NGSS Lesson Planning Template: Asking Questions (Science) Patterns
NGSS Lesson Planning Template: Asking Questions (Science) Patterns
NGSS Lesson Planning Template: Asking Questions (Science) Patterns
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions
Animals can live anywhere
ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions
What are the components of a habitat? What do living things need to survive?
Teacher Note* Place the game pieces around the room before playing the
game. (NOTE: This game can be taken outside. Ledet will be on the field) ****Some of
these needs should not be readily available for everyone (food, water, shelter). If you
have a class size of 25 there should only be about 20 food cards and 22 shelter cards.
Need cards-
Review what living things need to survive (refer to the lists you made for humans,
animals and plants).
Explain that they will be pretending to be squirrels and hunt around their ecosystem
(ask what kind of real ecosystem it would have to be) for what they need to survive.
Show the students the four cards they will be searching for; food, water, air, and
Explain that once someone touches the card, it is theirs, no fighting over cards.
Students may only grab one card at a time using one hand.
The object is to gather everything you need to survive by the time the game is over.
Remind students about the essential agreements (rules) before beginning and if anyone
doesn’t follow those rules they’ll have to sit down and observe.
EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions
Start the game, observe the little squirrel behavior, guide if needed.
Once all the cards are found have students come sit down (some will not have the cards
they need).
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined
Have students raise their hands if they found a piece of food, then a piece of water, then
air and then shelter.
What do you predict will happen if all of these needs are not met?
Talk about why all squirrels might not find what they need (babies, injured, too many
squirrels in an area, not enough from the ecosystem/environment (dries up, water
pollution, trees cut down)).
Have students discuss their thoughts with their elbow partner for each first, then as a
whole group.
Talk about how animals need certain things to survive and their
environments/ecosystems/habitats provide that. If a certain ecosystem does not
provide that then the animal would not survive.
Review habitats around the world. What does May look like around the globe? Would
our squirrel survive there?
ASK: What are we doing here that affects our school habitat? How can we design and
create things that will help our habitat?
On chart paper, write answers and ideas.
Narrow focus to one animal (Bees, ladybugs, our chickens, etc)
What part of habitat will we improve?
Students will write, draw, or record on tablets a letter to Ms. Lemoncelli describing what we
need to help our habitat be successful for the animals that live here.
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions
Plants can survive anywhere
ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions
GROUP 1: Watch the following video or
watch this slideshow
GROUP 2: read the book Where do Plants Grow? (World of Plants) By Louise and Richard
GROUP 3: Read and complete Places Plants and Animals Live
GROUP 4: Work on Habitat Improvement Project
Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
Make sure students put their plant in the correct ecosystem
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report):
Elaborate Further / Reflect:
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Math Integration:
SSKE4 The student will explain that people must make choices because they cannot have
everything they want.
Main Idea:
Students will Skype with an Environmental Engineer
Agronomy, Biotech
Performance Expectation(s):
K-ESS3-1. Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants and
animals (including humans) and the places they live.
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including
humans) need to survive.
Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
Students dress their cutout appropriately
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report):
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