Municipal Solid Waste Management Course

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International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences

ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 13, Number 9 (2018), pp. 787-800

© Research India Publications

Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case

Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, México

Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño1, María Laura Sampedro-Rosas1*,

América L. Rodríguez Herrera1, Ana Laura Juárez-López1,
Maximino Reyes-Umaña1, Sonia E. Silva-Gómez2
Centro de Ciencias de Desarrollo Regional, Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales.
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Privada de Laurel No. 13,
Colonia El Roble, Acapulco, Guerrero. C.P. 39840.
T.C. Instituto de Ciencias, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
14 sur 6301, Edificio 1C2, Ciudad Universitaria Colonia Jardines de San Manuel,
Puebla, Pue. C.P. 72570.

*Corresponding author

Municipal solid waste management becomes a problem when governmental
authorities are little involved in solving the pollution that the generation of
solid wastes causes. This situation turns more complex in marginalized
communities. However, environmental education and training are two
available tools to an efficient manage municipal solid waste. The aim of this
research was to train the community to develop skills and abilities and to
change attitudes for the efficient management of municipal solid waste in
Xaltianguis. Interviews to key actors were conducted; workshops designed on
efficient municipal solid waste management were piloted and implemented;
and the intended learning outcomes of the first and the last workshop were
assessed. Twenty-five participants integrated the object population. The
implementation of this course was evaluated in a participative way. The final
outcomes showed better knowledge, skills and attitudes related to municipal
solid waste management; more participation in community activities and
higher concerning among women in this issue. Besides, four community
committees were created to work on future activities to solve the community’s
issues related to municipal solid waste generation and management.
Keywords: Municipal solid waste, waste management, waste disposal,
community, course, environmental education.
788 Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño et al

The generation and the pollution of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a problem that
becomes more complex when the schemes of the Municipal Department of Sanitation
Services (MDSS) lack of training and information to carry out the proper management
of waste [1, 2, 3, 4]. This situation happens in urban cities as well as in far-from-
urbanization locations [5, 6, 7] although in these last ones, the problem may be bigger
for their technical and financial resources for efficient management are limited. That
pollution and damage of natural resources were not the only problem, but also the
impact on the population’s health [8]. The situation gets worse due to the
community’s scarce participation and organization in municipal solid waste
management (MSWM), as it has been pointed out by some authors [9, 10, 11].
In a study in 2017, it was reported that 23 open dumps (OD) have been found in the
community of Xaltianguis, Guerrero [12]. This situation evidences the inefficient
MSWM that prevails in the community, mainly due to the lack of municipal
collection services and the insufficient population’s management capacity, causing
environmental, social and economic consequences [13].
Diverse authors state that the responsibility is not only of the governmental authorities
but of the different actors involved as well; thus, collective not isolated efforts and
resources are needed, giving priority to the emerging of training and environmental
education [14, 15]; and also, the implementation of recycling [16, 17, 18] and making
composting with organic waste [19] to reduce space pollution and its consequences.
Some authors [20, 21, 22] suggest that marginalized communities can undertake
favorable actions such as implementing workshops to improve their MSWM and to
train the population, in order for the community to get organized to achieve an
efficient MSWM. This is why the aim of this course was to train the community to
develop skills and abilities and change attitudes towards MSWM, by implementing a
Community Participation on Municipal Solid Waste Management Course


Description of the study area
For its population density, with a resident population of 6, 965 inhabitants,
Xaltianguis is considered an urban location by INEGI1 [23], while in the Municipal
Development Plan (Plan Municipal de Desarrollo) 2015-2018, as it is located in the
rural area, it is described as a high-level-of-marginalization community [24]. Located
northwest of the Municipality of Acapulco de Juárez, between the parallels 17°05'58”
Latitude North and 099°42'51” Longitude West from the Prime Meridian, and at an
altitude of 532 meters above sea level. It is subdivided in twelve zones called

Nacional de Geografía y Estadística. The “National Institute of Statistics and Geography”


(INEGI for its name in Spanish) is an autonomous agency of the Mexican Government dedicated to
coordinate the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information of the country.
Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, 789

‘colonias’ (Figure 1) that are located at an approximate distance of forty kilometers of

Acapulco, the seat of the Municipality [23].

Figure 1. Xaltianguis, Municipality of Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero

-Before the application of the CPMSWMC, interviews, on how the community
managed MSW, were conducted to key actors, such as the municipal commissioner
and the ejidal commissioner2, governmental authorities, representative members of
the informal sector of waste collection and to the population, to get reliable
-The methodology of the CPMSWMC was designed (Figure 2) in order for the
community to learn how to organize and develop a participatory program on MSWM.

In the Mexican system of government, an ejido is an area of communal land used for agriculture, on
which community members individually farm designated parcels and collectively maintain communal
790 Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño et al

Figure 2. Municipal Solid Waste Management Course Methodology

-Didactic sequences were designed; one sequence for each one of the four course’s
five-hour sessions (Figure 2) [25, 26, 27]; that were implemented from May 20 to
June 2, 2018, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM, which was the timetable set in a participative
manner, to cover the twenty hours of in-class work. Among the twenty-five attendants
were housewives, students, teachers, peasants, medical doctors, merchants, informal-
sector-waste collectors, school-administrative personnel, people in general and, some
members of the 2015-2018 City Town Hall in office who only attended the first
-Written questionnaires for the diagnostic and the final assessments were administered
prior and after the course was implemented. Each one had 20 items that included:
general data, knowledge, attitudes and skills on MSWM, with topics on integrating
and building MSW concepts, awareness and formulating alternatives to solving
Xaltianguis’ MSWM [28, 29].
-Regarding the assessment of the CPMSWMC, four aspects were considered: the
cntents’ ease, activities’ appropriateness, course’s organization and broadly
participation [30]. It was administered in a participative way, in the end of the course.
Later, to process and analyze the data, simple frequencies were calculated to measure
the studied variables by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS),
version 18.
Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, 791


The outcomes of the interviews showed that the formal collection of the MSW in
Xaltianguis is made by the MDSS, once a week, using a 7-tonne- side-loading truck
with a driver and two helpers. This service is available for six zones (colonias).
However, when the truck needs to be taken to the garage or during holidays, this
service stops for as long as two or three weeks in a row, eliciting the people’s
annoyance and the inadequate disposition of the waste.
There is also an informal collection service that is provided through four private pick-
up trucks; three of them provide this service to the population, and only one to the
merchants in the market. Even though the service runs two or three times on a daily
base, it is still not enough for it covers only eight zones, leaving out four without any
coverage. This kind of informal collection services were already appointed by Aleluia
y Ferrão [7], in marginalized places in Asian developing countries. In 2014,
Sampedro-Rosas et al., [31] noted the lack of public services and infrastructure in the
City of Acapulco, Guerrero, but also its population’s lack of environmental education
to manage solid waste. Bertanza, et al., [29] stated that an efficient collection is that
one that serves a larger number of people at a low cost and avoids the proliferation of
ODs that generate leachates, noxious fauna, odors and pollution.

Participants’ general data

In this study, 60 percentage of the participants were female, similar to what was
reported by Rojas et al., [20] when referring that 85.2 percentage of females had
participated in their research, which according to these authors is due to the fact that it
is women, the ones who are in charge of domestic activities, and therefore, they are
the ones who are most interested in topics related to hygiene at home.
Within an 18-70 range of age, 48 percentage said to have attended basic education, 24
percentage high school, 16 percentage college or university studies, one with master
studies (four percentage) and the rest (eight percentage) said to have not attended
school at all. Regarding the marital status, 56 percentage were married and about the
place of residence, 92 percentage said they have been living in Xaltianguis for more
than ten years.

Knowledge, attitudes, skills on waste management (commonly referred as garbage)

On session 1, the participants admitted that solid waste and its inefficient management
were the problem that caused environmental pollution and that besides being a
negative visual aspect because many people threw waste on the streets or ravines or
burnt it, although some others hired the services of private pick-up trucks (informal
collection) to collect their waste. At the time, they did not realize that waste collected
by informal refuse collectors was not a solution, because waste ended at a clandestine
OD anyhow, because there are no controlled ODs in Xaltianguis.
Regarding the environment’s negative effects, the participants identified odors,
792 Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño et al

noxious fauna, air pollution from burning as it was noted by Palermo et al., [32] who
also include among these, the lack of the population’s involvement in the analyzing of
the problems related to MSWM.
At the beginning of the course, most of the participants (84 percentage) identified
garbage as a polluter. They also mentioned the damage garbage causes to health,
mainly because of the proliferation of infectious disease vectors, the inhalation of
greenhouse gases emitted by the intentional burning of waste and odors. In the end of
the course, all the participants agreed that the main problem is waste (Figure 3),
besides they also reflected that this problem and pollution get worse due to the fact
that the population lacks of knowledge on the issue. About this scenario, in a study of
perception, Borroto et al., [28] showed that 70.7 percentage and 79.4 percentage of
the population of two Cuban communities described the environmental problems of
their environment, as it happened in this study, which indicates that the population has
the capacity to identify environmental problems. And respect to the MSW, Palanca-
Tan [33] showed that the citizens of Manila, Philippines, were deeply concerned with
solid waste, as 92 percentage of respondents of his survey identified MSW as one of
the main environmental problems, in town.
P Major environmental problem in the neighborhood
r 120%
e 100%
n 80%
t Waste
a 60%
g 100% Odors
40% 84%
e Backyard animals
s 20%
12% 4% 0% 0%
Diagnostic Final

Figure 3. Major environmental problem in the neighborhood

In the diagnostic assessment, when asked who the main responsible of the MSWM
was, 32 percentage of the participants answered that municipal and local authorities
were the ones; also 32 percentage said that they were all responsible; while in the
summative evaluation, the highest percentage was for the ‘It is everybody’s
responsibility’ answer that was given by 64% of the participants (Figure 4). These
outcomes coincided with the study conducted by Abarca et al.,[14] which indicated
that, without environmental education or training on MSWM, the population holds the
municipality responsible, therefore, society needs to be included in the decision-
making process in a participatory manner, in order to achieve an appropriate operation
of the MSWM.
Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, 793

Who is responsible on the waste management problems

P 70% 64%
e Municipal and local
r authorities
c 50% Medical doctors and health
e 40% institutions
32% 32%
n Schools
30% 24%
t 20%
20% 12% Everybody
a 8%
g 10% 4% 4%
e 0% Do not know
s Diagnostic Final

Figure 4. Participants’ perceptions on who is responsible

of the waste management problems

On session 2, the object population attributed the greatest generation of MSW to

business and market merchants, but in the end of the course they realized that it is at
household level because there are more homes than businesses. They also realized
that every day, as the population grows and more disposable products are
incorporated in daily life, there are more MSW. According to Chamizo et al., [4] there
are other factors that influence the generation of waste, such as: the total members of
the family and the household’s economic level. They also add that courses should be
given in the community’s schools and health institutions because waste and its
management is an unknown issue (Figure 5). It is in this sense that Couto and
Hernández [1] assure that education and knowledge on waste management can help
reduce the generation, recover and reuse MSW by getting government, producers,
generators and community involved.
Major waste generating source
e 60% 56%
Businesses and
r 48%
50% services
e Homes
n 28%
30% Parks and public
a 16% places
g 8% 8% All
10% 4%
s 0%
Diagnostic Final

Figure 5. Major waste generating source

794 Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño et al

About waste management, they achieved knowledge and skills to be able to separate
waste (Figure 6) and how temporary storage, composting and collection centers for
recyclable materials are related in this process. Some of them said they separated food
waste to feed their backyard animals and to make compost. Some authors, like
Armitaño et al., [19] and Aleluia and Ferrão[7], maintain that it is feasible to develop
these activities in rural communities with similar conditions as those of Xaltianguis.

Knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes on separating waste

P 120%
e 100%
r 100% 88% Know the benefits of
c 80% separating waste
80% 72% 68%
56% Waste separation
n 60%
Talk to others about
g 20% separating waste
s 0%
Diagnostic Final

Figure 6. Knowledge, attitudes and skills on separating waste

Most of the participants recognized that women, while being in charge of the
household management, are the main actors who separate waste but all family
members should participate in separating waste, as well as the community and the
governmental authorities, considering the inefficiency of these last in the process of
waste management. They also identified recycling inorganic waste as an employment
source for scavengers and agreed that an efficient management contributes to
conserve natural resources, as some authors have suggested in the their studies [17, 6,

Social participation and participation in the management of solid waste

On session 3, the people’s participation in church activities, soccer games and school
work was discussed, but comparing with the difficulty of getting everyone to
collaborate, due to the different conflicts in the community. However, the participants
emphasized that it is usually young people and women who participate in the different
activities of the community. Regarding the participation in the MSWM, they claimed
that the beneficiaries of the Prospera program3 collaborate in the cleaning of the
streets because they have to, otherwise they would not get the Prospera bonus. And
they also referred that the low mobilization of other members of the community

Prospera is a government social assistance program in Mexico founded in 2002, based on a previous
program called Progresa, created in 1997.
Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, 795

derives from the lack of this kind of courses, resources and materials that should be
implemented to motivate the participation of the population. Concerning this,
Kanchanabhandhu and Woraphong [10] point out the need to implement training and
Environmental Education, as it is an important tool to provide knowledge in order to
promote awareness and behavior changes, in search of collective participation
towards waste managenmt. This is the reason why in this study, the participation of
the target population was analyzed by comparing the outcomes of the diagnostic and
final assessments, and it showed the participant’s interest in participating in the waste
management process had increased significantly, by the end of the course (Figure 7).

Social participation in the management of waste

100% Community's social
r 88%
90% 84% participation
c 80% 80%
e 68%
70% 60% 60%
n Participation in
60% 52% cleaning activities
g Participation in
e recycling activities
0% Do collaborative
Diagnostic Final work

Figure 7. Participation

Among the proposals to keep the streets clean, they mentioned: campaigns supported
by schools, to call meetings to organize neighbors and subscribe agreements among
them, integrate committees, encourage everyone to participate or punish those who do
not. Moreover, they empathized that those who did not sweep the front area of their
house should pay a fine, as it is stated in the Bando de Policía y Buen Gobierno
(Enforcement and Good Governance Law) of the Municipality of Acapulco.
On the fourth and last session, the participants decided and prioritized [34] four
problems related to an inefficient MSWM of the community: deficient collection
service, inadequate separation, intentional open burning of waste and OPDs. They
also established four committees in order to structure the following projects:
Improvement of the collection service, Separation and use of organic waste at home to
make compost, Reduction of intentional open burning of waste, Collection of
inorganic recyclable waste, Reduction of ODs, Preparation and validation of MSWM
regulations in Xaltianguis. Each committee signed an agreement on how it might be
organized, formed by a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and members.
796 Viridiana Del Carmen-Niño et al

Course’s general assessment

This assessment was done in the end of the fourth session. The object population said
that the activities were effective. Some of them were first time participants in
community’s activities and also in the MSWM field. They appreciated the course for
the knowledge and socialization. They agreed to share what they had achieved. The
course’s assessment (Figure 8) was done in a participative way. Participants explained
the reasons of their scoring of the aspects to be assessed individually and in front of
their peers. Some of the recommendations they made were that the course should be
promoted more and that the community’s authorities had to be invited. They were
informed that local authorities, community’s representatives, school and health
directors had been invited, but no explanation on why they would not attend the
course or at least an apology had been received from any of them, unfortunately.

P Course assessment
e 90% 84%
r 80% Excellent
c 70%
60% Good
60% Fair
t 50% 44%
36% Poor
a 40% 32%
24% Very poor
g 30% 20%
e 20% 12%
s 8%
10% 4% 0% 4%
0% 0% 0%
Clarity of Activities Organization Participation

Figure 8. Course assessment

This research shows that MSWM is a complex topic, with multiple operative,
environmental, social, cultural, legal, institutional and economic aspects that should
be taken into consideration to make the system work. The work done confirmed that if
the population is involved in the diagnose, training process and environmental
education for MSWM, not only the waste management problems of the town would
be identified, but also their possible causes and solutions. This way, the population
would be able to contribute with valuable ideas that the municipal or local authorities
and community organizations could use to design actions focused on MSWM.
It is important to emphasize that the financial support of the government and the
municipal leaders’ interest are essential for MSWM, but the participation of the users
Municipal Solid Waste Management Course: A Case Study in Xaltianguis, Guerrero, 797

and the proper administration of the funds are equally essential in this matter, and the
latter can only be achieved with training work and environmental education that can
be implemented amongst different types of population, but even better in those with
unfavorable conditions particularly when it comes to accessing to public services
The collected information about the interrelated factors and the way to reach this
information is useful for the topic of MSWM that is to be developed by the
counterparts for the planning of MSWM programs for marginalized localities and
municipalities. In addition to this, waste management planning requires from the
municipal authorities, formal and informal workers and from the general population
for the development of projects. Training and abilities development are needed at all
levels. The community must understand the importance of waste management, the
effects of inefficient management on the environment and public health, and the role
and responsibilities of each individual in managing waste. There might be responsible
citizens who would consider waste as a source of opportunities and income.

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