David's Reign Restored: God Restores
David's Reign Restored: God Restores
David's Reign Restored: God Restores
2 Samuel 19-24
BSF® Lesson 22
People of the Promised Land I
“For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and
keeps my way secure.” – 2 Samuel 22:32-33
This Lesson
A. God Restores – 2 Samuel 19-20
B. God Rescues – 2 Samuel 21-23
C. God Brings Repentance – 2 Samuel 24
We want a hero. We long for someone – a sports star, scientist, politician, preacher – to thrill us with their skill, fix
our problems, lead us and rescue us. David seemed like a superhero: the man after God’s own heart. The young
boy who defeated a deadly warrior. The man who sang sweetly, loved God and built deep and godly friendships. The
soldier who refused to kill his enemy, who turned a band of discontents into an army of righteous warriors. But David
disappointed us – sinning and sinning again. In grace, God rescued and restored him, but David cannot help us.
In Jesus, God has given us the King we long for, the only true superhero. He never disappoints. He rescues
us from sin and what that sin destroys. He restores to new and vibrant life. In Him, God’s awesome throne becomes
a throne of mercy and grace. He takes sinful people like David or like us and willingly makes us people after His own
heart. Look at David and see God’s promise to send the Rescuer and King to the world – to you, if you receive Him.
In another conciliatory move toward the rebels, David Judah had “stolen” the king and brought David across the
replaced Joab as army commander. Amasa, another Jordan without them. Judah only added to the anger of the
nephew and the former commander of Absalom’s army, others by arguing that “the king is closely related to us.”
became the new commander. Yet David took no steps to The 10 tribes responded that they had “ten shares in the
protect Amasa from Joab, though he knew how deadly king.” Their claim that the king belonged to all of Israel
Joab’s ambition could be.18 simply made Judah argue more.
As David prepared to return to Jerusalem, men
of Judah came to bring David triumphantly across the
Jordan. Shimei, the man of Saul’s tribe who had cursed Sheba’s Rebellion – 20:1-26
David when he fled Jerusalem, came with 1,000 other Sheba, from the tribe of Benjamin, “happened to be
Benjamites to plead for mercy. Joab’s brother Abishai had there” and seized the opportunity to shake off David’s
wanted to execute Shimei for his curses;19 now he again rule. Building on intertribal resentment, he shouted to
suggested death for Shimei. David refused, using the the northern tribes, “We have no share in David!”
same words he had previously. He asked, “What does The men of the tribes north of Judah deserted David to
this have to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah?” including follow Sheba.
Joab in his reply. Despite the urgent need to stop Sheba, David
Saul’s former steward Ziba came with Shimei. Ziba first guaranteed the safety of the concubines who
had received all Mephibosheth’s property by persuading had remained behind in Jerusalem.22 These 10 women
David that Jonathan’s son was loyal to Absalom.20 But had suffered painful and public shame at Absalom’s
Mephibosheth also went to meet David at the Jordan. His hands.23 Laws of incest prevented David from restoring
unkempt appearance seemed to prove he had faithfully them to their place in his household, but he provided for
mourned David’s departure. Rejoicing at David’s their care.
return, Mephibosheth gladly gave up his rights to his David gave his new army commander an almost
property. He said, “All my grandfather’s descendants impossible task: Amasa had only three days to call
deserved nothing but death … but you gave your servant Judah’s battle-weary men together for yet another
a place … at your table.”21 campaign. Unsurprisingly, the men of Judah, so recently
David desired to unify the nation, yet he had reunited with wives and children, failed to meet the 72-
contributed to a conflict that marred the joy of his hour time limit. David then sent Abishai out in command
return. The northern tribes felt slighted that the men of of his brother Joab and the rest of David’s elite soldiers.
The war ended, but before Has God made you a leader find your strength in Jesus to serve
Apply It
David could return to Jerusalem, in your home, workplace or Him and others faithfully.
civil war again threatened his church? David often chose to Sin tears apart lives and
kingdom. Perhaps, like David, ignore problems in his family and communities. It lies behind all the
turmoil has disrupted your life. nation. He tried several times to wars and sorrow in this world. God’s
Sudden loss tempts you to despair. demote Joab but never challenged justice requires His wrath against
Or perhaps the desire to retaliate Joab’s murderous record. Do sin. In David’s time and now,
almost overwhelms you. Will you you share David’s reluctance to God’s people long for a king to
entrust your pain and anger to the confront wrongdoing? Will you right all wrongs. In Christ, God has
Lord? God is able and willing begin to pray for courage, wisdom committed Himself to restore all that
to heal and restore what seems and grace to change? Pray for sin has ruined. Has God subdued
broken beyond repair. Will you strength to examine your own your rebel heart and reconciled
ask Him to use your crisis to make heart and habits. If your sin has you to Himself? Pray for grace to
you more like Jesus? God will compromised you or contributed see your sinfulness and treasure
help you find strength and joy as to the problem, repent. Ask Him and His salvation daily. How
you pray for willingness to love forgiveness not only of God, but of might you work for justice and
and forgive. those whom you have hurt. Then righteousness until Jesus comes?
Check out these footnoted references for further study of God’s Word in this week’s lesson.
Go Deeper
1: David’s command: 2 Samuel 19: Bloodthirsty Abishai: 2 Samuel 37: God’s promise: 2 Samuel 7:8-16 51: Repent: 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
18:5 16:9-10 38: By faith: Romans 5:1-2, 6-8; 52: Jesus our substitute: Romans
2: Sword prophecy: 2 Samuel 20: Ziba’s slander: 2 Samuel 16:3-4 Ephesians 2:8-9 5:9, 8:1; Ephesians 2:3-5
12:10 21: Mephibosheth: 2 Samuel 9 39: Savior: Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:12 53: No condemnation: Romans
3: Lost opportunities: 2 Samuel 22: Concubines left: 2 Samuel 15:16 40: David’s warriors: 1 Chronicles 8:1, 31-35
13:1-15:12 23: Concubines raped: 2 Samuel 11:10-41 54: Father’s discipline: Hebrews
4 Believers’ unity: Psalm 133:1 12:11-12; 16:21-22 41: David’s men: 1 Samuel 22:2 12:4-11
5: Tribal fracture: 2 Samuel 2:8-5:5 24: Abner’s murder: 2 Samuel 42: God’s heart: 1 Samuel 13:14; 55: Census: Numbers 1:1-2; 26:2
6: Divided kingdom: 1 Kings 3:26-27; 38-39 Acts 13:22 56: Nine months: 2 Samuel 11-12
12:1-19 25: True loyalty: Matthew 7:21-23 43: Drink offering: Exodus 29:40; 57: Threshing: Deuteronomy 25:4;
7: Sword: 2 Samuel 12:10 26: Gibeonites: Joshua 9:1-26 Leviticus 23:13 Ruth 2:17; Isaiah 28:27-28
8: One body: Ephesians 4:4-6 27: Nob: 1 Samuel 22:6-19 44: Uriah: 2 Samuel 11; Matthew 1:6 58: Good Shepherd: John 10:11, 17
9: Unity: John 17:22-23 28: Agag: 1 Samuel 15 45: Does not tempt: James 1:13 59: David’s sacrifice: 1 Chronicles
10: Calling: Ephesians 4:1 29: Bloodshed: Numbers 35:33 46: God tests: Deuteronomy 8:2; 21:26
11: Loving lifestyle: Ephesians 4:2; 30: Rizpah: 2 Samuel 3:7 Job 23:10; Psalm 26:2; Isaiah 60: Mt. Moriah: Genesis 22:2;
Colossians 3:12-17 31: Saul’s bones: 1 Samuel 31:11-13 48:10 1 Chronicles 21:28-22:1
12: Every effort: Ephesians 4:3 32: Grace greater: Romans 5:20 47: Satan’s role: 1 Chronicles 21:1 61: God’s presence: Exodus 25:8;
13: Forgive: Colossians 3:13 33: Atonement: Romans 3:25-26; 48: God’s purpose: Genesis 50:20; 40:34-38; 2 Chronicles 7:1-3
14: Christ’s mind: Philippians 2:1-5 Hebrews 10:10; 1 Peter 1:18-19 Romans 8:28 62: Immanuel: Matthew 1:23; 28:20:
15: Spirit’s power: Acts 1:8 34: Wipe tears: Isaiah 35:10; 49: Cross: Acts 2:23-24; Romans John 1:14; 2:19-22
16: Peace: Romans 12:18 Revelation 21:4 8:32 63: Jesus’ sacrifice: Romans
17: Love unites: Colossians 3:14 35: David’s rock: Psalm 18:1-50 50: Eternal wrath: Exodus 15:7; 3:24-26; Hebrews 9:12-15;
18: Joab’s ambitions: 2 Samuel 36: None righteous: Psalm 14:3; Matthew 25:41-46; Revelation 10:10
3:38-39 Romans 3:10 6:16-17
All Scripture quotations, in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® NIV ®
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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