Geotech Chapter 1 Question

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Soil Origin - Objective Question

(By : Gautam Gupta – 8463016819)

Q1. In sedimentary soil the individual particles are created at one location, transported and finally
a. Deposited in another location b. Redeposited in low lying areas
c. Deposited in low lying areas d. Deposited in desert areas

Q2. A residual soil is one formed in place by the weathering of rock at the location
a. And transported to another location b. With little or no movement of the individual soil particles
c. And deposited under lake d. And deposited under sea

Q3. Soils are basically

a. Organic materials b. Inorganic materials
c. Mineral materials d. Organic and inorganic materials

Q4. The behavior of Silts is normally governed by

a. Mass energy b. Surface energy
c. Mass and surface energy d. None of the above

Q5. The behavior of clay is governed by

a. Mass energy b. Surface and Mass energy
c. Surface energy d. Friction

Q6. Residual soils are formed by

a. Glacier b. Wind
c. Water d. None of the above

Q7. Lacustrine soil is a

a. Soil deposited in sea b. Wind borne soil
c. Soil deposited in lake d. Soil formed by vegetational matter

Q8. Chemical weathering occurs because of

a. Oxidation b. Carbonation
c. Hydration d. All of the above

Q9. Physical weathering occurs due to

a. Temperature changes b. Wedging action of ice
c. Spreading of roots of plants d. All the above

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Soil Origin - Objective Question

(By : Gautam Gupta – 8463016819)

Q10. The term soil Mechanics was coined by

a. Terzaghi b. Cassagrande
c. Newmark d. Rankine

Q11. Cohesionless soils are formed due to

a. Oxidation or rocks b. Leaching action of water on rocks
c. Blowing of hot and cold wind d. Physical disintegration of rocks

Q12. Peat is composed of

a. Clay and sand b. Decayed vegetable matter
c. Inorganic silt and silty clay d. Synthetic chemicals

Q13. Talus is the soil transported by

a. Gravitational force b. Water
c. Glacier d. Wind

Q14. Varved clay is

a. A mixture of sand, silt, clay b. A chemically bonded soil mixture
c. Alternate thin layer of silt and clay d. Decomposed volcanic ash deposit

Q15. Black cotton soil is

a. A chemically weathered residual soil b. A physically weathered residual soil
c. A colluvial soil d. An organic soil

Q16. Black cotton soil exhibits large swelling and shrinkage due to presence of the following clay mineral
a. Kaolinite b. Illite
c. Montmorillonite d. Halloysite

Q17. When the product of rock weathering are not transported as sediments but remain inplace
a. Alluvial soil b. Glacial soil
c. Residual soil d. Aeolian soil

Q18. Aeolian soils are

a. Residual soil b. Wind deposits
c. Gravity deposits d. Water deposits

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Soil Origin - Objective Question

(By : Gautam Gupta – 8463016819)

Q19. Loam means

a. Sandy clay with a little silt b. Silty clay with a little sand
c. Sand, Silt and Clay d. Sand, Silt and Gravel

Q20. Humus is
a. A half decomposed soil b. Fully decomposed soil
c. Inorganic soil d. A type of rock

Q21. The majority of naturally occurring collapsing soils are

a. Aeolian b. Peat
c. Alluvial d. Marine

Q22. Identify the non-collapsing soil from the following

a. Dune sand b. Volcanic ash
c. Loess d. Gravel or pebble

Q23. Pick up the correct sequence of geological cycle for the formation of soil
a. Transportation- upheaval- deposition-weathering b. Transportation-deposition-weathering-upheaval
c. Weathering-upheaval-deposition-transportation d. Weathering-transportation-deposition-upheaval

Q24. The most erratic soil deposit is

a. Wind – laid deposit b. River – channel deposit
c. Flood – plain deposit d. Glacial deposit

Q25. The most uniform soil deposit is

a. Wind – laid deposit b. Delta deposit
c. Shore deposit d. Glacial deposit

Q26. In black cotton soils the seasonal moisture changes brings in volume changes upto a maximum depth of about
a. 1.0 m b. 1.5 m
c. 2.0 m d. 3.0 m

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