Swf 0.10 Fraction

Fractures oil saturation Sof 0.90 Fraction

Water compressibility Cw 3.00E-06 psi−1

Oil compressibility Co 1.00E-05 psi−1

Matrix compressibility Cm 1.00E-06 psi−1

Residual oil saturation Sor 0.20 Fraction

Critical gas saturation Sgc 0.00 Fraction

Oil relative permeability at critical gas

kro0 1.00 –

Gas relative permeability at residual oil

krg0 1.00 –

Inorganic matrix porosity ϕm 0.05000 Fraction

Organic matrix porosity ϕorg 0.00970 Fraction

Matrix porosity ϕmt 0.05970 Fraction

Fractures porosity (natural and

ϕ2 0.00055 Fraction
18 SPE-189783-MS

Parameter Symbol Value Units

Total shale porosity ϕ 0.06025 Fraction

Partitioning coefficient v 0.00913 Fraction

Reservoir temperature T 686.67 R

Reservoir thickness h 97.50 ft

Well drainage area A 73.18 Acres

Hydraulic fracture half-length xhf 150 ft

Length of the horizontal well L 3,750 ft

Skin factor S 0 –

Permeability of natural fractures k2 0.3077 md

Flow capacity of hydraulic fractures khfwhf 10 md-ft

Total flow capacity of fractures khfwhf + k2h 40 md-ft

Bottomhole flowing pressure pwf 2,000 psi

Abandonment pressure (for primary

pab 2,010 psi
recovery stage)

Continuous gas injection index Ig 0.00 –

Size of the gas cap m 0.00 –

Specific gravity of the injected gas

SG 0.554
(100% CH4)

Table 3—PVT data.

Oil Gas
Formation Formation
Pressure Solution Oil Viscosity Gas Viscosity
Volume Volume
Factor Factor

P Bo Rs Bg μo μg

psi RB/STB SCF/STB Vol/Vol cp cp

6,015 1.3866 671.38 0.8032

5,515 1.3931 671.38 0.7678

5,015 1.3999 671.38 0.7411

4,515 1.4071 671.38 0.7109

4,015 1.4149 671.38 0.6851

3,515 1.4233 671.38 0.6630

3,015 1.4328 671.38 0.6330

2,400 1.4459 671.38 0.5978

2,115 1.4063 596.53 0.00800 0.5968 0.01748

1,815 1.3723 521.17 0.00930 0.5982 0.01666

1,515 1.3372 448.88 0.01120 0.6110 0.01591

1,215 1.3038 376.74 0.01410 0.6438 0.01521

1,015 1.2823 330.85 0.01710 0.6779 0.01478

815 1.262 286.94 0.02150 0.7286 0.01437

615 1.2383 240.08 0.02860 0.7702 0.01391

415 1.2122 191.00 0.04250 0.8489 0.01340

SPE-189783-MS 19

Oil Gas
Formation Formation
Pressure Solution Oil Viscosity Gas Viscosity
Volume Volume
Factor Factor

P Bo Rs Bg μo μg

psi RB/STB SCF/STB Vol/Vol cp cp

215 1.1769 132.63 0.08080 0.9262 0.01260

15 1.0815 0.00 1.28230 1.1750 0.01094

Table 4—History-matching gas injection rates.

Gas Injection Rate,

Huff-and-Puff Cycle
qginj [MMSCF/D]

1 1.50

2 0.50

3 0.80

4 0.50

5 0.50

Effective oil compressibility, computed from Equation (3), is equal to 1.49E-05. Equations (6) and (7) are
used to determine compressibilities C’ and C" equal to 5.00E-06 and 1.44E-06, respectively. The irreducible
water saturation of the composite system is determined to be 0.496, from Equation (9).
Results for the material balance calculations (including both history matching and production forecasting)
are summarized in Table 5 and Table 6. For the primary recovery stage, 10-psi pressure steps were used in
order to obtain smooth curves. However, for the sake of brevity, results are shown every 100 psi. As for
gas injection calculations, notice the fast convergence of the Newton-Raphson method. This is reflected in
Table 6 by the small number of iterations for calculating the average reservoir pressure following injection
with a tolerance of 10−12 or lower.

Table 5—Material balance results.

P So Sg GOR Np/N Np J qo t qg Gp t

psi Fraction Fraction SCF/STB %> MMSTBO STB/D Years MMSCF months

6,000 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.000% 0.00000 0.098 391.3 0 0.263 0.000 0.00

5,900 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.149% 0.00194 0.098 383.8 0.01 0.258 1.299 0.16

5,800 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.298% 0.00387 0.099 376.1 0.03 0.253 2.595 0.33

5,700 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.447% 0.00580 0.100 368.4 0.04 0.247 3.888 0.50

5,600 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.595% 0.00772 0.100 360.6 0.06 0.242 5.178 0.68

5,500 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.743% 0.00964 0.101 352.7 0.07 0.237 6.465 0.85

5,400 0.504 0.000 671.40 0.890% 0.01155 0.101 344.7 0.09 0.231 7.748 1.03

5,300 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.037% 0.01346 0.102 336.6 0.10 0.226 9.029 1.22

5,200 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.184% 0.01537 0.103 328.4 0.12 0.221 10.307 1.41

5,100 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.331% 0.01727 0.103 320.2 0.13 0.215 11.581 1.60

5,000 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.477% 0.01917 0.104 311.8 0.15 0.209 12.853 1.80

4,900 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.623% 0.02106 0.105 303.3 0.17 0.204 14.122 2.00
20 SPE-189783-MS

P So Sg GOR Np/N Np J qo t qg Gp t

psi Fraction Fraction SCF/STB %> MMSTBO STB/D Years MMSCF months

4,800 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.768% 0.02295 0.105 294.7 0.18 0.198 15.387 2.21

4,700 0.504 0.000 671.40 1.913% 0.02483 0.106 286.1 0.20 0.192 16.650 2.42

4,600 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.058% 0.02671 0.107 277.3 0.22 0.186 17.910 2.64

4,500 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.203% 0.02858 0.107 268.4 0.24 0.180 19.166 2.86

4,400 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.347% 0.03045 0.108 259.3 0.26 0.174 20.420 3.10

4,300 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.491% 0.03232 0.109 250.2 0.28 0.168 21.671 3.34

4,200 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.634% 0.03418 0.110 241.0 0.30 0.162 22.919 3.59

4,100 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.777% 0.03604 0.110 231.6 0.32 0.155 24.163 3.85

4,000 0.504 0.000 671.40 2.920% 0.03789 0.111 222.1 0.34 0.149 25.405 4.11

3,900 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.063% 0.03974 0.112 212.5 0.37 0.143 26.644 4.39

3,800 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.205% 0.04159 0.113 202.7 0.39 0.136 27.880 4.69

3,700 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.347% 0.04343 0.113 192.8 0.42 0.129 29.113 4.99

3,600 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.488% 0.04527 0.114 182.8 0.44 0.123 30.342 5.31

3,500 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.629% 0.04710 0.115 172.6 0.47 0.116 31.569 5.65

3,400 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.770% 0.04893 0.116 162.3 0.50 0.109 32.793 6.01

3,300 0.504 0.000 671.40 3.911% 0.05075 0.117 151.8 0.53 0.102 34.013 6.39

3,200 0.504 0.000 671.40 4.051% 0.05257 0.118 141.2 0.57 0.095 35.231 6.80

3,100 0.504 0.000 671.40 4.191% 0.05439 0.119 130.4 0.60 0.088 36.445 7.24

3,000 0.504 0.000 671.40 4.331% 0.05620 0.119 119.4 0.64 0.080 37.656 7.72

2,900 0.504 0.000 671.40 4.470% 0.05801 0.120 108.3 0.69 0.073 38.864 8.24

2,700 0.504 0.000 671.40 4.748% 0.06161 0.122 85.6 0.79 0.057 41.269 9.47

2,500 0.504 0.000 671.40 5.024% 0.06520 0.124 62.1 0.92 0.042 43.658 11.08

2,400 0.504 0.000 671.40 5.162% 0.06698 0.125 50.1 1.01 0.034 44.845 12.13

2,300 0.495 0.009 1,808.55 6.050% 0.0785 0.120 35.9 1.75 0.065 59.321 20.98

2,200 0.487 0.017 2,724.16 6.647% 0.08625 0.117 23.4 2.47 0.064 76.783 29.63

Huff-and-puff gas injection starts. Total number of huff-and-puff cycles is 14 including 5 cycles with available production history)

4,924 0.446 0.057 3,198.17 6.647% 0.08625 0.104 305.4 2.95 0.977 76.783 35.43

3,500 0.424 0.079 3,542.59 8.601% 0.11161 0.115 172.6 3.25 0.299 143.414 39.01

4,543 0.449 0.055 2,914.68 8.601% 0.11161 0.107 272.2 3.46 0.793 143.414 41.51

3,700 0.437 0.067 3,075.53 9.740% 0.12640 0.113 192.8 3.64 0.593 181.510 43.62

4,572 0.444 0.060 3,173.55 9.740% 0.12640 0.107 274.8 3.84 0.872 181.510 46.12

3,550 0.428 0.076 3,419.97 11.102% 0.14407 0.115 177.7 4.06 0.608 229.733 48.73

4,186 0.438 0.066 3,286.33 11.102% 0.14407 0.110 239.6 4.29 0.788 229.733 51.53

3,400 0.424 0.080 3,509.50 12.137% 0.15750 0.116 162.3 4.48 0.569 268.262 53.76

3,484 0.436 0.068 3,001.84 12.137% 0.15750 0.115 171.0 4.55 0.513 268.262 54.66

2,950 0.424 0.080 3,157.72 12.834% 0.16655 0.120 113.9 4.73 0.360 291.428 56.77

3,524 0.436 0.067 2,992.45 12.834% 0.16655 0.115 175.0 5.01 0.524 291.428 60.11

2,750 0.419 0.085 3,234.13 13.833% 0.17951 0.122 91.3 5.29 0.295 321.183 63.42

3,495 0.428 0.076 3,373.58 13.833% 0.17951 0.115 172.0 5.56 0.580 321.183 66.75
SPE-189783-MS 21

P So Sg GOR Np/N Np J qo t qg Gp t

psi Fraction Fraction SCF/STB %> MMSTBO STB/D Years MMSCF months

2,730 0.408 0.096 3,695.67 14.809% 0.19218 0.122 89.0 5.84 0.329 354.255 70.06

3,483 0.416 0.087 3,943.65 14.809% 0.19218 0.115 170.9 6.12 0.674 354.255 73.39

2,720 0.393 0.111 4,411.81 15.772% 0.20468 0.122 87.9 6.39 0.388 393.085 76.68

3,421 0.411 0.092 4,156.86 15.772% 0.20468 0.116 164.5 6.67 0.684 393.085 80.02

2,690 0.387 0.116 4,675.54 16.685% 0.21652 0.122 84.4 6.94 0.395 432.032 83.26

3,367 0.406 0.097 4,377.29 16.685% 0.21652 0.116 158.8 7.22 0.695 432.032 86.59

2,650 0.381 0.122 4,967.15 17.570% 0.22801 0.123 79.8 7.49 0.396 471.688 89.88

3,313 0.401 0.102 4,598.74 17.570% 0.22801 0.117 153.1 7.77 0.704 471.688 93.22

2,610 0.375 0.128 5,266.17 18.429% 0.23915 0.123 75.1 8.05 0.396 511.922 96.56

3,261 0.397 0.107 4,821.26 18.429% 0.23915 0.117 147.7 8.32 0.712 511.922 99.89

2,590 0.371 0.133 5,545.14 19.240% 0.24968 0.123 72.8 8.60 0.403 552.082 103.17

3,224 0.392 0.111 5,047.37 19.240% 0.24968 0.117 143.7 8.88 0.725 552.082 106.50

2,570 0.366 0.138 5,845.08 20.024% 0.25985 0.124 70.4 9.15 0.412 592.803 109.75

3,189 0.388 0.116 5,273.23 20.024% 0.25985 0.118 139.9 9.42 0.738 592.803 113.09

2,540 0.360 0.143 6,169.48 20.793% 0.26983 0.124 66.9 9.70 0.413 634.429 116.40

Table 6—Relevant results from gas injection calculations.

Remaining Oil-
Gas volume in the Newton-Raphson
Huff-and-Puff Cycle in-Place before
reservoir, Gi+1inj - Gpiinj Iterations, k
injection, Nr


1 1.2114 46.4826 6

2 1.1861 41.2945 6

3 1.1713 45.1955 6

4 1.1536 45.6680 6

5 1.1402 39.6298 6

6 1.1311 44.4086 6

7 1.1182 48.0142 6

8 1.1055 51.0289 6

9 1.0930 53.0183 6

10 1.0812 54.9868 6

11 1.0697 56.8290 6

12 1.0586 58.5683 6

13 1.0480 60.3208 6

14 1.0379 61.9732 6

Figure 7 shows the excellent fit for both oil rate and cumulative oil production provided by the MBE
equation and the methodology formulated in this paper. It also includes crossplots of gas-oil ratio and
average reservoir pressure vs. time. As expected, increasing gas-oil ratios occur once gas injection starts.
22 SPE-189783-MS

Also, the assumption of the average reservoir pressure remaining above the bubble point as injection goes
on is corroborated by these results.

Figure 7—History-matching results for oil rate and cumulative oil production. Also
shown are calculated GOR and average reservoir pressure as a function of time.

For production forecasting, gas injection rates of 0.50 MMSCF/D and injection/production times of
approximately 100 days/100 days for each huff-and-puff cycle were used. The corresponding plots are
presented in Figure 8.
SPE-189783-MS 23

Figure 8—Production forecasting results.

Discussion of Results
Figure 9 shows percent oil recoveries attained by natural depletion over the first 30 months of production
and huff-and-puff gas injection over the subsequent 30 months. According to the MBE, 30 months of huff-
and-puff gas injection following primary recovery leads to a recovery of about 12.8%. The MBE indicates
that primary recovery at the same time would have been in the order 7.4%. Thus, the incremental recovery
in 30 months is 5.4%, which is equivalent to 70,075 STB. This results in a significant 73% increase in oil
24 SPE-189783-MS

Figure 9—Percent oil recovery over the first 60 months (5 years) of historical and calculated production.

The forecast presented in Figure 10 compares percent oil recoveries after 120 months of production. At
80 months, percent oil recovery by natural depletion becomes flat, and the primary recovery factor after
120 months of production is 7.5%. However, huff-and-puff gas injection yields a recovery of 21%, which
corresponds to a very significant 180% increase, or equivalently 175,190 STB. Although the MBE forecast
is stopped at 120 months, note that the oil production rates is still over 100 STB/D and the cumulative
production is in an increasing path.

Figure 10—Percent oil recovery over 120 months (10 years) of historical and calculated production.

Results from this pilot demonstrate that recoveries from shale oil reservoirs can be significantly improved
by means of huff-and-puff gas injection. Although an economic evaluation is beyond the scope of this paper,
the figures presented in this study highlight the promising potential of this IOR technique for boosting oil
recoveries in the Eagle Ford shale.
SPE-189783-MS 25

1. A new material balance equation (MBE) to forecast the performance of multiporosity shale oil
reservoirs under natural depletion and huff-and-puff gas injection has been developed.
2. Use of the new MBE has been demonstrated with huff-and-puff pilot data of an Eagle Ford shale
horizontal well. Results indicate that oil recoveries from shale reservoirs can be significantly improved
by means of huff-and-puff gas injection.
3. The new MBE allows making quick and reasonable forecasts of oil rates and cumulative oil production
by huff-and-puff gas injection in shale oil reservoirs.
4. Gas containment is a critical aspect for the successful implementation of a huff-and-puff gas injection
project in a shale oil reservoir. The concept implies that the injected gas flows into the hydraulic
fractures and penetrates the tight matrix, and more importantly, does not escape or leak into adjacent
5. In the pilot study discussed in this paper, gas injection maintains the average reservoir pressure above
the bubble point. Thus, the reservoir oil remains undersaturated as long as the huff-and- puff gas
injection continues.
6. The iterative Newton-Raphson method exhibits fast convergence for calculating the average reservoir
pressure following gas injection.

The support of CNOOC Limited, Nexen Energy ULC, Mitacs (through the Mitacs Accelerate Program),
the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary, and Servipetrol Ltd. (Canada) is gratefully
acknowledged. We also thank the GFREE research team [GFREE refers to an integrated research program
including Geoscience (G); Formation Evaluation (F); Reservoir Drilling, Completion, and Stimulation (R);
Reservoir Engineering (RE); and Economics and Externalities (EE)] at the University of Calgary for their
continued help and support.

a Production decline per year, %
A Well drainage area, acres
Bg Gas formation volume factor, vol/vol
Bginj Formation volume factor of the injected gas, vol/vol
Bg Oil formation volume factor, RB/STB
Bob Oil formation volume factor at bubble point, RB/STB
Boi Oil formation volume factor at initial reservoir pressure, RCF/SCF
BoI Oil formation volume factor at pI, RB/STB
Bw Water formation volume factor, RB/STB
C Effective matrix compressibility, psi−1
C" Effective fracture compressibility, psi−1
Cf Fracture compressibility, psi−1
Cm Matrix compressibility, psi−1
Co Oil compressibility, psi−1
Coe Effective oil compressibility, psi−1
Cw Water compressibility, psi−1
f(p) Linear function for expressing Bo as a function of p
F(p) Function of pressure
f’(p) First derivative of function f
26 SPE-189783-MS

F’(p) First derivative of function F

g(p) Power function for expressing Bginj as a function of p
g’(p) First derivative of function g
Ginj Cumulative gas injection, STB
Gp Cumulative gas production, STB
Cumulative gas production from injected gas, STB
h Reservoir thickness, ft
i Subscript denoting pressure step
Ig Continuous gas injection index, fraction
J Productivity index, STB/D/psi
k k-th Newton-Raphson iteration
k2 Permeability of natural fractures scaled to the bulk volume of the composite system,
khf Permeability of hydraulic fractures scaled to the bulk volume of the composite
system, md
krg Relative permeability to gas
krg0 Gas relative permeability at residual oil saturation
kro Relative permeability to condensate
kro0 Oil relative permeability at critical gas saturation
L Length of horizontal well, ft
m Size of the gas cap, dimensionless
N Original oil-in-place, STB
Np Cumulative oil production, STB
Nr Remaining oil-in-place, STB
p Average reservoir pressure, psi
pab Abandonment pressure, psi
pi Initial reservoir pressure, psi
PI Average reservoir pressure before the start of each huff-and-puff cycle, psi
PV Reservoir pore volume, STB
pwf Bottomhole flowing pressure, psi
qg Gas production rate, MMSCF/D
qginj Gas injection rate, MMSCF/D
qg Oil production rate, STB/D
R Instantaneous gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB
Ravg Average gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB
reh Drainage radius for horizontal well, ft
rev Drainage radius for vertical well, ft
RS Gas-oil solution ratio, SCF/SCF
Rsb Gas-oil solution ratio at bubble point, SCF/SCF
rw Wellbore radius, ft
rw' Effective wellbore radius, ft
S Skin factor
S Normalized saturation, fraction
Sg Gas saturation of the composite system, fraction
Sgc Critical gas saturation, fraction
So Oil saturation, fraction
SPE-189783-MS 27

Sof Oil saturation in fractures, fraction

Som Oil saturation in matrix, fraction
Sor Residual oil saturation, fraction
Sw Water saturation, fraction
Swf Water saturation in fractures, fraction
Swi Average initial water saturation of the composite system, fraction
Swm Average water saturation in matrix, fraction
t Time, years
T Reservoir temperature, °R
v Partitioning coefficient, fraction
We Cumulative water influx, RB
whf Hydraulic fracture width, ft
Wp Cumulative water production, STB
xhf Hydraulic fracture half length, ft
Δtinj Duration of injection (huff) period, days

Greek Symbols
Δ Increment between pressure step i and i+1 (or i+1 and i+2)
μg Gas viscosity, cp
μginj Viscosity of the injected gas, cp
μo Oil viscosity, cp
ϕ2 Porosity of the fractures system scaled to the bulk volume of the composite system,
ϕm Inorganic matrix porosity scaled to the bulk volume of the composite system,
ϕmt Total matrix porosity, fraction
ϕorg Organic porosity scaled to the bulk volume of the composite system, fraction
ϕ Total shale porosity, fraction
ω Fraction of OOIP stored in fractures, fraction

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