Prevalence of Birth Defects and Risk-Factor Analysis From A Population-Based Survey in Inner Mongolia, China

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Zhang et al.

BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:125


Prevalence of birth defects and risk-factor analysis

from a population-based survey in Inner
Mongolia, China
Xingguang Zhang1, Su Li1*, Siqintuya Wu1, Xiaojin Hao2, Shuyi Guo3, Kota Suzuki4, Hiroshi Yokomichi4
and Zentaro Yamagata4

Background: Birth Defects are a series of diseases that seriously affect children's health. Birth defects are generally
caused by several interrelated factors. The aims of the article is to estimate the prevalence rate and types of birth
defects in Inner Mongolia, China, to compare socio-demographic characteristics among the children with birth
defects and to analyze the association between risk factors and birth defects.
Methods: Data used in this study were obtained through baseline survey of Inner Mongolia Birth Defects Program,
a population-based survey conducted from 2005 to 2008. The survey used cluster sampling method in all 12
administrative districts of Inner Mongolia. Sampling size is calculated according to local population size at a certain
percentage. All live births, stillbirths and abortions born from October 2005 to September 2008, whose families lived
in Inner Mongolia at least one year, were included. The cases of birth defects were diagnosed by the clinical
doctors according to their experiences with further laboratory tests if needed. The inclusion criteria of the cases
that had already dead were decided according to death records available at local cites. We calculated prevalence
rate and 95% confidence intervals of different groups. Outcome variable was the occurrence of birth defects and
associations between risk factors and birth defects were analyzed by using Poisson regression analysis.
Results: 976 children with birth defects were diagnosed. The prevalence rate of birth defects was 156.1 per 10000
births (95%CI: 146.3-165.8). The prevalence rate of neural tube defect (20.1 per 10000 births) including anencephaly
(6.9 per 10000), spina bifida (10.6 per 10000), and encephalocele (2.7 per 10000) was the highest, followed by
congenital heart disease (17.1 per 10000). The relative risk (RR) for maternal age less than 25 was 2.22 (95%CI: 2.05,
2.41). The RR of the ethnic Mongols was lower than Han Chinese (RR: 0.84; 95%CI: 0.80-0.89). The RR of the third
and second pregnancy was significantly higher than the first pregnancy while a slight difference between the
second and the first pregnancy was also found. Alcohol drinking of mothers, familial inheritance and living area
were also found to be related to the occurrence of the birth defects.
Conclusions: Relatively higher birth defect rates were found in Inner Mongolia. This study found that maternal age
less than 25, alcohol drinking, familiar inheritance, lower education level of mothers, times of pregnancies and living
in rural areas may increase the risk of birth defects. Ethnic Mongols were less likely to have birth defects than Han
Keywords: Birth defects, Prevalence rate, Relative risk, Risk factors

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Inner Mongolia Medical College, Hohhot, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Zhang et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Zhang et al. BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:125 Page 2 of 6

Background presence of birth defects at the time of visits. Families

Birth defects are defined as a series of structural, func- having a child with birth defects were asked to complete
tional and metabolic disorders. According to the litera- second questionnaire which contained questions on past
tures, birth defects are a major source of infant and diagnostic information at local hospitals, time duration
child morbidity and mortality and single or multiple until first diagnosis, past treatments and the types of
defects can be occurred in one or several organs of the defects.
children [1]. In Western Australia, birth defects occur in We classified birth defects according to International
4.5% to 5.7% of live births from 2005 to 2008 [2]. Ap- Classification of Diseases 9 (ICD9). Birth defects
proximately 3 percent of 134 million annual births around included anencephaly (exclude acephalia and hydranen-
the world are affected by a major structural dis- order, a cephaly), spina bifida (exclude spina bifida occulta and
congenital abnormality [3] while the percentage of that sacrococcygeal teratoma), encephalocele, congenital
varies among countries and regions [2-7]. In addition to heart disease, total cleft lip (exclude median lip cleft),
the different risk factors and direct causes of birth defects polydactylia (exclude bifurcate finger tip due to a broken
seen in various parts of the world, preva- lence rate also nail), congenital hydrocephaly (exclude posteriority
depends on the age of children, the types of hydrocephaly and megacephaly without ventricle system
malformations, the method of data collection and expansion), external ear malformation, limb reduction
statistical analysis used in different studies [4-6,8]. WHO defect, inguinal hernia, congenital hemangiomas and
estimates prevalence of congenital disorders at 53%, others. Neural tube defects included anencephaly, spina
ranging from 40% to 50% in developed countries [7]. bifida, and encephalocele. Damage before and during
Birth defects are generally caused by several interrelated birth was excluded from birth defects.
factors. More than half of birth defects can’t be attribu- For data entry, we used Epidata version 3.02 (Epidata
ted to a single factor [9]. Risk factors which contribute Association, Denmark) and for the statistical analysis, we
singly or interactively to birth defects include genetics, used SPSS version 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,IL, USA).
chemicals, physical and biological issues and maternal Median and interquartile range was calculated for con-
elements [9]. tinuous variables. Prevalence rate and its 95% confidence
The objectives of this study are to estimate the preva- intervals (95% CI) and chi-square test were used for
lence and types of birth defects in Inner Mongolia, to showing the difference on different ethnicity groups, dif-
compare socio-demographic characteristics among the ferent living areas and other predictive variables. Occur-
children with birth defects and to analyze the association rence of birth defects is the outcome variable. We used
between risk factors and birth defects. multivariate Poisson regression analysis to show the
associations between possible risk factors and birth
Methods defects. Relative risk and its 95% confidence intervals
Data used in this study were obtained through baseline were used for multivariate analysis. P-value less than or
survey of Inner Mongolia Birth Defects Program, a equal to 0.05 was considered as significance using 2-
population-based survey conducted from 2005 to 2008. tailed test.
62544 births (male: 32671; female: 29745; unknown or Ethical clearance for the study was obtained from the
missing: 128) from a general population of about Ethics and Research Committee of Inner Mongolia
600,000 over a 3 year period were selected using cluster Medical College. A written informed consent was fur-
sampling method in all 12 administrative districts of ther obtained from the caregivers.
Inner Mongolia. Sampling size is calculated according to
local population size at a certain percentage. All live Results
births, stillbirths and abortions were included in screen- Minimum and maximum age were 16 and 48 (median: 25;
ing through house to house visits by clinical doctors. interquartile range: 6) respectively. Out of 62443 births,
Medical records including prenatal diagnostic test there were 61992 live births and 451 stillbirths or abor-
results, labor records, clinic diagnostic results, pathology tions. Out of 976 birth defects we diagnosed in total, 164
findings, physical examinations and artificial abortions of cases were diagnosed before delivery, 575 cases were
the patients who used to seek medications at local hospi- within one week after delivery, 139 cases were within one
tals were used as references as part of the confirmations year, 44 cases were between one and two years, 29 cases
for final diagnosis. were between two and three years, 5 cases were after
Two different questionnaires were developed. The first 3 years and for 20 cases, time of the diagnosis could not
questionnaire included basic information of all eligible be determined.
children such as socio-demographic factors of mothers, Out of 976 children diagnosed as birth defects, 294
maternal unhealthy behaviors, history of familial inherit- had died due to various reasons including birth defects
ance, parental consanguinity, information at delivery and (crude death rate: 30.12%), while number of death was
Zhang et al. BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:125 Page 3 of 6

157 (crude death rate: 0.26%) among 61568 children Table 2 Top 10 of prevalence rate of birth defects and
without birth defects. Gender distribution of the birth order
defects was 54.9% (535 cases) in male, 38.7% in female Order Birth defects Cases Prevalence(1/10000)
(378 cases), 0.6% in ambiguous (6 cases), and gender of 1 Neural tube defects 126 20.1
57 cases (5.8%) could not be recognized. 2 Congenital heart disease 107 17.1
3 Cleft lip and palate 101 16.2
4 Congenital hydrocephalus 62 9.9
Birth prevalence
The prevalence rate of the birth defects was 156.1 per 5 Polydactylia 53 8.5
10000 births (95% CI: 146.3-165.8); 124.6 per 10000 6 External ear malformation 27 4.3
births (95% CI: 111.1-138.1) in urban areas and 179.4 7 Limb reduction defect 26 4.2
per 10000 births (95% CI: 165.5-193.3) in rural areas 8 Inguinal hernia 25 4.0
(P < 0.05).
9 Congenital hemangiomas 18 2.9
Table 1 shows the highest prevalence rate occurred in
the third or later pregnancies (513.0 per 10000 births), 10 Talipes equinovarus 17 2.7
followed by the second pregnancy (194.1 per 10000). The
first pregnancy had the lowest prevalence rate with 124.3 Table 3 shows the proportion of birth defects accord-
per 10000 (χ2 = 147.650,P
trend = 0.000). Maternal age was ing to the location of damage in organs. The highest
divided into four different age groups: <25 years; 25–29 proportion of birth defects was seen in the central ner-
years; 30–35 years, and >35 years. The highest prevalence vous system (19.8%), followed by face or eye defects
rate occurred in >35 years group followed by (18.0%), and cardiovascular defects was 12.4%.
<25 years group. There was no statistical difference be-
tween >35 years group and <25 years group. No statisti- Risk factors analysis
cally significant difference was found among different We defined variables as below: ethnicity (Han Chinese,
ethnic groups (χ2=0.716,P = 0.870). Mongols, others), maternal age (age of mother at deliv-
Table 2 shows prevalence rates of ten most common ery), smoking (mothers smoked more than one cigarette
birth defects found in this study. Neural tube defect per day during pregnancy), alcohol drinking (alcohol vol-
includes anencephaly (6.9 per 10000), spina bifida (10.6 per ume more than 20 g at least once during pregnancy or
10000) and encephalocele (2.7 per 10000). Microtia was not more than 20 g per day during pregnancy), parental con-
included in external ear malformation. Down syndrome sanguinity (having same ancestor within 3 generations),
(1.4 per 10000 births) is not listed in Table 2 because of low familial inheritance history (birth defects found in family
prevalence. members).

Table 1 Prevalence rate of different factors or characters Maternal socio-demographic characteristics

Factors Delivery Cases Prevalence rate(1/10000) The risk of birth defects was lower among ethnic
Ethnicity Mongols than Han Chinese (RR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.80- 0.89).
Han Chinese 43503 678 155.9(144.1-167.6) The risk was higher in rural areas than urban areas (RR:
Mongolian 17051 252 147.8(129.6-166.0)
Table 3 Proportion of birth defects according to the
Other 1975 31 157.0(106.9-222.0) involved organs
Living areas Organs or systems Cases Proportion(%)
Urbana 26649 332 124.6(111.1-138.1) Central nervous system 193 19.8
Rural 35895 644 179.4(165.5-193.3) Face or eye 176 18.0
Time of pregnancy Extremities 129 13.2
1 46186 574 124.3(114.6-134.8) Cardiovascular 118 12.1
2 14426 280 194.1(172.9-218.0) Skeletal 76 7.8
≧3 1774 91 513.0(420.1-626.1) Genitourinary tract 60 6.1
Maternal age(years) Thoracic or abdominal wall 55 5.7
<25 27761 444 159.9(145.8-175.4) Gastrointestinal tract 41 4.2
25– 21098 306 145.0(129.8-162.0) Tumors 10 1.0
30– 9658 128 132.5(111.6-157.4) Other 118 12.1
35– 4009 80 199.6(160.8-247.8) Total 976 100.0
Zhang et al. BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:125 Page 4 of 6

1.78; 95% CI: 1.68-1.88). There was a difference found be- Table 4 Association between risk factors and birth
tween the maternal age groups < 25 years and >35 years defects
(RR: 2.22; 95% CI: 2.05-2.41). Compared to mothers with Risk factors b Chi-squre P-value RR RR95%CI
highest education level, the RR of birth defects among Ethnicity
mothers with education level less than high school was 1.69 Hana — — — 1.000 —
(95%CI: 1.58-1.82) while the RR among the high school Mongolian −0.172 41.05 0.000 0.842 0.799-0.888
graduates was 1.06 (95%CI: 0.95-1.18). Living areas were
Other 0.008 0.01 0.905 1.008 0.888-1.138
also significantly associated with birth defects in Table 4.
Maternal age
Maternal birth history and unhealthy behaviors during
pregnancy <25 0.798 374.28 0.000 2.220 2.048-2.408
Drinking alcohol was associated significantly with the 25– 0.514 176.03 0.000 1.672 1.550-1.805
risk of birth defects while no association was found be- 30– 0.227 20.34 0.000 1.255 1.137-1.385
tween smoking and birth defects. Families with familial 35–a — — — 1.000 —
history of birth defects were more likely to have birth Smoking
defects (RR: 11.17; 95% CI: 9.85, 12.60) than those with-
Noa — — — 1.000 —
out family history. Times of pregnancy was also asso-
ciated with the occurrence of birth defects in Table 4. Yes −0.129 2.12 0.145 0.879 0.736-1.041
Discussion and conclusions Noa — — — 1.000 —
Compared to previous studies in China, this study had Yes 1.169 55.65 0.000 3.220 2.332-4.319
larger sample size to estimate prevalence rate and to ex- Time of
plore the associations between possible risk factors and pregnancy
birth defects by controlling for other predictive variables 1 −1.769 1603.35 0.000 0.171 0.156-0.186
respectively through multivariate analysis. The preva- 2 −1.017 579.74 0.000 0.362 0.333-0.393
lence rate of birth defects in Inner Mongolia was 156.1 ≧ 3a
per 10000 births (95%CI: 146.3-165.8 per 10000), which — — — 1.000 —
is consistent with the prevalence rate in Gansu Province, Parental
western China (154.0 per 10000 births) [10]. The preva-
lence rate of neural tube defect was found to be the highest Noa — — — 1.000 —
(20.1 per 10000) in this study, which was shown to be Yes 0.305 3.73 0.053 1.356 0.981-1.822
higher than that in other provinces of China (15.9 per Familial
10000) and even higher than the prevalence in Korea inheritance
(5.1 per 10000) [11,12]. The prevalence of cleft lip and
palate together and congenital hydrocephalus in Inner noa — — — 1.000 —
Mongolia (16.2 per 10000 and 9.9 per 10000, respect- yes 2.413 1480.85 0.000 11.165 9.852-12.600
ively) were also higher than the prevalence in Korea Maternal
(10.3 per 10000 and 3.6 per 10000, respectively) and some education
provinces of China (13.6 per 10000 and 6.5 per 10000, re- Less than high 0.526 214.23 0.000 1.692 1.577-1.815
spectively) [11,12]. The prevalence of congenital heart dis- school
ease in this study (17.1 per 10000) was lower than in High school 0.059 1.17 0.279 1.061 0.952-1.180
Belgium (83.0 per 10000) [13], but similar to the prevalence More than high — — — 1.000 —
in Colombia (12.0 per 10000) [14]. One reason for the schoola
lower prevalence of congenital heart disease may due to the Living area
diagnostic criteria which only included severe congenital Urbana — — — 1.000 —
heart disease in this study, which is consistent with the cri- Rural 0.576 393.87 0.000 1.779 1.681-1.884
teria used in a study in Taiwan (14.2 per 10000) [15]. The a
: reference.
difference of prevalence rates among different regions
either in China or other countries may due to the period rural areas. First, living, and especially working, in rural
children were observed after birth, the types of birth areas may bring people into contact with substances
defects, different data collection method, method of statis- related to birth defects that are not present in urban
tical analysis [4-6,8]. areas. The results of one study indicated an association
There might be several possible reasons for the higher between birth defects and maternal agricultural work
risk of birth defects we observed in families living in [16,17]. Second, different lifestyles and habits of mothers
Zhang et al. BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:125 Page 5 of 6

or their living conditions or taking nutrition supple- pregnancies and living in rural areas may increase the
ments may differ between rural and urban areas, for risk of birth defects. Moreover, some environmental fac-
example, whether the use of multivitamin supplements tors such as underground water contamination due to
is promoted during pregnancy or not in rural areas. A mining activities, agriculture chemical exposure such as
study showed that multivitamin and folic acid supple- overdose using of pesticides etc. should be explored in
mentation before the pregnancy can reduce the overall the future. Based on the results which was obtained in
occurrence of congenital abnormalities and neural-tube this study, a few intervention activities are recommend
defects [3]. The RR of birth defects among mothers with as follows: 1) regular screening tests among pregnant
prenatal alcohol exposure was 3.22 (95% CI: 2.33-4.32) in women are needed at local health care sectors to de-
this study. The result is slightly differed from a study crease the rate of birth defects in Inner Mongolia; 2) in
which reported an adjusted odds ratio of 4.6 (95% CI: 1.5- rural areas, health education programs among females at
14.3) for mothers with heavy prenatal alcohol expos- ure reproductive age and among pregnant women are also
in the first trimester of pregnancy [18]. necessary to avoid exposures to preventable risk factors
In this study, we found no association between pre- of birth defects; 3) health education for pregnant women
natal smoking habits of mothers and birth defects. The at younger age both in rural and urban areas should be
result is similar to a study showed that the offspring taken into consideration as part of the interventions at
exposed to prenatal tobacco smoke had no increase in their first visit to the hospitals.
the prevalence of congenital malformations compared
Competing interests
with non-exposed offspring in both crude and adjusted The authors declare that there are no personal, organizational or financial
analyses [19]. conflicts of interest.
This study found that younger mothers aged <25 years
Authors’ contributions
had a greatly increased risk of birth defects in their off- XZ, SL, SW and XH participated in the planning, conception of the research
spring, which is consistent with a research in China [20]. questions, and design of the study. XZ, SL, XH and SG organized the
The authors found a statistically significant difference in investigation of the study and analyzed the data. XZ, KS, HY and ZY drafted
the article and participated in interpreting data and critically revising the
prevalence of birth defect among different maternal edu- manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors read and approved
cation levels. This difference may indirectly duo to the revised manuscript.
mothers’ socioeconomic status, dietary habits, neighbor-
Author details
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Inner Mongolia Medical College, Hohhot, China. 2Inner Mongolia Family
ate foods, as well as the mother’s knowledge about the Planning Committee, Hohhot, China. 3Hohhot Center of Disease Prevention
importance of folic acid in the diet [21-23]. Previous and Control, Hohhot, China. 4University of Yamanashi, Chuo-city 409-3898,
studies showed that offspring with parental consanguin-
ity had an increased risk for major birth defects [24,25], Received: 10 September 2011 Accepted: 10 July 2012
but parental consanguinity was not predictive in this Published: 18 August 2012
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Cite this article as: Zhang et al.: Prevalence of birth defects and risk-
factor analysis from a population-based survey in Inner Mongolia,
China. BMC Pediatrics 2012 12:125.

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