Rise of Mussolini
Rise of Mussolini
Rise of Mussolini
Questions to consider
Why, at first sight, might it seem that Germany
and not Italy was ripe for revolution in 1919-23?
How severe were the various problems that faced
Italy in the immediate post-war period?
Do you accept the interpretation that the Fascists
seized power at the local level but were presented
with it at the national?
Why did establishment figures believe they could
control Mussolini in October 1922?
Which features of Fascist rule in 1922-29
stemmed from the nature of Mussolini’s This cartoon from Germany, after the 1929 Lateran Treaty with the
accession to power? papacy depicts the King, Victor Emmanuel III, begging Mussolini
for some restoration of authority such as that accorded to the Pope
NE OF THE QUESTIONS WHICH STUDENTS most emerged as an ideology and movement only in the
frequently ask is, ’Why did Mussolini and twentieth, and then only after the First World War. It
Italian Fascism come to power so much more could therefore be argued that it did not have the experi-
quickly than Hitler and German National Socialism?’. It ence and tradition required of a political movement to
is a good question. Both Mussolini’s Fascist movement win power. On the other hand, maybe Italian Fascism’s
and Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ party very newness was an advantage, that made it difficult
(originally the DAP) were founded early in 1919, yet for other Italian politicians to understand it, and to
whereas Mussolini had been appointed prime minister appreciate the danger which it posed to the existing par-
of Italy on 29 October 1922, Hitler did not achieve the liamentary institutions in Italy. Giovanni Giolitti, who
equivalent German office of Chancellor until 31 January had been prime minister several times since 1892,
1933. In this article, therefore, I shall answer the question included the Fascists in his electoral bloc in 1921; and
as completely as possible. In addition, I shall briefly con- even though the Fascists managed to win 35 seats in
sider what the consequences of Italian Fascism’s early Parliament as a result, he dismissed Fascism as ‘fire-
rise to power were to be for the regime which was sub- works’ that would soon burn out.
sequently established.
A comparison with the German Nazis
The rise of Italian Fascism A further puzzle is the fact that, arguably, conditions in
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the speed of Germany in the early 1920s provided a more promising
Fascism’s rise to power is the fact that it was an almost scenario for a fascist movement to come to power than
entirely new political ideology and movement. In fairness, so in Italy. Germany was a defeated nation, humiliated by
was German National Socialism. Whereas movements the imposition of the Versailles Peace Settlement, and
such as liberal democracy, socialism and communism all the territorial and economic losses which that entailed,
existed in some form in the nineteenth century, fascism and many German people blamed the politicians of the