Bereiter & Scardamalia Cognitive Operations1988
Bereiter & Scardamalia Cognitive Operations1988
Bereiter & Scardamalia Cognitive Operations1988
found evidence of extensive problem- the mental activities that appear to play a
solving and inferential acitivity. In the case vital role in composing as it is carried out
of reading, then, it appears that difficulty of by experts. The knowledge-telling model
the text can dramatically affect the kind of attempts to solve this problem by repre-
process that is involved in identifying main senting an alternative route to the attain-
points. ment of coherence, organization, and top-
The available evidence on writing sug- ical relevance in writing-a route that does
gests, by contrast, that the principal deter- not depend on problem-solving activities
minant of process is the expertise of the directed toward such outcomes but that
writer. This is consistent, however, with produces them as a by-product of proce-
the more ill-defined character of writing dures for generating text content. Experts
tasks. In composition tasks, as Green0 are assumed to have flexible access to both
(1978) has observed, much depends on the knowledge-telling model and to the
constraints that are added by the problem- more complex and effortful knowledge-
solver. Expert-novice comparisons indi- transforming model, using whichever is ap-
cate that, given the same assignment, ex- propriate to task demands, whereas
pert writers tend to elaborate a more de- novices are assumed to follow the simpler
manding set of constraints, thus in effect model for the most part, and to have access
creating a more difficult task for them- to the problem-solving model only under
selves than is faced by novice writers facilitative conditions.
(Flower & Hayes, 1980). The knowledge-telling and knowledge-
The present studies are motivated by the transforming models are depicted in Figs. 1
hypothesis that different models underlie and 2. We will not attempt a full explication
construction of main points by expert and of the models here, nor discuss evidence
novice writers. The models are the knowl- bearing on their validity (see, however,
edge-telling and knowledge-transforming Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1985a, 1985b,
ones of Bereiter and Scardamalia (1985a, 1987; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1986, 1987;
1985b, 1987; Scardamalia & Bereiter, Scardamalia & Paris, 1985). For present
1987; Scardamalia 8z Paris, 1985). These purposes, attention may be restricted to the
contrastive models provide idealized de- heuristic value of the models in suggesting
scriptions of two structures for controlling alternative executive structures to account
the process of generating text content. The for observed differences in treatment of
rationale for proposing two models, rather main point.
than attempting to explain expert-novice According to the knowledge-telling
differences by variations within a single model (Fig. l), content is generated by
model, is elaborated in Bereiter and Scar- probing memory with topical cues, ex-
damalia (1987). If the task were simply to tracted from the task assignment or from
explain the deficiencies of novice writing, text already generated, and with structural
then a single model would suffice. That cues drawn from knowledge of the in-
model might, for instance, represent the tended text genre. The coherence, organi-
planning and problem-solving operations zation, and topical appropriateness of the
involved in skilled composing (cf. Hayes & text depend on the prior organization of
Flower, 1980), and the weaknesses of memory and on the effect of discourse con-
novice writing could be attributed to a ventions. Given a familiar topic and a well-
lesser frequency or to a more primitive practiced genre (such as narrative or argu-
form of such operations. The more chal- ment), a sensible and well-formed text can
lenging problem, however, is to explain emerge even though the writer’s attention
how novice writers manage to write as well is occupied only with problems of thinking
as they do, given how little they manifest of of enough to say and of how to express it.
- +--
t’ PASS! ‘,
FIG. 1. Structure of the knowledge-telling model. This model is an adaptation of a model first
presented in Bereiter and Scardamalia (1985a).
the statement of main point so that it fits identified: (1) There was no clear main
the content) or they may involve search for point, or the main point was just a state-
content that is compatible with the main ment of the topic, or a minor variation of it
point. (for example, “No, I don’t think students
4. Cohere. The writer considers or as- should choose”). (2) The main point was an
sesses how or whether all the various ideas extension or qualification of the topic (for
that have been generated might fit together. example, “Children in high school should
This type of move fits the knowledge- choose, but not in grade school”). (3) The
transforming model in that it involves main point was a point about the topic but
taking the results of operations in the con- one that was essentially different from the
tent space and operating on them in pursuit topic itself and that expressed some dis-
of the rhetorical goal of coherence. Such a tinct theme or insight that could serve as
process is to be contrasted with the direct the basis for the argument developed in the
translation of content into text statements, essay (for example, “The degree of choice
which is characteristic of the knowledge- should increase with age”).
telling model. A level 1 main point corresponds to what
5. Structure. The writer chooses an or- would be expected from planning carried
ganizing structure for text content, such as out according to the knowledge-telling
“pros and cons,” or “early years, middle model, where the main point would typi-
years, and late years.” This is another ex- cally be a by-product of retrieving content
ample of a rhetorical move that constrains using cues based on the assignment and on
search for content. genre conventions. Thus the most common
6. Review. The writer reviews the ideas level 1 main point was simply a positive or
that have been decided on so far. Back- negative response to the question posed in
tracking over a few ideas does not count: the topic assignment, “Should children be
The writer must be looking at how the allowed to choose the subjects they study
whole effort stacks up so far. This type of in school?” A level 3 main point, on the
reviewing may be thought of as a problem- other hand, would be unlikely to result
finding move in which problems may be from such a process but would rather result
identified that require further work of any from problem-solving activity directed to-
of the previously mentioned kinds. Review ward establishing a main point. A level 2
is thus indicative, in a nonspecific way, of main point is indeterminate as to which
planning carried out according to a knowl- model it might reflect. The writer might al-
edge-transforming model. ready have in memory an elaborated or
qualified belief about the assigned topic,
Two raters inspected each thinking-aloud which could simply be retrieved and incor-
protocol for the occurrence or absence of porated into the text plan according to the
each of the six constructive moves, with knowledge-telling model. Alternatively,
90% agreement. The number of different elaboration or qualification of the belief
moves, out of six possible, was then scored could reflect knowledge-transforming oper-
for each protocol. The correlation between ations carried out during composition plan-
raters for this score was 88. ning, but not carried so far as to attain the
distinctive kind of main point that would be
Rating of Main Point
scored as level 3.
Each thinking-aloud protocol was exam- Two raters independently rated all pro-
ined for evidence of a main point that the tocols following the above description of
student was planning to use in his or her the scale (Y = .71), and disagreements were
essay. Three levels of main point were resolved in conference. The same scale was
then used by both raters to rate main points Time to Main Point
in the written texts (r = .83), with disagree- An indicator of amount of problem-
ments again being resolved in conference. solving activity going into the development
Although both the coding of constructive of main points is the amount of time that
moves and the rating of main points were elapses between the beginning of planning
derived from the same set of theoretical ex- and the earliest statement of the main
pectations, they are empirically distinct; point. Elapsed time was taken from the
that is, there is nothing in the scoring tape recordings as the time from the begin-
scheme for level of main point which en- ning of the thinking-aloud protocol to the
sures that a highly rated main point will be main point identified by coders for the ear-
associated with a high frequency of con- lier rating. The distribution of these times
structive moves or that a low-rated point to main point was positively skewed and
will not be accompanied by such moves. bimodal, with one mode at less than 1 mitt,
For instance, a writer could carry out delib- and the other mode at about 6 min. The
erate search for a main point, delimit the skew was removed by taking the square-
topic, devote attention to fit, coherence, root. The correlation between the level of
and structure, review the plan several main point achieved and the (square-root
times, and still end up with a main point of) time taken to achieve it was .67 (df =
such as, “I don’t think that kids in grade 40, p < .Ol). For students reaching a main
school should be able to choose,” which point of level 1, the median time to main
would be rated as level 1. point was about 15 s, while for those
Results reaching a main point of level 2 or 3, it was
about 6X min. Thus, the writers who
Level of Main Point reached high levels of main points achieved
The level of main point reached by stu- them only after extended periods of effort.
dents in their texts and plans is shown in
Table 1. The correlation between rated Constructive Moves
level of main point in the plan and text is The strategies of students reaching high-
high (r(40) = .79, p < .Ol), considering that and low-level main points were compared
the plans and texts were rated completely by classifying students according to the
independently. In 34 of the 42 cases (81%), level of the main point in their plan and also
the level of main point reached in the text classifying them according to whether they
was the same as that reached in the plan, did or did not make use of each of the six
and in the remaining cases there was a dis- constructive moves described in the
crepancy of one level. Method section. Table 2 shows the mean
number of different types of moves used at
TABLE 1 each level. Students who achieved higher
NUMBEROFSTUDENTSWITHMAINPOMTATEACH levels of main point in their plans used sig-
nificantly more types of moves (F(2,39) =
Level of main point 51.20, p < .Ol), showing that these types of
Level of
main point
in text whole-text considerations are related to the
in plan 1 2 3 Total achievement of high-level main points. Fur-
thermore, this relationship carries over to
1 19 5 0 24
11 0 14
the text. Students who achieved higher
2 3
3 0 0 4 4 levels of main point in their texts used sig-
nificantly more types of moves in planning
Total 22 16 4
those texts (F(2,39) = 42.79, p < .Ol). Use
Level of Level of Number of
Number of moves main point main point different
Level of in plan in text moves
main point n M SD Range
Grade M Range M Range M Range
In plan
1 24 0.17 0.38 O-l 4 1.17 l-2 1.25 l-2 0.25 o-2
2 14 1.14 1.23 o-4 6 1.36 1-2 1.27 l-2 0.55 o-2
3 4 4.75 1.26 3-6 8 1.46 l-2 1.62 l-2 0.31 O-l
In text A 2.67 2-3 2.67 2-3 4.33 3-6
1 22 0.23 0.43 o-1
2 16 0.94 1.24 o-4
3 4 4.75 1.26 3-6
main point in plan (F(3,38) = 14.00, p
Cl .Ol), for level of main point in text
of the six types of constructive moves that (F(3,38) = 13.53, p < .Ol), and for number
we are considering is therefore highly asso- of different kinds of constructive move
ciated with the achievement of high-level (F(3,38) = 54.24, p < .Ol). As indicated by
main points. the F values, however, the age-related dif-
Data for individual moves are presented ference in use of constructive moves was
in Table 3, which shows the number of stu- much greater than the differences in level
dents using each of the six types of con- of main point.
structive moves according to rated level of To determine whether there was a rela-
main point in the plan. Each of the six tionship between constructive activity and
types shows a steep increase in relative fre- main point independent of grade level,
quency at higher levels of main point. Thus within-grade correlations were examined.
level of main point does not seem to be as- The pooled within-grade correlation of
sociated with any particular kind of con- number of constructive moves with main
structive move, but rather to be associated point in the plan was significant (r(37) =
with all relevant kinds. .49, p < .Ol), showing an effect of con-
structive activity on reaching a high-level
Grade main point apart from the common grade
effect. The corresponding value for main
Developmental data on level of main point in the text was lower, but also signifi-
point and use of constructive moves are cant (r(37) = .33, p < .05). It should be
shown in Table 4. Grade-level differences noted that these within-grade correlations
were significant in each case-for level of underestimate the actual relationship be-
Constructive Move
Level of main
point in plan n Search Delimit Fit Cohere Structure Review
1 24 0 0 4 4 8 0
2 14 28 14 7 21 21 21
3 4 50 75 75 100 75 100
Path Analysis
Correlations between all variables are
shown in Table 5. The correlations are all v
significant (df = 40, p < .05). In these cor- Main Point
relations, age was coded as 1, 2, 3, and 6, (Plan)
One is the bimodal distribution of times to the two-model hypothesis is that process-
main point, with the two modes differing by tracing methods should reveal distinctly
an order of magnitude. The other is the al- different ways that writers go about gener-
most total absence of constructive moves ating main points in composition planning.
in the protocols of writers producing the This implication was investigated in Study
lowest level of main point. Both results are 1. However, if the two models validly de-
consistent with the models presented in the lineate different ways the composing pro-
introduction. Those models provide one cess runs, then the models should have
way of reaching a main point (knowledge- other, less obvious empirical implications
telling) that is quick and relatively free of as well. In Study 2 we test model-based
effort directly involved with achieving a predictions concerning memory for main
main point, and another Cknowledge-trans- points.
forming) that is slower and characterized Previous research (Scardamalia & Paris,
by a variety of planning and problem- 1985) indicated that there was little age-
solving operations. related difference in writers’ verbatim
The very sharp separation of the data in memory for recently written text, but that
accordance with the two models is sur- differences appeared in (a) memory for
prising, since one would not expect that more abstract characteristics, such as in-
expert main point construction would in- tention and gist, and in (b) the text features
variably require extended problem-solving. that were referred to in the process of
A writer might, for instance, have pre- trying to recall particular details. In the
viously argued the same issue and there- present study, more specific predictions
fore be able to retrieve a level 3 main point were tested concerning the accuracy of
from memory intact (cf. Murray, 1983). writers’ memory for main points and the
The assigned topic, whether children evidence they would appeal to in sup-
should be allowed to choose the subjects porting their judgments of main point state-
they study in school, is one that we have ments.
used in a number of other studies because In Study 2 writers were asked to eval-
it appeared to be motivating to writers over uate statements of the main point of a com-
a large range of ages. Perhaps this means position they had written previously. These
that it provides a sufficiently novel issue statements were specially prepared, some
that writers are unlikely already to have to be accurate and some to be inaccurate in
well-formed arguments available in that they emphasized subsidiary rather
memory, so that writers who have knowl- than main points. One prediction was that
edge-transforming procedures available are writers using a knowledge-transforming ap-
likely to use them. The particular opera- proach would, because of problem-solving
tions uncovered in the thinking-aloud pro- efforts directed toward establishing a main
tocols are consistent with the premise that point, be able to discriminate between ac-
knowledge-transforming involves the inter- curate and inaccurate statements of their
active solution of content-related and rhe- main point. In contrast, it was expected
torical problems. That these operations are that writers using a knowledge-telling ap-
instrumental in formulating main points is proach, and whose main point therefore
indicated by the path analysis results, emerged incidentally, would be less able to
which show constructive moves to be the distinguish an accurate main point state-
principal determinant of main point ratings, ment from statements of secondary points,
mediating the effect of age differences. provided both kinds of statements de-
scribed content actually in the text. The
STUDY 2 second prediction concerned writers’ justi-
The most direct empirical implication of fications for why particular statements
were or were not good statements of their paraphrased version of their own statement
main point. Writers using a knowledge- of their essay’s main point.
transforming approach were expected to 2. Upgraded condition. Students re-
show a greater tendency to appeal to their ceived a statement intended to bring the
own intentions at the time of writing as a main point into sharper focus than was
basis for accepting or rejecting a suggested done either in the original essay or in the
main point statement. For writers following student’s own statement of main point.
a knowledge-telling procedure, such inten- 3. Downgraded condition. Students re-
tions would not have played a role in the ceived a statement that highlighted a subor-
original production of the main point and dinate point of the original essay.
therefore they would be less likely to be 4. Three-choice condition. Students re-
available as a basis for judgment. ceived statements of all three of the pre-
As in Study 1, age was used as a sorting ceding types.
criterion. Previous research had indicated
An example of the three different kinds
no age difference in writers’ verbatim
of main point statements is given in Table 6.
memory for what they had written (Scarda-
In the first three conditions (own, up-
malia 8z Paris, 1985). Consequently, the
graded, and downgraded) students were in-
main point statements used in the present
formed that someone had read their essay
study were all accurate in that they re-
and had written a statement of what they
flected content actually included by the
though the main point was. They were
writers, but they varied in focusing on con-
asked to read the statement and discuss
tent that was central or incidental to the
how well the statement fitted the main
text. The previous research had also indi-
point of what they were trying to say in
cated that adults readily recalled their in-
their essay. Thus students were required to
tentions for previously written texts, while
make a judgment with nothing to compare
this was more uncertain for school-age
a statement to except their memory for
writers. Accordingly, the present study fo- their own composition. In the three-choice
cused on an age range (Grades 5 to ll),
condition, students were asked to read the
where it was expected that discrimination
three versions and rate them from best to
of accurate and inaccurate main point
worst according to how well each one ex-
statements would present a challenge and
pressed the main point of their essay, and
where the extent of prior thinking about
to explain their choices. Thus the three-
main point could be expected to have a sig-
choice condition permitted a finer discrimi-
nificant effect on performance.
nation of students’ accuracy in judging
Method main point statements, but at the same time
it provided them with more information to
Participants were 32 students from Grade go on. Students did not have their original
5 and 32 from Grade 11 from middle-class essays available, so that in all conditions
urban elementary and secondary schools. they had to rely on their memory for what
After writing a one-page essay on the topic they had done while writing.
“An occupation that is not appreciated
enough,” in group sessions, students were Results
asked to write down what they considered Evaluations of Main Point Statements
to be the main point of their essay. They
were then randomly assigned to one of the In the three-choice condition, each stu-
dent’s ranking of the three main point
following individually administered treat-
ments (n = 8 per condition per grade): statements was correlated with the in-
tended ranking (upgraded > own > down-
1. Own condition. Students received a graded). In Grade 5 the mean rank-order
Grade 5 Grade 11
Statement Text Statement Text
Condition clearer clearer Equivocal clearer clearer Equivocal
Own 5 3 0 3 3 2
Upgraded 6 1 1 3 0 5
Downgraded 7 1 0 1 2 5
Three-choice” 2 3 3 6 1 1
D In the three-choice condition, comparison is between original text and the preferred one of the three main
point statements.
not correlate with intended ones, and when whereas a text-based justification could be
given a single statement, they tended to ac- made by any reader. Thus intentional justi-
cept it as a better representation of their fications were typically signaled by phrases
main point then their essay itself. As Table such as “what I really meant” or by expla-
7 indicates, this tendency was as high with nations of why a particular text statement
downgraded statements as with upgraded was made (for example, “That was some-
ones. thing I just put in to make it interesting”).
Two students in each grade were omitted
Justifications of Downgraded Versions from this analysis because of inadequate
Support for the conclusion that Grade 5 tape recordings.
students did not discriminate statements The great majority of justifications (88%
of subsidiary points from statements of in Grade 5, 68% in Grade 11) contained no
main point comes from justifications in the reference to the writer’s intention. Conse-
two conditions where students were ex- quently, students were classified as to
posed to a downgraded version of their whether they showed any intentional justi-
main point. These justifications show that fications in response to either question.
85% of the Grade 11 students made refer- This analysis was carried out at three levels
ence to an idea being peripheral or only a of probing: spontaneous remarks of the
detail, whereas only 20% of the Grade 5 subject, responses to the first probe, and
students did so (x2(1,N = 32) = 11.63, p < responses to later probes. The first probe
,001). was a simple request for further explana-
tion, while later probes often used phrases
Appeal to Intention such as “what you meant” and “what
Students were probed for justifications you were trying to say,” and thus were
of their answers to two questions: how well somewhat directive for intention-related
the presented statement interpreted the statements. Interrater agreement on wheth-
main point of their essay, and whether the er a student showed appeal to intention
statement or the original essay better ex- was .90.
pressed their main point. These justifica- Table 8 shows the frequency of students
tions were independently scored by two for whom both raters noted at least one ap-
raters as to whether or not they appealed to peal to intention. After the first probe, 20%
the writer’s intention. A justification based of Grade 5 students showed an appeal to
on intention was defined as one that could intention, while 60% of the Grade 11 stu-
be made with warrant only by the writer, dents did so (x*(l,N = 60) = 10.00, p <
integrate their composition. It was found only be evaluated, of course, against some
that behind the highly rated main points lay putative alternative. The most likely alter-
a variety of problem-solving activities con- native, we suppose, would be a unitary
cerned with identifying, focusing, evalu- model of composing, which specifies ex-
ating, and linking information to a main pert procedures (perhaps including those
point. In agreement with the two proposed we identified in Study 1) and which charac-
models, such activities were almost wholly terizes novice composing by its lack of or
missing from the protocols of students pro- deviation from those expert procedures.’
ducing low-rated main points. As would be In simplest terms, a unitary model would
expected, age differences were found in imply that experts and novices are trying to
both process and achievement, but within- do the same thing but that novices have in-
group correlations and a path analysis indi- ferior procedures. What we have proposed
cated that problem-solving activity was sig- instead, again in simplest terms, is that
nificantly associated with main point devel- novices are not trying to do the same things
opment independently of age and that the that experts are, but that they nevertheless
effect of age was almost entirely mediated achieve many of the same results. In order
through its effect on problem-solving ac- to explain how this is possible, a different
tivity. model must be constructed, which shows
In Study 2, developmental differences how such text characteristics as coherence,
were observed that were predicted from organization, and topical relevance can be
the assumption that the younger writer’s achieved without the goal-directed activity
approach to writing tends to follow the shown by experts. As regards the findings
knowledge-telling model whereas the older of the present studies, there is no problem
writer’s approach tends more often to in finding alternative explanations for the
follow the knowledge-transforming model. deficiencies shown by the less advanced
Although the knowledge-telling process is writers -for their very low frequency of
capable of generating texts that have an constructive moves, for their difftculties in
identifiable main point, it does not involve discriminating their own main points, and
effortful construction of or operations on for their lack of reference to prior inten-
such a point. Accordingly, most of the tions. What is problematic within a unitary
younger students were not able to discrimi- conception of the composing process is to
nate between accurate and distorted state- explain how, in spite of these deficiencies,
ments of their main points, and in de- students manage to produce compositions
fending the judgments they did make they with identifiable main points.
did not appeal to their own intentions in It is perhaps worth reiterating that the
writing. A majority of the older students, sharp distinctions we have been drawing
on the other hand, gave indications of are between idealized models of writing
having devoted prior attention to the main and not between groups of real people. No
point of what they had written. They could one could expect subject samples selected
accurately judge the validity of different according to a crude criterion such as age
expressions of their main point and they
made at least some appeal to their prior in- i General models of the composing process, such as
tentions in defending their judgments. that of Hayes and Flower (1980), do not constitute
The present studies are thus supportive such an alternative because they can accommodate a
of the knowledge-telling and knowledge- variety of qualitatively different specific models. Both
the knowledge-telling and the knowledge-transforming
transforming models and suggest that they models could be accommodated as variants. In fact,
provide a promising starting point for a the knowledge-telling model closely resembles Hayes
fuller explanation of expert and novice and Flower’s model of the generating process (1980,
writing processes. This conclusion can pp. 12-14).
to differ in an all-or-none fashion. Further- GRAVES, D. H. (1983). Writing: Teachers and chil-
more, evidence already exists that under dren at work. Exeter, NH: Heinemann Educa-
facilitating conditions children begin to ex- tional Books.
GREENO, J. G. (1978). Natures of problem-solving
hibit problem-solving activity of a knowl- abilities. In W. K. Estes (Ed.), Handbook of
edge-transforming kind (Graves, 1983; Learning and Cognitive Processes: Vol. 5. Hills-
Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1985). There is dale, NJ: Erlbaum.
also evidence that with instructional help HAYS, W. L. (1963). Statisticsfor Psychologists. NY:
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HAYES, J. R., & FLOWER, L. S. (1980). Identifying
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adhering to a knowledge-telling approach, Gregg & E. R. Steinberg (Eds.), Cognitive pro-
which suggests that intermediate states are cesses in writing. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
possible (Scardamalia, Bereiter, & Stein- JOHNSTON, P., & AFFLERBACH, P. (1985). The pro-
bath, 1984). The issue, therefore, is cess of constructing main ideas from text. Cogni-
tion and Instruction, 2, 207-232.
whether the two models are helpful in un- KIEFUS, D. E. (1982). A model of reader strategy for
derstanding expert-novice differences in abstracting main ideas from simple technical
writing, not whether they provide appro- prose. Text, 2, 47-81.
priate categories for sorting people. MURRAY, D. M. (1978). Internal revision: A process
of discovery. In C. R. Cooper & L. Ode11 (Eds.).
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