TM1PTS - Lesson 1 - Determining Trainee's Characteristics - How Learners Learn

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4/20/2019 TM1PTS: Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s Characteristics: How Learners Learn?


Home  My courses  TM1PTS  Unit 2: Identifying Learners' Training Requirements  Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s


Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s Characteristics

How Learners Learn?

Plan Training Session: How Learn…


A trainer is about to teach a group of students. Then he has collected data for trainee’s characteristics but the
problem is he hasn’t assessed the students learning style to complete the trainee’s profile.

What is learning style? Learning style is one’s own way of learning new information and ideas. It will give us an idea
on how a person receive and transfer information.

Suggested learning styles are VARK Learning Style Model and PART Learning Styles. Feel free to choose between the
two in determining trainees’ learning style/s.

Visual, Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic (VARK) Learning Style Model

Everyone learn differently since we all have preferred way to absorb, comprehend and retain new information. 1/4
4/20/2019 Learning styles, as proposed by Fleming
TM1PTS: Lesson 1:and Mills (1992),
Determining is Characteristics:
Trainee’s a model thatHow describes
Learnershow a person takes-in

and gives-out information while learning. These learning styles are visual (learns best by seeing graphs, charts,
and other symbols), auditory (learns best by listening), read/write (learns best by reading text-based information)
and kinesthetic (learns best by doing).

Use VARK Learning Style self-assessment questionnaire as a tool in determining your trainees’ learning style/s.
Note that a trainee can have one or more learning styles.

PART Learning Styles

Another model is PART Learning Styles. It is developed by Honey & Mumford but the idea originated from Kolb’s
Learning Style Model. 

The four learning styles are:

Pragmatists ‘putting theory into practice’ or ’needs to know how to apply the information in real world’
Pragmatist tends to integrate or put together theory and practice as they perceive information abstractly and
process it actively. They always think problems and opportunities as challenges.

Activists ‘having an experience’ or ’needs to do’ Activists put together experience and application as they
perceive information concretely and process it actively. They would likely tackle problems by brainstorming.
Activists learn by trial and error, & by self-discovery method.

Reflectors ‘reflecting on it’ or ’needs time to think over information’ Reflectors integrate or put together
experience within oneself as they perceive information concretely and process it reflectively. They learn by
listening and sharing ideas.

Theorists ‘drawing out own conclusion’ or ’needs to know theory behind information’ Theorists put together
observations into complex but logically sound theory as they perceive information abstractly and process it
reflectively. They learn by thinking through ideas.

Use PART Learning Styles questionnaire to find out your trainees’ approach in learning.

Download #2:

VARK Learning Style self-assessment questionnaire

PART Learning Styles questionnaire

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4/20/2019 TM1PTS: Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s Characteristics: How Learners Learn?
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Android 4.0 Programming in Java
Plan Training Session
Unit 1: Introduction to Trainer's Methodology
Unit 2: Identifying Learners' Training Requirements
Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s Characteristics
Lesson 2: Pre-Training Assessment and Analysis
Unit 3: Preparing Session Plans
Unit 4: Preparing Instructional Materials
Unit 5: Preparing Assessment Instruments
Unit 6: Organizing Learning and Teaching Resources
Maintaining Training Facilities
Supervising Work-Based Learning


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4/20/2019 TM1PTS: Lesson 1: Determining Trainee’s Characteristics: How Learners Learn?
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