Effect of Nanoparticles On Crops and Soil Microbial Communities
Effect of Nanoparticles On Crops and Soil Microbial Communities
Effect of Nanoparticles On Crops and Soil Microbial Communities
DOI 10.1007/s11368-017-1793-2
types of NPs with new characteristics and novel applications, exposure have hardly predictable impacts on food chain,
research in this field is increasing and more money is under which is unanswered (Tiede et al. 2008).
investment. Therefore, the total amount being produced and In the present review, we focus on recent findings on the
utilized is also increasing continuously. An inventory of nano- possible threats posed by toxicity of various NPs on plants and
technology based consumer products introduced in the market soil microbial diversity.
lists 1600+ products (Vance et al. 2015), and an online data-
base (www.nanodb.dk) enlists 2870 products in different
categories containing NPs or based on nanotechnology 2 Major sources of nanoparticles in the environment
(Hansen et al. 2016). It is estimated that 260,000–309,000 t
of NPs were produced globally in 2010 (Yadav et al. 2014). Nanoparticles are being used in a diverse range of products for
Another estimate for worldwide NPs consumption is to grow multiple applications, which increase the chances to contam-
from 225,060 t in 2014 to nearly 584,984 t in 2019 (BCC inate the environment. Nanomaterials can be released acciden-
Research 2014a). Actual figure of the global production of tally or intentionally. Being released to air, soil, and water,
NPs to the knowledge of authors is unavailable. NPs pose a threat as they are very small particles and can float
An estimate in 2010 showed that 200 t of nanosize Cu and into air or get transported to another place through water. Soil
CuO were produced (Zuverza-Mena et al. 2015). Production contamination leads to accumulation for long time and can
estimate for TiO2 NPs increased from 2000 t in 2005 to 5000 t cause pollution of groundwater (Tripathi et al. 2012).
in 2010 (Weir et al. 2012). Use of NPs in medicine and biol- Among the applications, coatings, paints, and pigments are
ogy was valued at US$17.5 billion in 2011 with further esti- quite important and have the highest possibility of being re-
mate to reach approximately US$53.5 billion in 2017 and leased into soil and water. Electronics and optics signify a
US$79.8 billion in 2019 (BCC Research 2014b; Soni et al. major application, and NPs used are more likely to be disposed
2015). Silver NPs are estimated to be used up to 450 t per year in landfills. Nanoparticles used in cosmetics are released at the
(McGillicuddy et al. 2017). Zinc NPs are estimated to time of use and further contaminate soils and surface waters.
be produced up to 5500 t per year replacing their bulk Leaching rate among NPs is more dependent upon the process
counterparts in a range of products (Connolly et al. used in manufacturing of the products (Keller et al. 2013).
2016). Sources of NPs can be described as point or non-point
The studies based on data and modeling analysis indicate sources. Point sources comprise production and storage units,
that production, use, and disposal of various NPs leads to research laboratories, disposal of nanomaterial-containing
annual release of thousands of tons of most common NPs consumer products, and wastewater treatment plants (Soni
(Ag, Al, C, Ce, Cu, Fe, Si, Ti, Zn) into the environment. et al. 2015; Tiede et al. 2016). Treatment plants add NPs to
The majority of them end up in soil, being introduced directly the environment in the form of sludge and treated water, as
or through landfills from sludge and other wastes. Water and NPs do not get separated but are concentrated in final sludge
air also get significantly a high amount of share (Keller et al. or water. Sewage sludge may have Ag NPs from cosmetics
2013). The increasing amount of NPs synthesis will lead to and personal care products, food and drink, and washing of
elevated concentrations in the environment and higher textile products (McGillicuddy et al. 2017).
chances of exposure for living organisms. Elevated concentra- The use of TiO2 NPs has been mentioned in water purifi-
tions will increase the possibility of adverse interactions be- cation reactors and for wastewater treatment (Yadav et al.
tween life forms and NPs (Yadav et al. 2014). 2014). Up to 99% of the TiO2 NPs entering wastewater treat-
It is reported that NPs affect microscopic properties of soil, ment plants are retained within the sludge (Tourinho et al.
e.g., humic acid content and soil bacterial community (Ben- 2012). Moreover, treatment plants have various types of mi-
Moshe et al. 2013). Nanoparticles once released in the envi- croorganisms which themselves can transform metals into
ronment have influence on microbial diversity and can also NPs, e.g., selenate (SeO42−) and selenite (SeO32−) being re-
affect plant growth (Kumar et al. 2012). Nano-Cu is very toxic duced to elemental Se NPs by active sludge (Jain et al. 2016).
to aquatic life and is used as fungicide and bactericide in Therefore, landfill of these types of sludge will contaminate
agriculture, marketed as CuPRO® 2005 and Kocide® 3000 the environment. Nanoparticles being highly reactive particles
(Zuverza-Mena et al. 2015). Increased concentration of NPs can interact with other components of the waste to make new
can also inhibit normal microflora. The use of nanotechnology compounds and thus pass through different treatment process-
in consumer products is increasing and hence raises a number es (Soni et al. 2015). There are many different non-point
of issues like environmental, ethical, health and safety, tech- sources occurring through wear and tear of NPs containing
nological, policy, and regulatory. Some uses include purpose- p ai n t s , co s m et i c pr od u ct s , a nd c l e an i n g ag e nt s .
fully release of NPs into the environment resulting in in- Photocatalytic TiO2 NPs are used in paints for their antimicro-
creased concentrations after long time (Tiede et al. 2016). In bial and self-cleaning characters. Paint coatings undergo dif-
the absence of acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and long-term ferent environmental conditions in the long term resulting in
J Soils Sediments
release of NPs to the environment (Shandilya et al. 2015). fungi) (Table 1). Nanoparticles accumulate in the soil as a
Zinc oxide and TiO2 are the NPs used in manufacturing of result of technogenic activities including deliberate re-
cosmetics (Nowack and Bucheli 2007). A study has revealed leases via soil and water remediation technologies, appli-
increased concentration of TiO2 NPs in coastal water samples cation in agriculture (in the form of fertilizers and pesti-
of Palmira beach (Majorca Island, Spain) due to sunscreen cides), and unintentional releases via air, water, sewage,
accumulation in water from the bathers (Sanchez-Quiles and and sludge (Tourinho et al. 2012; Tripathi et al. 2012;
Tovar-Sanchez 2014). Maurer-Jones et al. 2013; Shandilya et al. 2015; Coll
Nanotechnology has also been explored for its potential of et al. 2016). The impact of NPs on microbial activity
environmental remediation and organic pollution decrease in could be determined through measurement of soil respi-
soil, e.g., organic solvents, pesticides, polychlorinated biphe- ration and enzymatic activities (Simonin and Richaume
nyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and pharmaceutical 2015).
and personal care products (Li et al. 2016). However, the use According to the study conducted by Xu et al. (2015) TiO2
of NPs to remediate other pollutants on soil adds up NPs to soil and CuO NPs decreased soil microbial biomass and enzymatic
and the surrounding environment. Research on NPs in agricul- activities, affected on their community structures in flooded
ture and their use at mass scale will act as another source. paddy soil. Similar results were obtained by You et al. (2017),
Nanofertilizers have emerged as new nutrient delivery systems who studied the effect of ZnO, TiO2,CeO2, and Fe3O4 NPs on
using C, Fe, Mn, and ZnO (Liu and Lal 2015). Nanosensors soil enzymatic activities (invertase, urease, catalase, and phos-
and smart delivery system are employed to control pathogens, phatase) and bacterial communities of saline-alkali and black
pests, and to improve nutrient management (Kashyap et al. soils. The results showed influence on soil enzyme activities
2015). Sources of NPs for air are combustion process, con- and changes in soil bacterial community and threat on
sumer product aerosol, vehicle exhaust release, and release of biological nitrogen fixation. Results obtained by Jiling et al.
industrial smoke and soot (Nowack and Bucheli 2007). (2016) have shown that a high concentration of Fe3O4 NPs
significantly decreased the content of bacteria in soil. Zinc
oxide and CeO 2 NPs affected the plate counts of
3 Effect of nanoparticles Azotobacter, P-solubilizing, and K-solubilizing bacteria and
inhibit enzymatic activities (Chai et al. 2015). Titanium diox-
The rapidly increasing diverse use of metallic NPs in biosen- ide NPs reduced the abundance of functional soil bacteria and
sors, catalysts, cosmetics, electronics, food packaging, fuel enzymatic activity and pose detrimental effect on microbial
cells, medicine, optics, textiles, environmental remediation, activity, abundance, and diversity (Buzea et al. 2007;
and wastewater treatment technology has necessitated evalu- Solanki et al. 2008). The data obtained by Maliszewska
ation of their impact on environmental and human health. (2016) demonstrated that the biogenic Au NPs up to the con-
These NPs could have toxic effect on various organisms in- centration of 33 mg kg−1 do not affect the soil processes and
cluding yeasts, bacteria, fungi, marine diatom (Thalassiosira can be classified as not harmful. However, antibacterial activ-
weissflogii, Chlamydomonas), and fish (zebrafish) and may ities (growth inhibition zone) were observed on clinical iso-
also pose risks to human health (Kim et al. 2007, 2008; lates (Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
Panyala et al. 2008; Griffitt et al. 2009; Karlsson et al. 2009; pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi,
Kasemets et al. 2009; Miao et al. 2009; Saison et al. 2010). and Staphylococcus aureus) treated with ZnO NPs synthe-
The soil microbiota and plants are among the major co- sized by biological and chemical methods (Lakshmi et al.
receptors of NPs; especially, the soil microbial biomass is a 2012).
sensitive indicator of microbial changes in soils (Atlas 1984). Copper ions, released from the Cu NPs, were considered
Soil microbial biomass and diversity are among the major as a major cause of lethality to both the pathogenic and the
challenges for a viable use of resources and electronics. Soil beneficial bacteria (Lofts et al. 2013). Concha-Guerrero
and plants are closely linked in the Bsoil-plant system,^ where et al. (2014) have shown that CuO NPs were very toxic
a potential direct impact of NPs in soil may harm microorgan- for native soil bacteria, as the authors observed formation
isms and plants, which may then affect consumers such as of cavities, holes, membrane degradation, blebs, cellular
animals/human beings. However, the research on NPs toxicity collapse, and lysis in the cell of soil bacterial isolates.
as compared to their chemical composition and properties is Little is explored on the effect of CuO NPs on the soil
markedly insufficient. microbial community. Inorganic NPs seem to have a greater
toxic threat than organic NPs on soil microorganisms
3.1 Effect of nanoparticles on microbial diversity (Frenk et al. 2013). Pradhan et al. (2011) investigated the
effect of CuO and Ag NPs on leaf microbial decomposition
The introduction of NPs into the natural environment may showing that exposure to these NPs led to a decrease in leaf
pose threat to beneficial microbial communities (bacteria and decomposition rate.
J Soils Sediments
Ag Sandy loam 0.14 mg kg−1 Modification of bacterial community Colman et al. (2013)
Ag Sandy 1.25 μg–30 mg kg Decreases in enzymatic activities Peyrot et al. (2014)
Ag Sandy 1–1000 mg kg−1 Effect on enzymes Shin et al. (2012)
Mixture of Cu, Sandy peat arctic soil 220 mg kg Reduction of C and N biomass and modification Kumar et al. (2012)
Ag, and Si of microbial community structure
TiO2 Sandy clay loam 20 g kg−1 Decreases in bacterial diversity and modification Ge et al. (2012)
of bacterial community
CuO, Fe3O4 Red sandy loam and 10 g kg−1 Affected soil microbial community, both types Ben-Moshe et al. (2013)
rendzina soil of soil were less affected by Fe3O4, changes
in humic substances
Co, Fe, Ni, Ag Acidic top soil 550 mg pot Pyrosequence analysis showed no significant Shah et al. (2014)
effect on soil microbial richness; individual
analysis affected bacterial groups
Ag, Al2O3, SiO2 Soil 50 mg kg−1 Reduce: dehydrogenase and urease activity, McGee et al. (2017)
bacterial and archaeal amoA gene
abundance in soil
Au Sandy 0.1–100 mg kg−1 Significant effects on soil enzyme activities, Asadishad et al. (2017)
microbial communities, and nutrient cycling
3.2 Effects of nanoparticles on crops introduction of NPs into the soil might have significant im-
pact, as they may be extremely resistant to degradation and
Rapid growth of NPs production and their wide application in have the potential to accumulate in the soil. According to Ben-
agriculture has increased the possibilities to reach the soil. It is Moshe et al. (2013) NPs appear to affect many microscopic
now well recognized that some NPs affect crop development, properties of the soil. The protection of soil microbial biomass
yield, and many of them are accumulated in plant tissues, and diversity is one of the major issues in the field of sustain-
including the edible part of plant tissues (Table 2). It is not able use of soils (Torsvik and Øvreås 2002). The effect of NPs
easy to estimate the severity of the NPs’ impact on the eco- on the soil depends on their concentration, soil type, and en-
systems and human health. Invisible pollution caused by NPs zymatic activity of soil. At high concentrations of NPs, the
is considered to be the most difficult type of pollutant to man- negative effect on dehydrogenase activity was observed by
age and control because of its ultrafine size. Various studies of Josko et al. (2014). Another adverse effect caused by NPs is
the NPs’ effect on crops such as onion, spinach, coriander, the influence on the rate of soil self-cleaning as well as on the
wheat, rice, soybean, mung bean, radish, lettuce, barley, cu- balance of nutrients, which is the basis for the regulation of the
cumber, and tobacco have shown inhibition of germination, processes of plant nutrition and soil fertility improvement
reduced shoots and root growth, toxicity, and decreases in (Janvier et al. 2007; Suresh et al. 2013). Considering the pres-
photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll concentrations (Shaw ence of NPs in soil, it is significant to study their influence on
and Hossain 2013; Corral-Diaz et al. 2014; Frazier et al. soil biodiversity (Bondarenko et al. 2013).
2014; Moon et al. 2014; Nair and Chung 2014; Nair et al. Soil properties play a key role in the toxic effect of NPs.
2014; Trujillo-Reyes et al. 2014; Vannini et al. 2014; Yoon Soil properties, such as pH, texture, structure, and organic
et al. 2014; Hong et al. 2015; Nair and Chung 2015; Yang matter content, influence the soil microbial community and
et al. 2015; Zuverza-Mena et al. 2015; Singh and Kumar the ability of pollutants to have toxic effects on microorgan-
2016; Cvjetko et al. 2017; Priester et al. 2017; Tripathi et al. isms (bioavailability) (Fierer and Jackson 2006; Simonin and
2017). Richaume 2015). Nanoparticles could affect mobility of soil
pollutants. Therefore, there is a need to compare the toxicity of
3.3 Effect of nanoparticles on soil the NPs in various types of soils. The soil amended with
digestate and fly ash reduced the pollutant bioavailability
Soil is predicted to be the largest recipient of NPs. (Garcia-Sanchez et al. 2015). Another study suggests that par-
Understanding the behavior of NPs in the soil and their risk ticle size distribution and the composition of the organic mat-
evaluation in arable soil ecosystems or other real environmen- ter altered microbial populations in the contaminated soils
tal scenarios is very topical to date (Chai et al. 2015). Soil is (Calvarro et al. 2014).
the environmental matrix that is the richest in natural NPs both Intentional influence on soil properties and composition by
as primary particles and as agglomerates/aggregates. Artificial amending the soil with various substances can also alter the
J Soils Sediments
Plant species/organ Type of NPs Size and concentration Biological effects Source
Triticum aestivum L. Ag 1–10 mg L−1 Adversely affect seedling growth and Vannini et al. (2014)
modifications in root tip cells
Pisum sativum L. Ag 1000–3000 mM Decreased photosynthetic pigments and Tripathi et al. (2017)
chlorophyll fluorescence
Allium cepa Ag Caused oxidative stress and exhibited toxicity Cvjetko et al. (2017)
Phaseolus radiatus, Ag 5–25 nm; 0–40 mg L−1 Higher accumulation in roots and shoots. Lee et al. (2012)
Sorghum bicolor Growth inhibition
A. cepa Ag 5–20 μg L−1 Chromosomal aberrations in both mitotic and Saha and Dutta (2017)
meiotic cells
Arabidopsis thaliana, Au 25–100 mg L−1 Root length reduced by 75%. Accumulation Taylor et al. (2014)
Medicago sativa L. in shoots and roots
Glycine max CeO2 ZnO 0.05–0.5 g kg−1 soil Increased ROS, lipid peroxidation, visible Priester et al. (2017)
damage, and decreased total chlorophyll
T. aestivum L. CeO2 0–400 mg kg−1 Changes in leaf cells microstructure, swollen Du et al. (2015)
chloroplasts, squeezed nuclei, bent and
loosely arranged thylakoids, decreased
R. sativus L. CeO2 0–500 mg kg−1 Retarded germination Corral-Diaz et al. 2014)
Solanum lycopersicum L. CoFe2O4 0–1000 mg L−1 Increased uptake of Fe and Co inside plant Lopez-Moreno et al. (2016)
tissues, with increasing dose of CoFe2O4 in
hydroponics condition
Pistia stratiotes L. CuO <100 nm Decreased ascorbic acid, total content of Olkhovych et al. (2016)
amino acids
Conventional and CuO 0–1000 mg L−1 Inhibited the growth, development, nutrient Van et al. (2016a)
transgenic cotton content, IAA and ABA, and aggregates
accumulated in outer epidermis and
intercellular root
Coriandrum sativum CuO 0–80 mg kg−1 Reduced germination and shoot elongation Zuverza-Mena et al. (2015)
Spinach oleracea CuOZnO 1000 mg L Reduction in root length, shoot length, total Singh and Kumar (2016)
weight, chlorophyll, and carotenoid content
Ipt-cotton CuO 10–1000 mg L−1 Height and root length decreased, increased Van et al. (2016b)
isopentenyl adenine in shoots, which
delayed senescence
Vigna radiata L. CuO 200–500 mg L−1 Affected root length, biomass, total chlorophyll Nair et al. (2014)
content, primary and lateral root growth
R. sativus, Lolium perenne, CuO 10–1000 mg L−1 Induced DNA damage in agricultural and Atha et al. (2011)
L. rigidum grassland plants. DNA lesion and
G. max, Cicer arietinum CuO 5–600 mg L−1 Affects germination, root elongation Adhikari et al. (2012)
inhibition; root necrosis occurs with
increasing concentration
Lactuca sativa, M. sativa CuO 0–20 mg L−1 Reduced the root length, increased Cu, P, and Hong et al. (2015)
S in alfalfa shoots and decreased P and Fe
in lettuce
G. max CuO 50–500 mg L−1 Significantly reduced the shoot growth, Nair and Chung (2014)
weight, total chlorophyll content and root
Brassica juncea L. CuO 0–500 mg L−1 Affected shoot and root growth Nair and Chung (2015)
Hordeum vulgare L. CuO 40–120 mg L−1 Affected shoot and root growth, membrane, Shaw et al. (2014)
induced the release of ROS
Cucumis sativus CuO 100–600 mg L−1 Inhibited the seed germination and root Moon et al. (2014)
Landoltia punctata CuO 0.1–10.0 g kg−1 Reduced chlorophyll, increased number of Lalau et al. (2015)
plastoglobuli and irregularly shaped
mitochondria, dilation in chloroplast
L. sativa Fe/Fe3O4 50–60 nm 10, 20 mg L−1 Increased antioxidant activities, reduced root Trujillo-Reyes et al. (2014)
size, affected chlorophyll, particle
aggregation on the root, affected water
J Soils Sediments
Table 2 (continued)
Plant species/organ Type of NPs Size and concentration Biological effects Source
Nicotiana tabacum TiO2 0–50 g kg−1 Reduced biomass, inhibited germination and Frazier et al. (2014)
root length in artificial media
P. vulgaris L. TiO2 100–500 mg L−1 Significant effect on activity of superoxide Ebrahimi et al. (2016)
dismutase, peroxidase, malonyldialdehyde,
and 8-deoxy-2-hydroxyguanosine content
L. sativa, Lycopersicon TiO2 250–1000 mg L−1 Altered germination and affected root length, Andersen et al. (2016)
lycopersicum, B. oleracea, genotoxic effect
G. max, Daucus carota,
L. perenne, Z. mays,
C. sativus, Avena sativa,
A. cepa
D. carota ZnO, CuO 1–1000 mg L−1 Decreased biomass Ebbs et al. (2016)
G. max ZnO 500 mg kg−1 Reduced root and shoot growth and affected Yoon et al. (2014)
seed formation
Zea mays ZnO 800 mg kg−1 Affected growth and inhibited arbuscular Wang et al. (2016)
mycorrhizal fungi
Z. mays, O. sativa ZnO <50 nm; 2000 mg L−1 No effect on seed germination but inhibited Yang et al. (2015)
root elongation
Z. mays ZnO 50–2000 mg L−1 Higher accumulation of zinc in grains Subbaiah et al. (2016)
effects of NPs. Biochar is a soil amendment used for increas- NPs production will help researchers to estimate the real threat
ing soil fertility and productivity. Servin et al. (2017) show level. The increasing number of results discussing toxicity of
minimal effects of CeO2 NPs on plants in biochar-amended NPs requires to be considered, as the research has demonstrat-
soil. Interaction between NPs and biochar-amended soil is not ed the hazardous effect of NPs on living organisms. Proper
well studied. assessment and guidelines will be helpful for the future direc-
tion of nanotechnology research and its applications, so that it
does not become a menace for ecosystem health.
4 Conclusion and future prospects
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the projects of the
Recently, NPs received tremendous attention due to their Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, no. 5.948.2017/PP, and the
unique properties and beneficiary applications in different sec- Grant of President of Russia, no. MK-7285.2016.5.
tors. The number of publications dealing with NPs has in-
creased exponentially, although research about synthesis and
applications clearly dominates. However, increased applica- References
tions and usage quantity also lead to threat of release of NPs to
the environment. Potential risk and consequences in the envi- Adhikari T, Kundu S, Biswas AK, Tarafdar JC, Rao AS (2012) Effect of
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