Chapter 14 Red Blood Cells
Chapter 14 Red Blood Cells
Chapter 14 Red Blood Cells
Reduction of the total circulating red cell mass below normal limits
Decreased O2 carrying capacity = tissue hypoxia
patients are pale, weak, and easily fatigued with malaise
Mild dyspnea on exertion
Fatty change in the liver, myocardium, kidney
Diagnosed via hematocrit or hemoglobin
Etiology may be determined by RBC morphology (size, shape, hemoglobinization)
Ratio of packed RBCs to total blood volume (the concentration)
Not good for acute blood loss
Volume percentage of red blood cells in blood
Approximately 3x the [hemoglobin]
Useful RBC Indices
Mean cell volume (MCV): the average volume of a red cell expressed in femtoliters (fL)
Normal: 80-100
Mean cell hemoglobin: the average content (mass) of hemoglobin per red cell expressed in
Changes the color of RBCs
Mean cell [hemoglobin]: the average concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of
packed red cells expressed in grams per deciliter
Changes the color of RBCs
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): the coefficient of variation of red cell volume
an elevated RDW implies that the marrow is pumping out reticulocytes (larger cells)
elevated RDW is a reactive phenomenon observed in states of anemia with a
functioning marrow
EPO (erythropoietin)
Stimulates proliferation of committed erythroid progenitors (CFUE) in the marrow
Released from the kidney
CFUE progeny mature and are seen as reticulocytes in five days in peripheral blood
Reticulocytosis within 7 days (10-15% reticulocytes) if severe enough
Reticulocytes appear larger and with a blue-red polychromatophilic cytoplasm
Thrombocytosis and leukocytosis may also occur
Hemolytic Anemias
Red cell life span < 120 days
Elevated EPO levels
Accumulation of hemoglobin degradation products (i.e. unconjugated bilirubin that’s
related to amount of liver function)
Increased erythroid precursors (normoblasts) in the marrow due to increased EPO
Prominent reticulocytosis in peripheral blood
Hemosiderosis: accumulation of hemosiderin (iron containing pigment) from RBC
Extramedullary hematopoiesis if severe
Chronically may lead to elevated bilirubin in the bile → pigment gallstones
Extravascular Hemolysis
Occurs mostly in the macrophages of the spleen
Predisposed by RBC membrane injury, reduced deformability or opsonization
Anemia, splenomegaly (mostly extravascular) and jaundice
Variable decreased in haptoglobin (the protein that binds to hemoglobin in plasma)
Splenectomy is often beneficial for these patients -- a lot of the RBC destruction
happens in the spleen
Intravascular Hemolysis
RBC rupture due to mechanical injury (mechanical cardiac valves), complement fixation
(mismatched blood transfusion), intracellular parasites (malaria) or extracellular toxins
(clostridial enzymes)
Anemia, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, hemosiderinuria, jaundice
No splenomegaly
Markedly reduced serum haptoglobin
haptoglobin: α2-globulin that binds free hemoglobin and prevents its excretion in
the urine
is "consumed" when there is any form of hemolysis occurring
Renal hemosiderosis (iron accumulation in the tubular cells)
Excess unconjugated bilirubin
Free hemoglobin may be oxidized to methemoglobin (brown color that can go into the
urine) when haptoglobin is depleted
HbA == α2β2
HbA2 == α2δ2
high HbA2 is a β-thalassemia (minor/trait)
HbF == α2γ2
high HbF is a β-thalassemia (major)
HbH == β4
HbS == α2βS2
Sickle Cell trait
Hemoglobin Barts == γ4
Heterogenous group of disorders due to inherited mutations that decrease synthesis of either
the α-globin or β-globin chains that compose adult HbA (α2β2)
2 α-globin genes (4 alleles) on chromosome 16
1 β-globin gene (2 alleles) on chromosome 11
Causes anemia, tissue hypoxia and RBC hemolysis due to the imbalance of globin chain
Anemia due to decreased RBC production and decreased RBC lifespan
Heterozygotes are protected from falciparum malaria
dysregulation of the synthesis of β-globin chains
Under hemoglobinized microcytic, hypochromic RBCs with subnormal O2 transport
RBC life span is diminished due to imbalance of α and β globin synthesis
Reduced beta-globin chain synthesis from beta-thalassemia leads to RBC microcytosis,
hypochromia, ineffective erythropoiesis, and excessive iron absorption. There is chronic
anemia, because the major hemoglobin A1 [α2β2] is produced insufficiently. The nature
of the mutation, typically affecting RNA transcript production, determines the severity
of the disease.
Anemia due to:
Ineffective erythropoiesis
Extravascular hemolysis due to sequestration
Β0 Thalassemia
Absent synthesis of the β-globin chain
Most common mutation: chain terminator creating premature stop codons
Reduced (but detectable) synthesis of the β-globin chain
Most common mutation: splicing mutations
unpaired α chains precipitate within RBC precursors → insoluble inclusions
Inclusions cause membrane damage → precursor apoptosis
In severe disease this causes ineffective erythropoiesis
Those not destroyed are released with inclusions and membrane damage and are
susceptible to splenic sequestration and extravascular hemolysis
Severe cases
Massive erythroid hyperplasia due to ineffective erythropoiesis
Expansion causes erosion of the bony cortex impairing bone growth and creating
skeletal abnormalities
crew cut and chipmunk facies?
Extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis: liver, spleen, lymph nodes
Severe cachexia as nutrients is stolen from tissues that are O2 starved for erythroid
Excessive absorption of dietary iron due to suppressed hepcidin and in combination
with repeat transfusions leads to iron overload (secondary hemochromatosis)
ineffective erythropoiesis suppresses hepcidin, a critical negative regulator of iron
increased absorption of iron from the gut with low hepcidin levels
decreased absorption of iron from the gut with high hepcidin levels
Hereditary hemochromatosis results from increased iron absorption with
markedly increased iron stores. The iron accumulation in tissues results in
manifestations such as hepatomegaly, skin pigmentation, diabetes mellitus, heart
disease, arthritis, and hypogonadism.
A 46-year-old man has had worsening arthritis and swelling of his feet for the past
year. On physical examination he has rales audible in all lung fields. A chest
radiograph shows cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Laboratory studies show
Hgb 13.0 g/dL, Hct 39.1%, MCV 86 fL, platelet count 255,500/uL, and WBC count
5920/uL. His serum iron is 406 microgram/mL with iron binding capacity 440
microgram/mL and ferritin 830 ng/mL (storage form of iron is markedly
elevated). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Anisocytosis (variable RBC size)
Poikilocytosis (variable shape)
Target cells: hemoglobin collects in the center of the cell
Basophilic stippling == indicator of toxic injury to RBCs
Fragmented RBCs
Massive erythroid hyperplasia (crewcut + chipmunk facies)
Iron overload: hemosiderosis and 2° hemochromatosis, affecting the heart, liver and
pancreas mostly
β-thalassemia Minor/Trait
Individuals with alleles (heterozygous)
Β+ / βwild-type
Β° / βwild-type
Much more common
Mild, asymptomatic, microcytic, hypochromic anemia
Usually asymptomatic heterozygous carriers
Mild anemia with hypochromic, microcytic, basophilic stippling and target cells in
peripheral blood
Mild erythroid hyperplasia
Can be mistaken for iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy as they were asymptomatic
Increased HbA2
Normal HbF
high HbA2 is a β-thalassemia (minor/trait)
high HbF is a β-thalassemia (major)
Must confirm diagnosis to rule out iron deficient anemia
β-thalassemia Intermedia
Heterozygous variant of moderate severity
May have
Two defective β-globin genes and an α-globin gene defect which improves
erythropoiesis effectiveness and red cell survival by lessening the imbalance in α- and β-
chain synthesis
One defective β-globin gene and extra copies of α-globin genes, worsening the
Not transfusion dependent
Inherited gene deletion → absent or reduced synthesis of α-globin chains
Infants: unpaired γ-globin chains form tetramers call "Hemoglobin Barts"
Adults: unpaired β-globin chains form tetramers called "HbH"
β and γ chains are more soluble than free α-globin chains, and form more stable
homotetramers --> hemolysis and ineffective erythropoiesis are less severe than in β-
Types based on deletions
4 alleles on chromosome 16
1 allele deleted = asymptomatic
2 allele deleted = mild anemia with increased RBC count
Cis deletion *Asian
children of affected individuals are at increased risk of clinically
significant α-thalassemia
symptomatic α-thalassemia is fairly common
Trans deletion *African American
symptomatic α-thalassemia is uncommon
3 alleles deleted = severe anemia -- HbH tetramers
4 alleles deleted = lethal in utero (hydrops fetalis) -- "Hemoglobin Barts"
Silent Carrier State
Deletion of a single gene causing a barely detectable reduction in globin chain synthesis
patients are asymptomatic with slight microcytosis
α-thalassemia trait
Cis deletion: Asians
Α/α : -/-
*offspring are at significant risk of disease
Trans deletion: African Americans
Α/- : α/-
Microcytosis with minimal anemia and no abnormal physical signs and symptoms
α-thalassemia trait is clinically similar to β-thalassemia minor
Hemoglobin H disease (HBH)
Deletion of three genes
Most common in Asian populations
Tetramers of β-globin chains form == called HbH
HbH has extremely increased affinity for O2 (not useful for O2 delivery to tissues)
tissue hypoxia disproportionate to the level of Hb
HbH is prone to oxidation --> precipitation and intracellular inclusions promoting RBC
sequestration and phagocytosis in the spleen
Resembles β-thalassemia intermedia
Does not require transfusions
Hydrops Fetalis
Deletion of all 4 genes
tetramers of γ-globin chains form called Hemoglobin Barts in the fetus
Greatly increased affinity for O2 = tissue hypoxia
Fetal distress beginning 3rd trimester
Intrauterine fetal transfusion can save infants that used to die in utero
Severe pallor, generalized edema and massive hepatosplenomegaly -- similar to
hemolytic disease of newborn
Lifelong dependence on transfusions (risk of iron overload)
HSC transplant is curative
Immunohemolytic Anemias (IHAs) -- most physicians call these "autoimmune hemolytic anemias"
antibodies bind to RBCs causing their premature destruction
Diagnosed via the presence of antibodies and/or complement on RBCs from the patient
Direct Coombs antiglobulin test: patient's RBCs are mixed with donor serum -- this is a
agglutination means patient has RBCs coated with antibodies
Indirect Coombs antiglobulin test: patients serum is mixed with donor RBCs
agglutination means patient has antibodies to patient's RBCs
Direct Coombs Antiglobulin Test
patient's RBCs are mixed with antibodies specific for human immunoglobulin or
(+) if the patient's RBC's have immunoglobulins already attached to them, which are
then attacked by the antihuman antibodies added
If immunoglobulin or complement is present on the RBC surface agglutination occurs
Indirect Coombs Antiglobulin Test
Commercial RBCs with defined Antigens are mixed with the patient's serum
(+) if patient's serum has immunoglobulins against the Antigens on the
commercial/donor RBCs
Characterizes the antigen target and temperature dependence of the responsible
Remove initiating factors, immunosuppression or splenectomy
Megaloblastic Anemias
Impairment of DNA synthesis that leads to ineffective hematopoiesis and distinctive
morphologic changes
Abnormally large erythroid precursors (megaloblasts) and RBCs
Most commonly due to vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency (coenzymes for thymidine
and methionine synthesis)
Morphology of the peripheral blood
Macro-ovalocytes: large, oval RBCs (very characteristic)
appear hyperchromic due to ample hemoglobin and larger size
MCHC is not elevated
Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis (variable size and shape) of the RBCs
Decreased reticulocyte count -- indicative that the marrow is not functioning well
Severe? Nucleated RBCs
Hyper-segmented neutrophils ( > 5 lobes)
Morphology of the marrow
Hypercellular marrow due to increased hematopoietic precursors that may replace fatty
Pro-megaloblasts (most primitive cells) are large with very basophilic cytoplasm,
prominent nucleoli, and fine nuclear chromatin pattern
Delayed nuclear maturation with normal cytoplasmic/hemoglobin maturation that
leads to nuclear to cytoplasmic asynchrony
Giant metamyelocytes and band forms
Large megakaryocytes with multilobate nuclei
Pancytopenia as marrow hyperplasia occurs due to increased EPO but abnormal DNA
synthesis = precursor apoptosis in the marrow
Pernicious Anemia
Autoimmune gastritis impairs the production of intrinsic factor (IF) that is required for
vitamin B12 uptake in the gut
Median age at diagnosis: 60 years old
Affects all populations, especially Scandinavians
Likely a genetic problem
Chronic atrophic gastritis with loss of parietal cells
Due to autoreactive T-cell response → gastric mucosal injury & auto-antibodies
auto-antibodies do not cause pathology, but they are of diagnostic utility
Anemia develops when the mass of intrinsic factor secreting cells falls below threshold
Associated with other autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune thyroiditis and adrenalitis
Inflammasome problems and altered innate immunity
Auto-Antibodies (Putthoff didn’t really talk about these)
Type I: Found in plasma and gastric juice
Type II: Prevent binding of IF-B12 complex to the ileal receptor
Type III *85-90% of patients: recognize the α and β subunits of the gastric proton pump
in the microvilli of the parietal cell
Not specific (seen in 50% of older people)
Set of diseases that can be acute or chronic
Due to problems in the synthesis of heme, most are inherited, but some can also be
acquired (including the most common type that arises in the liver)
problems in the bone marrow leads to anemia and splenomegaly
problems in the liver leads to liver damage and an increased risk in hepatocellular
Skin: very sensitive to sunlight leading to blisters and abnormal hair growth
Teeth: staining
Referred pain from the thorax and abdomen
Seizures, hallucinations, and general psychosis
Iron Deficiency
Most common nutritional disorder of the world
dietary lack
impaired absorption
increased requirement
In the Western world, most commonly due to chronic blood loss
Signs and symptoms related to inadequate hemoglobin synthesis
Ferritin -- storage form of iron
ubiquitous protein-iron complex found at highest levels in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and
skeletal muscles
located in the cytosol and lysosomes
partially degraded protein shells of ferritin --> hemosiderin granules
plasma ferritin derived largely from storage pool of iron; directly related to body iron levels
hemosiderin granules
partially degraded protein shells of ferritin
iron in hemosiderin is chemically reactive and turns blue-black when exposed to potassium
Prussian Blue Stain
disappearance of stainable iron from macrophages in the bone marrow ==
diagnostically significant finding of iron deficiency
in iron overloaded states (e.g. hemochromatosis), most iron is stored in hemosiderin
synthesized and released from the liver in response to increases in intra-hepatic iron levels
Regulates iron absorption in the proximal duodenum
Inhibits iron transfer from enterocyte to plasma by binding ferroportin
Causes endocytosis and degradation of ferroportin
hepcidin inhibits ferroportin function in macrophages and reduces the transfer of iron from
the storage pool to developing erythroid precursors in the bone marrow
as hepcidin levels rise, iron becomes trapped in duodenal cells that eventually slough off ==
excretion of iron
when body is replete with iron, high hepcidin levels inhibit its absorption into the blood
hepcidin levels directly related to total body iron stores
Anemia of Chronic Disease/Inflammation is caused in part by inflammatory mediators that
increase hepatic hepcidin production
TMPRSS6 mutation related anemia (didn't talk about it)
Hepcidin is normally suppressed by TMPRSS6 protease when iron stores are low
Dysfunctional = microcytic anemia
because of inability to absorb iron
No response to iron therapy
Hepcidin and hemochromatosis
inappropriately decreased levels in 1° and 2° hemochromatosis (systemic iron overload)
Suppressed by ineffective erythropoiesis, even if iron stores are high (as happens in β-
thalassemia major and myelodysplastic syndromes)
Hepcidin is structurally related to defensins (intrinsic anti-bacterial activity)
iron sequestration may enhance body's ability to fend off certain types of infection
Haemophilus influenzae and Yersinia enterocolitica (pseudo-appendicitis) require iron
for pathogenicity
Aplastic Anemia
Syndrome of primary hematopoietic failure and attendant pancytopenia
Autoimmune is the most common cause, but HSC problems can also be inherited or
Idiopathic in 65% of cases
Toxic exposure.
Whole body irradiation *dose dependent (only?)*
Drugs that cause dose related, reversible marrow suppression (chemotherapy drugs,
Drugs that cause unpredictable, idiosyncratic reactions that typically have little or no
marrow suppression (chloramphenicol, gold salts)
Viral infection
Hepatitis (non-A, non-B, non-C, and non-G type… so Hepatitis D and E)
65% are idiopathic
Fanconi Anemia
Autosomal recessive disorder caused by defective protein complex necessary for DNA
Presents early in life; often accompanied by congenital anomalies
Hypoplasia of the kidney or spleen
Bone anomalies of the thumbs or radii
Telomerase Mutation
5-10% of adult onset aplastic anemia
This enzyme is necessary for cellular immortality and limitless replication
Deficits may lead to premature HSC exhaustion and marrow aplasia
Short Telomeres
Seen in ∼ 50% of patients with aplastic anemia
May be due to an undiscovered defect or as a consequence of excessive stem cell
Pathogenesis (2 models)
extrinsic, immune-mediated suppression of marrow progenitors
TH1 cells are activated against these Antigens → IFNγ and TNF to suppress and kill
hematopoietic progenitors
Upregulation of apoptotic genes
Anti-thymocyte globulin (immunosuppressive) agents suppress autoreactive T-cell
clones producing a response in 60-70% of patients
intrinsic abnormality of stem cells
Stem cells are antigenically altered via exposure to drugs, infectious agents, etc
Hypocellular bone marrow
HSC replaced by fat cells, fibrous stroma, and scattered Lfs
"Dry tap" on marrow aspiration, bone marrow biopsy necessary for diagnosis
Granulocytopenia: mucocutaneous bacterial infection
Thrombocytopenia: abnormal bleeding
Systemic hemosiderosis if multiple transfusions are given
Clinical (pancytopenia ultimately develops)
Anemia --> Weakness, pallor, dyspnea
Thrombocytopenia --> Petechiae and ecchymoses
petechial bleeding is often characteristic of platelet disorders (thrombocytopenia)
Neutropenia --> Persistent infections or sudden onset of fever and chills (rigors)
No immune response? Fever may be absent
Reticulocytopenia: RBCs are macrocytic, normochromic
No splenomegaly (if present, question diagnosis)
Causes of Pancytopenia
Aplastic Anemia: hypocellular bone marrow
aleukemic leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes: hypercellular bone marrow
Bone marrow transplant (5 year survival > 75%)
Immunosuppression in older patients or those without a suitable donor
Myelophthisic Anemia
Marrow failure where space occupying lesions replace normal marrow elements leading to:
Destruction or distortion of marrow architecture
Leukoerythroblastosis: abnormal release of nucleated erythroid precursors and
immature granulocytic forms into peripheral smears; even more immature than bands
Teardrop RBCs: deformed during their tortuous escape from the fibrotic marrow
Depressed hematopoiesis
most common cause == metastatic cancer from the breast, lung, or prostate
also a feature of the spent phase of myeloproliferative disorders
Myelophthisic Disease
Metastatic tumor involving marrow, or marrow fibrosis, is a 'myelophthisic' process that
reduces normal hematopoiesis and leads to a peripheral 'leukoerythroblastic' picture
with immature RBC's and WBC's in the peripheral blood, as seen here with nucleated
RBCs and white cells even more immature than bands (metamyelocytes, myelocytes) on
the smear.
Abnormally high red cell count, usually with an associated increase in the hemoglobin level
Relative or absolute
Relative Polycythemia
Hemoconcentration due to decreased plasma volume, commonly a result of dehydration
Water deprivation
Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea
Excessive diuretic use
Gaisbock syndrome (stress polycythemia): HTN, obese, anxious patients
Absolute Polycythemia
Increase in the total red cell mass
Primary (Polycythemia vera)
Intrinsic abnormality of hematopoietic precursors
this is a myeloproliferative disorder
Red cell precursors are responding to increased levels of EPO
i.e. physiologic response at high altitudes or pathophysiologic, EPO producing tumors or
HIF1α stabilization
Renal cell carcinomas are known to secrete erythropoietin and lead to this
paraneoplastic effect with polycythemia
Polycythemia Vera
Most common cause of primary polycythemia
Myeloproliferative disorder associated with mutations leading to EPO-independent growth
of red cell progenitors
Familial EPO receptor mutations can also induce EPO-independent receptor activation
HIF-1α == hypoxia-induced factor; stimulates the transcription of the erythropoietin gene
Excessive Bleeding
May be due to:
Increased fragility of vessels
Platelet deficiency or dysfunction
Derangement of coagulation
Platelet Count
An electronic particle counter determines this value on anticoagulated blood
If abnormally low: do a peripheral blood smear and observe for clumping of platelets
During automated counting this can cause a "thrombocytopenia"
High counts may indicate myeloproliferative disease (essential thrombocythemia)
Reduced platelet number < 100,000
Platelet Counts
<10,000 == indication for platelet transfusion
< 20,000: Spontaneous (non-traumatic) bleeding
20,000-50,000: Exacerbates posttraumatic hemorrhage
Most spontaneous bleeds involve small vessels of the skin and mucous membranes
Most feared: intracranial bleeding
PT and PTT will be normal
Decreased Production
Marrow output is suppressed generally as in aplastic anemia or leukemia
Megakaryocytes are selectively suppressed as with specific drugs or alcohol taken in
May also occur in isolation in patients with HIV (can infect megakaryocytes) or
myelodysplastic syndromes
Decreased Platelet Survival
Increased consumption or activation of platelets
Mechanical injury
DIC, thrombotic microangiopathies (TTP, HUS)
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome)
Immune mediated destruction of platelets: ITP
Autoimmune thrombocytopenia: allo-antibodies: transfusion or IgG crossing the
There is a relative reduction in the number of circulating platelets (viable platelet
numbers are decreased) with prolonged storage of blood for transfusion
HIV-associated Thrombocytopenia
thrombocytopenia is one of the most common hematologic manifestations of HIV infection
This virus may infect megakaryocytes that express CD4 (receptor) and CXCR4 (coreceptor)
Infected megakaryocytes are prone to apoptosis and have an impaired ability to produce
B-cell hyperplasia and dysregulation → auto-antibodies that may be directed against platelet
membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (opsonization)
Thrombotic Microangiopathy
intravascular thrombi cause a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and widespread organ
dysfunction, and the attendant consumption of platelets leads to thrombocytopenia
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
pentad: fever, thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, transient
neurologic deficits, and renal failure
HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome)
associated with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia but is
distinguished by the absence of neurologic symptoms, the prominence of acute renal
failure, and its frequent occurrence in kids
PT & PTT are normal
DIC: activation of the coagulation cascade is of primary importance and PT and PTT will
be abnormal
Bleeding due to coagulation factor deficiencies often occurs into the gastrointestinal and urinary
tracts and into weight-bearing joints (hemarthrosis)
oozes blood for days after a tooth extraction
develops a hemarthrosis after minor stress on a knee joint -- this is suggestive of hemophilia
(A or B), not vWF
Vitamin K Deficiency
Normally activated by epoxide reductase in the liver
Deficiency leads to impaired synthesis of factors II, VII, IX, X, Protein C -- "1972" and
Protein C
this is what Warfarin/Coumadin impairs
Common in newborns (lack of GI colonization, bacteria produce this agent)
Give prophylaxis at birth
Occurs in patients taking warfarin/coumadin
warfarin/coumadin antidote == vitamin K
Also due to chronic antibiotics (bumping off gut bacteria), severe liver disease
Prolonged PT (because this is what you check with warfarin/coumadin)
Replacement of deficiency (corrects PT in 12-18 hours)
Fresh frozen plasma (liver disease or acute hemorrhage, need PT corrected ASAP)
Factor XIII
Made in Kupffer cells of the liver and sinusoidal endothelial cells (bone marrow, spleen,
Binds vWF in circulation (stabilized)
Unbound t1/2 = 2.4 hours
Bound t1/2 = 12 hours
Essential cofactor for factor IX
Measured by coagulation assays with patient plasma and factor VIII deficient plasma
Hemophilia A
Factor VIII deficiency
Factor VIII is an essential cofactor for Factor IX in the coagulation cascade
Most common hereditary disease associated with life threatening bleeding
% of patients based on severity
Severe disease: < 1%
Moderate-severe disease: 25%
Mild disease: 6-50% (6-25% per Hubbard)
Most severe: X chromosome inversion = no synthesis
X-linked recessive (mostly male or unfavorably lyonized females)
Point mutation can lead to no activity, but normal protein levels on immunoassay
*Risk of bleeding corresponds to degree of deficiency
Easy bleeding and bruising
Bleeding into soft tissue and muscles
Increased risk of bleeding during and after surgery
Spontaneous hemorrhage in regions of the body normally subject to trauma
(hemarthroses) that can lead to progressive, crippling deformities. patients may have 1-
2 "target joints"
No petechiae is characteristic
Prolonged PTT, normal PT -- point to abnormality in the intrinsic coagulation pathway
vWF disease, Hemophilia A (Factor VIII) and Hemophilia B (Factor IX)
tendency of hemophiliacs to bleed at particular sites (joints, muscles, and the central
nervous system)
Recombinant factor VIII infusions (replace what is missing)
15% develop antibodies that bind and inhibit factor VIII
Prior to development of recombinant factor VIII, patients received plasma from HIV
patients, dooming an entire generation of patients
Prophylaxis prior to surgery
FIVE types of reactions
Febrile non-hemolytic reaction
Fever and chills ± dyspnea
Occurs within six hours of a transfusion of red cells or platelets
Likely inflammation reaction due to donor leukocytes
Increased frequency related to length of storage of product
Signs and symptoms respond to antipyretics and are short lived
Allergic reactions
Severe and potentially life threatening if patient has been sensitized to the given
Most common in patients with IgA deficiency
IgG antibodies recognize IgA in the blood product
IgE antibodies may cause an urticarial reaction
Mild, and most patients respond to antihistamines allowing the process to continue
Hemolytic reactions
Acute Hemolytic Reaction
Usually due to preformed IgM antibodies against donor red cells that fix
GM makes Classic Cars -- IgM and IgG activate the classical pathway of
Likely due to human error (ABO incompatibility)
Induce complement mediated lysis, intravascular hemolysis, and hemoglobinuria
Rapid onset: fever, chills, shaking and flank pain due to complement activation,
not RBC lysis
May rapidly progress to DIC, shock, acute renal failure or death
(+) direct Coombs test
Delayed Hemolytic Reaction
Due to IgG antibodies against a red cell antigen the patient was previously
sensitized to
(+) direct Coombs test
Labs typical of hemolysis (Decreased haptoglobin, increased LDH)
haptoglobin takes up free hemoglobin; therefore, haptoglobin is decreased
when hemoglobin is increased in the serum in things like hemolysis
antibodies to Rh, Kell, Kidd can activate complement and produce fatal reactions
(similar to ABO mismatches)
antibodies that do not fix complement → red cell opsonization, extravascular
hemolysis, spherocytosis (minor signs and symptoms)
Infectious complications
Bacterial causes are often due to skin contamination at time of donation
Platelets >> RBCs because platelets must be stored at room temperature
Signs and symptoms resemble hemolytic and nonhemolytic reactions → may start
broad spectrum antibiotics
Viral causes are less frequent due to screening
Infection may occur if donor is acutely infected but viral DNA is not yet detected with
nucleic acid testing (HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, (also prions)
frequent donors or IV drug users who donate and get past the screening; lab error
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
Severe, often fatal event of factors in transfused blood activating neutrophils in
the lung microvasculature
More frequent in patients with lung disease
Two hit model
Transfused antibodies attack neutrophils
FFP and platelets contain more antibodies and are more likely to lead to this
Donations to multiparous women with exposure to multiple MHCI Antigens has a
high risk
Identify donor product because likely to occur in other patients receiving the
Dramatic, rapid onset of respiratory failure during or soon after a transfusion
patient has diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
Fever, hypotension, hypoxemia
Prognosis and treatment
Unresponsive to diuretics
Treatment: supportive
Prognosis: guarded (5% mortality if uncomplicated, 6-7% mortality in complicated
Antithrombin III (AT III) Deficiency
Deficiency of a serine protease that functions to inhibit thrombin activation
Increased conversion of prothrombin into thrombin (hypercoagulable state)
Cofactor: heparin (amplifies activity)
Variable presentation
Early death to recurrent pulmonary emboli
Recurrent lower extremity thrombophlebitis and DVT, venous insufficiency, chronic leg
50% of patients have a DVT or PE by age 30
Pregnant women have a significantly increased risk of DVT due to hypercoagulable state
< 50% normal activity
Prophylactic with anticoagulants
heparin if you're pregnant
heparin activated anti-thrombin III
Patient with DVT? Heparin in HIGH doses
Replacement therapy for DVT patients that do not respond to heparin
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
formerly known as
anticardiolipin antibody syndrome
lupus anticoagulant
don't have to have lupus to have antiphospholipid
it's not an anticoagulant, it’s a procoagulant -- thrombosis is major feature of
false positive VDRL antibody syndrome
Circulating antibodies to phospholipid
Prolonged phospholipid-dependent coagulation test (PTT) -- along with vWF,
Hemophilia A and B
Lack of correction in 1:1 mixing studies with normal plasma
DRVVT (Dilute Russell Viper Venom Time) may be more specific than PTT
Cerebral ischemia, recurrent stroke (especially in young patients!)
UBO (unidentified bright objects) on MRI
Connective tissue disease (seen in 50% of patients
Prolonged PTT (not corrected with mixing studies)
Valvular heart disease or CAD in some patients
No benefit from anticoagulation unless the patient has a history of thromboembolic
With a history of multiple positive tests over 3-12 months
Lifelong anticoagulation.
If necessary during pregnancy: SQ heparin
Hydroxychloroquine (malaria drug) may reduce thromboembolism in some
patients with APS and SLE
1:1 Mixing Test
patient has a prolonged clotting time
Is something interfering with the test or is the patient missing clotting factors?
Equal amounts of patients serum + test serum
Clotting time corrects: patient is missing something
Type 1 vWF disease
Hemophilia A (VIII) and B (IX)
Clotting time is not corrected: patient serum contains an entity that interferes with
eg antiphospholipid syndrome