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of Printed Pages : 4 I EEC 011 I



O Term-End Examination
0 June, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer questions from all sections as per instructions.

Attempt any two questions from this section in
about 500 words each. 2x20=40
1. Explain different forms of market. How does a
perfectly competitive firm achieve short-term
equilibrium ? Will the firm invariably earn
maximum profit in such a situation ?

2. Define an indifference curve. What are the

important properties of indifference curves ?
Explain consumer's equilibrium with the help of
indifference curves.

3. The principle of effective demand forms the basis

of the Keynesian theory of employment. How is
it determined ? Also explain the chain of events
if AD increases.

4. Why do nations trade ? Discuss the Ricardian

theory of comparative cost of international trade.

EEC-011 1 P.T.O.
Answer any four questions from this section in
about 250 words each. 4x12=48
5. Define inflation. Distinguish between demand-
pull inflation and cost - push inflation.

6. Explain the relationship between average cost and

marginal cost. Use suitable diagrams for your

7. Explain with the help of diagram the law of

variable proportions.

8. What is Consumer's Surplus ? How is it

measured ? Explain with the help of a diagram.

9. What do you mean by a public good ? Why

government intervention is required for their
efficient supply ?

10. Distinguish between transfer earnings and actual

earnings. Under what conditions the difference
between the two will be the maximum ?

11. Distinguish between any two of the following :
(a) Autonomous Investment and Induced
(b) Stock Variable and flow variable
(c) Partial Versus General Equilibrium

EEC-011 2
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19', 2018

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th-gi aTFRTraw-Trrgzr 3T41:eR trt- tt i r trftftetrff
w fffrv- Trr rtiT *grrcTril ?
2. 319fiTITIff trftiTrErr ariftTra9
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31:111WT-'q'Teff fitTiKur 0,4145.111f4R I
3. 311Travrrt -cirrr aTatzturt *-4r * ffitff
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114 tr sium .wrurr -Af-A7
4. fgrq tql 3-TPTU et1141t ellt; t? TR *if 4 fc*-r31
* ce-114It * civic! fiksia

EEC-011 3 P.T.O.
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6. alliff ici 1 44-iicf rivic1 141:11z1Nce4itsql

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9 R kx1 dq .14 .P* -14 3114-*71:1 3 t trPTI ?

11. fFr=l P:6-67* -14 2x6=12
(a) kciitict qi `td f9-4W
(b) R4 *Ai
(c) aTtftrw +1.110-1 74 ffliii-44

EEC-011 4

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