Scheme of Examination: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (P.G.D.M.)

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This course in Business Policy and Strategic Management is framed to help the students

to learn the concepts related to Business Policies and Strategic Management so as to

understand how a successful Business Policies and Strategies are framed at different

levels of Management for organizational success and smooth functioning of an

organization in today’s dynamic environment.

I Introduction to Business Policy & Strategic Management: [9%]

- Definition, Concept, Objective and Significance

- The levels at which strategy operates

- Characteristic of Strategic Management

- An Overview: Strategic Management Process

- Concept of Strategic Decision Making

II Strategy Formulation: [20%]

- Understanding Strategic Intent: Vision, Mission, Business Definition, Goals and


- Concepts of Strategic Stretch, Leverage & Fit

- Environment Appraisal: Concept & Environmental Sector; PEST Analysis

- Organizational Appraisal: Concepts & Capability Factors ; Porter’s Value Chain

Model ,Balance score card

- Framework for developing Strategic Advantage

- SWOT Analysis as a Tool for assessing Organizational Capabilities and

Environment Opportunities

- Type of Strategies: Corporate Level (Concept of Grand Strategies) , Business


- Guidelines for Crafting Successful Business Strategies

III Strategy Analysis and Choice: [22%]
- Corporate Level Strategy Analysis: BCG Matrix & GE 9 cell Matrix,

- Business Level Strategy Analysis: Life Cycle Analysis,

Porter’s Five Forces of Industry Analysis

- Concept of Strategic Decision Making.

- Subjective Factors in Strategic Choice and Process of Strategic Choice

IV Strategy Implementation: [18 %]

- Interrelation Between Strategy Formulation and Implementation

- Aspects of Strategy Implementation

- An overview of Project, Procedural Implementation, Resource Allocation

- Structural Implementation: An overview of: Structural Consideration, Structure

for Strategies.

- Behavioral Implementation: An overview of: Leadership, Corporate Culture,

Corporate Politics and Use of Power, Personal Values and Business Ethics.

- Functional /Operational Implementation: An overview of: Functional Strategies

V Strategy Evaluation and Control : [13%]

- An Overview of Strategic Evaluation and Control

- Strategic Control and Operational Control

- Techniques for Strategic Evaluation and Control

- Role of Organizational Systems in Evaluation

- Mc Kinsey’s 7s Framework.

VI. Cases in Strategic Management: [18%]

- Minimum five cases encompassing the above topics to be analyzed and

discussed in the class. Cases to be incorporated in Question Paper

Books Recommended
1. Business Policy & Strategic Management – Azhar Kazmi

2. Strategic Management, 12th Ed. – Concepts and Cases – Arthur A. Thompson Jr.

and A.J.Strickland

3. Management Policy and Strategic Management (Concepts, Skills and Practices) –


4. Business Policy and Strategic Management – P.Subba Rao

5. Strategic Planning Formulation of Corporate Strat

Paper Code : 302 :International Business Environment

Intent :

The primary objective of this course is to acquaint the students with emerging global trends in
business environment.

1. Introduction to International Business - The Global Economy of the 21st century ,

Drivers and restrainers of globalization , strategic decisions in International business and
its significance , Economic environment , demographic environment , political /
regulatory environment , natural environment, Technological environment, Transfer of
Technology .
2. World Financial Environment : Foreign Exchange Market Mechanism ; Determinants of
Exchange rates ; Euro - currency market ; Offshore Financial centers ; International
Banks ; Non - Banking Financial Service Firms ; Stock markets ; Financial Derivatives.

3. International Trading Environment , Trade Blocs , Forms of Integration , Economic

integration of developing countries.
4. GATT / WTO and Global Liberalization : GATT ; UNCTAD ; The Uruguay Round ,
Salient Features of UR agreements ; GATS , TRMs, TRIPS ; patents ; dispute
settlements , anti - dumping measures ; WTO and developing countries , Evaluation of
GATT and WTO , WTO and India.

5. International Investment and finance : Types of Foreign private investment , growth and
dispersion of foreign direct investments ( FDIs ) Foreign investments in India , EXIM
6. International Goods , services , Financial flows and Balance of payments : Balance of
payments disequilibrium and its correction , Recent World Trade and Foreign investment
trends , Trade and BOP of India , highlights of India's trade performance ; determinants
of exports and imports ; trends in invisibles and current accounts ; major problems in
India's export sector.
7. Some Social Issues in International Business Ethics and Social responsibility of business ,
Environmental issues , Labour issues.
8. India in the Global Setting : India - An Emerging Market , India and China ,
Liberalization and integration with the global economy , India and US.

9. Case Study discussion. .


1. Cherunilam, Francis International Business Text and Cases , 4th ed. Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi , 2007 .
2. Aswathappa , K , - Essentials of Business Environment , Himalaya Publishing House , 2006
3. Hill , Charles WL and Jain, Arun Kumar , International Business : Competing in the Global
Market Place, Tata McGraw Hill ed. , 2006.
4. Cherunilam, Francis – Business Environment Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House,
5. K. Ramanathan, Case Studies on India Inc : Going Global, The ICFAI University Press.
6. K. Aswathappa, International Business, Third Edn., 2009, Tata McGraw Hill Companies.
7. Cherunilam, Francis, International Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, 2009.
8. Pradip Kumar Sinha & Sanchari Sinha, International Business Management, A Global
Perspective, 2008, Excel Books.

Course Code EM-01: Advertising and Marketing Communication


i) To enable students to build a sound theoretical and practical understanding of the

formulation of promotional strategy and the management of the marketing
communication process
ii) To develop an understanding of the economic and creative justifications for marketing
communications and
iii) To be sensitive to legal and ethical considerations in the formulation and the
implementation of marketing communications strategy.

1. Introduction to advertising. : Marketing mix and advertising , Product life cycle and
advertising, Contemporary advertising , Advertising Formulas, Basic Elements of the
Promotional Mix, Indian advertising, Advertising in the 21st century, role of advertising ,
Function of advertising, Tools of sales promotion.

2. The communication process : Major objectives of

marketing communications, Communication process , Consumer behavior perspective,
Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Model, Hierarchy of communication
effect, Hierarchy of Effects Model - AIDA

3. Advertising objectives and budgeting : Communication objective , DAGMAR

approach for setting advertising objectives, criticism of DAGMAR approach, Factors
affecting advertisement budget Budgeting , Methods of budgeting , Advantage and

4. Media planning and Strategy : Types of media , Establishing media objectives,

Develop and implement media strategies , Media reach and frequency , Qualitative
aspects of media vehicle source , Determining the relative cost of media , Problems of
media planning , National and international advertising agencies.
5. Monitoring evaluation and control : Developing an
advertising campaign(MODEL), Advertising effectiveness , Reasons for measuring
effectiveness , Advertising effectiveness measurement , Advertising research ,
Advertising message research. Evaluating advertising effectiveness

6. Economics , social and ethical implications of advertising : Economics issues , Social

issues , Ethical issues .

7. Creative strategy : Planning Creative Strategy, Creative process , Elements of

creative strategy , Creative strategy implementation , Advertising appeal , Advantages
and disadvantages,

8. International Marketing Communication: Role of international marketing

communication in international marketing, Cultural and other differences, Global Vs.
localized marketing communications, Organizing for international marketing

9. Case Study discussion.

Student’s Presentation + Case Study

Text Books:

1. Belch G. and M. Belch. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing

Perspective, Special Indian Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
2. Duncan, Tom, Advertising and IMC, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007

Reference Books:

1. Clow, K. & Baack, D., Integrated Advertising and Promotion and Marketing
Prentice Hall, India, 2004
2. Smith, P.R and Taylor, Jonathan, Marketing Communication, Kogan Page, 2004
3. Batra, Myers and Aaker, Advertising Management, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.
The course focuses on the strategic perspective of International Marketing that is required for
every marketing marketer dealing with the Modern Multinational Organizations in the globally
competitive scenario.

Introduction: L-P-G –Concept & Importance ; International marketing concepts, opportunities
and challenges in international marketing

International Marketing Environment: Economic environment, cultural environment, political-
legal environment

International Marketing Planning: Planning and organizing for international marketing, Market
Entry Strategies.

International Marketing Research : Introduction, Concept , Research Process ; International
Marketing Information System.

International Market Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning : Introduction ,
Segmentation criteria; Segmentation bases; International Market Selection ; International Market
Targeting; International Market Positioning

International Product Decisions: Product policy, product adaptation and standardization; Product
Life Cycle ; Global Branding and Packaging; New Product development

Pricing for International Marketing : Factors influencing pricing, pricing strategies.

International Distribution and Logistics System : Channel Of Distribution, Factors Affecting
Channel Choice, Logistics Systems .

International Advertising and Promotion : Creative Challenges, media planning and selection,
Sales promotion; Managing personal selling.
Case Discussions
Onkvisit, Sak and Shaw: International Marketing: Strategy and Theory, Routledge, London.
Czinkota, M.R.: International Marketing, Dryden Press, Boston.
Keegan, Warren J.: Global Marketing Management; Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Cateora, Philip R. : International Marketing, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Varshney, Bhattacharya – International Marketing Management – an Indian perspective, Sultan
publication, .
Joshi, Rakesh Mohan- International Marketing, Oxford University Press,
Srinivasan,R. : International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India
Das, Satpathy, Sharan: Transnational Marketing Strategy, New Age International Publiishers
Course Code EM – 03: Marketing Of Services


The primary objective is to familiarize students with the concepts of service marketing and to
equip with tools and techniques for applications of these concepts to real life problems and issues
in service environment.


1. Growth and Importance of Services: Introduction of services, service sector – Indian

scenario, importance of services marketing, Introduction of service marketing
environment, reasons for growth of service sector, types of services
2. Understanding Service Market : Introduction of consumer behaviour in services,
motivation and consumer behaviour, Maslow‟s Hierarcy of needs, Perception and
consumer behavior, social factors, cultural factors, psychological factors, personal factors
, Segmentation strategies, bases of segmentation , guidelines for selecting target market,
approaches to target market , why positioning, effective positioning, positioning the
intangibles, positioning process, positioning maps
3. Service Marketing Mix : Product-features, service development is different, reasons for
development, types of new services , Pricing : Introduction, challenges, problems, service
pricing, service industry pricing methods , Place : Distributiong of services, major
intermediaries for service delivery, delivery , Promotion: introduction, identification of
target market, message development for right communication effect, communication mix
, People : service encounter, employees, training and development, motivation , Phisical
evidence : introdluction, what is physical evidence , Process : Introduction, critical
moments, blue printing, building a service blue print, advantages of blue printing
4. Service Quality : Introduction, dimension of quality, application of quality determinants
, Understanding quality management, the Gronroos Model, measuring service quality,
introduction, SERVQUAL
5. Service Marketing Triangle : External marketing, Internal marketing : two aspects of
internal marketing, defining internal marketing, Is internal marketing approach useful?,
two aspects of internal marketing, using traditional marketing tools on employees,
internal marketing values and practices
6. Relationship and Interactive Marketing : Relationship marketing defined, application
of relationship marketing, customer relationship , what is interactive marketing, 4C‟s of
customer service mix, Interactive marketing methods
7. Service Application :
Marketing of Hotel Industry

Marketing of Insurance Services

Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of Education

8. Case study discussion (8hours)

Text Book:

1. M.K. Rampal and S.L.Gupta, Service Marketing concepts, applications and cases, Galgotia
Publishing Company, 2006.
2. Harsh V. Verma, Services Marketing, Text and Cases, Pearson Education, 2008

Reference Book:

1. Cristopher H. Lovelock & Jochen Writz, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Valerie A Zeithaml & Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
company Ltd., 2004.
3. K. Douglas Hoffman & John E.G. Bateson, Marketing of Services, Cengage Learning, 2006.
Course Code EM 04 : Sales & Distribution Management

The course aims to impart skills and knowledge needed to manage sales and distribution
function. As a successful marketer, the sales and distribution function needs to be handled from a
strategic perspective that is the main focus area of this course.

1. Introduction to Sales Management: The Sales Management Function – Nature, Scope and
Importance; Sales as a function of marketing management; Personal Selling Process ; AIDA
Case Studies/Exercises
2. Sales Management Strategy & Sales Organization: Formulation of Sales Management
Strategy; Sales Personnel Duties & Responsibilities; Methods of Selling ; Role of Sales
Organization; Sales Organization Structure Developing Sales Organization; Integrating Sales &
Case Studies/Exercises
3. Sales Quotas: Concept & importance of Sales quotas, Types of sales quotas-sales volume
quotas, profit quotas, expense quotas, activity quotas, combination quotas .
Case Studies /Exercises
4. Territory Management: Concept and activities of territory management, Rationale behind
territory management.

5. Sales Force Management: Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel; Training Sales
Personnel, Motivating the Sales Force; Sales Force Compensation.
Case Studies /Exercises
6. Distribution Planning and Control: Role and Function of Intermediaries; Type of Marketing
Channels; Channel Selection and Motivation of Intermediaries; Channel Conflict and
Management; Patterns / Intensity of Distribution.
Case Studies/Exercises

7. Distribution System and Logistics: Physical Distribution System – Decision Areas; Different
Modes of Transport in India; Their Characteristics
Case Studies/Exercises
8. Contemporary Issues in Sales & Distribution : Hard Sell & Soft Sell ; Product Centered
Selling & Client Centered Selling ; Vertical Marketing Systems; Horizontal Marketing Systems;
Multi Level Marketing.

Text Book
 Gupta S L,(2010) “Sales and Distribution Management- Text & Cases”, Excel Books,
 Singh Ramendra (2016), “Sales and Distribution Management-Practice Based Approach”
Vikas Publishing House.


 Still, R. R. & Cundiff, E. W., Govoni, N. A. P. (2003). Sales Management. Prentice Hall
of India,
 Carter, Tony ; Sales Force Management- A Contemporary Approach, Jaico Books
 Newman A J and Cullen P, (2005), “Retailing: Environment and Operations”, Thomson
 Emiko Bonafield (1999),”Harnessing Value in the Supply Chain”, John Wiley :
 Berman B and Evans J R, (2007) “Retail Management”, Pearson Education.
Code EF-01: Merger, Acquisition And Corporate Restructuring


Merger and acquisition captures the multi-dimensional facets, such as strategic, financial legal
aspects of this phenomenon. As India moves towards a market economy, one is already
witnessing a spate of mergers, acquisitions, divestments, strategic alliances and other modes of
restructuring for organizational renewal.


Corporate Restructuring: Meaning, Definition, Reasons & Motives

 Types and Style of Mergers and Acquisition
 Demerger, Spin off, Divesture, Reverse Merger & Slump sale.
 Forms and Choice of Strategic Business Alliance
 Need & Current Relevance of Strategic Business Alliance

Target Valuations and Selection Process

 Different Methods of Valuation
 Valuation on the basis of Assets, Earnings etc.
 DCF Techniques, EVA, MCA etc.
 Cost Benefit Analysis

Funding of Merger and Acquisition and Performance Analysis

 Negotiation Approaches
 Determination of Swap Ratio and EPS Analysis
 Funding of Merger
 Post Merger Performance Measurement & Analysis

Accounting and Tax Aspects of Mergers and Acquisition

 Accounting Standards
 Taxation issues involved in Merger & Acquisition

Legal Implications, Takeovers and Other Issues

 Legal Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions
 Takeover Code
 Takeover Defense Mechanism
 Buyback of Shares
 Managing Post Merger Issues
(i) Verma J.C., Corporate Mergers, Amalgamations and Takeovers: Concept, Practice and
(ii) Sudarsanam P.S., Essence of Mergers and Acquisitions
(iii)Weston, Chung and Hoag Mergers, Restructuring and Corporate Control
(iv) Kar, Rabi Narayan, Merger and Acquisition of Enterprises, Indian and Global
Course Code EF-02: Derivatives and Risk Management


The objective of the course is to give in depth knowledge of the functioning of financial
derivatives in stock and forex markets and commodity derivatives market and their application in
risk management.

Introduction to Derivatives: Definition of Derivatives, factors driving the growth of Derivatives,

Derivatives products, participants, economic function of derivative market, exchange traded vs
OTC derivatives, NSE‟s Derivatives market, Options on stock indices, currency futures
contracts, general approach to pricing derivatives securities, interest rate derivatives securities,
derivatives market in India.

Futures and Options Markets: Forward Contracts, limitations of forward contracts, Introduction
to Futures Contracts, difference between forwards and futures, Introduction to Options,
difference between options and futures, index derivatives, futures payoffs, pricing stock and
index futures, the use of futures for hedging, speculation and arbitrage, Options payoffs, pricing
stock and index Options, Black Scholes options model, binomial model, properties of stock
option prices, trading strategies involving options, the use of Options for hedging, speculation
and arbitrage, Futures and Options Greeks.

Trading: Futures and Options trading system, the traders workstation, contract specifications for
index futures, index options, stock futures and stock options, eligibility criteria of stocks for
derivatives trading especially on account of corporate restructuring, charges.

Clearing and Settlement: Clearing entities, Clearing and settlement mechanism, adjustment for
corporate actions, risk management, margining system (SPAN).

Accounting for Derivatives: Accounting for futures and options, taxation of Profit/loss on
derivative transaction in securities, STT on derivatives transactions

Currency Futures and Options Markets: Option terminology, Currency Options, Hedging with
Currency Options, Elementary Option Strategies, Futures Options, Innovation with Embedded
Options, Put Call Option Interest rate parity, Currency Futures, NSE‟s currency Derivatives
segment and Trading process, Hedging and Speculation with Currency Futures.

Financial Swaps: Currency Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps, Valuation of Swaps, Applications of
IRSs, IRS market in India.

Commodity Derivatives Market and Risk Management: Difference between Commodity

Derivatives and Financial derivatives, Global Commodity Derivative Exchanges, Evolution of
the commodity market in India, commexes in India, NCDEX and MCX, Trading of commodity
Futures, Pricing of Commodity Futures, Using Commodity Futures , Clearing and Settlement,
Risk Management at NCDEX, Role of FMC.

Case Study Discussions and Class discussions on current topics

Text Books:

1. Hull C John, “Options, Futures and Other Derivatives”, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall of


1. S. S. S Kumar, “Financial Derivatives”, Prentice Hall India

2. V K Bhalla, “Investment Management-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Seventeenth Edition, S.Chand
3. Srivastava R and Mishra A, “Financial Management”, Oxford University Press
4. I M Pandey, “Financial Management”, Ninth Edition, Vikas Publications.
5. R.M. Kishor, “Financial Management”, Seventh Edition, Taxmann.
6. Alan C. Shapiro, “Multinational Financial Management” Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall of
7. Madura J, “International Financial Management”, Cengage Learning
8. Vohra, “Futures and Options”, Tata McGraw Hill
9. Sharpe, William F. et al, “Invesment”, Prentice Hall of India
10. Handbook- NCFM Commodity Market Module
Course Code EF-03: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management


The purpose of this course is to impart the knowledge about various investment alternatives,
their valuation and portfolio management techniques to enable students to take financial
decisions on the basis of risk and return.


Introduction to Investment– Meaning, difference between investment, speculation and gambling,

investment process, investment alternatives, investment factors and motives, types of securities,
stock market indices; Risk and Return- types of risk, beta as a measure of risk, risk aversion,
computation of risk, discussion on sub prime crisis, types of return AR and GR.

Valuation of Securities:- Bond Valuation- definition, types, features, Bond risk and return, YTM,
Yield to call/put, yield on indexed linked bonds, yield curves, Bond theorems, convexity,
theories of term structure of interest rates, Bond Duration and Bond Immunisation; Stock Return
and valuation-definition, types, calculation of current yield, Holding period return (HPR),
Models of equity valuation-earnings valuation, revenue valuation, Cash valuation, Asset
Valuation and DCF Models, Models based on P/E ratio, Preferred Stock Valuation.

Security Analysis:- Fundamental Analysis- Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis and Company
Analysis; Technical Analysis:- Introduction, pattern study, indicators, trading strategies, trading
psychology and Risk management, Introduction to Behavioral Finance, behavioral biases,
trading of securities, short sell and types of orders; Efficient Market Hypothesis )

1. Portfolio Analysis: Meaning of Portfolio, diversification, Portfolio Selection-using

Markowitz Mean Variance Criteria (MVC), Efficiency Frontier; Sharpe Single Index
Model, Sharpe‟s optimal portfolio; CAPM and APT: Assumptions and Applications;
Portfolio Evaluation- Sharpe, Treynor‟s and Jenson‟s performance Indices; Forecasting
portfolio performance- Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Theory and Behavioral

2. Case Study Discussions and Class discussions on current topics

Text Books:

1. Punithavathy Pandian(2010), “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Vikas

Publishing House
2. Ranganatham and Madhumati(2010), “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Pearson Education

Suggested Readings:

1.Fischer and Jordan, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Publications
2.Reilly and Brown, “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Eighth Edition,
Cengage Learning
3.Meir Kohn, ““Financial Institutions and Markets”, Second Edition, Oxford University
4.Saunders and Cornett, “Financial Markets and Institutions-An introduction to Risk
Management Approach”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
5.Sudhindra Bhat, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Excel Books
6.Bhalla V K, “Investment Management-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Seventeenth Edition, S.Chand
7.Avadhani V A (2010), “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publication
8.Gangadhar and Babu, “Investment Management”, Anmol Publications
9.Singh Preeti(2010), “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publication
10.Chandra Prasanna (2010), “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Tata
McGraw Hill
11.Kevin S(2010), “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Prentice Hall of India
Course Code EF-04 : Banking And Insurance

To provide to the students basic Concept and Principles of Banking and Insurance including
their role in Indian Economy.

Banking in India : Meaning, origin , history and structure of banking; Nationalisation of Banks,
reasons of nationalisation; Recommendations of Tandon , Dahejia and Marathe Committees.

Commercial Banking : Meaning, functions and structure of Commercial banks; factors

affectinliquidity and profitability, credit creation; balance sheet of Commercial bank; Changing
functions and role of Commercial banks, Services rendered by them; systems of Banking.

Non Performing Assets : Types of advances, definition and categorization of NPAs, Provision on
NPAs, Reporting of NPAs and measures to reduce NPAs; ARCs
Cooperative Banking : Meaning and structure of cooperative banking, cooperative credit
institutions-short term and long term credit.
Reserve Bank of India : Origin and evolution of RBI, Functions and Structure of RBI, Monetary
Policy and its instruments (Qualitative and Quantitative)
ALM : ALM in banks, ALM system in banks – Guidelines, ALM Information Systems, ALM
Organization, Composition of ALCO, ALM Process.
Credit Risk Management : Credit risk, credit risk management and its instruments, Basel II, Risk
Financing , Credit derivatives
Microfinance : Introduction, features of microfinance, ways of delivering microfinance – SHG,
IBPs, Grameen Model and Mixed model, Role of commercial banks in microfinance, Growth
and challenges faced by in microfinance, Microfinance in India and its scope.
Introduction to Insurance : Definition, functions, principles of Insurance, Types of Life insurance
plans, Group Insurance.

Types of Insurance : Life and non-life, structure of Insurance companies, Private and public
players in insurance, Scope of Insurance in India.

Calculation of premium : Life Insurance, concept of bancassurance, methods of bancassurance.

Underwriting, classification of risks, financial underwriting, assessing the risk. Claims and
settlement procedure. Marketing of insurance products. Role of Insurance agent.
References :-
1. Managing Life Insurance –(PHI Learning)

2. Modern Banking theory & Practice – Muraleedharan (PHI Learning)

3. Introduction to risk Management and Insurance – Dorfman (PHI Learning)

4. Economics of Microfinance – Armedariz & Murdoch (PHI Learning)

5. Elements of Banking & Insurance – Sethi & Bhatia (PHI Learning)

6. Insurance – Theory & Practice – Tripathy & Pal (PHI Learning)

7. Core Banking Solution – Evaluation of security & Control (PHI Learning)

8. Fundamental of risk & Insurance – Vanghan (Wiley india)

9. Risk Management & Insurance Perspective in Global Skipper Economy (Wiley India)

10. Understand Microfinance – Panda (Wiley India)

11. Bank Management and Financial Services – Peter S. Rose, C. Hudgins (MC Graw Hill)

12. Banking Law & Practice – K.P. Kandaswani, S. Natarajan, R. Parameswasan, S. Chand)

13 Insurance Principles & Practice – M.N. Mishra, .B. Mishra (S. Chand)

14 Risk Management in Banks – S. Singh, Yogesh Singh (Excel Books)

15 Micro Finance- V.S. Somanath (Excel Books)

16 Introduction in Banking – Viygaragaran/ gengor (Excel Books)

17 Indian Banking – Recent reforms & Regulation – Katuri ZNageswar Rao (IC Fai Books)

18. Merger in Banking Industry – A Global Perspective – vandana Shajan IC Fai Books)

19 N.P.A. in banking system – Trends & Challengers Gopala Krishna Murthy(ICFAI)

20. Principales of Insurance Management – Neelamm C Gulati (Excel)


Course Code EH-01 : Labor Laws & Industrial Safety

This course is designed to promote a critical understanding of substantive and procedural labor
laws. The approach is to develop skills in handling legal issues in industrial relations and other
labor matters.

Introduction: Industrial Jurisprudence, Constitution Principles of industrial jurisprudence of India
vis-avis labor legislations, fundamental rights and labor laws. Labor legislation, Growth,
objective & classification.

National Wage Policy :Objectives of National Wage Policy, Evolution of National Wage Policy,
The Fair Wage Committee Report, Wage structure

The Minimum Wage Act, 1936 :DefinitionsFixation and Revision of Minimum Wages, Payment
of minimum wages, Enforcement of the act

The payment of Wages Act, 1936: Definitions, Rules for payment of wages, Deduction from
wages, Enforcement of the act

The payment of Bonus Act, 1965: Definitions, Eligibility and Disqualification for bonus,
Determination of bonus, Payment and recovery of bonus, Disputes, Registers and records,
Enforcement of the Act

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, Definitions, Payment of Remuneration at Equal rates ,
Advisory Committee, Enforcement of the Act

Profit Sharing and Co partnership The Concept of profit sharing , Rationale of profit sharing,
Profit sharing in India, Bonus, Co-partnership, Employee stock option plan

Health, safety, security and labor welfare

Industrial Health and Safety : Medical Aid, Environment Hygiene, Research, Statutory
Provisions for Health of workers, Industrial Safety, Industrial Accidents, Measured for Ensuring
Industrial Safety, Statutory provisions for industrial safety.

The Factories Act, 1948 : Definitions, Inspection of Factories , Health of Workers in Factories,
Safety of Workers in Factories, Provisions relating to hazardous processes, Provisions relating to
welfare, Working hours for adults, Employment of Women, Employment of young persons,
Annual leave with wages, Occupational Hazards

Social Security : The concept of social security, Objectives of social security, Methods of social
security, ILO and social SECURITY, Social Security in India, The Employees state Insurance
Act, 1948, Workmen‟s Compensation Act,1923, The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961, The
Employees, provident funds act, 1952, Review of Social security system

Employee Welfare: The Concept of Employee Welfare, Scope of Labor welfare, Rationale of
employee welfare, Theories of labor welfare, Labor welfare in India, Types of welfare services,
Provisions of Factories Act regarding Labor welfare, Labor welfare officer

Workmen‟s Compensation Act, 1923 : Definitions, Rules Regarding workmen‟s compensation,

Notice and Claim, Commissioner for workmen‟s compensation, Appeals

The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 :Definitions, Prohibition of Employment, Maternity Benefits,
Leave and Nursing Breaks, Protects of Beneficiaries

The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 : Definitions, Employees‟ State Insurance Corporation,
Employee‟s Stat Insurance Fund, Contributions, Benefits under ESI Scheme, Adjudications of
disputes and claims, Penalties

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 : Definitions, Payment of Gratuity, Employer‟s Obligation to
pay gratuity

The Employees PF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 : Definitions, The Advisory Board,
Registration of Establishment employing contract labor, The Employees Deposit linked
insurance scheme, The Employees pension scheme, 1995, Determination and recovery of money
due from and by employees, Inspectors.

Contract Labor(regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 : Definitions, The Advisory Board,
Registration of establishment employing contract labor, Licensing of contractors, Welfare and
health of contract labor, Penalties and procedures, Inspecting staff

Trends and emerging issues in labor legislations: The Changing role of Tomorrow‟s Trade
Unions, Status of women and minority workers: Global , HR perspective labor laws in India: At
Crossroads, need to balance efficiency with equity, Recent amendments in labor legislations

Case study discussions

1. Singh B.D. : „ Industrial Relations and Labor laws‟, Excel Books, 2008
2. Singh B.D.: „ Labor Laws for Managers‟, Excel Books 2007
3. AM Sarma : Aspects of labor welfare and social service
4. R.K. Jain and Sunil Rao :Industrial Safety, Health &Environmental Management systems

5 Padhi, PK : „Labor and Industrial laws‟ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd..,

6.Sarma, AM : „Industrial Jurisprudence and Labor Legislation‟, Himalaya

Publishing house, 2004
Course Code EH 02 : Training & Development


This Course aims at focusing students on significance of training needs and issues related to

HRD. It also emphasizes upon the procedures & methods of the training and development and

highlights the implementation of training programs in the organization.


Introduction to Training & Development : Concept of HRD & its objectives ; Principles of HRD;

Concept of Training, Objectives of Training , Importance & Benefits of Training; Concept of

Development and its importance, Training versus Development; Training versus Education.

Training Need Analysis (TNA): Meaning, Components of TNA, Six component Analyses of

training needs; Data Collection for TNA.

Training Design & Development: Brief on Training Process; Context of Training Design,

Principles of Training Design, Training Design Process, Selecting the Training Methods.

Training Evaluation: Meaning, Training Evaluation Model (Levels); Data Collection for

Training Evaluation; Suggestions for better Training Evaluation.

Training & Facilitation Skills: Trainer‟s Competence (K,S,A); Teaching, Presentation Skills,

Modern Training Aids used in Imparting training.

Contemporary issues in Training & Development : Career Planning; Mentorship; Succession

Planning, Transformational Leadership; E-Learning.

Case Discussions

1. Naik, G P : “Training and Development-Text Research &

Cases”, ExcelBooks, Delhi, (2010)

2. Sloman, M.. A Handbook for Training Strategy. Jaico Publishing

House, (2001)

3. Lynton Rolf, P. & Pareek, Udai : Training for Organisational Transformation. Sage

Publication, (2000).

4. Rao, P L : “Enriching Human Capital Through Training and

Development-Text Research & Cases”, Excel

Books, Delhi, (2008),

5. Rishipal, : “Training and Development Methods”, S. Chand

Publishing, Delhi, (2011)

Course Code EH-03 : Compensation and Reward Management


This course has been designed to explain how compensation systems help organizations attain
and sustain competitive advantage and describe how different types of compensation plans
are implemented. It will also familiarize the students with how organizations manage
performance of the employees in order to achieve success.


Compensation Management: concepts of wage and salary wage compensation compensation

management Types of compensation, national wage policy, problems in wage and salary
administration, minimum living and fair wages, minimum wages act, 1948

Methods of job evaluation: concept ,nature, objectives principles, role of job evaluation in wage
administration,job evaluation programme

Wage incentive plans and ESOP : prerequisites of effective incentive system, scope of incentive
system, types of incentive schemes, group incentive planshalsey premium plan, rowan bonus
plan, emersion efficiency plan bedeaux point plan, taylor‟s piece rate, merrick‟s piecerate,
gantt‟s task and bonus wage plans, employee stock option plan

Employee benefits: meaning and definition, types of employee benefits, principles of fringes

significant benefit and service programmes, administration of benefits and services, international

International pay systems: national systems- Japanese, German and U.S national system,
Expatriate pay

Competency mapping: Concept of Competency mapping.Applications of Competency Mapping

and Assessment Techniques

Performance management: shift from performance appraisal to performance management,

essence of performance management, performance management cycle, defining performance,
concern and scope, history techniques -behavioral anchored rating scheme, MBO, critical
incident techniques. 360 degree feedback- concept, uses, methodology, development,
implementation, advantages and disadvantages, common errors in performance appraisal

Conducting performance and development reviews: key aspects of performance and

development reviews, the basis of reviews, preparing for meeting, coaching and counseling

Case study

1. Richard I. Henderson :Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance Prentice

Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Nilanjan Sengupta : Compensation Management by,Excel Books
3. Dewakar Goel : Performance appraisal and Compensation Management A Modern
Approach by Prentice Hall Of India

4. Gary Dessler : Human Resource Management - Prentice hall 11/e

5. DeCenzo & Stephen Robbins :Human resource Management –8/e

6. R. S. Dwiwedi :Managing Human Resources –vikas publishing house

7. K Aswathappa :Human Resource Management –Tata Mc Graw Hill 4/e

8. VSP Rao :Human resource management- Excel Books 2/e

9. Milkovich & Newman :Compensation Tata Mc Graw Hill 8/e 2007

Course Code EH-04 : Cross Cultural and Global Human Resource Management

The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic conceptual understanding of the cultural
and related behavioral variables in the management of global organizations.

The role of culture: nature of culture; cultural diversity ,values in culture, hofstede‟s cultural,
dimensions; power distance, uncertainty avoidance individualism ,masculinity ?

Cross cultural communication : the overall communication process communication barriers(4),

managing cross cultural negotiations.

Leadership across cultures : recent findings and insights about leadership; transformational,
transactional and charismatic leadership (4hrs) cross cultural leadership insight from the globe

Human resources selection across nations : Sources of human resources selection criteria for
international assignments , international human resource selection procedures

Human resource training and development across different nations; compensation, individual and
host –country view points, repatriation of expatriates, training in international management,
types of training programs

International Industrial Relati) ons ;Introduction ,three actors of Industrial relations, trade Unions,
Concerns of Trade Unions in MNC‟s; collective Negotiations ;Disputes/Conflicts; Quality
Circles and Participative Management.

International Strategic Human Resource Management; Introduction ; peculiarities of global

strategic management ; value creation ; global Strategic Management process ; MNC‟s Business
strategies and HRM strategies ; collaborative strategies ; organizational and human resource

Case study
References :

1. P.L Rao : International HRM by Excel books first edition 2008

2. Terence Jackson: International HRM: A Cross-cultural Approach 2002
3. Maryann H. Albrecht: International HRM: Managing Diversity in the Workplace
4. P. Subba Rao : International HRM
5. Peter.J.Dowling Denice.
E. Welch Intnl. : International HRM Business Press 4th Edition. Thomson
6. Annewil Harzing Jorisvan International HRM by at Sage Publication
Ruyssevel : .
7. Sanjay Srrivastava : International HRM Exel books.
8. Mouir H. Tayeb : Intrenational HRM Sage Publicaation.
9. Ashwathappa : International HRM by.Himalaya Publication.
10. Bhattacharya : Internatiional HRM by Sengupta.
11. Luthans &Doh International Management Culture, strategy and behavior-
Hodgetts, Tata Mc Graw Hill Sixth Edition 2006

Course Code EM – 03: Marketing Of Services


The primary objective is to familiarize students with the concepts of service marketing and to
equip with tools and techniques for applications of these concepts to real life problems and issues
in service environment.


1. Growth and Importance of Services: Introduction of services, service sector – Indian

scenario, importance of services marketing, Introduction of service marketing
environment, reasons for growth of service sector, types of services

2. Understanding Service Market : Introduction of consumer behaviour in services,

motivation and consumer behaviour, Maslow‟s Hierarcy of needs, Perception and
consumer behavior, social factors, cultural factors, psychological factors, personal factors
, Segmentation strategies, bases of segmentation , guidelines for selecting target market,
approaches to target market , why positioning, effective positioning, positioning the
intangibles, positioning process, positioning maps

3. Service Marketing Mix : Product-features, service development is different, reasons for

development, types of new services, Pricing : Introduction, challenges, problems, service
pricing, service industry pricing methods, Place : Distributing of services, major
intermediaries for service delivery, delivery, Promotion: introduction, identification of
target market, message development for right communication effect, communication mix,
People : service encounter, employees, training and development, motivation, Physical
evidence : introduction, what is physical evidence, Process : Introduction, critical
moments, blue printing, building a service blue print, advantages of blue printing

4. Service Quality : Introduction, dimension of quality, application of quality determinants

(1), Understanding quality management, the Gronroos Model, measuring service quality,
introduction, SERVQUAL

5. Service Marketing Triangle : External marketing, Internal marketing : two aspects of

internal marketing, defining internal marketing, Is internal marketing approach useful?,
two aspects of internal marketing, using traditional marketing tools on employees,
internal marketing values and practices

6. Relationship and Interactive Marketing : Relationship marketing defined, application

of relationship marketing, customer relationship , what is interactive marketing, 4C‟s of
customer service mix, Interactive marketing methods
7. Service Application :
Marketing of Hotel Industry

Marketing of Insurance Services

Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of Education

1. Case study discussion (8hours)

Text Book:

3. M.K. Rampal and S.L.Gupta, Service Marketing concepts, applications and cases, Galgotia
Publishing Company, 2006.
4. Harsh V. Verma, Services Marketing, Text and Cases, Pearson Education, 2008

Reference Book:

4. Cristopher H. Lovelock & Jochen Writz, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, 2004.
5. Valerie A Zeithaml & Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
company Ltd., 2004.
6. K. Douglas Hoffman & John E.G. Bateson, Marketing of Services, Cengage Learning, 2006.
Course Code EM 04 : Sales & Distribution Management

The course aims to impart skills and knowledge needed to manage sales and distribution
function. As a successful marketer, the sales and distribution function needs to be handled from a
strategic perspective that is the main focus area of this course.

1. Introduction to Sales Management: The Sales Management Function – Nature, Scope and
Importance; Sales as a function of marketing management; Personal Selling Process ; AIDA
Case Studies/Exercises
2. Sales Management Strategy & Sales Organization: Formulation of Sales Management
Strategy; Sales Personnel Duties & Responsibilities; Methods of Selling ; Role of Sales
Organization; Sales Organization Structure Developing Sales Organization; Integrating Sales &
Case Studies/Exercises
3. Sales Quotas: Concept & importance of Sales quotas, Types of sales quotas-sales volume
quotas, profit quotas, expense quotas, activity quotas, combination quotas .
Case Studies /Exercises
4. Territory Management: Concept and activities of territory management, Rationale behind
territory management.

5. Sales Force Management: Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel; Training Sales
Personnel, Motivating the Sales Force; Sales Force Compensation.
Case Studies /Exercises
6. Distribution Planning and Control: Role and Function of Intermediaries; Type of Marketing
Channels; Channel Selection and Motivation of Intermediaries; Channel Conflict and
Management; Patterns / Intensity of Distribution.
Case Studies/Exercises

7. Distribution System and Logistics: Physical Distribution System – Decision Areas; Different
Modes of Transport in India; Their Characteristics
Case Studies/Exercises
8. Contemporary Issues in Sales & Distribution : Hard Sell & Soft Sell ; Product Centered
Selling & Client Centered Selling ; Vertical Marketing Systems; Horizontal Marketing Systems;
Multi Level Marketing.

Text Book
 Gupta S L,(2010) “Sales and Distribution Management- Text & Cases”, Excel Books,
 Singh Ramendra (2016), “Sales and Distribution Management-Practice Based Approach”
Vikas Publishing House.


 Still, R. R. & Cundiff, E. W., Govoni, N. A. P. (2003). Sales Management. Prentice Hall
of India,
 Carter, Tony ; Sales Force Management- A Contemporary Approach, Jaico Books
 Newman A J and Cullen P, (2005), “Retailing: Environment and Operations”, Thomson
 Emiko Bonafield (1999),”Harnessing Value in the Supply Chain”, John Wiley :
 Berman B and Evans J R, (2007) “Retail Management”, Pearson Education.

Course Code EF-03: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management


The purpose of this course is to impart the knowledge about various investment alternatives,
their valuation and portfolio management techniques to enable students to take financial
decisions on the basis of risk and return.


Introduction to Investment– Meaning, difference between investment, speculation and gambling,

investment process, investment alternatives, investment factors and motives, types of securities,
stock market indices; Risk and Return- types of risk, beta as a measure of risk, risk aversion,
computation of risk, discussion on sub prime crisis, types of return AR and GR.

Valuation of Securities:- Bond Valuation- definition, types, features, Bond risk and return, YTM,
Yield to call/put, yield on indexed linked bonds, yield curves, Bond theorems, convexity,
theories of term structure of interest rates, Bond Duration and Bond Immunisation; Stock Return
and valuation-definition, types, calculation of current yield, Holding period return (HPR),
Models of equity valuation-earnings valuation, revenue valuation, Cash valuation, Asset
Valuation and DCF Models, Models based on P/E ratio, Preferred Stock Valuation.

Security Analysis:- Fundamental Analysis- Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis and Company
Analysis; Technical Analysis:- Introduction, pattern study, indicators, trading strategies, trading
psychology and Risk management, Introduction to Behavioral Finance, behavioral biases,
trading of securities, short sell and types of orders; Efficient Market Hypothesis )

3. Portfolio Analysis: Meaning of Portfolio, diversification, Portfolio Selection-using

Markowitz Mean Variance Criteria (MVC), Efficiency Frontier; Sharpe Single Index
Model, Sharpe‟s optimal portfolio; CAPM and APT: Assumptions and Applications;
Portfolio Evaluation- Sharpe, Treynor‟s and Jenson‟s performance Indices; Forecasting
portfolio performance- Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Theory and Behavioral

4. Case Study Discussions and Class discussions on current topics

Text Books:

3. Punithavathy Pandian(2010), “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Vikas

Publishing House
4. Ranganatham and Madhumati(2010), “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Pearson Education

Suggested Readings:

1.Fischer and Jordan, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Publications
2.Reilly and Brown, “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Eighth Edition,
Cengage Learning
3.Meir Kohn, ““Financial Institutions and Markets”, Second Edition, Oxford University
4.Saunders and Cornett, “Financial Markets and Institutions-An introduction to Risk
Management Approach”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
5.Sudhindra Bhat, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Excel Books
6.Bhalla V K, “Investment Management-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Seventeenth Edition, S.Chand
7.Avadhani V A (2010), “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publication
8.Gangadhar and Babu, “Investment Management”, Anmol Publications
9.Singh Preeti(2010), “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publication
10.Chandra Prasanna (2010), “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Tata
McGraw Hill
11.Kevin S(2010), “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Prentice Hall of India
Course Code EF-04 : Banking And Insurance

To provide to the students basic Concept and Principles of Banking and Insurance including
their role in Indian Economy.

Banking in India : Meaning, origin , history and structure of banking; Nationalisation of Banks,
reasons of nationalisation; Recommendations of Tandon , Dahejia and Marathe Committees.

Commercial Banking : Meaning, functions and structure of Commercial banks; factors

affectinliquidity and profitability, credit creation; balance sheet of Commercial bank; Changing
functions and role of Commercial banks, Services rendered by them; systems of Banking.

Non Performing Assets : Types of advances, definition and categorization of NPAs, Provision on
NPAs, Reporting of NPAs and measures to reduce NPAs; ARCs
Cooperative Banking : Meaning and structure of cooperative banking, cooperative credit
institutions-short term and long term credit.
Reserve Bank of India : Origin and evolution of RBI, Functions and Structure of RBI, Monetary
Policy and its instruments (Qualitative and Quantitative)
ALM : ALM in banks, ALM system in banks – Guidelines, ALM Information Systems, ALM
Organization, Composition of ALCO, ALM Process.
Credit Risk Management : Credit risk, credit risk management and its instruments, Basel II, Risk
Financing , Credit derivatives
Microfinance : Introduction, features of microfinance, ways of delivering microfinance – SHG,
IBPs, Grameen Model and Mixed model, Role of commercial banks in microfinance, Growth
and challenges faced by in microfinance, Microfinance in India and its scope.
Introduction to Insurance : Definition, functions, principles of Insurance, Types of Life insurance
plans, Group Insurance.

Types of Insurance : Life and non-life, structure of Insurance companies, Private and public
players in insurance, Scope of Insurance in India.

Calculation of premium : Life Insurance, concept of bancassurance, methods of bancassurance.

Underwriting, classification of risks, financial underwriting, assessing the risk. Claims and
settlement procedure. Marketing of insurance products. Role of Insurance agent.
References :-
1. Managing Life Insurance –(PHI Learning)

2. Modern Banking theory & Practice – Muraleedharan (PHI Learning)

3. Introduction to risk Management and Insurance – Dorfman (PHI Learning)

4. Economics of Microfinance – Armedariz & Murdoch (PHI Learning)

5. Elements of Banking & Insurance – Sethi & Bhatia (PHI Learning)

6. Insurance – Theory & Practice – Tripathy & Pal (PHI Learning)

7. Core Banking Solution – Evaluation of security & Control (PHI Learning)

8. Fundamental of risk & Insurance – Vanghan (Wiley india)

9. Risk Management & Insurance Perspective in Global Skipper Economy (Wiley India)

10. Understand Microfinance – Panda (Wiley India)

11. Bank Management and Financial Services – Peter S. Rose, C. Hudgins (MC Graw Hill)

12. Banking Law & Practice – K.P. Kandaswani, S. Natarajan, R. Parameswasan, S. Chand)

13 Insurance Principles & Practice – M.N. Mishra, .B. Mishra (S. Chand)

14 Risk Management in Banks – S. Singh, Yogesh Singh (Excel Books)

15 Micro Finance- V.S. Somanath (Excel Books)

16 Introduction in Banking – Viygaragaran/ gengor (Excel Books)

17 Indian Banking – Recent reforms & Regulation – Katuri ZNageswar Rao (IC Fai Books)

18. Merger in Banking Industry – A Global Perspective – vandana Shajan IC Fai Books)

19 N.P.A. in banking system – Trends & Challengers Gopala Krishna Murthy(ICFAI)

20. Principales of Insurance Management – Neelamm C Gulati (Excel)

Course Code EH-03 : Compensation and Reward Management


This course has been designed to explain how compensation systems help organizations attain
and sustain competitive advantage and describe how different types of compensation plans
are implemented. It will also familiarize the students with how organizations manage
performance of the employees in order to achieve success.


Compensation Management: concepts of wage and salary wage compensation compensation

management Types of compensation, national wage policy, problems in wage and salary
administration, minimum living and fair wages, minimum wages act, 1948

Methods of job evaluation: concept ,nature, objectives principles, role of job evaluation in wage
administration, job evaluation programme

Wage incentive plans and ESOP : prerequisites of effective incentive system, scope of incentive
system, types of incentive schemes, group incentive planshalsey premium plan, rowan bonus
plan, emersion efficiency plan bedeaux point plan, taylor‟s piece rate, merrick‟s piecerate,
gantt‟s task and bonus wage plans, employee stock option plan

Employee benefits: meaning and definition, types of employee benefits, principles of fringes

significant benefit and service programmes, administration of benefits and services, international

International pay systems: national systems- Japanese, German and U.S national system,
Expatriate pay

Competency mapping: Concept of Competency mapping.Applications of Competency Mapping

and Assessment Techniques

Performance management: shift from performance appraisal to performance management,

essence of performance management, performance management cycle, defining performance,
concern and scope, history techniques -behavioral anchored rating scheme, MBO, critical
incident techniques. 360 degree feedback- concept, uses,
methodology,development,implementation, advantages and disadvantages,common errors in
performance appraisal

Conducting performance and development reviews: key aspects of performance and

development reviews, the basis of reviews, preparing for meeting, coaching and counseling

Case study

2. Richard I. Henderson :Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance Prentice

Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Nilanjan Sengupta : Compensation Management by,Excel Books
3. Dewakar Goel : Performance appraisal and Compensation Management A Modern
Approach by Prentice Hall Of India

4. Gary Dessler : Human Resource Management - Prentice hall 11/e

5. DeCenzo & Stephen Robbins :Human resource Management –8/e

6. R. S. Dwiwedi :Managing Human Resources –vikas publishing house

7. K Aswathappa :Human Resource Management –Tata Mc Graw Hill 4/e

8. VSP Rao :Human resource management- Excel Books 2/e

9. Milkovich & Newman :Compensation Tata Mc Graw Hill 8/e 2007

Course Code EH-04 : Cross Cultural and Global Human Resource Management

The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic conceptual understanding of the cultural
and related behavioral variables in the management of global organizations.

The role of culture: nature of culture; cultural diversity ,values in culture, hofstede‟s cultural,
dimensions; power distance, uncertainty avoidance individualism ,masculinity ?

Cross cultural communication : the overall communication process communication barriers(4),

managing cross cultural negotiations.

Leadership across cultures : recent findings and insights about leadership; transformational,
transactional and charismatic leadership (4hrs) cross cultural leadership insight from the globe

Human resources selection across nations : Sources of human resources selection criteria for
international assignments , international human resource selection procedures

Human resource training and development across different nations; compensation, individual and
host –country view points, repatriation of expatriates, training in international management,
types of training programs

International Industrial Relations ;Introduction ,three actors of Industrial relations, trade Unions,
Concerns of Trade Unions in MNC‟s; collective Negotiations ;Disputes/Conflicts; Quality
Circles and Participative Management.

International Strategic Human Resource Management; Introduction ; peculiarities of global

strategic management ; value creation ; global Strategic Management process ; MNC‟s Business
strategies and HRM strategies ; collaborative strategies ; organizational and human resource

Case study
References :

12. P.L Rao : International HRM by Excel books first edition 2008
13. Terence Jackson: International HRM: A Cross-cultural Approach 2002
14. Maryann H. Albrecht: International HRM: Managing Diversity in the Workplace
15. P. Subba Rao : International HRM
16. Peter.J.Dowling Denice.
E. Welch Intnl. : International HRM Business Press 4th Edition. Thomson
17. Annewil Harzing Jorisvan International HRM by at Sage Publication
Ruyssevel : .
18. Sanjay Srrivastava : International HRM Exel books.
19. Mouir H. Tayeb : Intrenational HRM Sage Publicaation.
20. Ashwathappa : International HRM by.Himalaya Publication.
21. Bhattacharya : Internatiional HRM by Sengupta.
22. Luthans &Doh International Management Culture, strategy and behavior-
Hodgetts, Tata Mc Graw Hill Sixth Edition 2006
Course Code 401: Business Ethics And Corporate Governance


To develop understanding and encourage students to think analytically and critically on issues
concerning Corporate Governance, Business ethics and Social Responsibility and to help them
understand the implications of three major challenges facing the corporation: Corporate
Citizenship, Globalization and Sustainability.


1. Introduction to Corporate Ethics : Ethics in the world of Business, two types of ethical
theories, Classical Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics, Rights and Virtue, Teleological and
Deontological approaches Whistle- blowing and its justification, Right to Blow the
Whistle, Developing a Company Whistle- Blowing Policy.

2. Ethics in Workplace : Individual in the organization, discrimination and affirmative

action, Women and family issues, Sexual Harassment, unjust dismissal; Ethics in

3. Consumer Protection : Healthy competition and protecting Consumer‟s Interest.

4. Ethics in accounting and Finance : Importance, Issues and common problems.

5. Corporate Social Responsibility : Social responsibility of a business firm, Response of

Indian firms towards corporate social responsibility, Responsibility of business towards
various groups, Environment Issues- protecting the natural environment, prevention of
pollution and depletion of natural resources.

6. Corporate Governance : Governance is more than just Board Processes and procedures,
“Good” Corporate Governance, Obligations of Corporation to society at large, investors,
employees, customers, Managerial obligations , The role of Board of Directors in
ensuring Corporate Governance, Role of CEO

7. Corporate Governance: The India Scenario : Efforts to initiate Corporate governance in

the country, implementation of the Recommendations of Birla Committee Report, Future
of corporate governance in India

8. The Corporation in a Global Society : Role of Multinational Corporations; wages and

working conditions; Foreign Bribery; Cultural differences; Key Global Issues for
business, Caux Round Table, Corporate Governance- A Prerequisite for globalization.

9. Case-Study discussions
Text Books:
1. Boat right, John R., „Ethics and the conduct of Business‟, Pearson Education, 4th ed.,
2. Fernando, A.C, „Corporate Governance: Principals,. Policies and Practices, Pearson
Education, 2006.
3. Andrew Carne & Dirk Matten – Business Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2008.

1. Prasad, Kesho- Corporate Governance‟, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2006
2. Baxi, C.V & Prasad Ajit- Corporate Social Responsibility‟, Excel Books, 2005
3. Valasquez „Business Ethics- Concepts and cases, Prentice Hall, 5th ed., 2002
4. Hartman, Laura P. & Chatterjee, Abha, Perspectives in Business Ethics, Third Ed., Tata
McGraw Hill, 2008.
5. Dr. Neeru Vasishth, Dr. Namita Rajput, Corporate Governance, Values & Ethics,
Taxmann‟s Academic Publications, 2010.
6. Dr. Neeru Vasishth, Dr. Namita Rajput, Business Ethics & Values with Case Studies, 2 nd
Edn., 2009, Taxmann‟s Publications.
7. Harish R., Case Studies on Business Ethics and Corporate Governance – Promoting
Social Responsibility, The ICFAI University Press.
8. Krishna Kumar & Lekha Ravi, Case Studies on Business Ethics and CSR Initiatives, The
ICFAI University Press.
9. Muthu Kumar R., Case Studies on Corporate Governance, The ICFAI University Press.
10. Ramaseshan Iyer H., Case Studies on Ethics and Corporate Governance, Vol. I, The
ICFAI University Press.
11. Doris Rajakumari John, Caste Studies on Corporate Going Green – Issues and Challenges,
The ICFAI University Press.
12. Robert, W. McGee, Readings in Business Ethics, The ICFAI University Press.
Course Code 402: Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management


To provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and its development process, environment and

current scenario in India. It also enables the student to learn about project formulation, appraisal,
finance and implementations. Further it attempts to provide conceptual clarification to small
scale industry and the stages involved in the establishment of small business.


1. Entrepreneur : Definitions and Structure – Concept of Entrepreneurship – Functions and

classifications of entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurial Traits and Motivation – Nature and
importance of entrepreneur – Entrepreneur vs. professional manager – Development of
Women entrepreneurs.

2. Concept of Entrepreneurship : Entrepreneurship and environment – Policies governing

Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Development Programmes – Institutions in aid of
entrepreneurial development – The process of Entrepreneurial Development –
Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship development in other countries.

3. Establishing Entrepreneurial Systems : Role of constancy organizations – Role of

financial institutions – Bank finance to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship development:
Role of development financial institutions.

4. Search for a Business Idea : Concept of project and classification of project – Project
Identification – Project formulation – Project report – Project design and Network
Analysis – Project appraisal – profitability appraisal – Project planning –Financial
analysis and Project financing.

5. Financial analysis: Ratio analysis – Investment process – Break even analysis –

Profitability analysis – Social Cost Benefit Analysis – Budget and Planning process.

6. CASE STUDIES: Project Work

Text Books:

1. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw-

Hill 2009
2. Vasanth Desai ,Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management Himalaya
Publishing House,2009
3. Kurakto, Entrepreneurship-Theory Process and practices, Thomson Learning, 2007
4. Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship Development-Small Business Enterprise,
Pearson Education, 2007
5. P.Saravanavelu ,Entrepreneurship Development, Eskapee publications,2008
6. Sahay, Entrepreneurship and new venture creation, Excel Books,2009
7. Kurota, Hodgetts, Entrepreneurship in new millennium, Cengage Learning, 2007
8. S.S.Khanka ,Entrepreneurial Development, S.Chand & Company Ltd.,2008
9. Mohanty, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Prentice Hall of India,2009
10. Dr. Mathew J. Manimala, Entrepreneurship theory at crossroads, Biztantra, 2007 Lall,
Entrepreneurship, Excel Books, 2009
11. Ramachandran, Entrepreneurship Development, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2008
12. N.P.Srinivasan ,G.P. Gupta ,Entrepreneurial Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2008
13. Vidya Hattangadi, Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publishing House,2009
14. Mclleland, D.C. and Winter, D.G., Motivating Economic Achievement (Free Press, New
York, 1966)
15. Awasthi D. & Sebastian J., Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Progress (Sage Publications,
New Delhi, 1996)
16. David Hall, The Hall mark for successful business (Excel books, 1992)
17. Current Readings
18. Journal of Small Business Management, SEDME, Hyderabad

Course Code EM-05: Brand Management

To present the contemporary view of Brand management and to develop a critical understanding
of Brand management and to develop a critical understanding of the process involved in
building and managing brands in retail environment.


1. Brand Evolution : the beginning, brands and products, brand perspectives, brand levels,
brand evolution
2. Brands and Brand Management :What is a brand, Why do brand matter, strategic brand
management process; Brand equity concept
3. Brands Positioning : Evolution, 3 Cs of positioning, competitive positioning, positioning
4. Consumer Based brand equity : Brand equity as a bridge, sources of brand equity, steps
of brand building, Brand building blocks, Brand salience, brand performance, brand
imagery, brand judgment, brand feelings
5. Brand Marketing Planning & Implementation : Criteria for choosing brand elements,
options and tactics for brand elements, brand names, URL, logos, character, jingles,
6. Brand Inside and outside : brand identity concept, brand identity perspectives and brand
identity levels, Brand image and position.
7. The extensions: line extensions, brand extensions, types of extension and why brand
8. Managing brands over time : Reinforcing brands- brand consistency, protecting brand
equity sources, fine tuning with marketing programs; Revitalizing Brands-expanding
brand awareness, improving brand image, entering new markets
9. Cases & success stories of Brand


1. Brand Management, Harsh Verma, Excel Books

2. Strategic Brand Management, Keller, Pearson
3. Brand Management, Mathur, Mc Milan
4. Brand Management, Moorthi, Vikas Publishing
5. Brand Positioning, Sengupta, Vikas Publishing
6. Best Practice Cases in Branding, Keller, Pearson
7. 27 Brand Practices, Kapoor, Mc Milan
8. Managing Indian Brands, Ramesh Kumar, Vikas Publishing
9. Brand Architecture, Harish, ICFAI Press
10. Brand Revitalisation, Suresh, ICFAI Press
Course Code EM 06: Retail Management

Intent :

To enable students understand basic concept of retailing and various strategies a retailer can
adopt in order to be successful in market.


Introduction to the world of Retailing: What is Retailing, Economic significance of retailing ,

Opportunities in Retailing, Retail Management Decision Process.

Types of Retailers: Trends in the retail industry, Retailer characteristics, Food retailers, general
merchandise retailer, nonstore retail formats, services retailing, types of ownership

Retail Market Strategy : What is a retail strategy? , building a sustainable competitive advantage,
growth strategies, Global growth opportunities, the strategic planning process

Retail Locations and Site Selection : Shopping centers, city or town location, Location and retail
strategy , Factors affection the demand for a region or trade areas, Factors affection the
attractiveness of a site, estimating demand for a new location

Planning Merchandise Assortments: Organizing the buying process by categories, setting

objectives for the merchandise plan , sales forecasting assortment planning process, staple
merchandise buying systems, merchandise, open to buy, allocating merchandise to stores,
analyzing merchandise performance

Retail Pricing and Communication mix: Pricing strategies, approaches for setting prices, price
adjustments, using price to stimulate retail sales, using communication programs to develop
brands and build customer loyalty, methods of communicating with customers, planning the
retail communication process

Managing the Store: Store management responsibilities, recruiting and selecting store employees,
socializing and training new store employees, motivating and managing store employees,
evaluating store employees and providing feedback, compensating and rewarding store
employees, reducing inventory loss
Case study discussion


1. Patrick M. Dunne, Robert F. Lusch

and David A. Griffith: Retailing, Thomson Learning, 2002.

2. Gibson G. Vedamani : Retail Management Functional

Principles and Practices, Jaico

Publishing House, 2004.

3. Rosemary Varley and Mohammed Rafiq: Principles of Retail Management, Polgrave

Macmillan, 2005.
4. Dr. Harjit singh : Retail Management – text & Cases,
S. Chand,2009

5. A. sivakumar : Retail marketing, excel,2006

6. Siva kumar A : Retail marketing, excel books, 2005
7. Nair suja : Retail Management, Himalaya
publishing house, 2007.

8. Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz: Retail Management, Tata McGraw-

Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2003.

The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with major latest provisions of the Indian Tax laws and
related judicial pronouncements if any pertaining primarily related to corporate enterprises having
implications for various aspects of tax planning with a view to derive maximum possible tax benefits
admissible under the law.
 To understand the provisions of direct tax laws
 To get knowledge of various tax incentives and benefits under direct taxes
 To know applications of tax provisions in various cases
 To gain knowledge on procedural aspects for filing tax returns for Individual and Corporate
Introduction  Basis of charge; rates of taxes applicable for different types of
 Concepts of previous year and assessment year ,Gross total
income and Total Income
 Types of companies
 Tax Rates applicable to various assessee
 Residential status and scope of total income; Income deemed
to be received / deemed to accrue or arise in India
 Incomes which do not form part of total income-Prime
Provisions for individual assessees

Heads Heads of income and the provisions governing computation of

of income under different heads primarily related to individual
Income assessee
 Income Under Salary
 Income From House Property
 Profits and gains From Business and Profession-Primarily
 Income under Capital Gains
 Income From Other Sources

Deductions,Clubbing  Deductions from Gross Total Income

and Set off  Aggregation of income and set-off and carry
 forward of losses

Issues relating to Tax  Concept of tax planning, tax evasion, tax management.
Planning  Tax on distributed profits
 Tax planning with reference to form of organization.
 Tax planning with reference to financial management
decision -
 Capital structure, dividend including deemed dividend and
bonus shares
 Tax planning with reference to specific management
decisions -
 Make or buy; own or lease; repair or replace
 Tax planning with reference to employees’ remuneration
 Tax planning incase of mergers of companies

Filing of IT Return  Preparation of return of income

- Manually
- Through software
Procedural Issues relating to Advance Tax and TDS
&Assessment will be covered in this unit

Unit 5-Current issues  Double taxation avoidance agreements-Section 90 and

section 91
 Proposed Direct tax Code-Highlights
 Proposed Goods and service tax Act-Highlights with
emphasis on current issues of VAT, Service Tax
1. Singhania, Vinod K., and Monica Singhania,., “Students’ Guide to Income Tax”,Taxmann
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Singhania, Vinod K. and Kapil Singhania, “Tax Computation on CD”, TaxmannPublications Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Ahuja, Girish and Ravi Gupta, “Direct Tax laws,” Bharat LawHouse, Delhi
4. Lal, B.B., “Income Tax Law and Practice”, Konark Publications, New Delhi.
5. R.N Lakhotia, Subhash Lakhotia, Corporate Tax planning hand book, Vision book’s Publication
6. V.S. Sundaram, Commentaries on the Law of Income- Tax in India, Law Publishers, Allahabad.
7. A.C. Sampath Iyengar, Law of Income Tax, Bharat Publishing House, Allahabad.
8. Bhagmati Prasad, Direct Taxes Laws Practice, Wishwa Prakashan.
9. Chandra, Mahesh., S.P. Goyal and D.C. Shukla, “Income Tax Law and Practice”,Pragati
Prakashan, Delhi.
1. Income Tax Reports, Company Law Institute of India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
2. Taxman, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. The Chartered Accountant, ICAI, New Delhi
4. Current Tax Reporter, Current Tax Reporter, Jodhpur.
Course Code EF-06: International Financial Management


To acquaint students with the financial management problems of multinational corporations and
prepare to solve these problems.


1. Introduction to IFM: Why do nations trade? Why study international Finance?

Evolution of the MNCs, Process of overseas expansion, Recent Changes in global
financial markets

2. The Foreign Exchange Market: Organization of Forex market, its participants; Spot
market: spot quotations (Direct and Indirect), transaction cost, currency arbitrage,
mechanism of spot transaction; Forward Market: Participants, forward quotation,
cross rates and Relationship between spot and forward rate, foreign exchange market
in India.

3. International Monetary System: Alternate Exchange rate systems, Fixed and Floating,
Exchange rate regimes: Journey from Gold Standard to European monetary system,
Role of IMF, current scenario of exchange rate regimes, SDRs

4. Parity Conditions in International Finance: Arbitrage and law of one price, PPP, IRP,
Forward rates and Future spot rate parity, The Fisher Effect and The International
Fisher Effect

5. The Determination of Exchange Rates and Currency Forecasting: Determinants of

exchange rate, Demand and supply curves of currency, setting the equilibrium spot
exchange rate, PPP as a model of exchange rate behavior, Structural models of
exchange rate determination, fundamentals of central bank interventions, exchange
rate forecasting.

6. Measuring and Managing Exposure: Measuring and managing accounting exposure

(translational and transactional) and economic exposure, political exposure: Political
Risk Model, Country Risk, managing political risk; Nature and measurement of
interest rate risk, FRAs, Interest rate options, interest Rate caps, floors and collars

7. International portfolio Investment: Measuring total return from foreign investing

Bonds and stocks, international diversification and barriers, international CAPM,
Optimal international asset allocation.

8. International Project Appraisal: A review of NPV approach, the APV Framework,

Project appraisal in international context, incremental cash flows, Exchange rate risk
and cost of capital, Issues in Foreign Investment analysis.

9. Case studies and discussions on current issues

Text Books:-

1. Alan C. Shapiro, “Multinational Financial Management” Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall of

2. Madura J, “International Financial Management”, Cengage Learning

Reference Books:-

1. P G Apte, “International Financial Management” Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill

2. O‟Brien Thomas, “International Finance”, Second Edition, Oxford University Press
3. V. Sharan, “International Financial Management” Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India
4. Jain, Peyrard and Yadav, “International Financial Management”, Macmillan India.
5. A K Seth, “International Financial Management”, Latest Edition, Galgotia Publications
6. Vij Madhu, “International Financial Management”, Second Edition, Excel Books
7. Varshney and Bhashyam, “International Financial Management-An Indian Perspective”,
Sultan Chand and Sons

Course Code: EH-05 : Strategic Human Resource Management & Organisation

Development (SHROD)
To familiarize the students with the importance of Alignment between business and human
resource management strategies and use of various techniques of OD for organizational health
and renewal.


1. Introduction to strategic HRM: Introduction to business and corporate, Strategies -

Integrating HR strategies with business strategies, competitive advantage through
effective management of people, Developing HR plans and policies.

2. Executive Development: Nature and scope of executive/management , need for

management Development, techniques of management development, on the job
development techniques, off the job techniques, sensitivity training, simulation
development techniques,

3. Human resource strategic framework: Recruitment and retention strategies, Quality of

work life ,Work – life balance , Employee empowerment , Employee involvement
Autonomous work teams , Training and Development Strategies, Performance
Management strategies, Reward and Compensation Strategies, employee career
development system

4. Organizational development (OD) and change :Organizational development and

techniques, Concept of Organisational Development, Process of Organizational
Development , Organizational Development Intervention/Techinques-concept types
MBO, Job Entichment, QWL, Summary feedback, Managerial Grid, Sensitivity
Training, Strategies for bringing effective organizational change: Pressures for
Organizational change-Internal & External, Resistance to change, Approaches to
managing organizational change, Management of Change, Change agent & its role.

5. Organizational Effectiveness: Definition, Steps in studying Organizational

Effectiveness, Achieving Organizational Effectiveness, Approaches & Problems in
measurement of Organizational Effectiveness.

6. Recent Techniques in HRM :Employee outsourcing, Moon lightning by Employee-

Blue moon or full moon, Employee proxy, Human Resource Accounting, HRIS
Contemporary issues in HRM

7. Case study
 Tanuja Agarwal – Strategic Hauman Resources Management,. Oxford
University Press, 2007.

 Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd Ed by Randall S Schuler Susan E

Jackson,Blackwell Publishing

 Strategic Human Resource Management and Development By Richard

Regis,Excel books

 Strategic Human Resource Management in a Global Economy 1st edition by

Gangaram Singh, R.Nandagopal, R G Priyaadarshini,Excel Books

 Strategic Human Resource Management by Rajib Dhar,Excel Books

 Strategic Human Resource Management: A General Managerial Approach,

2/e,Pearson Education

 Organisation development and change-Thomas G. Cummings Christopher

G.Worley,Cengage Learning

 Strategic HRM by Jeffrey A.Mello,Cengage Learning

 Strategic HRM by Srinivas R Kandula,Prentice Hall Of India

Course Code EH-06: Management Of Industrial Relations


Study of Industrial Relations, concepts and issues is a modest attempt to explain the complexity
of Industrial Relations environment in India and its impact on the working of IR system at the
micro and macro levels. The course is concerned with the conceptual and practical dimensions of
organizational efficiency and growth.


I. Dynamics of IR:
Industrial Relations: Concept, Scope, Approaches, IR System, Role of State in IR.
Industrial Disputes: Causes, Effects, Trends, Methods and Machinery for the settlement if
Industrial disputes.
The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
Discipline and grievance procedures: concept and nature of discipline
Principles of industrial discipline
Grievance in industry
Disciplinary procedure
Suspension, dismissal
Act of misconduct

II. Union management relation

1. The trade union act, 1926

 Definition
 Registration of trade unions
 Change of name and amalgamations
 Privileges of a registered trade union
 Funds of trade union
 Miscellaneous provisions
2. Collective bargaining and negotiation

 The concept of collective bargaining

 Significance of collective bargaining
 Functions of collective bargaining
 Procedure of negotiation and collective bargaining
 Essential of successful collective bargaining
 Growth of collective bargaining
 Collective bargaining in India
 Obstacles to collective bargaining in India
3. Industrial democracy and worker‟s participation in management

 Industrial democracy
 Workers participation in management
 Levels of worker participation
 Requirement(precondition) of effect worker participation,
 JMCs
 Weakness of workers participation in India
 Participative management in others countries.
III. Emerging Trends in Industrial Relations

 Globalization
 Changes in workforce profile
 Contemporary issues in industrial relation
 Future of industrial relation
IV Conflict management

 Industrial psychology and counseling

 Definition of Industrial psychology
 Application of Industrial psychology
 Psychological counseling- need and importance

Text Books and References:

1. T.N.Chhabra & R.K.Suri, Industrial Relations – Concepts and Cases

2. Mamoria C.B, & Mamoria Satish, Industrial labour, Social Security and Industrial Peace
in India, Kitab Mahal
3. Industrial Relations by Arora Mk.
4. Industrial Relations in India and Workers involment in Management by Michael V.P
5. Industrial Relation Theory and Practice. by Ahuja KK
6. Industrial Relation by Monappa.A
7. Industrial Relation by Joseph.J
8. Industrial Relation Conceptual and Legal Frame Work. by Sarma A.M
9. Industrial Relation and Human Resources in India. Sodhi .J.S
10. Industrial Relation by Balasubramanian.A
11. Industrial Relation ; Emerging paradigms by B.D. Singh.

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