Heresies and Ecumenical Councils: Eko J29

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Eko J29 salvation by his free will

Heresies and Ecumenical Councils and efforts

Council Council of Ephesus in 431
Heresy- in Latin secte and in Greek heresies,
meaning “taking”, or “a choice”, it is treason to God,
Reformation- a movement that began as a series
the worst offense against Christian society
of attempts to reform the Roman Catholic Church.
Heretic Arianism
Proponents Arius, priest of Alexandria Martin Luther- was a Catholic priest and
Augustinian monk who questioned certain policies
False Claimed that Jesus is not and points of theology in the Roman Catholic
Teachings God but human and Church during his time.
subordinate only to God
Council Condemned at the Council (Johann Tetzel- initiated Indulgence Dominican
of Nicea in 325 AD prince)

 Indulgence
Heretic Macedonianism  Bible is the only source of Faith
Proponents Macedonians  Mouth (Symbol)
 Posted a document known as the 95 Theses
False Believers of Macedonianism on the door of the church in Wittenberg,
Teachings denied the divinity of the Germany
Holy Spirit as a creature of
the son John Calvin
Council Condemned at the Council
 Churches were to be stripped of statues
of Constantinople in 381 AD
 Predestination man by his own merits is
Heretic Nestorianism incapable of changing his fate awaits
Proponents Nestorius, Patriarch of him/her
Constantinople  White dress (symbol)
False Pointed out that Mary is not
Teachings the Mother of God but Ulrich Zwingli
simply Mother of Christ
Council Condemned at the Council  Papal heretics (referring to clergy)
of Ephesus in 431  Bible is the only source of authority
 Bible (symbol)

Heretic Monophysitism
Proponents Eutachius
Henry VII
False Denied Christ’s human
Teachings nature/ Jesus is fully God  Divorce Renunciation of papal supremacy
not human (Divorce with St. Catherine)
Council Condemned in Chalcedon
 The king is the “Supreme head on earth of
the English church”
 Shield (Symbol)
 “Defender of Faith”
Heretic Pelagianism Lutheran/ Catholic Belief
Proponents Pelagius Protestant Belief
False Denied the supernatural Justification by Faith and Good
Teachings order of things as well as faith works
that Adam had no natural Priesthood of all Catholic
right to supernatural life. believers have Priesthood is vital
Man could attain equal access to God as only the priest
and no other can perform the of the Old and New Testaments, set the number of
earthly sacraments required sacraments at 7, defined the nature and
intermediaries are for spiritual health consequences of original sin
needed. and correctly
interpret the Second (1551-52) confirmed the doctrine of
meaning of the transubstantiation and issued decrees on episcopal
scripture. jurisdiction and clerical discipline
Scriptures are the Scripture is only
only source of the one way in revealing Final period (1562-63) defined the Mass as a true
true doctrine the doctrine sacrifice and issued statements on several other
Lords supper is Eucharist is a doctrinal issues.
Symbolic and the mystery in which the
Society of Jesus
body and blood of sacrifice of Christ is
Christ is not reenacted Saint Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of
physically present Jesus, a religious order
No heavenly Although the
intermediaries saints and angels Fratres Scholarum Christianarum (Brothers
should not be of Christian School) – The De La Salle Christian
worshiped, their Brothers, officially known as the Brothers of
intercession is Christian School, was founded by Rheims, France,
valuable and crucial in response to a great need of education for the
to help Christians poor
achieve salvation
God’s God The Inquisition
foreknowledge omnipotence-
and does not restrict – The term inquisition is derived from the Latin
omnipotence human will word inquirom, meaning “inquire into”
mean that everyone
is predestined to Pope Gregory IX’s creation- was to bring order
their fate and legality to the process of dealing with heresy
2 sacraments 7 sacraments Torquemeda (1487- 1498) - First grand Inquisitor
Baptism Baptism in Spain was a Dominican prior. Guided the
Holy Eucharist Confirmation
Spanish Inquisition, directed its persecution of
Holy Eucharist
Anointing of the sick Jews, Moors, and other identified as heretics,
Reconciliation sorcerers, or criminals.
Marriage Vatican I (Convoked by Pope Pius IX)
Holy Orders
Counterreformation Dec. 8 1869
Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent in  Discussed the issue of the authority of the
1545- 1563 to scrunize the policies and doctrines Pope (infallibility)
that were questioned by the reformers  Means the pope cannot make mistake when
he uses his apostolic ministry top teach and
 To deal with issues raised by the Protestants
proclaim doctrines of Faith and Morals
and reformers
 2 Documents
 To define the catholic faith distinct from
Protestant theology  Latin
 To reform the abuse of Church Vatican II Convoked by Pope John XXII)
Council of Trent- The nineteenth ecumenical October 11,1963
council of Roman Catholic Church, which made
sweeping reforms and laid down dogmas clarifying  Introduced the inner renewal of
nearly all doctrines contested by protestants Christendom
 Offered developments both in rituals and in
First period (1545-47) - accepted the Nicene life of the Church
Creed as the basis of Catholic faith, fixed the canon  16 documents
 Vernacular Biblical image Marks of the
Models of the Church a schematic description of
People of God One
a system, theory, or phenomenon and may be used
Community of Source is One living
for further study of its characteristic believers who are God who calls us to
Avery Dulles- gave a clear description of the faithful to the unity with trinity
church and the truth about Christian faith, an teachings of Jesus
American Jesuit theologian and presented some Body of Christ Holy
Image of human The Founder and
assessment of the prominent models of the church
body (head and head is holy- Jesus
Church as an Institution distinct parts) Members are called
Christ is the head to holiness
 Organization with a mission we are the body
 Authority and leadership (members)
 Mission is to act as prophet priest and king Temple of The Catholic
Church as Mystical Communion Holy Spirit Universal, all –
Dwells in the embracing
 Made of people with a common interest,
church, The church is open
and bond of faith, and love for salvation animating, to all, regardless of
unifying and race, nation, social
Church as Sacrament moving to her class
 Visible sign of God’s loving presence in the mission
word Kingdom of Apostolic
 Invisible and the visible reality of the church God Its origins from the
Church works for apostles
Church as Herald the fulfillment of The church passes
 Announces and proclaims the Gospel the kingdom on their teachings

Church as Servant
 Serves the poor, the lonely, the imprisoned
the sick and the sufferings

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