Podium Light Control
Podium Light Control
Podium Light Control
Microcontroller : AT89S52
Sensor : LDR
ADC : 1
Buzzer : 1
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
Intelligent automatic podium light controller is an innovative idea. In this project, three level
power saving LED array light is used. An IR transmitter – receiver unit is used to detect the
presence of the speaker / any other person. If a person comes nearer to the podium to speak,
immediately the IR sensor senses the presence of the person, and immediately it sends a signal to
the MCU. An LDR is interfaced to the microcontroller through ADC. It senses the lighting
condition of the surroundings of the podium, and according to that the controller switches on the
LED light array. Three arrays will be switched on in dim lighting condition. Only one or two
This project is designed with AT89S52 micro controller from Atmel . 16 X 2 LCD is used to
display the status of lighting condition and status of LED light array. A preset is connected to
This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is
used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of
LDR 16 X 2 LCD
High bright
LED Driver LED array 2
IR Receiver
89S52 MCU
High bright
LED Driver LED array 3
IR circuit