Climate Change - Summary

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Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729) Salient Provisions

Sec. 2: Declaration of Policy

 It is the policy of the State to afford full protection and the advancement of the right of the people to
a healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
 The State adopts the principle of protecting the climate system for the benefit of humankind, on the
basis of climate justice or common but differentiated responsibilities and the Precautionary Principle
to guide decision-making in climate risk management.
 As a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the State adopts the
ultimate objective of the Convention which is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the
atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system
which should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to
climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development
to proceed in a sustainable manner.
 As a party to the Hyogo Framework for Action, the State likewise adopts the strategic goals in order
to build national and local resilience to climate change-related disasters.
 It shall be the policy of the State to enjoin the participation of national and local governments,
businesses, nongovernment organizations, local communities and the public to prevent and reduce the
adverse impacts of climate change and, at the same time, maximize the benefits of climate change.

Sec 3. Definitions
 D.) “Climate Change” refers to a change in climate that can be identified by changes in the mean
and/or variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period typically decades or longer,
whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity.

Sec 14. Local Climate Change Action Plan

 The LGUs shall be the frontline agencies in the formulation, planning and implementation of climate
change action plans in their respective areas, consistent with the provisions of the Local Government
Code, the Framework, and the National Climate Change Action Plan.
 Barangays shall be directly involved with municipal and city governments in prioritizing climate change
issues and in identifying and implementing best practices and other solutions.
 Municipal and city governments shall consider climate change adaptation, as one of their regular
 Provincial governments shall provide technical assistance, enforcement and information management
in support of municipal and city climate change action plans.
 Inter-local government unit collaboration shall be maximized in the conduct of climate-related

People’s Survival Fund (PSF)

 Created in RA 10174 or “Act Establishing the People’s Survival Fund to Provide Long-term Finance
Streams to Enable the Government to Effectively Address the Problem of Climate Change”
 Established to finance adaptation programs and projects planned under the NFSCC.
 An appropriation of one billion pesos (PhP 1,000,000,000) under the General Appropriation Acts
served as its opening balance which can be augmented by donations, endowments, grants and
 Climate Change Commission evaluates and reviews project proposals for funding and recommends
approval of the proposal to the PSF Board.
 The fund is used to support adaptation activities of local governments and communities.
 Fund allocation are prioritized based on projects that has, but not limited to the following:
o level of risk and vulnerability to climate change
o participation from the affected communities in the design of the project
o poverty reduction potential
o cost effectiveness and sustainability
o responsiveness to gender-differentiated vulnerabilities, and
o availability of climate change action plan.

Approaches to Climate Change and Risk Disasters

 Adaptation
 Action that helps people cope with the effects of climate change.
 Includes the Following:
 Responses or measures that address drivers of vulnerability, such as crop insurance
for farmers
 Responses or measures that directly confront climate change impact, such as food
control that incorporates climate change and climate variability in design
 Responses or measures that build resilience to current and future climate risks (i.e.
Introduce climate-resilient rice varieties), such as climate-resilient rice varieties.
 What Can Be Done To Adapt
 Avoid high risk areas, such as those prone to flooding and exposed to sea level rise.
 Protect the community from sea level rise and river flooding.
 Accommodate adjustments in the design of roads, buildings, transport system, and
other infrastructure.

 Mitigation
 Action that will reduce man-made climate change.
 This includes action to reduce GHGs or absorb GHGs in the atmosphere.

 Disaster Risk Reduction

 Action taken to reduce the risk of disasters and the adverse impact of natural hazards, through
systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causes of disasters.
 It is tailor-made to help counteract the added risks arising from climate change.

National Climate Change Action Plan

 guides the programs and initiatives of government for adaptation, mitigation, and risk resiliency.
 NCCAP outlines the specific programs and strategies for adaptation and mitigation for 2011 to 2028

7 Strategic Priorities of the NCCAP

 Water sufficiency
 a comprehensive review and subsequent restructuring of the entire water sector governance is
 assess the resilience of major water resources and infrastructures, manage supply and demand,
manage water quality, and promote conservation.
 Food security
 ensure availability, stability, accessibility, and affordability of safe and healthy food amidst
climate change.
 Ecological and environmental stability
 the protection and rehabilitation of critical ecosystems, and the restoration of ecological
 Sustainable energy
 promotion and expansion of energy efficiency and conservation; the development of
sustainable and renewable energy; environmentally sustainable transport; and climate-proofing
and rehabilitation of energy systems infrastructures.
 Climate-smart industries and services
 creation of green and eco-jobs and sustainable consumption and production. It also focuses
on the development of sustainable cities and municipalities.
 Human security
 reduce the risks of women and men to climate change and disasters.
 Knowledge and capacity development
 Enhanced knowledge on the science of climate change;
 Enhanced capacity for climate change adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk
 reduction at the local and community level; and
 Established gendered climate change knowledge management accessible to all sectors at the
national and local levels.

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