Original Article Gonorrhoea Infection Prevalence in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients Based On Polymerase Chain Reaction Examination

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Original Article 

Gonorrhoea Infection Prevalence in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive 

Patients Based on Polymerase Chain Reaction Examination 
Diah Puspitosari,1 Asmaja Soedarwoto,2 Dendi Sandiono,2 Feilicia Henrica Teja,1 Rini Rasianti,1 
Rasmia Rowawi,2 Rahmatdinata,2 Tony Djajakusumah2 
1Faculty 2Department of Medicine, of Dermatology Universitas and Padjdajaran-Dr. Venereology, Faculty Hasan of 
Sadikin Medicine, General Universitas Hospital 
Padjajaran-Dr. Hasan Sadikin General 
Abstract Objective: and female To HIV determine positive patients the prevalence based on of polymerase 
gonorrhoea chain infection reaction in (PCR) male 
examination at the Teratai Clinic, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. 
Methods: This study was conducted in July, 2012 at the Teratai Clinic, while the PCR examination was performed at 
the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Bandung. Microbiology This was Department, a cross-sectional Faculty 
observational of Medicine, study. Universitas The subjects Padjadjaran, were 81 HIV positive patients who were 
taken in consecutive admission. They underwent history in males taking and cervical and physical swab 
examination. in females for Samples PCR examination. 
were taken from urethral swab 
Results: From all male The PCR subjects examination participating result in was the positive study, 37% for 
gonorrhea were positive in 36% while subjects. 33% of the female subjects were also positive for gonorrhea. 
Received: January 4, 2013 
Conclusions: The prevalence of gonorrhoea infection in male and female HIV positive patients at the Teratai Clinic, 
Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung is quite high, i.e 37% and 33%, respectively. Revised: April 7, 2013 
Keywords: Gonorrhoea, human immunodeficiency virus, polymerase chain reaction, prevalence Accepted: April 10, 
IJIHS. 2014;2(1):1–8 

Gonorrhea transmitted is infection the second (STI) most in the common United sexually States and it 
infects more than 700,000 people per year with an equal ratio between male and female.1 It was stated by 
the United Nations Joint Program on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired (UNAIDS) that the 
Immunodeficiency gonorrhea prevalence Syndrome in the general population in Indonesia was 20 to 31% 
in 2004.2 Meanwhile, data from 2007 Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) on the 
prevalence of STIs in female sexual workers (FSWs) gonorrhea in Indonesia ranged between show that 
16% the and prevalence 44%, with of 
the highest incidence found in West Java.3 
Correspondence: Diah Padjadjaran-Dr. Puspitosari, Hasan Faculty Sadikin of Medicine, General Universitas 
Hospital Jl. e-mail: Pasteur diahpoppy@gmail.com 
No. 38, Bandung, Indonesia 
Established diagnosis of gonorrhea infection is gonorrhoeae) made through identification Neisseria in 
gonorrhoeae the genital tract, (N. 
rectal, pharyngeal, and ocular secretion, which can be done using several methods, such as microscopic 
examination, culture, and molecular techniques.1,4–6 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examination with 
a higher is sensitivity, one of the molecular from 90–100%, techniques than culture technique which has 
68% sensitivity.4–7 This technique has been stated to replace the culture technique, including for 
asymptomatic patients.7 to as Human HIV) infection immunodeficiency causes an immunosuppressed 
virus (or referred 
condition that could increase the number of STIs and lead to greater co-diagnosis condition.8,9 People 
with active STIs are more prone to HIV infection, and vice versa. HIV positive patients who to transmit 
are exposed HIV.9 to Some STIs also epidemiological have a greater data risk 
have suggested that gonorrhea contributes to 
International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) 1 :1–8 
Gonorrhoea Infection Prevalence in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients Based on Polymerase 
Chain Reaction Examination 
increased HIV transmission.10 The frequency of 
serostatus of the study population had already 
mucosal HIV increases by 32–41% in gonorrhea 
been determined and confirmed based on the 
patients and its transmission risk increases to 
procedures stated in the National Guideline for 
approximately 2–5 times higher.11–14 
HIV before the study. Sexually active HIV positive 
of HIV Several infection factors are that HIV-infected contribute cell to the withdrawal increase 
patients participate attending in this study. Teratai Fourty Clinic eight were males offered and to 
in the genital tract as a part of the immune 
33 females were enrolled after signing written 
response and cluster of differentiation, in this 
informed consent. Women having her menstrual 
case the CD4, lymphocyte stimulation that will 
period were excluded from the study. eventually 
lead to increased replication of HIV.12 
The subjects underwent history taking and presence From of the gonorrhea immunology increases 
perspective, HIV shedding the 
physical urethral examination. swab in male and Sample cervical was swab collected in female from 
on the genital tract which attracts CD4 T 
for PCR examination. Comprehensive data on 
lymphocytes as a part of the inflammatory 
patient’s characteristics and sexual history were 
response against patogen.10,11,15 In addition to 
obtained through history taking and medical the 
viral sheddings, the fact that some people 
records. The history taking, clinical examination, with risk sexual HIV and behaviors AIDS are becomes 
still engaged the in key some factor high in 
and Teratai specimens Clinic while collections the specimen were processing performed was in 
STI co-infections, including gonorrhea, with HIV 
conducted at the Biology Molecular Laboratory, 
and AIDS.16–20 
Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, 
Sexually transmitted infections in people with 
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. HIV suggest the 
possibility that these people 
The protocol of this study was reviewed may 
These still infections be engaged could in be risky a risk sexual factor behaviors. for HIV 
and Faculty approved of Medicine by the of Ethical Universitas Committee Padjadjaran- of the 
transmission to uninfected population.16 Other 
Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung. 
studies also support this.9,17 Manning et al.18 
Specimen collection kits (Roche) was used for 
revealed that high-risk sexual practices still 
urethral swab for male patients and endocervical 
occur among some segments of HIV positive 
swab for female patients. Transport medium 
population. and prevent To the decrease secondary associated spread of morbidity HIV and 
tubes specimens (Roche) to the were laboratory used for on transporting the day of the the STIs, 
prevention efforts should focus on HIV 
collection. Immediately after arrival at the positive 
patients who are still engaged in high- 
laboratory, the urethral and endocervical swab risk 
sexual practices. 
specimens were prepared for the PCR assay as Thus, 
data regarding gonorrhea infection in 
instructed by the manufacturer, kept frozen at 
people screening, with and HIV treatment are critical of for HIV the to prevention, reduce HIV 
-20 Transport °C, and medium analyzed tubes within were 14 thoroughly days of sampling. mixed 
transmission.16,19 However, until recently, data on 
and 100 mL was withdrawn and diluted to 1 mL 
STI prevalence, including data on asymptomatic 
with sucrose-phosphate medium. After that, 1 
gonorrhea in individuals with HIV positive, are 
mL of swab specimen diluent (F. Hoffmann-La still 
Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland), was added and of Until publication now, there available are on still the 
limited prevalence numbers of 
the for PCR. 
prepared specimens were frozen at -20 °C 
gonorrhea infection among HIV positive patients 
The PCR assay was accomplished using Roche 
in Indonesia; therefore this study aimed to 
CT/NG Amplicor PCR kit and the amplification 
determine the prevalence of gonorrhea infection 
process was conducted by using a thermocycler in 
male urethra and female cervix of HIV positive 
machine. Roche CT/NG Amplicor PCR kit for N. patients Teratai Clinic, based Dr. on Hasan PCR 
Sadikin examination General results Hospital, in 
gonorrhoeae Brancburb, USA) (Roche is a qualitative Moecular in vitro System, test for Inc., the 
detection of N. gonorrhoeae DNA in urine from symptomatic and asymptomatic males and in 
endocervical swab specimen from symptomatic Methods 
This performed study is to a 81 cross-sectional HIV positive patients observational who visited study 
Teratai  Clinic,  Dr.  Hasan  Sadikin  General  Hospital  Bandung,  Indonesia.  The  subjects  were  taken  in 
consecutive admission in July 2012. The HIV 
and asymptomatic females as evidence of N. gonorrhoeae is detected by infection. PCR amplification N. 
gonorrhoeae of target DNA DNA and by hybridization capture of amplified target. After the 
amplification, the amplified nucleotide sequences were detected using an enzyme immunoassay and the 
A450s were then 
2 International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) 
Diah Puspitosari, Asmaja Soedarwoto, et al. 
measured with a spectrophotometer (Multiskan; 
intercourse at an average age of 19.5 years, while 
Labsystems Ltd., Findland). 
the average age of the subjects with a negative As 
stated in the Operator’s Manual for the 
PCR result were 21.3 years. Most of the subjects 
Amplicor Analyzer, the results were seen in the 
in this study were heterosexual. print out for the 
flags. Interpretation of the results 
The majority of subjects with homosexual is is 
as confirmed follow: positive if the value result of for the N. gonorrhoeae examination 
orientation Of the 29 subjects (60%) showed with positive gonorrhea PCR infection. results, materials 
>3.5 and a negative result is confirmed 
as many as 23 subjects were heterosexual, 3 if the 
value of the examination materials <0.2. 
subjects were homosexual, and 3 subjects were The 
results were calculated by statistic test SPSS 
bisexual (Table 4). 17.0 and presented descriptively 
by percentage. 
Table 1 The Baseline Characteristics of Results 
Subjects of the study were 81 patients averaging 32.8 years old with the youngest age was 23 
Variabel Sex 
n % 
years old and the oldest was 62 years old (data not of subjects shown). by Table sex, education 1 shows 
the level, characteristics occupation, 
Male Female 48 59 33 41 and marital status. The most frequently found characteristics of the subject were 
male gender (59%), high school education (51%), self- 
No formal education 0 0 employed (43%), and 
married (57%). We can see gave that positive of the results 81 and subjects, 52 subjects 29 people (64%) 
(36%) were 
Primary school Junior high school 4 4 5 5 negative (Table 2). 
The average age of subjects with PCR positive result for N. gonorrhoeae in this study was 
Senior high school 41 College 32 51 49 32 years old with the youngest being 23 years old for the and 
subjects the oldest with being negative 62 years. PCR Meanwhile, results, the 
Self-employed 35 43 average age was 33 years 
old with the youngest was 23 years old and the oldest was 44 years old (data not shown). Based on sex, 
18 males (37%) and 11 females (33%) had positive PCR result for 
Employee 21 Commercial sexual 1 worker 
26 1 
N. females gonorrhoeae (67%) were while negative 30 males (Table (62%) 3). 
and 22 
Fifteen subjects with positive N. gonorrhoeae PCR results were self-employed. A total of nine 
Student/college student Unemployed 1 1 23 28 subjects were merchants, two of the subjects were the 
owner of a beauty parlour, and the others an EO, were and owner a catering of a bike company. shop, a Of 
tattoo the seven shop, 
subjects with positive PCR results who worked as private employees, two subjects were hotel 
Single Married Widow 18 22 45 57 18 22 employees, two were salesmen, one was a social worker, and 
the others were private employees of unknown As many as companies. 
30%  unemployed  subjects  showed  positive  results  and  70%  were  negative.  Subjects  who 
worked as commercial sexual workers and students gave negative PCR results. 
Most of the subjects were married. Among subjects were married, with 9 positive were single, PCR result, 
and 6 were 14 of widows them 
or widowers. 
Data show that the subjects with positive PCR result for N. gonorrhoeae had their first sexual 
Eleven subjects (52%) who had more than 6 lifetime sexual partners showed positive PCR test results, 
and 10 (48%) were negative. Most of the subjects in both groups stated that they always Fourteen use 
subjects condoms wih during positive sexual PCR results intercourse. stated that they constantly used 
condoms, 6 expressed that they sometimes used condoms, and 9 declared that they had never used a 
condom during sexual intercourse. In patients with HIV 
International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) :1–8 

Gonorrhoea Infection Prevalence in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients Based on Polymerase 
Chain Reaction Examination 
infection in this study, the history of previous STI gonorrhea. was not Most associated of subjects with 
with the incidence positive PCR of 
result stated that they did not have a previous history of STIs. 
Belongia prevalence et of al.21 gonorrhea in Minessota infection found in that patients the 
with HIV infection and AIDS was more common in the age group of 25–34 years. Bastos et al.22 in 
Table 2 The Results of PCR N. gonorrhoeae 
Rio de Janeiro found that gonorrhea in patients with HIV infection related to the young age of 
Examination The Results of PCR N. gonorrhoeae 
n Examination 
approximately et al.23 in Amsterdam in the early found 30s. that In 2001, gonorrhea Stolte 

infection in people with HIV and AIDS were more common at age less than 31 years. The average age of 
subjects with N. gonorrhoeae positive PCR Positive Negative 29 52 36 64 
result in this study was 32.1 years old. people, Gonorrhea probably is more because commonly at young 
found age in young there Total 81 100% 
is  a  tendency  of  high  risk  sexual  intercourse,  such  as  having sex with multiple sexual partners or without 
using condom.21–24 In this study, gonorrhea was more commonly found in male 
Table 3 N. gonorrhoeae PCR Result Based on Characteristic of Participants 
PCR N. gonorrhoeae Result 
Positive Negative 
Male 18 30 48 Female 11 22 33 Education 
No formal education 0 0 0 Primary school 0 4 4 Junior high school 2 2 4 Senior high school 15 26 41 
College 12 20 32 Occupation 
Self-employed 15 20 35 Employee 7 14 21 Commercial sexual worker 0 1 1 Student/college student 0 1 1 
Unemployed 7 16 23 Status 
Single 9 9 18 Married 14 31 45 Widow 6 12 18 
4 International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) 
Diah Puspitosari, Asmaja Soedarwoto, et al. 
subjects than in females, i.e. 37% vs 33%. 
constrained by the norms; thus less exposed to 
Hamlyn et al.25 found that gonorrhea infection in 
STIs due to less frequent sexual relations.26 people 
with HIV were more commonly found in 
Most of the subjects with positive PCR results 
males than in females, i.e. 53% vs 17%. Studies 
in this study were senior high school graduates. by 
et al.13 Manning also et found al.18 the in New incidences York and of Gore-Felton gonorrhea 
Individuals to have risky with sexual low behaviors. levels of Lu education et al.27 found tend 
infection were higher in males than in females, 
a significant association between the level of 84% 
vs 16% and 59% vs 41%, respectively. 
education and gonorrhea infection in people Norms 
lead to differences in sexual behavior 
with HIV. In this study, most subjects who were 
between men and women. Women are more 
infected with gonorrhea had lower educational 
Table 4 N. gonorrhoeae PCR Examination Result Based on Sexual History of Participants 
PCR N. gonorrhoeae Result Positive Negative 
Average age of sexual debut 19 21 Sexual orientation 
Heterosexual 23 49 72 Homosexual 3 2 5 Bisexual 3 1 4 Number of sexual partners in the last month 
0 person 11 16 27 1 person 15 33 48 ≥2 persons 3 3 6 Number of sexual partners in the last 3 months 
0 person 8 12 20 1 person 16 30 46 ≥2 persons 5 10 15 Number of lifetime sexual partners 
1 person 9 12 21 2–5 persons 9 30 39 ≥6 persons 11 10 21 Condom use 
Never 9 11 20 Seldom 6 15 21 Always 14 26 40 STI history 
Positive 12 31 43 Negative 17 21 38 
International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) :1–8 

Gonorrhoea Infection Prevalence in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients Chain Reaction Based 
on Examination Polymerase 
levels which was senior high school level or 
incidence of gonorrhea and other STDs in men 
lower. Most of the subjects with positive PCR 
who have sex with men (MSM) patients with HIV 
results were self-employed and employees. A 
infection. study a significant conducted relationship by Castor between et al.28 in India occupation found 
it is Based stated on that the data research on the by sexual Ghanem behaviors et al.30 
and the incidence of gonorrhea. In the study, 
of a sensitive nature are more at risk for bias. 
subjects who worked as an employee or self- 
Hamlyn et al.25 suggested the possibility of 
employed with an income between $1,000–5,000 
sexual relations or sexual partners reported by per 
year had 3-fold higher risk for gonorrhea as it 
the subjects affect research results. was partners. 
possible for them to have sex with multiple 
results In this stated study, that most they subjects always use with condom positive when PCR 
Research conducted by Lu et al.27 in China 
having sex. About 90% of subjects who were in 
2005 found that gonorrhea in patients with 
infected with gonorrhea in the study by Jin et HIV 
infection were more frequent in unmarried, 
al.33 declared that they always use condom when 
widow, and widower subjects. Similarly, the 
having sex. In this study, there was no significant study significant conducted association by Castor 
between et al.28 the in India incidence found of a 
difference infection. This between result condom was suspected use and gonorrhea due to a gonorrhea 
and the unmarried status. This might 
bias in reporting condom use by the subjects. In be 
because the subjects who are not married, 
addition, incorrect condom use is also suspected 
widow, or widower, are likely to have no steady 
as a risk factor associated with the transmission 
sexual partner.27 
of gonorrhea.33 inaccurate Studies regarding results due sexual to social behaviors desirability often give 
patients Study found by Hamlyn that et most al.25 subjects toward HIV exposed infection to and 
recall.25,29,30 Social desirability bias might 
gonorrhea stated inconsistent condom use. Only 
increase in direct anamnesis data retrieval if it 
less than 50% of subjects who stated that they is 
compared to audio computer assisted self- 
always use condom when having sex but more 
interview because subjects tend not to disclose 
than 25% of the subjects showed the positive the 
The actual subjects data.25,30 
with PCR positive result for N. 
PCR to inaccurate results for research N. gonorrhoeae. data from This history may taken.25 be due 
gonorrhoeae in this study had their first sexual 
In this study, data on condom use history only 
intercourse at the average age of 19.5 years. The 
include the frequency of condom use without 
majority of women with HIV infection who were 
information about how the subjects use it. Lee 
exposed to gonorrhea in Venkatesh et al.31 study 
et al.34 in his research in Thailand found that had ages their of 16–20 first years sexual old. intercourse 
First sexual between intercourse the 
68.3% they always of patients use condom with HIV when infection having stated sexual that 
at young age was closely related to the number 
intercourse but 8.9% of them were exposed of 
sexual partners, delayed marriage, as well as 
to gonorrhea and other STIs. This result was 
high-risk sexual behaviors affected by STIs.27,29 
considered as the result of the fact that the Most of 
subjects with a positive PCR result 
questionnaire used in the study did not include in by 
this Young have et al.32 heterosexual and Castor orientation. et al.28 found Studies a high 
any Several question other about studies correct found condom that condom use. 
incidence of gonorrhea in heterosexual subjects. 
is associated with gonorrhea infection, although It 
was suspected that it is related to the number 
some did not reach statistical 
significance.22,24,27,35 of multiple sexual partners and a history of 
In research by Lu et al.27 in people living with 
previous gonorrhea.28,32 
HIV, most of the subjects who were infected than A 
six total lifetime of 11/21 sexual subjects partners who had had positive more 
by use gonorrhea condoms. claimed Similarly, that the they research rarely by or Bastos never 
PCR results. Significant correlation between the 
et al.22 in Rio de Janeiro stated that an increase 
incidence of gonorrhea infection and the number 
in the incidence of gonorrhea is associated with of 
lifetime sexual partners was found in the 
less consistent condom use. study conducted by 
Venkatesh et al.,31 namely 
History of previous STIs was not associated in 
sexual women partners. with 2–3 A and study more regarding than 4 multiple female 
with HIV infection the incidence in this of study. gonorrhea Majority in patients of subjects with 
sexual workers by Jin et al.33 found that multiple 
with positive PCR result stated that they do not 
sexual partners was a risk factor for gonorrhea 
have a previous history of sexually transmitted 
infection. Reitmeijer et al.24 in his study found 
infections. These results are in accordance with that 
the number of multiple sexual partners in 
the results of Rieg et al.20 on MSM patients with 
the last 4 months was one of the risk factors for 
HIV infection in Los Angeles in 2006 which found 
6 International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2014;2(1) 
Diah Puspitosari, Asmaja Soedarwoto, et al. 
that a history of previous STIs was not associated 
33% respectively. Identifying gonorrhea infection 
with the incidence of gonorrhea. It is presumably 
based on PCR examination should be considered 
because not recognized most STIs by the are patients.20 
asymptomatic so they are 
for Positive routine screening N. gonorrhoeae test in HIV PCR positive results patients. were In 
conclusion, the prevalence of gonorrhea 
found in subjects with an average age of first 
infection in male urethra and female cervix of 
intercourse at 19.5 years old. In addition, positive 
HIV positive patients based on PCR examination 
results were more common in heterosexual in 
Teratai Clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General 
subjects and those with more than six lifetime 
Hospital Bandung were quite high, 37% and 
sexual partners. 
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