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Integrated Dual Degree Programme: Curriculum Model

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Curriculum Model

Integrated Dual Degree Programme

(B.Tech + MBA)

Green Fields, Vaddeswaram – 522 502,
Guntur District, A.P., INDIA.
Ph: 08645 – 246948, Fax: 08645 – 247249

S. No Page No.

1. Context 2

2. Vision and Mission of the University 3

3. Programme Educational Objectives 4

4. Programme Outcomes 5

5. Credits in Integrated Dual Degree programme 6

6. Credit Distribution 7

7. Course Structure 10

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The industry values Engineering graduates with Management education.
Hence a good number of engineering students opt for management
education for enhancing their career prospects. Further offering of an
integrated degree in engineering and management would augur well for
students as they stand to gain one year by synergizing their studies.

K L University offers a five year full time Integrated Dual Degree

programme (B.Tech + MBA). Management professionals need
dynamism, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial instincts.
K L University stands committed to providing a professional ambience
perfectly conducive for acquiring the key managerial competencies.
The cutting edge curriculum designed for the programme strives to
impart students the necessary knowledge, managerial skills and decision
making abilities blended with the right attitude. The curriculum lays a
firm foundation for the conceptual and analytical understanding of Indian
and International management practices. This programme is designed to
blend current management theories and practices of emerging trends in
the field of management with an aim of moulding the students into
responsible citizens, competent and visionary managers. The programme
is uniquely comprehensive in helping students to develop an integrated
view of managerial skills. Learning is facilitated through a mix of
classroom interactions, seminars, case studies, industrial internships, live
projects, operation workouts, simulations, games, group discussions,
research projects etc.

It is proposed to offer two variants of MBA for the students of the

B.Tech Programme.

a) An MBA degree in general management.

b) An MBA degree in Technology Management.

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The offerings and the conditions governing them are detailed below:


Students of the University who have secured a CGPA of 7.0 and above at
the end of Semester IV in the B.Tech Program with no backlog courses
are eligible to seek admission into the Integrated Dual degree
B.Tech – MBA Program.


Admissions into the Integrated Dual degree B.Tech – MBA Program

would be made based on an application made by the student during
Semester V of the B.Tech Program by an Admissions Committee.


The duration of the Integrated Dual degree B.Tech – MBA Program is

five years (10 Semester).


To be a globally renowned University.

To impart quality higher education and to undertake research and
extension with emphasis on application and innovation that cater to the
emerging societal needs through all-round development of students of all
sections enabling them to be globally competitive and socially
responsible citizens with intrinsic values.

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The Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the statements that

describe the expected achievements from the programme. They are
guided by global and local needs, the vision of the institution, long term
goals etc. The Programme Educational Objectives of Integrated Dual
Degree (B.Tech + MBA) Programme includes:

I. To specify, design, develop prototype and test system, using

currently available technologies.
II. To specify, design and develop systems.
III. To design and test systems integrating available hardware and
software as per user requirements.
IV. To pursue lifelong learning as a means of enhancing knowledge
and skills necessary to contribute to the betterment of profession.
V. To mould the students as effective global managers in the
competitive environment of modern society.
VI. To provide students with strong foundation in contemporary
practices of Management, different functional areas and business
VII. To emphasize application oriented learning.
VIII. To develop communication, analytical, decision-making,
motivational, leadership, problem solving and human relations
skills in the students.
IX. To inculcate professional and ethical attitude in students.
X. To pursue lifelong learning as a means of enhancing knowledge
and skills necessary to contribute to the betterment of a

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The Integrated Dual Degree programme (B.Tech + MBA) is designed to

meet the following outcomes:

a. The application of knowledge in mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals with an engineering specialization to
the conceptualization of engineering models.

b. To Identify, formulate, research literature and solve complex

engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
first principles of mathematics and engineering sciences.

c. To Design solutions for complex engineering problems and

design systems, components or processes that meet specified
needs with appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

d. To conduct investigations of complex problems including design

of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis
of information to provide valid conclusions.

e. Ability to practically apply various management concepts.

f. Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary practices in


g. Ability to apply the specialized expertise in functional and

sectoral areas.

h. Ability to communicate effectively and professionally.

i. Ability to solve different managerial related problems.

j. Ability to manage people effectively and become good leaders.

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k. Develop professional and ethical attitude and become socially
responsible citizens.
l. Ability to conduct research studies and present reports.
m. Demonstrate the knowledge of business environment nationally
and globally.
n. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long
o. Demonstrate their role as managers or entrepreneurs and
contribute their skills to the society.


Learning well is understood as acquiring knowledge and skills at higher

cognitive levels, which include Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create.
Such learning is ensured by making it heavily activity based and
practical oriented rather than lecture oriented. Based on the nature of the
course the learning pedagogy will change which can be reflected by
L-T-P structure for a course.

‘L’ (Lecture classes) stands for class room interactive sessions.

‘T’ stands for Tutorial sessions for reinforced learning through

participatory discussions/self-study/desk work and such other novel
methods that make a student imbibe and assimilate to acquire the
contents delivered in the lecture classes more effectively.

‘P’ stands for Practice/Practical sessions for laboratory/field studies that

equip students to acquire the requisite competent skills. A credit is
defined as one hour of lecture or two hours of laboratory per week or one
hour of tutorial per week in a semester.

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The Programme is spread over a period of four semesters that embodies

76 courses with a credit load of 251 credits.

S. No Type of the course Number Percentage

Humanities and Social Sciences
1 6 7.5
2 Basic Sciences (BS) 7 8.75
3 Engineering Sciences (ES) 8 10
4 Core courses 31 38.75
5 Soft skills courses 2 2.5
6 Professional Electives 5 6.25
7 Open Electives 5 6.25
8 Functional electives 8 10
9 Sectoral electives 2 2.5
Mini Project +
10 3+1= 4 5
Management Research project
11 Term Paper 1 1.25
12 Industrial Training 1 1.25
Total 80 100

Core Courses:
A paper which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core-
requirement in completing the requirements of a degree is defined as a
Core Paper.

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It is mandatory for a student to undergo the following core courses which

Semester I
 Quantitative methods
 Indian Business Environment
 Managerial Economics
 Business Communication
 Financial and Management Accounting
 Marketing Management
 Organizational Behaviour

Semester II
 Human Resource Management
 Financial Management
 Business Research Methodology
 International Business Environment
 Operations Management
 Business Legislation
Semester III
 Strategic Management I
 Management Control Systems
Semester IV
 Strategic Management II
 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
IT Courses:
 IT for Managers
 Enterprise Resource Planning
Soft Skills Courses:
 Soft skills 1
 Soft skills 2
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Elective Courses

The students can pursue elective courses in different streams of

specializations - Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management,
Information Technology & Systems, etc. Each student must choose eight
elective courses. To specialize in a particular stream, a student has to
pursue at least four electives from that stream. A student can acquire a
dual specialization by choosing four electives from one stream and
another four from a second stream.

A student must choose eight elective courses from the following streams
of specializations:

 Marketing
 Finance
 Human Resources Management
 Information Technology and Systems

Sectoral Specialization Courses

In addition to the elective courses, a student must also choose one

sectoral specialization from the options available:

 Retail
 Banking
 Health Care
 Foreign Trade
 Insurance
 IT enabled services

Summer Internship Programme (SIP)

Internship Programme is an attempt to bridge the gap between the

academic institutions and the corporate world. It provides an opportunity
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for the students to experience the corporate environment and combine
classroom learning with real life situations in the organizations. The
duration of the programme will be for 12 weeks and it has to be
undertaken during the intervening period between the close of
Semester II and the commencement of Semester III.

Management Research Project

The Management Research Project aims to enhance research skills -
problem identification, conduction of a systematic study, data collection
and data analysis, report writing and presentation.


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I Semester
S No Course Title L T P Credits
1 11-HS101 English 2 0 2 3

2 11-HS103 Energy and Society 3 0 0 3

3 11-BS101 Engineering Mathematics 3 1 0 4

4 11-BS103 Engineering Physics 3 0 2 4

Problem Solving Through
5 11-ES101 3 0 2 4
6 11-ES105 Workshop Practice 0 0 4 2
Total Credits 14 1 10 20

II Semester
S No Course Title L T P Credits
Technical communication
1 11-HS102 2 0 2 3
Advanced Engineering
2 11-BS102 3 0 2 4
3 11-ES102 Measurements 3 0 2 4
4 11-BS105 Ecology and Environment 2 0 0 2
5 11-BS104 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 2 4
6 11-ES103 Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3
7 11-ES104 Engg Graphics with CAD 0 0 4 2
8 11-MP101 Mini project -1 0 0 2 1
Total Credits 16 0 14 23

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III Semester

S No Course Course Title L T P Credits

1 11-ES201 Engineering Science 1 3 1 0 4
2 11-ES202 Engineering Science 2 3 0 2 4
3 11-CS201 Core 1 3 1 0 4
4 11-ES203 Engineering Science 1 3 1 0 4
5 11-CS202 Core 2 3 0 2 4
6 11-CS203 Core 3 3 0 2 4
7 11-MP201 Mini Project – 2 0 0 2 1
8 - Games Certificate 0 0 2 NC
Total Credits 18 3 8 25

IV Semester
S No Course Course Title L T P Credits
1 11-BS201 Basic Science 1 3 1 0 4
2 11-BS202 Basic Science 2 3 1 0 4
3 11-CS204 Core 4 3 0 2 4
4 11-CS205 Core 5 3 0 2 4
5 11-CS206 Core 6 3 0 2 4
6 11-CS207 Core 7 3 0 0 4
7 HS 1 HS 1 (ELECTIVE) 3 0 0 3
8 - Soft Skills 0 0 2 NC
Total Credits 21 3 6 27
Industrial Training
0 0 0 *
Min. 8 weeks compulsory

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V Semester
S No Course Title L T P Credits
1 11-CS301 Core 8 3 0 2 4
2 11-CS302 Core 9 3 1 0 4
3 11-CS303 Core 10 3 0 2 4
4 11-CS304 Core 11 3 0 2 4
5 PC-1 Professional Elective 1 3 0 0 3
6 OE-1 Open Elective 1 3 0 0 3
7 HS 2 Humanities 1 3 0 0 3
Total Credits 21 1 6 25

VI Semester
S Course
Course Title L T P Credits
No Code
1 11-CS305 Core 12 0 4
2 11-CS306 Core 13 2 4
3 11-CS307 Core 14 2 4
4 PC-2 Professional Elective 2 3 0 0 3

5 PC-3 Professional Elective 3 3 0 0 3

6 OE-2 Open Elective 2 3 0 0 3

7 HS-3 HS 3 (ELECTIVE) 3 0 0 3

8 11-MP301 Mini Project 3 0 0 2 1

Total Credits 21 1 6 25
Summer Term – I
1 Indian Business Environment (Core 15) 3
2 Managerial Economics (Core 16) 3
3 Organizational Behavior (Core 17) 3
Total Credits 9

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VII Semester
S No Course Title L T P Credits
1 11-CS401 Core 18 3 0 2 4
2 11-CS402 Core 19 3 0 2 4
3 PC-4 Professional Elective 4 3 0 0 3
4 PC-5 Professional Elective 5 3 0 0 3
5 OE-3 Open Elective 3 3 0 0 3
6 OE-4 Open Elective 4 3 0 0 3
7 OE-5 Open Elective 5 3 0 0 3
8 11-TP401 Term Paper 0 0 4 2
Total Credits 21 0 8 25

VIII Semester
S. No Course Title Credits
1 Business Research Methodology (Core 20) 3
2 Financial & Management Accounting (Core 21) 3
3 Human Resource Management (Core 22) 3
4 Marketing Management (Core 23) 3

Total Credits 12
Summer Term – II
Course Title Credits
1 Financial Management (Core 24) 3

2 International Business Environment (Core 25) 3

3 Operations Management (Core 26) 3
Total Credits 9
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IX Semester

S No Course Title Credits

1 Strategic Management I (Core 27) 3

2 Management Control Systems (Core 28) 3
3 Business Legislation (Core 29) 3
4 Elective I 3
5 Elective II 3
6 Elective III 3
7 Elective IV 3
8 Sectoral Specialization I 3
Total Credits 24

X Semester

S No Course Title Credits

1 Strategic Management II (Core 30) 3

Business Ethics & Corporate
2 3
Governance (Core 31)
3 Elective V 3
4 Elective VI 3
5 Elective VII 3
6 Elective VIII 3
7 Sectoral Specialization II 3
8 Management Thesis 6
Total Credits 27

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Award of Integrated Dual Degree:

A student who successfully completes the five year program and clears
stipulated credits would be awarded both B.Tech and MBA degrees
subject to fulfilling academic and graduation requirements of the
University. Students withdrawing from the Integrated Dual Degree
Program would be subject to the academic regulations of the relevant
program of the University.


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