Documento de Los Servicios Jurídicos Del Parlamento Europeo Sobre La Inmunidad de Carles Puigdemont.
Documento de Los Servicios Jurídicos Del Parlamento Europeo Sobre La Inmunidad de Carles Puigdemont.
Documento de Los Servicios Jurídicos Del Parlamento Europeo Sobre La Inmunidad de Carles Puigdemont.
I. Introduction
1. On 25 March 2019, the Legal Service received a request from the President for a note on EP
elections in Spain and immunity of newly elected MEPs.
2. The request, concerns the legal situation of candidates running for EP elections in Spain who
are presently subject to national criminal proceedings. Of particular interest is the extent to
which these candidates may claim parliamentary immunities. This note focuses on the main
elements of both El.I'and Spanish law given that the electoral procedure is governed by the
national electoral law. It shouldbe recalled that the actual procedural steps would depend on
the concrete circumstances in which they were taken and that the subsequent decisions of the
different actors involved cannot be fully anticipated at this stage.
3. As regards parliamentary immunities in the EU, it is important to underline that only Article 9
of the Protocol of the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union is relevant for this
analysis. The protection of opinions expressed in the exercise of an MEP's duties by virtue of
Article 8 PPI only starts with the mandate. The situation at stake refers, however, to facts taking
place before the beginning of the European mandate and for which national proceedings are
still pending.
II. Assessment. Parliamentary immunity and procedure for the acquisition of the
parliamentary mandate in the EP for candidates elected in Spain
a) Procedural steps to acquire the status ofMEP for candidates elected in Spain
4. Article 210 bis of the Organic Law on the Electoral Regime provides that persons condemned
to a prison sentence cannot run for elections, if the judgement is no longer subject to appeal or,
in the context of certain crimes including rebellion, even if the judgement is subject to appeal.
A contrario, persons subject to preventive measures or under arrest can run for the EP elections
if the other general conditions are met.
"1. The Central Electoral Committee shall proceed, no later than 21 days after the election, to
the vote count at national level, the attribution of seats for each candidacy and to the
proclamation of the elected persons.
2. Within five days of their proclamation, elected candidates shall pledge their oath of
allegiance to the Constitution before the Central Electoral Committee."
6. In practice, the Central Electoral Committee has understood this provision as the need for the
physical presence of the candidate at the Central Electoral Committee in Madrid to proceed to
the pledge ofoffice. This is a constitutive requirement for the inclusion of the person in the list
to be communicated to the EP in accordance with Article 12 of the Act on Direct Elections and
Rule 3 RoP. In this regard, it must be noted that candidates in prison have been awarded, in the
past, penitentiary leave with the sole objective of fulfilling this procedure at the Central
Electoral Committee. However, the Spanish courts have decided this on a case-by-case basis
. and depending on the concrete circumstances. 1
7. Once the list of elected MEPs are communicated to the EP the general procedure and conditions
for all MEPs apply, that is, Rule 3(2) of the EPs Rules of Procedure:
"Members whose election has been notified to Parliament shall declare in writing, before
taking their seat in Parliament, that they do not hold any office incompatible with that of
Member of the European Parliament within the meaning of Article 7 (1) or (2) of the Act of
20 September 1976. Following general elections, the declaration shall be made, where
possible, no later than six days prior to Parliament's first sitting following the elections. Until
such time as Members' credentials have been verified or a ruling has been given on any dispute,
and provided that they have previously signed the above-mentioned written declaration, they
shall take their seat in Parliament and on its bodies and shall enjoy all the rights attaching
8. The requirement of the declaration that there is no incompatibility is normally signed in Brussels
at the EP premises. However, there is no explicit rule that provides for such presence and there
ATSJ NA 1/1987, Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Navarra, de 21 de febrero de 1987, regarding a member of the
Basque Parliament. More recently, in the context of other Catalan leaders regarding the events of 2017, the
Supreme Court adopted the position of facilitating the pledge by other means than the presence in the Electoral
Committee, although the requirements for a regional mandate are different then the requirement for an MEP - see
ATS 5/2018, de 12 de enero, Tribunal Supremo.
have been exceptions to this, for instance, an MEP signing his declaration in the BP office in
9. Finally, it is tobe noted that the Spanish legislation determines the incompatibility of the office
of Member of a regional assembly with the office of MEP (Article 221 (2)(d) of the Organic
Law on the Electoral Regime). An elected Member of a regional assembly who is later elected
as an MEP may resign from his regional mandate to take up his regional mandate.
10. Pursuant to Article 9 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immuniti~s of the European Union
"During the sessions of the European Parliament, its Members shall enjoy:
(a) in the territory of their own State, the immunities accorded to members of their parliament;
(b) in the territory of any other Member State, immunity from any measure of detention and
from legal proceedings.
Immunity shall likewise apply to Members while they are travelling to and from the place of
meeting of the European Parliament. ·
Immunity cannot be claimed when a Member is found in the act of committing an offence and
shall not prevent the European Parliament from exercising its right to waive the immunity of
one of its Members."
11. The sessions of the European Parliament start at the opening of the first session following each
election, in accordance with Article 5 of the Act on the Elections to the European Parliament
of 1976.
"l. The five-year term for which members of the European Parliament are elected shall begin
at the opening of the first session following each election.
2. The term of office of each member of the European Parliament shall begin and end at the
same time as the period referred to in para¥raph 1. "
12. In accordance with Rule 146 RoP, the protection under Article 9 PPI will deploy its effects for
the newly elected MEPs as from 2 July 2019 at 10.00 a.m.
13. It is worth noting that although immunity protected under Article 9 PPI relies on national law
as regards its màterial scope, the period covered by its protection is an element determiried by
EU law alone, as the Court of Justice stated in Wybot/Faure. 2
14. This limitation in time of the parliamentary immunity to the sessions of the BP is a logical
consequence of the functional character of immunity granted under Article 9 PPL Indeed, as
Rule 5(2) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure underlines "Parliamentary immunity is not a
Member's personal privilege but a guarantee of the independence of Parliament as a whole, and
of its Members."
15. In the event that the candidate became an MEP and the national authorities requested the waiver
of his immunity, the file would have to be analysed byJURI based on Article 9 PPL According
to the practice of JURI, immunity should be waived unless it appears that the intention
underlying the legal proceedings may be to damage a Member's political activity and thus
Parliament's independence (fumus persecutionis).3 This must relate to the MEP's political
activity as such, and not to his activity in the regional or national political sphere.
16. The immunity granted to Spanish Members of Parliament is very wide. As established in Article
71 of the Constitution:
· "Members of Congress and Senators shall enjoy freedom of speech for opinions expressed in
the exercise of their functions. During their term of office, Members of Congress and Senators
shall likewise enj oy freedom from arrest and may be arrested only in the event offlagrante
delicto. They may be neither indicted nor tried without prior authorization of their respective
17. This means that MEPs elected in Spain enjoy a full Article 9 PPI immunity from any measures
of arrest and from indictment and trial against them. These measures shall be suspended until
the immunity is lifted or the mandate expires.
18. It is important to note that according to the Rules of Procedure of the Congreso de los
Diputados, Article 20(2) provides that the beginning of the mandate be set at the constitutive
session of the newly elected Parliament, but that the prerogatives of MPs (including immunities)
shall already take effect on the date that the candidates are proclaimed elected. This rule setting
retroactive effects for the sake of the immunity protection is not applicable to MEPs elected in
Spain, as argued in the previous section.
III. Conclusions
19. In the case in question, a candidate under a national arrest warrant in Spain may run as candidate
for the BP elections in Spain. His presence in Madrid is required in order to take the pledge of
the Spanish constitution and thus be included in the list communicated by the Spanish
authorities to the European Parliament. Ifhe were arrested when doing so, the Spanish judicial
authorities could still give him permission to do such taking of the pledge. Whether this
permission is given depends on the Spanishjudicial authorities.