A Clustered Repeated-Sprint Running Protocol For Team-Sport Athletes Performed in Normobaric Hypoxia

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©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2015) 14, 857-863


Research article

A Clustered Repeated-Sprint Running Protocol for Team-Sport Athletes Per-

formed in Normobaric Hypoxia

Jaime Morrison 1, Chris McLellan 2 and Clare Minahan 3

Griffith University Sports Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia; 2 Bond University, QLD, Austral-
ia; 3 Griffith University Sports Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

RSH to evoke superior adaptations in muscle perfusion

(Faiss et al., 2013), glycolytic enzyme activity (Puype et
The present study compared the performance (peak speed, dis-
al., 2013) and the ability to perform repeated bouts of
tance, and acceleration) of ten amateur team-sport athletes dur- high-intensity aerobic work, i.e., improved Yo-Yo Inter-
ing a clustered (i.e., multiple sets) repeated-sprint protocol, (4 mittent Recovery 1 test performance (Galvin et al., 2013),
sets of 4, 4-s running sprints; i.e., RSR444) in normobaric one study demonstrated no additional benefit (Goods et
normoxia (FiO2 = 0.209; i.e., RSN) with normobaric hypoxia al., 2015).
(FiO2 = 0.140; i.e., RSH). Subjects completed two separate trials The concept of replicating the movements per-
(i. RSN, ii. RSH; randomised order) between 48 h and 72 h apart formed during team-sport match play (e.g. num-
on a non-motorized treadmill. In addition to performance, we ber/duration of sprints/recovery periods) is appealing
examined blood lactate concentration [La-] and arterial oxygen when designing a RS training protocol to improve the RS
saturation (SpO2) before, during, and after the RSR444. While
there were no differences in peak speed or distance during set 1
ability (RSA) of team-sport athletes, however, further
or set 2, peak speed (p = 0.04 and 0.02, respectively) and dis- research is required regarding the efficacy of utilizing
tance (p = 0.04 and 0.02, respectively) were greater during set 3 specific RS training for this purpose (Buchheit, 2012). A
and set 4 of RSN compared with RSH. There was no difference recent RS training study, which was limited by the lack of
in the average acceleration achieved in set 1 (p = 0.45), set 2 (p a control group, utilized a protocol that was characterized
= 0.26), or set 3 (p = 0.23) between RSN and RSH; however, the by clusters (i.e., multiple sets) of sprints which were sepa-
average acceleration was greater in RSN than RSH in set 4 (p < rated by short (20 s) recovery periods, with longer recov-
0.01). Measurements of [La-] were higher during RSH than RSN ery periods (4.5 min) between clusters (Serpiello et al.,
immediately after Sprint 16 (10.2 ± 2.5 vs 8.6 ± 2.6 mM; p = 2011). The authors suggested that single-set repeated-
0.02). Estimations of SpO2 were lower during RSH than RSN,
respectively, immediately prior to the commencement of the test
sprint protocols poorly reflect the demands of team-sports
(89.0 ± 2.0 vs 97.2 ± 1.5 %), post Sprint 8 (78.0 ± 6.3 vs 93.8 ± and that multiple sets provide for more accurate assess-
3.6 %) and post Sprint 16 (75.3 ± 6.3 vs 94.5 ± 2.5 %; all p < ment of team-sport performance (Serpiello et al., 2011).
0.01). In summary, the RSR444 is a practical protocol for the This is supported by time-motion analysis studies that
implementation of a hypoxic repeated-sprint training interven- have described the repeated-sprint activity of team-sports
tion into the training schedules of team-sport athletes. However, (Spencer et al., 2004, Gabbett and Mulvey, 2008)
given the inability of amateur team-sport athletes to maintain Combining the two ideas of clustered repeated-
performance in hypoxic (FiO2 = 0.140) conditions, the potential sprint training and RSH, Goods and colleagues (2014)
for specific training outcomes (i.e. speed) to be achieved will be demonstrated that peak power output (PPO) can be main-
compromised, thus suggesting that the RSR444 should be used
with caution.
tained at a simulated altitude of 3000 m, but not 4000 m,
during three sets of 9 x 4-s sprint efforts, when compared
Key words: Acceleration, altitude, football, multiple-set. with sea-level (RSN). The impairment of PPO at a simu-
lated altitude of 4000 m would be an important factor to
consider when designing a similar RSH training protocol,
Introduction given the importance of specific muscle contraction
speeds when training for sprint speed (Kristensen et al.,
Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) has emerged as a 2006).
popular training method for team-sport athletes and aims In addition to peak speed/power output and total
to evoke greater adaptations than performance of similar work (e.g., mean speed or total distance), the rate of ac-
training in normoxia. More recently, a new training meth- celeration should be considered as an important perfor-
od has been investigated by several researchers (Faiss et mance outcome when prescribing a repeated-sprint train-
al., 2013, Galvin et al., 2013, Puype et al., 2013, ing program for team-sport athletes (Lockie et al., 2011).
Brocherie et al., 2015, Goods et al., 2015) that includes Previous studies that have defined and described repeat-
the performance of repeated sprints (RS) in hypoxic con- ed-sprint activity during international-level team-sport
ditions (RSH). Previous RSH studies have used a variety competition, have reported average sprint times during
of protocols, with sprint durations ranging from 5 to 30 s repeated-sprinting in elite men’s hockey (Spencer et al.,
and recovery periods ranging from 15 s to 5 min (Galvin 2004) and elite women’s soccer (Gabbett and Mulvey,
et al., 2013, Faiss et al., 2013, Puype et al., 2013, Goods 2008) to be 1.8 s and 2.1 s, respectively. Meanwhile,
et al., 2015). While three of these studies demonstrated average sprint times in elite Australian-rules football have

Received: 04 April 2015 / Accepted: 21 October 2015 / Published (online): 24 November 2015
858 Clustered repeated-sprinting in hypoxia

been reported to be < 3 s (Coutts et al., 2010). The short signed to allow the maintenance of speed, acceleration
duration of sprints in various team-sports highlights the and total work (i.e., distance) as well as the rotation of up
importance of acceleration to performance (Lockie et al., to four athletes on one treadmill (thus improving team-
2011), given that players are not likely to reach maximum sport training efficiency). The study followed a cross-over
velocity during sprint efforts (Duthie et al., 2006) and that design with one group (n = 5) performing the RSR444 in
these short sprints are considered a decisive determinant normoxia first and then in hypoxia between 48 h and 72 h
of match-winning situations (Carling et al., 2006). Fur- later; the other group (n = 5) performed the RSR tests in
thermore, Osgnach et al. (2010) quantified the metabolic the reverse order. Testing sessions were performed imme-
demands of elite soccer and emphasized the importance of diately prior to participants’ training sessions for their
quantifying the demands of accelerations (and decelera- respective sports, and replaced specific repeated-sprint
tions), which “constitute a large and crucial fraction of training activity for those training sessions. While the
every match” (Osgnach et al., 2010). Hence, it is intuitive authors acknowledge that the second session may have
that equal, if not greater, importance is placed on improv- been impacted by the short washout period, the investiga-
ing a team-sport athlete’s ability to accelerate quickly tion is counterbalanced and the participants would have
than on improving their peak velocity. been performing repeated-sprints regardless of if they
In the present study, we sought to design a proto- completed the testing sessions or not. In addition, all
col that not only replicates repeated-sprint patterns in participants indicated prior to commencing each session,
team-sports (i.e. clusters), but also allows for adequate via pre-participation questionnaires, that they were not
recovery so as to attenuate reliance on aerobic metabolism suffering from any soreness. Participants performed the
and impairment in speed, acceleration, and total work tests at the same time of day and were asked to 1) refrain
(i.e., distance). Our aim was to examine performance from consuming alcohol/performing strenuous exercise in
(peak speed, acceleration and total work) and physiologi- the 24 h prior to the tests, 2) refrain from consuming
cal responses (blood lactate and SpO2) during perfor- caffeine on the day of the tests, and 3) be consistent with
mance of a RS running (RSR) protocol in order to provide food and fluid intake for both tests. All participants indi-
information to be used in designing a RSH training proto- cated in the pre-participation questionnaires that they
col for team-sport athletes. were not taking any supplements.
The RSR444 was performed on a non-motorized
Methods treadmill (Curve 3.0, Woodway, Waukesha, Wisconsin,
USA) with a curved running surface made from sixty
Ten amateur team-sport athletes (four Australian rules vulcanized rubber slats and a drive system consisting of
footballers, four rugby union players and two soccer play- ball-bearings and roller glides. The non-motorized nature
ers) volunteered to participate in the present study and of the treadmill allowed the participants to accelerate
gave their written informed consent. All procedures used maximally.
in the study were approved by the Griffith University All participants were in the later stages of their
Human Research Ethics Committee. The physical charac- pre-season training and were accustomed to performing
teristics of the group were (mean ± SD): age 22.6 ± 4.7 y, repeated sprints/high-intensity running. Nonetheless, prior
body mass 88.8 ± 7.3 kg, and height 1.83 ± 0.06 m. All to any testing, participants were required to complete
participants had competed for a minimum of three con- three familiarization sessions on the treadmill. Each ses-
secutive years in their respective sport, as well as com- sion included a 5-min warm-up jog, 4-5 high-intensity
pleted a minimum of two months (2-3 times per week) of (but not all-out) ~4-s efforts with ~1 min rest between
intense training immediately prior to involvement in the them, as well as the completion of 2, 3 and 4 sets of 4 x 4-
study. All participants performed a repeated-sprint run- s sprints (with the same rest periods as during the RSR444)
ning (RSR) test consisting of sixteen (four sets of four) 4- during sessions 1, 2 and 3, respectively. These sessions
s sprints separated by 26 s (and 2 min 26 s between sets) were designed to 1) allow participants to master the tech-
of passive recovery in a standing position (i.e., RSR444) on nique required to accelerate/sprint maximally and 2) con-
two occasions in a commercial normobaric hypoxic dition their lower limbs to performing demanding repeat-
chamber (Pro diving Services, Sydney, Australia) while ed-sprint sequences.
breathing either room air (FiO2 = 0.209) or FiO2 = 0.140 Before the commencement of the RSR444, partici-
(i.e., hypoxia). The hypoxic environment was created via pants were required to complete a standardized warm-up
the extraction of oxygen from air which was subsequently comprising a 5-min jog on the non-motorized treadmill at
pumped into the chamber. Oxygen concentration was ~10 km/h interspersed with three 4-s sprints at ~90-s
monitored using a gas detector (KB-501, Kingsby Elec- intervals, and a 10-min period that included dynamic
tronics,) which utilizes an electrochemical sensor. The stretching of all major lower limb muscle groups. A 3-min
FiO2 (0.140) was selected due to the ability of highly- seated recovery period immediately followed the comple-
trained team-sport athletes to maintain performance dur- tion of the RSR444. The warm-up, RSR444, and recovery
ing a similar study in our lab (Morrison et al., 2015) in- period were all undertaken in the environmental condition
volving 10 x 6-s sprints in hypoxic (FiO2 = 0.140) condi- for that testing day. Prior to each sprint, the chief investi-
tions. Relative humidity and temperature were maintained gator provided participants with a 10 s and 5 s warning
between 45-50% and 19-21˚C, respectively. While we before counting them in “3, 2, 1, go!”. Between sets,
acknowledge that a passive recovery does not replicate participants were provided with 1 min and 30 s warnings
team-sport movement demands, the protocol was de- as well. Participants were provided with strong verbal
Morrison et al. 859

encouragement during all sprints. No feedback was giv- sets observed was the same as that observed using the
enregarding speed or distance achieved during each method described in the present study. Capillary blood
sprint. lactate concentration ([La-]) was determined from earlobe
Peak speed (m·s-1) and acceleration (m·s-2) data blood samples using a handheld analyser (Lactate Pro,
were calculated via Pacer Performance System software Arkray Factory Inc., KDK Corporation, Shiga, Japan).
(Fitness Technology, Adelaide, Australia) which continu- Resting (baseline) measurements were obtained in
ously recorded time (s) data and distance (m) data, via a normoxic conditions prior to the warm-up on both testing
tachometer mounted on the treadmill drum. Data were days. Subsequent to this, measurements were taken im-
sampled at a rate of 200 Hz. Each sprint start was judged mediately prior to the commencement of the RSR444, and
to be at the moment the treadmill belt recorded a speed of after 90 s of recovery following Sprint 8 and 16. Estima-
0.05 m·s-1 or greater and continued to increase. Exactly 4 tions of arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) were also made
s of data were then used in the analysis of peak speed, immediately prior to the start of the RSR444, and immedi-
which was calculated by taking the highest value ob- ately following Sprints 8 and 16 using a portable pulse
served in the 4-s sprint period. Acceleration was calculat- oximeter (Octive Tech, 300CSE, Beijing Choice Electron-
ed as the rate of change in velocity during the first 0.5 s of ic Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing, China).
the sprint, as done previously (Serpiello et al., 2011). The Fully factorial ANOVA were used to compare per-
distance covered during each sprint was determined and formance (speed, distance and acceleration) and metabol-
recorded. Seven team-sport athletes, (similarly trained to ic ([La-] and SpO2) values achieved during each sprint
those in the present study) performed two trials of the between the two environmental conditions (i.e., normoxia
RST444 in normoxia (between 48 and 72 h apart) to assess and hypoxia) and across the RSR444 protocol. Least
the reliability of measuring speed and acceleration across squares difference pairwise comparisons were used where
the RST444. Typical error as a coefficient of variation via significant F values were observed. All data is expressed
log-transformed speed (set 1 = 1.7, set 2 = 2.0, set 3 = 2.1, as mean±standard deviation and significance was accept-
set 4 = 1.5 %) and acceleration (set 1 = 6.7, set 2 = 6.0, ed at p < 0.05. SPSS Statistics software version 19 was
set 3 = 4.7, set 4 = 5.3 %) data were calculated for each used.
set using an Excel spreadsheet for reliability (Hopkins,
2009). To determine the validity of acceleration data, we Results
compared values obtained using the method described in
the present study, with values obtained using the method While not statistically significant, peak speed, distance,
described by Serpiello and colleagues i.e., judging the and acceleration were, in every case, approximately 1-2%
sprint start to be at a treadmill belt speed of 0.05 m∙s-1 vs lower during set 1 of the RSR444 compared with set 2 in
1 m∙s-11, respectively. While using the method described both the normoxic and hypoxic conditions (Figure 1).
by Serpiello and colleagues resulted in acceleration values Thus, maximal values were typically achieved in set 2 of
being slightly higher, the pattern of decrease across the the RSR444. There was no difference in the highest single

Figure 1. Peak speed (bars) and distance (lines) values averaged across four, 4-s sprints for each set in normox-
ia and hypoxia achieved in male amateur team-sport athletes. * Distance covered during sprints greater in normoxic
conditions (p < 0.05). † Different from normoxia (p < 0.05).
860 Clustered repeated-sprinting in hypoxia

Set 1 Set 3
Speed (m/s)

Normoxia Normoxia
3.00 Hypoxia Hypoxia
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 2. Typical trend of the increase in speed during a single 4-s sprint under normoxic (black) and hypoxic (grey) condi-
tions during SET 1 (left panel) and SET 3 (right panel) of the RSR444. RSR444 = Repeated-sprint running of 4 sets of 4, 4-s sprints.

peak speed value recorded during RSN compared with higher at all time-points during RSN compared with RSH
RSH (8.05 ± 0.32 vs 8.00 ± 0.39 m·s-1, respectively; p = (Table 1).
0.55). Figure 1 shows the peak speed and distance values
averaged across the four, 4-s sprints in each set under Discussion
both conditions. There were no differences in peak speed
(p = 0.88 and 0.05, respectively) or distance (p = 0.35 and During performance of a clustered repeated-sprint running
0.41, respectively) achieved during set 1 or set 2 of RSN protocol (4 sets of 4, 4-s sprints; i.e., RSR444) in a hypoxic
compared with RSH. However, the average peak speed environment (RSH), amateur team-sport athletes were
achieved in set 3 was lower (p = 0.04) and by Sprint 12, unable to match the peak speed recorded in normoxia
single-sprint peak speed was lower (7.67 ± 0.44 vs. 7.78 ± (RSN) during set 3 and set 4. Similarly, total distance
0.35 m·s-1; p = 0.03) during RSH compared with RSN. covered during RSN could not be replicated during set 3
Similarly, the average distance achieved during sprints in or set 4 during RSH. Acceleration was more, but not
set 3 was lower (p = 0.04) and by Sprint 11, single-sprint completely, resilient (i.e. only impaired during the final
distance was lower (23.07 ± 1.21 vs. 23.97 ± 1.15 m; p = set) to a reduction in oxygen availability and/or the effects
0.03) during RSH compared with RSN, respectively. of fatigue during the clustered repeated-sprint running
There was no difference in the average of acceleration protocol in hypoxia. These results provide information
values achieved during sprints in set 1 (p = 0.45), set 2 (p that may be useful in designing clustered RSH training
= 0.26), or set 3 (p = 0.23) of the RSR444 between the protocols, which may be altered depending on the intend-
conditions, but a difference was observed in set 4 during ed training outcomes.
RSH (5.47 ± 1.23 m·s-2) compared with normoxia (5.84 ± The impairment in peak speed observed during
1.51 m·s-2; p < 0.01). Figure 2 illustrates the similarities sets 3 and 4 of the hypoxic trial in the present study is in
in acceleration and peak speed during a single sprint in set contrast to the findings of our previous study (Morrison et
1 of the RSR444 between normoxia and hypoxia (left pan- al., 2015) that examined a traditional repeated-sprint run-
el), and the disparity in peak speed, but not acceleration ning protocol (1 set of 10, 6-s sprints) in hypoxia (FiO2 =
between the two conditions in set 3 of the RSR444 (right 0.140). Conversely, (Bowtell et al., 2013) reported similar
panel). findings to the present study stating that peak speeds
There was no difference in [La-] measured at base- during the ten, 6-s sprints was lower in hypoxic condi-
line or after Sprint 8 during RSN compared with RSH, tions. The variability in the construct (i.e., num-
respectively (Table 1). However pre-test (i.e., post warm- ber/duration of sprints and/or recovery periods) of the
up) [La-] was higher during RSH than RSN, as was [La- repeated-sprint protocols among studies may explain the
]measured after Sprint 16. Measurements of SpO2 were conflicting findings regarding peak speed achieved during

Table 1. Blood lactate concentration [La-] and arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) measured in team-sport ath-
letes before, during, and immediately after performing the RSR444 (4 sets of 4, 4-s sprints) in normoxic (21%)
and hypoxic (14%) conditions. Data are means (±SD).
Variable Condition Baseline Pre-test Post- sprint 8 Post- sprint 16
Normoxia 1.0 (.3) 1.7 (1.4) 7.1 (2.0) 8.6 (2.6)
[La-] mmol∙L-1 Hypoxia 1.0 (.2) 2.9 (1.6)* 8.0 (2.2) 10.2 (2.5) *
Normoxia - 97.2 (1.5) 93.8 (3.6) 94.5 (2.5)
SpO2 (%)
Hypoxia - 89.0 (2.0) * 78.0 (6.3) * 75.3 (6.3) *
*Different from normoxia (p < 0.05). Baseline measurements were obtained in normoxic conditions before the warm up.
Pre-test measurements were performed in the environmental condition, after the warm up and immediately before the
commencement of the RSR444.
Morrison et al. 861

performance in hypoxia compared with normoxia. In Smith (2010), who demonstrated that a decline in me-
addition, the ability of an athlete to match the peak speeds chanical output during prolonged repeated sprints in
achieved during repeated sprinting in normoxia when in a normoxia was related to a decline in SpO2. It is plausible
hypoxic environment could be dependent on their training that reduced arterial oxygen saturation could contribute to
status. Highly-trained team-sport athletes in the study by fatigue during repeated sprints, given that PCr resynthesis
Morrison and colleagues (Morrison et al., 2015) are likely (Haseler et al., 1999) and H+ removal (Tomlin and
to have had the ability to compensate for hypoxia-induced Wenger, 2001) are oxygen dependent processes. A reduc-
reductions in aerobic energy provision. In contrast, it is tion in arterial oxygen saturation might then contribute to
possible that participants in the present study were unable attenuated neuromuscular activity, and consequently a
to offset the reduced aerobic energy provision with an decrease in performance (Billaut and Smith, 2010) possi-
increase in anaerobic energy contribution. This is an im- bly via reflex inhibition of alpha motoneurons (Garland,
portant finding as an inability to match speed during RSH 1991). Smith and Billaut (2010) demonstrated that a de-
compared with RSN imposes a different training stimulus crease in arterial oxygen saturation may also contribute to
on the athlete. Therefore, athletes and coaches should be fatigue during RSH via a reduction in cerebral oxygena-
mindful that during RSH, desired contraction speeds may tion. Hence, the decline in average peak speeds and total
not be replicated, representing an alteration in the neuro- work performed (average distance covered during sprints)
muscular load which may affect neuromuscular adapta- in the present study, could be explained in part by the
tions (Buchheit and Laursen, 2013a). It should also be ~19% difference in SpO2 estimated following the final
noted that despite a reduced running speed (i.e., sets 3 and sprint. Finally, a decline in peak speed and total work
4 of RSH in the present study), RSH may result in superi- during RSH, compared with RSN, could also be partly
or training adaptations compared with RSN, given that explained by reduced contribution from aerobic metabo-
training at a lower absolute intensity which elicits greater lism ((Bowtell et al., 2013, Calbet et al., 2003, Balsom et
physiological/metabolic responses can evoke superior al., 1994), although a compensatory increase in contribu-
adaptations (Mohr et al., 2007). Therefore, a combination tion from anaerobic metabolism has previously been re-
of RSH that elicits greater physiological/metabolic adap- ported (Calbet et al., 2003). In the present study, the high-
tations, and RSN, for the maintenance of contraction er [La-] measured following the final sprint in RSH, com-
speeds, could be considered as a viable training interven- pared with RSN, may be due to an increase in anaerobic
tion. In addition to reduced aerobic energy provision, glycolysis in response to a reduced oxygen uptake. It
another factor influencing the ability to maintain peak should also be noted that this observed increase may have
speed is the initial sprint speed i.e., the faster the first been due to impaired lactate clearance.
sprint, a larger decrement ensues. Nonetheless, the initial Athletes were unable to match acceleration during
sprint speeds were comparable between the normoxic and set 4 in RSH compared with RSN in the present study.
hypoxic environments in the present study, thus excluding Given that peak speed and distance covered were reduced
initial speed as an influence on speed decrement. compared with RSN after set 2 during RSH, this suggests
Mean speed (Morrison et al., 2015), mean power that peak acceleration can be maintained for longer when
output (Goods et al., 2014, Brosnan et al., 2000), and oxygen availability is reduced. Distance covered is de-
mechanical work (Smith and Billaut, 2010) measured in pendent on the entire 4-s effort and peak speed is typically
participants during repeated-sprinting have been previous- achieved at the end of 4-s. In contrast, peak acceleration is
ly compared between normoxic and hypoxic conditions. typically achieved in the first second of the sprint (see
In the present study, we examined the distance covered Figure 1). Given the shorter duration in which peak accel-
during each running sprint in the RSR444 so as to improve eration is found in comparison with peak speed and max-
the validity of the feedback for coaches and athletes. imum distance, acceleration might be less dependent on
Nonetheless, the common purpose of these measurements aerobic energy production, and/or less affected by ionic
is to quantify the average or total work performed during disturbances that result in fatigue. The ability to match
each sprint rather than a peak or instantaneous value. acceleration for more sprint repetitions during RSH, when
Markers of total work may provide additional information compared with RSN, provides coaches with a framework
regarding the total metabolic demand of the repeated- with which to prescribe RSH. Indeed, Serpiello and col-
sprint session. In addition to the importance of matching leagues (2011), demonstrated that clustered repeated-
peak contraction speeds, replicating the metabolic cost of sprint running training in normoxia evoked improvements
training in normoxia may also be an important considera- in acceleration that were up to four times greater than
tion, depending on the intended training outcomes. In improvements in peak speed.
agreement with previous findings (Goods et al., 2014, Training protocols that stimulate a high rate of PCr
Brosnan et al., 2000, Smith and Billaut, 2010), the present breakdown and glycolysis as well as demanding a high
study demonstrated that total work performed (i.e., dis- rate of H+ and K+ removal are likely to result in adapta-
tance covered) was reduced during RSH compared with tions to the anaerobic energy systems. In traditional re-
RSN. peated-sprint protocols with inadequate recovery between
Goods and colleagues (2014) suggested that the sprints, the rate of glycolysis can be reduced by 90% with
decline in mean power output during RSH, compared a concomitant increase in aerobic energy production (Gai-
with RSN, could be explained by the observed decline in tanos et al., 1993). Thus, the final sprints of a repeated-
oxygen saturation. This is corroborated by Billaut and sprint protocol with inadequate recovery may result in
862 Clustered repeated-sprinting in hypoxia

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Brosnan, M.J., Martin, D.T., Hahn, A.G., Gore, C.J. and Hawley, J.A.
cular strain (Buchheit and Laursen, 2013b). For example, (2000) Impaired interval exercise responses in elite female
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treadmill. Although the specificity of the protocol to (2010) Match running performance in elite Australian Rules
Football. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13, 543-
team-sports is reduced by having a passive recovery, such
a design is advantageous in that it reduces the time neces- Duthie, G.M., Pyne, D.B., Marsh, D.J. and Hooper, S.L. (2006) Sprint
sary for a squad to complete a training session (many patterns in rugby union players during competition. Journal of
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training outcome, either: 1) a modified version of the (2015) No Additional Benefit of Repeat-Sprint Training in
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E-mail: [email protected]
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R.J. (2011) Performance and physiological responses to Employment
repeated-sprint exercise: a novel multiple-set approach. Bond University, QLD, Australia
Eurepean Journal of Applied Physiology 111, 669-678. Degree
Smith, K. J. and Billaut, F. (2010). Influence of cerebral and muscle PhD
oxygenation on repeated-sprint ability. Eurepean Journal of Research interest
Applied Physiology 109, 989-999.
Neuromuscular and hormonal adaptation to exercise;
Spencer, M., Lawrence, S., Rechichi, C., Bishop, D., Dawson, B. and
Goodman, C. (2004) Time-motion analysis of elite field Strength and power development in contact sport athletes;
hockey, with special reference to repeated-sprint activity. Musculoskeletal rehabilitation of sports injuries; Post-
Journal of Sports Sciences 22, 843-850. exercise recovery protocols.
Tomlin, D.L. and Wenger, H.A. (2001) The relationship between E-mail: [email protected]
aerobic fitness and recovery from high intensity intermittent Clare MINAHAN
exercise. Sports Medicine 31, 1-11. Employment
Griffith University Sport Science, Griffith University, Gold
Coast, QLD, Australia.
Key points Degree
• The RSR444 is a practical, multiple-set repeated-sprint Research interest
running protocol designed for team-sport athletes. Improving elite sport performance through physical, nutri-
• During performance of the RSR444 in hypoxia (FiO2 = tional, and cognitive interventions; The role of hormonal
contraception in the gender-related differences in exercise
0.140), amateur team-sport athletes were unable to
tolerance and recovery.
replicate the peak speed, distance covered or acceler- E-mail: [email protected]
ation achieved in the final set(s) during sprints in
normoxia.  Jaime Morrison
• A decrease in SpO2 and an increase in [La-] were Griffith University Sports Science, Griffith University, Park-
observed during performance of the RSR444 in hypox- lands Drive, Southport, QLD. 4222, Australia
ia, compared with normoxia.

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